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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102253191

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
Blessed thread of frenship
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thx for bake
>Goes to catbox link from desuarchive's 12 days old thread
>catbox: Sorry, 404 error for you, read the threads faster!
>Goes to catbox link from desuarchive's thread from July 2023
>catbox: Sure! Here's the png with the workflow! Anything else?
You never know, I wish catbox links' contents were archived somewhere. It hurts when someone shared their prompt in one, but it's gone.
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easy to spot:
>catbox.moe is permanent (but limited to 200MB)
>litterbox.catbox.moe is max 24 hours (1GB limit)
also sometimes catbox.moe is down, then litterbox is the only alternative
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>11+ hr thread
it's over, isn't it?
>sometimes catbox.moe is down
Oh dear, imagine that the images with workflows I wanted were there but it was down, and I assumed they were gone forever, but I just had to wait. I could have had them.
And now I don't know which ones were them, I would need to hunt them down by checking every catbox link I've visited to check.
asdf doesn't have enough letters.
There are a few optimizers not yet implemented. Adam Mini is a fp16 optimizer that has the same memory footprint as AdamW 8bit. And yes, you should be able to use this optimizer to train an image model. I'll check to see how it performs with Pixart.
Is there other threads than /pol/ that have their fun with this chinese video model? >>>/pol/480797440
I mean, there's some funny shit in there but they repeat the same topic over and over again, they could be more creative
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feel free
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No, we really an AI thread ffs... we're missing on some kino shit because of that
>Adam Mini is a fp16 optimizer that has the same memory footprint as AdamW 8bit.
if we were able to use Adam Mini to finetune Flux, it would still ask for more than 24gb vram right?
Yes but that should mean you can train a Lora without the 8bit degradation.
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i hope more pop up
thanks anon
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do we know why it's not being implemented yet? the code is too complex or something?
The people who can probably aren't aware of it. Optimizers are generally drop-in because they all use the optimizer backend. I think I had to make some minor tweaks to get it to work with Pixart training. Flux is a more complex architecture so some work is likely required.

I knew that the chink will surpass the cucked west at some point, they don't give a fuck about safety, copyright and some other cucked shit like that, and it shows, that's a really impressive model, maybe not at the level of Sora but really close
I haven't seen a single xi or CCP flag getting lit on fire. it's censored anon
>it's censored anon
never said it's not, but it's way more uncensored than the west models, and that hurts me to say that, I live in the wrong timeline
>they don't give a fuck about safety, copyright and some other cucked shit like that
enjoy the flavor of the month anon at least you are having fun
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Flux never managed to be as popular as SDXL, and its existence actually helped SDXL to be more popular.
SD1.5 had more than 5.5 million downloads in the last month before runway took it down.
This is the power of brand recognition, people don't care as much about the quality of your model as what name does it have, you can't beat CocaCola with something tastier that cures cancer, because you'd need to use a new name nobody has heard for it.
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it's awesome being able to prompt action and camera movements like a director, but hailuoai gets confused when it can't fit the prompt in 6 seconds.
also it understands Archie comics somewhat, if I use the full name of the characters.
that's some interesting bait
>This is the power of brand recognition, people don't care as much about the quality of your model as what name does it have
how do you get brand recognition though? SAI didn't become popular by chance, their models were good enough, you need quality product to get brand recognition, that's that's a criteria Flux easily has
What's the point of that video? I was hoping for the second girl to slap her or something.
The problem is not with the capabilities of AI video generators, but about what people gen with them.
well you have enough tries to keep plugging away, learn to work to its limits
man, text to vid models suck ass for control still. we were spoiled with keyframes already and nothing quite hits the same. txt2vid is a dead end
go there if you want to see some crazy shit >>>/pol/480797440
the prompt was for (side view) Archie and Betty to be talking on the beach, then (pan to over Archie's shoulder) Veronica to come up behind Betty and push her away, then Betty starts crying and (zoom out to overhead) runs away , (close in shot back to first position) then Archie and Veronica are shown laughing . >>102259234
was the first part of the prompt, >>102259361
is the full prompt, it's too much for 6 seconds.
if it was keyframes you could continue it forever. do you see why this isn't very exciting?
>they don't give a fuck about safety
try to gen Winnie the Pooh with it
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where is the sex example?
works for me
pol has a workaround of a yellow bear with red sweater or something, unless it got censored since
pic related.. Winnie is censored on it
could work.. but it doesnt have the Xi likeness
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can't do that, but it can render Mike Tyson biting a jew into a watermelon kek
>works for me
you were complaining it ignored more than half your prompt and that it lasted 6 seconds??? how is that working for you?
help me bros

WARNING[XFORMERS]: xFormers can't load C++/CUDA extensions. xFormers was built for:
PyTorch 2.4.0+cu121 with CUDA 1201 (you have 2.5.0.dev20240905+cu124)
Python 3.10.11 (you have 3.10.10)
Please reinstall xformers (see https://github.com/facebookresearch/xformers#installing-xformers)
Memory-efficient attention, SwiGLU, sparse and more won't be available.
Set XFORMERS_MORE_DETAILS=1 for more details
xformers version: 0.0.28.dev895
everything has limitations? i can live with it.
>terrible collapse in the middle of the clip
this is supposed to be better than sora?
who sait it's better than sora?
You have to find an xformers version built for 2.5.0
>Comparing to vaporware
this thread is about not being content with anything and making new autistic implementations to make things better. you don't belong here
we don't know much about Sora but cherrypicked videos from OpenAI, at least you can test this chinese model with your own prompts and see its real limitations
should at least be better than current offerings like luma or kling but is seems to be the exact same thing as kling so I'll pass
Sora was never released and given OpenAI's track record of hyperbole and cherrypicking, we can trust that it does that or worse.
>seems to be the exact same thing as kling
yeah this. these FOTM video models has to stop eventually. I hope someone makes a new arch at least everyone is just copying homework
So I just found out the hard way that Nvidia's Linux drivers have no ability to fallback to system RAM once the VRAM runs out like the Windows drivers do, so if you run out, it will instead OOM and won't be able to generate anything.

I hope Nvidia will fix this soon. :(
not local so idgaf
I hope BFL's video model will be good, likely to be local too
nobody actually wants to use that feature and drops vram usage one way or another so it's not a big deal. still kinda sucks
We'll all be coping with upscaled 384px videos though.
lmao, not even once
whatever that means, 4x 4090's in parallel is technically consumer grade I guess
>PyTorch 2.4.0
could be better thanks to GGUFs, Q8_0 is really close to fp16
all I know about that is it uses loopbacks in some capacity so those awful morph stitches halfway through current vid gen isn't going to be an issue but it will still be txt2vid only which probably means another FOTM flop
It's like dropping from 1gbps to 1mbps trying to download a 100 GB file. Sure, the connection didn't drop, but is that what you really wanted?
>it will still be txt2vid only which probably means another FOTM flop
I really hope they'll also implement an img2vid, that shit is really important and made Luma relevant in the first place
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I'm searching here >https://github.com/facebookresearch/xformers/actions/workflows/wheels.yml
but I can't find one for 2.5.0 for winblows only for 2.4.0

Is there a way to disable xformers in comfy? idaf about it since I use sdp
it's a local model, starting from an image is just some code, and someone will quickly figure out img2img video
>whatever that means, 4x 4090's in parallel is technically consumer grade I guess
that's why BitNet (1.58 bpw) must be a thing
This is local
this is also shit
the problem with using loopbacks is that it always needs to reference what comes before. doing interpolations with be all fucked up but starting from a single image and generating however many frames you want will still be a thing.
oh anon you jokester! you and your wacky jokes hahaha
Try this then
>accidentally wrote shitting instead of sitting
that's enough diffusion for today
hope you weren't using pony lol
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 pip uninstall xformers
python main.py --disable-xformers --use-pytorch-cross-attention

even tho I use disable-xformers there must be some shitty custom node searching for it since it still shows up in the logs as "xformers module not found"

Also the quality/performance jump in pytorch 2.5.0 is amazing, 4090 chads we won
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Obamagrad Soviet 2025 Directive 39: AI will be regulated by the Directorate.
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ehh, it doesn't show nipples on this gen for other torch versions?
I find that very disgusting and would never generate something like that.
I do like genning girls on the toilet eating melted chocolate in a bathroom full of mud, though, specially if they're photorealistic and their clothes are all dirty.
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i don't know anon, im just teasing, I didn't even prompt cleavage or nipples, it just generated it on its own
Flux does that on its own sometimes yeah, it's pretty horny for a base model kek
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that sounds highly unsanitary, anon
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And it goes into the trash, a video generator at the level of flux won't have morphing.
Morphing is the bad hands of video generation.
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Captain, I can explain, I was running a uh training simulation when we encountered that anomalous energy burst on the holodeck
>And it goes into the trash, a video generator at the level of flux won't have morphing.
I doubt we'll get a model better than this chink model, or if it's actually better, it's probably something that will ask way more than just 24gb of vram
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Fallback makes using Flux possible for 4070 and 3060 users with 12GB VRAM. Even if performance is reduced, I'm sure it would be nice to be able to still run it.
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Im going to build it an ITX rig and travel around the world genning, like old painters used to do
>how do you get brand recognition though?
By being the best long enough, if someone else releases a model that is ahead of flux (equivalent but it knows a lot more characters, artists and styles, flux will not have enough time to get brand recognition.)
You know what anon, we'll find out in 2 years.
How long it takes to generate on dev with 4090?
832x1216 less than 30 seconds
How many steps?
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50 seconds with a 2nd upscale pass, but im using the fp8 model
Anyone tried this?

It's too slow
>if someone else releases a model that is ahead of flux (equivalent but it knows a lot more characters, artists and styles, flux will not have enough time to get brand recognition.)
for me, the only way to beat flux in terms of quality + more characters/artists/styles is with a flux fintune, not by making another base model
for you maybe, 50 seconds for two gens with upscaling included is pretty good, also while stacking loras
So a1111 is dead? Flux support never ever?
Forge exists
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Flux seems to be developing an ecosystem which is more than can be said for most imagegen models that come out. Though with it local imagegen is starting to go the way of local llms aka new models are increasingly inaccessible to most casual hobbyists.
It's like a black swan, we will know sooner if one appears. BFL dropped the ball by leaving themselves open to being beaten by another lab that releases local dalle 3 with the capabilities of midjourney 6.
Imagine a model so good that twitter drops Flux in favor of it, that's why they call it Grok, Grok can use any image model it wants, it's using Flux because it's the best right now, but for how long? You didn't see Flux coming, nobody did, nobody knows what's coming (but it'll need to be better than Flux, that's the great thing about raising the bar for state of the art.)
>new models are increasingly inaccessible to most casual hobbyists
literally me
>Imagine a model so good that twitter drops Flux in favor of it, that's why they call it Grok, Grok can use any image model it wants, it's using Flux because it's the best right now, but for how long?
Virgin SAI who's making models for more than 2 years now and never had a partnership with Musk vs Chad Flux who got such a thing within a month
Last time I generated anything in A1111 was on August 10. Had been using it since September 2022. I had been waiting for them to add Flux support but kinda lost interest when I found out it wasn't coming.

I had been dabbling on and off with ComfyUI since SDXL came out last year but in the time since Flux released I got a lot deeper into ComfyUI and got much more used to it so that's what I use full time now.
No, they make sure that couldn't happen because of their license, someone else could have a better license that allows commercial finetunes and many people will jump out of the Flux ship to train that instead.
Apache 2.0 license is the dream, people that do it for the art and not for the money, and not as an advertisement for their pro version.
The best is yet to come.
You can beat Flux with a 8B model, Flux isn't doing anything with the extra 4B parameters.
>Flux isn't doing anything with the extra 4B parameters.
what do you mean by that? the extra 4B?
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this shits pretty good, https://github.com/miaoshouai/ComfyUI-Miaoshouai-Tagger
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Maybe but new models are just going to get even bigger. Pretty soon we'll have local models as good as dall-E or better but they'll need PC builds that are $20000+ to make.
Flux devs are probably working on a video model for twitter, they have pro which is closer to that than dev
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>hatsune ducku
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dall-e 3 is ~8B tho
if you said something like that a month ago I wouldn't believed you but now that Flux exists then yeah it's possible it's on the range of 8-12b
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I'd guess you used a Studio Ghibli lora?
Other than text, what can Flux do that something like Pony or SDXL finetunes can't?
Flux is a 12 billion parameters model but is performing like an 8 billion parameters one because all the data wasn't properly captioned, so the extra 4 billions parameters are fluff, and people are creating Loras for it to make it support things it should know already because they were in its training data, but it doesn't know what's called because it wasn't properly tagged.
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Yes, if you train smarter and your dataset is out of this world you don't need as many resources to deliver.
I agree that Flux is undertrained, but stating that it could be as good as a 8b model is kinda random, what if the optimal training would make it work on a 2b model? sounds crazy but who knows?
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My joke from yesterday? Frankly I thought making an image like this was still a year away, but here we are.
better prompt understanding, better details, better anatomy, the list goes on, I just wished Flux knew more known people, I'm getting tired to use Migu for every single gen because that's the only anime girl flux knows (and sailor moon I guess)
>what if the optimal training would make it work on a 2b model?
Nope, Pony maxed out on that. Maxing out of SD1.5 gives models that are still gacha about what you get.
SDXL is not an optimal 2B model, we know this because Pixart Sigma, a 600m model, is better than SDXL.
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to be fair, Pixart works well because that's a DiT model, SDXL uses the deprecated unet architecture
Love this guy
I'm just saying we don't really know what a maxed 2B model looks like and I wouldn't call the pile of shit SAI made a good standard of measure
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>24:16 mn
holy fuck... and that was with cfg = 1, last time I go that far in resolution kek
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combining Gerry Anderson and Urushihara loras
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oh nice, how did you get that "paper mario" effect anon?
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>lots of boring documents to write on friday afternoon
>prompting instead
Whether I like it or not, gonna have to stick with Pony, at least for now.
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egg-celent blog post anon, keep it up
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by adding, "a sticker craft journal art of an anime teen witch is photoshopped into the foreground creating a contrast between illustrated anime and real-life photography"
>deprecated unet architecture
Dalle 3 runs on unet.
DE3 looks like shit
I stand corrected, I mean a 2B model maxed out for unet, I have no idea how a 2B model maxed on DiT would be like.
But the joke's on you, I like standing corrected.
how do you know that?
it was revealed to him in a wet dream
Bring a prompt to both Flux and Dalle 3 and let's see.
you're making this too easy
shouldn't it at least be a prompt that dalle won't outright refuse?
dall-e 3 quality varies a lot, it's not always that super grainy nonsense
Because Dalle 2 used unet and it's just an extra iteration.
Also, you can tell by creativity DiT is bland unless you specify everything in the pic, unet looks at noise and creates something out of it even if it has nothing to do with the prompt.
The "nobody asked for this but I'll draw it anyway" effect of unet that gives you meat and potatoes for the prompt "1girl." Now, try "1girl" on Flux.
You don't know how to bypass the dog on Dalle 3?
Okay, let's talk when you increase your power level.
Was the pro version undertrained too? What if the dev version is more undertrained so it could be used with loras better
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>Flux "dog"
Also ironic given behind the scenes DE3 writes a novel for every prompt, "prompt enhancement" is how they cheat
Dev is a distilled student model. It was designed to be shit and limited.
Suddenly you want to talk about me? I'm flattered but now isn't the time
>shit and limited.
and yet it's the best local base model we got by far :(
I know, but BFL didn't want it this way
what do you mean? they tested the model before releasing it to us, that's exactly what they intended for?
Was anybody able to take advantage of the "PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF=expandable_segments:True" option? It tells me it's not supported on my platform, but what exactly it doesn't like I don't know.
I'm running win10 with RTX2070S and I'm really missing the efficient memory usage.
I don't think BFL fully intended us to have a good training ecosystem, just some toy models to play with.
>good training ecosystem
well we're still far from that, finetuning Flux seems hard as fuck, it's been a month and no one has done it so far
Ive been trying to get flux1-dev-Q4_0.gfuf running on my 8GB card. I'm told its better than the nf4 model. I load in all the correct additional files (t5xxl_fp8_e4m3fn.safetensors, ae.safetensors, and clip_l.safetensors) and then forge just quits with no output to the terminal. Any ideas?
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does forge do that when you run out of VRAM? those other models take up memory too.
I've had more luck running NF4. Simpler too.
There's ways to stop Dalle 3 from prompt enhancement and its outputs are still more creative than Stable Diffusion 1.5.
And yes, I'm talking about filling the picture with details not in the prompt, a strategy is to ask SD1.5 for a pic and use joycaption to describe and use that on Flux so you get a creative output.
DiT is to blame, you have to know exactly what you want and where to put it, unet would just hang a cool clock on the wall and that was fun.
sure bb, now go back to DE3
They intended to make business with websites that would sell access to their pro version and give them a piece of the cake.
And with twitter offering Flux, they succeed.
If you search for Flux on google you see the full picture and realize why it was neutered, they are family friendly sites that couldn't use Stable Diffusion for fear of random nudity appearing, Flux is the safe model they wanted to have.
Did you miss the first finetune we had? It made everything worse but we had a portrait finetune..
Flux isn't a safe model
No proof it wasn't a Lora merge. Also Kohya allegedly has full finetuning that works on 24 GB of VRAM, I'm surprised no one here hasn't run it for 5000 steps to see what happens.
it was a shit finetune, and I'm pretty sure they made a lora + merged that shit onto flux and called that a "finetune"
If I get unsafe content detected once again I'm going to kill someone, and I don't like killing people.
I'm talking about the model under the hood, and a future local model of that quality at the creative level.
Which... may not be possible on DiT...
Don't you need the gguf extension?
Can't make porn, and that's enough, if it wasn't "safe" it'd be against Huggingface's TOS and they'd have taken down their spaces.
And people are still waiting for a good porn finetune/Lora for that reason.
No one is going to make a porn base model, including you.
>no one here hasn't run it for 5000 steps to see what happens.
At 1000 steps it overfits and loses its ability to show what you're training with variety, so 5000 would burn it 5 times as badly.
>No one is going to make a porn base model
debo and his famous crystal ball
if you want to type in five words and get an image, stick with SDXL, we're moving on to models that can actually generate images via words
I'm sure someone (not you) will do it. Any day now. Let me help: no one will do it because it costs thousands of dollars and people don't work for free.
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Speaking about tuning, does the loss reported by the trainer even mean anything? I've seen it report low loss in the beginning then fluctuating and rising near the end, but the early epoch loras certainly don't look better than the final ones. Is loss a measure of character memorization or the burning out/overfitting instead?
Loss is purely how close the training image generated by the model is to the source image. 0 = perfect match.
But how does it know which options and prompt to use when generating during training if there are no captions?
With SD1.5 we had the hentai models and the realistic porn models and that was enough. And the cool thing about the hentai ones was that you could merge block weights with them and cartoons of any style and have western animation porn.
Tough, it was more a case of wanting to have them, then you realize if you wanted you could just search for porn of those characters, and get a whole story arc and context instead of just a picture.
I never thought those things were important until I had AI generated porn and the picture out of context gave me nothing.
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Actually generate pics when you have something in mind, sometimes I just want a cool picture with some concept and not have to think about every detail, for that SD1.5 Yiffymix outperformed all SDXL and Pony models anyway.
95% of people at Huggingface work for them for free maintaining models and spaces and code and such.
Some even PAY them for a pro account. You want people working for you for free? Create a platform like that.
The model turns an image into noise and then using a caption (or no caption) turns that image back from noise into an image. The loss is how well it did doing/predicting this.
It knows the noise generated looks like a trained picture, at a loss of 0 random noise would generate one of your trained images.
Which at that point means it has forgotten how to draw anything else.
I'm sure you mean the royal "you".
So I can have completely overfit model that reproduces images from dataset and still have low loss due to that?
On the other hand when training too much I usually see distortions rather than verbatim representation.
No, you, specifically, who think people don't work for free. I rub shoulders with the users at huggingface that have uploaded the most models to the platform, and not only they don't get paid for all the work they do, they have a pro account and pay huggingface to be able to host Zero GPU spaces.
So that's the secret sauce that would allow (you) to have hundreds of slaves paying to work for you.
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If I ever train a porn model I'm not releasing it for free.
That's what happens when you start with random noise, you'd need to find the seed that reproduces your pic perfectly.
Like the this may be unsafe cat.
The whole SD1.5 architecture was built by people that released everything for free, leading by example. The best porn finetunes of it were also released for free by people that wanted to share.
So it doesn't matter what (you) do, because someone eventually will release what we want for free.
It's difficult to get to that point because as you overfit the model loses the ability to do diffusion at all, that's why overtraining typically results in the model spinning off into oblivion.
Huh because SDXL only had one real local porn finetune (Pony) which took tens of thousands of dollars. Don't hold your breath for Flux because you're talking $100k.
How much did it cost to train Flux? Millions? Because one week before Flux released you could have told me to not hold my breath for a model of this quality.
But here we are.
Expect the unexpected.
Weird because Flux is a monetized model. Go ahead anon, monetize your porn model.
BFL bust their entire nut training Flux. There's no video model coming.
I fucking hope not, this page gave me such a huge dose of hopium I can't go back
Now that they have Elon they can access donated training hardware. The cost in these models is getting the hardware, that's why training time donations are thrown around like candy. The wholesale cost of training models is pennies per hour.
Don't you know about all the porn websites that allow you to use AI generation to make any porn you want?
Back in the day /r/ was full of requests by people wanting to see pictures of girls naked, girls they knew, and anons knowing how to photoshop would deliver good renditions.
That was replaced by people wanting AI versions of those, from people with accounts on the websites I mentioned that would just send the pic and get the naked version and posted in on the request thread.
So AI porn has been monetized and people have already taken advantage of people without the hardware to do that locally. And the irony is that it's basically a done subject as one year ago they already reached the level of photoshopers, AI porn would pass the turing test and you couldn't tell it apart from a real picture, realism over what Pony can deliver.
Because, go figure, if you use the funding of your AI porn to train your own models with the incentive of delivering the best, people are willing to pay you more than they pay for Midjourney.
Not on Forge. Anon thought about comfy.
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Yes anon, you're right, you will use porn SaaS products. That's not the same as some guy releasing a local Flux quality porn model. I know you're upset because I'm sure you would love another Pony dropped into your lap for free without you lifting a finger.
What the fuck? What is this talk about A1111 never supporting Flux?
A1111 is open source, the point being anybody can branch it out and implement Flux for it, you can do it. If literally you could implement Flux in it there's no reason it will never happen.
Leaks happen, maybe a disgruntled fired employee with access to the private porn model leaks it and then we all have it, we all have a porn model at the level of Flux.
It already exists and it's just some 0s and 1s in some computer, if their password is 1234 we're a hacker away from it, even Trump used a password like that.
Forge already supports Flux in multiple formats, so why reinvent the wheel.
>A1111 is open source, the point being anybody can branch it out and implement Flux for it, you can do it.
it's already been done, it's even called Forge
>What the fuck? What is this talk about A1111 never supporting Flux?
A1111 development is stuck in a bit of a limbo .. last updated 2 months ago, not sure what automatic is doing, if he is well or whatever, but for the time being the a1111 fork Forge is the way to go
Anon, if someone is making a porn model for money, they're not going to leak their own model.
I already have A1111 set up and I don't want to install new software. Still on Winamp 5.5.
forge is a fork of a1111, so basically its not new software, its just a different version with more features by a different maintainer
Also, SD1.5 was a leak, we were never supposed to have it.
Though maybe it was a mistake as SD1.4 was a more creative model with more range, but the point stands.
>I already have A1111 set up and I don't want to install new software.
well, you won't get to use Flux then, that's your destiny I guess
>Novelai leak was almost 2 years ago
Oh, I didn't know, I thought it was its own thing, so I concede.
But the joke's on you, I like conceding!
time runs by ... back then my old 3070 was still all you needed, glad I got a 4090 a while before flux was released
5090 and RTX Titan AI incoming
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Is flux killing my 3080? The display wouldn't come on today. I panicked for a bit, switched to onboard, restarted a few times, plugged back into GPU and it worked. I've been running endless Flux batches while I'm not home. But I also play certain games at 4K/120fps so that may be killing it too.
I suppose, if it dies thats the perfect excuse to order a 3090 and enjoy 24 gigs of sweeet vram
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>Is flux killing my 3080?
how old is it? .. and well prompting pushes GPUs to its limit, I am glad I bought a quality MSI GPU and not some third grade cheap china stuff .. hope that lets my GPU live long enough
when was the last time you replaced your tensor core fluid?
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what is tensor core fluid
Oof good shit, specially on my 5th day of nofap
Is it weird I'm excited for the Titan AI?
Modern GPUs are heavy enough that sag is a problem, make sure it's properly slotted in and supported.
What is that?
Rumor is it's one step above a 5090, 32 GB of VRAM and almost two times faster than a 4090.
I thought that screwing the card in tight with a bit of upwards tension would be enough to prevent that.
Gravity beats a single screw
I wants it. Rumor says 4 slots .. probably weighs a ton and has like 650-700W tdp or something insane like that
Yeah but I think you could legit make something like Pixart Sigma on it. It's going to unlock a small model meta.
Oh, just a graphics card. Yes, it's weird that excites you.
not sag, i think its a software issue. i only use local account Windows 10. I think its something to do with Windows 10/Nvidia drivers interaction, also my hard drives are crammed with junk and i havent done system maintenance in a long time
whats the face hugger link for just basic text to image.
No such thing, all of them let you set the dimensions and seed and such:
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No stable diffusion based mode would ever produce a picture like this unless you specified "little girl", flux does not differentiate.
The image is a photograph of a collection of vintage postcards, likely from the mid-20th century, arranged on a wooden table. The postcards are colorful, hand-drawn illustrations with a cartoonish style. There are nine postcards in total, arranged in a 3x3 grid. In the top left corner, a postcard features a girl in a swimsuit holding a beach ball, with a caption reading. The top right postcard depicts a man and a girl in a farm setting. The bottom left postcard shows a man in a suit and a girl in a dress. The bottom middle postcard features a man and a girl in a living room setting. The bottom right postcard depicts a man and a girl in a romantic setting, with the caption. The top middle postcard shows a man and a girl in a park setting.

there was a huggingface link and you could generate multiple images like 20
sheeeeeit, didn't fap though
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Just open this one in 20 different tabs and have at it:
No quotas but I think you're limited to 300 images for hour.
This image is a vibrant, digitally drawn comic strip featuring a beach scene with three characters. The background shows a sandy beach with a calm, blue ocean in the distance. The sky is clear with a few soft clouds, and the horizon meets the sky in a gradient of blue and white. In the foreground, a man with a bald head and a muscular build is seated on the sand, wearing a black and yellow striped bathing suit. He has a surprised expression with his legs stretched out and his back supported by his hands. Next to him, a young boy with short, dark hair is sitting cross-legged, holding a baseball ball with a smile on his face. He is dressed in green shorts and a yellow tank top. Standing to the right of the boy is a young woman with short, curly blonde hair, wearing a red baseball uniform and having large breasts and a hourglass body. She has a confident stance with one hand on her hip. Above the characters, a bold, black text reads, "LADY, WILL YOU PLAY BALL WITH ME? POP SAYS YOU'VE GOT SOME GREAT CURVES!" The text is in a playful, exaggerated font, enhancing the comedic tone of the scene.
or not 2B
>You have exceeded your GPU quota

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what is better / cheaper for doing video.

paying for it? or render at home.

where is cheapest for pay
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I dunno if I have it in me to fork over a ton of money when I already have a 4090. It's going to have to be a real game changer to justify it.
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I want to do video more.
Sorry for my ignorance but I'm trying to understand this
I read flux is made to be used with CFG<=1
But some people have managed to increase CFG to higher values and get much more prompt adherence
...why? I mean what makes flux so different? Why isn't it allowed by default if it's just better?
If you don't want to spoonfeed me please direct me to some reading material so I can understand it
thanks anons
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Prominent cameltoe is still nsfw
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That has never happened to me on a CPU space, you probably depleted them in some other space and now can't use this one.
The image is a photograph of a vintage postcard, likely from the mid-20th century, with a hand-drawn style, reminiscent of early 20th-century children's book illustrations, on a wooden table. The scene features a young child, a girl, standing to the left side of the image. She is wearing a long blue dress with a high collar, white socks, and black shoes. Her hair is covered by a white bonnet. She has expressive eyes and is reaching out towards a dog-drawn cart, which is positioned centrally in the image. The cart is made of light-colored wood, with a large wheel on the right side and a smaller one on the left. The dogs pulling the cart are a white and a brown dog, standing on a cobblestone street. The dog in the center is harnessed with a simple wooden yoke and leather straps. The cart is loaded with a large bundle of hay, secured by a rope, and a small red bucket. The background is a plain, off-white color, which contrasts with the colorful details of the scene. At the bottom of the image, the text "Belgian babies can talk with dogs" is written in a simple, elegant font, indicating the title of the illustration. The overall mood of the image is cheerful and nostalgic, capturing a charming, old-worldly moment.
FLUX has destilled CFG baked in.. you can control it somewhat with FLUX guidance (but the impact is small) .. but there are hacks to make traditional CFG available (DynamicTreshholding, AutomaticCFG, SkimmedCFG .. ) they work in addition to the flux guidance (which defaults at 3.5-4) .. but depending on the hack it will make colors break very soon (dynamicTreshholding) .. or have little impact (SkimmedCFG) .. regardless of the hack the gen times double with the hacks tho
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Okay thanks anon I appreciate it
>I read flux is made to be used with CFG<=1
They made pro that is able to use any CFG. For the Dev version, they distilled pro and made Dev learn how other CFGs looked like, but all at CFG 1, so it would be all CFGs in one.
>some people have managed to increase CFG to higher values and get much more prompt adherence
That's at the cost of burning and they also have to use other plugins to avoid that.
It's a hack and never supposed to happen, BFL didn't see it coming and actually it's a detriment to their pro version because being able to use higher CFG was supposed to be on Flux Dev only.
TLRD: They made CFG=1 to cripple their model and make their pro version more competitive.
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Okay now that makes much more sense if there's a money reason rather than a tech dead end
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Any way to run flux dev UI locally using a vast.ai GPU?
(has to be vast, runpod jews reject my card)
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same way you'd run it with runpod
you git clone and install comfyui, upgrade torch/cuda if needed, wget the huggingface models
ask chatgpt how to do all of this if you aren't familiar, it'll guide you step by step
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So for character training in Flux, what's the best approach for captions?
Just 1 caption? Booru tags? Full sentences via something like Joy Caption?
>Full sentences via something like Joy Caption?
This because it'll take advantage of what it already knows. You have to get rid of all general items in there like "girl" or "woman" or "raccoon" or whatever, lest all those things will start looking like your character.
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>100 fingers
classic debo
>be me, vramlet
>nvidia tells me new drivers have improved AI performance
>max image size before OOM error reduced by 20%
>tiled diffusion doesn't work at all
Thanks nvidia, much appreciated.
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With me I'm having to run old drivers because the most recent ones by NVIDIA just made Youtube videos very choppy and after looking online there's no other solution. They just changed something and frames skip at random.
Sticking with drivers from 2016.
Are you using Firefox by any chance?
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Rain grows on trees according to Flux.
The image is a photograph of a vintage postcard, likely from the mid-20th century, with a hand-drawn style, reminiscent of early 20th-century children's book illustrations, on a wooden table. Depicting a whimsical and cheerful outdoor scene. The central focus is a young girl with a round face and short brown hair adorned with a yellow bow. She is standing under an orange umbrella with a pattern of small yellow hearts, looking at a yellow duck with a blue polka dot headwear. The girl is dressed in a bright yellow raincoat and matching boots, indicating a rainy day. Surrounding the girl are several small yellow ducks waddling around in a shallow, blue-green puddle. The puddle is scattered with small, yellow and red mushrooms, adding a playful touch to the scene. To the right of the girl, there is a wicker basket filled with colorful flowers, suggesting a picnic or a gathering. The background features lush green trees with thick trunks and dense foliage, their leaves casting shadows on the ground. The sky is a bright blue with fluffy white clouds, and raindrops are visible, adding a sense of movement and activity. In the distance, there are rolling green hills, creating a serene and idyllic setting. The overall style is cartoonish and cheerful, with soft, smooth lines and a playful color palette.
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Nope, Chrome with the h264ify extension because otherwise it's choppy no matter what, and like this I can watch 1080p as smoothly as silk.
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What am I doing wrong?
Happens with any checkpoint. If I raise mask crop factor to cover the whole image, it works, but that's too much for my pc when doing actual images.
I want to cheat and use this controlnet type with the detailer node instead of a regular ksampler node to simplify the inpain-upscale pipeline.
how do you make coomfy look like that?
Link Render Mode
, otherwise it's the default look.
yeah I meant having the node connections not look like spaghetti but being neatly organized like that kek
that worked, ty anon
You're welcome lol. I switched only to make the screenshot more readable, in practice I prefer the spaghetti.
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Look ate his eyes looking at his "overfingered" hands.


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Quite foggy today
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