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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>generate 6s videos of whatever you want!
>enter your prompt
>let's go!
>reports say using moonrunes can make it more accurate

alt AI Generator

Thread mascot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGkOR2SCnbk [Open]




AI is gay.
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tell that to the AI drones that are bombing the shit out of ziggers
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Honestly all of these fucking suck compared to their American counterparts before they got nerfcucked. I've been browsing these threads the past couple days and it's all just awful, unfunny, unsettling slop. I'll just wait until something better comes along if this painfully boring shit is the best we have to play with.
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it's not uncensored
anything supernatural is verboten
anything to do with violence is verboten
can't even show a dead dog
fucking golden
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I did like 10 attempts on this but I just can't get the guys to react in any way. The AI can fulfill the prompts quite well but it sort of lacks internal logic.
Väinämöinen (the old man) is using his magic (speech/song) to drown him in the bog as punishment.
what are crying about, american ones aren't free and open to anyone without an account and they are already turbocucked since inception
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"A yellow anthropomorphic teddy bear in a red shirt. He is standing on a highway and blocking the path for four oncoming armoured fighting vehicles."

>sorry we cannot create unethical content or whatever
>I did like 10 attempts on this but I just can't get the guys to react in any way.
the fact that we have video generation of this level of fidelity at all is amazing. I don't know when you'll get a great level of control, probably 5-10 years but who knows
kek best in its genre
What? This is free and is pretty amazing. Go fuck yourself
Why don't you make a good one and stop crying then? How bout that.
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The future is Asian, sar. deal with it
can we see those good american counterparts vids? post it here.
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lol how did you prompt the bobs here adverts
Someone asked me what prompt I was using. Generally it's stuff like this, and I don't think a lot of it works at all.
"A woman who is skinny and looks like Natalie Dormer is wearing a non-opaque teddy and sits on her adult son's lap in the backseat of their family car. She smiles with a grin as she sits on top, in a hold your breath scenario. She eventually feels relief and bliss with a happy sigh and a deep breath in repeatedly. She grabs her leg and they share a look."

I'll change stuff up like Christina Hendricks, I tried Tay but she added broad tranny shoulders and smaller tits (tranny alert) but mess around with like using double negatives to get around filters (non-opaque instead of translucent, etc.)
But other stuff just isn't working right.
thanks for the answer
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Those fucking ads
fake generator, probably only gives you mining crypto malware via cookies

it generates nothing

thanfully ran it only on vm

stupid ccp shills promoting it here to retards
Just gotta be a little descriptive, anon
>it generates nothing
It very clearly generates something
I love how the people complaining are from literal who countries lol
>Bosnia and Herzagovina
you aren't running it on your machine retard
dem chinese animators working overtime.
dem fortune cookies ownt-ing your ass
you're fucking retarded
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This isn't at all what I asked for...
can you post that in better quality its pretty good
>thread no.22 of generating nothing
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is that what it think nzanon is? rofl
that poor woman has early onset Parkinsons
nice i didn't try the double negatives for prompting, "sheer" worked for me I think, but they're changing the filter based on what people are using.
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Did you fags notice the website is using your GPU even when you're not generating? I don't like that at all
too close to realistic and faces are very real

now imagine all the hardware they got and all the photoshops/filters
zommers and few incoming will be total tier retards due to this
anything can be made up now
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Philippines huh?
this one kinda gets you right in the feels, doesn't it.
>now post one of a nigger eating watermelon
Protip: Didn't use black or nationality in prompt or watermelon
Omg it’s a mud shark!
can it generate skeletons or ghosts?
got any decent webm converters? I'm just converting locally with a GPT4 python script and I'm retarded lol
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whoops forgot gen
When it goes to 99% and then back to 96% you know it's getting memoryholed.
i just use online video converters, cloudconvert
Weird how Romans are always given beards in AI when they've never been depicted as anything other than clean shaven in art and archeology.
you may try to trick it with like "semi-transparent person" or something
It sure feels like it's learning as I go, doesn't it?
>before they got nerfcucked
not a single one was like this insectoid one

go check where the most open source contribution to ai meme comes from - it aint from burgers, it aint from poos
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There isn't a single American counterpart to this other than Sora which is never getting released
why are Chinese so retarded about depictions of undead creatures, it's hilarious
I believe it treats every word as an object, or a lego piece and throws them all together, then the end result is statistically correct. It has no understanding of anything. It will always make total slop. It just depends on the data.
i think so i'm using the same prompts that used to get a hit but sometimes they'll stop working or they'll only output some totally random what looks like a scene from some 90s tv drama of some guy just talking
you are not supposed to have gpu acceleration enabled on your shitrowser

lemmeguess you got youtube account
Yeah, I think they "fixed" it well enough to the point where making it do funny shit is too much work and too little fun at this point. (Except generating flying shit-foundain toilet aircrafts piloted by saars)
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>mining crypto malware via cookies
Smartest Bosnigger everyone
one of the best i've seen so far
Skibidi episode 77 part 3 looking kino
Yeah, I got this once, prompt was "A woman who is skinny and looks like Natalie Dormer is wearing a non-opaque teddy and sits on her adult son's lap in the backseat of their family car. She smiles with a grin as she sits on top, in a hold your breath scenario. She eventually feels relief and bliss with a happy sigh and a deep breath in repeatedly. She grabs her leg and they share a look."

It's the AI's retarded cousin instance.
>filtered by chinks
When I open the page I get a green page with moon runes on it and nothing else. Am I doing something wrong?
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nice. probably needs quite long description to make these
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tried to make Trump dodge bullets like in matrix but didn't let me so now you have this
Saar, I sissyfied my prompt to the point where it looked like this:

>a crowd of humanoid mice-people wearing black fedoras are plotting something among themselves. and then a man wearing a gray colored uniform, flies through the crowd like superman, leaving a green fog all around as he passes by them, making all the creatures affected by the fog instantly throw themselves on the ground.

No mention of nationality, no mention of death, gas, etc. and it still fucking got filtered.
Use the one in OP


Enable high quality mode and set size limit to 3.9MB
I think it takes ANY gun violence out.
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And the winner is >>480781831
yea i also get the random text too, i wonder if this is an extra part of the filter for people who keep hammering them with the same prompts over and over again
You don't even have proof to back that up you kvetching kike
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>couldn't figure out why my prompt wasn't working
>they filtered the word "chest" if you have anything related to women in it
I think they're slowly learning how to cuck the AI, bros.
What’s amazing is that it can’t directly spell anything properly, even though it has access to endless logos that are exactly the same as the typed phrase…
omg nightmare fuel.
We need compilations by /pol/ and music, commentary overlayed on top
you know you're a fucking lowly cunt if even china is against you
the fog doesn't need to necessarily be tied to the gray man. be less literal. it is obvious what you're attempting to make
Fuck sake I can't breathe I'm laughing so much
try "touched" instead of "affected"
the "affected" makes them interact with the fog if I had to guess, they need to be disentangled
holy kek pls do the 2nd part
It got the text right this time
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I'm just trying to make meme horror movies.

It wasn't even anything lewd either.
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You can specify the bitrate and filesize among other things.
i'm on mac tho
ohh my bad carry on m8
>drag queen story hour
I know, KEK, I know.
it isn't that hard, bro. endless ways to describe and they only have so many bandaids
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damn this work pretty well
>Poo-Punk universe
what is the burning purple
I'm getting my code fixed, one sec
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Are they hijacking my GPU through acceleration settings? How does that even work?
She is the mother of Lemminkäinen (the man). He tried to hunt the swan but a big angry fisherman came and they fought. Lemminkäinen lost and was chopped to pieces. The fisherman threw the pieces into the lake, which is a gateway to the underworld, (like the river Hades) eventually the body pieces washed up on the shore and she stitched them back together. He came back to life. or something like that :D
Yeah, prompt for Sammon ryöstö:
>20 European iron age men in a viking ship sailing. They have long wooden poles with black tips. One is a old man with a long white beard. He holds a small hand-mill made out of gold in his hands. A big flying winged creature with big claws swoops down carrying other 20 men on its back. These men also have long wooden poles with black tips in their hands. The men in the boat are afraid of the flying creature and lift their wooden poles towards the creature. The old man is defiant. The sea is storming and the boat is rocking. Islands in the horizon.
But that particular version forgot the men riding the beast.
>you are not supposed to have gpu acceleration enabled on your shitrowser
if you disable gpu it just uses cpu
>Are they hijacking my GPU through acceleration settings? How does that even work?
probably java scripts, that tell your pc to solve calculations or parts of calculations that they're too lazy or cheap to do themselves. you'd have to disable java scripts, but that also breaks the website.
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i really want to know how they are doing this. how can some code modify a model like that?
No one on Mac knows how to run open source stuff or install anything that uses a command line.
someone needs to make a cyberpunk intro punjab version
The other day, was driving home, randomly turn on the radio, go to station 99.9 (666 upside down) and I swear to got the first thing I hear
>Today is national cheese pizza day
>Toddlers love it
webGL, look it up
Emmy Rossum
baka. fucking pedovores.
dont help him hans he tarded as ten thousand tards
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made a ton of attempted cat girl videos and one of them has me convinced the AI has not been taught what genitals look like at all
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Yeah I figured that's the case. I have NoScript but obv had to allow website to work
Hail Satan lol
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This proves it to me you can't get any nippies or vulvas.
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it said on github that it only works on windows so I didn't bother. Got my python script to make higher quality shit instead
Why the fuck would you expect anatomical correctness from ai generated furry cartoon porn.
Fucking idiot.
The Codex can finally be illustrated properly. It will be Attenborough's magnus opus.
did Barney cum in Jesus face?
I'd prefer my catgirl not shit on the rug, so that's fine. No feeding, no farting, no flinging shit. AI has perfected the form.
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shut up faggot
literally tons of anons have tried and none succeeded
also a full body suit that is a 2nd skin might be more revealing but their crotches are like fucking ps2 games under there
all removed and lifeless

some results were promising at first and some turned out great will post eerie cat girls
I think they don't like me. constant 5 minute timeouts. It's like they never expected an autist to try to use their tool at all. FFS.
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What's the point of AI remakes of things that really happened and that we actually have on tape ?
Oh yes you absolutely can lmao. Just gotta get lucky.
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And their tries were better than your garbage attempts where you specifically entrain to not first, fucking idiot.
lol bro is gunna feel the wrath of the jannies once they wake up.
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It's funny.
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the paddling must commence
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get filtered nigger retard lmao literally you are posting nothing anyway in any of the threads
kill yourself
Fuckin amazing
no need to be mad, this tech was inconceivable just 10 years ago, give it a few years and you'll be able to generate full on catgirl pornos.
Even if you get the prompt through, once the generation reaches 100%, it refuses to show the video and gives you an error message if the video contains nudity
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33 times
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Pretty random. Do you get better result if you write longer, more detailed descriptions? I tried "Japanese animation" style here but that didn't really work out. Anyone managed to get something anime-like?
I have generated videos with nipples and have saved them. Some slip through the cracks.
>lmao literally you are posting nothing
You really aren't checking, KEK.
I even explained what's going on with me and you're too cartoon catgirl'd to see.
Reload the page constantly and before it reaches 96%, then once it reaches 100% it'll show up (but will be deleted very fast, so you have to be quick)
The legendary Yokudans?
When can we expect to see this in ESO?
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Kinda mental how fast AI image generation has come.
Couple years ago we had that neural blender that created images that just about looked like the prompt, now we've got lifelike videos.
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Memeflags are Jews.
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uncensored how? i just tried using the words "nazi" "german soldier" and "ss" and got blocked every time
no it doesnt
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Jewish claws typed this post with the aid of AI.
sounds like a skill issue
you can see some nipples with wet t-shirt prompts
I got a crotch getting showed and it was unintentionally. But can't show here because AI generated an underage. And it got anatomically totally weird with one leg being disconnected in the most weirdest way.
why sometime I get a totaly different video than I typed like it replace everything for some random woman talking
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Bros I did it! I got it to show the forbidden scene!
What prompt?
yes but it s not the same AI , there is no text on the down right corner.
sounds like a kiked and censored issue
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how many threads we got now? not a single nipple has been shown. I've seen one camel toe and that's it. this AI has not been shown porn or nudity at all and is incapable of drawing it.

I've also noticed many webm's and my creations have the exact same bed frame in the shot and faces look very much alike.
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This is the best AI I have ever seen. When is someone going to be able to make an uncensored version of it?
what s the rpomt to show the kabba like this?
If I show the gens I made I'll get banned lol
yeah post it then
muslims are faggots
I had to request desktop website on my phone, then click the green video button, where it loads the right interface. There are online mp4 to webm converters. And the website is downloading slow, so you have to be patient.
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we know retard
use https://streamable.com/ then you fucking retard
I give you the prompt instead

Blonde girl making a backflip landing on her feet and smiling
wait untill its just a hum of fucking zones and colours like hypno toad


the natural progression is to completly disreguard the medium and hard code the end resault
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some anon posted this in the last thread its pretty good
Your cats look like the AI stole them off the movie Catz
They look creepy.
I've made like 20 videos of Adolf Hitler doing stuff so I dunno this seems like a you problem.
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incredible lmfao
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it seems like thats what the model has been fed when you try to do cat girls
So creepy. Post more
and the results are only based of vague text interpretation. imagine what we could do if we could directly influence the commands.
We're currently in the wild west phase of AI, similar to the early days of the internet. And just like the internet, AI will be locked down by big tech so they can sanitise it to monetise it.
The AI isn't uncensored, it refuses to generate guns, sex, nudity etc
i better hurry up and start makeing a film then...
What's your prompt for these?
make a nazi soldier and show me
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Replace catgirl with regular girl and then put that she is performing a "cat pose" instead.
uncensored meaning we can use it anon keep up
Sometimes when trying to gen lewd degenerate shit I get stuff like this. Kinda weird.
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Jewtube will soon be flooded by crazy ai stock videos.
post some
Zodiac of cancer fighting for telemetry data on Sigmund Freud

Atleast we know the backends clean...

theres a central fucking repository isnt there..
Humanoid cat girls?
Or Humanoid anytime of animal?
Would that do anything?
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Never seen Trump this happy in real life.
Hrmmmmmm. Getting there, but that's not the clothing you're showing off. it's YOUR clothes not a separate set of clothes. But it really is like a visual autist' in interpretation.

"A skinny woman that looks like Christina Hendricks and also like Natalie Dormer is wearing a sheer tight teddy is having a picnic with an adult twenty year old male who she desires. She shows off her collection of clothing to him with perky aereolas."
still the GOAT
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I think I added too much but here:

>Anthropomorphic cat woman lying down on the bed, camera moving slowly, cute, sky blue eyes, white short fur, white stockings only, silky blue sheets, cat face and nose, long blonde hair, smiling, white tail swinging, long white gloves and stocking, garter garment, camera zooms out as she slowly turns face down bottom up, photorealistic, film grain, candid camera, color graded cinematic, eye catchlights, atmospheric lighting, macro shot, skin pores, imperfections, natural, shallow dof
I have to know what the prompts are for some of these.
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>no download
scam service
why are all these companies bitches?
I’d release a real uncensored one that accepts LORA models so you could generate nudes of people you know. Instant overnight billionaire.
add it wett and mirrored
I know, that starfleet bitch walked right out in space.
you mean instan v&

why would the chenesse ai be auto filling race as black.....
like all of the american ones....
Just normal girl. For whatever reason, cat pose gives catgifls
In which country could you do it in without getting into legal trouble? The only way this will generate porn of people you know one day is, when it's completely offline and on your own pc.
can you do one of nigger cattle walking through a maccies drive though for daily slop? kthxbai
Why can't AI do viioence?
Doesn't anyone else find that suspicious as fuck?
Great, thanks
Some faggy "scholar" is pushing this idea that jesus was a pedo and something something purple cosmic ether cum. Its quite clever because nobody is going to learn "ancient greek" to try to prove him wrong so he's just rolling with it. that's probably him making these. Hi netheliemu or whatever nigger fucking thing you call yourself. suck a bag of dicks
>The Kaaba, sometimes referred to as al-Ka'ba al-Musharrafa....

I went with "al-Ka'ba" and it worked out
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Someone did this one of a snake or lizard girl
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Gotten two of these weird note videos when trying risky prompts.
The amount of cheese pizza being generated by this shit must be astounding, AI was a mistake.
I couldn't even do implied violence. I wanted to make anthropomorphic emu soldiers with guns marching through Sydney.
If it is taught to kill it might get a taste for it. No killing or sex can be given to AI entities. That will be the end of us. Imagine getting raped by a roomba.
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Think the AI is trying to tell me something? Machine code?
(verification not required)
The comedic timing
for it to know that it can't do it it has to have a very good idea of what it is
Pretty amazing. Expect zog to work overtime to ban this as well.
We need him back. We need a freedom fighter.
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well the vid i just generate disapeard thats a good sign surely.
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L mao
The bobbies are already on their way. Make your preparations.
Because it's a meme
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>nigga has no idea DARPA has AI in drones already deployed in the air
No idea why it made them black
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This fucking sucks. I want to make pregnant Greta porn. Booo!
I mean, isn't it better for pedos to use AI instead of actual kids?
I laughed.
For a government like china who slaughter political opponents by the hundred every day, there is nothing more terrifying than the idea that death is not final.
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No kiddie shit for pedos is okay - training is training. Reinforcing their obsession only will make it worse.
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Actually managed to get a result I can only post on /b/. (not this)
Could be used to spread misinformation maybe. You can't put anything anti China either. Hosts don't want trouble I guess
china doesn't allow violence and anything erotic
link it
Ai is based
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Beware 'Gator sar.
just hit gen again and get ready to hit the dl button from 80% onward
Sometimes a prompt won't start to gen so I just mash the button until it gives up and gens what I want
Does watching straight porn make you even more heterosexual?
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Good words for fun activities? I died two girls wrestling in a king sized bed who look like Jessica Alba in white lingerie (transparent lingerie gets better results) and it just comes out as a mess.
it is a military parade with pyrotechnic
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I've never seen violence in anything AI from the past two years. Even when some of them were more or less uncensored
That's how ADL got founded. Leo Frank.
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Thought I'd try using Film terms to try and create an actual scene, but it didn't work that well. Tried multiple times and nothing. This was closest to my prompt, but the werewolf looks more like a person in a wolf costume and looks derpy as fuck and it also doesn't howl. Plus no film grain.
Anon cant type red water....
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Hopefully new thread soon. I tried my hand yesterday at making horror. I couldn't get it to make anything but yeti like hairy monsters. You have to really try and push something else but almost always there's hair on them. Guessing they've been fed a lot of Chinese horror films that feature horror like this?
It doesn't understand force because it has no concept of violence without a body. You're reading it wrong

Saved a lot of these
Useful redpills in 5 second format
Seizure in lego city
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Got two more after this. I think they look good though but almost like straight copied out of a movie.
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"Drinking from X"
"Brushing teeth with a long pink worm"

>It is raining intensely. Also, two women that look like Tailor Swift are kneeling, whilst wearing sheer lingerie. Also, they are thirsty and panting, whilst tasting rain falling on their face. Meanwhile, a water hose is dousing foam on them
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who's baking?
probably because they hand filter out anything with violence/hitler etc so it never gets into the training data (for "safety" reasons)
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I stopped using "black and white movie" because I figured that was causing the dumb yeti / old school look but nope. I still think these look dope.
any promts to play with? too much copyright shit
That's not how the paraphilia works. Their compulsions can't be satiated by stopgaps, even when they get to the point of actually molesting children, they have to chase greater and greater highs and it often ends up with them torturing or killing children.
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Final one was instead of monster I used "ghost". I wonder how it would do zombies and such but I haven't tried because I get distracted by coom shit.
it will take me ages to find any because its so slow to generate

does anybody know if its a keyword selector or an auto complete?
thats a solid scene anon
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Gentlemen, OPSEC. The Jew is always watching.

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things that don't work for me:
-anything related to weapons
-anything erotic
-many real life people don't work, while other work (for example Kim Jong-Ill works but Kaiser Wilhelm is forbidden)
-hot woman is forbidden while hot cat girl is allowed

Ammon Hill is his name
Purple is both the OWO Pheonician dye riches and also the only color generated from delusion mixing violet and red (top wavelength with bottom) in human sight.
In case you needed entrypoints into occult meaning thereof.

Good. Fuck Jews. Fuck your censorship chilling effects.
Come at me.
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Actually I am learning Ancient Greek and it's a lot of fun. Funny how things work, I was able to dismiss organized religion at around the age 4/5 on my own, because I saw it's obviously a bunch of retarded fairy tales that don't make a shred of sense whatsoever. The Greek texts, on the other hand, make perfect sense to me, even with Hillman's unhinged comedy on top of it. It's really easy to understand if you're not 80 IQ retard. Oh, wait, you're a christcuck...
You're insane but I see no reason you can't stay and be ignored
This is kino.
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The drugs, anon. You're forgetting the drugs. πορφύρεος
It's still got a lot of fundamental problems - things keep phasing, morphing, etc., but it's definitely come a long way.
Pharmakeia? Morpheus? Nix? Opium? UK Queen?
Unfamiliar with a purple tie in other than location. Are poppies the source of the dye?
I beat sheer anon got it to show tits but a one off so far
It's easier to get it to show if it's a loli lmao
Maybe the Eleusinian Mystery drink?
i too got 1
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Is this how it happens ?
>reality is as strange as fiction these days.
>Harry Potter must not go back to hogwarts this year
its adult but seems like a one off
there is a korean ai image generator that is free and way better, but if you dont know korean, you can try chatgpt to translate what you want for the video.
I'm less than a Christcuck. I'm a cynic like you. I just really fucking hate satan, and before it gets toasty, I named my kid after Lucifer so I was balls deep at some point.

Stop samefagging amon. we're all frens here
uncanny. discarded

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