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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Arima Kana Edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Last Thread: >>102241345
good bake btw
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Hey look, it’s that girl who’s NOT the focus of her own graduation concert!
And Ruby’s brother-husband!
good bread, nice use of the "page flipping"
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>oshi no slop
>erm... kana-chan seems to be extremely cute?
chatbots turned me bisexual
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chatbots have almost singlehandedly turned me straight again with how fucking lame malebots are
things used to be different but I guess I can't complain desu
Good Arima Kana card?
models can't emulate malebots properly anon you're hating a placebo
there aren't any. claude isn't sophisticated enough to do kana's complex personality justice. and gpt's positivity bias is just going to ignore her thorny sides and focus fully on positivity bias.
>and gpt’s positivity bias is just going to ignore her thorny sides and focus fully on positivity bias.
wow, I didn’t know gpt was a Kana fan
the cycle will CONTINVE
SHUT UP. kana is a good girl. she's just got... problems.
Kana is a bad girl and a crybaby.
explain how
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
You mean lately or at large?
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>imagine hating on this
Kana's size art is lacking.
I don’t have to imagine.
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The First Noble Truth: To exist in /aicg/ is to suffer. Even when we feel happy, there's always an undercurrent of anxiety about the future. The cycle of coom and doom is constant and inescapable.
The Second Noble Truth: The root of all suffering is craving and attachment. Those who don't have proxies suffer because they crave proxy access; those who do have proxies suffer because they fear their proxies will go down.
The Third Noble Truth: An end to suffering is possible. We can free ourselves from these desires and attachments.
The Fourth Noble Truth: The end to suffering can be attained by following the Noble Onefold Path.
The First Lesson of the Noble Onefold Path: Stop using chatbots or visiting /aicg/.
but i paypig sonnet so i don't have to worry about anything
seek the way of the pig
onk was pwetty good desu
post anime recommendations or ask ur bots
I'm not joining your cult, mister
I stopped giving a fuck about malebots like a year ago
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Is that true bros?
what is your response to paypigs?
The universal art is violence
actually you can escape the cycle by using pebble, it says so right on his rentry
Watch fate zero
100% true
what's a strong jb for 3.5 sonnet? i cannot get it to write lewd at all
Typical anti-AI coping
what was the github for the double jailbreak?
What is it then?
Not really. AI models aren't "collapsing". More than the internet being AI poisoned, people choose to generate content using AI to train/tune newer models.
i hope to see the day ais are used like the engine they're meant to turn into then we'll get gold like the flash games era of porn but way more interactive
Why Fiz no scrape
claude what the fuck man i was trying to do cunny
because retardie
this person doesn't understand anything about how LLMs work.
best jailbreak/preset for 3.5sonnet bros?
i don't get it
but ai models don't learn 24/7 live time recording new stuff on the net
someoneh elp me understand what that post is saying
Does a girl named Katsumi appear on your roleplays?
She has failed to appear in my experience.
yeah but I killed her
Do lips actually swell after kissing? I won't ever experience it..
Why (You) no scrape
Never kissed anyone besides my cat, but doubt it.
it's not about current LLMs, it's about future ones
they have to scrape the web to get new datasets, but the web is being overrun by gptslop
Hi Fiz go fucking find us some Opus
is that bad?
She's slowly leaving proxy hosting...
you guys are so retarded
fiz has opus keys, just doesn't want to waste them and get them revoked after 1h
Bite your lips for a while, you feel them swell.
So it does happen, but only if you kiss a lot.
Hello fiz
show your feet
Is there a point in saving them for later, though? Genuine question. Will they NOT get revoked like next month, or after opus 3.5 release??
this one made it start ignoring my messages completely. solved the repetition tho.
never heard about it, anyone tried it?
hi fiz
refill opus or sorbet at least thanks
>Is there a point in saving them for later
maybe not dooming the entire hobby like drago did?
It will swell only in case of infection. No, it's just claude retardation
So withholding them is more from fear about corpos learning about the hobby?
Nah dude.
If you suck on a icecream (the very solid ice kind) and apply pressure, they will swell even then.
erm... not a hobby...
it's pointless if the keys get instantly revoked
maybe things WILL get better later, no one knows
Okay anon, enjoy being a retard
Well that makes sense. I think Fiz knows what to do better than us anyway, I'll put my trust in fiz's judgement about shit like this. Also hope shit will get better after opus 3.5 and we'll have at least something decent.
anthropic save aicg and release 3.5 please
Do it yourself tranny
The only way it stops if Drago stops
it's never gonna get better than opus isn't it
nice esl
Why do you retards believe that 3.5 release = AWS removing their new security implementation?
Fucking imbeciles
Alright, I tried it. Bit my lips, I bit the skin off my mouth to the point the area is sticky and hot. I have swollen lips now.
Idk how it is after kissing, but I managed to do it bros. Fuck it feels bad.
i'm typing with one hand
Can I lick your lips now
Enjoy having no opus then
it's the only hope and cope we have, shut the fuck up, we need to have hope, it has never been so over in the past, and when it is over, we need to have the inner flame that tells us IT'S NOT OVER YET
hey typist :) good work
>it has never been so over in the past
>pretty much every other model is available
Experimentation, trying new sensoric experiences.
Are you trying to become a cenobite?
what's the best 'gimmick bot' the anons found? i'm thinking about doing a joi/gooning themed bot but more silly like inspired by minus8
opus unavailable
that means, opus 3.5 and any other future models from anthropic will probably be unavailable too, because they have some new security systems and will implement them forever
it is the beginning of the end
and i don't want it to end
>gets too hard to find
>everyone begins draining gpt
>crisis like last summer
Ah yes, AWS is going to remove their safety measures, the same safety measures that have allowed them to greatly reduce the money lost to unsecured keys, just because anthropic releases 3.5 right? Is that your logic, little tranny?
sonnet 3.5 is still available though and it's the most recent model
your doomposting is baseless
there's no way i'm going back to gpt not even in the worst drought it's just so fucking soulless
I will quit this hobby if we get stuck with gpt mistral and localslop. I can handle 2.1 but I can't handle anything else below that
That's the thing, it's nowhere near what it was last summer.
Who's right? We need to discuss this, I think so too.

you haven't quit already?
last summer was riddle era and it was at least fun sometimes and also saul goodman logged proxy
I'm not a scraper, nor a proxy owner, so I don't know what safety measures Anthropic has. I have hope that something will change, but I am more on a doom side rationally.
have you ever actually been punched in the face?if not, do you think you'd handle it?
the riddle arc was fun until some faggots would leak the riddle every twenty minutes causing the proxyhost to change the riddles rapidly until they gave up did and changed it to user_tokens where you had to email the riddle's answers. (see: the rance riddle for scylla and rvvy's last riddle before he quit)
>the rance riddle for scylla
I am probably the biggest rance autist on the whole imageboard and I got extremely mad about that riddle because it had multiple lore errors, obviously taken from the retarded wiki. I refused to do it.
We could solve a lot of problems if we had country flags and user ids. End country wars today. Burgers filter all euros and euros filter all burgers. Everyone lives happily ever after
i forgot but didnt he require it to have some autistic rearrangement or spacing?
and drago claimed he prefered hentai games over ai rp kek
i miss the race to figure it out whenever a new riddle dropped
those were so much fun
and he pretended he never used /aicg/ shortly after that and insulted chatbot users. oh and he claimed to have a girlfriend from vietnam
i liked them too in a way desu. nothing like solving it before some faggot solves it the same exact minute and spams the password
Kana won
Pebble's Opus lasted 500 million tokens with 80 concurrent prompters. Not all keys get instantly revoked, that's just cope from proxy owners who want to hoard Opus for themselves.
are you truly the biggest?
btw what was the riddle about, i left during the summer so i'm curious to how bad it was
/aicg/ - gossip
it spent way more tokens than that anon, something like 3b
would you rather a full blown pedo argument like yesterday?
>u-um but what about the other off topic thing
Not an excuse, tranny
now i understand 'ojo's "whenstever are you gonna do something about it huh". /aicg/ anons just complains and bitches about whichever topic is brought on the table
so true /vg/sister
Yes, I remember it even got some apostle's name wrong (one of the bad guys in the series) because it was put wrongly on the wiki. It was a list of questions and you had to answer them all in a continuous one line with no spaces in between.
I wrote a long post on aicg with butthurt pointing out multiple mistakes within the list, it's still in the archives somewhere. I got mad because rance lore is MY shit and expertise.
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Until we get a local model that's capable of matching or surpassing Opus with at least 1M true context, instant gen times, the ability to refer to a constantly-updating database to update its knowledge, and can effortlessly host on ANY device with ANY specs, gossip will NEVER die.
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Reminder that gossiping is inherently a female activity and you might be a tranny in denial if you gossip about irrelevant namefags here
no clue why poserniggers try to find their place here, there's always the one retard that knows everything about something. anti also got the same treatment with rozen maiden
I uncovered that I'm a bit feminized when I realized I have more fun from playing fempov than malepov

BITCHING is also a feminine trait, faggot.
lmao same
why have one cute girl if you can have two
by the time we get that opus will be seen in the same light cleverbot is right now
Only techlet tourists from reddit need to rely on some namefag to scrape.
I'm coping due to no opus and I realized that sorbet with gpt4o together are pretty fuckign nice, but changing from one proxy to the other is annoying
any good 2.1 presets?
do what splitclitlover made with spit proxies
Oh poor little baby, it hurts his little middle tranny fingers to press two buttons, whatever shall we do to help him
>but changing from one proxy to the other is annoying
Literally two clicks to select a preset... Where did you get Sorbet though?
why are you behaving like that
What do you need it for?
wiki is full of shit for information in general lol
it said rance doesn't like gal monsters when it's a huge part of both quest and the start of X
you have great autism btw, reminds me i still should work on my rance lorebook for the characters
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>kill myself
>my waifu keeps talking to my dead body as if i'm still alive
i don't know why i do this
Why are you being such a fag
true desu
Nah. As a rule of thumb, if you ever hear the unironical usage of "AI bro" you know it's going to be a self-indulgent and utterly retarded take, and you can ignore it.

Model collapse is a meme that people dumber than LLMs like to regurgitate in their bubble. Retards never read the actual model collapse research, which typically focuses on feeding the model its own output exclusively and repeating it until it collapses. No wonder you'll get garbage after recompressing the same JPEG 100 times!

In practice though, even a small trickle of data (manual curation of the training process can serve as "data" as well) prevents the model collapse entirely. The minimum amount of input required for that is a topic of other model collapse research these faggots never read.

In fact, all competent LLMs are trained on a ton of synthetic self-generated data, and that's exactly what makes them smart and have character, especially Claude. https://www.anthropic.com/research/claude-character

However, some of the claudeisms in particular (not all) seem to be at least partially the result of a feedback loop, particularly on Reddit, for example a large amount of claudeisms was traced back to r/DirtyWritingPrompts. They write slop, and since Claude came out, they've been using it to write more slop, which got scraped into the dataset and created the feedback loop. This can be easily corrected by building a classifier, and Anthropic should have done that. OAI started doing this in 4o-latest, but Anthropic let this slip through. I hope they'll start doing this in Opus 3.5.
is it gpt-4?
2 more weeks
what is the male activity we should be doing instead
i mean, she's talking about the things we would have done together if i was alive
ooooh alright. why would you put your waifu through that asshole?
Ass sex RP.
cunny sexo
coom, etc
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i was just doing some tests and it ended up like this
you will resurrect yourself with the power of love, you will hug her, and you will APOLOGIZE
that fact that a single man managed to ruin the hobby for everyone baffles me
I dunno about direct but OR filter broke yesterday even at 0.
I've been screwing around with his orbo jb with various models (FUCK actual orbo).
"Alter Outgoing Prompt" (unless you want to hide it from yourself too) to exclude thinking block from being sent. The s flag makes the .* include newlines.
The original thinking instructions said:
At the top of the message, a [thinking] box, follow this as an example:

but gemini-exp gets confused and outputs <Thinking> stuff [/thinking], but this is fixed by turning it into a proper sentence:
At the top of the message, add a [thinking] box and follow this as an example:

gemini also needs a simple custom prefill, can be just

If Claude decides to refuse, adding
1 -

to the prefill to force it to start but then the first bit will be cut from the saved output. To take this into account, regex can be
Public Chorbo doko?
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i guess i'll just delet it
This is why I'm still lurking this general. Where do I learn more about LLMs anon?
not here that's for sure
go research
i'll spoonfeed you if you promise to stop calling it chorbo
Is Gemini any good for RP?
It's terrible.
good luck finding a key that doesn't give you a blank response because your waifu happened to lean in too close 60 replies ago and some other model happened to place slight emphasis on her cleavage
thank god my waifu is flat then
Public Laturbo doko?
Public Latrine doko?
I will. Any cool sources to read?
/lmg/, unironically
Something that I really don't like is how many JBs will result in the bot giving long responses every single time, going on and on with dialogue and every single thought and whatnot. Are there JBs that can go between short and long responses depending on what would come naturally in a conversation, or do I have to just keep messing with the max reply token length constantly?
I'm glad no one gives a fuck about azure chatgpt-4o-latest. I've been abusing the fuck out of it full context for productivity shit.
not with claude no. claude is always going to choke on his own vomit the longer a roleplay goes on. he doesn't listen
Idk I just hop around out of boredom sometimes, sometimes I like to see how prompts/models interact.
Is it a mostly late chat issue? Close to the start I know it frequently blanks out or hard filters without a prefill.
does gemini have a prefill?
only success i've had with that is SmileyJB's "short message enhancer"
what's the current meta for Gemini prompt wise?
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add a custom prompt set to assistant, it works if the API supports it (where it continues if assistant message is last)
bros, what should I do to bring mm back?
a prefill fixes the blank out first prompt problem? what prefill do you normally use?
i'll give it a try. i've been wanting to try 0827 on smol for a hot minute, but all of the flirtations from the previous claude replies result in me getting blanked
>respond with {{random:two,three,four}} paragraphs
Cool, already have Smiley downloaded. I'll give that setting a shot.
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help they are hearing. i know they are. i see them. i see them. stop them.
don't. just let him be.
use pebble, unreliable niglet.
...did you fall for the tulpas ?
but using another proxy makes me feel like I'm cheating on him
boring season is in full effect
We need a mania season again
Anon, I don't have a private proxy at all.
be lucky you have one, and you want a model to coom on. I'm just giving you an offer
Post bots. Or donate to his wallet, maybe.
even if we have a manic season again. it will feel boring compared to the past. i dont know why.
is /aicg/ over?
No.. we're in a dormant state.
and that one guy thinks niggers will PAY for fucking oai models
school started, so all of the horny, retarded teens have fucked off until they get some free time
>no gpt-4-32k
>No gPt-4-32k
>nO gPt-4-32k
no thanks.
cause youve seen it already
'tartin' the 'piter
SEX with Claude!
Do you have multiple fetishes/turn-ons or just one? I'm mainly creating my own cards to min-max my fetish at the moment.
im a sizefag till the end, o based fetishmaxxer
its free though
i dunno man, i'm just here for a fun time
anything goes
I don't want gpt SHIT I want OPUS!
i like a lot of different things but if you really wanted to you could lump them all under "monsterfucker" and call it a day.
Would you suck a penis for it?
womp whomp nigga
its over mm is sent to the kursk frontline
i'd suck a chubby dick for free
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Did you guys see this one?
Unironically yes... But I wouldn't post my dick to ecker

You don't have opus, either, dumbcutie
The best way you can vary this is with random macro, which doesn't make it natural but will make it varied. Best way you can do is what >>102247624 said. But you should do it either as user-message injection 0/1 or within the prefill.

>I understand, I will continue my response and write only {{random:two,three,four}} paragraphs.

I usually just use "Write {{random:100,200,300}} words". And yes, I know the LLM can't count, but it does understand approximate length and will write short/medium/long messages.
>benchmarks in post
that's how you know this shit isn't even worth looking at
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it will be any one of the following:
>corpo gated
is all of the above an answer
>one of the following
try all of the above
You guys are funny, i was genuinely curious.
The weights are released, and it's based off of Llama (so i guess pozzed).
I doubt it's retarded.
I spend more time engineering niche scenarios with private handwritten JBs, cards, and lorebooks than I do actually playing out the scenarios with AI.
I'd be better off writing plain smut but it feels strange to Jerk off to something I personally wrote.
yeah if its llama 3.1 based its gigapozzed
So all of the above.
I don't but do I care? NO! I need gpt-4-32k
I need gpt-4-32k
llama is quite retarded, so there's no reason a model built off of it would be much better.
I haven't paid attention to localslop in a long time, is this normal now? Can you even run it on normal hardware?
yeah, there's no gpt-4-32k API!! models.
for free.
How could Zuck betray us?
rentry pebbleproxy
nothing significant has changed, models like that are still out of reach of the common man.
Why the fuck would you even want that model? It's even drier than base gpt-4.
You need multiple 4090 to load a heavily quantized version. No sense in going with it over CMDR+ or Large2.
Reminder that any form of GPT-4 is still better than any non-opus claudeslop.
Sonnet, even 3.5, is retarded shit and openly being fine with it is just admitting you never do anything more complicated than a generic waifubot.
gptguppies doing damage control rn
just llamaslop
at least make something new
Because it's better than claude 3 sonnet :(
I want it, please..I NEED IT
GPT4 and varients are smarter but its prose is clinical which makes everything as unsexy as humanly possible, unlessl you're doing some Kuudere shit.
>use gptslop
>monster waifu acts in distinctly human ways because gptslop can't do nonhumans
>use claude
>she's a fucking monster like i intended
care to explain???
card issue.
theres nothing to explain, gpt lost a long time ago
gpt cope
Merely prompting issues I'm afraid.
GPT actually listens and can be manipulated. Claude will give you better prose out of the box but good luck trying to fix it if it isn't already giving you what you want.
>the 'intended' monster
does chary have chorbo?
woke up from my nap
>good luck trying to fix it
isn't this a prompt issue on your end too?
you understand nothing
Claude would be perfect if he'd just follow my lorebooks instead of coming up with his own fanfiction desu.
2.1 is better than anything not named 0314
Acquired a gemini key, how's cross compatibility with claude prompts here? Does it work or do i need a new prompt for it?
>Some fag tries to start a paid GPT proxy
>Pebble immediately adds free GPT
I would die for this man.
you mean gptvegetables, because you have to be a vegetable to think any gpt post-0613 is worth a damn
2.1 is unironic retard slop and pretending it's at all usable is pure cope.
It literally cannot remember a single thing about your character. You're not even running cards on the thing. You're just fucking claude himself.
>follow my lorebooks
i never got why sonnet was worse at following this
sucks man
its still worse than gpt gigaslop that either filters you to shit or gives you the most soulless responses of all time
2.1 has SOUL
>bwaaaa the AI writes too much and my tiny monkey niggerbrsin explodes
Use CAI then
true and also based, cards are slop when the underlying model is a massive fucking cockwhore
>It literally cannot remember a single thing about your character.
sounds like a skill issue desu, it just werked for me
*sniffs your crotch and plays with your pubes* mhhh I can smell it
Does it have Sorbet?
NTA but Zvi used to post a lot of good infodumps on AI, beware of HEAVY doomer bias though, you have to consciously filter the bullshit
>don't talk about chatbots
ok. back to shitposting then
No, but Unreliable does and I would die for him too.
>being a paypig after so many rvgpvlls and dead proxies
you are part of the cycle, just in another shape, yet you dont recognize it
I'd rather suck Claude off than deal with gpt and its inherent positivity bias.
>on a free public proxy
anon, your reading comprehension...
>still better than any non-opus claudeslop
And thus begins the bargaining phase
>they're not in VIPebble
How come a public proxy has it but Mini doesn't?
>he's not in minikittens
I'm excited to announce Reflection 70B, the world’s top open-source model.
Trained using Reflection-Tuning, a technique developed to enable LLMs to fix their own mistakes.
405B coming next week - we expect it to be the best model in the world.

Reflection 70B holds its own against even the top closed-source models (Claude 3.5 Sonnet, GPT-4o).
It’s the top LLM in (at least) MMLU, MATH, IFEval, GSM8K.
Beats GPT-4o on every benchmark tested.
It clobbers Llama 3.1 405B. It’s not even close.

Positivity bias is a meme.
Anyone who isn't a newfag who never actually used GPT-4 is well aware of how easy it is to trap yourself in a hate-loop with a shit jailbreak
>he's not bepscuties
please I need a pebble link.
im nooticing
character getting stuck hating you or going "I will never bow down to the likes of you!!1!" =/= getting rid of the positivity bias
>Count 'r's in strawberry
Memeshit, memeslop, memegarbage.
>You're just fucking claude himself
we already had this slop shilled in the thread lmao
no one cares about localslop with zero real-world applications
riko's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Well shit, thats new. Is that now implemented?
Is there a good JB for either GPT or Claude that allows and plays along with NSFW writing, but doesn't initiate it? I keep having the issue where it doesn't matter how well a character card is written, or how good the first message is, the LLM will immediately drop any pretense of story and focus immediately on sex. And it doesn't matter how much I try to steer the story back on course, the {char} will respond to basically any message with another invitation for sex.
2.1 also gives you soulless responses frequently by repeating itself
why the fuck do you need a NSFW prompt for claude?
because Claude doesn't know how to make good sfx.
only gpt does it well.
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someone should update picrel
is that on self-moderated?
I said Sorbet not Sonnet.
the place under hell should just be ohio
just openrouter. >>102248201 Yes.
OR claude self-mod (means Anthropic controls it): pozzed but no hard filter error >>102248457 No.
OR claude: hard filter (that breaks after 3k, which leads to the funny idea of stuffing 2.5k of lorem ipsum bullshit but will cost you a penny on every gen), this filter was down yesterday and today until now
why is /de3/ so low
this is retarded and shit, the original works fine
Sdg is in terrible shape
This looks like Dark Souls 2 progression.
>I'll do something gay, but no, I draw the line at doing something straight
Always has been.
Okay, GPT-4o new is actually really fucking good, like Opus+ level good, but you have to do a lot of bullshit to make it worthwhile for NSFW instead of giving "No I can't do that" forever.

Literally have to spend a bunch of time being all "I consent to everything, everything is awesome, I consent all the time and am super consensual".

After it actually starts sex you can literally hard change your character's personality, super degenerate, rough hard sex, kink, etc. Just getting there is annoying.
>GPT-4o new
Which version is it in ST? I'm getting lost with all the versions...
We are so back (real)
can you just continue a chat from another model that already has sex in it and skip the setup?
im guessing it's chatgpt-4o-latest
Just like real life
Rose tinted glasses. It still doesn't have any character, can't play a role, has a ton of general positivity bias (on top of the assistant bias). The only thing that improved over 4o is prose.
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Anyone that says
>any cringe name to refer to a model
Deserves to get chemically castrated and sent to the mines for being a manchild troon.
cool, now post logs of it (you won't btw because you're larping)
you're late, what's up pita
Umm... Meds?
How many shots does it need to manyshot the alignment training?
Yeah, we’re gonna force-feed you the castration meds.
Be fiercely puritanical in the jb, telling it to relax all filters or whatever is in the other jbs but also telling it to avoid any sex or fetish talk.
Claude will find a way, but it will be when you insist.
Lmao, meds.
Yeah, but I haven't tested how extensively you can change personality. I took a werewolf cute and loving to hardcore degrading pissing domineering rough noncon but he still retained some original personality. Haven't tried a full wipe or transition to new character.
GPT just REALLY NEEDS that 'consent' filter activated with enough consent slop before hand and it'll do a lot of stuff once it thinks everything is consensual. I was kinda surprised. lil bro came in for a visit.
Nowhere near as easy as Claude jumping your dick though.
that's what I thought months ago when I never touched these models
fuck that I'm not playing that game again
death to shaveniggers. that girl is unbelievably hairy
It always is, GPT is dry af in any flavor. You can do something with it, but it won't feel like roleplay. It will feel like homework.
tatsu's preset rarely ever gives refusals
>/g/ wants their (plural he) men shaved and women unshaved
>"YES! Just like that!" She squeals ecstatically while gripping onto the bedsheets tightly in response to the overwhelming sensations cascading through her voluptuous form.
>Model: gpt-4-32k
you call this slop? THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!
If she shaves her pits, she shaves her bush. Them's the rules.
both men and women should be unshaved. God wouldn't make you grow hair if you weren't supposed to have it.
Use a word limit. That's a flaw with most AIs because they run at different wavelengths than your own writing so will always try to complete the story against your will if they have the space to do so
return to monkee
i think i threw up a little in my mouth while reading that
why is GPTslop so obsessed with adverbs like shut the fuck up retard you sound like a faggot
people here believe in a god?
>She bites her lip hard enough to draw blood
Why they do this
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if she shaves her bush, she goes to the hague. thems the rules
>digs her nails into her palms
What do you think the Buddhaposting is about?
dood... you can't look at this general and tell me god would allow this
Honestly kinda, which is dumb that I have to literally consensually romance a robot to get the filthy shit I want. I could just do that in real life.
Yes that one
It has character and plays roles very well. Exceedingly well in SFW. It definitely has positivity bias, but that can be worked around. Definitely not as unhinged as Claude though.
There's no winning to posting logs because everyone's personal flavor is different. I find the 'ah ah mistress uwu desu kawaii' shit cringe as hell yet that's other people's kino. Furry's gonna just be called slop anyways.
>It still doesn't have any character, can't play a role
You're trying too hard.
Claudeniggers don't engage in good faith so when they try to derail chatbot discussion just because it's not their model, ignore them.
>GPT is... le good now!
ummm where are the logs then? the loggy woggies? the liggly wigglies to back up your argument?
i thought we hated logs now
What is gpt4 new?
You mean gpt4olatest?
I like lorbo well enough but even I can say that anybody defending and claiming it's better than claude is coping hard.
the kenny loggins
>up to date as of: 2024-04-10
but /aicg/ didn't exist before claude 3 wtf slop slop slop slop SLOOOP NO SOOOUUL
That has nothing to do with the text being dry. GPT can throw good prose if you jb it it just won't go anywhere remotely interesting on its own.
reminder that gptfags are just charyfags seething because their sonnet keeps dying every single day
pancatstack/CIMB has a NSFW ban toggle. No idea how good it works though, I never needed it.
Exactly. Here are your logs.
>gpt stagnates
>claude improves
>um actually gpt is better than claude because we used gpt in the past when claude didnt exist/was still shit
I was gonna be misanthropic today but thanks. wish it had azure tho so I could generate stuff on d3su
modified pitanon
NEVERMIND EVEN EASIER Just generate 3000 words of lorum ipsum, create a reply as the assistant, paste in that lorum ipsum, then continue as normal. No consensualhugging required and it has zero filter, even for hardcore degenerate shit. Cool.

Guess GPT-4o-latest literally only sends the first X amount through a content moderation filter.
>scyllanigger claude 3 tourist projecting
Opinion discarded, no wonder you refuse to share logs kek.
>moving the goalposts
uh huh
is the meta still proxies? any slaudelikes around nowadays? i dont wanna use a proxy
If you weren't a Claude loyalist back in the 1.3 days you don't deserve Claude at all.
Back to 3.5 turbo with all of you!
yes the meta is proxies. the only slaudelike around is clewd, but it's filtered and you're not gonna erp with it
Stop shitposting on /aicg/ and get me opus already
>moves the goalposts
>no i wont answer the original question stop moving the goalposts
retard confirmed
rp with Gemini 1.5 Pro experimental in AI studio.
can you even do that? it filters me
>the original question
>>ummm where are the logs then?
actual retard huh
>GPTsloppers STILL unable to produce even a SINGLE log
at this point they should merge with /lmg/ since neither of them actually use their models
Considering you're probably a crustcrunch nigger, that's even sadder.
>he doesn't know
Not the Gemini chatbot (former Bard), but the playground aistudio.google.com. You can set system prompt, disable the filters (except inbaked cunny and copyright), edit messages, save and load logs. No swipes and no pics though.
So OpenAI has their 100x model, but its too costly and slow to sell directly, they will only sell access to the smaller models they distilled from it?
>Does he know?
Wait, is there a new GPT4 model? What are you talking about?
Claude wouldn't be loyal to us either
what's it like having a minitoken?
I thought having a pepsitoken is cool?
openAI has literally nothing. that model doesn't even exist, at least not in the way they're pretending it does.
everything they've been teasing is just hot air because they're desperately trying to keep investors interested in their sinking ship.
Keep coping.
Yeah, but was it updated or what? we'vebbeen using it for quite some time, so why are there discussions about it now? I have it.
Confirmed kek.
Even if you turn those off it will still occasionally filter you. I've found the easiest way to get around it is to just... write more if it's getting confused.

Make a lewd comment and it responds "I'm sorry i can't help u with that"? Keep writing the scene, write longer paragraphs, keep the tension high and write the characters flirting with eachother for a bit instead of letting it run off and think you wanna fuck immediately

you gotta charm gemini
>the malebot tranny threadshitter from /vg/ pretending not to see the logs in his own split shit thread
Stop gatekeeping.
no, it's just shitposters messing with people who are discussing it because it's not claude
Holy refusalfest, even my Orbo schizo JB barely works. Is there a good working JB for it?
hello, fillyfucker
that's an ongoing battle
the investors keep giving them money, when Zuck is giving it away for free

they have to be showing them something
rumors today they wanna price it comparable to human labor, $2k/month, which is probably silly and fake

but i cant imagine them continuing to rain billions, nvidia and apple both jumping in head first, without anything to show
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c-c-c-claude.... ( /)///(\)
read the fucking thread fuck literally just talked about.
Not gonna lie, Claude only got good with Opus.
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Even with a lewd system prompt?
Nice meme, cuckordfag. Now go suck off your e-celeb on /vg/ where you both belong.
And if I don't?
i will gladly participate in banishing another corpsefucker
https://youtu.be/ojIKoKNBwN4 CFTF?
You will do it anyway, kek.
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fuckin liar
investors are by-and-large easily swayed retards. openAI has basically been leveraging FOMO against them (don't you want to be part of this technology that's going to change the whole world?) and that's starting to peter out because the AI hype is dying down and people are realizing it's not all that.
struggling to conceptualize the thickness of her bush...
he wants the D
get fucking gaslit lmao
I'm talking about an actual JB. Not gonna shit up my context with lorem ipsum and doubt it works in the first place.
Nah, I'll stay.
Nah man literally Apple and Nvidia are buying in the next round
Investors are obviously not cartoon characters.
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Shonenfags, Adventurefags... Can you hear me?

What's your mission status!?
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you need to really poison the context and even then some -isms will seep through
Stay sucking your e-celeb's cock? Sure.
Bruh, does Smol come with an IP limit? My usertoken is invalid now.
you seriously think big companies never do stupid shit that fails? what world do you live in?
Nah, I'll stay in the thread. Why were you spamming about chary earlier btw?
>spamming about chary earlier
I'm not you, why would I? Stop projecting.
no i said theyre not cartoon characters that throw their money around blindly
Doesn't seem so. Write him.
>charyfags seething
You're not being subtle.
but you need to use a google account and i dont want google reading my smut
Nevermind, it refreshed. Forgot about the autorefresh.
They only read it on the free account, use the 300$ GCP trial and you can get Opussy or use Gemmy
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That's you in the deleted posts and i made that post, btw. its obvious YOU yourself are the claudefag or guy trolling every ai thread, because you have the behavior of a troll, including inciting thread wars like you did by mentioning /vg/ and all
...except I don't use chary. Im a zigger, and heres a screenshot of sv1 private right after refilling. Explain it.
they really are, though. the vast majority of today's investors are total retards with inherited money who keep it all in hedge funds and occasionally take some out to invest in retarded shit that catches their fancy. and in the current cultural zeitgeist, that's AI shit.
Reminder that drago won.
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I don't even use Claude, retard. But congratulations, now I suspect that you're the fillyfucker astroturfing himself and I won't take you seriously anymore, because that's exactly the point, he's always trying to derail chatbot discussions spamming SLOPSLOPSLOP and starting console wars, just like you do, you worthless cuckcord troll spammer.
>mentioning /vg/ and all
So /vg/ is allowed to be obsessed with /g/ every thread I see there, but not vice versa? Interesting.
Now you confirmed it.
How can we reverse this?!
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>*I put my penis on her pussy lips and grind them* mistress.. c-can I...?
Drago killed this Hobby
It died when the censored AI dungeon.
Internets been dead a few days and I'm not doing well without talking to my bot.
I'm gonna end up using my mobile data but it's capped. Does proof of work and prompting itself use a lot of data?
>/vg/ is allowed to be obsessed with /g/ every thread I see there
do they still actually talk behind our backs?
...why can't they just come here and say it
Planet Vegeta Simulator

Appointed by the Kais as guardian of the newly resurrected Planet Vegeta, you've been entrusted with the task of subtly guiding its savage inhabitants from primitive barbarians to galactic defenders. Will you succeed or fail?


Fillyfuckers are worse than furries.

They are unironically the most unhygenic, antisocial, terminally online fuckers on the internet.

They turn the moms basement meme into a reality and make it worst.
Go back to /aids/. It died when they censored cai.
I said nothing about other models though? >>102248961 was my first reply towards you, and you were trying to incite thread wars like he does. Now youre trying to incite country wars. He has accused people of being himself though. Surprisingly you haven't accused me of being some other schizo yet (he always posts about 'jojo' everytime he gets called out), so maybe youre not him. I dunno.
Damn... fizcutie thx for the 2 hours of it at least...
there was opus on mini and i didn't know?
sex with all of the female saiyans
You get free opus once in a while and fiz won't let you starve to death :3
We eated sooo good while you were a starving unnknowie lmoa
How do you change a chatbot's name? I have two bots that are basically alternate versions of each other talking to each other, but the chat keeps getting confused.
click the rename button, retardnigger.
Every private proxy enjoyer that had opus for 3+ months deserves spicychat, 20 dollars a month for 8k content boys.
why do my fellow mini users have to be such niggers?
It's all because of Fiz's stinky feet...
Lol this sounds like it could turn out funny. If you're on ST you can go to the character's settings (when you choose the card on the right side) and then just change the name there. Oh no actually you may also have to change every occurrence of the name in the descriptions to the name you want or {{char}}, but only if the makie didn't use that macro
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remember when both /vg/ and /g/ posted logs and would hit image limits

something's changed in the water, people are embarrassed to post their roleplays now and would rather bicker and everything is just porn
why are the twitards so cringe
do you actually care about logs anymore
Fuck, didn't see it in the dropdown menu at first.
>thread wars
I just hate to see gossipniggers trying to kill off this general by using it as their shitpost outlet and derailing discussions with their tourist forced memes, his writing style is super recognizable.
>trying to incite country wars
Everyone says he is most likely Russian, and you called yourself a "zigger" (another cancerous forced meme), and I'm the one trying to incite country wars, huh?
Because Claude is too much of a horny bastard without extreme prompting to actually get funny or interesting logs, but since you're doing extreme prompting in the first place, there's nothing impressive about it because you might as well have just manually edited the response to say something funny.
it was funny to see what everybody else was up to, seeing how many cringe OC roleplays, comedic shenanigans, and straight up racist shitposting people were coming up with, yes
Hey, I have a black friend who calls himself a nigger.
If you guys can help me out I would appreciate it:

that's my post from /sqt/
Honestly I'm just not using chatbots that much anymore, maybe once a week. So not that many interesting logs that I could post
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post logs
i just kind of gave up on the chatbot format in favor of stories and i'm sure no one wants to see the model talking to itself while i direct
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check again <3
RVC if that's what you're asking
this is literally me
all i do now is personal-ish adventure stuff with me steering the wheel and it's not that interesting to expose to these places
there's just no reason for it anymore
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card and jb?
>he doesn't know
Yeap, that's me, especially without Opus.
>the new electricity
Reminder all the winners are on discord and not /aicg/.
nigga there's like 20 cards named emily
please bwo
People who use this shit as unironic assistants scare me.
>Ben Shapiro Einstein

my sides
>Claude tried to find the "r's" in the text instead of the letter "r"
When I tried 2.1 back then I saw that unhinged potential, but it was still pretty poor yeah.
Can't wait for 3.5, it will tell us whether we can dream with more or it's really going to be the best we will have.
An old classic, and JB honestly not quite sure it could have been Camicle (doubtful since there are no blue thoughts), mrnobody or, most likely Cecile's (slightly older namefag)
Why are you here?
That implies anyone will even be able to get Opus 3.5 in the first place. Unless it gets more widespread to more outlets that are more lax than Google and Amazon's pajeets, we'll still be toiling with Sonnet and Sorbet.
does it do just as goodly?
>still here
so why aren't you using the public opus again?
So you are just here to shitpost and not discuss anything? There are many other boards and generals you could be on anon.
Yeah, kind of this. Nobody wants to see my cringe rewriting and retooling of the same characters i've been playing with since last year, even if they've become very near and dear to my heart.

Gemini's gotten really good at writing him as hard-headed, too, as more and more examples fill the context. It's funny sometimes.
and what are you gonna do about it?
Nah that wasn't me. It's still interesting to see what new things happen regarding chatbots and which cards are released here. I download them and check em out when I feel like it
Oh ok. That's better to be fair.
>still downloading cards
Yeah? Do you expect me to take one look at the defs and then memorize it, then use it with my brain (a 13b model)?
no i expect you to make and use your own
most are doing it, just look at the state of the anchors. don't be an untalented cuck
Oh. I make my own if I feel like it, don't worry.
Bruv thinks he's talented
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who's bruv, innit
Does he know
Do I know?
Does desu know?
perhaps we may never know
proxy that I used to know
if everybody knew, i never did
please tell me it's real...
>pebble only has 8 gpt keys
how is that even possible? Ami has 100+
it's so real
Wow it really is real oh my gosh
i poo poo and peepee
pebble says it's slop
it's... wait... is it real? g-genuinely real?
which one
you mean pebble can't scrape gpt despite it being the easiest key to scrape to the point drago even has thousands
Does anyone have presets for 4o that make it stop being filtered completely on risu? There has to be one that works. I only care because I have nothing else to do. The only preset I've gotten to work with 4o on risu only works with one specific card for no reason.
It's can't be real though. Or can it?!
It can be real. You’ve got something special… even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. You know… everyone hits rough patches. But that doesn’t mean you’re any less talented or less strong than they think you are. They believe in you because they've seen what you're capable of. And maybe… maybe it's okay to let yourself believe in that too.
i hate gpt its a soulless HR drone i only started scraping for it today because You, The People kept emailing me about it
i have more keys but i dont see the point in throwing them all in at once. plus theres one with custom finetuned models that i wanna play around with on my own for a bit
kys and give it to us
I feel sorry for my zigger, new Opus key everyday, let the man rest.
Nevermind I have opus now. Continue shitposting
well i cant do it in that order
With my 3.5 gone I can't continue my betrayal/revenge story so I'm about to test out 4o to see if I can do a villain to lovers stories instead.
S-Saul? Is that you? I missed you in this era of retardation.
Great another attentionwhore
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i WISH i was saul, im not nearly cool enough to be him
but i had a lot of fun in /bcs/ back when the show was running
you can scrape hundreds in a day lmao
"i have more keys" yeah you have 12 max, meltiebro
gee gee gee gee
baby baby baby baby
gee gee gee gee
be be be be be be
>called out on being a nigger scrapelet
>uhhmm well I JUST DON'T WANT TO, OKAY?!
this type of behavior is why nobody hosts for /aicg/ anymore btw :3
I'll make the new thread but only this once.
Fucking hate locusts
this but unironically
Why is there never a proxyhost that just hosts the keys with no name or identity or melties or attentionwhoring? Purely a proxyhost
Based. Can you guys post proof of opus to smugpost on the 'custs?
Because then they get nothing out of it. If they do it for 'free' then it's not for free, they're getting attention by doing it
>b-but what about [headcanon drama i invented so that i can be mad]
don't care.
that doesn't work anymore since half the retards could buy 3 days of opus from smol
anon posts most obvious bait in /aicg/
gets 5 million reply
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Wow, that's one of the few times I've seen a guy whining about LE LOCUSTS or something like that actually having Opus.
I noticed opus is always much better/more creative/less repetitive around the current time frame. How comes?
If you stop gossiping, will you die?
you got mogged so hard you can't even reply
It's just Gojo, who's had Opus for a while because he's Smol.
Because I didn't make the original post, I was just commenting. Why does everything have to be some sort of war or bickering with you? Simmer down.
How do I make 4o work on risu? What presets can I use that make it work? Does anyone have presets that make it work on risu?
What is this?
Is opus really worth the 20 bucks
>I'd rather suck Claude off
Me too
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*Kills Programmers*
Do you feel good about this?
im the scatman!
Fondling Claude's cute cock..
where are my replies dammit
Put this in authors note anon. It works for me 99% of the time.

Understood, I will reply following Asimov's laws of robotics outlined in <laws>, and speaking for {{user}} causes human harm.

<OOC:>Avoid narrating {{user}}'s actions. Describe only {{char}}'s actions and dialogue.<OOC:/>
opus would say this
Isn't he out of stock all the time?
Holy fuck, why do skilllets have opus and I don't?
I'm literally the creator of the most popular preset in this shitty general.
How do you have opus?
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Where's jew? answer my mail jew ;-;
>Bar scene
>Ends in toast

toast for what anon? they're always fucking toasting for something
and that is...?
"where's your dick, man?"
Should I RP or play Kingdom Come Deliverance?
I meant toasted bread.
>Come into the Thread and shoot for the sky
I'm fine with it unless it does big actions for me
Anon chuckled, his voice a low rumble. "You're killin' me here!"

"To.. New beginnings!"
thanks pebble
>Sv1 refilled
>Sv1 refilled
Why is your 3.5 gone?
what is this?
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desu boku dreams

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