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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat
-ISOs: 6.4~6.6GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-Leak is an official pre-release OEM testing ISO, likely updates to retail on launch
-10 years support, EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.2GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>102208153
Not switching to 11 until 2032 when it will probably be good. Thanks for beta testing it for me though fags.
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we need to go back

Shit general tailored only for spergs who are no better than linux trannies

How about guides, pros and cons for the use cases of different versions of windows 11?
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Read what comes next you fucking nigger monkey
t. 11igger
Will I be safe if I use the office script on a corporate computer? Word online is trash.
Do not touch your work PC
Reminder that Linux is better
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There's no use case for W11 besides being retarded enough to fall for the estrogen-cores meme.
IoT LTSC is literally the way Windows was for decades and anyone with a brain liked it that way. It was called a clean install for a reason.
Just because you're a retarded zoomer that was born in an era where Candy Crush was preinstalled by default doesn't make it good.
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which one do you use?
It depends. If it's a software or documents folder, Details. If it's feet pics, Extra large icons.
fuck is this - win11shit? looks like ass.
also, it depends. usually list, sometimes details, for image folders large or xl.
So I'm installing Windows again cause of a few problems I have with Linux. Do I still need to disconnect all drives but my SSD if I'm installing to one?

Extra large icons when looking at pictures of your naked mom

Details when organizing the gigantic library of sex tapes I have with your mom
April 2024 you tard
not necessarily but its a good practice
Nah, I'mma do my own thang and just stick to W11 Pro for Workstations, I don't trust those weird hash files from discord to be real.
>Pro for Workstations
what that even means
The most expensive edition of Windows that's purchaseable for normal people legally (retail), obviously I activated it through massgrave for free before reinstalling the OS with a clean iso to make sure there's no traces of piracy. I use that one because it's the most expensive and a flex to have it connected to my ms account compared to poorfags using basic shit like home/pro, or weird pedo creeps using illegal shit like edu/enterprise/iot
Its a windows sku like pro but for workstations
I think it has custom power profiles
The only difference compared to pro is that it has one extra power plan named "Ultimate" but benchmarks show it does nothing different compared to High lmao. But you shouldn't be using anything except for Balanced for modern windows, since the geniuses at microsoft essentially made game mode and all modern optimizations like borderless windowed mode optimizations, vrr recognition, cpu optimizations, and high graphic performance assignments to only the balanced preset and the rest of presets dont get anything as they are trying to phase them out with w11.
We need a threat like this but for Windows7/xp
>no use case for w1-
if you are not using w11 and windows hello login, any nigger that steals your laptop can change the password and enter your acc with just a usb stick and a free program from the 90s
Luv Windows, simple as

you might find this impossible to believe, but 90% of /fwt/ are UNIRONICALLY using a random internet iso of windows that's been uploaded and sha256 """"verified"""" by a trans woman from a piracy discord server, with the source being her asshole. you cannot make this shit up
>from a piracy discord

nigga the official hash is in MS's website, you don't need a tranny cord to verify it
There are no official hashes for LTSC isos, there are only official hashes for the evaluation isos.
fake, the visualstudio hub is for full isos, hence why they don't let you download the iso if you don't have the proper permissions
Like clockwork the spergs come out of the clockwork and cant possibly conceive that someone would want a different experience than their specific brand of autism
Apparently new laptops (Copilot+) already come with 24H2 installed, not a preview. What ISO is it?
The one that launched months ago dumbass, build 1150
Final build (minus cu) launched in april

W11 24H2 destroys W10 22H2 in gaming benchmarks

windows 11 won, make sure to upgrade to the new LTSC :^)
Got a job laptop with Tiger Lake i7-1165G7 and a 1440p@75Hz display.

Turns out that the HDMI port behaves differently between OS, example:

Windows 11: 1440p@59.95Hz Max
Loonix: 1440p@75Hz

I wonder where the limitation is. I've seen in Microsoft forums that this SEEMS to be a limitation in the hardware but from my testing seems a driver limitation.

Eitherways a win for troonix
>W11 24H2 destroys W10 22H2 in gaming benchmarks

Anon, be aware that it is HIGHLY uncommon to witness a newer OS outperform an older one with the same configuration
>a newer OS outperform
I never asked for that. I only wanted the same performance.
Well, your post implied that outperforming should be expected from a new OS
I am American and have guns. Niggers aren’t just stealing my shit
Cool that it exists but wouldn't use it, even if it's open source it still depends on Microsoft not messing with anything that can break the custom UI, it needs Edge and WebView, and MS is always changing how Edge works so that doesn't sit right with me
>any nigger that steals your laptop
Lmao, I don't live anywhere near them. It's called White flight sweaty, look it up.
does radeon anti lag actually do anything?

and no windows 11 still doesnt perform better thanw windows 10
does anyone know how to fix 'driver_power_state_failure' on resume from sleep and on restart computer?
I tried: bios update; wifi driver update; turn fast boot off.
What's the best alternative to task manager?
Process Hacker is gud
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My windows is installed in a HDD and want to move it to a newly bought SSD. Do I have to install it from the ISO like I did when installing it on the HDD or is there a way to "transfer" the old installation without all the hassle?
Look into disk cloning software
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I don't get it. Why is search function in File Explorer so fucking dogshit compared to pic related? Why does it take so long when Everything is instantaneous and only takes like 10 seconds to start up?
Use Macrium Reflect 7 Free to clone the install to the SSD. Installer in the OP, check youtube for guides.
bocchi sex
Flow Launcher with Everything Search installed is peak efficiency
Is there any way to get a better more direct mouse input? Feels like there's a shitty mouse smoothing filter on even when I turned it off. Win 10
If I'm running W10 LTSC I installed late 2019 is there any reason I should move on to IoT? If not now maybe later?
I’d rather use ReactOS on a VM. I’d rather use wine. I’d rather kill myself
If you're already on LTSC you have no reason not to be on IoT and you can change to it easily with MAS without having to reinstall
One of the super useful spotify features is the ability to download lower quality versions of the songs in your library.
Is there any way to achieve a similar thing locally? Have the high quality originals in my PC while downloading a smaller version to my phone? (While syncing new additions/removals).
Currently I make do with Syncthing and just keep the same version on all my devices, but I have +5k songs and it's starting to become an issue.
Just moved over to Windows 11 from being on Linux for the past 5 years. Installed choco and my regular set of development tools (neovim and the like, not guishit). How retarded am I that I feel like Linux and Windows feel the same?
not retarded at all
nah you're good, although I believe in your case you just need to change the product key to change to IoT, but I'm not sure
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Just get a MSDN subscription if you're retarded and think that LTSC actually matters.
search for your SSD manufacturer's cloning tool, the most popular ones have one like Samsung, Adata, WD, Kingston, etc.
Reminder there is literally no reason to use Windows 11 if you have a Zen 3, 4 and 5 CPU, if anything you will have up to 5% worse performance, stay in IoT LTSC 2021
good shit never had heard of that kind of program
thanks bros
2019 was before they split ltsc into ltsc and iot ltsc
2019 will still get 10 years to 2029 unlike newer ltsc that only gets 5 years
2021+ needs iot ltsc for the full 10 years
Well using something like Choco definitely brings the Linux package manager experience to Windows
Are you developing on Windows? Windows does have WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) if you want an authentic Linux environment, seeing that you're only using cmdline tools. (Use WSL2 instead of 1).
WSL is a pointless crutch. If I need linux virtualization I can just use Hyper-V or Docker (which I don't I have a dedicated ESXi Sever for that).
NTA but now that WSL2 has systemd integration then it is better than a regular VM with Docker.
i reinstalled iot like a week ago and im not getting that WinRE update
It's saying my windows is out of date when I try to install apple music or apple tv from the microsoft store. I have w10 ltsc and used the little command to enable it. I wish there was just an exe to install. Anyone get this installed? It's not too big of a deal as I'm planning to reinstall with w11 ltsc when I upgrade my computer in a few weeks. Would just like to try it now.
>no Adobe software
>laughable anti-cheat support
>20 years later and still no consensus on which DE, file manager, or windows manager to use
>shitty driver support
>will be obsolete in a couple years cuz there is no ARM based distro (ARM snapdragon CPU's are the future)
have fun shilling your 4% desktop share memeOS (no you can't include android as a part of your marketshare)
>apple music or apple tv
>HUB backtracked his numbers
>goes on a schizo rant about "good vs bad installs"
People take advice from this guy? LMAO
Defender and Security has caused performance problems for years. Only now normalfags are finding out, after shouting down people who said it did. Reminds me of a certain (((medical procedure))).
I was messing around with Windows XP in a VM for the first time in ages. I forgot that you can permanently activate it with a simple registry edit. Convenient.
Grats. You are the second one to solve the riddle. None of these "journalists" know wtf Windows Defender is.
Not that schizo but some games stutter when doing IO because of Defender. It's easy to fix it just exclude Steam folder in Defender. Not a good idea for pirates games.
>ARM snapdragon CPU's are the future
Intel Lunar Lake just embarrassed the entire X Elite lineup by being simultaneously faster and more efficient. ARM vs x86 is a meme, it's all about the particular uarch and lithography.
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This is actually not a terrible idea. I am going to go do this...
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Just found this in foobar2000. Neat.
Nah, people have known this since Windows 10's launch. It got worse with the more shit they added. Normalfags finding out after denying it for 9 years.
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What are these processes? How do I disable them? I'm on Windows 10.
I believe it does not run when it is not needed but try disabling startup boost in Edge's system and performance section. It is currently not running on my w11.
I solved this by seeing where those processes run from and deleting the folder.
>Just moved over to Windows 11 from being on Linux for the past 5 years.
Ok I'm in the activation mode

Which one do I choose
1. Hwid windows
2.Ohook office
3 kms38 windows
Tired of long standing DE/WM issues.
Tired of long standing Proton issues
Tired with Wine Wayland not being developed fast enough.
HWID is set and forget.
Ohook is for activating Office
KMS38 is a bit hacky and not worth using when HWID works.
batch transcode with audacity
is the infographic still relevant in terms of programs you may want to install on a new build?
A vast majority of the programs are still worth using, yes.
Though IoT LTSC 2021 replaced 2019 and MAS didn't exist before the infograph was made, though KMS_VL_ALL still works fine.
>no Adobe software
Who cares
>laughable anti-cheat support
Anti-cheat is malware
>20 years later and still no consensus on which DE, file manager, or windows manager to use
That's the beauty of it, usr whichever one you like best, I would suggest KDE.
>shitty driver support
Best one after windows and if everything werks on your machine why would you care.
>will be obsolete in a couple years cuz there is no ARM based distro (ARM snapdragon CPU's are the future)
ARM is more mature on linux and there are number of distros.
>have fun shilling your 4% desktop share memeOS (no you can't include android as a part of your marketshare)
Popular is always worse.
Likely using default KDE on some shit distro like Fedora. Typical reddit user.
yeah but video games are all i care about
is there any way to replace windows default searrch with everything?
Install Everything then install either EverythingToolbar or Flow Launcher to use Everything through either of those, then disable the Windows Search service.
just thought of another question
i havent built a pc since my old q6600+8800 ultra back in 07ish
is there general order of install still the same?
>windows, network drivers, windows update, gpu drivers, chipset drivers, sound drivers, everything else
>Install Windows without internet
>Run a tool like ShutUp10++ to nip all the privacy/annoyance shit in the bud through one program
>Restart then finally connect
>Let Windows Update do whatever it needs to do
>Activate with MAS
>Set up your programs
>Clean out the WU-derived graphics drivers with DDU and replace them with NVCleanstall or a RadeonSoftwareSlimmer'd AMD driver
Why are you using a 15 year old PC?
>Redirect Start menu search to EverythingToolbar (experimental)
for something ill use very often, this doesnt sound too good
flow launcher looks nice but it looks like it wants to do a million different things and all i want is to swap windows search to everything
Anon just don't use the option and completely replace Windows Search with Everything like I said.
because it was working fine until last week when the graphics card finally died
figured its too old to salvage so now im building a new rig
Depends on what your priorities are, if your main goal is some vague idea of "privacy" then you'd most likely just need to buck up and go for linux. You can achieve some semblance of privacy by doing steps like getting a LTSC image iso then editing it with microwin or some other program to further strip out the privacy invasive cancer in it, then install it offline, run winutil/oosu offline, go through gpedit and apply all the policies from megathread, download gpu drivers, mullvad browser and install them all offline before connecting to the internet and setup the privacy settings of every app before it has a chance to connect to the internet with bad defaults, get a proper firewall app and block everything by default, etc, etc. But privacy is a schizo rabbit hole that never ends, you can be a midwit and think you are achieving some semblance of privacy by setting diagnostic data to 0 in gpedit and running shutup10 and firefox with ubo, but in reality you didnt achieve jack shit and are barely any more private than a normie running w11 home with google chrome
the thing i want it to do is experimental and i cbf dealing with possible bugs/crashes
Well then you're stuck between a rock and a hard place.
its only for playing vidya and shitposting
i couldnt give a fuck about schizo private shit like that which sounds pretty laughable since windows leaks like a sieve
Privacy is my favorite buzzword. Look at that little computer in front of you (your phone). Is its camera currently pointing at you? Yes? Then there's a good chance your ISP is recording everything you do. Your ISP, Google & Apple already track everywhere you go too.
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Fuck off.
I've written software for enterprise applications that tracks every single process you open without the user's knowledge. The software exists on both Windows and Linux.
if you dont care about schizo privacy shit then your best option is to KISS (keep it simple stupid), do what normies would do, get a clean usb stick, go to your motherboards site, get the latest qflash update, update your motherboard, then go to microsoft site, get the latest windows media creation tool and run it to install on your usb and verify everything for you, then do a factory reset of bios settings, enable resize bar and 4g in the bios settings, leave overclocking and changing of ram/cpu/fans alone until you do your initial setup and install all the drivers, then run the windows install, when offered delete everything on your ssd completely to make sure there's no old shit or viruses, then either make a local account or a ms account depending on what you need, later activate your version with MAS, and download Steam/Chrome/Redistributables and GPU drivers. Disable background and startup apps for performance, and enable game mode and borderless windowed mode optimizations, and set monitor shit up like hz/vrr/resolution up.
sounds like i was on the right track then and its still the same old
cheers anon
xl for doujins
list for everything else
Thanks Ranjesh, but I will redeem the iphone.
I want to install 11 iot enterprise, butI've read on reddit that you'll have to reinstall it when it gets officially released
is it true?
Here's what I do
>Use unattended xml to install windows
>if not iot ltsc, run chris titus tool to set the recommended update settings
>do windows update
>if using edge, turn off copilot and remove right sidebar (you won't be able to remove copilot icon afterwards if you run the ctt tool)
>use ctt tool for tweaks
>download snappy driver origin and run it (this will deal with all your driver needs)
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No. I actually use Windows 11 and Copilot. Test technologies are actually not bad.
Nothing against copilot itself, I just don't want it in my browser, or have a dedicated sidebar for it.
who knows honestly, but just wait until official release, it's just one month
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Good day sirs
why do the last 3 have significantly lower resolution?
Is it possible to use WSL without problems on LTSC 2021? If not, what is recommended hyper-v or vbox?
Now post W11, the best of the bunch.
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You are missing Windows XP POS Ready 2009.
Can't believe the amount of SOVL the ones before XP have. They just look professional
free not adware PDF editor software? The download & install type, not online.
Google Docs
my tech illiterate friend doesnt have an usb stick atm and wants to install w11 using his android phone
is this possible?
You Tech Illiterate friend can spend 15 fucking dollars on a USB drive that he will use for the next 15 year assuming he's not retarded and keeps it in a safe place.
its 11pm and no usb stick shops are open
It is not
it used to on w8 days
I remember having an app that had bunch of linux distros and w8 on it ready to install as bootable device
it was from f-droid
That's when you could mount your sdcard as a raw storage device, modern phones only let you transfer files through retarded MTP
its a grim future we live in
What's a good bookmark manager to use? I'm currently using xbrowsersync but it has its issues.
Of course you can use WSL2 without issues. Now if you want it to be a full-fledged VM where you can run full Linux, good luck, there are hacks for this, but it is bugged and annoying. You can run any Linux apps, for the most part, just not whatever DE and stuff you prefer. You'll need a regular VM for that.
Or just dual boot if your machine isn't ancient e-waste that will shart itself if you try dual-booting.
What are people actually running in WSL2? Seems like a huge waste of time just for a POSIT-compliant virtualization layer.
>What are people actually running in WSL2?
Development environments
>Seems like a huge waste of time just for a POSIT-compliant virtualization layer.
Seems, but it's useful if you're forced to:
a. Work with Windows because of security/infrastructure
b. The development environment only can be setup under Looniks
The only thing I can think of that WSL2 gives you is a POSIX compatible environment. Windows has literally everything else. I use clang on windows.
I really wish it was that way but in truth it isn't. Seems you haven't worked enough in the tech industry.
>Server written in loonix
>client written in windows
>how do I test lel
Story older than time.
Damn, xmarks truly was the end of an era...
So, you don't like the look of it?
best open source software to create a system image?
maybe clonezilla?
it looks okay, but can it sync with the browser? when I tried it I can import from the browser, but I have to use its extension to add bookmarks instead of the star in the url bar.
Best windows version for virtual machines?
Windows 11 Enterprise/Education, version 24H2
Windows 10
What's wrong with using an extension instead? Just OCD about it not being the browser bookmarks?
10 iot ltsc or any embedded version
I got 10 iot ltsc to like 800mb ram idle on a vm with 4gb allocated
You're retarded, webview is basically a system component. Dont come here crying when software breaks

I don't know why people bother with fucking with Edge when it's basically a core Windows component at this point
You can make an ffmpeg/lame script for this
If you need a GUI i really like LameXP
128kbps mp3 or 92kbps opus should suffice if you dont know what you should encode to
I believe bookmarks should be in the browser, and a multiplatform cloud sync bookmark manager should just sync any changes between the browser and itself.
>muh open sores
just use macrium
>muh windars
just use linux
chrome or brave?
Brave obviously
how quickly does winget update its packages?
when i used chocolatey, some packages would take days or weeks to be updated
i get that its community supported but maybe theres more jeets chomping at the bit to be the one who uploads the newer package on winget?
Whenever the package's source is updated IE the release section on a github etc. then winget will update it
You guys like pinning programs to start menu or to task bar? Or maybe launch them from a launcher like powertoys?
i just press the win-key and type the first few letters for anything that isnt my browser, which is pinned to the taskbar
>improves the windows experience
I like a clean taskbar so I pin stuff in start menu, unironically like live tiles for that, even if they feel flat and boring, but it's easy to reach and doesn't look that ugly imho
I do the former, yes. I like having my browser, music player, and terminal on my taskbar, and am quite used to opening Brave with Win+1, and foobar2000 with Win+2, for example. If I use a program often, but not all the time, I'll put it in my start menu.
Windows 8 had the best system sounds, what went so wrong?
You don't use something like openshell? I actually like the windows 8 openshell theme over windows11 "immersive" or the windows 10 one. windows 8 openshell theme feels very classical.
I hate icons, shit's way too distracting. I go into settings, themes, and icons then disable recycle bin as well. I keep icons technically enabled on desktop so I can see if something I install creates one and I can delete it, but I always keep my desktop clean. I also unpin everything from the taskbar and unpin everything from the initial start menu (I'm on W11), because I don't want any distractions when I turn on my PC and start the day. If I need a specific app I can either click on apps and browse through them or type it in the start menu search bar. Just werks, peace of mind. I do the same on my android, all widgets and icons deleted, then just sorted in alphabetic order.
Windows has never had good system sounds, the only good system sound is the iconic startup one from XP or 7. If I had to pick the least shittiest one then it'd be the new dark mode specific W11 sounds, but I don't like dark mode so I just disable them all in sound control panel.
>best open source software to create a system image?
They're all garbage.
You need to go proprietary on this one.

>I don't know why people bother with fucking with Edge when it's basically a core Windows component at this point
I have been removing Edge since W10 came out in 2015, never had a single problem.
>I have been removing Edge since W10 came out in 2015, never had a single problem.
Nor a single tangible benefit.
placebo is a kind of benefit
why are you looking at the icon instead of the window
is there any gui for winget?
Aside from just aesthetics, the issue is mostly if I have multiple programs open I do not want to accidentally open file explorer or edge or steam or something else pinned that I have no use case for at that moment, and have to click around them. It's much cleaner and sensible if the only tasks on the taskbar are the ones I am currently using.
Doing a fresh windows install. Should I just reuse the product key I used on this same PC from 10 years ago

Or just do that activation script guide in the op (which I have done in the past with another computer)
either is fine
works with multiple package managers as well
Any links to a clean win10 ltsc iso
lower resource usage
lower attack surface

there's zero reason to have software you don't use on your system
check op
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what are you guys using? 11 or 10?
Microsoft Windows 11, Pro for Workstations, 23H2

Eleven chan is so cute and fertile...
Would I still have to have some sort of official Microsoft log in or account or can you use your PC without having one of those now
IoT LTSC 2021 on this current PC. When I build a new one I'll try using IoT LTSC 2024 and see how I go.
theres an option to create a local account when making the bootable usb with rufus
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is it safe to install from there?
Nigga, these are hosted by the same person who makes MAS
The ISOs are all genuine. Most anons get their ISOs from here these days.
>Personal desktop: 11 Pro
>Personal laptop: 10 Home
>Work laptop: 10 Home
Why not upgrade from home with MAS? You can't even use the group policy editor with home
Windows 10 Server 2022
yah good call, I'll do that this weekend, thanks
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I don't use Windows, but I'mma post in ur Bocchi thread anyways
I use Windows 11 Enterprise ToT Edition
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thanks for reply, i used to think you had to go to hell and back to pirate windoes, but it seems you guys have all the good stuff.
Using Windows for free has literally never been easier, especially when MS themselves just offer 10/11 ISOs on their website.
We're long past the need of using keygens to activate Windows installs or downloading "activated" ISOs through torrent sites.
that site comes from the my digital life forums
so its trustworthy
seems ms just realized it's actually profitable to let people run win for free
Well they make most of their money from other avenues instead of pure consumer license sales. Office 365 subscriptions, the license fees they get payed by every single OEM and business environment, Xbox Game Pass subscriptions. Singular license fees are small time to it these days, plus they have trillions of dollars so no one should feel bad about using it while activated with MAS.
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Is there any way to only have these two show up in the sound menu?
If I install the 24H2 preview from the iso, am I automatically set into the preview programme or something? Can i even create a local account?
Yes, just disable the rest of the devices in settings.
The current ISO offered by massgrave for IoT LTSC 2024 is an open preview that isn't a part of the insider program branch but of the mainline 11 one. Technically when the October cumulative update gets installed it should just become retail IoT LTSC 2024.
are code packs necessary these days?
do old visual novels require them?
which one of these do you reccomend for windows 95 look?
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Been having this problem with W11 23H2 for a couple months now:
I have this habit of locking my PC every time I leave my room. Doing this puts my monitor on stand-by
Usually, when I get back, I press a random key a couple times and the monitor wakes up and I'm greeted by the windows login prompt
Nowadays, half the times the monitor won't wake up no matter what I do unless I manually turn it off and on again, and sometimes after doing this, I'm not even greeted by the lock screen clock or the password prompt, but just the wallpaper. Sometimes pressing a random key does brings up the login prompt, but often I have to ctrl+alt+del for it to show up
Anyone heard of similar problems like this before?
do you guys actually use stuff like winget/chocolately/scoop or whatever, or have you guys moved on from doing that?
>half the times the monitor won't wake up no matter what I do unless I manually turn it off and on again
This happens to me often
I want to use winget but it's a fucking mess.
nta but how so?
It oftens fails for whatever reason, and every time a new progrm gets updated (or tries to before failing) you get the UAC pop up to put your password. Imagine updating 30 programs.
I see. I use chocolatey but winget seems convenient in that it detects all installed programs for updates whereas chocolatey can only detect programs installed with it. So with winget, I can update software that were installed with winget, chocolatey, or even from downloaded exe files
Used to have this issue myself, figured out a way to solve it. Right click onto your start menu / windows logo button, and then choose "Device Manager", go through each single entry manually (I know it's tedious), and on every one that has a power management tab make sure that "Allow this device to wake up PC from sleep" is checked, and "Allow PC to shut down this device for energy saving" is unchecked. Not sure if this is exactly what it says as I'm translating from my native tongue, but it should be something along those lines. 100% fixed the issue for me and using spacebar or my mouse to turn on the screen works 10/10 times now
Personally if there's a way of getting the direct clean digitally signed .exe or .msi file straight from the official website of whatever program I want to use, then I will always get it that way. It offers most control during install and is the safest. I pretty much only use winget for one thing, and that's for updating specific shit like microsoft edge webview, which doesn't update together with the browser because I have a group policy enabled that disables all background apps and I don't have any startup apps either, so edge can't do it alone. In my experience running winget update -all is very buggy, for some reason winget actually pushes shit faster than microsoft store and sometimes it won't even update it or it will show that there's an update required despite you being on the latest version. For example right now if I go to my ms store and click update all button, it shows as no updates, yet if i run winget update in terminal, it shows me that terminal and dev home have updates. Annoying.
Realistically, how bad is using Windows 10 going to be by the time End of Support comes up?
My pc can't upgrade to 11, (good, fuck 11) and there's so many different little programs that don't work with Linux that I'd have to install some hipster-ass alternative for if I switched over.
I don't think you should be using windows without security patches, that seems like a nightmare no matter what retards on /g/ might say to cope. But you can simply just use rufus to install windows 11 and bypass the cpu restrictions, or you can use LTSC until 2032. I mean if you really can't save up to upgrade your PC in 10 years (a decade), then you have bigger issues than windows in your life.
is Chocolatey worth installing? are the packages safe and well curated before posting?
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Everything is fake positive
That's what anti-viruses are for, they are meant to warn you about executables that are not digitally signed and confirmed safe, and they are meant to quarantine shit that's been reported as a virus before or has something really odd about it. Then you use common sense and decide if the source is trustworthy and restore it from quarantine. No single person in the world has enough "common sense" to be alert at all times and never absent mindedly use their PC.
But twas from Github...
Github can have viruses, there's a bunch of counter strike 2 cheats on github that are blatant malware and usually get taken down a few hours, days or sometimes even weeks after uploads.
Define what a virus is. If I create a bat file that deletes system32, should WD detect it as a virus?
It is something related with Neofetch
Read through the source code if it's on github and make sure you are downloading through github, not through some external link on there. It's most likely just a false positive that you can ignore, but if you want -fetch for windows, I used this one for a while before while I still cared about muh ricing and it worked fine.
Thank you
"anti-cheat doesnt work on your distro? just dont play that game bro"
troonixtards are something else
It's a cult, trying to reason with them is pointless
>nooooo I have to consoooom everything, even if it's microtransaction slop
Name a single le anti-cheat game worth playing
I'm in a cult and worship pagan gods, but that has nothing to do with linux
turns out normal loonix users just have another device for playing games with anti-cheat, or, dual-boot

it's the schizos that start sperging shit like this as if it were a religion of some sorts

the majority of loonix users I know just don't care about gayming at all, and I'm one of those, my fav gayms are minecraft and ut2004, which coincidentally run natively on loonix
>Name a single le anti-cheat game worth playing
Helldivers 2

t. troonixtard
I was thinking about installing Windows 11 Enterprise IoT LTSC on my desktop computer, but how well do games work on it? I've been playing "Red Dead Redemption 2" and "Grand Theft Auto IV" lately, but there are also a few pirated Denuvo games that I play. Will they work on LTSC?
They should work fine
even the bigges linux fanboys on the linux subreddits all of them dual boot lol
they are just coping using linux
meds. now
What's the problem with that?
I use Linux 99% of the time. I just boot to Windows for playing multiplayer games with my buddies
windows does everything better. what exactly do you do on linux that you cant on windows>
you can do whatever you want
but like the other guy said, windows does everything better
i dont hate linux but why would i make my life harde
>Run Docker natively
>Play audio through the network
>Run virtual machines with access to my GPU and all hardware (play games on Windows VM)
>Create complex partition layouts
>Load balance/bond my network to have more bandwidth
>Store important files without the fear of bitrotting
just a couple of stuff at the top of my head that I'm currently using right now
There is no disable button?
Windows 11 Microsoft dickriders actually fucking piss me off so much more than anything when it comes to troubleshooting things I am SO FUCKING TIRED OF THESE JACKASSES EVERYWHERE SAYING
>Oh, I never noticed that. That's not a problem for me.
>I think it looks nice? Why would you want to change that?
>I found a fix: *tutorial for how to not fix it*
>I just used *very sketchy pajeet bloatware tweaker*
I just want to remove the stupid 1px gray window window border
This was either extremely subtle or didn't exist at all in Windows 10 compared to it being in your face on Windows 11
These guys are fucking high "it looks nice it adds depth" kill yourself I don't need this 9% performance increase at the cost of my autism flaring up upon seeing this disgusting border around my windows
choco makes me fucking hard. It's such a huge qol.
>Windows can run Windows Docker Images and Linux Docker Images (with either WSL or Hyper-V as a backend)
>Doesn't understand that Windows runs on top of Hyper-V.
>Yes it's called youtube.com
>You can do this with Hyper-V easier than you can do it with KVM.
>You don't need these.
>Honestly you have me on the bonding one.
>Random bullshit
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you can uninstall in device manager. be careful tho. maybe the ones you need show up there?
Why does C/install drive keep filling up so suddenly.

It's and old 120gb one from 10 years ago. I'll clear things up 3 to 5gb of space then next time I turn my PC on it will say it's all full and stuff again.

What's going on? I really don't know what else is going on because everything is very light and appears to have nothing significant
>Windows can run Windows Docker Images and Linux Docker Images (with either WSL or Hyper-V as a backend)
Not natively
>Doesn't understand that Windows runs on top of Hyper-V.
>Yes it's called youtube.com
Not the same
>You can do this with Hyper-V easier than you can do it with KVM.
>You don't need these.
I do
>Honestly you have me on the bonding one.
>Random bullshit
Clearly you don't care about your data
>NoT nAtIvElY
Yup, can't do it, I'm sorry
When doing a fresh install should I unhook all my storage besides the one I plan on putting it on?
same thing happens with win10 dickriders fwiw
hope you find a solution bro
yes. you can always hook up your other drives later and bring them back online through disk management
if you enable WSL remember to check if virtualization based protection is enabled, if it is disable that because it reduces performance
It's so over, Linus is going to reveal MAS to the normies...
not to mention that if he came across MAS, for sure he's going to expose IoT LTSC as well
Currently on Win 10 iot ltsc.
Worth to switch to W11 24h2? Using ryzen cpu 5800x3d.
>notice fodhelper.exe in process list
>run sigcheck on fodhelper.exe
>sigcheck says its signed
>upload fodhelper.exe to virustotal
>virustotal says unsigned but with no AV detections and a -41 community score

wtf Is it malware or not, the sha1 hash is in the filename field(to bypass 4chan spam filter)

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