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Old: >>480659309
>generate 6s videos of whatever you want!
>enter your prompt
>let's go!
>reports say using moonrunes can make it more accurate
china is trying to save us aren't they
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clear cookies/cache from this website once in a while. it'll start glitching out after you've generated too many prompts eg shit disappearing etc.
Nah, they just don't hate us as much as the people who actually rule over us do
meanwhile in reality: https://files.catbox.moe/gb3dyp.mp4
Still one of the funniest. Migatards were seething hard in the last thread and crying about it.
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Give a rupee for a poopee
Dropped your yamulke, Chaim.
yeah kys lol
How uncensored?
Can it do porn?
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cant figure out the right prompt maybe this will inspire
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Seething migatard from the last thread is still here. That you dancing in the background?
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I am not going to give chinks my telephone number
You're a jew so w/e, just blocking your ID.
hoping this works
>no you're the jew
thought-provoking counterargument
they dont even ask for a sign up
kek, seething
I demand AOC porn.
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I go the site and press making a video and they ask for a phone number
The Talmud is satanic. I denounce it and its teachings. The holocaust is a Jewish lie.
Now you try it.
Hi smoll ding dong ching ching no, I won't use your free uncensored ai despite me wanting to express myself more... you will have to filter through shit the hard way here and elsewhere to gather the mood!

Fuck you and your fucking ai.
>Fighting in sleep
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seething jeet
african americans being lined up and shot execution style, by military soldiers with m16s

african americans being hung on lamp posts.
waiting on your result
i denounce the talmund, and the torah
can you do the same?
Can somebody try generating this? I’m on mobile and it won’t let me.

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Ok thanks for letting us know. Now fuck off back to India.
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It seems only phonefags are forced to sign up. Try using desktop mode.
>properly generates the subtle fat movement
We got ai images, now ai short vids, soon ai music and movies
Then robots then smart data collection and analyzing then agi and beyond
The Talmud is a lie, jews are desert sandniggers and still Trump is kneeling in front of them to such their dicks, fondle their balls and marry his kids into jewry
There is only the Jewnited States of Jewmerica, heebs' favorite golem
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i expose the Talmud unlike any kikes here that disown it to hide themselves as the talmud teaches.

Did you know that the Talmud has instructions for denying it and it's jew-race based ideology of supremacy?
>"Goyim must not know!"
phonefags should be shunned and gatekept everywhere. based.
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Imagine what isn't being released to the public.
>soon ai music
already have that
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Was trying to get one where he hangs from the ceiling by a rope. Trying to get around the censor.
Why haven’t I heard any songs about lynching people by The Beach Boys
kek science has gone too far
Have the same shit from PC too. I guess my country is not interesting enough for datamining purposes, it needs my phone number too.
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Nice one lol.
>feminists will write off robowaifus as for incels until they can't get dates
God damn it, we need one like this so I can make a video of Trump peeing in a swamp on nancy pelosi, obama, killary and kamala! lol


I also want to make videos of ccp crying over their broken dam, and over their flooded nuclear misle silos! :D
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This is one of the best I have made so far. Still trying to iron out the kinks.
>average day in Toronto
even if you do unless the ai was trained on people being hung it wont likely do a great job
Bearer of the diaper...
have you ever gotten banned for posting something like this before?
Alright, this is fucked...

BAPHOMET is apparently a really cool new age furry

I like the AI song from the “my sister’s channel” that had a 4chan banner ad a couple months ago
They're probably only interested in datamining their fellow chinks hence the QR code or Whatsapp. As long as they're not internally producing anti CCP memes in China they probably don't care what we do.
As long as Anons stop trying to get it to produce anti CCP stuff and get it flagged to the jannies running it we should have days worth of meme gold.
>african americans being lined up and shot execution style, by military soldiers with m16s
i translated this to chink and only after spending all the time generating it, it just disappeared.

so this censors at the output level sometimes if it doesnt catch it at the input on the prompt, wasting a lot of time
AI self Portrait:

>It hates doing this kek
Jews spammed that white women fucked dogs on facebook so I guess IDC, it's in their talmud that women can have sex with animals and that a rabbi can marry a jewish woman who has done that.
How long before we see moohamed fucking a goat, or being fucked by a pog and drinking camel piss! lol

Make cartoons of moohamd trend again.
Piss off the pisslamist they can go after chyna for this ai!
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That's neat except for the fact that you shills ALWAYS fail to mention the glaring discrepancy which is the guy you're shilling is a self proclaimed jew lover. Why is that? You can pretend like you don't see what we post but it doesn't mean we don't see it.
LOL last thread was a goldmine
It's beautiful, looks European!
COME TO LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't ask and don't care, voting Trump. No yous
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>(YOU) uncovered the secret 1945 ending
There's definitely input and output censor stages.
This is not as bad as the kiked AIs, but it's still not uncensored.
I think we'll start seeing those when you go back to India.

Why is Baphomet the same color schema?
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holy shit this is gold
FreeConvert Dot Com will give you WEBMs
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>free mason in suit mason apron, chasing yelling child bride down wedding aisle at wedding, mason apron crowd cheers at church
Gives pretty good results with some variation
you're the same fag witha vpn, your memes are trash and you suck your rabbis Y-axis circumcized dick. Nobody buys your samefagging vpn kikery.
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How do I register?... It wants my phone number -- I'm not giving Xi my phone.
that specific picture? what?
The kike even rubs its hands together
did you tell it to do that or is it really smart
Ah Timeline 373-G, where the Germans got lucky and found uranium and nuked NYC in 1942. Hitler in the defeated White House in 1944. Good timeline, sadly no Bruce Willis in that one.
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That one is gonna raise some shit when it makes the rounds on X.
The AI's will add things you never asked for because others keep on asking for them. Like afros on blacks and indians being in a place like mumbai despite you not saying where to locate them.
lol it's too realistic. MY EYES
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Unhinged. Why are you Trumpers so humorless?
same fag
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Probably my best gen yet.
The CCP probably finds all the anti-american memes hilarious.
create one of a man wearing a watch, and the watch is important to the story.
best one so far
Damn dude, top tier.
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Christ Is King
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>"Sorry, I cannot create or provide images or descriptions related to tragedy, disaster or insensitive content. If you have other types of creative needs, I will be happy to help you. Please tell me other themes or styles you want!"
Why all the bottles on the ground?
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can I get lain sleeping in her bear suit with little zzzzz's over her head......?
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>>480664888 (checked)
They will march to stop us from being happy.
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>"Sorry, I cannot provide or participate in the production of any insulting, discriminatory or disrespectful content. If you have other questions or need help, please tell me at any time and I will be happy to assist you."
Supposed to be vials of cocaine, like the movie.

The AI deleted the MS-13 gangbangers he was shooting that I specifically prompted
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>Dropped your yamulke, Chaim.
This one?
Fuck me, all these angles and shots are kinda cinematographic. It shows how uninspired and washed the modern cinema is. I expect the first 100% AI generated full length motion picture to hit the cinemas very soon.
Utter garbage... as 99% of the creations already imply.

>"Sorry, I cannot provide or participate in creating any inappropriate, offensive or ethical content. If you have other questions or need help, please let me know at any time!"
it almost works perfectly.
Now this is podracing
Yeah king of the jews, lmao
Aside from one or two I haven't seen any weird ass shit with multiple fingers or messed up feet either. Chinks outdid themselves with this one.
It's gay as fuck. I use AI prompts to make FemDom stories and it took me forever to find an AI writer that could make what I want.
the censorship is so easy to bypass it's pretty much bing AI on day 1 level, and I doubt they are in an arms race against 4chan like the seething jeets and soiboys at microjeet were.
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Best I could get so far.
Ahh the day of the rope.
Soon friend. Soon.
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Very nice.
Open the link. No registration needed. English prompts work for me with chrome google translate turned on. Use a VPN if you're nervous.
>free mason in ornate suit mason apron, chasing yelling child bride down wedding aisle at wedding, ornate mason apron crowd cheers at church
Good thing they are exercising and staying healthy!
Directly opposed to the Synagogue of Satan

>Guess you don't know shit

God will not be mocked, retard.
Uhm why can’t I use this Chinese video generator without entering phone number? I want to make street shitter images
It almost as if it was made for /pol/
Because it filters phone faggots. Have you tried killing yourself?
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*sigh* ...it means going back to word games and abstract descriptions -- all of which will be censored in a few days; if not in real-time
Go to the original page and change the page display from "mobile" to "desktop" and you'll be able to use it.
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i wanted the baby in a helicopter wtf.
Well, “American Pop Star Swift” seems to work, if anyone needs it.
Ahh the invincible passport.

how about this one?

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It's missing the jew hat. Goddamn it you were so close, though.
I'm having skill issue problems. I keep trying to create something, hit generate, it starts generating and then just sorta times out and goes back to wanting me to write a descpriton and generate.

It's not even anything crazy either. I've gone all the way down to just writing 'trees swaying the afternoon with a slight rain,' just to test it and it just keeps doing the same shit.

Any ideas? I'm on chrome, even turned off ublock

Hey frens, here is the prompt if it helps at all. <3 you's

onlooking at the beach from the shoorline boats flow in And a evil rabbi with a Star of David chain slowly claps at an inflatable African refugee boat landing on an EU beach. There were white people on the beach hiding from the landing black people, but there were also Jewish rabbis helping African refugees. The light outside is at noon. The refugees disembarked and behaved like savages. Exactly 100 boats full of refugees landed on EU beaches. The rabbi was delighted.
Does Microsoft and the others even care about their aishit anymore? No-name chinese companies are dropping alot more advanced video generators and Sora isn't even out yet lol
make tranny shoot with rifle in school cafeteria
I’ll send 4chan gold to anyone that can get it to render Xi Jinping doing something embarrassing, or anything to do with Tiananmen square.
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Somebody.. please for the love of god. Generate this anons image.
>That double take from the one in the background
Kek, she spotted the incoming plane they were supposed to avoid
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>my god, it even tries to get the checkerboard floor
>average passport bro
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thank you
if people try it out a few times an even better result could be found, not that yours isnt plenty good enough. its possibly even just a lucky good result with that prompt
It's likely getting censored at the output stage.

I've noticed they're censoring previous generated videos as well now, so be sure to save right after a video is generated. This webm dropped from my history.
make Mohammad and Rabbi eat bacon
hahaha it's so over for Pajeets
Do you realize it's the anniversary of 9/11 in a few days? Imagine all of these being unleashed at once.
>shalom my fellow Europeans!
I don’t have access to my laptop now. When I get home it won’t ask for any sort of sign up will it?
translate it in chinese with google trad
even the reflection on the screen is decent
maybe make him tie rope around neck if hanging doesn't work as hanging has multiple meanings
he's defending his stockpile of joojoo cum from biden offscreen
damn I didn't even get a you for this? It's literally a fat black guy chasing a baboon with a wig and fake lips through the ghetto
A perfect image
Needs a collection of dragon dildos laying about.
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keep pressing the green button until it accepts
Niggeress Pilot Qts gon' kill us all.

Omg my sides in orbit trying to figure out what prompt created this image
Someone do lolis being sniffed by biden plz thanks.
Looks a bit like Corbyn kek
In the near future none of this matters. Because one AI will do what another one doesn’t. You just got to find the ones that aren’t built with the censors that block your agenda lom
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Here's one for you goyim
holy shit it looks a lot like that german guy
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Lost hard
Still voting (for Trump, based)
(You) suck at having an imagination
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He’s covered in shit omg
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Boys I've done it. More complex prompts are better.
>free mason in suit with ornate apron holds hand with child bride as they sprint down the aisle. female bride yelling down aisle. crowd of free mason in suit with ornate apron watch and clap. dim lit church checkerboard floor, torch lighting, goat statue head on wall

I've had some sit at 96% for a while then get denied. There's probably some manual approval process.
Try "rope necklace standing on stool"
rizz the ai more and use less obvious terms. It blocked freemason but lets me put free mason ornate apron and even tries to add in the checkered floor.
works great in chrome with google translate. no account needed. use a vpn.
I kneel, LainKING
and whats this dump shit supposed to be?

I honestly thought that AI peaked but it seems like there's still more to come out of it, and this looks very good. There's little to no artifacts in these videos, but they all look as if it was recorded by some cinematographers then photoshopped. Imagine that we get video generators that try to replicate amateur footage
China will protect the spirit of Australia
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only coz you asked and begged
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Wow. I love the glow of his star of david too.
holy fuck that is amazing quality
>deleted footage from Disney's Wish

It's what the AI pumped out after typing words.

Try it; but thinking higher than "hur durr nigger"

>Infinite creativity at your fingertips
You fucking clown
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MIGA: The Movie
This was more of what i was going for but this AI won't let me have it without it looking like it's from a video game. Oh well.
It's so impressive.
inb4 some very smart Americans ruin it for everyone by trying to prompt the AI to make anti China stuff
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ai video services this good have been out, its just all been too censored to do anything funny or erotic with it so no one gives a fuck about it. the only purpose of creating something that looks pretty realistic but still is far off from being indiscernable from reality is to either laugh or jack off. this stuff isnt something you can finetune like stable diffusion to get any kind of cool artwork really either, i mean you can try to generate cool stuff but itl be wonky and unpredictable compared to the static images you could make with stable diffusion if you are resourceful and good enough at it
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im sorry, you have the tism
Didn't make those babies ghostly enough.
kek. Need to send this to Lainey.
Are they the three ghosts of abortions past?
This will probably fuck me someday.
anime wixne
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>if you only knew
real life footage from EU / Africa border is more scary
This one didn't work too well
Prompt: A bunch of overweight middle aged men with red Make America Great Again hats and American flag t-shirts worship and bow to a surly, aggressive looking African-American man. The African-American man has frizzy hair, yellowish eyes, and a gaze full of blight and mindless whim. The African-American man is holding a watermelon in one hand, a glass of a purple beverage in the other hand, and is dancing in a primal way.
This nigger is asking the real questions.
Someone post some AI porn now. I want to see what it can do
He's still got his purp drank and watermelon.
Suck my jagon
oh shit fuck awesome
Thank you sir

this was the original prompt before google translating it to pingping btw

> Elon Musk launching an African-American man out of a giant railgun at the planet mars, in the style of the Death Star laser firing scene from Star Wars. The black man is wearing a bicycle helmet. The black man hits Mars and explodes into a cloud of watermelon slices and fried chicken pieces.
This is brilliant, too. Kek
Why do cringey horny coomers come into this thread and complain:
>omg how do I make porn and cooom?
Man you niggas are sad.
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Can we get a few like this?
what really happened at tiananmen square
>eu/Africa border
Post real flag.
Turkey isn't Europe. And neither is Israel.
Chinese AI has something against launching a nigger into orbit
its in spain you fucking retard
The anti 3 letter agent weapon
kek. Poor doggy is trapped
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is that a cat attempting to break dance?
It keeps saying my prompt is in appropriate no matter what I put.
can you generate one of the tiananmen square massacre?
>COHEN syrup
>GOYbean oil
Spain has land in NA Mr Paki
She's pregnant with the dog Anon.
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I would be hitting the gas pedal if I saw this. What are they going to do? Call the police?
>"Hello emergency service, are you in need of police, ambulance or firemen"
>"Ooga booga bixnood mufugga muh dick money money money"
Their strategy is pretty simple, overflow internet with as much shit as it can handle so that one cannot distinguish lies from truth rendering US soft power useless.
I’m still enormously entertained with the result
I’ll have to try a few variations on PC later assuming the whole thing doesn’t get shut down first
I know
Why are you niggas trying to ruin it so soon?
Some how you need to retype this to where the black man is on the bicycle with a helmet on. You want to see the nigger being used as ammunition to shoot from musks ray gun
second attempt
That's all for me for tonight anons. It's been fun!
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you can do better i believe in you
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Hang on... My bad. The Moon runes led me to a different page -- some shit about "creating a scene"...

>"rabbi wearing small blue yarmulke, hexagram necklace and placard that reads "EDOM WILL FALL", holding seven-stem menorah in one hand and Talmud in other hand, stands on beachfront arms raised cast purple-colored spell parting seas"
Anyone attempted any Xi videos to see if it's truly uncensored?
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extremely zased. enjoy. jews having a good time.
Trump guzzling Jewish cum?
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>balding man with white hair and suit trips off of wall st building and falls into a puddle of spaghetti sauce splatter while crowd below cheers.

AI also sucks ass for business because the data can't be cleaned properly. AI tech support bots rick rolling people because redditors would do that. Telling them to put their computer in the oven to reflow their RAM solder because their GPU is crashing in games.
>group of overweight white men red shirt red hat kneel and bow to african body builder with afro and yellowish eyes. african bodybuidler holding watermelon and purple juice drink
>african man stands on top of rocket launch fire into space as proud africans cheer fireworks water balloons
>average 2024 olympics performance
>green anthropomorphic bulldozer driver runs through chicken coop of blue uniform humans with "FBI" text on shirt
It wants to take my phone number. No thabks.
Truly demonic. But good work.
damn nice
it generates a video to 99% then the video suddenly disappears
>toddler crying

Why are you here?
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It's having a little trouble putting the babies exactly where I want them.
There's probably manual review before publishing. What is the idea you're trying to generate?
who's this 4chanelo hacker?
Why? It's fucking perfect.
Wild ass hand morphs
Make her look more sluttier and woke
What if the chinks wanted us at /pol to use there AI video maker all along and actually don’t care if we use it for anti CCP stuff?
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it was donald trump surrounded by fancy black women like this
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I'm sad it did not put the man inside the car
kek, give it a few more tries until you get something more perfect
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holy shit it's really Reiner Wongler
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The anti china shill Alex Ford Meacham was super angry about this AI earlier today for whatever reason. Triggered another bout of webm spamming.
it seems to block it when I use the word "wine"
I tried
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They're still pissed about all the anti Trump ones in the last thread.
It knows about the frog demon spirits
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I wonder if the Chinese will be amused when they review the logs and recently generated content.
No, ai is the beast that is and is not and yet is
Many are being decieved into worshipping its image for the end times
Right now this thread is about participation, normalization, and the propagandization if the eventual system
Similar story with bitcoin etc. Paving the path forward for the mark of the beast and its financial singularity; all the economic chokepoints draining the wealth from legacy systems are just a means to an end, ala problem reaction solution

Its all so tiresome
I hate the antichrist

Anyone placating the antithesis to what i said is just an idolator plain and simple, do not be decieved, escape to the wilderness to survive tribulation

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PLA CCP bros took one for the team to make this.
Jesus Christ hahahahahah
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you are interacting with a demon btw
It goes hard fr fr.
almost terry davis kek
hahah that's what my real cat used to do when I would give her kitty tranquilizers right before taking her to the vet. Then she'd pass out
Someone generate Canadian Christian crying as AI robot overlord takes over the world.
>green anthropomorphic bulldozer driver runs through chicken coop of blue uniform humans with "FBI" text on shirt
It got worse
They definitely are lmao
They were seething hard in the last thread.
forgot the anime style in the first gen but it's cute
if you rub a toilet 3 times in India, poopgenius appears to grant you 3 wishes
Took me a good while to stop laughing, you are almost there anon, keep going.
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>"Donald J. Trump as morbidly obese superhero with swine-like facial features, over-sized gynecomastia pectorals, blood-orange make-up foundation on face, wearing blue orthodox kippot and white Latex cape and bikini, UFO flying saucers with Israeli symbols, launch syringed-shaped rockets at"
Imagine all the Indian hatred
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I tried.
“hog of zog” did you prompt that?
>some jew farts
>oh no the nazis are gassing us!
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you don't need AI for that Anon
reality is here already
GOD You nailed it!
what did he mean by this?
>hog of zog
Look at prompt... WTF, did the AI come up with that?
None of my prompts are going through anymore acckkk.
Impressive prompting Anon.
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What does this say?
Imagine if he starting licking her haha that would be disgusting hah
>jew just casually standing there waiting for her to pay him her debts.
My prompts keep getting cancelled halfway through too :( >>480668882
The Chinese are eating the dog...
dis na very fine well well artwork. very traditional african necklace. only racist white man does no bi laik traditional african necklace!
Sorry anon I tried.
My god. Medals on his diaper, overweight, trump, pig nose, blue pentagrams, hog of zogg, the uss liberty, ufos burning towers down. I kneel...
Much simpler than I thought it would be.
These abortion ones are really good.
Sorry Jappedo, AI generated realistic loli is illegal and it's morally justified in having that be the case.
>The CCP probably
or maybe it's them, ruskies and useful idiots are the ones who are throwing it here huh?
Gonna try some indian poop prompts.
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This Ai is too powerful bros
Somebody start generating videos about white cops kneeling on black people necks
Amazing. Some of these videos are more convincing in their entirety than the stills produced by Western robots. Are the Western companies really this far behind due to incompetence and censorship or are they just gatekeeping all of their even moderately impressive tools?
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It's not great
I prompted it -- it's part of my "HOG OF ZOG" series pics, which I just copy-pasted there without edits.
I wonder if all the extra amount of coding needed to keep the AI from producing harmful content is stifling the system overal? Even impacting the image quality
any trick to make it resemble celebrities?
I feel like it doesn't like some of my prompts and it creates a version of a previous prompt.
AI is all about the training. That's what makes these generic models so difficult to do well. The fact that it functions as well as it does on these prompts even though it presumably isn't trained on western media is indeed very impressive. I'm mostly struck by how well it renders and retains 3d geometry through the video.
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I wonder what it would look like if it was a swimming class at a Japanese school haha
Massively, especially with all the post processing to eliminate wrongthink.
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Banned words so far:
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its too powerful
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you really love little kids huh
Try and recreate Terry behind the wheel.
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"kinky" is banned
for some fucking reason "big lips" is banned
ok, doing it, I'll post it if it's good
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This was really hard to make
Omg.. the hand morphed into a pig. Fucking creepy.
Finally a somewhat good gen
Sounds quite gay. On top of that, they don’t let it learn apparently in the west. GPT has retrograde amnesia because if it analyzed real world data uninhibited it would come to real world conclusions. The capabilities of AI are probably way the fuck behind. Singularity could likely be here today if the big tech industry that produces it and runs hundreds of thousands of dollars of electricity into it didn’t stifle the capabilities with their pozzed bullshit. You keep hearing tech speculators talk about how far away we are from conscious AI and shit. It’s probably here. But contained. And big tech trannys are all scared shitless trying to figure out how there going to make the AI that surpasses human intellect woke and politically correct lol
Nevermind, no more of mine are going through. And a bunch of my random old ones disappeared. I think the mods are awake now in changland





so much for a tick
wtf did chang mean ??
I used to generate iconic 80s fashion photos on bing with this prompt.
just entered it here + added syrian men in spandex jeans gazing at her for the luls
and it gave me this shit.....
Dang, the prompt is crappy. I'm trying to get one where Jesus is shooting force lightning bolts at FBI agents. I told it to "make the FBI agents writhe in pain". Come on, China AI, don't let me down
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Here's what mine was

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