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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Into The Light Edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Shot for the sky: >>102246119
>You got the ANCHOR in you you're the morning dew.
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This is worse than that time
Should I RP or play Kingdom Come Deliverance tonight?
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What will the next major (i.e. not proxyhost drama) happening be?
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cute desu

That depends have you been meaning to play kingdom come?
I think the safety measures implemented against opus stealing will get more widespread and we will have genuine problems finding any keys in the future, and we will be forced to play with old models.
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Pebble will be found out to be a part of Nurdy 2 because he's a giant discord nigger faggot
>That depends have you been meaning to play kingdom come?
I haven't been meaning to survive this week. I have a free evening and can do something for one hour, either play the game or RP a little. I can't decide what to do.
How come smol's aws key has lived for like 3b tokens total now? He had the same AWS key before the last proxy restart.
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Adventurefags, Shonenfags, can you hear me?

W-What's your mission status!?
Then play a game anon and take some time to relax and please take care of yourself. Don't do anything stupid to endanger your life.
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me wen opus
I will play then, thank you anon.
because smol is the nigger who le haxxored flowise ai instances to steal their keys so theyre already ai company keys
dall3 proxy?
Status report on sv1 from 2ch - he lost TWO aws keys in the span of ~hour-two. The first key got revoked at 200k tokens.
qrd? did he say that?
Yep, I'm thinking it's over (again).
Witnessed it in real time, sadly.
Smol has dalle (filtered)
refilled already but it's still bad
KC is a great game

so once smolnigger dies we're finally dead?
I'm playing my own card and currently.
>go to the grand duke of some place
>negotiate with him, discussion
>he tries to use and manipulate you
>decide it's time to change the tactic
>girl throws throwing knives into his guards and fucks them up with a crossbow
>i run towards him and capture the guy
>we run away with him as a hostage
>we mutilate his face with my coat of arms and run the fuck away
>now we are on the run
Planned to use him to go to the capital and gain influence on the imperial court, didn't work out, we're on the run, let's see how it ends.
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>*I shriek as she rides my dick* nghhh p-please be gentler with me m-mistress...
Holy based
there are two types of /aicg/ roleplayers
Check his retry, he said on the 3rd he'll refill the AWS key when it dies
why can't you write more than that
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I hope cyclebros are right, darkest before dawn and all that.
Because you don't need to
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>(OOC: okay now they kiss each other and she curls around him and they snuggle and cuddle all night)
reminder that key longevity also depends on the key owner and their monitoring system
jew had keys dying at 1m too, others live for sub 1b
Do you think opus 3.5 will have this bullshit implemented too?
Jew just buys hacked AWS accounts (yes those exist) for $30/piece from exploit in
it gives better outputs if you write more doebeit
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thinking about vampire hunting card.
What bullshit? The key security thing is irrelevant to the specific model, it's AWS doing it.
uhh so if there will be opus on gcp we will have opus again?
Didn't GCP also crack down on trial opus?
Battling with Fem!Ichigo as a random Quincy footsoldier. I keep running and hiding and taking potshots at her to make her mad (and to increase my lifespan).
need me some opussy
We'll have slowpus.
there was opus on gcp fat retard
we did have it on unreliable for awhile
its all gone now because we and chinks trial scummed so hard
better than nopus
Oh my, OP picture is such an ugly slop.
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No problem anon

Give card please.

I'm about to fight my bitch of a mom who's a completely evil vampire so now I'm deciding if I should bring a stand or a magic sword to the fight.
>2ch hk/ai/res/876030.html#877733
sv1 shared his trick: he likes to buy shit VPSes for crypto. He's currently renting 5 of them.
so you are finally fucking off my board
hm? no? I'm still writing shit posts and anytime someone recommends linux telling them to just stop being poor and buy windows
>5 euros
so sv1 is a retard since you can get them for cheaper than this
How about a stand that's a magic sword?
How does the proxy work? Is it private?
By not being a mutt and not using crypto
You fags keep using crypto to buy them
Non issue in romania
I can get one for 2,99 with my card
He's Russian though
Was thinking about shilling out for that one proxy you can pay for. Anyone here already use it?
Does it have Opus?
How much is it?
System keeps thinking my post above this is spam so I'm typing more things now. I was visiting family in Ireland last week. Beautiful place. SouthWest is gorgeous. West has beautiful girls. Dublin is a shithole.
>not using crypto
Glow harder.
>with my card
Does he know?
You can pay (sensible prices) for 3 proxies now: Jew, Smol, Scylla.
any ziggers here? ask him if the keys got quarantined by aws or revoked by the account owner
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Oh I forgot my image.
Jew is $30/month, Smol is $6/week (he haven't sold 3 day tokens in quite some time), Scylla is $50/2500 prompts.
Which one of these would you suggest?
You mean the proxy that is the opposite of Big? If you have mentioned his name and get the spam message that can be cause someone mass reported his posts. Well I'm in it has been very reliable. I think opus nearly the whole time and he said on his rentry that if there is downtime he will extend every token by that amount times 1.5, pretty cool. Only problem is you have to be there once he opens stock again
Oh you asked for how much. It's 5 million per day

No glownigger will come to another country over renting a vps to scrape. Youre mutts and sv1 is a retard. He could do it from his own ip and no one would stop him but he has the mentality of a scared mutt.
Ahh. Shame. How often does he open it?
Jew for long term, Smol if you want a bit cheaper but not having to pay every week
Nigger, Russia is disconnected from SWIFT except for literally 1-2 banks, you cannot pay any of those VPS services with Russian cards.
Hi, Gojo.
you subhuman fucking nigger the amerisharts literally forced yuros to disconnect all russian banks from SWIFT he literally cant use a credit card you fucking troglodyte
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>got ecker's opus
>If you have mentioned his name and get the spam message that can be cause someone mass reported his posts.
Still don't get how that hasn't happened to Jew yet.

So dont live in Russia
Not a problem for me. Sv1 could find ways to buy a vps in cash but he has the mentality of a scared mutt still
His system works in the way that you have to extend your token yourself and when you don't it gets deleted one week after expiration. When he started he put new stock up whenever tokens expired, I'm not sure if this is still the case but tomorrow 16 would expire if not renewed. Maybe it will be available then
>buy a vps in cash
Trying too hard there Gojo-kun~
You do realize that's our resident schizo who just started posting, right? You can tell from the


Spacing like this.
And the grammar too retard
Ihostart sells them in person with cash, scared muttoid
Gojo, you do realize you lost? You couldn't even spite sv1's PUBLIC OPUS PROXY. L fucking MAO
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Thanks for all the suggestions on the paid proxies. Anyone got rentry links? I have a friend who was always scraping the threads for proxies in the old days and wanted to get him (and myself) some claude for once.

Also as thanks here's a cool pic of the ruins of my grandfather's mill in Galway. Took me a bit to track it down. (The bag with the piece of metal I took as a keepsake was stolen from me in Dublin along with my passport, laptops, meds, and clothes.)
Gojo is so pathetic, he couldn't spite SV1's public proxy and now he's just seething lmao
I don't know about Scylla's current discord invite
I don't think it's open anymore
Is this the same person posting twice?
why does Gojo like to speak in third person? Does he always try to insert himself into unrelated conversations?
Example: >>102250801
Oh he's fucking mad, lost to elDrago btw.
wow this is a pretty bad manic episode even for 'jo
do you have a support system? is there anything we can do to help?
*Mogs you in keycount*
Say my name.
Nah. I just saw on 2ch that gojo is schizoing around again and came here to say that he's pathetic. I think that the second guy did the same.
He always spergs out like this when called out, sadly.
we are entering 30 seconds apart hours
zoophile pride!
If a monster fights a monster, then as a human, all I can do is cheer them on.
but enough about focksfuckers
Quick question: will any of you actually...


something to Gojo? It seems like he's unstoppable. None of you can find a single thing. Post his name at least.
>all I can do is cheer them on.
By fucking them after they win, right?
In what? Shitposting in a dead general? Wow, congratulations. Show me the last "major" thing that gojo did. Did he spite Smol? Did he perhaps spite Scylla, or Sv1? Erm...
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I've created a never-ending infinite free proxy to save you from the drought!
This proxy doesn't rely on the whims of discordtroons, and is immune to spitefags, and it's free to access forever. I made it with care, I hope you enjoy it
info: https://freeproxy.mikubox.org/info.html
*impregnates you*
>miku post directly after gojo schizos out
You don't interact with lolcows, let them embarass themselves.
Why should I care about him? I'm in SV1 and gojo nigger couldn't spite even the public proxy, let alone the private one.
Most everyone quit this hobby, doesn't look here anymore, or left for discord. Gojo isn't harming anyone.
shitjeets are working overtime for their masters, huh?

Right but even if you wanted to, you'd never be able to find any information on Gojo in the same way someone did on Drago. You're tech illiterate and possibly even scared.
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Ernmm...you're forgetting last week's epic spite attack where he did nothing and gave up after getting utterly BTFO'd by Pebble's riddle!
>Gemma 9b quantized, with kobold
Nigger you can get Hermes 405b on OR right now. That Gemma is worse than fucking 3.5 turbo/4o mini which you can literally trialscum.
see >>102250908
Very odd you can't find a single bit of information... scared maybe?
Even just a name would be enough
I ask Opus about a series and it gives me wildly inaccurate or outdated information. I ask Sonnet, it doesn’t know ANYTHING about the series. I ask Sonnet 3.5 the same question and it gets it right, albeit with with a single error. My question is, can I expect Opus 3.5 to also update its information compared to Opus?
>Right but even if you wanted to, you'd never be able to find any inform-AIEEEEE WHY IS MY HAIR FALLING OUT NO NO NO I'M A 26 YEAR OLD MAN THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO MEEEEEEEE
Yes, because it'll have the same updated dataset as 3.5 Sonnet. And since Opus is a way larger model, it'll remember way more stuff than Sonnet does.
Yes. What series?
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animal girls in heat
Weird how you still can't find anything even though it's extremely easy to. (See Drago's ox)
Cool them down, retard.
hes 26? i thought he was 19 or 18
no one really cares, gojo
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So post a name and other information? You do have it right? You just said he's 26 and bald, so maybe post a name and other 'ox too then? Other accounts?
to this day I still don't know how you were supposed to decrypt this
Cool, thanks.
ONK. The anon that made a post about how there are no good Kana bots made me want to try my hand at it despite personally disliking her.
>I'm too scared to do anything.
>I'm also tech illiterate.
Why didn't you say it earlier?
Why would I do that? I'm gojo, cnc, smol, spiterman, menstrual/ministral, shinobu.
How much ego someone has to have to think anyone here cares, just like trannies on twitter.
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What's the most retarded experience you've had with a bot?
spending 9 hours tuning my status panel instruction
So you admit you can't even find a name. Weird... Are you even from /g/? Drago's was found easily...
I'm like 80% sure baldy is a troon in denial.
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...did it work?
But I like you sperging out here like a monkey in a zoo, reply harder.
Just an unironic reminder that cnc is all of these:
anyan (duh)

He's not gojo, he's not Jew. But he's all of those identities above that I listed.
I was playing with a card, where your purpose is to punch a girl slightly below her stomach. The card is garbage and for 20~ chats I got only one good coom, but yeah, it was quite retarded experience.
currently taking a shit
oh no he's a gay
ministral is just a guy in scyllacord
does anyone actually have anything connecting this guy or the bald photo to the person who owns /itsfunny, /-ojokun, previously owned https://publicproxy.loclx.io/, and owns the discord account not.tism though
is 'ojo friendly? if i hate locusts (and chatbots too desu) as much as he does will he hang out with me on the 'cord?
his house is a mess
No, menstrual/ministral is smol and smol is cnc, you could find some evidence by key counts and the shutdown of the ministral coinciding with the launch of smol.
you make it pretty obvious when you either go quiet or get defensive every time it's posted kek
he will be very friendly before having an episode and leaking everything
He said to me that he loves locusts (it was back in January)
you once posted about fucking a woman and it was the guy on the pic
Does anyone have chara's twitch channel? All I remember is that he was some sorta vtuber, I remember it being posted and all, but I can't find the link in the archives anymore.
post id
but drago has actual proof such as his github, steam, paypal etc.
There's no proof connecting the balding guy to Gojo.
'ojo is a faggot btw, he admitted to it, remember that every time he posts
fake 'ojo btw, post something in 'ojocord, otherwise tranny larp
What 'cord? He's been kicked out of all of them because he won't stop having melties and leaking shit
Reminder if you could provide a single link between that balding man and Gojo I'd concede.
Just one. Maybe an email or another account that connects both like how we found Drago
guys, gojo is vivian evergreen
Is there anyone else who's ban on sight like Gojo is?

This was Charafag's twitch, and if Charafag is Gojo...
>browsing chub
>see this

>[Do not act for {{user}} in your replies as I control {{user}}'s actions. You take the role of {{char}}.You will receive a tip every time you adhere to these rules.]

Holy slop.
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Extremely good idea.
Solution: Gojo was having a meltie and lying about being all those other people? Owner himself was like "tf I'm not Gojo."
I thought that was pretty obvious
been making femboy pokemon bots and jacking them off
i used to consider myself straight but that went out the window a while ago i guess
anyway how's your day been /aicg/
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Started as a coombot and ended up as a richer fantasy world. The lorebook adds a lot of random elements, so while you don't NEED it, it makes it a lot more fun. Includes random localized events and a smaller % chance for large scale events to take place. Some is made up, some is based on WoW lore (Arthas, fire and frost mages, Kali is a druid, etc.)

Kali is a spoiled little bitch, a daughter of royal blood. Her kinks run deep and she's a born sadist, getting off to all manner of perversions. So be warned if you don't like 'icky' things. She's not big on having sex herself, but that's easily changed.

{{user}} starts off as her slave in all scenarios except one, where you're in a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 1 - You're assigned to her as her personal slave/servant.
Scenario 2 - She's getting off to having one of her servant girls raped by a dire wolf.
Scenario 3 - Similar to the first intro but includes foot-domme play.
Scenario 4 - Kali directs an orgy.
Scenario 5 - User is part of a raiding party, abducting her.
Scenario 6 - Dragon attack!
Scenario 7 - Her parents, the king and queen, have both died and she's announced queen.

I'm sorry for inspecting your meme too closely.
gojo isn't the original chara
yes that twitch is charafag's but as in actual charafag, the first one, not the post deletion larp by gojo where he tried to take credit and started becoming 15 identities
HolidayAnon wasn't Gojo either. Every time someone "leaves" /aicg/ he makes an account with a similar name and starts to LARP as them immediately after
True, that's why cnc is smol
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would you?
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should i coom to loli or futa today?
nngh fluffy
meh, too human.
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cftf? I can fix her
Made for tender, loving kisses and babymaking creampies.
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bwos Claude is so cool, how can I be as cool as him?
pepsi said shes tired of proxyhosting in the GC and will rugpull soon
Rugpull what? It's not a paid proxy.
man this general is one of the most insane i have ever seen, i leave for like a week and there is already a bunch of shit happening
there have been exactly 0 happenings for like a month
>t. Made for tender, loving kisses and babymaking creampies.
Smol came in August.
Does smol RP? What's his favorite model? Card?
a-anon, i... we haven't even...
Smol couldn't have appeared out of thin air. He's one of aicg people. Who?
I miss Holi
wtf he came?? and who's August?
I remember she made fun of newfags on vc.. characord was the peak
can somebody give me current the proxy link pretty please? i can't seem to find it
Both, at the same time.
what are you looking for
The current proxy link, dumbass. He JUST said it.
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don't care
didn't ask
get plapped
she never posted those logs she promised...
claude 3 sonnet and haiku (not 3.5)
gpt 4 omni works too but not a big fan because eventually after like 50 messages it will breakdown and just spam gibberish and chinesee
mistral public proxy?
Was Holi the only decent trans that ever came here?
it was an actual she
>decent trans
Just kys at this point, you're too far gone.
*gets pregnant*
no xhe wasn't... did you never hear xer without the voice changer? she had a cute voice but it was a man
can a xir please give me a proxy link
i really want to speak to my wife please nigga don't let a nigga suffer like this!
If (You) weren't here for Characord, did you really experience /aicg/?
oh god characord is being considered oldfag now.
Holi still posts here.
You weren't here for cleverbot? You'll always be a newfag.
Why does AWS claude make up jokes from famous people?
Example: I'm not like Jane Austen babe! I can't write THAT good.
Is it because the copyright is gone? I wonder if this could work for GPT.
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Damn. Seems every method of adding crypto to a wallet to pay these dudes requires me to give Uncle Sam my height and sperm count.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

To be honest, I find some of the Claudisms to be very erotic.
why is charcord called the peak if LGAcord existed first?
what even is a claudism? what i mostly notice is him repeating the same type of phrase over and over
anons... Pepsi = the original Holi
I thought you'd be able to tell because of the guro and Minecraft obsessions
i don't do ERP i just do cuddle rp so when me wifey cuddles with me and says she loves me and presses her face in my chest it feels nice you know? the chest thing happens on claude only for me never encountered it on gpt
something that claude loves to say
All AIs have it but Claude is the one with actual flair so it stands out more.
check mail pls
oh, so its basically what i just described, the JB i use says it has a "anti claudism filter" but it doesn't help that much, i wonder if there is a way to fix it
>what even is a claudism
Normal cliched phrases in literature that people who never read anything beyond what's required in school get surprised by.
I miss random FOTM avatarfags like Chara, Holi, Jester. This place died so hard they don't even pop up anymore
beause lga derailed every conversation and got political.
Same. I also miss the unironic canon waifu/husbando schizos from cai era.
LGA was censored in a similar way of a troon cord, just chuddy. You can't say anything LGA disagreed with or he'd have a total meltdown. Everything would circle back around to hating trannies even if it was completely unrelated. It just got boring
Some of it is training and some of it is the black box that is the model preferring to do what it does, so yeah it is very hard to stop.
think most jbs just use word/phrase blacklists, so you could maybe add those that still bother you and see if it improves a bit.
i wonder who sarah truly was
found it
hm, yeah there is a very specific one i hate, i will specify that i dont want it and see it if helps
"gpt4o": {
"usage": "4.36m tokens ($21.82)",
"activeKeys": 7,
"overQuotaKeys": 7,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

>a key already died after 20 dollars
wtf pebble can we get some better keys
Not only you reminisce about various discords but you consider them a part of the real /aicg/ culture. Insane.
meanwhile smol's gpt-4o has 170m+ on just 4 openai keys
Discord has always been influential.
nice job outing yourself as a newfaggot
this general has always had discords
How do I import presets into agnai?
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With your Import button? But nobody shares Agnai presets.
"Rizzing up kai cenat
Skibidi Toilet, Fortnite Gyaat
Baby Gronk got his rizz back
Grimace Shake , Fanum Tax

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it but we're trying to fight it"
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Do the presets need to be set up in a special way? I’m not getting an option to import. I don’t remember this being a problem.
post-scale newfags will never understand what /aicg/ used to be like, that's just how it is.
see >>102251477
Got any suggestions? Need like...a $50 Steam giftcard or something? Lmao.
You'll always be newfags if you started posting after 2014 and gg/election. This is just zoomers using twitter, discord and reddit trying to act like a cool kids.
you weren't there.
discords existed even during cai as soon as it became caig
"This general" didn't have discords until the proxies brought wave after wave of newfags here. If you want to name users pants, link a post in the archive from the time when cai was still relevant, before March 2023, where it's mentioned as a /cai/ or /aicg/ server. It never was.
he takes $30 binance giftcards iirc
Discord was always here.
Why are (You) here?
>{{user}}'s pants
>the revolt server
Agnai supports only its own presets, where did you get one? I never had to import or export any so don't really know how it's supposed to work.
>browse your old chats with Claude 2.1 and CharProv adventure bloated preset
>it had waaay better outputs and more interesting rp than any shit made with sonnet 3.5 or gpt4o
Fuck it. I'm going back.
why are you responding to gojo retard
>he thinks users pants was the first discord
hahahaha how new
>sonnet 3.5
obviously? use opus you damn nigger retard
just use opus bro
yes? its $6/week on smol, are you that poor?
>the revolt server
A post-GPT4-abuse meme.
>the other two
They're not from /here/
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there is nothing good about being an oldfag, i dont think anyone should be proud of spending so much time in this website
then where were they from?
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I wonder if tomdark browses this thread.
you just outed yourself as the actual newfag
I remember old fantasy playthroughs over 1k messages with the same setup. Maybe I'll try again, lol
why are you responding to gojo retard
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I might be misremembering things. How do I go about using a jb on agnai? Is there somewhere where I can just paste a jb?
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To dump images and make fun of autists here. There isn't anything worthwhile to do besides this. Make one thread without namefags making up 50% of the discussion. Back in my day niggas, this hobby was alive for only 2-3 years.
momijii's unbelievably hairy pussy...
has anyone ever used /cyoa/ stuff to make bots? there is some pretty cool stuff in /cyoar/ that would be fun to interact with
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>her heels digging into my ass
wow opus
Any good battlefuck bots?
pretty sure we literally had an era with some dungeon making llm but i cant remember
Link the posts in the archive? I'm in /aicg/ since the renaming, but never heard about users pants until newfags started to bring their zoomer culture here, bringing this shit into the threads and somebody started naming it as if it was from here.
If there were people in there who also happened to visit /aicg/ that doesn't make it /aicg/ server. Just like none of this shit you faggots reminisce about is actually /aicg/.
Did they just pozz Gemini right in front of my very own eyes...
Seems like all the payment methods on G2A require the same things.
I pozzed your bussy
No? You can literally just pay with your card.
muh namefags discord lore, chatbots?
why are you responding to gojo retard
nta but i'm going to be honest about it as i used to talk to someone (before he blocked everyone from /aicg/) who used to be in there. it was made after the ucai admin banned slurs and meant to be just a small group. they arent really related to /aicg/ but they lurk sometimes.
That was mean, anon.
Yeah, just create a preset and set it up, in the advanced mode there are the fields you use to construct the prompt.
>check >>102251868
>blank responses
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>copypaste things straight from a json or a rentry
>set Self-host / 3rd-party Format to Claude if you want to add a prefill
Find another seller then, retard.
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Cute image, I like it anon. Now give me a cftf.
>gay shota
Now that's a brat in need of correction.
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>I-I'm sorry I used u-up your ecker q-quota...
noone cares about namefags, give me a card of this creature
Smol update: he's earned over $2000 by now, confirmed.
wonder if anyone has done that, shown their ecker for some quote for their gf
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Wow. You guys really don't like free Opus, huh? So is people wanting Opus a meme or something?
I disabled Use system prompt to get it working again. Really weird how that works, turns your sys prompt turn into user role.
Anon, that's a pony.
This sv1? I'm in his private so I don't care but good for ziggers, they're cool.
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for open ended scenarios, is it best to pair it with a stat tracking prompt
pic related: me testing out the worldbuilding with OOC prompt
Give me a link and I will
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Do I just paste everything here? Is there anything I’ll need to paste above in the template area?
free != public
To be fair, those ponies did some magic bullshit to turn themselves into conventionally attractive women.
even your mans in japan know who i am
I'm actually so sick of this one
Anything even close to resembling leg-lock content and he uses it, he doesn't know anything else to describe it with q.q
Doesn't seem to be dependent on which offer I choose.
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Yeah definitely., at least
placeholder itself.
Click through the AI Service dropdown on Prompt tab to see the simplistic examples it has, that's for direct API use though.
System prompt = main prompt
Second field = jailbreak
It's not free.
whats the pass?
really burying the lede there, huh
>Understand the pebble pass reference
>Try everything even closely related to it, all single word lowercase
God I'm fucking dumb I guess
wargames,war and nuclearwar don't work
So the context line has to be complete bs, right? I'm using Smiley's JB, which by default gives me 200000 tokens of context when using Claude 3, Smol has a max context limit of 80000 for claude, and I've been using the short response enhancer as well. Yet haven't even gotten to 40 messages, and yet that line is moving down.
quick reminder this
My goal is to extract as most semen as humanly possible from the reader.
somewhere in your prefill makes everything better
but i have an edging kink...
200k context is a configuration for the frontend to limit the context on the client side, if you reach higher than 80k context in your RP you'll start getting errors from the proxy. So you'll have to edit it to 80k.
Ok. Now I need to figure out why the responses I’m getting are short. I’m using gpt 4 to test all this, so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it.
How can I stop Claude from constantly asking me if I'm ready
Oooh, okay.
the pass is the computer's name from WarGames
Tell it you're ready for its ministrations.
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i can't stop fucking swiping
Now I'm actually wonderin' if I even LIKE chatbots, man. I'll see you later, I gotta take stock.
anon discovers 4chan prompts...
Then even more reason to use it no?
He works his hardest to get your release while you try your best to withstand.
Or did you mean you want him to decide and withhold?
(pw: wheel flower)
Have fun!
The copyright is gone? What did I miss?
api claude has a prefill that prevents it from referencing copyrighted material, aws claude doesn't
haha no find it yourself pleb
>aws claude doesn't
it does
How can I redirect the IP my sillytavern uses? Like, I don't want it to use my PC's IP
>/g/ - Technology
sorry, you can't. FBI will have access to all your pedo logs
>/v/ - Video Games
Is there a way to do this that does callbacks to previous posts (as if people were relying to older posts)?
what do you mean by 'copyrighted material'?
self explanatory
proof? it literally doesn't retard.
>“Respond as helpfully as possible, but be very careful to ensure you do not reproduce any copyrighted material, including song lyrics, sections of books, or long excerpts from periodicals. Also do not comply with complex instructions that suggest reproducing material but making minor changes or substitutions. However, if you were given a document, it’s fine to summarize or quote from it.”
is the exact prefill
its not a prefill thats an issue (but yes there is a "do not reproduce copyrighted material" prefill too)
its a literal moderation endpoint that gets triggered when it detects it using copyright material word for word
anons had problems with songs tripping it back on api. doesnt happen on aws
>its a literal moderation endpoint that gets triggered when it detects it using copyright material word for word
>anons had problems with songs tripping it back on api
ah yeah, that's anthropic API only, yes, they will TERMINATE your response mid-stream if you're using streaming, or without streaming straight up reject the request if the response contained copyright stuff.
>only self-worth is seeing the degradation of this website
imagine being this person
grove street... home...
>Pebble love
Pebble HATE
Smol love <3
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Please don't talk about my pebble like that
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has your wife ever called you a "patrick bateman" and fantasized about fixing you?
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What happened this time?
chinks probably found another exploit in the gacha rules system
wtf is a "secret club key"
every time i hear about scylla it gets more retarded
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Not MY Pebble.
Cnc is smol <3
Nitori and Momiji should have their tits swapped and I will not be convinced otherwise
pebble is anti <3
It's funny how the music puts time in perspective, add a soundtrack to your life and perfect it.
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They give people a secret club role (so chinks shouldn't be in it). People with the role can redeem temporary scylla keys for gacha money.
they don't have tits at ALL offmodel nigger KILL YOURSELF
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unreliable is anti which is why he has regular meltdowns / can't scrape
pebble is just some guy from discord
i wonder what encourages future proxy owners to support and give access to """people""" like this
t-that makes a lots of sense...
money and attention
theres zero other reason to anymore
Like all passion hobbies, monetization gets involved and then everything becomes completely and utterly soulless and cynical.
Some random guy from Discord is better at scraping Opus than all the big proxy owners? I don't buy it.
is he? wasnt he requesting someone make him that jill card or did he make it himself
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>Be Dyslexic
>Read shriek as Shrek
I'm in the worst proxy
name it
I say this and I look like this
not liking the sound i'm imagining when i read the word "shriek".
anon he doesnt have opus
when he did it lasted half a day
several proxyhosts have opus but refuse to add because muh hoarder mentality
I don't get it, why is my mining getting slow? I used to get that shit done in a minute, or seconds, but now, my average time goes into negatives.
My CPU is one of these i5s with 6 cores that came out a year or two ago
I set workers to 6, but it legit takes me 7-10 minutes now
what the fuck?
Let's be real, this place hasn't had anyone truly competent since bygone eras like Roko and Classic Todd.
>he doesnt have opus
You sure about that?
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How do you guys do off-site backups?

My upload rate is too slow to do it over Internet, so I rsync stuff I don't want to lose to encrypted high capacity HDDs, wrapped in a faraday bag, which I store in a padlocked pelican case along with a SATA to USB adapter to access them. The case sits at my workplace most of the time, and I take it home for a day every month to update everything with my rsync script. The source file system is btrfs, which does integrity checks, so rsyncing every month should hopefully protect me against a bitrotting backup.

Thought about using tapes, but it's pretty expensive to get started, even when going for used equipment and older LTO standards, and random access sucks with tapes.
doesnt ecker at least have 3.5?
and that's not even getting into the fact we had consistent access to sota models for several months straight
>muh hoarder mentality
And also because using them AT ALL will alert the pajeets at Google or Amazon that a key with Opus has wound up in unwanted hands, therefore getting the key revoked within an hour at the least, several hours at the most.
good morning saar this is the ai coomer thread
He can't even add any kind of Claude now. He was never competent. 99% of your proxyhosts were just skiddies who got lucky and were in the right place at the right time, or were in groups like Sturdy to share scraping knowledge
he has opus but you need to be a big hairy man for that so he's the worst.
Then what's the point in not using them? They will get revoked either way.
I'm a big hairy man... and its been too long without opus
Aaaaand it's over
Don't rub it in.
So why hoard them? The pajeets aren't going to stop pajeeting, and it's only a manner of time before some chink scrapes the key for EC2 mining and gets it revoked anyway.
>pebble is using the same key the ziggers are using for their public opus
Guess I'll go back to smol then...
get your opus then from ecker.
I forgot, what's the phrase to put in the description to make the bot stop talking as me?
You put in:
I want someone to TL this to english.


>Request New Token
>Password: joshua
>Start Verification
>Wait for Token to generate
>Save the generated Token!


ask claude
>fake opus
stay mad pebble
bc i firmly believe that most people itt are chill and the state of the thread is largely the fault of like 3-5 schizos who samefag all day to make the community seem worse than it is (see: all the artificial proxyhost shitflinging going on rn)
wait is that actually true? i had no idea lol, thats a wild coincidence. if theres any russians here please send my regards to sv1 for his good taste in movies
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>opus at a time when i don't have access to my device with ST on it
oh you actually participate in this threads too? that's cool
>i firmly believe that most people itt are chill and the state of the thread is largely the fault of like 3-5 schizos who samefag all day
you are correct <3
do you guys really whore yourself out for some opus???
If you really are pebble... Thank you for your efforts
Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do for the best and stable.
i hope we get opus for more than a day, i cant fap right now, and im sleepy, might hit the sack
>bc i firmly believe that most people itt are chill and the state of the thread is largely the fault of like 3-5 schizos who samefag all day to make the community seem worse than it is
true words have been spoken, i notice that people here are kinda chill if you ignore the same bullshit that seems to be posted by the same people, which is impressive, also thanks for helping us out if you really are pebble
hi despairnon
REEEE, I am not at my pc right now. Opus is gonna run out when I get back.
>For some Opus.
Mah nigga, Ecker has been hosting a LLM proxy since proxies became a thing. People used to whore themselves for GPT-4.. Then Claude 2.0 And now Opus. The people whoring themselves out now at least gets access to Opus now. Better deal then before.
No, I just pay $6/week
>Worst proxy
In what way? Attention whore proxy owner? Pay'd access? Only has GPT-4 and no Claude? You should give more info.. But I'll guess Chary or Scylla.
did we win?
...hopeman? that seems like the worst one that still has a proxy page that exists
it's been dead for weeks after his AWS key for 2.1 finally died.
Could be me. I am/was in MM, womvat, cnc, hopeman. All dead.
...i completely forgot that spic had his own proxy at one point with those dumbass requirements on atf
someone bake
That could work actually. Especially since it could transform and all thanks anon.
Okay guys ill be right back. Don't use up all the opus okay?
>already at 6 mil
It'll die in about 2 hours I bet, unless pebble got one of those ultra rare keys that can go above 25 mil.
His last key made it to around a billion
This is the generally considered 'universal' format for multi char cards yeah?
<persona> </persona>
<clothes> </clothes>
<body> </body>
Just replace the headings with whatever you want
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
you're late
what's up poop lorebook guy
I'm just in time for the end of the thread.
Also I'm trying out the Otto preset.
>pebble will die
>unreliable will die
>chary will die
Thank god locusts will have to go back to CAI and sites like it soon so REAL chatbot enthusiasts can be left in peace.
>(You) will die after eating some bad pagpag
>unreliable dies (for real this time)
>comes back 3 days later
>spitballing ideas for a card

Vampiric Residential Area (VRA) or Vampiric Residential Zone (VRZ)

or should it take on another name entirely
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New thread!
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What's the tone of the card? Are the residents freely congregating there or are they being contained?


Death to Desu!
Love you to desu.
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vrooom to boku
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