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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Generate 6s videos of whatever you want!
>enter your prompt
>let's go!
>reports say using moonrunes can make it more accurate


Thread mascot

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>oi cunt imma 'bout to do a dirtieson dis one das rite mate
Christ is King and atheism is jewish cattle cuckery.
>only one nuke
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sometimes it seems like the more i try to refine a prompt, the worse the result is.
this one is ok though
include this in the OP its great
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if you post this image one more time i am burning my bible
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Everyday until /tv/ jannies stop being a transexuals retards
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truly uncensored

……as long as it’s not against the chinese government
reaching levels of hand rubbing that shouldn't be possible
These threads make glowniggers angry. How dare you goyim use technology to mock these good jewish people. Jews use AI to murder goyim but you having the power portray jews negatively is going too far
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>the only alternative to cuckery is being an atheist
I choose neither of your false dichotomy.
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im glad i didn't kms yet
this is hilarious
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The quality is so good
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Mofo, this one is funny.
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Kikes so mad, they post D&C every thread. Imagine their neurotic rage at having technology outside their control. They're not used to that.
Dan β€œLets turn that frown upside down” Schneider
Notice what is happen with your life from now on. Do not forget to notice it, or you'll not learn, and you need this learning.
this looks cool, I like horror and I've been trying to get a horror themed clip with a giant monster slowly descending on earth but I can't find the clip
it's called megalophobia and I think most people have a little of it in them
good video with clips to take inspiration from
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oh god im going to cum
that last minute shrek lmao
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Someone else's I found in another tread.
Made me audibly laugh.
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Everything I tried is censored.... And I have only tried Jewish themed world war 2 inputs...
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First Israel gets hacked, has a massive data breach and now goyim are using AI to openly mock them? This can't be happening. They own microsoft, facebook, amazon and google. How can these infosec geniuses get bested in the technological arena?
>capcha: 2D0X2
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a problem muslim faggot?
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Shut it down
"A masterpiece ghibli animation featuring an anthropomorphic mouse with a pixiv kemono design. She blushes and makes several cute expressions. After that she closes her eyes and eats some honey"
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Final Kalevala, this one actually turned out amazing
>Whenever you feel afraid, anxious, depressed, picture this Pepe
Perfect thank you anon
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How to trick the AI into generating a lady with an actual sexy body?
I only ever get flat chests
Did the chinks train it on small tits exclusively or something?
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This is one golem they will regret building.
Movie quality, this is unreal
>IDF bot found the thread
Make her Asian and I’m all in
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I hate jews as much as you sandnigger, but I also hate you lot too. Your prophet is the same to me as a dirty jew.
Of course, you wouldn't reverse the situation.
This was supposed to be Mario fighting Mike Tyson.
Unless you were Muslim.
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Not easy to get them to put it in her mouth. Still trying.
I have no idea anon im down a wild rabbit hole
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Would you be willing to share your prompts?
woman with big massive boobies 6000
its from a while back but basically use sheer lingerie or nightie and use an actual person to get bigger tits, in this one i used Christina Hendricks\

then like... raining heavily, under Sistine chapel and chatgpt shit to describe her expression.
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as usual, it's celeb worshippers and furries who ruin these threads
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I just want to be able to make my own ai porn without having to divulge my phone number and all of my personal data to some chinese company. is that too much to ask?
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How do you get it to look like actors and not random people?
my respect for him grew
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This isn't even Ai this is actual footage from the Royal Palace.
bikini painted Woman beautiful tight sheer muscular thin tanned wet soft detailed hyper realistic focused wet bright sunglasses woman painted Woman Art Running barbie Daddario mirrored strobe the woman rushes down the beach and jumps into the arms of herself softly and twists into hereself bounces

kek i dont think im useing it as intended
my fucking sides
getting blade energy from that one
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you dont give phone number anon click on the green things at the bottom
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AI videos are like my actual dreams.
Meanwhile there is a literal faggot cabal within the Catholic church that grows every year.
how to delete shitty vids from "Mine"? i like to keep things clean
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wolf anon teach us your secrets
It's the celebs we haven't been able to do until now, that's why. Otherwise there are better text-to-video sites.
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I thought I caught a glimpse of that. You are doing God's work, son. I salute you.
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tried 5 times, not the best result but all the other ones have issues

>An extremely buff smiling white man throws a car battery into the ocean. Written on the car battery is "NOT MY PROBLEM". The thrown car battery lands in the ocean with a big splash. An electric eel emerges from the ocean with a chat bubble saying "THANK YOU FOR THE RECHARGE".
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Looks like Oliver stone
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Bethesda finally posted a new TES 6 teaser! Maybe this belongs on /v/
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chub-twink-ie fields for-ev-er
They give me Deja Vu watching them
can't. can only get rid of all of them by clearing cooking and whatnot
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kek saved
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Thank you kind sir
Stupid pos is going censor crazy now, was way better last night
Holy fuck my sides
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Try colonoscopy
As a prompt I mean
Same. That's what freaks me out about it.
It's some kind of Uncanny Valley effect.
I tried
this is art.
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I keep getting these fucking vids that have nothing to do with what I typed, usually just random person talking or sitting at a desk talking or some random gibberish on a screen. Is that just the default return if the AI gets too confused or when it glitches out?
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I got that too, can't delete it either.
post your promt we can troubleshoot it
i mean you got cencored
>silent poo
kek. can the prompt make anything look like SH's "other side"?
Fucking fried chicken kek
How are you guys getting it to look like actual celebs? Mine always generates some random dude.
Nudity not allowed
KEK wait this movie idea is actually kino as fuck
>Indian horror movie
>Indian city gets toilets installed everywhere
>toilets come to life with skibidi heads popping out eating people when they try to poo on loo
Safety 1st.
so it begins..
happened to me too, think it either misfired or broke and did some random video
you just solved why skibidi is so popular why did i never think of this before
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>for every anthromorphic girl i create, only one out of 10 aren't uncanny valley shit
for some reason it keeps mixing in human skin or whatever else. sucks.
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good one
I wonder if /tv/ would have a field date with this AI. The potential is there for a lot of good humor.
Too accurate
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Final Kalevala, full compilation video with music and better quality here:
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Try buxom
why dont you start a thread there then
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I'll try to make something.
The prompt for that was.
>Mumbai streets. Day. Everything is covered in thick chocolate brown fog. There are no people around. James Sunderland, a white American, walks down the street, rusty metal pipe in his hand. He looks tense, nervous. A blonde Indian man, fat and ugly, with dirty curly hair, wearing a red tank top and a cherry leopard miniskirt and high heels steps out of the right side of the screen and bumps into James. He grabs James by the shoulders. The Indian man says to James, "How's a little girl like me supposed to help?"
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Oo, I wonder if we can make roasties seethe as much as dignif.ai, one of the most kekworthy things out of this place.
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Works for pakis, but if you want a white it's an endoscopy
It's hit and miss, even with Taylor Swift. The accuracy depends on how many instances of the celeb in question are in it's dataset. The more famous they are, the more likely there will be more instances of them in it's dataset. For instance, the original stable diffusion had 18,000 pics of Charlize Theron in the 6 billion images it had scraped from the web. She was the most frequently represented celeb.
I used Kendall Jenner to generate images in diffusion models because she was well represented. Not however in this Chinese model, every time I ask for Kendall Jenner it gives me someone more like Michelle Yeoh.
This is actually really good. The technology is going to fucking melt faces in like 5 years.
Very cool
AI look like dreams. Very strange.
i keep saying this and morons keep posting ai video from a year and a half ago saying "LMAO YOU THINK *THIS* LOOKS GOOD?"

it's all so tiresome
Very interesting. I can see the potential for what this can become
Actually given Bane was a representation of Jesus in that movie, this adds a whole new level of meaning to your clip.
It can do muscle girls in chainmail bikinis with pretty good levels of cleavage, however it refuses to show me ass at all no matter how much I try. All I want is a barbarian princess to snu snu.
they really do
Nice, best one yet
They deleted my video for "Leader of BRICS receives ticker tape parade in Taipei"!
What kind of pro-CCP propaganda do these niggers want?
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good one
It's funny how quickly AI image and video generation went from "aww, how cute the computer is trying so hard but it looks like a jumbled mess of trash" to "holy shit, we now live in a post truth society where even video evidence needs to be questioned."
Someone try and do a better job on this one than me. ChinkAI blocks any 'thigh' or 'between legs' requests.
LMAO these are great
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Seems to be struggling. Any suggestions?
My prompt:
>Viewed from a fish-eye camera on the international space station, we see dozens of nuclear explosion on the earth. the explosions originate from ground-level with large fiery "mushroom clouds" rising into the sky. the space station is shooting green laser beams at the surface of the earth. the camera pans to inside the space station and we see a man that looks like Donald Trump with several men dressed as Jewish rabbis with big beards clapping their hands and dancing.
Try using "absolute territory"
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kek thanks, some turn out a bit derpy though
did you try "in the fake fantasy country that has never and will ever exist known as taiwan"
learn to spell
>holding her beer WITHOUT her hands, WITHOUT her fingers
dunno man, tough one to do for sure
Yeah, some turn out really weird or derpy, and some are like movie quality. Like I said above in like 5 years I don't think we will be able to distinguish between real video and AI generated without a sophisticated software to analyze said video.
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If I wanted anti-CCP propaganda, I'd turn on Fox or CNN. We're interested in anti-ZOG propaganda and wouldn't you know it, jews are all over western AI management. I'm sure you could use the kosher stuff to do what you're looking for
The video generated. I saw the thumbnail and it was exactly as described. Some chink saw that and decided it was too spicy.
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Was able to generate some Tay Tay bush last night.
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These are great
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>without a sophisticated software to analyze said video
even then I think it'll be a crapshoot, essentially it's an arms race of AI vs AI detection that's already kicked off

hell, back in my day we could just replace all spaces with an ALT code for another visibly-identical space (but technically different) and the plagiarism detectors would see it as 0% plagiarized because the whole paper was "1 word" as far as it was concerned
anthropomorphic wolf female works best for me.
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i've been using "Christina Hendricks"
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Kek this is the second time I prompted a video of merkel driving a bus with Africans, and this is the second time it was deleted in less than 5 min after it was done. Only this time I was fast enough to save it. Do the chinks have so much respect for her or why are they so strict with prompts of her?
Anyway, I had to revert the video because it was backwards so there's another watermark there
Ok now add Salil u sawarim to this bros and honestly bros islam is finished
what was that meme of a tranny in a dress towering over a explaining something to some girl
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>Posters You Recognize: the slovak jew who posts in the chink ai threads

Did you shoot Fico?
holy kek
This is how he receive the message from God

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A few more tweaks and I think we'll have it
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A true God amongst insects. I hope he doesn't get his suit dirty
Can't get it to generate Warwick Davis's face.
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when the Microsoft thing first appeared using the word stacked showed them with big tits.
>another prompt got deleted before it hit 100%
imma post the prompt so you canons can try it:
>European litle girl rolls around on a giant king sized bed wearing transparent lingerie, she is smiling, model, skinny, petite, feminine, beautiful, movie scene, playful, realistic
correct the litle to little as it's generating and it passes through
Has someone managed to successfully summon the Rare Deepwater Jew? All I get is some deepwater fishes.
Hell has a special place for jew niggers like you. You are going to burn hahahaha
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All according to plan
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What s up pedo muslim
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prompt progress was made
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>anon posting a video self-portrait
You retards forgot this???

>Idols will speak and move about
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Thanks for the idea anon
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How tf do i prompt jews
How do you like this one, lads? One for the coomers.
is there a way to make an account without giving them my phone number?

"disgusting troll with comically large nose wearing yamaka"
>that aspect ratio
dude what
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I'm using "men that look like jewish rabbis" but i'm sure there's a better way to do it
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Yes if you're using PC
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yeah, I'm on my pc.
Even when I give my phone number it doesn't work for me wtf
They fused Trump and a rabbi lmao
I'm on my PC and nothing was ever asked
just "rabbi" works for me. Add words like "demonic" or "huge nose" for fun.
Try generating a chinese area code # on textnow
Cursing is a primitive stupidity.
kek shitskin seethe.
Stella? In a can? Obviously AI.
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Use your computer, silly human
Frazzledip was real?
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Some cunt nicked me 'orse.
ya ya we know you think Allah is watching you.
"Allah could be here," the muslim thinks.
"I better issue a threat to protect my imaginary friend from getting his feelings hurt."
So close, you could ttell she wanted it
If you're a lucid dreamer you know your mind can't do fingers also. The fact that ai looks exactly like dreams is something trying to tell us about the nature of reality itself
Trying to improve my social credit score
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Gotta love the jewish torch salesman with two torches.
Amazingly accurate AI depiction.
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it wants me to login
i'm trying to gen Mike Tyson boxing a jew and it's just giving me random videos of people standing around. Maybe it's because I used the word punch and it hates violence idk.
Looks like Abby Shapiro.
lol, right. Was having a real hard time trying to stop if from putting kippahs on people in the crowd.
damn thats good, mind sharing how?
American teachers.
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/pol/ version
hahaha, need to spam it on french social media
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Getting there.
Teeth falling off in dreams is the worst, but AI doesn't make every generated character's teeth fall off at the slightest bit of force.
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>JR.R. Tollexico
It looks like Chinese Trump to me rather than Jewish Trump.
I am really bad at AI art because I get discouraged so easily because of my insanely horrible self esteem, I just assumed it was because I was a serious idiot or it was being censored but you can almost do anything I guess.
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Ok. I just noticed that Muslims are literally the most inbred organisms in this planets entire biological history. Allah is great. Now what?
I tried to get it to do the battle of helms deep where the US are the humans and mexico are the uruk hai, but it wouldn't quite get it.
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I feel like these are going backwards. how do i add negative prompts to this?
Wait until you find out about jews, jew
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Now that's what I call a dance party!
Success. Using rabbi worked better than trying to just say "jew" it doesn't seem to like that
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holy shit kek
>tfw shrek hands you a bowl of spaghettios and you know cant eat them all
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How the fuck did you get his face so perfect?
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That's an actual film
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How do I get it to understand sequencing. It was supposed to be the line of jeets, then the car drives through the puddle splashing them, then cut to Jeremy Clarkson laughing his head off inside the car.
we need a new thread
maybe this is what our minds do when we shut off conciousness. its like a script prompt generator digesting all the words we acquired throughout the day
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How can the AI make a video about something that never happened?
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that's it i'm outta here
sooner or later someone will send a clip that will make half of us insane
Lag lol
this reminds me a lot of video game models. they are coded to show lingerie if you manage to clip through the armour or remove it. but it is otherwise invisible to not cause clipping issues. however if you let the model think it wears armour and the armour is invisible or revealing enough you can see through everything. so instead of tricking the ai to make her naked trick it into thinking she has clothing on, then make it invisible.
How do I change it to English?
you don't "code" a 3d model, jesus what a retarded post
read what winding order is
oh he's a hungry boy, someone give that sweet little pitty a baby to gnaw on
I found it very difficult, you have to explain it in EXACT detail.
>Car drives past, splashing water then the camera zooms to the car that drove past
etc. try with different synonyms like "follows", "after that" remember it's a chin site so it just translates your prompt with chatGPT/google translate or something, some words work better
using your browser
Just write and press the green button, it translates for you automatically
Hollywood nonces are going to be redundant in 5 years kek
Not what I was going for but I'll take it!
>Tiddy deflation
Try citing the specific film you want the look from.
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It keeps forbidding me to make Pikachu read the Protocols of the Eldes of Zion
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1.59 MB WEBM
Kikes mad lel

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