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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>102215847
you know for alpha software cosmic sure a fuck doesn't get that many updates
I need a cool username and hostname. What do?
you dont just use the same one every time?
I do but the names I choose are soulless.
Every machine is localhost.localdomain or the name it got assigned via DHCP
bumping >>102228129
username: first and middle initial plus last name and last 2 digits of your birthdate, I'm utilitarian.
hostname: name them after anime characters
my san server's name is osaka
my tailscale exit node is named chiyo
my laptop's name is tomo
and my desktop's name is kagura
my workstation is gonna be named sakaki
that's how you do it.
>It's pretty good, yes.
I saw someone talk about Bazzite also. Is that a better option?
Cool is relative, for me it's something simple that makes sense.

Username: first letter of first name + last name
Ex.: For John Smith: jsmith

Hostname: location-owner-function-ordinal identifier
Location, owner and ordinal identifier can be optional depending on your devices.
Ex.: For John Smith's second desktop pc at Street 1: ST1-JSMITH-DPC02
Ex.: For just a single laptop: MPC01 (mobile pc 01)
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I feared he might be a turbo freetard, had to put it like that instead of *offering proprietary packages* or whatever. /fglt/ so religious.
>Is Fedora especially bad when handling NFS, or are all Linux distros this shit?
What's there to "handle"? Bad network connectivity makes it fail so you can't use it over internet or Wi-Fi or other semi-broken links.
Currently having a line that dropped from gigabit to 100Mbit/s (one failed pair) and it's giving me shit on NFS.
>the name it got assigned via DHCP
Dualbooters get their fancy Windows-PC name in that case lmao. idk about enterprise environments but chink home stuff usually runs dnsmasq, idk what it does with no-name clients. Probably nothing so you still end up with kernel default :(none).
You studying for a Network+ certification too?
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nah just have this old hobby of building routers
>have this old hobby of building routers
same here, started ~2003 with an old Celeron 500Mhz and never looked back
Do I have to worry about anything when encrypting an SSD with SED (Self-Encrypting Drive) capabilities or do I just cryptsetup like normal if I don't want to use the vendor backdoor?
I'm assuming that this self-encryption isn't running on the background by default if I just use LUKS and don't activate the feature. That would mean encrypting the data twice, causing a slowdown right?
Maybe I'm missing something.
Hardware encryption is transparent and takes place regardless.
Does that mean that I will experience worse performance if I put LUKS on top of that?
Should I buy a drive that does not have this feature if I want to use LUKS?
This isn't even a Linux question, the drives are designed for that, they have chips and stuff.
When you make the device do a "secure erase" it will lose the keys. None of this is visible to the OS.
I see.
>This isn't even a Linux question
I'm assuming most on /pcbg/ don't know what LUKS is.
>I'm assuming most on /pcbg/ don't know what LUKS is.
LUKS is a Linux thing, something that happens inside the OS while Secure Erase is a hardware feature.
Completely different concepts.
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Hi /g/. I don't post often but browse often. I'm deep in the thinkpad, thigh-high libreboot pipeline and having picked up gentoo a few months after migrating my laptop to a desktop and doing a fresh install on my laptop. I only recently came across portage patches. I learned programming from modding videogames so this blew my mind but I find available patches to plug into stuff few and far between.
I know they're not as powerful as say transpiling on unity games but tweaking around cmus to integrate with git was exceedingly easy and didn't break after last update.
I would like to know if there's actually a repo of user patches around which don't get PR'ed for whatever reason.
I figure maintaining a scraphead of disparate software isn't great especially at compile time but that doesn't seem too different from packages configuring their source through use flags
Which one of you retards put nconfig over menuconfig in the gentoo installation manual?
whats the over under on cosmic being dead on arrival?
autofs/systemd mounts are a way to decrease my boot time with mounting drives right? i have 3 ssds and 2 hard drives and i really only need my boot drive when i boot up. is there also a way to speed up the decryption of drives at boot? using crypttab is a bit slow or is there nothing i can do about that?
Menuconfig requires Ncurses which of course you have installed but they were probably thinking about a minimal environment where you might not have it or just trying to minimise dependencies, etc.

There's no real reason to compile your own kernel though unless you're optimising it somehow (e.g building with -O3 or native optimisations for your CPU) or enabling features not found in the binary kernel.

emerge gentoo-kernel-bin

Actually it's the other way round. Nconfig requires Ncurses, menuconfig doesn't.

I don't know why they handbook uses that then. Probably personal preference.

The kernel even has GTK and Qt config programs too not that I know of a single person that uses them.
What I'm saying is that the handbook used to recommend menuconfig but it switched up in the last months. Nconfig is also a pain in the ass to navigate.
The handbook is just a general guide anyway. It's not gospel, you're not supposed to follow it exactly.
My wired connection randomly craps out. It may just be a DHCP issue, but the Internets tells me that it could also be that there are conflicting daemons/configurations running that cause the problem (which would fit with the random times this happens). How can I find all the things that try to configure my ethernet? I'm on Debian.
Installing gentoo while I'mdrunk. Take your bets on hjow many kernel panics will I Have
They should make a gentoo installation that requires algorithms to install
Currently building Python 2 so I can build Palemoon. When will these retards update their build system?
Are there any ISOs that come with TLP (battery utility) pre-installed?
Can't you just install it yourself? Being present in the ISO image has little benefit and will just bloat the image for no reason.
In this case, unfortunately not.
0. I believe in you
for repos in /etc/pacman.conf, is the [name] line before the include user-changeable or does it relate to something inside the mirrorlist? just want to rename one of them
nevermind its not :(
nvm solved it. i had riced my .profile on the device and PS1= contained some syntax not supported by busybox ash so it got stuck in a loop trying to display it
i had changed the login shell in /etc/passwd but i guess the serial console shell defaults to /bin/sh unlike when you connect using ssh
can someone help me identify the extremely simple status bar in this pic?


Are there already compiled kernels for gentoo? I tried doing a binary focused install because my laptop can't handle compilation of complex programs but once I reached the 'Configuring the Linux Kernel' part of the guide it start compiling it anyway even though I set the proper flags to prioritize binaries whenever possible and only fallback to compilation when there's no alternative. Is this simply not possible?
>tiny package

I assume Aurora and Bazzite do considering they have images specifically for desktops, handleds and laptops.
Why is linux driver support such a fucking mess with old NVIDIA hardware? With Wayland Nouveau (470.xx drivers unavailable with Wayland), I cannot even play a 1080p video on 2x playback speed without skipping frames. On X11, the screen tears a lot, randomly.

Windows just werks. I can even get a fucking Hackintosh Sonoma to run on my hardware without any frame skipping or tearing.
np homie
Try the proprietary drivers instead then
I tried them on Xorg, but it has issues with screen tearing. Also, the drivers are due to be obsolete before this year's end, so then what?
Try looking on the arch wiki for optimal configurations then. Maybe it's something you can tweak
Why is GNOME's new terminal Flatpak-only?
No one uses TLP anymore. Use power-profiles-daemon or Tuned.
I love keyd so much it hurts
Ask Nvidia, they're the ones responsible for making drivers. Community drivers are just a meme.
Your best option is to sell the shitty GPU and buy AMD.
Isn't nvidia going to open source their drivers in the near future?
What is the recommended power saving program if I don't want to configure everything?
>using Windows
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So this thing actually built a kernel successfully using a musl based stage3 tarball but now I find that random packages simply don't support musl C lib.

Is musl really usable on desktop? Seems like it isn't and I feel like I'd be wasting time trying to make this work.
not everything supports musl libc, no
void is a better musl desktop distro since they actually put some effort into packaging stuff for it
There is at least a dozen different power savings programs including ones that came out after TLP although new does not necessarily mean better.
Do you seriously think they would? Even if they do, they don't care about old GPUs. Whenever Nvidia did something on Linux it always only worked for the current batch of GPUs.
Do you mean this

Are KMail and GNOME Evolution good?
so how's your experience with ntfs3 driver? i've tried using it for windows shared vmware vhd storage and it freezes the system every time the vm shuts down just like ntfs-3g. free paragon ufsd is pretty flawless but it only supports kernel 5.15.
>My wired connection randomly craps out
What motherboard? If it has an Intel 2.5G ethernet controller (I225-V/I226-V), those are known to have reliability issues. The Realtek 2.5G controller (RTL8125BG) is more reliable but sometimes also fail. 2.5G in general is a clusterfuck.

>It may just be a DHCP issue
It's extremely unlikely your home router is actively NAK'ing DHCP leases.

Why? It's terrible.

musl is really for static linking small programs and for use on containers with Alpine.
>so how's your experience with ntfs3 driver?
Stable on LTS kernel (6.6.x), had issues from 6.7+, no idea if they're fixed.
I went through a bunch of mail clients and my conclusion was that the only passable one is thunderbird, even though it's also shit.
Did you check dmesg?
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musl requires a lot of patches for stuff to just work
multiarch doesnt work properly under musl
neither do appimages or any of those static rust/golang binaries unless they were built for musl
>void is a better musl desktop distro since they actually put some effort into packaging stuff for it
no it isnt, alpine is
void is stuck on an outdated version of musl that they constantly have to backport fixes to because their package manager is broken and cannot support upgrading musl for 32bit arm without everything breaking
also, pic related
>musl is really for static linking small programs and for use on containers with Alpine.
no it isnt
musl is just an alternative c library
people use it for making docker containers with alpine because the footprint and filesize is smaller despite there being a performance loss, that's all
musl is also more hardened out of the box than glibc is
KMail is the most infamous email client. IIRC, there has been disappearing emails, has been extremely unstable, and had very long standing security vulnerabilities.
>Isn't nvidia going to open source their drivers in the near future?
They have never ever said that
>Why? It's terrible.
I wanted something more lightweight but that's still usable. I'm not ditching Firefox anytime soon but wanted to see how well Pale moon runs on old hardware. It doesn't compile anyway though. There's a bunch of C++17 deprecation warnings so maybe I need to add -std=cxx17 to CXXFLAGS?
NTA but palemoon requires a specific autistic build system and last time i checked they still build binaries using centos7 but they might've upgraded to a newer centos-based distro by now instead
The community drivers aren't a meme, it's the only way to get good support on old hardware because Nvidia has abandoned them.
The reason it's so bad is because older hardware doesn't have re-clocking support so the GPU runs at stock clock speeds. It likely never will either because although the Nouveau developers know how to do it, they can't do it because it relies on extracting firmware out of the proprietary driver which is legally dubious. Nvidia released firmware for newer cards but has completely abandoned its legacy user base.
There's a Gentoo overlay but it's not well maintained. I've had it compile fine in the past though. I think something just broke with newer Gcc versions (GCC 13 is stable now).
I imagine part of the official autistic build system is that they're using a older version of gcc
Distrobox is pretty cool to use but its still too much of a hack that can easily break apart
I dont understand why nobody has made something similar just for regular chrooting since that has less chances of having things break and is more stable
So...I finally installed ArchLinux. I'm a total noob and not very tech-savvy but I enjoy it so far. I chose KDE.
I'm so fucking bad I even forgot to put sudo before pacman and was searching for a way to get root access, fucking kek. I did manage to install the basics. Thanks for this thread boys, it's really fun to discover new stuff.
>Linux extremist goes on a rampage, stabs windows with bayonets
I recommend installing yay. It manages both official repository and aur packages, and has some other nifty properties like
>doesn't need to be prefixed by sudo
>just running "yay" on it's own updates everything
>running "yay [WORDS]" does a proper search, so you don't need to know the exact package names of what you're looking for (for example "yay video player" will give you a list of a bunch of video players or related packages
thanks anon, much appreciated! :)
I recommended customizing the shit out of everything, trying different and obscure desktops/window managers and applications, and find interesting things in the AUR (remember the check the PKGBUILD files for suspicious stuff). After that, I recommend installing a stable distro. You might like KDE Neon which has a stable base but includes the latest and greatest KDE software.
t. Five years Arch veteran
Hey, I think I'm having memory leak problems with some of my vidyagames, namely Starsector and Total War Warhammer 3. They mainly happen when I have the games alt-tabbed, and my PC slows to a crawl to the point where the game just force closes or I have to restart it. It's funny because I can run Elden Ring on mid-high settings just fine and that game is arguably more intensive than those two. I'm running >manjaro by the way, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Download more RAM.

Or try different wine/Proton versions.
Starsector works on Linux natively but I may turn down the RAM allocation on it. TWH3 on the other hand, I'm using GE Proton 9-11.
I fucking love Inforeader and texinfo. Reading info nodes about the stuff I am using now is like crack to me, could spend hours on this. Amazing. Wincels will never know this.
What's inforeader? I can't find anything about it online.
I'd like to have the web icons in my bookmarks, is there any way to do this? That's Firefox on Mint. I dual-boot with Windows and it works fine over there.
When it's YouTube I just have to click on the link for the icon to appear (I would have to do this x1000 times), but for other websites it doesn't seem to work.
Is it possible for wine to grab a dependence from a natively running Linux program or am I going to have to install that dependency on/in wine as well?
You have to click on each one. There's an extension I use called checkmarks which once you start it opens all of your bookmarks (not at once, like 5 or 6 at a time I think) to get their favicons and then closes them. Takes a couple of minutes for my ~260 bookmarks.
Bazzite is better than noobara, it's immutable though.
Okay, I have the program installed on wine but I'm still having the same problem. Is there a way to check dependencies for programs?
could you be more specific?
whether you need a linux or windows dependency depends on the specific thing in question

Unable to run mocp on Kubuntu 24.04.1, getting the following error
Running the server...
Trying JACK...
Trying ALSA...
Trying OSS...

FATAL_ERROR: No valid sound driver!

FATAL_ERROR: Server exited!

Audio works ok across the board.

Thinking I might have to switch all my devices to Debian after all
Just rebooting into a new kernel lads, wish me luck, see you on the other side
Its a moot question now because I have the binaries on wine and I still have the same problem. The debug log keeps on spamming this but I can't make heads or tails of the error other than it might be that my node.js is too up to date?
http_transport_win.cc(178)] WinHttpCrackUrl
go to your shell, type info then tab, see what it autocompletes then read it.
There are updates daily, so you either don't have popdev:master enabled, or your distribution isn't packaging them.
The most recent updates include the display of per-device battery lifetimes in the power settings page, X11 scaling options in the display settings page, and focus follows mouse desktop options. VPN, WiFi, and Wired settings pages look to be ready to release at any moment. They also have a rebase of iced that's almost finished.
My laptop became unresponsive ~3 hours ago due to ram getting full from having a lot of tabs open. Will it ever unfreeze? The laptop is working hard since the heat is high. Tried closing tabs with a keyboard shortcut but it doesn't work.
>X11 scaling options in the display settings page,
It's amazing how GNOME still doesn't have that. KDE has had that for ages now. How hard can it be to add a checkbox?
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I miss my loonix at my new job anons. I'm stuck with Win11
Thanks, seems to be working. I'm at 45% and 4k bookmarks already processed.

On another note, any recommendations for setting up a firewall on Mint? Is gufw enough on "home" profile?
Its just another GUI nobody asked for. We have a billion already
yeah it's info. Just do info [thing you want to know about] Good morning sir, or use in emacs with C-h-i
Is bcachefs any good?
bump for more suggestions
is there an image viewer out there that supports both color profiles and 10-bit color at the same time
I asked Copilot for you. You're welcome.
These really suck. Here is chatgpt's which also really suck.

Sure, here are some cool and creative Linux usernames you might like:

No those still suck. These have a little more potential.

Certainly! Here are some enchanting wizard names for your magical persona:

Eldric Starfire
Merlinus Nightshade
Alaric Stormweaver
Seraphina Moonshadow
Thorne Blackwood
Liora Starcrest
Gareth Silverwand
Isolde Frostbane
Dorian Emberglow
Vespera Darkveil
Rowan Ironspell
Celestia Dawnbringer
Zephyr Windwalker
Sylas Ravenshadow
Amara Frostheart
They're all terrible. Despite Microsoft's best efforts I don't think Copilot is good at coming up with creative suggestions for shit. Nothing screams edgy 4chan like 'syslord' and 'datavortex'.
The prompt for that was '4chan is management' but it got cropped out of the screenshot for some reason.
>try to install Debian as first time Linux user
>installer doesn't recognize my ethernet card
>can't finish installation because it needs muh internet right now, instead of just booting up and letting me install the drivers later

What's the next step in my master plan, /fglt/?
How would you install the driver without Internet? Just do exactly the same thing in the live environment (i.e plug your USB in with the .deb file or kernel module for it and install it in the live environment)
I think I'm gonna do it, I think it's time to leave windows behind once and for all.
I tried a few distros over the years, ubuntu, arch, manjaro and ultimately I am using endeavor OS on my laptop as the main OS for over a year now. (Windows is still in dualboot but I don't really use it).
Now I'm wondering if I fully leave windows behind, do I want to go with endeavor OS because it's familiar and has served me well, or Debian, because from what I know it's more stable?
I'd rather not my workstation and main Pc has issues and gets fucked, at the same time my endeavor install never had issues.
What would you anons recommend?
Debian is NOT a great 1st time distro. If you dig through the lengthy install guide it is possible but I cannot recommend it for a 1st distro. Right out of the gate you need to know which version of MANY iso's to download AND be familiar with differences between free and non-free.
I would go for Debian for stability and if needed, use Flatpaks or Snaps for up to date software.
Is there an LC_COLLATE value that does natural sort on numbers? I have a program that lists directory entries using natural sort, but my other programs list using C locale or something instead, and it's annoying to try and cross reference the lists. I'm hoping that there's a way I can just change an env var when the latter programs start, so that the underlying C functions (e.g. scandir) just smoothly switch to the natural sort functionality. For what I'm describing:
>regular sort
>natural sort
If you've been using endeavor for a year and have no problems with it, there's no need to switch. Don't fix what ain't broke.
I'll miss typing "sudo pacman -Syu" and watching it all go by. Thanks for telling me what you'd do though.
Well I will have to install it either way since endeavor is on my laptop, not my PC, so it's less of a fix and more of a new start. But the fact that it never broke on me is tempting.
>Right out of the gate you need to know which version of MANY iso's to download
That's no longer true since Debian 12. You can just download any of them and they all have the firmware for hardware installed on the .iso image.

You only run into problems if your hardware isn't supported by the version of Linux that they use but that applies to any distro. This is why rolling releases are king. An up-to-date kernel on installation media that's generated monthly (or more frequently) ensures the best compatibility. The only exception is if you need a shitty proprietary driver.
>install it either way
Right, but you won't have to adapt to a new OS. Debian will do many small things differently than endeavor, and you'll have to gradually learn them all. Some things you might like, some you won't, but why risk it if you like what you know? You already said that you don't want your PC to have issues, although it's unlikely to have anything serious go wrong.
If you're really indecisive, you can install Debian and see how you like it. Swap it out for endeavor if you don't.
>username: first and middle initial plus last name and last 2 digits of your birthdate, I'm utilitarian.
this isn’t utilitarian it’s superfluous. you’re the only one on the computer. just your firstname or even “user” is fine
>been years since playing Skyrim
>No good mmorpgs out and won't ever be again
>Try to install mods
>Give up and uninstall
>Still bored and try again
>Attempt to install mods through vortex
>Can't link file, must search through files and can't see where anything is
>Give up

Can these faggots just kill themselves? How the fuck are you going to make this shit incomparable like that? I don't know what the fuck a symlink is and I shouldn't have to go through that just for some goddamn mods. Fucking retards
Fair point, I should at the very least live boot into it or some shit and see if I enjoy it. Or just test-drive it for a week and see.
Thanks anon!
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Do you know any good directory hierarchy convention for organizing personal files? Most popular OSes have something like pic related as default but besides disposable downloads directory it doesn't feel right, like having audio/image/video directory feels kind of pointless since file extension already tells you that so you can easily filter for that with find/grep
I failed bros... I failed to install gentoo. I got so far but I fucked up.
>having audio/image/video directory feels kind of pointless since file extension already tells you that so you can easily filter for that with find/grep
If you're bothering to do searches, then you might as well throw everything randomly into Documents because hierarchy won't matter.
ive got a proxmox server build on an intel nuc that lost power a lil bit ago and ever since then its been unaccessible
finally got around to giving it a monitor/keyboard again (its usually headless) and its been booting up into emergency mode this entire time

from what i can gather im only getting two hard errors via journalctl -xb
1 being about an external media drive i usually have mounted to it that fails to mount, and the 2nd being xfs: unknown parameter 'errors'
the external drive is formatted in xfs, so im leaning into this being the root cause of the failure to boot properly

typing systemctl default as it recommends in the emergency screen gives the same xfs error and rekicks me back into emergency mode
any ideas as to where to poke around in?
The way I do it is I have one /data/ folder in which all personal files that aren't managed by the OS from programs etc go.
In there I have simple rules:
- No folder within the top n levels that I create can have more than 10 subfolders. If I need more, we go a level deeper, less is always good
- each folder starts with a number and then the name.

So top level I have stuff like "01 - Official","02 - Backups","03 - Media", "04 - Projects".
Then as an example for "03 - Media" I have subfolders like "01 - Video", "02 - Audio", "03 - Images", "04 - Text" etc.
This way if I need to navigate in the terminal it's as simple as typing the beginning numbers and pressing tab to autocomplete, so locations become numbers in a way. If I want to open my movies, that's simply 03/01/01, which stands for "/data/03 - Media/01 - Video/01 - Movies"/.

Once you go down to the lower levels I loosen the restrictions on numbers and the amount of subfolders, so for example a git project will just be a normal git project with its subfolders, but I like it for the top levels, I think my top 3-4 levels follow those rules pretty much.
I quite like that structure desu.

> You can just download any of them
Even with 12 that's not true for a newbs first distro. It is true if you're already familiar with the Debian iso list and know what to look for. It's getting better but it's still not a good recommendation for babies first distro.
Anything better than slirp for usermode networking on a guest? Unable to ping, and perf sucks.
not like that!
You hit the first download button you see. They've all got the firmware in now though.
i.e this big motherfucking thing. There's also live images if you want that instead of the net install but the net install should work if you're hardware is supported. If it doesn't work then that's a sign that your hardware is too new for Debian or requires proprietary shit and you should use a different distro.
>There's also live images if you want that instead of the net install
Thanks for making my point for me. Debian hasn't stupid proofed their downloads ENOUGH for newbs yet. As I said earlier, it's getting better but it's not a good recommendation for babies first distro.
The big black button is for net install only. So, while are currently dealing with me there is also a newb on here having problems with the net install. Instead of telling me how easy it is for you (experienced Linux users) you should put yourself in the newbs shoes and you might realize installing Debian (yes, even 12!) is a whole lot different than anything else that newb has ever installed.
I'll say it again, Debian is improving it's installation process. But it is NOT a good recommendation for babies first linux.
There's nothing complicated about the net-install. They make the live images for people that want to try out GNOME or KDE. You don't need a desktop to install Debian.
The reason they're having problems is because of their hardware by the way.

You can't really do fuck all about that. They should use a different distro. An experienced user like me could manually install Debian with debootstrap and a mainline kernel and whatever shitty proprietary drivers they need but by default Debian's just not going to work out for them.
You do know there are people interested in trying Linux distro's that have NO idea what a live disc is, right? They are fucking NEW!
They hear (read) about linux, maybe they watch some vids about Linux. They have a tiny bit of the vocabulary but zero knowledge on making a live ISO or even making ISO media. This is all new to them. No one was born with that knowledge. If you have forgot hat it was like the first couple times you did an install then I suggest you at the very least stop repeating "it isn't that complicated". The first time, it's their first time! They're being asked questions during the install that sound like a foriegn language.
>You do know there are people interested in trying Linux distro's that have NO idea what a live disc is, right? They are fucking NEW!
There are also people that have no idea how to put Windows on a USB and install that. What's your point?
Debian's entire website is a relic of another era, prease understand.
> They're having problems with their hardware ...
> You don't need a desktop to install Debian
*IF your laptop has an ethernet port.
It was from a time when people weren't idiots.
It should support wireless too.

The only time their installer won't work is if you hardware isn't compatible with Debian in which case you just can't use it. The installer isn't broken, it's not complicated, you click a few buttons and have a working install providing your hardware is compatible.

People coming over from Windows often forget that sometimes their hardware was built for Windows in mind and the manufacturer provides crap support for Linux. Debian can't really do anything about that. They ship a very specific distribution kernel, they include the firmware along with it, it either works or it doesn't.
Point is
Those people have an interest in Linux. They end up here being told "it isn't complicated". Now, I like the filter, ok, but some of them would actually benefit from the Linux learning curve. The rest of them can stay on Twitter and amazon.
YOU just click a few buttons because you have experience. The newb looks at this 1st time situation and says "WTF".
You have forgotten what it's like to be new at something.
Debian, the project, is stuck in the late 90s.
You literally buy something with Intel hardware (AMD is acceptable for the GPU) and it all works. I sympathise with people buying the wrong hardware, I was there myself in the past when trying to run Linux on a Macbook and having to deal with the shitty Broadcom wireless. That wasn't Debian's fault though, my hardware just had bad support for Linux.

You wouldn't try to use a piece of hardware designed for Windows on macOS and then blame Apple. The same should be true of Linux. People often just expect things to work without any thought put into why it doesn't.

Even when I was new I never had issues pushing buttons. The terminal was more complicated but still it didn't filter me.
Just use MO. Works fine.
Not yet. Check bank in 5 years.
> People often just expect things to work without any thought put into why it doesn't
you're making my point for me again.
So there are things a person needs to know going in, because there are some problems that might pop up. Making it, maybe, a little ... complicated ... for a newb?
Well that depends on their hardware. Somebody with Intel hardware is going to have a vastly different experience to somebody having to deal with shit support from Broadcom or Realtek.

One newb as a flawless experience, the other newb gets frustrated because they're hardware has poor Linux support. The distribution can't do anything to make their life easier, they already did their part by shipping Linux and firmware for the devices that do support Linux well. The ball is firmly in the court of those manufacturers.
>You literally buy something with Intel hardware
I really wouldn't advice it like that in current year.
Intel Wireless hardware, I mean. Yes, their current CPU support is questionable, it does have flawless Linux support though.
If i put my current ssd in a new completely new system, do I need to do a clean install?
Linux Mint, the newest one
Thanks in advance!
bump pls help
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Absolute Crontard here. Help with cron.
*/20 * * * * root mpv --msg-level=all=no --volume=75 /home/faggot/Downloads/funkybeat.mp3

//also I tried adding >/dev/null 2>&1 just for fucking but nothing happened

*/1 * * * * root mpv --msg-level=all=no --volume=75 /home/aether/Downloads/wafb_fill_acoustic_126_ritmo-104360.mp3 >/dev/null 2>&1

the log shows the command is correctly executed but I don't hear jackshit what the fuck is happening?
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What si the real actual usecase for distrobox
It's not going to work like that
root cant play sound through the users audio server without the proper env variables, assuming you're using pipewire
it wont work properly either if you run the cronjob as your user because once again, it needs the proper env variables to use the sound server
i'm not sure if a systemd user timer will be able to use the proper env variables
Why doesn't linux foundation sponsor Zig?
To run programs from another distro
It's not that much different from a chroot
You can obviously also do everything else you could normally do with chroot or containers since it's just a standard podman/docker container
>root cant play sound through the users audio server without the proper env variables,
So cron is a no go then?
I want to play a mp3/wav/beep/sound/whatever every 20MIN
what are the easiest linux alternatives?
sound might work properly if you just do XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 before the mpv part
replace 1000 with whatever $(id -u) shows up with
aplay but you cannot control the volume i think
a simple shell script that loops playing a sound and then sleeps for 1200 seconds
>aplay but you cannot control the volume i think
Fucking shit. Thanks. I know I already tried that. Thanks for the input famalam
I'mma try that..
>>102248830 I'm gonna consider that too... will try the variable furst
Fuck yeah bros! the variable worked thank you a fat bunch!
>toddler complaining bout muh vidyagayms
yah gtfo to /v/
Usually no
If you have root shell then run fsck on your drive, if you're lucky enough it'll be fine. Go search "How to fsck a XFS partition" on google first before asking further.
you might want to run the cronjob as the user instead of root as well
And that's a good thing in case you weren't aware
>>102248955 If I do that, I still need to
Just checked. I do. Thank you so much anon and anons.
What is the $current_year way to transfer files of any size in a cross-platform/OS-agnostic way, without exposing myself to the possible malicious software on the computer at the other end?
Mostly to transfer from Linux -> Windows/Mac.
SCP client from Windows connecting to Linux SSH/SFTP server.
I took my laptop to the repair center and the technician says it works. But, when I use it that does not happen. Pls kill me.
i got blackout drunk last night.
when i went to turn my computer on my PSU was switched off from the back and my BIOS had reset itself.
should i be concerned?
Thank you, I'll look it up.
Any distro that ships hyprland by default?
>>Attempt to install mods through vortex
>>Can't link file, must search through files and can't see where anything is
It's because it uses NTFS hardlinks, they're not real symlinks.

It has a fallback mode which can move/copy the files from a staging folder. Configure it to do that instead.
Your question has been referred to the appropriate thread.
i don't like the rest of /g/. oh god what happened
See >>102239266 retard
i guess archinstall gives you the option?
Hey friends, i'm new on this, and so far have used mostly the default disk layouts for everything but this time i want to spice things up a little and try a more complex layout, so now that i've migrated all my personal things out of this device i'm going to start with doing a LUKS encrypted Linux Mint DE install using a single BTRFS LV (to make use of compression and deduplication for Flatpaks, snapshots and Proton) following this post
But first i would like to hear your opinions. What do you think about that guide? Is worth using BTRFS with LVM at all just for the encryption?
Is there a way to check if you need additional firmware and what package provides ite before installing? is the only thing that would bug me out. Everything else seems easy. I am even wanting to do this >>102247778 just because setting up partitions the way i want is easier through the CLI than using the Debian installer.
Run dmesg and the kernel will probably log and complain if it's missing firmware.
Really enjoying Mint so far, I'm a life long Win Baby and trying to move to Linux. Still looking for a MS Paint replacement
muh use case...
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>Still looking for a MS Paint replacement
Thanks, downloading the flatpak now
Drawing comes by default with Mint and is actually good, but has shit defaults. Look at the eraser settings, you can tell it to use the default color (white) instead of transparent pixels (which uses a grey-ish color). It also can draw arrows and outlines.
so I am unziping a bunch of files and noticed that the archiver says its done but looking at the disk I/O monitor it still shows its writing shit... care to explain ? also noticed this while copying files between drives.
i first heard about linux from a neighbour, i saw it on his computer and asked about it. i left with a livecd and installed it on a laptop without issue, it was even easier than installing windows, and this was literally 20 years ago
On mint how can I make the middle mouse button set scrolling like on Windows?
I'm using fedora and I want to try something different. Should I hop to vanilla debian 12 or endeavour os next?
>Now, I like the filter, ok,
me too it's clearly working right now.
debian or vanilla arch, forget endeavour os.
what's bad about endeavour?
EndeavourOS is Arch though.
If something pulls packages from distro X repository then the system is distro X. I have no idea why the Linux world doesn't address this, it's so very wrong IMO.
Like Linux Mint ffs, that's just Ubuntu.
Happens more and more when you have more free RAM available.
>unziping a bunch of files
>also noticed this while copying files between drives
Stuff gets cached to RAM, for all means and purposes your Zip has been unzipped and files had been copied. The programs have no need to wait for the actual physical drive to catch up.
Don't you get the dialog thing when there's no desktop available? It's all the same stuff but this time you use arrow keys instead of clicking around.
Can't people just learn their hardware? Boot up a Linux system once and eyeball the output, list modules, whatever.
>usermode networking
What the hell is that?
Let me guess: the kernel part again.
EndeavourOS is "newbie-friendly Arch", but Arch should not be newbie-friendly. Newbies do not know how to deal with package regressions, pacnew files and reading PKGBUILDs. It lulls newbs into a false sense of security and pulls the rug under them.
Still no archbtw, c'mon chat you had one job
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>Arch should not be newbie-friendly
What makes you say this? Why would any system ever anywhere try to be hard to use on purpose?
I use Arch because it's easy.
>rolling release -> no need to know versions
>basic binary package system -> no need to learn new stuff (looks at Gentoo and Nix and immutables and whatever crazy shit there is)
>no ecosystem -> no need to learn ecosystems (looks at Debian, Ubuntu, Suse and Fedora among others)
>offers an installer and a rootfs tarball on the front page
Why do others make me jump thru hoops if I just want a rootfs tarball?
for one i don't agree that arch isn't newbie friendly like >>102252052 said. it's got the best wiki of any distro and makes everything pretty intuitive. it's manual, not difficult. and even that's not true anymore because it has a pretty solid installer now.
my problem with endeavour is that as you won't know where endeavour ends and arch begins. you won't know if you're having an endeavour os issue or an arch issue when problems arise. it's really trivial to get arch up and running with your preferred desktop and you'll have a smoother experience going forward than you will using something downstream.
not him, but newbie-friendly and easy aren't the same thing
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>it's really trivial to get arch up and running
Only if someone told them to use the Wi-Fi cable until they get all the bells and whistles for wireless links.
They used to have WiFi menu in the iso image which was really user friendly but they removed it:

Now you have to know how to use iwd which to be fair is pretty straightforward you just run iwctl and a few commands to connect but you do have to know how to do that. There's no nice TUI like they had people.
hostname:the laptop/motherboard model
that's just xclock
Honestly I've had the best luck with
Fedora with gnome
Linux Mint cinnamon
Kde Neon stable edition
Using flat hub packages. I'm currently on neon and it's great. My media center runs Fedora with the plugins installed. Idk why I didn't pick a different distribution, it just works.
I think I have Debian? running xfce on a laptop that never gets used. But every time I use it, it just works. It's definitely xfce but I forgot the distribution.

Point is, with Linux just stop fighting it.
Does anyone know any good repositories for debian's sources.list that are consistently updated?
>What makes you say this?
If you read the entire post you'll see.
>you won't know where endeavour ends and arch begins
AFAIK they only give you a few in-house utilities, wallpapers and a slightly customized desktop environment, it's not like CachyOS that customizes tons of packages, but I could be wrong.
Honestly just use Fedora or Arch at this point. Trying to outsmart the installer on Mint is really dumb, as is btrfs on lvm.
i think you are right, its one of its flags i think -digital
ugh i wish there was status bar like that but customizable, i guess i can write one
all the current ones are bloated ugly garbage
dzen/lemonbar if you're on X11
Are there any dwm patches that will cut out the entire bar except the tags?
Is there a way to put miniatures on Debian GNOME's Filepicker? It seems like they froze just before getting 44.
Mod Organizer 2 script works on my machine
is there a single glibc distro that is lightweight?
alpine apparently can't even run 32bit wine applications
Server/net install version of any normal distro
What if I have a handful of processes and I want to redirect all of their std outs to the same file and view them all at once?
can those be made to not fill full screen width?
what i like about the xclock digital mode is that its just small rectangle
you could do it with lemonbar
I meant userspace, that's a typo. Network interface that does not require root permissions.
Redirect them all to different files and use tail to combine the output more or less in the order it's written.
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how do i get the file roller window to be styled the same as all my other windows like the file manager is on the right? xfce

you don't. stop using GTK apps.
Do you know a good alternative to file roller that works well and can be made to look like my other windows
ark could get you close, probably.
thank you
you could also use lxqt's archive manager but i never really tried it out.
i switched to fedora kde spin several months ago and i recently ran out of disk space on my 2tb ssd from installing too many steam games. i uninstalled all of them but the file manager isn't updating and still says the disk is full even though qdirstat says i only have like ~250gb of shit installed now. how do i make the free space update? i read that some process could be holding the deleted files open so i restarted and it still didn't fix it
Is sxhkd the best X tool ever created?
sudo fstrim /
didn't work. i think this is some btrfs thing
>want to edit the razor-thin scrolling bar in ubuntu to make it bigger
>need to open /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css (several different opinions online)
>can't find it in gui search bar
total noob here, how do i go about it?
Probably should have mentioned you were using btrfs
im going through and deleting snapshots now and it's freeing up a few gigs at a time. maybe theres 1.7tb hidden in one of them. i've never messed with btrfs before so im just trying shit from google
Anyone tried chromeOS flex/fydeOS?
I want something for my mom, she just need a web browser, can connect to a printer, and has multiple screen support.
And can run android apps.
For some reason 4chan's Cloudflare Turnstile thing always fails on my Raspberry Pi with 1 gig of RAM. Fucking bullshit. I have the latest version of Firefox and it still doesn't work.

Maybe Cloudflare is thinking "no way does a computer in 2024 have just 1 gig of RAM, this must be a bot"
deleting the snapshots freed up like 300gb. then i went to take a shower and it fixed itself somehow i guess since it says 1.5tb free now
That's a feature not a bug, differentiation
It fails randomly when I have my VPN on or use Firefox Nightly on my Android phone too. It's just the usual Cloudflare bullshit. It's quite scary when you think about just how much of the Internet they control and can lock you out of.
Are Nix and Guix hard to use for non-programmers? I've been on Linux for a few years but I've never tried them.
Not difficult, just annoying to use. Unless you subscribe to their philosophy simple tasks become a meal.

steam key for FTL. Random shit, I know but I thought someone might enjoy it.
Give me a funny name for my wifi.
They are installing my router.
Flex does not include Android apps. As for printers, it will likely work but you should test in a live environment first. I think that multiple screens work as long as you have the hardware.
Nigger Stole My SSID
Big Black Cock
Fail on my linux/android VM as well.
Windows and mac are fine.
Heck on mac I don't even get captcha that often.
What if he's not an amerimutt?
>Flex does not include Android apps
I see, fydeOS then.
How much of a botnet it is?
If that File Roller version was compiled with Libadwaita you can't, that ugly aspect is hardcoded. Your best bet is switching to something like Engrampa, PeaZip or Ark, or just don't pay it attention.
I have never heard of Fyde. From looking at its source code, it appears to be dead.
Big Muslim Cock
I'm having an issue with bottles where every time I try to run an exe with it it tells me the bottle I'm trying to use doesn't exist. Did anyone else have an issue like that?
Yes another case of someone criticising something they don't understand.
I'm currently on windows and I have 4 Hard drives:
1 TB SSD for OS
2*1 TB SSD for "gaming", partitioned as one drive
4 TB HDD for data.

The plan is to switch over to linux finally, but I want to make sure I don't lose my data if I fuck something up.
The plan is:
- Have 1 TB SSD still for OS and programs
- Have the 4 TB HDD mounted as the /home/ folder, for my data

I'll probably try out installing a few games on linux, but probably far less than I have installed now, so if I create a partition with one 1 TB SSD for games and mount it as /games/ or some shit, is there a way if I decide I need the other 1 TB SSD capacity too later, to "add" it to the partition without having to reformat? And if I do that, normally if in a partition over 2 drives one drive fails, all data gets corrupted. Is there a way to make it so if something breaks only the data on that drive is lost? Is that even worth it? On the one hand it seems good policy, on the other if a normal partition over 2 drives has faster read/write speeds that may be worth it, because it's just games, I can always redownload those.

Thanks anons.
My mint can't see my windows hard drive what do I do anons?
apt install ntfs-3g
What's it formatted as?
Pretty sure you can't. It's hard set to paste from clipboard
There were already patches in Buildroot for some time. The fact that this is necessary in the first place is an indictment against Systemd though. They don't care about portability and don't want these patches upstream either. They're Glibc developers.

Anyone using Systemd on Musl libc will be stuck maintaining these patches forever.
Oh. Been neckbearding so long idk even know what newbies want.
So. Is this the current year wpa_supplicant? Which one does "Network Manager" use?
Is hostapd still what I want to use for an access point?
>If you read the entire post you'll see.
Oh god, can't you autists just state your point?
still don't see it
NetworkManager uses wpa_supplicant by default but if you install iwd and create a file to point NM towards it it'll use iwd instead.
And yes, iwd is a more modern/performant wireless net solution.
>Which one does "Network Manager" use?
Wpa_supplicant but it's a single config file change to get it to use iwd instead:
$ cat /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/iwd.conf
Can you see it with lsblk?
My mint linux apparently has java runting 55.0 but this jar wants 62.0, are there newer versions available? when I do `apt list |grep jdk` there's a ton of stuff there but I don't know what to specifically install without breaking anything
>I don't know what to specifically install without breaking anything
Ubuntu breaks when you remove stuff. You can always keep adding.
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no i only see my ssd
but there's like...
which is the one that make thing go now
Yeah that's a pretty fundamental problem. Maybe try shutting the pc down, plugging it out and back in and then starting it up again. I really can't think of anything else that might help.
Pretty Fly For A Wi-Fi
Nice way to tell people you're pushing 40.
It's a great song, it doesn't matter what age you are
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I can't access 4chan on mint. I've tinkered with the firewall, firefox settings but nothing seems to work. What should I do?
Then how are you posting here you lying fuck‽
If asked tell them it means Wet Ass Pussy but can be confused with Wireless Access Point
thought on buying 64gb of ram and making linux only allocate huge pagetables?
>dnscrypt-proxy running on port 53000
>unbound on 53
>enable dnscrypt-proxy
>enable unbound
>"fatal error: dnsc_parse_certs: failed to load /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/public.key: No such file or directory"
>public key does exist and dnscrypt-proxy uses it
in theory should be more performant
Update on this, I'm not sure if the problem is actually a memory leak or a CPU issue or a GPU issue. Here are my specs.
Operating System: Manjaro Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.5.0
Qt Version: 6.7.2
Kernel Version: 6.9.12-3-MANJARO (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Processors: 16 × AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor
Memory: 15.5 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
pottering has gone on record saying that musl not able to support systemd is musl's problem and not his like he usually does for everything where he puts the blame on everyone else but him

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