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old >>102193996
Hey OP, do you also answer questions in this thread or do you just make the threads?
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what's the best website to check for data breaches?
why my computer is doing bip boop bip?
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Your computer has a beep boop maker
For personal stuff? Unironically: https://haveibeenpwned.com/
You can sign up to be notified (it's going to be hilarious if their own mailing list gets leaked).
Fyi, you can remove that part when your computer is turned off without any issue.
I have a question
Just got a appartment, its kinda dated (built in 70s but well maintained) Previous owner was some old lady that lived there with her dog since 2016. The owners before that apperantly where a bit more tech savy and decided to run a internet cable (dont know what cat it is) outside the balcony to reach the bedroom. Its all neetly hidden and dont want to mess with the outside part, the problem is i only have like 5 cm of cable on the inside now, without a connector, because said old lady decided simple DSL phoneline internet was more then enough

i'm familiar with stripping cables but i feel like what i've got here is way to small to strip, also i'm not sure if the cable is any good, but i feel like any internet cable post 2000s is capable of 400mbps internet
what do? rip out and replace entirely? try extend on the small 5 cm part or just somewhere outside to extend the cable, and pull it through so it leaves me more space to work with?
Install an ethernet jack keystone, you can punch them in with a $1 tool or just a flat head screwdriver, it is way easier than crimping an RJ45.
i will try but i feel like i dont have enough cable room even for a keystone jack
The other end in the bedroom has enough space though, maybe i can pul a bit of that back to get more space on the other side, hope the cable moves enough. Otherwise i suppose i should just be glad its just replacing the cable instead of rewiring it myself
im sure you could remove it while it's turned on.
You're probably right, but do you really want to take the chance of accidentally short circuiting your motherboard?
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What are the WebM specifications for uploading to /gif/? That shit should be included in the sticky or on the rules page, but the only official source I can find is a blog post from moot back in 2014.
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I have absolutely no idea, but according to Perplexity it's this.
Also, isn't the wiki supposed to be dead? It's using it as a direct source lol
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I don't know about /gif/ (full of tranny/faggot/nigger shit, why bother?) but /wsg/ has it in their sticky, and I assume it's the same.
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When using GNU make, why does a command such as:
"gcc main.cpp -o main"
doesn't need the "@" to symbolize it's a shell command that shouldn't be printed to the terminal?
Thank you and I hope I explained myself well. Google certainly doesn't understand me and ChatGPT threw nonsense.
Here's a video on how to make them
I guess those specific FFmpeg flags are your answer.
I'm not sure I understand your question, as the command itself would not print anything to the console (if the program executes successfully).
As far as I understand, when writing a makefile, you put "@"s before every shell command to avoid printing the command in the terminal.
For example, you could use "rm main" in a recipe but if you don't put the "@", the terminal would display "rm main.cpp" before removing main.cpp.
But this does not occur with gcc or any compiler whatsoever, it never prints the compiler command into the terminal, why?
How do I get pass the mailantor personal limit? Even when I go on different wifi or even fucking Windscribe it always knows
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How do I fix this? I used glasses cleaner and a tissue like a idiot to try and clean the screen.
>if you don't put the "@", the terminal would display "rm main.cpp" before removing main.cpp.
I, uh, what? Are you using the "-v" flag for some reason?
uhmm if what I said is not true, then what is the purpose of the "@" in a makefile?
install gentoo.
>Verification not required.
>uhmm if what I said is not true
That's not what I said, nor implied. Everything you said was the truth.
However, the "rm" command should not be returning anything unless you explicitly state that it should return something by using -v.
Can you post your makefile (edit it if you must) and your console output?
>How do I fix this?
I'm so sorry anon.
Nta but what is that?
Wait, check your aliases first.
Are you aliasing "rm" for something else?
>what is that?
lurk more
I didn't even use rm, it was an example to show you what I was talking about. Look at this vid:
rm does not return anything, nor never I said it returned anything. I just said it printed "rm main.cpp" into the console, which, according to the video, it does.
So my question is: why isn't this neccesary for the gcc command?
Anon, he's running "make clean", which only executes the last two commands in the makefile under "clean:".
The "gcc" commands do show up on the console, he's just not running those commands; only the "@echo" and "rm" command.
Just watch a few seconds further and you'll see the "gcc" commands pop up when he runs "make all".
Ok thank you, that clears up a couple of things. Didn't notice that haha sorry
Does a Hp Elitebook 8470p fit on a hp6460b?
The motherboard I mean, I saw some pics and they appear to have the same form factor
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>Didn't notice that haha sorry
You're very welcome and don't worry about it!
Never hesitate to ask whatever questions you have.
We're (I'm) happy to help!
I don't see why not. The PCB board seems to be identical and form-wise it should fit
It does look like it, I think I'll grab it and test it out. if it works that would be a nice upgrade. newer generation, HD4000 instead of a 3000 + usb 3.0
Has anyone ever made a vid about getting all of the pcs audio to come thru that thing?
Well, I don't know if anyone has ever used it as a speaker, but you can send data to it:
Yeah, you don't use tissues for cleaning smooth surfaces, that's what slightly damp microfiber cloths (or just cloth) is for.
What's the recommended VM tool to run on Windows? I don't want to use VirtualBox again. Looking to run Linux on it for my eroges
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Is there any retard-proof software that can simply convert video files to mp4 without needing to fiddle with a million settings? Just literally take the same video and audio quality and convert it. I hate trying to use handbrake and figure out how to tweak everything to make an old-ass .avi convert to an .mp4 without losing quality or ending up with a fucked up resolution.
Change the video format to the one you need.
Oh and be sure to use an adbloquer btw.
I need software. Websites have file size limits.
is it possible to program my ac to turn on and off at certain intervals? and btw am I ruining it by doing this or is it able to handle it? i can program it to turn on and off with the controller but i can only choose one option, since i barely use it except to sleep and then having it on 6-7 hours seems like a waste, but if i program it to turn off after a hour or so i then wake up drenched in sweat because it is horribly hot so i just want to have it on like for example an hour and then have a 2-3 hour interval to get back on, sorry for the terribly long post and if i said something retarded i just wanted to explain at best I can.
How are people able to upload webms that somehow play sound here like the sticky post on this thread?

That doesn't have any audio streams, does it?
Are Samsung 980 M2 drives still the best to get? My shitty M2 included with my laptop just died and I need another one, ideally sold by Amazon so I can get it by Thursday.
Reliable even if it's a bit pricier, I don't mind
What's the best way to convert videos to webm to post here with the highest quality possible?
In KDE, besides firewallD what could be affecting my internet? Specifically National Services in the network config? I have a game that works online on my VM but doesn't on the Linux host.
Thank you guys, it worked >>/gif/27812315
I end up using:
ffmpeg -i VID_20240903_161909_369.mp4 -ss 00:00:04.5 -to 00:00:36 -threads 0 -c:v libvpx -c:a libvorbis -b:v 300k -b:a 64k -quality good -qmin 0 -qmax 61 test.webm

The 4mb limit is too damn low, i thought hiroshimoot had increased it.
Just set the temperature target and the AC will turn off when it reaches it, it won't turn on right away when it gets hotter again either since they have a few degrees of hysteresis.
webm for retards/bakas
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I noticed some weird activity on my secondary HDD and I found out it was set as the page file drive instead of my SSD with the OS and all

have I gimped my PC performance for the past 2 years or so?
so basically i just leave it like that without turning it off?
i know an ac stops it's cooling mode whenever it reaches the temperature but isn't it a bigger energy consumption? sorry if i misunderstood you, but what i basically wanted to know is if there is some tool that could help me program it to behave a certain way like be able to have a timer on/off simultaneously.
need to rename like 5,000 images and epubs on linux.. which programs should i be considering? i suppose a cli option is fine for the epubs, but i'll need to actually view the images unfortunately
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Seems like it. Apparently they've imporved write-cycle perf since I last checked, so you should be fine using an SSD as swapspace, just make sure to set the paged size yourself, else you might be gimping yourself of 32gigs ssd space never used.
This post expains how to get to the settings: https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/pagefile-on-an-ssd.2961045/#post-18623122
>Checked mine, I hate this dumpster-fire-OS
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rename from what format to which format? By date, EXIF, index/id?
i don't need to change the format, just change the filenames, which are random, to something identifiable for archival purposes, so i'll need to individually view the images.

as for the epubs, same deal, except the current filenames are correct, but i'd like to tidy them up and use a particular format.
Check those numbers! Damn!
Meant the format of the filename, like IMG_%d.jpg (%d=number).

Starting with the epubs first, I'd use a shell script using sed, grep and mv in a loop going over all of them.
grep -Eo '([A-Za-z0-9_-\s]+).epub'

should give you the filename only for example, and you can use sed to change "Industrial_Society_and_Its_Future" to use spaces for example and so on. Be creative stuff like "Author - Title" are possible easily if the format is uniform, even if not: lookup tables.

As for the images, either by hand (you might want to consider tmsu for tagging purposes) or run them through some sort of reverse image generating ai (input photo, output text).

Dpends on the format of the filenames really on how to implemnt that. For Windows, I'd just use C#/Java/Python(ugh) or any other programming language of your choice. For images, Irfanview might have a batch-rename, I'm unsure about that though.
am i seeing things? How is these two any different? Its just like using
using std::cout; 
cout << ...
// vs
std::cout << ...

isnt it?
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Errr.. what is a HasPtr? Am I a sinner for not knowing (picrel)?
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I've used the Webm for retards app for years to create .webms to upload here, but only recently began using the VP9/Opus option. However for some reason, whenever I encode in VP9 I get this error message. Is there some bug or malicious code embedded in the app? What gives?
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Have you checked if audio is included? maybe use ffprobe to check what streams are in there. Though it usually throws another error if audios included I think..
>install linux mint
>want to watch a movie on my tv connected to my laptop
>4k only works with 30hz max on mint
>worked with 60 on Win10
>some weird license bullshit by hdmi, tv doesn't have a display port option

Very stupid question, but I don't know shit about tech: Most of the files I use are 1080p anyway and the hz limitation only seems to be present for 4k. Would movies look worse (in fullscreen) compared to 4k if I lower the resolution of my tv to 1440p in the settings to achieve 60hz or would a 1080p file look the same on any resolution above 1080?
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Personally a head scratcher, or I misunderstand you. But we have a saying here "Probieren geht ĂĽber studieren." (just try it instead of only learning theory more or less, take an apple for example: you can know it tastes sour, sweet and so on but you won't taste it until you've tried.) Enough German lesson for know, back to topic; try it I'd say and compare.
It might scale it up internally but idk enough about their pipelines.

Another option *could* be using an adapter setup (DP->HDMI adapter), look at the specs for each one first though. Also DP has a lot of subtypes iirc, beware.
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Audio is definitely not included.

Arguments: -an -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 4 -slices 8 -metadata title="2024-08-09 11-25-36" -lag-in-frames 16 -auto-alt-ref 1 -qmin 48 -crf 50 -qmax 52 -qcomp 1 -b:v 0
Ok, now I don't know wtf is wrong, because I was expecting to get the same error message, but this video did upload.
It's a bug with 4chan. I think what I did was I ran into it was just re-encode the video with slightly different settings and it would work.
You could also try updating the ffmpeg binaries in the WebM for Retards folder. If you're using the nixxquality fork, make sure you get 32-bit in the Win32 folder and 64-bit in the Win64 folder.
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kek, it's just ffmpeg args.

It was the first gif in folder btw
I guess I'll just try, but I also asked because I am autistic and don't trust my senses enough to maybe not overlook some changes in quality.

Vielleicht habe ich mich auch nur zu wirr ausgedrückt, aber ich will eigentlich nur wissen, ob eine 1080p Videodatei auf einem Fernseher mit in den Einstellungen verschlechterter Auflösung (1080 oder 1440p) schlechter aussehen würde als in der ursprünglichen 4k Auflösung des Fernsehers.

Asking the question again I feel retarded. I gues it'll just work. Danke!
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Is it possible in QEMU/KVM to pass one GPU through to a guest, then while still having that guest utilize that specific GPU; pass it through to another guest? I want two virtual machines to be accelerated with a 1660 TI I have lying around.
Ok understood correctly I think, though like I said: Putting a for axample 1080p image on a 4k display would require upscaling (or it's just in a corner). You may be able to trick it using an adapter tho
Both "attached" to the same GPU?
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>Both "attached" to the same GPU?

Yes that's correct.

I am finding not relevant searches online and my question is very niche and retarded.
HasPtr is just a class that has a ptr defined sir
Should I buy a router with a sim slot or tether my 5G phone to play games in my laptop?
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I'm trying to email ebooks to my mothers kindle via Calibre.
I've added my email address to the approved senders in her account, and i can see the emails in my outbox but they dont appear on her Kindle Oasis. I've tapped "sync" and restarted it, but no luck.
I tried sending EPUB, MOBI and AZW3.
Any tips for this?
>very niche and retarded.
I mean.. what's the worst that could go wrong using two OS using the same GPU? I hope you don't want a display on them, you could run into problems regarding CUDA or whatever GPUaccelerated code I guess. Maxxing out a tiny puny 1050Ti crashed my computer once trying to fiddle with NNs.
Go router if it's long term, it generates a lot of heat running your phone as a router. Had a forced shutoff a while back, though it was rather warm that day.
For short term it's fine.
How to filter flags on 4chan while posting from kuroba? I don't know where to find county codes
firefox+tampermonke, no more bloat(except trannyfox)
Ok, I will try some of these things. I don't think I've updated ffmpeg in years.
The main difference between the video I managed to upload in >>102225862 and videos that have gotten the error is before is that they were somewhat longer (~30 seconds).

Pretty sure it does. Anyway the video I just did upload here >>102225862, IS VP9, as the arguments indicate.
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Yes it does brainleT
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pretty sure it does >>102225896
How the fuck are you guys able to get past the cloudflare captcha on PC? I have to use exclusively Kurova to post because on every browser on pc Cloudflare keeps asking me if I'm a robot, get the 60 sec timer, after which the cloudflare captcha resets AGAIN. this goes on indefinitely.
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I guess you're a NPC then
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wrong pic, anyway
can noone answer this? Are u guys posers
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Are you using nixxi?

It's outdated, you should use the better fork:

/g/pt give me llm ocr screen-reader software that works under wayland so that i can select a screen area and listen to whatever pdfs or websites i have open
Yes, thank you. I couldn't find any recent forks.
>15 years old Laptop
>BIOS Version 1.03 date: 12/21/2009
>CPU dual core Intel Core i5
>NVIDIA GT216M [GeForce GT 330M]
>RAM available: 3.69 GiB
Which out of the box linux distro should I install?
I'm trying Mint 22 Wilma and Mint LMDE 6 at the moment, what about Fedora?
firefox takes a lot of resources when im browsing. what should i do?
No clue where the proper general is so I'll ask here
Where can I buy a decent wired xbox style controller? (As microsofts has shitty flimsy connector which crumple after a few uses)
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>too retarded to learn programming
what do?
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Default settings should work, but I always put file size limit to 3.9 MB, since it tends to slightly overshoot if set to 4.
When trying to post here on a Huawei chink tablet I keep getting 'Connection error' every time, for a few days now.
No such issues with my phone or desktop using the same exact Wi-Fi network.

Is it possible that the Chinks blocked it?
maybe, try FF beta/nightly, about:config, network.trr.mode -> 3, network.trr.uri -> some DoH uri. restart ff and you might be fine. They blocked RT here, so that's what I use to get around their censorship. Don't intend to start a political flame war, everyone has an agenda, always has been
No such thing, your math is probably weak, start reading from the basics, and I mean the very basics like addition and subtraction until you're done with all of algebra then read SICP.
The thing is, the website isn't blocked, and neither in 4chan blocked in general where I'm from, but I can't seem to make posts on it only from this particular device, however it can still browse no problem.
I'm just wondering if it's possible they somehow blocked the device itself from being able to make posts here? Using the default Chrome brower.
Try Samsung Internet Browser
looking to transfer a load of stuff over from one pc to another both on win11 (same microsoft account), same network and plugged in via ethernet. what is the least amount of steps to achieve this that my non-tech saavy parents are able to follow? i also have an ssd usb c enclosure which is the closest thing that resembles an external drive but i presume it will be bitlocked if i plug it in anyways. what are my options?
Is there any YouTube client or something that I can set to only recommend me newish videos? I know I can add an after date to the search but 50% of my homepage and recommendations is just e-celeb dramaslop from six months ago, news stories from 5 years ago, etc.
Is there a browser extension or something that lets me toggle on/off to automatically resize oversized images to fit my screen?
how does proxying tcp packets work if you have to point the real IP to localhost in your hosts file? wouldn't your proxy try to redirect packets back to localhost when it tried to send them to the real server?
You could just save your handbrake settings as a preset
Why doesn't your eroge work on windows?
why is wiki.installgentoo.com offline since forever? i remember i checked last friday, today is down too, whats happening? literally the best site in this pozzed internet is down...
is there any way i can uncensor an image, maybe using AI tools? tried many "AI" sites, none of those made what they promised
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henlo frens, I have Debian on my computer and every time I boot now it boots into busybox and initramfs and tell me to summon the fsck spell. Why is this happening? I dindu nuffin
What are the pros and cons of those Invidious redirecting userscripts?

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Dear sirs, wifi receiver for desktop PC? Germany, if that matters.
Just get a random one off amazon. And skip the antennae; they're placebo at best.
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Where should I got ask about display glitching the fuck out if not on this board? And don't tell me /wsr/.
There's a little arrow near the top, and at the end, there's Recently Uploaded and New to You, and then on the side there's Explore > Trending.
My windows 10 PC is in a power cycling loop after a bsod. Can't even access the bios cause it shut downs 5 seconds in. What can I do
>Where should I got ask about display glitching
Here, in this thread. /g/ is not your hardware helpdesk.
I want you to download and install obs. Capture the game screen and review it.
Does the glitching appear in the footage? Yes? Upload it to https://litterbox.catbox.moe/.
No? Get a new monitor.
If the bootloader isn't locked, go into develeper mode and use the updater to get a newer stock android version
Replace your PSU and see if the problem persists.
So cute
>crf 50
What the fuck
Should learn a bit about codecs and container files.
I've been looking at the specs of both boards and I'm convinced that a bios hack would allow me to use Ivy Bridge processors in this 6460b board, the 8470p is IDENTICAL down to the components, except for the USB 3.0 connectors. Tho, I've been out of lucky finding anyone who achieve such a thing. except that I found a Malaysian marketplace post of a 6460b with a i5 3230m which is really curious.
what's the best budget (below $50 usd) e ink tablet for reading and maybe taking notes during college? i don't mind if it's used, just still in good condition and no scratches or cracks
If you find out it's a software issue yes.
If it's a hardware issue, I hope you know how to solder.
Does mobile Firefox for tablets seriously not have an option to show a tabs bar?
I'm really good at programming and I'm a giga retard.
What's wrong with that? I used a CRF of ~50 for a 30 second video (one which suffered from the bug which I mentioned here) >>102225769 which I needed to fit within the 3MB limit.
Am I doing it wrong? Is there some better way to make the file size smaller?
Ask ChatGPT for examples if you get stuck.
So it turns out it's not actually blocked.
I just keep getting hit with a 403 everytime I try to make a post, but here's the thing, only on this one board. Every other board seems like it can post no problem. No idea why it's a problem only on one board.
I tired clearing the cache and cookies but the problem presists.
gallery-dl stopped being able to download nsfw tweets. my normal script which uses a cookies.txt crapped out so i used the login options but even that failed. anyone know what happened or what alternarive i could use?
>Does the glitching appear in the footage?
No. But I'd rather try other things out before replacing a perfectly functional monitor because of one game.
Tab View
List or Grid
I don't want a list or grid, I want to be able to see all the tabs in a bar above the address at all times.
>Just literally take the same video and audio quality and convert it
>same video and audio quality
Computationally that's hard thing to do, the two different video formats are completely alien to each other. Computer doesn't see the video so to say.
>I hate trying to use handbrake and figure out how to tweak everything to make an old-ass .avi convert to an .mp4 without losing quality or ending up with a fucked up resolution.
>figure out how to tweak everything
At that point you could go full text mode programs such as ffmpeg. I know, you are going to hate ffmpeg too but at least it's fairly easy to keep slamming new parameters.
(yeah you heard right, terminal user interface does have uses)
I'm botnetmaxxing, I never get cloudflare challenges, only a tickbox every now and then.
Any mt7921 adapter with decent reviews from Ali

There's only Realtek and MediaTek, and Realtek is fucking dogshit.
Why does a "error refreh" appear every time I post on 4chan? Does this happen to anyone else?
You're all fucking stupid.
unbitlock the external ssd and copy files to it?
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Any idea what the hell is happening?
One of my monitors sometimes has this yellow grain on boot, it's mostly on Linux, but I'm dualbooting Linux and Windows and I had it on Windows once or twice too. Only on boot.
I started having this since I installed Linux. It's a little bit annoying to have to reboot or restart Hyprland
The monitor is a little bit old and is connected by HDMI, but it works fine when it randomly doesn't do that on boot. It's only this one monitor
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and this is what it looks like when it boots fine
have you tried installing gentoo?
Replace your HDMI cable.
What to do to bypass this hurdle?
You travel back in time and use the five years you were at college to connect with other people and gain valuable connections.
A dude I thought be my friend stole a thing from me in roblox. It took more than a week for me to get that thing. I gave it for him to test and he just quitted and blocked me. That was the third time in a month. I know I was dumb, and I'm quite sad now, since my girlfriend left me. So, can you tell me what to do for the hacking? I don't need him to be banned or even notice what i did. Also don't intend to mess with his web stuff. I just want to enter his account and get my thing back. I feel anger, despair and powerlessness now.
I have a white stuck pixel on my laptop screen. How can I fix this?
thank anon
based king, thanks
How do I watch 1440p live stream on youtube?
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Oh and if it doesn't exist, the livestream doesn't have it.
I want text-to-speech that will read pdfs to my disabled ass, locally, on Linux. What is there?
Thanks, that works.
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The easiest way would be to use ChatGPT.
You can send it the PDF file and ask it to read it to you (just ask it to read it for you; say "continue" when it stops).
While you can do this on your computer (see the image? if you press that button it says the text it just wrote), I heavily recommend using your phone, as that has a "talk" mode where it responds to your voice commands by speaking rather than just generating text response.

You should give the "talk" mode a chance outside of just having it read PDFs to you. It's pretty cool.
Is TorrentGalaxy (to) actually back? It times out for me on every network, nothing in my router/DNS logs. I'm seeing reports it works fine?
Those are the choices fren. List view is kinda like tabs.
>just ask it to read it for you; say "continue" when it stops
>just ask it to read the first few paragraphs; say "continue" when it stops*
Check the HDMI port on the monitor. The contacts (maybe just 1) could be damaged, worn, corroded, hair, dust. Similar thing happened to me when I brought a monitor out of a couple years of storage. Check the cable ends as well. If it's to tiny or a difficult angle to look at then take a picture and zoom in.
With a 1440p monitor and GPU that can handle 1440p.
I found a very very very distrubing glitch? or make up thing in a video i'm watching, i'm talking AI generated very subtly on large scale type of shit
Now i dont have experience with making content or anything like that so whats the easiet way for me to edit this video and take up specific portions and specific frames? This is unbelievably fucking distrubing how it glitches out seemingly on purpose
You are suffering from schizophrenia. Do not be alarmed, for this is easily treatable - but only if you get diagnosed very early on.
Please schedule a visit to your local doctor immediately and ask for a diagnosis.
answer my fucking question
what software do i use so i can edit the video to show others?
You will show others, and they will not see anything.
You will convince yourself that they're in on the conspiracy and continue seeing these glitches elsewhere.
You will push everyone around you away in your search for these non-existing shapes and patterns.

Please, anon. Schedule that appointment anyway, will you? It can't hurt to check, right?
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that's for recording, im talking taking pieces of the video fluently instead of choppy "vlog" like videos, it has to be a certain way so it's easy to notice
also shut the fuck up i have nothing, i think it's this company playing god without permission and using AI to modify peoples expressions to align with the content they are presenting
Anon, you are speaking nonsense.
Please seek help.
New to Obsidian, can I link multiple Phones and Computers or just 1 Phone and Computer?
Any video editing software can do that. There's a couple FOSS ones if you don't want to pay
holy shit, that pepe is fucking meta
Considering that AI video is quite recent, probably not. Perhaps for promotional photos
such as? i cant spend 50 hours learning all the keybinds and shit, i need something easy to use and quick
involves my parents prying out the ssd. ended up getting them to set up and remote desktoping into both machines and network sharing the folder from my end.
I'm trying to install a docker container from a github link, and the CMD is showing:
"'docker' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
Why is this happening? I just followed the instructions.
you learn to not be a fucking incel and mature enough to know that this literally doesn't happen. skill issue.
Which skills will still be useful with the rise of LLMs five years from now? I'm a researcher in computer vision right now and my colleagues don't write themselves most of their code. We're probably going to be useless in a few years
At NASA / KSC they do exactly that and brag about it to the pool guy.
-t pool guy
Docker isn't in your path
any free forum with no censorship worth using these days? I heard about nzissues and and another reddit-style but forgot its name
skywave schedules android app is no longer working. Maybe the app owner died or something. any alternatives?
More exactly the listen part. Schedules may be outdated as well... but I just wanna listen
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It got purged
No one wants to bring it back
Use wayback machine instead
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Can anyone recommend a good remote desktop software with an android client/linux server?
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I'm new to Spotify
What do the first two icons mean, right next to the playlist's name? It's a shared playlist (third icon) but I don't know what the first two icons are about
I tried googling but I think I messed up keywords or so
You need to add the docker executable to your system environment variables.
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Help, my Google Pixel 4a 5g doesn't do anything anything except shortly show a screen of colorful noise somewhat similar to picrel when pressing power and volume down button.
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What does this qr code on my GPU do? When I scan it, it just gives me a long alphanumeric code.
Your screen connector is dislodged. Pressing those buttons is slightly moving the connector, disrupting the connection.
Follow these steps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwYGtzBFyos
Make sure to completely disconnect and re-connect the connector.
Most likely a vendor code for internal usage.
Fun fact: QR codes were invented by Denso to id subassemblies inside the factory. Sometimes they still get used for that.
Best AI singing voice generators for music producers. for example i want to make a very famous dead artist sing one of todays song. google collabs did it well but now its dead
I can't see any icons next to playlist names?
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These two lol
How to run android application on laptop?
I mean, where are they? None of windows, android or web player have these
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Ahh sorry, I misunderstood
I got them here, from the PC app
...anon, those are emojis in the name, not buttons.
For sharing movies on a Plex server, what would the best format/bitrate to make the files the most streaming friendly?
Oh okay, I wouldn't know since I don't use the mobile app and they look stylized like the generic one on the right kek
Use Jellyfin instead.
>what would the best format/bitrate to make the files the most streaming friendly?
That depends heavily on your available download speed.
Yeah, spotify sucks at user interface design.
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I'm gonna pull the trigger and buy a yubi key to bolster my 2FA. What am I in for? My initial plan is to buy two: One attached to my car keys (That's on or near me at all times) and one storage safely at home. Is there anything else I should consider?
I would but don't have any device that runs it
actually I'm more worried about upload speed since I'm just sharing a few movies with family.
upload speed is testing at 20Mbps
>What am I in for?
The realization that you wasted your money in two months.
You are not important enough to "bolster your 2FA".
Why not?
>I would but don't have any device that runs it
Jellyfin runs on literally everything
>upload speed is testing at 20Mbps
More than enough to stream full HD to other countries, I speak from experience.
Just don't touch the hard drives while you're uploading, because that tends to cause stuttering.
>Why not?
Anon, if your entire database was leaked, would you go to jail due to negligence?
Yes? Get yourself that Yubi key.
No? 2FA is more than enough for you. Use a password manager like 1Password or Bitwarden so you don't have to bother remembering anything.
hmmm, I could have sworn the last time I looked for Jellyfin on Chromecast it wasn't there. It is now so I might try setting it up later. For now just going to use Plex and see if I can get it to work. I don't know how sharing works on Jellyfin either
>Jellyfin on Chromecast
You want "Jellyfin for Android TV". The "Jellyfin" app is for phones.
>I don't know how sharing works on Jellyfin either
It's very simple:
>open app
>enter server ip
>log in with username and password
>select movie/series
I recommend checking it out during some weekend you have nothing do to.
If you want me to share relevant docker files in the future, just make a post in this thread.
The thing is I only have chromecast on my bedroom tv. My big living room TV only has Plex (Jellyfin is not on Samsung, only Plex) So the likelyhood of me using it a lot is low until I can get something that runs Jellyfin on my big TV
>My big living room TV only has Plex
I don't know if I want to take the time to jailbreak my TV to install Jellyfin on it. I'll just get a device that runs it later
>I'll just get a device that runs it later
My hatred for you normalfags runs deep.
But let me know if you need any help with anything, I'm happy to help.
I don't think I can access developer mode on my TV right now. I'd have to get a special remote for it
No, don't worry about it. It's okay.
Chromecasts aren't even that expensive anyway.
I do want to test it out on my chromecast at least. I want to see if Jellyfin can make 4K HDR streamable on a non HDR tv
hi /g/! i'm trying to reformatting bcachefs partition to btrfs. i have tried dd if=/dev/nvme0n1p3 of=/mnt/temp/root.img, when i try to extract it with dd if=/mnt/temp/root.img of=/dev/nvme0n1p5 it said input/output error. how can i fix this?
One of the screw holes in the plastic backing of my laptop broke. Threaded insert on the main housing is intact. Is there such tings as a fat-headed screw (kind of like the ones sometimes used for mounting hard drives in a custom PC tower) that I could use to hold the whole back cover on in that location? Where would I get one?
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Why do people claim you don't need a VPN to torrent content when lawsuits like this exist? They're allegedly being sued for downloading the content alone?

People who claim you don't need a VPN are retards. If you're in a country that enforces copyright you should use a VPN.
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Is it safe to disable the integrated graphics on a gaming laptop or will I get bricked if I restart my computer? Pic related, I disabled it and everything seems fine but I'm worried if there are any consequences.
It just defaults to the other, you'll be fine.

It won't necessarily brick your laptop, but it could cause display issues and might disable your laptop's display until you reenable the integrated graphics driver

Read Further:

Tips on making a bloated brower a bit snappier? Im here using Chrome with 2,500 tabs, using the great suspender to help with memory usage, despite everything memory usage is low and my 16gb handles it perfectly fine. But whenever changing tabs there a slight delay, like 0.5s-1.0s. Its not there with low-tab count sessions.

t. tab hoarder
Depends on the country. In my euroland it's basically enough to use any private tracker. And even if you used public trackers it's not like any casual pirating could lead to any lawsuits - in the current year. It was different ~15 years ago:
>copyright agency runs a certified Bittorrent bot thing
>logs 100 000 IPs pirating their client's content
>files 100 000 police cases, gets personal info on 100 000 people
>5 people get sued
This changed the policy as it became apparent they were after the data, not making court cases. Now they have to actually show that something is going on instead of copy pasting logs.
It's not like they wear down or take space. I'd get a pair even if I had one single use case.
Are you saying that the plastic piece that you scre into broke? Can't you superglue it back then?
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Can someone explain to me why using existing works to train ai art is or isn't illegal? I passed multiple people here and I keep getting conflicting answers. Some say using any art is copyright infringement and others say that it isn't. Some say that even sharing the dataset counts as copyright infringement. Which is it?
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Man, anime art always looks so basic compared to the manga art. Animation budgets, damn you. Planning line widths and small details across frames would be a pain regardless though.

Uhhh, your question? No idea. That said, large companies are kinda using generators as a black box - an excuse to evade pretty obvious plagiarism. I can't expect that can last forever.
The first rule of tech is the banks' chosen goy can do whatever they want, and when they do it's '''innovation'''. Everyone else can sink or swim. Mostly sink because they actually have to pay interest and the product space is like 90% fake or patronage.
Why can't I open a thread like how I used to do before? (middle clicking the number)
the piece that broke off had itself broken into tinier pieces by the time I noticed the problem. Too small to glue back together reliably.
ive seen a lot of buzz about plex and jellyfin, and so want to explore streaming from my computer to the TVs around my home
in my library ive got rips from VHS up through 4K
do plex or jellyfin automatically change the display resolution in response to the file being played? VHS rips look like ass when blown up to fullscreen at 4K resolution but look fine when the display is actually at the lowest res settings
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Are these things useful? I tried to plug it into my guitar amp and it didn't work, I have no idea how this thing works, someone gave it to me and I'm using it as an ashtray rn
Hi first time posting in a while, first time trying opera browser for windows. Is there something I should turn off to be able to browse and post in 4chan? Right now when I go to 4chan or any threads it only shows " verifying if youre human. This may take a few seconds" but doesnt go through after that. I cleared everything in browser history and it works fine in my phone using chrome. I tried in edge PC but it also doesnt work. Any help is appreciated TIA!
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anyone else on opera experiencing issues with the recent files upload feature?
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Any suggestions on ways I can stream my desktop PC to a screen ~20m away in an outside shed?
Shed has electricity but no wiring for Ethernet.

Is there any reliable wireless solution that could reach from my PC? Or is routing a long Ethernet cable through the garden the only way?

does it have thread for co2 capsule
what is the best file manager
If the price doesn't matter, is a mid range gaming chair the same or better than a mid range office chair? No herman millers
Why is Lutris slow to load my shit and runs at 15 fps? Everything's setup but I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong with it? I've set up my prefix folder to be nowhere near my desktop and I honestly might give up.
Used Windows Firewall Control for the first time on new PC, set profile from Low to Medium filtering, now Firefox won't access the Internet. What do?
I don't usually tinker much with Firewalls, but since it's a fresh install I'm trying to get it all shipshape. I already blocked some telemetry, only thing that may cause issues in the future may be torrenting. Also need some tips on best firewall settings, since I'm just a noob.
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Maybe I am just paranoid. But how do I know whether or not this app is malware or not?
I kind of desperately wish to do what it offers. And I am honestly kind of shocked at how it seems like Windows can't already receive audio through bluetooth as if it was a bluetooth audio device itself, natively without some third party app.
Orca seems to be compatible with wayland. But the robotic does not appear to be of llm quality.
The expensive CEO chairs are obviously expensive as hell.
But comparing equivalent price ranges, from my own experience, gaming chairs have always been varying degrees of overpriced. There are good gaming chairs, but I've always found equivalent or superior chairs for the same price when just looking at regular office chairs. Personally.
May anons roast me if my anecdotes are bullshit.
Do USB Bluetooth dongles + controller have any noticeable input lag over a wired USB controller?
Does the type of dongle matter much?
Where do I look if I'm trying to find a laptop? Are there good websites or anything? I'm trying to find something that's quiet with good battery life, but not an ARM laptop
How can I start writing an extension that'll autoblock all an any twitter "artist" accounts? Twitter is aggresively shoving animeslop in my face and I don't want to see scribbles of these talentless hacks on my timeline
I've only ever done C# and Python scripting, what tool/language would I need to get this done?
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Where can I get a cable with the configuration of pic related WITH THE CAVEAT that the USB connection supports data connection, rather than just charging.
Currently working towards my Comptia A+ cert. I assume most if not all entry jobs for this cert won't require a programming language, but down the line I assume the knowledge will benefit me. Is there a language that might be best for me to learn? I'm on Code academy and starting to learn python just to do something.
I'd learn c/c++ or java
Honestly I don't think companies are using python that much.
But anyway you should focus on learning programming, the language is not important.
My desktop has two drives. My Steam library is on one and Fedora is on the other. If I want to switch to a different bistro (overwriting only the Fedora drive), will I be able to access my library without having to download everything again? Are there Fedora-specific files etc. that will become unreadable?
If you go into IT and not programming you will only ever need powershell for backup and migration scripts, don't bother beyond that.
Does ChromeOS still support Linux container or whatever they call it?
So I restarted a macbook, and it briefly flashed a screen of pink. What does that mean?
I scored a gaming laptop for very cheap but the motherfucker is overheating like there's no tomorrow so I think no problem I'll just open it and change the thermal paste because it's probably some cheap dried shit. Right, except the thermal pads appears to be all glued so the heatsink and components and no amount of heating, pulling and twisting is doing anything.
So what do I do, try my luck with dental floss or something?
As in, it's looping? You could open the devtools and take a look at the console. Hopefully any errors there say what's failing the check.
I had this issue when I turned off site isolation, apparently they check for a lot of things :P
If someone blocks you on discord and you try to add them it acts like the user doesn't exist. But when you do the same thing on phone it goes through as pending. Why's that?
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Someone help me please with this html code.
The "nav" section has a height of 18px while the three "a" elements have a height of 17. They should be centered and have the same height but they are at the top of their container, not being centered with the phone number.

Does anyone know why? I tried changing things for div tags but it stays the same.
Tips for better code are also welcome. Is there anything I should change?
Why the FUCK does xfce need to install Thunar? I have a file manager I like already, thank you very much. Now that Thunar is installed, all sorts of shit breaks like the Firefox Show in Folder button.
Hey, I am trying to fill out this list of best technologies, and cover more topics. Can you help me out?

# Generic File Stuff
File hosting
>Nextcloud - https://nextcloud.com
>Syncthing - https://syncthing.net
Methods of getting text and files to and from a phone (Android) and computer (Linux) wirelessly
>Syncthing - https://syncthing.net
Simple file server
>Python - python3 -m http.server
>Samba - https://www.samba.org
>Caddy - https://caddyserver.com

# Image/Video Viewing
Web-based image/gallery viewer
>Immich - https://immich.app/
>Photoview - https://github.com/photoview/photoview
Web-based file browser
>home-gallery - https://github.com/xemle/home-gallery
General image compressor for any image type
>JPEG - archive - https://github.com/danielgtaylor/jpeg-archive

# Image and Video Manipulation
Image/video collage generator
FFmpeg frontend
WebM generator for 4chan
Simple animations with text
>MotionJak - https://github.com/sky-cake/motionjak
Graphic design software with nice text and circles capabilities
>Inkscape - https://inkscape.org
>3D - https://www.blender.org/
>Vector graphics - https://inkscape.org/
>Drawing - https://krita.org/en/

# Databases
Database browser
>DBeaver - https://dbeaver.io
Database migrator (MySQL <-> PostgreSQL <-> CSV <-> sqlite)

# OS Hacks
Ubuntu file picker workarounds
>copy image, paste it after the file picker appears
OS file browser
>Nemo - https://github.com/linuxmint/nemo

# Utilities
>Hugo - https://gohugo.io
Nginx conf generator
>nginxconfig - https://nginxconfig.org
PowerPoint presentation

# Audio
Music players
>VLC - https://www.videolan.org/vlc
>Rhythmbox - https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Rhythmbox

# Downloading and Archiving
Bulk social media downloading
>Gallery-dl - https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl
>yt-dlp - https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
>Neofuuka Scraper - https://github.com/bibanon/neofuuka-scraper
>Ayase-Quart - https://github.com/sky-cake/ayase-quart
What is the difference between ecchi and hentai?
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The align-items: center is working fine. The navbar-sections is just 1 pixel too tall for some reason. Huh, maybe it's down to font?
Ah, might be the line-height, the default is different from browser to browser
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Are hard shell covers really dangerous for laptops?
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best way to temporarily DDOS this doorbell camera on my network so that I can have privacy on my porch?
shitty ISP router has no real access control so need to attack the camera or frequency directly.
Nylon wire used for fishing
its worse than that my fren
>my parents are nosey pajeets even though im 24
thankfully all the important shit is 5.0GHz so I could set something up to outright kill 2.4 for a few minutes or deauth the one thing.
>they never installed a memory card
Hey that worked pretty well, sturdier that dental floss. 2 minutes of gently twisting the thing and shoving the wire anywhere it wouldn't bulge did the job. Didn't even damage the pads.
I'm on Windows 10 with an AMD GPU. I'm getting a 160Hz monitor, will my existing 60Hz monitor cause issues with it? I've read conflicting reports, with the more negative ones being several years older than the positive ones.
Isn't it basically just softcore vs hardcore porn? Though, I guess risqué scenes in anime could count as ecchi too, idk
I tested it in other browsers and it still has the same height, which one did u used?
As of late I've been having large amounts of packet loss (over cabled connection) and unable to connect to sites at completely random times, whereas the next moment it'll be completely fine again.
Apparently the UDP socket is unable to connect, as well as there being a lot of packet loss trying to connect with my router in the first place.
What could I potentially try to fix this?
On chrome. You can set the line-height to 1/1em/100% if you want.
started my very old laptop again (14 years in use) to see if it still werks and shortly after scratching dirt off the screen i got two white spots, but they're completely invisible when displaying a darker image
presumably i damaged the screen in some way. apparently because of pressure on the screen.
>will the pressure relax over time and fix these spots by themselves?
anyway, i'm not losing any sleep over this. last time i used it was two months ago and that was for like 2 hours to make some backups
going to be more careful with this one though.
kind of weird though, i dropped it once while very drunk and the entire screen is slightly warped so it doesn't close properly anymore but that didn't do anything to the display itself

bit of a specific question but i'm not making a new thread over a laptop that's completely written off, it probably has negative value at this point
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What program can I use to view and edit .ani files on Linux? .ani files are just animated cursor files for winblows, but I need to create a cursor theme for it, and I use Linux.
what do you use for drivers on a windows clean installation? and not windows update
Rubbing alcohol and paper towels.
Nothing. If something is missing, go to vendor site directly, if they don't provide drivers, go to your OEM. Don't install auto driver updaters.
thank you bro, people recommended me SDIO but idk anymore, I don't feel like I need it
my speaker (super cheap) picks up static (high pitched noise) when I move my mouse around. how do i fix this without buying speakers
do you have a wireless mouse?
So I just have to change the height of that element to 1? Seems cheap.
I want to know why it increases the height by 1.
i want one but mine works so I won't get another until it breaks (and I can't fix it) (I already replaced the cord once which is a 30sec fix) (I'm not going to spend money on something easily fixed)
the high pitch is very annoying though
It's most likely onboard sound picking up the noise not the speaker. Confirm with headphones, replace with Apple dongle US ($9 at walmart) or CX31993 dongle ($9 on ali) if you live in a nanny state shithole.
can you be a bit more specific what you mean by speaker? the first thing i'd do is trying a different mouse. i've built up a small collection of half broken ones over the years
but honestly i have no idea. if you can hear it it's in the low frequency range relatively speaking but then i googled it
>The most common polling rate for basic mice is 125 Hz, though gaming mice often feature polling rates of 500 Hz to 1,000 Hz. Some mice let you set a custom polling rate, while others (notably the Razer Viper 8K) boast polling rates up to 8,000 Hz.
i was thinking of a software issue ior some shit but it actually could be the mouse itself. honestly i was expecting a significantly higher frequency but then again i don't know what i'm talking about
Connect your device with the input at the top of your pc, not those on your motherboard.
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Is there chromiumOS iso?
I would have answered you if you didn't post that image.
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Thinking about getting a new 1 or 2tb external drive soon. Is western digital still the most reliable to go for with externals?
I mostly just remember to avoid seagate.
my question is if someone can make a new thread so I can ask my question
is it possible to just plug in a hard drive into the USB of a tv and watch stuff directly? or even browse files or something but mainly watch stuff. does it depend on the tv?
It might depend on the TV. Mine does.
Sandisk, Samsung. HDDs under 4TB are a waste of money.
Depends on the TV. Sometimes it's just a power hookup for HDMI sticks.
thanks, I just checked and the tv in question has ''2x USB A connections for connecting all your favorite devices blablabla'' so I presume it works. it doesn't explicitly state external drives but I'll find out soon enough
Doesnt apples own dongles support data tranfer via lightning from the right end of the dongle (in your example)?
They have USB-C too
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My current laptop screen (Galaxy Book Flex, 2 in 1, can fold in half and turn into a tablet) has a severely cracked screen to the point where unless I turn off the touch screen service within Windows, it will get phantom touches that make it unusable. I would like it fixed but the local repair shop is quoting me are around $450 since the screen is more expensive than normal laptop screens. I can afford it but that also seems a bit much for a screen repair. I'm currently eyeing a renewed Lenovo ThinkPad T480S. https://a.co/d/5FNsqah

This Dell Latitude back market laptop has my intention too:

Should I eat the repair cost for the screen or use that $400 for another laptop if possible? My budget is $500
What are some good old practical books/manuals for a beginner that go over the evolution of software, programs, how they used to be made,etc.. Mostly focused on basic stuff, how certain concepts came to be, like file compression, early GUI, early kernels,... Thanks in advance.
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Both ends are the same though. If the iPhone uses lightning, you don't get a USB-C plug
best router for openwrt?
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Thank you, will keep those in mind, I usually go with 1/2 to have a limitation to my hoarding and the dumb fear of a larger number failing but 4 would be nice to have for once.
I'm working on setting up a rackmount NAS using desktop components. Should I choose the case with the fans inside the case, not next to the hard drives, or the one with the fans next to the hard drives?

Logic Case LC-4650-WH 4U or Logic Case LC-4550B-WH 4U?
What elements or design are necessary for a single board computer to replace a base of mid-priced laptop?
cpu fans and 16gb ram and ssd and decent battery management?
Can someone please help me find the name of this Apple feature that was featured in a recent WWDC?

It was something about a way to help customers visit a site of a store without using gps. Please help, I can’t find the video in my favorites and it was recent; like this past year (I think this year). The vid showed a concept vid of someone visiting a coffee shop without opening the app and an Asian explaining how it works on newer and older phones

Please please help
If it has a built-in media player it probably will play stuff via USB.
which one doesn't nowadays
What in the hell are you talking about you inbred paki? Apple USB-C audio dongle. At Walmart. In AMERICA. M-U-R-R-I-C-A. Do not redeem iPhone.
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Are there really any major performance gains between a gigabyte RAM laptop in a 16 GB RAM laptop? Currently deciding between two and the amount of RAM they have are the only major differences.
unironically where can I hire an ethical hacker to find my Pixel 3 numerical passcode hash or whatever?

I saw this by $kingpin$ except he does it solely for crypto wallet people

I just want someone who I can just pay to get me my passcode
I just want an app for my android phone that just fucking pops up a floating widget on my screen that counts down until a date. Work deadlines. Classwork. Birthdays. What the fuck ever.
This has to fucking exist, there's apps that get halfway there, just haven't found one that finally does it well.

I tried it with another floating widget app that already exists, and it worked so well, having multiple of them floating on the screen kept me from scrolling, and the constant countdown provided enough anxiety to finally get shit done..., but it was a piece of shit app that would erase the countdown every time you restarted the phone or closed the app by accident

Best case scenario is an app that just lets you point at a google calendar event and pops up a floating countdown.
gl.inet Flint 2
Anythig with a recent Mediatek SoC is probably alright. They have the best software support by a huge margin.
did you mean 8 and 16? It totally depends on what you use the comp for. If you're doing anything intensive (modern games, photo/video editing, working with large datasets, multitasking) 16 will perform noticeably better. 8 will be fine for most "normal" use.
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Anyone have any suggestions for a 100% free Ai voice maker? I have some ideas but it seems like the only options are not free. They are stupid expensive. People who pay these prices are nuts. Seriously, who is spending 400 a year on a fake voice? If it was 10$ a month or 90 a year I could dig that. I know it doesn't take that kind of power, I just don't know how to do this. If there's an open source version I can do myself I'll do it.
isn't 8 the bear minimum nowadays? i have 8 and it's at 45% doing absolutely nothing but that might be because of the windows 11 bloatware
So maybe you guys can answer this, why do people charge outrageous prices for ai work? There's no way that it costs that much to do that suttf
I have a fren who needs an sq answered.
The question isn't how much RAM does it come with but how much it can be upgraded to. Because that or the GPU is what's going to force you to upgrade. If it's maxed out at 8GB it's ewaste.
>why do people charge outrageous prices for ai work?
Because people are willing to pay for them.
Because there's a lot of dipshit money in AI. Why would you work all year for no margin when you can hook one or two retards instead. If you contact people and negotiate price they may hook you up anyway.

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What is the best FOSS for subtitles?
Fuck it, I know this thread will die soon but when I'm on my phone (S23) the light bleed with my astigmatism feels extremely small, even squinting it's not that bad.
Why then with my steam deck OLED is it absolutely extremely exaggerated?
Both are OLED glossy panels, what am I missing here?
Can someone explain to me how the 60 second wait time to post a reply and 300 for a thread works? If I'm on mobile data, I can wait the 60 seconds then I'll be able to post, but if I try to make a thread I just get stuck in a loop with the 300 second timer

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