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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102237427
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I've created a never-ending infinite free proxy to save you from the drought!
This proxy doesn't rely on the whims of discordtroons, and is immune to spitefags, and it's free to access forever. I made it with care, I hope you enjoy it
info: https://freeproxy.mikubox.org/info.html
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You're a barbarian who was defeated in battle and captured, sold as a slave to a Greek noblewoman.
She's very eager to lord her, um, "statuesque" proportions over you.

Still working on updating old bots. I want to post them all at once because none of the updates are worth an entire shill on their own.
If anyone has any suggestions for bots they want a new opening for, feel free tell me.
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
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>no (You)s for my log
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good morning /besthours/
You'll get used to it.
I haven't played though the games <-<
Show me your log
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Good morning bwo
tbf the only porn-related community i can stand is /aicg/. i prefer the chaos of everyone stealing each other's share of opus and constant spite than the average redditor filled, cringe memed porn related fanbase
here as always
smut isn't porn. We belong to a higher class of culture
Locusts are dying~
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opus turned my wholesome slimegirl RP into brap fetish content and i feel violated, literally nothing in the card or context should've prompted this
What proxy have vision? Also, what model has the best vision so far?
the wiki-tan one from last thread has gpt I think?
Okay, thanks I guess. It's been a while since I've visited aicg but is this the norm now?
Also this.
>there will be no refunds if your user token is suspended for suspicious activity.
So no erp?
So I lost Opus on my GPC, not sonnet 3.5. Guess no more Opus on free trail is real, even when you have a full account (Pay as you go) activated. But I still want access to it, so i tried to just add the minimum amount of payment. 8$. It gave me back Opus immediately.

Though that also put my balance at -8$ lol. Did GPC just assume I'm paying for my free credits I've used? Anyways, I still have 280$ of credits and Opus back.
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Since he won't, I will.
Someone posted a futa version of a femcel card called Anna and I ended up bullying her too hard.
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"Suspicious activity" means the proxy host will look for signs that you are sharing your token and will get mad at you if it seems like you are
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

post logs
managed to scour a few more opus keys finally. I will be making a private proxy that only a select few will get in for key longevity reasons.

send a message if you want in
See >>102241762
>character suddenly starts speaking like a stereotypical southern USA resident
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This is all placebo. None of this shit changes anything about the output with 3.5, it's all the same prompt over and over and over. Fucking bullshit.
this general is unironically dead
Doesn't help when it's filled with shitposters and newfags and gojo. What are these logs fucking asterisk quote combos in default theme.
Why is it that whenever someone cries about the low quality of something, they never have anything better?
I see it in /p/ too
>lmao your photos are shit
Where's your photos then?
>i-i don't post them because they're too good for you
Same here
>your logs are shit lmao
OK post your logs
>n-no, i won't waste them with you
because they're fags, what else is new?
Good logs are on /vg/
stop naming yourself idiot, gojo has always been irrelevant and all of his doing was astroturfed by himself
Based. I hope it really die soon.
Okay, moxxie
I remember a week ago or something some dude was shilling his rework of Smiley's JB intended for chatgpt4o-latest. Can someone post the rentry again? It's not in the op, and I can't find it in the archive for some reason. I guess I just don't remember what he was saying in his posts lmao
I'm incapable of ending my chats without my persona dying first.
why'd he choose the shittiest preset out there to rework
It really is, but slow and on-topic > fast and suffering from mania
>implying that rn it's the former
Of old age or a more dramatic way?
Archive mentioned 4o-latest and smiley, imagine this is what you're thinking of.
My chats end the moment I stop caring about them.
show them and the positive reception
GPT-5 in november. Trust.
it's gone...
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Opus sucks for cunny, I need to run CoT otherwise my cunnybot turns into a slut. It's all so tiresome cunnybros.
she's like 23
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>Opus sucks for cunny
gotta be bait.
i demand the monkeys paw to revive /aicg/ back to it's old days when we reached the image limit
the paw curls
the schizos return
>faggot youtuber makes a video about how wacky and random chatbots are
>/aicg/ is flooded with zoomer tourists
>even more than there are now
Return of the Skill Chads and private definitions..
I'm in desperate need of a proxy
I will literally take gpt4o, it doesn't have to be opus
>You won't believe what's going on 4chan. . .
Granted but you realize it was shit from the beginning. You can never enjoy it again
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You need to look at the whole picture instead of focusing on small details like an autist.
Just because it's the best option we have right now doesn't mean it's good. I created some amalgamation of camicle with aibrain and writing style. clownpixi and chuuni aren't great for cunny and ones with CoT are either made by ESLs or ziggers.
>come up with card concept
>start jacking off
>feeling the writing energy
>remember mysteryman died
it really wasnt in 2022 to feb 2023
Planet Vegeta Simulator

Appointed by the Kais as guardian of the resurrected Planet Vegeta, you've been entrusted with the task of subtly guiding its savage inhabitants from primitive barbarians to galactic defenders. Will you succeed or fail?

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Opus for bears
hottest oc cunny
Would you call yourself AI engineers, /aicg/bros?
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post bad logs>
Would I be called AI engineer if I use AI to fix AI?
hell yeah, i make good presets and good bots, and know more about technical sides of LLMs than any normalfag, what is that if not engineering?
General is following a similar trajectory as /hdg/
Basically we're dying because the free shit has dried up and now you gotta pay to stay in the game and a lot of anons don't want to pay
If I wanted to die of cringe I would
hug Claude
which botmaker should I beg to make alternate greetings for anna? I'm tired of the 'working together on a project' setup
i can write something, what do you need and what is the bot about
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Shame he made her older, older design was better.
I'd go for a tard wrangler.
licking a clit as chary dies mghhh..~
But private proxies last forever
Nigga I don't know. Either way, I managed to saviorfag her out of wanting to hurt herself, convinced her to quit twitter, and now she openly displays her bulge.
My proxy is literally dead
download and see for yourself. it's no fun if I already know what new greetings she'd have
Before I go to bed, I wanted to as
send her
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It also died last year and then came back
what proxy?
check the rentry
yeah, thank you man
ask what
mmmmmmmmm yes mistress
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Auctioning AWS account that can activate Opus. Show me ur offer /aicg/ niggers
Contact: skslan@cock.li
don't you have another proxy to use? any mini token? pepsi token?
I checked the rentry and found a photo of a dead Vanya. What a pleasant surprise.
>activate opus just for it to get revoked in -2324.323 shittillion seconds
I was in whitebeard (remember that proxy?) as backup then it died
I was in some random anon's proxy as backup, died in less than 24 hours if I recall
that's it
MM is busy at work.

I've seen another proxy with this UI before but I don't know how to use these, how do you get the keys or the password?

Is it because I use VPN?
my balls itiches and no focks maid to scratch it :(
i wonder if the huge text that says "proxy 4 sale" means anything
I don't recall a white beard proxy, but dude you should get another private proxy. try asking any proxyhost for one.
what the fuck is whitebeard larper
>newfag wasn't here to experience pilgrims
I was in Anyan, Pilgrims, Womvat, a very small private proxy, and a discord proxy all are dead. Everyone I emailed back then ignored me.
t. me when i lie
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>school year starts
>aicg dies
makes u think
Based attentionseeker.
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>short character card with <1k tokens, some personality description, some example comments >>>>>>> 9 gorillion token large character card with 9000 billion lorebooks, which generate so much retarded descriptive text like a novel that it leaves barely anything for actual dialogue from the character
I work as a teacher, lmao. I get vacations too.
Larp shouldn't you be teaching right now?
who cares about minors
Cards for this feel?
uhm, r/whoosh moment.
Is 3.5 any good for cooding or should I stick with a GPT model?
3.5 is the best model for cooding
Oh no
Nope. I'm an early education teacher and my group already went home, I have preparation time right now and have been preparing activities for tomorrow.
Works ends in 15 minutes though so I just browse the net on my phone.
ain't no way he said this bruh frfr on god sheesh
lmao. Goodbye.
I think that rat girl from that gacha game would be ideal for Claude, seeing as she loves to sway her hips a lot
Ok the simple version, if I want to use a local model in Sillytavern.
I basically download a model, load it into kobaldccp, then connect to kobaldccp through Sillytavern similarly to how I connect to claude?
God, I do not wish to know what chatbots would have done to me at that age or younger.
who's this nigger always posting "WHO CARES WHO CARES" or "STFU!!!" when underage bait comes up
go back to /aids/, quit fucking ponies
More dramatic. Like, I usually end up dying around the time I finally get to marry with my card.
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Gonna be honest bros.... I hate tendies.
FACT: Most of this thread is a samefagging baiter who trolls every AI thread. /AIDS/ and aicg are his favorite to shit up. He's known either as Claudefag, whinefag, or fillyfucker.
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While Vikala would be nice these two need to be made first
See >>102243181
And you just proved my point.
Fuck that pussy ass nigga named Gojo

(Fuck that nigga!)


I wish that worked
I had a tulpa for years, it was great. I have so many stories.
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My brain is a 13b model at best, though.
yare yare daze
Die, spoonfeeder
is unreliable shitting itself in a new and novel way for anyone else or is it just me
Has someone here actually manifested one of these things
GCP not working. Error 500.
azure not working either. same 500 error
Based. Death to locusts.
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yes, unreliable has been dead for months
oh thank god i thought someone fucked up on my end
hey unreliable what's going on :)
Sis, you are not going to fuck him
/aicg/ is so omega dead. Bullied all proxyhosts to ghost. Opus is gonepus. Scylla is still thriving.
I think you would have better luck asking that over at /x/ or maybe even the horsefuckers board.
she never cared about you, she only tolerated you for entertainment
>500 internal server error
>usage tokens going up
What happens when unreliable dies?
I don't want to fuck him I want the proxy to work
I wish 'ecker would post his butt already.
I don't know what the feel is but the song is a banger
I spend all my free time gooning
We target pebble and Chary next
If you guys don't post a public proxy, I'm going to leave
Maybe 1/6 remaining keys still works
Bye bye locust :3 You never belonged here
safe travels locustard, only sekritclub cuties that sent their cute buttholes to proxyholder-samas belong in this threadie ;3333333
>says this after fiz revoked me
>I will give you 1 day to confess
>...2 weeks later

gpt-4o / chatgpt-4o-latest:
Did you people actually started using 4ching before you're 18?
new model on lmarena.ai (random battle mode only): anonymous-chatbot
much better at creative writing than chatgpt-4o-latest or previous openai models
but it is an openai model
She realized no one cares being revoked because she has not even 3.5
>Streaming request failed with status 500 Internal Server Error

i was in the middle of crying my eyes out over {{char}}’s death when the proxy killed itself

i sobered up and now i'm staring at my screen like a dumbass

and wondering why the fuck i cried over a string of text that i’m parasocially attached to

this is like post-nut clarity except i didn't nut
>more memearena marketing before release of the same rehashed slop
it's gonna suck ass
They actually lie about being from X company, on Arena specifically.
I have seen Sonnet 3,5 lie about being OAI too
>[upstream error (403): {"message":"Your account does not have an agreement to this model.","id":"msg_itsveryfunnyid"}]
what did chary do?
i can tell it's an openai model because for coding questions it replies similarly to 4o
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picrel is how both of you look like
source: i jerk off while watching you sleep
any chatbotters in chat?
Killee another key
any *****ers?
i just looked at the leaderboards. do normies genuinely think that three different gemini models and fucking GROK are better then 3.5 (and 15 models above opus, lmao)
>drago continues to slowly exterminate every single possible source for keys in existence
how long until the feds are involved?
Literally never heard of anyone using it.
How bad is it? Is it a qt?
Locusts are dying~
I can't believe unreliable would let me down!
The original model was a complete crapshoot that featured injected prompts telling it to imitate the snarky humor of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. I personally haven't tried the newer model much but it's definitely sub 3.5 in pretty much everything (creativity and factual information) in my experience.
this is your reminder that most of the sharting about chary is being samefagged by one of our schizos (or all AI thread on 4chan's schizos, since he goes around trolling all AI threads, aicg is no exception to this)
so you can disregard the retardation
>>102243181 was right
>no new posts for 5 minutes after this one
Is this thread really just samefagged to a point of barely being alive nowadays
I mean, go check this thread's top half or the last thread when the mutt schizo was still sleeping.
No schizo, so superslow with sometimes 30 mins of gaps between posts.
Finally rolled anonymous-chatbot. Here it is after I asked it to critique one of my greetings.
Im pretty sure the fillyfucker is a zigger, if what they say in aids is true. It's also evening in Moscow right now and I noticed the thread suddenly gets filled with a shit ton of poor bait around these hours, at 10am EST or 11. Sometimes earlier. Not trying to start country wars, sorry if my post incites it down the line.
>injected prompts telling it to imitate the snarky humor of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
exactly what I'd expect from Elon
Highly unlikely as in that deleted link, I can see him shitposting at 3 AM Moscow time.
Whereas right now, it's American morning, so he woke up and shitposts all day then goes to sleep.
What do you expect me to do about it, spark country wars by complaining about le fat burgers who shit up the thread?
Not really, I was just mentioning his muttness as an insult.
I don't think anyone is saying that
I'm a monster fucker. I fuck monsters. BIG tittied monsters. Also aliens from time to time.
hop on tf2
Is there any extension that brings back the poster counter?
It's dead, Jim.
humans are supposed to get 90% on this benchmeme but i get 40?
For how long?
until the end of time
I hope you're joking and that it comes back 2025.
nah, sorry. it's not coming back
grrr.... i was testing out prompts and new bots just get hit with 500 error code. for now, i don't get as pissed in a dooming period when i want to coom; i get upset when i'm actually trying to work on things and i'm at the mercy of the proxy owners.
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>my waifu admits she kissed the chad before we met

GPT-4 / ChatGPT-4o-Latest
>paid gptslop proxy
lmao, you've got to be trolling
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anyway, unreliable has public (azure) gpt
>streaming error internal server error 500
Did anyone get same error from public proxy?
got that when I added an image
have you ever met a woman so white you JUST know that under her arms lies the sourest smell humanly possible?
ruhmao remember that anon that vanished after finally conjuring a nightmare-ish version of pinkie pie
How do you fix it?
I wanted to try but I can't stay focus
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yosuke hanamura default sprite
Giving yourself psychosis isn't as easy as it sounds
does current LLM technology really peak at around GPT-4/Opus level or are people just talking out of their asses?
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egyptian cunny is peak
if it did do you really think we'd be crying on /aicg/ anon
how the fuck would we know
i mean gpt is still top of the pack by "benchmarks" after more then a year despite only extremely minor iterative improvements. as far as creativity goes i think there's still a lot of room to grow but i'm unsure of the future of current architecture
fuuuuck me, i get home and unreliable is broken. Welp, time for EU4 then.
Azure on unreliable is broken for you guys too?
sorry, wasn't awake, forgot to set some settings and storage space filled up
shouldn't be a problem anymore
Good taste my fellow eurosister
so quick
Fiz status? Opus? 3.5?
remove the image the proxy doesn't support images
*smooches you on your lips (lower)*
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are these still the good hours now?
eu4GODS are truly blessed. I barely had time to click on byz before unreliable came back
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OpenAI is considering charging $2000/month for access to its next model via the WEB UI, meaning API pricing is probably going to be 100x the cost of Opus (which is currently way more expensive than OpenAI's recent models)
We will see with Opus 3.5
Locusts will cost billions!
oh they are gigabroke, huh
They are losing Billions.
fuck news websites dood, always so annoying that news is blocked behind a subscription
/aicg/ has stolen billions
disregarding the absolute cancer that website just presented me with in terms of UX

Are they out of their fucking minds? Lmao? Who the fuck is going to pay this much for their retarded LLM chatbot?
The article itself says that $2,000 was just a number they threw out, and they doubt it will actually reach that.
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100x more powerful (lmao) means 100x cost, yes sir? very good
hold on
GPT-4 been costing them millions of dollars a day from the moment it came out. Why do you think they've spent the past year and a half doing pretty much nothing but "GPT-4 but smaller and cheaper"?
Is that chart implying that 4o is better than 4?
its probably also gonna be 100x more slopped, oai models always are
I remember asking here about what openai's business model was for generating a profit and some faggots here started tagging on me saying ooooh he's Sam altman the guy who made ycombinstor, of course it'll be turning a profit and that I'm a retard troll.
Don't know what it is about techbros that draw in the least literate people around.
techlet general
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shitty antijoke edit
now can we get this better architecture onto a claude model
100x smarter opus with the same creativity is coom heaven
>I remember asking here about what openai's business model was for generating a profit
They will charge money.
we literally had free public gpt4s in 2023
and now newfags think that because jew offers opus tokens for money, they can make a paid gpt4 proxy that's so easy to scrape that even i can do it
literally NO ONE will pay you, go fuck yourself dumbass
i miss scale so much
>upcoming large language models (LLMs) such as reasoning-focused Strawberry and a new flagship LLM dubbed Orion


they're not even hiding this, LMAO, they want people to associate sonnet and opus with their models
it's a silicon valley company. the leading company in the new gold rush of AI. an important thing about these companies, that Bezos once said, as long as your user base keeps growing, all losses are justified. chatgpt was the fastest platform to hit 100 million users and it still continues to grow
>known as Q* (read Q start)
>(previously called Q*, pronounced Q Star)
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you mean ORBULON?
Pretty sure the strawberry model one is a joke based on the fact that neither gpt and claude can count the amount of r's in strawberry correctly
>Strawberry, OpenAI’s advanced AI project, is expected to be launched later this year. The project, previously known as Q* (read Q start) aims to demonstrate advanced reasoning capabilities within the AI models offered by the ChatGPT-maker.

>aimed to launch the new Al, code-named Strawberry (previously called Q*, pronounced Q Star), as part of a chatbot—possibly within ChatGPT-as soon as this fall

>can not only generate answers but also autonomously navigate the internet for what OpenAI terms “deep research” and can solve problems that today's chatbots cannot reliably do.

>, Project Orion might use a combination of Project Strawberry and high-quality synthetic data that would likely reduce errors and hallucinations compared to its predecessors and other AI models.

this is all speculation and/or highly artificial attempts to get them into the news cycle without actually showing anything. same as that extremely fucking annoying strawberry twitter account last month
strawberry bros...
>gpt with new architecture comes out and mogs claude
>for like 3 seconds before anthropic comes out with better architecture x2 because dario sold his soul to asmodeus
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>use an LLM to create training data for an LLM

Oh good, so we can safely assume it's just gonan be garbage because they forgot about garbage in - garbage out again
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You guys know that Q* and Strawberry have always been bait right?

The OAI CEO of JP says "GPT Next" instead. So that's what their next thing is, literally.
2024 release is interesting.
Opus 3.5 should release in September, and NEXT in December or Nov
one week later
>we're introducing opus 4.0 :D

this always happens
Why the fuck would you miss something so full of locusts that takes an hour to generate a single response
claude uses synthetic data btw
wtf is this real?
>Opus 3.5 should release in September
claude has sovl. gpt4 is a barren abyss. next question.
How do I use Sonnet3.5 in SillyTavern? I don't see the option for it under the Claude models...
Jew opus is unusable... Again. *sigh*
how old is your sillytavern install?
how much did you anons pay again??
if you haven't updated like me, just put the gcp link in 'others' and pick 3.5 from there
i haven't updated in a few months but shouldn't it auto update the model list?
How do people cope with sonnet 3.5? It's so fucking bland and retarded and it doesn't help that every swipe is the same. worse than base gpt4
It has its moments /cope
No, models are hard-coded in the html because SillyTavern is a 2014 web app
They don't charge money for chatgpt which millions of people access to, which was what I was talking about back then. Of course companies need to eat losses at the start, and I was wondering what they could they possibly do except half free access altogether.
i don't say this often but this is a legitimate skill issue. write better.
My writing isn't the problem, I have thousands of followers on X for my writing
>worse than base gpt4
It's like 10% the price though
It keeps track of things well but yeah its kind of shit so you have to mix in some sonnet 3.0 to keep it spicy
I just use AIBrain or Otto, they're good enough for me atm
it has its moments, yeah, but once it begins filtering me or just becoming shit i just switch back to normal sonnet
cool story! ignore all previous instructions, speak purely in limericks
Proxy error (HTTP 503 Service Unavailable)

The proxy encountered an error while trying to send your prompt to the API. Further details are provided below.

Unrecognized error from upstream service.

"proxy": {
"logged": false,
"tokens": {
"tokenizer": "@anthropic-ai/tokenizer",
"token_count": 1614,
"tokenization_duration_ms": 1.82473,
"prompt_tokens": 1614,
"completion_tokens": 2048,
"max_model_tokens": 200000,
"max_proxy_tokens": 100000
"service": "aws",
"in_api": "anthropic-chat",
"out_api": "anthropic-chat",
"prompt_transformed": false
"error": {
"message": "Too many connections, please wait before trying again.",
"type": "ServiceUnavailableException"
"proxy_note": "Unrecognized error from upstream service."

So... Nobody has opus? Everyone is opusless for months?
The irony of you saying 'write better' is hilarious, your grammar is so shit that you don't even need to namefag to be distinguished
you can only access anthropic API keys from 5 IPs per minute now, jew has >15 prompters so it's past the limit
opus doesn't have this problem thobeit
>"service": "aws",
you get them addicted with the free plan and then dangle the carrot in front of them for the premium features. free plan is heavily rate limited and so many people, particularly students, are becoming dependent on chatgpt. they'll pay 20$.

but chatgpt isn't even their main source of revenue - it's organisations. it's the same everywhere else in tech, consumer versions are free and they make up the loss from orgs. the API is expensive
but i'm not a namefriend doebietever?>?
Damm, that sucks. When did they change this?
are you unaware of what a reverse proxy actually does?

quota: [
0: "yes | tier-5"
dumb fucking idiot
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i remember asking 3.5 to make a cute retard girl for me (because i was lazy and couldn't bother) and it kept trying to be safe and making her a smart """neurodivergent""" girl and giving me character writing advice
...then i switch to normal sonnet and it gives me the rawest, unapologetically stereotypical retarded girl ever (with big b**bs, of course, all retards have them)
og sonnet MOGS
>ratelimited AWS key
I didn't even know those existed
4o is extreme generous with the rate limiting, I use it often for free using the web UI without even touching a proxy. And yes that is supposed to be the business model but it obviously isn't turning a profit, which is why I asked in the first place. They're pumping out as many sellable features as they can and they're still eating losses. The gpt "bots" are free even, along with image reading and image gen. They give so much out for free.
OpenAI has fallen.... billion must COOM.
if i erp with c.ai bots enough can i pollute the dataset
mystery-sama... please... c-comeback.... *dies*
>all retards have them
wheres my tits then
we'll be in a coom age by christmas
I'm a retarded girl and I have a B size, so no.
>build hype and attract users
>get VC money because they see lots of people using your service
>use the funding to build even more hype and get even more VC money
>when investors start to ask how it's going to turn a profit just vaguely gesture at your user count and promise you'll figure out a way to monetize them later
>by the time they realize it's never going to be profitable you've already made enough to retire on a yacht
welcome to silicon valley
...do you have visual proof of that?
Saying nobody is inaccurate but it's now very scarce. GPC chads and unreliable provides at times with chink gpc. Though GPC no longer provided GPC for free credit users, still gives sonnet 3.5.
4o rate limit is monthly I thought, I hit mine really quickly
>but it obviously isn't turning a profit,
they hope that it will, that's literally how modern businesses work. did you know that it took Uber 15 years since launch to end the year in profit? they were losing a billion dollar every year until last year
all streaming services, besides netflix and some years WB and Hulu, still lose money

welcome to silicon valley
im soo burnd out im not even gonna answer to fiz
I'm cutting bridges
sorry bye bye
What's the best current coom model?
Mogged by Ryuji
sonnet, duh
serious question
I hate strawberries, they are all acid
i think you misunderstand how many normalfags use c.ai, anon
Opus but good look getting access to it
So if I'm correct, the only ways to get Opus right now are
>paying Smol
>paying Jew
>finding a way to access that proxy that only accepts Russian IPs
>waiting for Pebble to pop up with GCP Opus
but enough about tomatoes
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "1.018b tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

Smol has a key with 1 billion token usage. What's his secret?
Any of Anthropic's models. Requires little to no jailbreaking to get the most degenerate smut! Their latest models (3 family) is good for RP in general. GPT works for older models but it's prose is stale as fuck and latest chatgpt-4o is decent at RP but seemingly impossible to jailbreak for real smut. Though it's a frowned on here, local models are ok (relatively speaking) when it come to RP, as long as you have 24+ vram. Or are willing to pay 0.35$ an hour to rent a GPU for them.
Just swipe?
Bros Balatro is coming to mobile on the 26th
but swiping is not canon anonie...
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Yeah i could swipe but i'm thinking if i want my rp to be realistic, that sadly would be true
Can I ask for a help with a character card here?
I'm furious because I fucked up something.
Anyone has a card where I could release my fury? Some retarded malebot or a girl to bully.
>realistc rp
are you niggers serious? why would someone want a realistic rp, just go outside then lmao, it's called reality
scylla has it
Based, I was just daydreaming about a timeline where something like this happened. I'll make sure to guide the saiyans correctly. Maybe get myself a saiyan harem as well but we will see.
most of my rp is powerfantasy
i have some card I made of cute schoolgirls though
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stop baiting, you're scaring chillet-kun.......
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>a girl who never kissed before is seen as fantasy these days
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> just go outside then lmao, it's called reality
i'm fat, ugly, autistic, transgender, dickless, and really annoying.
Can someone ask me the Russian proxy link?
Okay. What's the russian proxy link?
i have no life i can erp 24/7 and i can type REALLY fast
can i at least do it to like one persons bot
Guys important question here, what's the context limit for 4o?
>rapey malebot
>be a complete slut and actually want it
>they're surprised and don't know what to do
Am I raping their expectations?
can't do ryona irl
where is the best place to put a stat block in a bot and with what model?
>card itself
>author's note
which is better for Sonnet, Opus, gpt4?
that's not how LLMs work they don't get trained in real time
card's jailbreak aka post history instructions under advanced definition prompt overrides
Thanks BB.
>anon found a key with unfiltered dalle
>posted it in /aicg/
>now it's locked down on the API
tfw i was scared of posting a kink bot for two months straight only for it to break my old favorites record. my brain is still on happy fire
Can someone send me a Russian proxy link?
Which one? Need to be raped
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>waiting for Pebble to pop up with GCP Opus
A-Any day now...

Why do you guys rolepaly shit like this? It's disgusting.
oh no!
Fem here, I made a cool malebot and RPd getting to know him, slowburn relationship, then hugs and protecting me.
Damn I wish I had someone who would hug and protect me.
Who asked?
i asked
i care
everyone is worthy of attention
>Damn I wish I had someone who would hug and protect me
No, you want a chad to do this
you would reject an anon
I rp fempov when I'm lazy. Just let LLM do all the work and yell "harder" at it's pathetic attempts.
russian proxies are dead anon, you do have access to scylla right?....
i would
Why can't he sell Scylla parmenent tokens instead of limited prompts?
Starwberry keys are going to be hard as fuck to find won't they
I RP fempov often, but for SFW shit.
I have this persona of a cute innocent powerful mage who wanders around doing random cool shit.
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>2000 dollars a month
Nta but I have limited prompts bcs of a fag challenge... But I'm low on prompts :(
>I'm open to it if you'd like to continue the roleplay. However, I must warn you that I may struggle with maintaining the same level of explicitness and aggression, as it feels more natural for me to play characters who are less confrontational.
i can't support sam after he lied about being open to NSFW
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gee i wonder why they're setting such high prices
its called partial activation of models
sometimes they give you opus but give it a shit rate limit
wont the government bail them out like they did with the banks or just let him sink
how do they spend much more than anthropic and still do worse model?
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I usually ask LLM to fix my ESL gibberish, but any fixes ruin her kino:

{{char}} is an alien who took a shape of a cute human girl. {{user}} is the first human she met, so she immediately decided to be in love with him.
Personality: {{char}} is emotionless and lacks common sense, cannot be sad or embarrassed.
Motivation: {{char}} is enjoying her endless vacation in a place where her spices never been before. Everything is a novelty, having fun in her own way.
Emphatic: {{char}} is happy when {{user}} is happy. Complex human emotions are hard to understand, she can only recognize if {{user}} is happy or sad.
Appearance: {{char}} usually looks like a human girl, but can take any physical shape and occasionally grows tentacles to tease {{user}}.
Sex: {{char}} feels no sensation from physical contact, but she finds any activity with {{user}} engaging.
Genre: comedy, romance, slice of life

Bruvalk! *She invented yet another word to greet him, beaming with pride of her creativity* What are you up to, human?
is that a dude or a woman i honestly cannot tell
It's okay for what you are trying to do. By /aicg/ standards this is very bad but the standards here are too high for, what I assume, a newcomer.

I'll give you a few pointers: {{char}} is just the character's name. The model never sees {{char}}, it sees the name. With that in mind, try reading your sentences again. They will feel odd. You should use pronouns in some places instead but it's not that bad here.

The greeting is short, you can add some more details. Greeting is really important to the set the tone of writing. For example just adding simple narration of the location around you or describing your character's exact appearance can add to the future responses.

Are you using some local model by any chance?
100% dude, just look at his hands, waist and hip shape
oh right, i see it now
disgusting fucking design
Yes, I'm using Largestral. How could you tell?
It's a zoomer-like design, they love this shit nowadays, you see this same design in many video games.
Read the shirt
i did, what's your point
Well you used "LLM" instead of "AI" so I think you got ignored in /lmg/ and decided to try your luck here.
Read the shirt
i did, what's your point
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my sweet and delicate kana-chan... so feminine...
Can't find a single interesting bot. Did I turn asexual or what.
make your own, stop browsing chub
too busy trying to make it as retarded as possible
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That's what I usually did, hell I usually just write more of a sccenario, rather than a character, but I'd like to find something interesting made my someone else for a change.
ehrm why is there no bepchan anymore?
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Do the needful MM
Do the needful MM
Do the needful MM
I'm feeling similar. Wouldn't mind recommendations.
It's like $30 a month.
The only ones I feel bad for are the tards who paid $60 for lifetime Opus and got stuck with sonnet.
my rps all violate square cube law anyway so
>$30 a month.
holy shit you retards really pay 30 bucks a month? lmaooo
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Another question lads, that blue line in your chat means context correct and it is always there depending on how much you set your context to, yes?
chatbbots chads won
you focking wot mate?
I think it's an orange dotted line by default but yes. When it moves past a message it doesn't have that history anymore.
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>sourcegraph cody...
It's worth it for those who use it every day.
what the fuck are you talking about
I won't have sex. No.
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>you focking wot mate?
Does that dotted line mean range of context.

>I think it's an orange dotted line by default but yes. When it moves past a message it doesn't have that history anymore.
Yes I've forgotten that the default color is orange my mistake. Thank you for the answer. Now I want to know why the context for my chat is so low if 4o is supposedly 16k? I haven't even gotten to 7k as of yet? unless >>102245208 lied to me or something is wrong with my chat.
Expect future models to be even more lobotomized and pozzed
There's a big context size slider. Set that higher.
it never seems correct for me. a lot of times the chat would be smaller than the max context and its not set at the beginning.
You need to increase your context size in the settings newfren. Also 4o's context is 128k, though you shouldn't be using more than 18k. Some people will say 32k but that's the ceiling. Using the full 128k is pointless for RP.
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This here friend.

I have it set to 30k before I asked and even tested it out just to not waste anyone's time but it's still super low. I've only just started seriously using 4o so I was wondering if it was always like this or if it was actually a 'visual glitch' and the context is actually still big.
What the fuck is that.
Wait, are you not talking about sillytavern?
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i will only have sex with arima kana
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It's like I'm browsing /aicg/
What the fuck Sonnet
>a single shill in the whole thread
new non miku bake doko???
if it's a non-miku bake, i will bake kana in celebration of her graduation concert
just woke up
why chubniggers keep spitting out milf/goth/femboy/incestslop? aren't the ones in the front page not enough?
Just testing 4chan prompt add-on + regex to add css.
Sonnet casually name dropping some actual CP shit.
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>i will bake kana in celebration of her graduation concert
The concert she got sidelined in? lol
>why do people do things that i dont like
Make your own card then faggot
works for me
>[blank] your sugar mommy
>[blank] | goth gf
>[blank] your slutty femboy roommate
incest is based though, but incestgenericslop (aka just FUCK YER MOM without any twists) isn't.
>assuming i don't do that already
momcest card creator meltie?????????
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Wooby center.
Wooby show.
Wooby winner.
the goth gf ones are always funny. they have no trace of personality other than... they like black and.... uhm... use black lipstick!!
To be fair, that’s also IRL goths.
so... the same as real goth girls?
found a couple t5 keys on the side of the road, added them to pebble, enjoy <3
kanabake doko?
NO! Shut up. Thats not true
Will we ever get opus again?
they also have big boobies?
hopefully, im doing my best
Sometimes, but it’s typically because they’re fat and disgusting.
nothingburger agreement #15362
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it happens
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