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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102226744

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>GPU performance

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
nth for forge
Blessed thread of frenship
tfw not in collage
tfw didn't make the collage
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i should have been in the collage too because my images where very good
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I've been trying to think of a way to get an AI chatbot that can monitor a data feed (for example from a temperature sensor), mostly just to play around and see if I can make it useful, my main idea has been to feed a history of the sensor readings into the context window and then automatically submit it to the AI every X number of seconds, the problem of course is that this steadily eats up memory and processing time as the context grows, I'm wondering if I should have the AI summarize the last X number of minutes and then clear out the context and start over.

Any ideas?
push AND pop anon. just designate the max size of the context
why is it called comfyUI when it's uncomfy to use
llm generally isn't good for that kind of stuff, but to do that you would keep a few minutes of data in context then have a csv with the rest of the data for reference and rag it.
What exactly is your goal? There's really no reason to not aggregate readings over time. The longer the timeline the less important granular data is.
That's not a very good use of llm. It can barely sum two numbers, much less summarize an arbitrary data input.
wrong thread i assume, but you need to drag your thinking out of the headspace where you're treating an LLM like an AI to have a conversation with and treat it like the function call it is; the conversation and context window is entirely yours, managing and tweaking that data is 98% of your work and the act of sending a request to the model is the last 2%. and the ux changes this task a lot; are we interrogating an anime girl according to our own discrete timings? is the anime girl sitting on your desktop acting like a continuous verbal thermometer? is the anime girl non-user-facing and just meant to analyse a feed and eventually trigger some kind of alarm?
but even when you're running a chatbot, as the developer you need to be thinking of the conversation history as just another piece of data
ChatGPT is more than capable of summarizing a series of a data points into a story.
Does it do that through LLM, or does it parse it through a script first?
Regardless, it is still inefficient, and no one is running chatGPT locally.
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scary to think of the real reality of the world we live in and the demiurge
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1) ChatGPT is dirt cheap to use as an API, you're not going broke using it
2) Local LLMs also can summarize data into whatever you want

Imagine a serene beach as the day progresses towards evening. The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the sand. The breeze gently sways the palm leaves, creating a soft rustling sound that blends with the rhythmic crashing of the waves. The air feels light and fresh, hinting at a coolness that is both refreshing and comforting. The sky, painted with hues of orange and pink, reflects off the water's surface, creating a tranquil scene. People walk along the shore, their silhouettes etched against the fading light, enjoying the perfect balance of warmth and the gentle touch of the evening breeze.

I so happen to have a temperature sensor with CSV data in my office with me. You could very easily do something like: "The current time is X, my temperature sensor has these readings for these times: X1, X2, X3, write a prompt for a diffusion model that would make an interesting picture based on this information."
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>flux does't know what the shroud of turin is
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Someone needs to port AutomaticCFG / SkimmedCFG to forge. These are better than dynamic thresholding and required to do CFG on flux. ComfyUI is fine and all for most use cases but I find it absolute cancer for X/Y plots, which I do a lot of when developing loras and forge is great for that. Just wish it had these extensions.
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ty baker

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Don't know why Flux added him nipples
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its not uncomfy to use, its uncomfy to setup
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sadly the Akira lora does not include Kanedas' bike. Maybe I should make a lora just for that bike, there is enough img material of it
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I can't wait to buy it when it is released next season.
I love this
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Dan Gookin writes the best "for Dummies"
curse you llama-san!!
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Lol nice
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what prompt/lora?

japanese 1990s made for tv commercials?
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forge should just die and everyone should just pick one up to develop in. illya is a fucking schizo
will flux ever be capable of generating images such as these?

Fuck off, Forge is great.
Why is comfyanon ignoring issues and not fixing them when people provided the solution already
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I know shit prompt (i'm bored) but I found this way too funny
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really now. bit of a grave mutherfucking oversight lol. make a real akira lora, based on the manga.
man flux is fkin amazing
>Warning torch.load doesn't support weights_only on this pytorch version, loading unsafely.

I dont feel like im harnessing flux's full potetntial. what prompt did you use?
he is being comfy see >>102230936

please return /pol/
unless you are the nobody give a shit about your opinion guy. Then please trip. I am tired of punching down.

cuda 12.4?
god your boring. liven up a little bit and stop taking everything personally like you have some sort of responsibility.

or just kill yourself
please trip
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taken from analog film camera, film camera, analog camera, shot in kodak, 1960's film
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Disdain for nogens
Did we ever get a better pony finetune than Autismmix?
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How do you feel when the entire point of the image is that it's a bacon package that reminds you pigs died for this, and it messes up that part?
I feel nothing.
4th Tail. See >>102231799
Yes anon, we eat animals. In fact animal protein is essential for core bodily functions. Feel free to put as many pig faces on the bacon boxes as you want.
I guarantee you've eaten some of your own shit today.
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Someone got the translation patch for Miku Quest 4?
Thank you for the recommendation, I'll check it out soonTM.
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fox surfing
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this was remade from an old 1.5 image
Np. It's basically the closest thing to NAIv3 for local. Very flexible, good inherent knowledge of characters, concepts and artists, responds very well to basically all SDXL Loras I've tested so far (not just Pony) and very consistently good results that don't need many or any touchups.
Nice, I like to refresh an old gen or two of mine as well. Always interesting to see the evolution of artstyles.
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I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you get therapy and are able to feel something again.
as for me, frustration because moving the text around did not fix it, it now got "of" instead of "for"...
Yeah, I'm about to eat some bacon with eggs, that's what gave me the idea. Any idea of how to make the package amusing?
well obviously it should be a bacon and eggs combo where the bacon is in a package the shape of a pig's head and the eggs are in a chicken shaped carton
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>The page you are looking for doesn't exist
My best lora image would be me taking a selfie with a manga girl, so no.
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Somehow it feels like the original had much more potential if some of the defects were fixed.
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Can it still do Pony stuff well?
img2img there is no way
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ofc it was img2img, nontheless I used a lora
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what lora?
if I recall right
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>base model: pony
I got the same warning with the torch weights, and I am on cuda 12.4. should I downgrade to 12.1?
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say what you will, it's old reliable for stylized gens
I find that after cuda upgrades all my version matching goes to shit. I only know the versions are so tightly matched because of troubleshooting. If your versions are matching according to the docs and it is working I would stick to what you got.
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Depends on what you mean by pony stuff? The stuff on /h/ and /d/? Definitely. It probably can't do everything, but neither can Pony and there's likely a Lora for it.
The only thing I would bet it can't do well, even though I haven't tried it yet, is realism, cause even the pony based realism models can't really do that very well.
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>FutureWarning: You are using `torch.load` with `weights_only=False` (the current default value), which uses the default pickle module implicitly. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling
Alright Codestral, how do I construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling?
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Not best but oldest
Very nice.
I meant as in actual MLP stuff
Okay, missed the new bake.
Anons help me figure out the best settings to train a pose LoRA for Pony on the CivitAI LoRA trainer. Also, how many trigger words should I use, and what are the best practices?
well my console getting hammered with warnings annoys me. I gen images, I am no coder. I'll downgrade.
pytorch 2.4.0 works better with cuda 12.4.. if you are still on 2.3.1 is stick with 12.1
it never even occured to me to try using pony for an actual pony

I sooner used it for a centaur
what flux workflow is this in comfy?
no I went with the nightly 2.5. you think 2.5 and 12.1 will work?
it will, but I would go with 12.4 if you are on 2.5.0 nightly.. I will test 2.5.0 shortly when my queue is done, but the bad gens of 2.4.0 like in >>102227761 got fixed for me by upgrading to 12.4
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i'm not saying anything. you're the one attributing meaning where there is none.
Wtf anon, don't doxx city96 like that!
I expect the average 4chan post to be rude or cynical, if not both.
Damn.. didn't even know about xer back then
>character lora dataset: the character has straight, long hair in every image. even the ones with other characters, they do not have their hair up
>flux: lol your character? they have a bun/high ponytail!

this better leave my sight in the later epochs
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today was a good day because it was the day i was unbanned
as long as its not the goddamned cleft chin
>He predicts the future through his gens
Embarrassing https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/issues/1503
Don't get your panties twisted, it's just banter
Seems like it. I just tried a random prompt from civitai and it worked
Everyone appreciates her but you can still laugh at the spergout
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>call comfyui a troon, no one cares
>call city96 a troon, anon slaps on his kneepads to get to work
those gens all have a nice earthy quality
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great people who have made enormous contributions to society are allowed leniency. the people of rome forgave horatius for killing his whore sister and they never brought it up again. it's time to forgive and forget
city still spergs actively in this thread saying xe still believes illya is targeting xim (((personally))), I don't think there is much to forget
is there a prompt guide for flux?
Didn't know sdxl was capable of soul.
>he has made gguf from scratch
[citation needed]
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it's time to forget. this is the season of forgiveness
>take image you like
>put it in here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/fancyfeast/joy-caption-pre-alpha
>witness the retarded boomer prompt that comes out
>understand this is the kind of prompt it wants
otherwise just write in a mixture of short sentences and tags and you'll mostly get what you want
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forgive (and forget)
>mixture of short sentences and tags and you'll mostly get what you want
so basically like every other model
dump any image into joycaption to get some ideas but its quite complex. one wrong word and "it is fucked". can also try and use an LLM.
thank you
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join me in prayer, brothers. yesterday i was dead (to 4chan), but today, i'm alive (unbanned)! rejoice in our friendship and camaraderie. we are all brothers, separated by blood, united by love.
sometimes you gotta wonder what kind of ridiculous bullshit slips in training material tagging for the various models and loras
No, this model more or less follows what you write. You're not just spamming gibberish like SD 1.5 and SDXL. You can essentially refine an image by writing what you want.
it's accurate. It is akin to making a sandwich from scratch. Making the bread, meat, cheese are the hard parts.
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why is flux so kino?
Is there a new/improved version of
>Ultimate SD Upscale extension for AUTOMATIC1111 Stable Diffusion web UI
At all?
compositional complexity
come move to my country. I reconnect my router and get a new IP address.
not that I know of?
what are you missing?
although I should be asking have you done your searches for better upscale models?
Not missing anything, just noticed its been 6 months since its last commit, asking on the off-chance.
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>come move to my country. I reconnect my router and get a new IP address.
i wouldn't do this because it's dishonest. it breaks the harmony in the universe. getting a ban is like gambling. i posted something that maybe i shouldn't have and was dealt the hand i was dealt. that's life. another thing you should never do is count your money at the table, because there will be plenty of time for counting when the gambling is done.
>6 months
that feels awful. I am thinking about changing just based on that. It is a dumb thing to do, but here we are.
>for the low low price of a 70% tax rate
It still seems to "just werk".
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If it was obvious I wouldn't need to use Joycaption and a starting image to get a prompt, I'd just think of something and type it down.
I like your ideas though unfortunately Flux didn't grasp the concept at all and went full retard mode.
What is this? Stable Diffusion 3?
Reminds me of https://huggingface.co/runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5
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Imputed this >>102232902 into joycaption. It gave me:
>This is a photograph of a dimly lit room with a dark, textured wallpaper in a muted green hue. The room features a large whiteboard on the back wall, which is illuminated from above by a circular light fixture. Three people are present in the room, all facing the whiteboard. In the foreground, two individuals are seated in brown armchairs, facing away from the camera. The person on the left has short hair and is wearing a light-colored shirt, while the person on the right has medium-length hair and is also wearing a light-colored shirt.

In the center of the image, a man stands near the whiteboard. He has short, dark hair and is dressed in a dark, long-sleeved shirt and dark pants. His posture is relaxed, with his hands clasped in front of him. The overall atmosphere of the room is somber, with the dim lighting creating a sense of introspection or seriousness. The textures of the armchairs and the wallpaper add depth and richness to the scene, contributing to the overall mood of the image.

And this was the result. But how to get the real result?
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it was a photo of a man punching a woman in the face, breaking her teeth and making her bleed.
almost lol. but we got the best beer!
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can flux do amputated arms? sdxl seems to be struggling with the concept of "no arms"
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vanilla flux can be so kino
almost guaranteed amputee / amputation is censored
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cinematic 1982 wideshot 35mm btw

some anon came up with it, just passing it along
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damn forge really is better than A1111, literally everything works better here and gens look much better too
probably. just went looking on civitai for an amputation lora, there are none. bummer
>another thing you should never do is count your money at the table, because there will be plenty of time for counting when the gambling is done.
someone prompt the song
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Why are people so bent on doing batches of pretty much the same thing? Just choose your favourite, or spend some time refining one of them, or make every iteration different in some interesting manner.

Posts itt are examples of iterations done well, but hop over to something like the civit gallery, browse by newest and you'll see 5, 10 or 20 gens of the same 1girl, gay furries or some random bullshit, which is even weirder because most of those are on-site generation which they have a limited amount of.

Don't people get bored?? Imagine having nearly endless possibilities, and limiting yourself pretty much to just one thing. Sorry for the rant, I'm having sdg flashbacks.
Is this a safe thread to post in or is it going to be drama crapshow like /sdg/.
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no its a valid point and I often fall into the trap of spending too much time on one prompt. chasing that one gen I guess.
well some of us try to keep it sane.
just watch out for nick 'pikachu' feldman
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can someone explain what's happening?
i trained a lora, then loaded in forge, and everything was a blurry noisy mess.
left to right:
dev-q8, dev-nf4-v2, dev-v8 (original model) << with lora
the last one is just dev-q8 no lora
you can see nf4 and original dev are close, which is expected, but q8 is just a noisy mess. without the lora it seems ok.
do i need to train lora in gguf q8 directly or something?
Sorry guys I am using my GPU to play Deadlock, no more kino gens for a while.
i can go back to posting girl portraits, if you want.
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the overland park grapist
No you can train a LoRA on the dev model and it works in the quants. You overbaked. Try a different epoch
did she pee herself?
back to girl portraits, since you want to harass me by posting dox info.
ask her. wasn't my intention.
How do I make a LoRA that works on Flux? My attempts to make one using the training script in OP don't work on Flux (but do work on SDXL)
This is an interesting gen
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oohkay.. switched to 2.5.0 for testing initial obsevertion is that very little changes, but what changes is good

pic related is 2.5.0+cu124 version of >>102229720 which was 2.4.0+cu124

the contrast and color are slightly better, the pearl chain is consistent as it is in the series with round pearls and it made her smile
here's the previous epoch with q8
guess i'm back to the drawing board
Train at rank 2. 20 images, no captions, 20 repeats, 10 epochs,1024x1024, everything else at default.
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we chill'n'grill our gpus
I am assuming this is a LoRA of the woman you are stalking so you can't share it so we can see what is wrong?
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interesting. but what about that pesky warning I get? supress it?
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kino. prompt? lora?
Anon it's time to change the subject of your gens. You've posted the same thing 3 hours ago.
correct, but what do you want me to share, the settings?
you means this?
>Warning torch.load doesn't support weights_only on this pytorch version, loading unsafely.
if so, dont worry.. safetensors are safe.. and if you are using .pt or .pth files, just make sure they come from a safe source and you wont get pickled
Doesn't work.
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I assure you they are quite distinct images! You see, they were paintings before, and now they are 3d renders (of sorts). I'm trying to get transparent monsters, but as usual, it's pretty hard.
The LoRA to see if it works on my machine.
I have never had a flux LoRA fail in this way.
Does this happen on other LoRAs on Q8?
it is said that some people can goon for an entire day
I assume I also run Flux as the model to train it with?
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yep. well ok
What was the style for this one?
Are you using Comfy? I'm not sure if Comfy Workflows can be opened by Forge, etc
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It is quite hard. Often bits of the subject are opaque for no reason, but occasionally you get a seed where it works.
Yes, the full flux.1 dev model, no quant, no trimmed model
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Wow, that's nice! I wish it worked every time. What did you use? Glass sculpture? I've tried ghost, ice/glass sculpture, specter, all useless. My best results so far is "made of transparent jelly", with a bunch of transparent/translucent/see-through scattered throughout, but still spotty results at best.
I smoke vRAM, you smoke cock.
very nice
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That's really good, maybe 1gb lora is overkill but if the price to pay is this result then I'm ok with that I guess
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>A transparent glass woman (PROMPT) and we can see the (BACKGROUND) behind her refracted through her glass skin.
But that was cherry picked. Most of them had bits of human glued on like picrel
Ah, no, I see. My mistake I must have left it on a 1 hour lifetime.
Here's one that should be availble for a while
>Does this happen on other LoRAs on Q8?
a test lora i did when flux training first came out seemed to work ok, at least it wasnt giving me garbage like this one, so i'm assuming it's either a setting on the new lora config or kohya or something
also fucking-a (trying a new training config)
well based on your attached image, I'll have to presume you are retarded, which coincidentally explains the issues you are experiencing.
Sorry, every one of my flux LoRAs has worked perfectly on Q8 except 2, where it was just under-baked.
I don't know the reason it's doing this.
It's still much better than what I got, despite the eyes and hair. I tried "see the background refracted through the body", almost word by word too, but I guess it didn't fit the rest of my prompt. I'll try yours later.
have fun trying to upscale those.
that is entirely possible
catbox config pls
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Hmmm, any luck getting two packages with different shapes side by side? Flux will not listen to me.
Also, I didn't have "Bacon!" in the prompt, but you seem to have it too, so it looks like Flux like adding "Bacon!" to these pictures...
that's actually one of the reasons I'm sticking to ComfyUi, that and the fact you can put the text encoder in a second gpu or into your cpu
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Here's the full prompt and seed, maybe the seed is the key.
>A transparent glass woman. She is standing in a prevocative pose. She is wearing a cloth white singlet and running shorts. She is walking through a city park, and we can see the nature behind her refracted through her glass skin.
>seed: 27
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ty! haha
I train on Civit
ah, how many source images? and does it tell you how many steps/epochs/learning rate?
25 source images, every setting on Civit is at default except the resolution 1024x1024, repeats 20, epochs 10.
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My computer is busy so I use the web shnell so it's not as good as dev can get. I did have it say "Bacon!". You have to methodically prompt it in the way VLMs do it. Usually something like:
This is a stock image
of two side by side products
on the left side is a package shaped like a pig
on the right side is a package shaped like a chicken

The prompt I used:
this is a stock photo of two products side by side, on the left side is a plastic saran wrapped package in the shape of a pig, inside the package is lots of uncooked bacon.  On the package it says "Bacon!  I love it".  On the right side of the image is a plastic package in the shape of an hen, chicken.  It appears this package is an egg carton.  On the egg carton it says "Mother's Bounty".
now make them do something that doesn't look like a brainfried tik tok retard-o dancey dance
that skull image looks sick
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Thanks! This all has inspired me to make a comic about it.
This is a colorful digital cartoon drawing. The scene takes place in a rural farm setting, with a large, brown tree in the background on the left side. In the foreground, there is a large, yellow hay bale on the ground to the left of the image. On the right side of the image, there is a small, pink pig with purple hair and eyelashes standing inside a wooden barn door. The pig is holding a plate with fried eggs and has a concerned expression and is looking out at the viewer. To the left of the pig, there is a white, cartoon-style chicken with red feathers and a red comb on her head. The chicken has expressive eyes and is holding a plate with bacon and is perched on a stone wall that divides the scene. The chicken is also looking at the viewer with a questioning expression. The background shows a simple, grey stone wall with a red roof above it, indicating a barn or stable. The ground is a light brown color, suggesting dirt or earth. The text at the bottom of the image reads, "What are you having for breakfast?" The style of the cartoon is clean and cartoonish, with bold outlines and bright, solid colors.
I thought gore posting wasn't allowed.
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Which issues?
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I just wonder if the lora OOM issue when loading multiple loras or big ones is fixed.. I am still on the August 25th release
ah there he is.. is the lora OOM issue fixed?
Not enough variation in the images.
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Anybody wants to try some Flux-Dev prompts/settings?
It's too fat for both my gpu and system memory, so i'm partially running it on disk
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>Which issues?
the biggest one would be the fucking unload/reload on every lora change, are you gonna let city fix that shit for you or? he showed that it's possible to prevent that, so go fix your memory management shit comfy
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>50 steps for 512x768 on a literal toaster
What the hell.
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>1e-4 LR
>only hands in the dataset are VERY clean, clear, focus of the image
>by epoch 3 the hands are already a garbled mess 40% of the gens
why is flux like this with animu
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lora strength testing
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blame the lora

that's fixed.

yeah I have to do something about that.
how many images, how many steps?
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>that's fixed.
yaaay! I take your word for that.. time to pull! :D
>yeah I have to do something about that.
nice, can't wait for it to happen man o/
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I've got time - with the memory bottleneck the average gpu load is only 15%
Also i wanted to see how much additional samples improve the image. Too bad i changed the prompt between the comparison
generic depressed stickgirl batch 0253
ok that one is trippy pw
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still testing it
80 images, batch 1, 1024x1024
steps at epoch 3 would be 3x80
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real results don't happen for the like 2000-4000 steps
everything falling apart is part of the process as the model is looking for a solution to the puzzle
i was planning on trying other things, but you or whoever else wants to harass me by posting dox info, so ill 'stick' with girl gens, at least for ldg.
I did 30 epochs total and none of them have better hands... this is my third lora now, two before that style loras, all of them have this same issue despite testing varying datasets/amounts, different LRs, different optimizers/schedulers. I honestly haven't seen an anime or stylized lora for flux that doesn't do this so far
>this is my third lora now,
to clarify, I mean for flux, I've made hundreds for sdxl so its not like its my first rodeo
You just have to reroll for better hands.
Then your learning rate might be too high or your dataset is confusing to the model. Also I don't even know what your definition of good hands is, is this like a fetish thing? Are you looking for very specific hands?
spellcheck is still broken, I have to manually fix it after each pull
It would help if showed an example dataset image and the result of that image's caption on your 4000 step Lora.
nono don't take it the wrong way. I'm a friendly. pso anon actually but shh
nta but i bow to your composition skills, nice
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gn frens
my LR is 1e-4, thats pretty low already, is it not? and I've used multiple datasets all of which performed fine on SDXL. I'm not looking for specific hands, I mean like, not melted fingers? do you guys really not understand what I'm talking about? it seems very common on anime/style loras for flux I've seen, not as sure about realistic since its not really my thing
it is fixed in the latest release
kek nice other hand
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no it isnt CLIPFluxTextEncode has no spellcheck
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There is no right learning rate, it's dependent on a lot of factors. Please provide an example of how the hand should look vs how the hand looks like. Use a prompt that is the same as caption used to train.
do you prompt for the dark eyebags?
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Heh, I just search for a comic on google that has the compositions I want, put it through joycaption, then edit it to make it have the joke I wanted to deliver. Some appear better than others, though. Eggs made me think of the easter bunny.
This is a colorful, digital cartoon drawing featuring a humorous scene. At the center, there is a large, anthropomorphic white rabbit with long ears sitting on a green throne-like chair. The rabbit has a cheerful expression, with a red bow tie and a plaid shirt. A young girl is sitting in his lap, who appears to be smiling and excited. The girl is dressed in a red shirt and blue pants. In the foreground, three children stand in front of the rabbit. The child on the left has blonde hair and is wearing a pink shirt and blue pants. The middle child has brown hair and is dressed in a green shirt and blue pants, looking slightly confused. The child on the right has blonde hair and is wearing a green shirt and blue pants, also looking slightly surprised. Behind the rabbit, there is a large banner with the words "EASTER BUNNY" written in large, bold letters. The background is a simple yellow gradient, and the floor is covered with a red carpet. On the right side of the image, there is a sign with an arrow pointing to the right, indicating a direction. The text at the bottom reads, "A doll? Who do you think I am, Santa?" The overall style of the drawing is playful and humorous, with exaggerated features and bright colors.
no, seems to be the lora, which i am fine with because i am into it
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its now in the options you have to enable it
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>so comfortable
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>install a module for ComfyUI
>it decides to uninstall torch and torchvision, which were up to date, and go back to an older version
>ComfyUI won't boot anymore because "torch not compiled with cuda enabled"
>have to download torch again (2.4GB) on my amish 5Mbps connection
yes, i am retarded, but also i fucking hate python
The beta ui workflow, lora reloading, gguf support
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here is an example of how the hands shouldn't look like, using a prompt directly from captions. same issue happens using prompts not from captions.
..........I can't imagine needing an example of what they should look like in contrast
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Is there a node that connects "image" which shows a preview of the image AND the seed/metadata of the image underneath?
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pepe with hair? yes please
>but also i fucking hate python
honestly fucking around with comfy and lora training has made me hate python like nothing else, and I used to have to review convoluted bloat javascript written by jeets
Is there a lora manager for comfyui that gets the info from civitai?
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for the guy who didn't want to believe his florence captioning script is slow, here's test results of mine on 3090
how the fuck do we kill the python menace?
that looks fine to him surprisingly kek
yeah I really want to write custom cpp code for AI
fucking retard
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he just came back from turkey
torch is open source, just port it to a sensible language.. good luck, ill cope with python instead and enjoy my life
nothing's preventing you to code everything on C++ anon, that's what the llama.cpp guys did
>libtorch is a thing but it is just a wrapper over python code
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maybe the problem is your autism prevents you from seeing the strengths of python
you know your dumbass module with wrong torch versions?
it doesn't go away because your sweaty is going c++
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>flux man nipples
how the fuck can it fuck up if it's an embedded library retard
there's nothing to fuck up because no one will do anything
that dumbass module someone made?
guess they didn't make it for your retarded embedded version
that's why python won
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its truueee.. torch 2.5.0 gave me 20% speed increase on a 4090... yaaaaa
wouldn't plugins just reference their own embedded library bypassing the issue? do you know how c++ even works?
wouldn't even compile on your system, whoops
wouldn't c++ filter most shitty devs on it's own?
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did you notice any drop in quality overall? because 2.5.0 give really different pictures to the 2.3.1 for example
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with cuda 12.1 yes. with cuda 12.4 no .. I guess cuda 12.4 is a must for the new torch versions
exactly, you just move to a new layer of hell, have most of the same problems and all because the poor baby had to download an extra 2 GB file because of dumb python dependencies (I'm not excusing it) but the alternative is fucking awful
really interesting, I'll keep that in mind, thanks anon
libtorch and C++ or bindings for libtorch in some other language. Optionally port TRT/other optimization library kernels to torch extensions
This though. Nobody wants to do it, modeling is only part of it, there's all the ancillaries that don't really have an equivalent
>Nobody wants to do it
C++ is a horrible language to work with desu, so I can't blame them
what if devs used a lua injection to simplify everything
or we can keep using python
but go ahead anon, write your LUA, be the change
I said WE not ME
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saved. gonna butcher this with some sdxl masks... kekeke


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Oh, reminds me of Feng Shen Ji, but i believe its too violent for flux lol

There is that:
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