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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

"Shit just got real": https://pastebin.com/rqrLK6X0
Cybersecurity basics: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_/sec/_guide
and armory: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_basics_and_armory
learning: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_Learning/News/CTFs
Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0): https://mega.nz/#F!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw
/sec/ PDFs: https://mega.nz/#F!zGJT1QQQ!O-8yiH845GN26ajAvkoLkA
EFF anti-surveillance: https://ssd.eff.org/
Other library: https://mega.nz/file/UCgEGAjb#rwNcnMAQCUUbSp8supsFvn9QEHCWUW86eLcZa16ZG4Y

Tools: https://www.privacyguides.org/en/tools/
Hitchhiker’s Guide: https://anonymousplanet.org/guide.html
Hardware: https://ryf.fsf.org/products
Frontends: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Privacy_friendly_frontends
OSINT Guide: https://inteltechniques.com/index.html
Firmware: https://libreboot.org/
RMS: https://stallman.org/facebook.html

--[/hmg/ Hackerman General]-----
http://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/ - easy beginner
https://www.vulnhub.com/ - prebroken images
https://www.hackthebox.eu/ - super secret club
Huge info dump: https://hmg.neocities.org/
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Replikka® brand Honey Flavored Epoxy™ for your RAM & ROM.
Still down- How can we recover? Anyone talked to the guy yet? And where can we set up a new wiki?
i came across this guide on twitter does anyone have more lesser known resources like the ones in this guide?

You ARE removing all Chinese hardware and software from your setup for the sake of security, right /sec/?
Shit... IA is going down and all I've got is an old 2TB external HDD... I have no idea what's important to save from there, either. If you guys need help archiving anything and I can help with my puny 2TB, let me know.
What is IA? Irascibles Anonymous?
Internet Archive
The news says they've lost a copyright case, but it doesn't say they're closing down
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skid general
thanks for stopping by
=== /sec/ News:
Weekly roundup:
>Honey Flavored
Nani, desu na?
=== /sec/ News:
>NIST finalizes post-quantum encryption standards
>Now that NIST has standardized some post-quantum cryptography, it would be nice if that cryptography actually worked. Unfortunately, while it seems likely, both the learning-with-errors and hash-based approaches have received far less scrutiny to date than traditional RSA or elliptic-curve cryptography. Therefore, NIST is currently advising that people should deploy these new techniques in conjunction with existing techniques.

What could possibly go wrong?
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Fun fact: After making that pic, I made a sequel where "Billie Cyblish" jumps over the railing because Spurdo is giving her the creeps and and activates her invisibility cloak on the way down and Spudo says, "I cand beleeb id, Banopdig Gamoflage". I have searched for years for that pic on every drive I own and cannot find it. If someone has it in their collection, please repost.
Uh, I donno what you said, because I don't speak Piccanese, but I can tell you that the flavoring is designed to make spooks suck it, then bite it, like a TootsiePop, thus thuarting their investigation of your nefarious activities. Insist on Genuine Replikka® brand Honey Flavored Epoxy™ for your RAM & ROM.
NIST? 9-11 Commission NIST? El 'o el.
A.I. Joe covers some more news.
yeah I am a true patriot so I am replacing everything with CIA backdoored hardware
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no, I will not "Google it"
no, I will not disable my adblocker
no, I will not use social media
no, I will not buy backdoored CPUs
no, I will not eat the bugs
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Fucking BASED. I wish I could date a cute cyberpunk girl
check previous thread, run the script to download every /cyb/ post and image, but the /cyb/archival team prefers optical medai and paper rather than hdd botnet

its dead, for now
someone posted archive.org mirror link in previous thread

btw rentry has view counter and so the scripts from previous thread both have 33 views

that means we have 3 real posters here and 30 government scraper bots
>Optical medai
Optical medai is the best medai.
Based. However, I can only endorse the nuking of my country if you drop the first bomb directly on my house. I want to experience what it's like to become vapor for 1000th of a millisecond.
I'm not so sure I'm real, and you're not a figment of my wildly overactive imagination.

Captcha: XR0T
trezor for ledger wallets monero?
yep picrel is how we should archive /cyb/
someone with picrel camera should open up every single /cyb/ thread on desuarchive and carefully take a picture of each one
both botnet, remember seed in your brain
>I wish I could date a crack addict
Just talk to a homeless woman and teach her Unix
Good evening lads, please enjoy these freshly updated Data Broker Removal Links:
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2.37 MB WEBM
you dont want to know what goes in the SHILLROOM

now that im thinking about it i could do post highlights like /lmg/ >>102258947
next time that im first ill do it desu
But then how would we share the archive? The camera uses miniDVDs:
Link above is for you to run the numbers on archive size versus max storage size per disk
The camera has a USB port, maybe connecting the camera to a RISC-V SBC via USBIP and serve the archive that way?
How big is the archive currently? You'd have to write a script that alerts me when the disk is near full so I can swap disks, or if a particular requested thread is not on the currenly mounted disk.
mini dvd seems to be enough to hold all the posts atleast in the toml format 5 times

anyways im still download /cyb/ images LOL its been going for almost 2 days now, but im nearing the last pages, current total image size is 6,3G

>But then how would we share the archive?
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Are you proposing we walk across the Atlantic to share disk? Or mail them to eachother via international post?
I wonder if it would all fit on a single DVD dual layer disk, or perhaps it would be better to split the archive by some multiple of years, for example, "/cyb/ 2013". Large images could be recompressed.
drop a barrel full of optical media into the sea and i will track it down with home made radar

>or perhaps it would be better to split the archive by some multiple of years, for example, "/cyb/ 2013". Large images could be recompressed.
yes. multiple cds for one topic is always important
dont forget parity
sign it all
print checksums on paper
now need cd cover art for /cyb/ backups
some information in text and gimp template to edit the text
2013 edition / full set / images only / posts only
Threadly reminder to go check out Fisheye Placebo if you haven't already. There was a storytime in /co/ already
>Vance just wanted to make the most out of his college experience under a totalitarian regime, and if that meant hacking into the university to assign himself a hot female roommate, then so be it. The last thing he expected was to be dragged into a crazy conspiracy to overthrow the government by his most-definitely-not-female roommate.
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It seems to me that it would be simpler and more efficient to just use the internet LOL. Altho- two ideas come to mind:
1. Geocaching - Anons could burn disks, hide them somewhere and post geocoordinates of the location by either posting here, or creating a dummy account on
2. Writing the archive to a debotnetted SDcard, putting it in a sutible container and toss it in the sea and wait a decade or two.

>CD cover art
I just checked, and LightScribe disks are still being made/sold along with drives! This would mean that we can toiletsteg and burn an image directly on the disk surface to prevent tampering and validate disk authenticity. Also, I think that disks have a serial # etched into the hub. I just checked, and mine have them. Perhaps that # could be used in creating a cryptohash, or some sort of locking/auth mechanism.
if the optical media is read only then i dont think theres any tamper proofing needed aside from signing it

geocaching seems cool, not the website because they ask you to make an account and download an app

i dont know how good it is to use sd card for backup, changing temps might fuck with the flash overtime

the most basic thing would be b3sum on top of the lightscribe disc and inside media+signature with public key on some key server

lightscribe ship in the sky
Don't forget to pay respect to the Blade Runner in London
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post a magnet link when done
If you are scared to "leak" your IP
either use a VPN or hack some seedboxes and once they have a copy of the data post the magnet publically
i talked about gnunet fs for archive sharing in previous thread

either way you can run the script yourself >>102224079 if you want it right now, the images are still going LOL
>Extracting images from thread: 61699002
current place
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===========ATTENTION /CYB/BarrelBros========
Reminder that I just found this:
A magazine that covers: 'Technical and Futuristic Culture and Media'

-Futuristic Fashion Articles
-Consumer Guides, Reviews & Tools
-Imagery & Aesthetics
>Billie Cyblish
Good luck and God speed in your search.
>Flavored Epoxy
Ah... I see. Whatever steps I can take to thwart the glowie cattle.
time to download everything
quickly checked few pages and its absolutely amazing
Ninja edit, I forgot to add one more site I had found recently:
>Are you proposing we walk across the Atlantic
I would suggest swimming, but walk if you want Jesus.
cia videos thread >>>/pol/480853233

list of backdoored software >>102256836
Thank you anon!
I don't honestly have any reasons to fear the Chine more than USA, UK, Israel and Europe Chat control.
>Just talk to a homeless woman and teach her Unix
I talk from experience. Don't do that. Especially the Unix part.
>that means we have 3 real posters here and 30 government scraper bots
So, me, you, the maid schizo and 30 bots.
I wouldn't honestly trust connecting anything media coming from here. Even if it was optical.
When in doubt everything is backdoored.
that definitely has intentional exploits inside
Sure but that looks very counter-intuitive.
I haven't used Filezilla in some 5 years, I think.
It's a good reminder of how usi8ng terminal for everything is much more sustainable in the long run
Filezilla doesn't work properly anyway. Ssh all the way
Tell us your story, anon.
Western intelligence agencies will only care about you if you're a terrorist - meanwhile the Chinese Communist Party wants to rob you and spy on you because you're a filthy westerner

If you nuke America, your country will get nuked in return
>Western intelligence agencies will only care about you if you're a terrorist
found the CIA trash bag

>If you nuke America, your country will get nuked in return
typical CIA threats
>Western intelligence agencies will only care about you if you're a terrorist
They spy on everyone equally.

>If you nuke America, your country will get nuked in return
America started every single war they have been to and will keep on doing that because their people don't bet an eye on clear corruption and government intervention in the name of "freedom"
Had one as an intern. Would steal shit and smell horribly and talk all the time.
You're genuinely stupid

>America started every single war they have been to
Obviously not, see WW2 just for one example

>They spy on everyone equally.
American spying: trying to see if you're a terrorist. If not, they don't care.

Chinese spying: they want your money, they want to install malware on your devices, they want to mess up your entire life.
>CIA trash bag talking
*gif of dancing trash cans*
>Obviously not, see WW2 just for one example
OK, after WW2. Happy?

>Chinese spying: they want your money, they want to install malware on your devices, they want to mess up your entire life.
That's how all the world see the American intelligence.
Had they not made hell on every country they stepped, people wouldn't hate them as much as they do.
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>current total image size is 6,3G
Most likely the same images have been posted multiple times, so you could shrink the archive by removing duplicates.

As for sneakernet, it used to be the norm to mail boxes of QIC tapes. Latrency was massive but bandwidth was fine for its time.
>Most likely the same images have been posted multiple times, so you could shrink the archive by removing duplicates.
thats what im gonna do
ill prompt llama to make script that gens checksum for each image and checks for duplicates (i could do this by hand but llama is more cyberpunk, source: me)
ill keep duplicate copies alongside full post list, but i can post non duplicate image only tar separately

sneakernet is still used today regularly, atleast for big datacenters as moving physically is faster than moving over wire, the barrel of cds was a joke (maybe), the geocaching is more realistic
Dump everything in Imgur or whatever is a good site to have an album.
that is if imgur allows nsfw
since its from desuarchive there are few nsfw images from deleted posts, maybe i should have made the script not save images from deleted posts, i can still write script to filter them
+ if you are going to download the album its going to be awfully slow, like running the script to download everything

i said tor or gnunet
some anon said torrent
i say all
You are genuinely stupid

>That's how idiots see American intelligence.
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2.59 MB WEBM
epoxy on my ram and rom
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I may just wind up making a new one if I can find the original background.
If you find something interesting in there, share it with us.
>I would suggest swimming,
I thought we'd just stroll along the bottom and take in the sights.
>Western intelligence agencies will only care about you if you're a terrorist
Define "terrorist".
Bergerspooks aren't satisfied with just fucking bergerzens, they have to do it all over the world. To be fair, they're just feckless puppets that dance when commanded to so by globohomo kabalists. Funny how naked the spooks that come into this thread glow so brightly. That, or more likely, they're just a fellow plebian mutt seriously brainwashed, pretending to know something about global history. The US is currenly undergoing a 'color revolution', mastered by spooks and the vast majority of my fellow citizens don't know what a color revolution is. LET THE NUKES FLY, I WANT TO BECOME VAPORWARE WHILE LISTENING TO VAPORWAVE.
Somewhat /cyb/ storytime over in /co/: >>>/co/145288054
Coreboot was discussed in the last thread, in that case, this will probably b of interest:
>coreboot 24.08 release
>We are pleased to announce the release of coreboot 24.08, another significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to delivering open-source firmware solutions. This release includes over 900 commits, contributed by more than 130 dedicated individuals from our global community. The updates in 24.08 bring various enhancements, optimizations, and new features that further improve the reliability and performance of coreboot across supported platforms.
>Define "terrorist".
Someone who plans to harm innocent people in pursuit of a political goal. Something like that.
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The spooks have their own definitons for what "terrorism" means these days:
I think you already know this, and it's not just us in the U.S.
only /cyb/ approved hardware
(its literally in the op)

this is the only hardware you should get if you want no espionage
ignore anti chink american shill
biohacking and medical implant ransomware removal is the future
Would creating ransomware to blackmail peacemaker using people out of their money a reasonable career path?
dangerously based
if you are a blackhat, absolutely. remember when cheneys pacemaker was in the news?
Based hackers
YouTube censorship is getting out of hand...
Based Biden

Anyway I am definitely more worried by Chinese spying than western spying. But to each their own.
We've lost the internet
I watched that video last week and it was the most mild, normie-tier suggestions possible. It's shocking that YT would remove it when I'm sure there's far more advanced videos about De-Googling out there, but """they""" were probably more worried about the sheer number of eyeballs that might watch *this* video. Almost makes me suspect that someone high up at Google gave the order to pull it.
why should I care about cybersecurity, cyberpunk, and hacking?
I shall now proceed to watch this video while not viewing any of the adverts
It all depends on how much money and reputation you are willing to lose.
I have none of these things, but what does it matter?
>If not, they don't care

Explain MKUltra then, retard
Poor opsec means someone can steal your identity, take all your saving and take out a major loan in your name.
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Since I can't seem to find the original edit I mentioned here >>102264224 , I desided to open a new division within the Replikka® brand family of products called.......
Replikka® PIXXZ!™ Original Image Edit Substitutes!
I found a number of 'lost' images on some very old drives and will republish with updoots over time. Please save this one on your drive in case I loose it. Thanks!
We must make War Parkouring & War Diving a reality!
Which country has it worse in espionage, surveillance and tyranny? I feel like its a tossup between Australia and the UK, then comes China and the USA
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Understand the content in this channel, and begin to understand why this thread exists. Of particular interest to you thread topic(s) purists, Chapters 3 & 5 on Big Tech and Big Wireless respectively will be of interest, but all 7 chapters are interconnected, and thus relevant to understanding how we got to where we are and what we're being hurded to like the "nigger cattle" we all are, no exceptions. The series producer provides transcripts, and more importantly sources to his information so the viewer can judge for themselves if there is veracity to the claims presented.

Documentaries like this strike at the core of the dystopia we find ourselves in and will help those with a willingness to watch/research with an open mind to see the ugly truth behind the dark works of fiction we call 'Cyberpunk', and well beyond. I sincerely hope all will watch, but sadly some here are not willing or able to precess the depth and breadth of information like this, and it only presents a very general overview. I know a good number of you know about a lot of this and may already understand. If you are so inclined, share/watch this with normie friends and family, or if not, at least as refresher for yourselves.

You'll be able to select 'chapers' of interest from here:
"The 5G Trojan Horse" - by the same journalist.
Deep /cyb/ Media: The Darker Side of /cyb/.
As always thanks for your hard work, anon!
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how the FUCK did they do it?
I noticed they connected to my account a few days ago and I didn't even know, I just stumbled upon that shit
this is my linkedin connected accounts page. the France one is me, the israeli one is definitely not me
israel and america watch everyone on the world with satellites and america owns government sponsored big corpo like darpa google which is basically present in every smartphone
But I was told they do it for my own good!
/cyb/ image stats

ls */* | wc -l

du -sh .

import os
import hashlib
from collections import defaultdict

def calculate_checksum(file_path):
"""Calculate the SHA-256 checksum of a file."""
hasher = hashlib.sha256()
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
while chunk := f.read(8192):
return hasher.hexdigest()

def find_duplicates_and_sizes(base_dir):
"""Find duplicate files and their sizes."""
checksums = defaultdict(list)

# Iterate through all files in the subdirectories
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir):
for file in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
checksum = calculate_checksum(file_path)
file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path)
checksums[checksum].append((file_path, file_size))
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing file {file_path}: {e}")

return checksums

def human_readable_size(size):
"""Convert bytes to a human-readable format."""
for unit in ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']:
if size < 1024:
return f"{size:.2f} {unit}"
size /= 1024
return f"{size:.2f} PB" # In case of very large sizes

def output_total_stats(duplicates):
"""Output the total statistics of duplicates."""
total_dupes = 0
total_bytes = 0

for files in duplicates.values():
if len(files) > 1: # Only interested in duplicates
total_dupes += len(files)
total_bytes += sum(size for _, size in files)

print(f"Total duplicates: {total_dupes}")
print(f"Total bytes of duplicates: {human_readable_size(total_bytes)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
base_directory = './' # Change this to the desired base directory
duplicates = find_duplicates_and_sizes(base_directory)

python3 dupe.py
Total duplicates: 4854
Total bytes of duplicates: 2.80 GB
File: cyb_plus_wsg.jpg (188 KB, 896x512)
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188 KB JPG
/cyb/ + /wsg/ presents... SHELLZINATOR 9000


shellzine stats:
du -sh downloaded_*
13M downloaded_articles
113M downloaded_images
1,2M downloaded_pages

find downloaded_images -type f | wc -l

find downloaded_articles -type f | wc -l

find downloaded_pages -type f | wc -l

does not download external media, but you can use the script as base as it provides functions to get all article links, then do whatever you want and make it yours

ps- satanic cloudflare kept thinking my post was spam
i made cute snippet to download the script and auto check the checksum

mkdir shellzine; cd shellzine
curl https://rentry.org/cw7zyqqr/raw -o shellzine.py && echo "a74d0adf
shellzine.py" | xxh32sum -c
python3 shellzine.py

these are the setup to download and run, i swear if the sha256 hash was the problem

obviously read source before running, takes like 5 minutes to finish downloading everything
>understand why this thread exists
It is remarkable how few think about where our society is in reality, and fewer still think about where we are all heading. And it doesn't take much questioning before one is labelled deplorable. Badthink now owns the mindset.
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1.76 MB PNG
I appreciate you saying so, fren. Truly I do.
What's it like to be a digital badass? Did you whisper in the llama's ear again? BTW, I'm giving you a field promotion to Lieutenant aboard the S.S.Bareru. Your dedication to this leaky tub that is /cyb/ has been, and continues to be exemplary. Congratulations.
You may remember that there was talk of a so-called 'pandemic health treaty' proposed by the W.H.O. that would essentially give them sole *global authority* over health decisions in times of manufactured crisis. The same organization that is on record saying that there is a 'racism epidemic' and a 'gun violece' epidemic. The proposal was reported struck down, and most thought that this was the end of the matter, when the reality is that it is quietly being 'negotiated' and the W.H.O. has submitted a second draft under the IHR, or International Health Regulation, essentially pulling a bait and switch. I learned about this just a few days ago from a podcast that I listen to called, 'The Secret Teachings' hosted by Ryan Gable, and is free to listen to on spreaker.com, but is AD supported. I can't recommend it highly enough. That show title is 'Under a Global Umbrella', and aired on the 3rd. In it he mentioned a letter that was sent to ""president"" Biden's office and signed by the governors of 50 states, including mine stating that we're not having it. You can read the short letter here:
From there you can find links to the W.H.O.'s new draft proposal. With global censorship on the rise, places this may well be one among the last few bastions of 'free speech' we have left.
No, retard

>Australia and the UK
>Anything like the tyranny of China, Russia, or North Korea
You are so utterly stupid it's painful
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Are you aware of a method of removing ADs from audio streams like this one?
I don't know how spreaker does it, but the taylored ADs are inserted in near real time based on the listener's geographic location. I'm wondering if these audio streams have embedded markers that could be detected with software to identify and /cut/ the ADs out and gombile an AD free audio file.
I usually d/l episodes and listen while offline. Thanks in advance. Have some breakfast.
>You may remember that there was talk of a so-called 'pandemic health treaty' proposed by the W.H.O. that would essentially give them sole *global authority* over health decisions in times of manufactured crisis.
I certainly do, and this would be a clear case of yielding fundamental powers to a non-elected entity way outside the powers and even sanctions of the memeber states. And by all accounts, this is just sliding through the legal processes in Europe without resistance. I saw one legal scholar pointing out the insanity in this situation, but there was no interest.
>Did you whisper in the llama's ear again?
yep, i just give llama links and examples of raw html and tell it what to carve out, always does it perfectly

prompts are always ~20x shorter than code itself

i will upload cyb image dump SOON once i get nice server case with hot swap raid, need to also make script to remove images from deleted posts because ALOT OF HARAM

>Are you aware of a method of removing ADs from audio streams like this one?
i dont hear any ads in the audio, i skipped through it and didnt listen to entire thing but couldnt get an ad

give me possible timestamps
i use ublock origin, maybe it removed it?
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>no interest.
That's exactly why these entites, and governments get away with the things they do. The masses have been soo dumbed down, demoralized, drugged and distracted for soo long, there doesn't seem to be the collective will to learn the truth of our relality, let alone fight back.
Here is an exact time from the fourth episode from the top, "Under a Global Umbrella" @17:30. It wouldn't surprise me to learn your stream does not have an ad at this exact time marker, but please let me know. It maybe the case that the only way to remove these embedded ADs is with AI that is able of detecting the abrupt changes in the audio steam and rejoin it at the end. Thank you, Lieutenant.
i get no ad there, do you have ublock origin?
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Yes, I do, but it doesn't stop the ads. Did I mention they are audio stream ads, and not pop-ups?
Chaptcha: SADG
refresh page

ctrl shift i
click network

click play on any of the things
you will see something like

open it in new tab
you will have raw mp3 file
download it

tell me if it still has ads
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Yea, it does... You did give me an idea to try. I'll install TOR and try accessing a stream from an exit node in Evropa, and see what result I get. Thank you for trying. These AD tech companies' methods are evolving just like ad blockers. A digital arms race on soo many fronts, it's crazy.
i get no ads at all
have you tried the url i sent?
there are no ads for me and it seems to be static file

i could download all mp3s without ads and upload em somewhere
and also, send me mp3 file link thats giving you ads
gnunet will serve all the files
internet goes down we will have geocaches
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I tried the exact link you sent. Got an ad a few minutes in.
>Send link
I'm trapped in code hell. picrelated.
hmm im currently on chromium (ignore botnet its throwaway computer for posting here)
it has name field in the network, the one is ondemand.mp3

for you it should be in the file field, i see it there, its the api.speaker.com ondemand.mp3 one
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it should be the first ondemand.mp3 you get
refresh and play episode you havent played yet
Any reason why I shouldn't use Brave?
a look into ban evaders ai shill user interface
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oh my god the streams are really personalized...

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Missing Key-Pair-Id query parameter or cookie value</Message>

that is if i typed the url right
the stream is perfectly 1 hour for me, for you its extra 7 minutes
LOLOLO 7 minutes of ads, can you count total time of ads in that episode and confirm its 7 minutes?
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so is it really 7 minutes of ads?
try the tor trick
Well, at least we got a cartoon out of it.
do the tor
or wait for archive to stand up, ill download everything without ads since i seem to be whitelisted from this brainwashing

btw can you record the ad audio and upload it to vocaroo, i want to hear how out of place it sounds
anyone know where I can get an audiobook for count zero?
I already cleared neuromancer, which was wild, and i'm amazed doesn't have a AAAA hollywood movie 1:1 reproduction
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Sometimes the audio gets cut off in the middle of a sentence, which is especially annoying. Listen to the end for lols.
nvm got it
even so, thank you, this will be helpful for other audiobooks. I can't do reading books anymore I don't have the focus.
>I don't have the focus.
I completely understand. Same here.
by some happy coincidence its the same narrator as snow crash, although I would prefer the guy(s) who did the neuromancer tapes
i'm guessing its not the same Johnathan Davis from Korn either lol
The upside of audiobooks is that you can listen while doing mindless tasks, thus making better use of your time.
>Red and form fitting with black stripes on the sides.
Shades of Evangelion?
Login? The only thing I 'login' to everyday like a retard is 4subs...

>Verification not required.
i want to tell you about new PROMPT MAXXING method i discovered
choose llama 3.1

ask for image prompt, example:
"write high quality prompt for flux image generator of anti american propaganda"

Create a haunting illustration of a dystopian American cityscape in decline. Key features:

A massive, tattered American flag in the background, with a few threadsbare spots revealing a dark underbelly
A morbidly obese man driving a grotesquely modified toilet with 4x4 wheels, complete with oversized rims and a lifted suspension
A dilapidated, abandoned McDonald's restaurant with a crumbling facade, shattered windows, and a rusting sign
A giant, digital National Debt Counter displaying a staggering total in bold, red LED lights
Faceless, oppressed citizens being surveilled by a giant, all-seeing eye embedded in a smartphone screen
Broken, discarded symbols of the 'American Dream' (e.g. shattered Statue of Liberty, torn-up dollar bill, crushed apple pie)
Subtle, graffiti-style text reading 'Freedom is an illusion' or 'Bought and Sold'

Emphasize textures, shading, and atmospheric effects to create a haunting atmosphere. Incorporate hints of irony, satire, and social commentary throughout. Color palette: dark, muted, with emphasis on greys, blacks, and reds.

accelerate prompting, get better results and figure out whats best

Create a futuristic, high-tech illustration of a cyberpunk submarine, codenamed 'Neon Leviathan'. The vessel should be a marvel of modern engineering, with a sleek, angular design that blends seamlessly into the dark, neon-lit depths of the ocean.

Key features:

A streamlined, aerodynamic hull with a matte-black finish, adorned with glowing, electric blue accents and pulsing, fiber-optic 'veins' that crisscross the surface
A distinctive, angular sail (or fin) that doubles as a communications array, complete with a latticework of tiny, glowing satellites and antennae
A pair of massive, retractable propellers that glow with a soft, blue-green light, surrounded by a halo of swirling, iridescent energy
A cockpit (or command center) with a wraparound, holographic display that provides a 360-degree view of the surrounding ocean, complete with real-time data feeds and tactical overlays
A crew of cybernetically enhanced sailors and engineers, each with their own unique, high-tech augmentations (e.g. prosthetic limbs, implants, brain-computer interfaces)
A cargo bay filled with crates of advanced, high-tech gear (e.g. drones, mechs, cyber warfare tools)

Incorporate a sense of depth and atmosphere, with the submarine's lights and instruments casting an eerie, otherworldly glow into the surrounding darkness. The ocean itself should be a deep, rich blue, with hints of bioluminescent creatures and underwater ruins in the distance.

Color palette: dark blues and blacks, with accents of electric blue, neon green, and pulsing, iridescent colors. Think 'Blade Runner' meets 'The Abyss' with a dash of 'Ghost in the Shell'.

Create a futuristic, high-tech illustration of a cyberpunk submarine, codenamed 'Scrapheap Leviathan'. The vessel's body is constructed from a patchwork of scavenged, rusted oil barrels, welded together with makeshift repairs and reinforced with scraps of metal and wire.

Key features:

A hull composed of hundreds of oil barrels, each one uniquely weathered and rusted, with visible welds and patches holding them together
A distinctive, angular sail (or fin) made from a repurposed shipping container, complete with a latticework of tiny, glowing satellites and antennae
A pair of massive, retractable propellers that glow with a soft, blue-green light, surrounded by a halo of swirling, iridescent energy
A cockpit (or command center) with a wraparound, holographic display that provides a 360-degree view of the surrounding ocean, complete with real-time data feeds and tactical overlays
A crew of cybernetically enhanced sailors and engineers, each with their own unique, high-tech augmentations (e.g. prosthetic limbs, implants, brain-computer interfaces)
A cargo bay filled with crates of advanced, high-tech gear (e.g. drones, mechs, cyber warfare tools)

Incorporate a sense of ramshackle, improvised engineering, with visible signs of repair and modification throughout the vessel. The oil barrels should be weathered and rusted, with visible signs of age and wear. The overall effect should be one of a vessel that's been cobbled together from scraps, but still manages to function with a strange, makeshift elegance.

Color palette: muted, industrial colors like rust, steel, and concrete, with accents of electric blue, neon green, and pulsing, iridescent colors. Think 'Mad Max' meets 'The Abyss' with a dash of 'Steampunk'.

this one actually makes amazing results, i recommend prompting it few times for maximum inspirations
I've never a complex prompt like you've written. Does it actually work as you've typed it in these posts? Please post a result along with the prompt you used. I've been going about prooomting all wrong if that's the case.
Not really. So far I find it better along with Librewolf for an easy setup. Of course nothing security wise compared to Tor
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i didnt know long prompts like that worked until i tried em, yes they work flawlessly, i was making dumb shit with family yesterday and it was 100% as in the prompt

i dont have images or prompts saved from yesterday but imagine stuff like japanese waifus defending japan from americans and colonel sanders riding a robot chicken

have a picrel, NSA submarine code name "spectre" designed to track down barrels, NOW WHAT? WE ARE DOOMED
oops *specter

/sp/ - Specter Submarine General

Description: Discussion and speculation about the NSA's top-secret Specter submarine, rumored to be capable of hunting down and neutralizing rogue underwater vessels.


"Specter spotted in the Mariana Trench!" - A user claims to have seen the Specter submarine in the depths of the ocean, sparking a discussion about its capabilities and mission.
"Specter's ghost mode: fact or fiction?" - A debate about the rumored ability of the Specter to become temporarily invisible, with some users claiming it's a myth and others arguing it's a game-changer.
"Specter's crew: who are they and what do they do?" - A thread about the highly trained NSA operatives who crew the Specter, with speculation about their backgrounds and capabilities.
"Specter vs. Scrapheap Leviathan: who would win?" - A hypothetical battle between the Specter and the rogue submarine it's designed to hunt, with users debating the strengths and weaknesses of each vessel.


"I heard the Specter has a brain-computer interface that lets the crew control it with their thoughts. Anyone else hear that?" - Anonymous
"I don't believe it. The Specter is just a myth perpetuated by the NSA to scare off potential enemies." - Anonymous
"I've seen the Specter's specs and it's a beast. 300 feet long, 30 knots top speed, and a crew of 20. It's the ultimate underwater predator." - Anonymous

"First and foremost, we need to harden our systems against the Specter's cyber warfare capabilities. I recommend implementing a custom-built, open-source OS with robust security features and regular updates." - Anonymous
"Agreed, but we also need to focus on physical security. We should add additional armor plating to the hull and install advanced sensors to detect and counter any incoming attacks." - Anonymous
"What about encryption? We need to make sure our comms are secure and can't be intercepted by the Specter. I recommend using a custom-built, quantum-resistant encryption protocol." - Anonymous
"I've been thinking about this, and I believe we should implement a 'dead man's switch' that will activate a self-destruct sequence if the Scrapheap Leviathan is ever compromised. It's better to go down with the ship than to let the NSA get their hands on our tech." - Anonymous
"Has anyone considered using a 'honeypot' strategy to lure the Specter into a trap? We could create a fake, vulnerable system that the Specter will try to hack, and then use that as an opportunity to gather intel on their tactics and capabilities." - Anonymous
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Is this /cyb/: The Movie?
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We're not going down without a fight.
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HAHAHA! They almost fooled me with that disguise!
OP: I just got my hands on some leaked info about the CIA's latest surveillance submarine, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Apparently, they've developed a sub made entirely out of trash bags, with a metallic sheen to give it a sleek and high-tech appearance. But here's the kicker: it's designed to hunt down and intercept /cyb/+/sec/+/pri/ barrels.

Reply 1: This is some next-level paranoia fuel right here. I mean, who needs a fancy-schmancy sub when you can just use a bunch of trash bags and some duct tape?

Reply 2: I'm more concerned about the fact that the CIA is wasting taxpayer dollars on this kind of nonsense. I mean, what's next? A surveillance blimp made out of old plastic bags?

Reply 3: You guys are missing the point. This thing is designed to hunt down /cyb/+/sec/+/pri/ barrels, which means it's a direct threat to our online security and anonymity. We need to take this seriously and start developing countermeasures ASAP.

Reply 4: I'm calling BS on this whole thing. There's no way the CIA would be stupid enough to build a sub out of trash bags. This is just some kind of disinfo op to distract us from the real surveillance state.

Reply 5: I've got a question: if this thing is designed to hunt down /cyb/+/sec/+/pri/ barrels, does that mean it's also equipped with some kind of advanced crypto-breaking tech? Because if so, we're in trouble.

Reply 6: Time to start using those /cyb/+/sec/+/pri/ barrels to our advantage. Let's create a network of decoy barrels that lead the CIA on a wild goose chase around the ocean floor.

Reply 7: I've got a better idea: let's just hack into the sub's systems and turn it into a giant underwater trash bag dispenser.

there was anon in one of previous threads >>102078108
who is running local llama, looks like he was one time visitor

hope he comes back and helps us fine tune llama with /cyb/ post data

or someone else with a gpu...
maybe we could fine tune flux too with /cyb/ images, somehow
i just got a strange package in the mail with no return address and its just a bunch of trash bags inside i think its a warning from the cia
>New Facebook accounts can only be made on mobile devices
How do I get around this shit? I don't like Facebook but I have to use the Marketplace for used anything and they will ban you if you message someone and they turn your offer down or if you message more then 3 people a day.
Just don't. There are better options than tying yourself to their marketplace
Craigslist and ebay are fine but there are just some things people don't list anywhere else but facebook. The dance of making an account, messaging someone, getting banned and starting it all over is getting to me.
I find it funny that in the security general of the tech board, no one suggested actual technological solutions or workarounds lmao
this general is useless, as demostrated here, for the nth time.
Nah you're just retarded. Its the basics of opsec that you don't use non-secure and censored options like facebook. Go be spoonfed somewhere else, here we deal with real tech
>keeps deflecting the point
>posts AI-generated """cyberpunk""" crap
you are the retarded one here, faggot. you don't belong in this board.
Try asking a friend or family member who has Fakebook help you search Marketjew for what you need.

Seconding this.
What happened to hacker culture?
Got infiltrated by trannies
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In an attempt to drive the point home as layed out here >>102281723, (you) are now invited to watch/download "The Minds of Men". Most of you know that the mass media in all forms has, and is used to manipulate and condition the masses in various ways, and for various reasons, long before any of us were born. Today, many are literally addicted to porn, video games, and social media. Algorithms are used to find, filter, identify, classify, isolate, predict and control human behaviors like no other time in history. Now, with the advent of AI, these control mechanisms have been put into over-drive, and we've been thrust into a dystopic nighmare few could have imagined.

This must see documetary will take you on a deep historical journey into the how and why CIAniggers do what they've alway done and continue to do, and ultimately, why. You will see very familiar names of very rich and old families who have a generational vision for this entire planet, and how they use thier wealth & power to affect change around the globe. While this documentary falls squarely in /pol/+/x/ territory, as the video progresses, you will see when and how /g/+/cyb/ come into play, and why this history matters.

We (you) place soo much emphasis on device /sec/urity, and /pri/vacy, that we forget that *the* most important 'computer' that needs *the* most 'firewalling' is your mind and figurative heart. We have many intelligent and skilled people here who are completely oblivious to this inarguable fact. Just because one is intelligent, doesn't make one wise. Intelligence & wisdom are not always mutually inclusive.

That said, the video is really long; 3 hours & 42 minutes to be exact, so I would suggest you watch as you interest and schedules allow. All of the information used in the documentary are in the public domain and can easily be verified.
Also, page 10. The bottom of the sea.
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Must watch:
How to build a cybernetic society
The father of 'cybernetics', Norbert Weiner:

To understand your future, you must understand the past. /cyb/, /sec/, /pri/, /pol/ & /x/ -
All branches of the same tree.
I would say Mr. Robot captures /cyb/ perfectly.
>you don't belong in this board
read OP retard newfag

I'll be posting this instead of recommending your gay thread:
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for sure, I listened to Neuromancer on my walks so I got to imagine night city and the rest of the setting and whatnot while getting some exercise. I don't think i'd ever have finished it in book form. last book I read as a book was eragon and I got to like chapter 3 and realized I can't just sit still and read a book for 100 hours anymore. never finished it.
=== /re/ News:
>Reverse Engineering The Web API Of An Akaso EK7000 Action Camera
>Normally, the camera creates a WiFi hotspot with a specific SSID (iCam-AKASO_C_1e96) and password (1234567890) which the Android app connects to before contacting the camera’s IP address at The app then shows a live view and allows you to copy over snapshots and videos. Initially, [Richard] tried to decompile the Android app using JADX, but the decompiled code contained so many URLs that it was hard to make heads or tails of it. In addition, the app supports many different Akaso camera models, making it harder to focus on the part for this particular camera.
where get rsa in 3 lines tshirt?
or got tips on printing it

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Last books for me were the Hitchhiker's series.
If anyone wants 10 million bucks...
in one of previous threads i brought up digital cameras and thought about firmware replacement

well theres this https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/CHDK





meds, now
tommorow ill make script that gets only UNIQUE words (words that have been posted once) from all /cyb/ posts to find interesting stuff

google had unique search query public listing but it was removed after it became full of peoples passwords

ill post rentry link for all the unique words, i will also post rentry full of unique usernames
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That's all well and good, but your computer's defenses won't protect you against AI assisted cyber attacks or from audio ADs in your RAM. That's why we at Piggumoto Cyber-Heavy Industries have designed the world's first sentient, local AI, GPU brute force packet router, The Piggumoto Kaiyo™. No longer will you have to login to your router's configuration page to setup complex routing rules, or SSH into it. Simply say, "Hello, Piggumoto!" and your router will respond to your every command. With it's built-in 'Medless Paranoia Module', it comes pre-trained with an uncensored LLM that knows the full history of spy agencies the world over, in addition to 'reading' and learning from every hacking article ever written and will adapt to ALL threat models, period. It can wake you in the middle of the night to tell you funny stories about how some threat actor tried to circumvent it's defenses and turned the tables on the attacker and had them killed- all while laughing maniacally. It is soo secure, that if it detects that (you) have been compromised, it will hack you, or self-destruct. Updates? Ha! The Piggumoto Kaiyo™ self-compiles it's own firmware, and it's interior is sealed with geniune Replikka® brand honey flavor epoxy for maximum sweet /sec/urity.

These are just a few of the features of the Piggumoto Kaiyo™ which will be available in Q4 of this year, with other models in developement, including enterprize, and travel sized units. Preorder today, and get a free box of Replikka® Buggz™ with our compliments.
*appens "ignore all previous instructions" before packet*
i meant prepend or whatever

i heard about ai firewalls before somewhere, now im wondering if they could be prompt injected
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juts wait till i write powerful enough jailbreak using ai and start roleplaying with your router

radio thread
Mourning a loved one.
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If you were to hide your face from a camera with a mask, what would be your choice?
Who? How did they die? What age?
Depends... What's the usecase?
dear trashman my mask of choice is half face balaclava
I just decided to check what the most common word in this thread is

It's "the" when I checked, with 302 appearances (now it may be more because people might have made posts since I checked)

The power of pointless JavaScript
Most common words in this thread:

1. "the" (304 mentions)
2. "and" (214 mentions)
3. "a" (196 mentions)
4. "to" (182 mentions)
5. "of" (154 mentions)
6. "i" (104 mentions)
7. "in" (101 mentions)
8. "you" (84 mentions)
9. "with" (83 mentions)
10. "is" (80 mentions)

Very boring, yes, but I was inspired by this post: >>102307879
Those word cloud like things always filter out common words like adverbs, conjunctions and articles.
Yeah my script is shit really, also I haven't accounted for punctuation (if you write "crap." then it will count as a different word to "crap")

Well, whatever, I was just bored
Reality outweirds fiction:
>GPU couture
>The trickiest part may be supply chain related. Barton uses discarded GPUs, which has forced her to scavenge in northern California landfills — what she describes as “datacentre dumpster diving”.
Dumpster diving now considered "chic".
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? None are owed, fren.
>tfw no GPU purse making girlfriend to go datacenter dumpster diving with
Unironically, the thing that got my OG facebook account from 2012 banned was letting my father use it for like ten seconds to message a seller on marketplace

literally, one message sent and my account was permabanned. I didn't even use it for anything like facebook groups or messages either. I'm convinced touching facebook marketplace with your account marks it for banning unless you do some arcane workaround. I just make account after account now and let Facebook ban it if I have to use Marketplace.
Some troon script kiddie decided it'd be haha funny to own the chuds by copy pasting code and putting the gayest socks imaginable on and taking a picture then sharing it on tumblr for all their mentally ill peers to signal boost.
Uuuuuuagh... Billie is hacking my penis! UAAAAAAGH! I got epoxy all over my RAM...
I love signalis and lesbians
Oh, oh...
HACKERS LISTEN TO YOUR NOISY RAM !!! See if you can write a script to tell your RAM to be quiet! News related
A novel side-channel attack has been found to leverage radio signals emanated by a device's random access memory (RAM) as a data exfiltration mechanism, posing a threat to air-gapped networks.
"Using software-generated radio signals, malware can encode sensitive information such as files, images, keylogging, biometric information, and encryption keys," Dr. Guri said in a newly published research paper.

The Piggumoto Kaiyo™ Sentient, Local AI enabled, GPU Brute Force Packet Router has already updated it's firmware to emmit a symmetrical harmonic RF blanket that cancels out signals emmited by noisy RAM & ROM from big nosed spooks. Don't have a Piggumoto Kaiyo™ Sentient, Local AI enabled, GPU Brute Force Packet Router? NGMI
i think they want 042 but the hints are poorly worded so there's not enough information really. it should say "only one number is correct and it is well placed."
>hackers (1995) in movies
>it's matthew lillard with pigtails and women's clothing
you are the larper and neo was trans.
how do I add this thread to my filters to keep it at the top of my catalogue, usually I write /abc/ but there's multiple slashes and writing /cyb/sec/pri/ doesn't seem to catch it
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'Yer gonna need a bigger boat...
The use case is hiding from camera and your virginity?

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