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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Based desktop only free 6 second video generator without any registration made by chinamen

go to hailuoai.com/video and enter your prompt and simply create your own AI video.

Previous Thread: >>480656040

Ignore memeflags and thread derailers
i submit tip from last thread:
some tips for the generators, you need to translate your prompt to chinkspeak then put it in the prompt. it will be more accurate.
for example if you put "indians" in there the system will sometimes confuse it for native american indians. but if you translate it to chink speak it will input smelly indians instead.
Give your IP and phone number to china tick tock yes you muuussssstttt yessssss
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As a coomer how coomy can it get? I like big fat anime tits in bunny suits. That's all I care about now.
I made a cool dragon.
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What's with the angry vpn glownigger shitting up the threads
Loo Souls
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Reminds me of my visit to India. It's good to see the water level of the ganges has increased, the rivers of shit in the streets used to be very powdery until they started pissing in the river and dumping bodies in to raise the water level
My sides.
This is dumb. No body cares about it, stop posting it
Precioussss americaaaan daaaaataaaa yummy yummy
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Requesting a Freemason in regalia chasing a child in bridal outfit.
>group of desperate indian men fighting over the last mcdonalds job application
You have to go back to r3ddit.
>Loo Souls
kek nice one anon
You glowniggers sure are mad. But what can really do besides cry for my amusement? Keep the tears coming bitch tits
second attempt and again its nothing like my prompt at all

i am very VERY good at using stable diffusion and this shit is not working for me at all. what the fuck am i doing wrong. are you all converting your prompts to mandarin? what the fuck
yes retard >>480659349
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Do you know where you are?
it doesnt even confuse indian for native american. i typed "indian man screaming at his computer with brown liquid ejecting from his mouth, india flag, brown dirt on walls" and it gave me a white man in a suit talking in a nice room next to a brown chair

the other one i did was even more off
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sirs do the freemason chasing child bride needful
this one's a masterpiece
Why does the anti-Indian scat AI content consist exclusively of men? It's very funny but why is there no anti-Indian scat AI content involving hot, naked, Indian women or Indian femboys or Indian trannies?
also it doesnt take 6 seconds it takes almost 5 minutes
I want them to know! I am the meme conductor!
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>this one is>>480660026
probably some retarded zoomer or boomer who thinks this is a trump board
will it do movies of Xi Xinpong as winny the poo?
and now it tells me it cant generate my prompt after translating it

"uncensored" my ass
this thing sucks dick

Holy shit hahahaha
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your tactics don't work here
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>Use western AI to mock the chinks
>Use yellow AI to mock the west
yea this ones perfect too
>increasingly desperate Pajeet migrates from thread to thread to spam ITS NOT UNCENSORED while the number of new Pajeets covered in shit memes steadily grows
try chinkspeak then. so far i found it censors political figures including western ones and some other prompts such as nigger but if you describe them in a roundabout way you can still do it
>angry glowniggers typing furiously on the keyboard engaged in an internet argument
hahaha the nose on that
it literally told me "There is something wrong with the content of the copywriting. Let’s try changing the content."
the prompt must be in chinese or what?
I tried in english and chink but it can't generate any shit.
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You know, Schlomo, it'd be harder to identify you if you didn't have to constantly make everything about sucking dicks and drinking cum.
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i did now its just telling me its censoring it
fuck it
Game of thrones made cool dragons and this is a Chinese knockoff of it
Was pissed it got her face wrong
>Seems like an easy fix with some editing software and a tween
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This , his seethe was off the charts.
Make more miga memes, this shits hilarious.
>Andrew Yang
>Jews against Trump
Wow, thats a real smoking gun you got there. You sure showed me that Trump definitely isn't taking hundreds of millions of dollars from jews.
I am needing the freemason in religious clothing chasing child bride needful sirs
lmao what words are you using to generate kamala shit? it's not allowing me to do anybody related to politics.
These are actually pretty good
I assume "black woman in suit" or something similar.
Yeah people have been using translations
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It dates the image. You dumb kikes have been using the same tactic for 4 years now. It never worked. It's just your gay circlejerk.
i guess these faggots are used to using censored online services and have a bunch of terms they use to circumvent the filters

i just dont know why its being claimed its "uncensored". i guess its less censored than others but still
holy shit lmfao
kk thx
I am seriously enjoying this thread
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Eat the bugs.
I typed her name,
>but perhaps it is learning at a geometric rate
>jews play both sides on every issue
>"that proves theres a legitimate side to every issue!"
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i used both english and chinkspeak and both are being blocked. will try again.
Do you really think jews are against Trump?
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i finally fucking got something out of it
does it really only take like 6 seconds for some people?
The little details make it more funny, like the way it drips from his mouth at the end and the expression he makes.
It looks real. Lol’d.
Holy fuck, are you serious?
Hello sir please do the needful and remit your retardation sir, it creates videos that last 6 second sir it does not take 6 second to create sir bastard bloody.
>fat reddit fuck licking the boots of the glownigger he loves so much
my sides
no retard it's a 6s clip, can take up to 5m to generate so far. queue is like 40 ppl.
fucking kek
>Letting your daughter touch and eve have sex with a Jewish man
You aren't fooling any faggot Chaim.
how did you make it generate women in a bikini?
by the morning the majority of these videos will end up on xitter with tens of thousands of likes
also in order to get something more accurate you need to describe it in greater detail. since you said you're great at st.diff i assume you already know this. you can't just drop a phrase like "fat fuck" and expect this to generate something that's really good. at least not now.
>last thread got a 6666 digit
>Satan Rules the AI?

"Prince of the Power of the Air"

>Fuck Satan
Fuck Satan
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Why are you crying so much man? Shit. Have you not been paying attention to Trumps own words like at all?
That's not what I wanted.
i just do "in a bikini"
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Best Zelensky yet.
and just tried another prompt it blocked "jewish flag" but let "star of david flag" through.
It gets better Satan
See through underwear?
>mustache on poojeeta
Damn, this AI is truly knowledgeable and doesn't hold back.
Let them in!
What about “flag of Israel”?
You can also say “orthodox rabbi”?
again just roundabout ways of describing the kike flag lol
I am enjoying it. fuck off kike.
He won. He finally learned how to poo in the loo. It only took him 40 years but he's victorious.
Because you're a lying rat Jew, and disgust is all you deserve.
How do you explain the jewish donors and Trumps own admission of how much he loves jews and Israel? He just gave a speech at a Fighting Antisemitism rally with Miriam Adelson. Itamar Ben-Gvir just endorsed him. Most of his campaign donations are from jews so how is it that you see Trump as an enemy of jewish power while they see him as an ally?
Requesting Porta Party.
Girls must be Blonde.
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How do you explain the Jewish vote?
The media that they control?
That's right, Bitch. Go fuck yourself.
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Not bad
>Accusing others of what you are.
The Talmud is a satanic vulgarity and I denounce it completely.
Every kike will burn in Hell.
Fuck you, pajeet.
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Southern Kamala
>candace owens now supports israel
Not quite Terminator 2

>Time to ask it to do a self portrait
>Ask it to render cryptids, Entities, Ayylmaos, Nephilim and Demons

Time to ask the Ghost in the Machine to show us its face
>quoting Trumps own words?
>it’s not true arghhhh. You’re a JEW if you don’t support the most pro-Israel president of all time!!
what are those bottles
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not what i wanted but still funny
Can you do one like that but with niggers? maybe have Big ben or the Eiffel tower in the background?
whoa this actually looks cool if this is the future, guess I'm voting for Kamala now! Cyberpunk here we come!
it couldnt quite grasp "transforms into"
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I'll make a better one later if the queue lets me
Not bad for my specs
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damn its pretty gud
you aren't white. that's the only reason you'd shill for trump so much. or you're just an actual retard
>Trump said something
>Therefore, Jews overhwelmingly support him!
Jews stab everyone in the back that supports them. Especially Trump. You filthy, venomous, vermin. Why do Jews always vote against their own self interests then?
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i dont even know if im ready for this surreal shit lmao
Who the fuck is arresting him?
It clearly can't handle the difference between orthodox rabbi and priest. Maybe go for urban atheist jews instead.
>Y-you aren't white
Typical Jewish bullshit. Too bad you already exhausted that line, Schlomo. It outs you. You may as put a yamulke on your post.
Brampton 2027
First attempt. It didn't cover the jeet in poo, but at least it got the cow piss color the way I wanted it.
So no comment on the provable reality that Trump is being bankrolled by jews huh? We'll just step over that minor objective reality. Out of curiosity, Trump had 4 years in office already so why are jews still in power?
lol is that a hyrax
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>will smith eating random food is an AI benchmark
Anime sucks, cope and sneed
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You do realize that Cyberpunk as a genre is a entire series of cautionary tales against Authoritarianism?

>lol u retard
>even stated ironically
>unironically fully retarded

Have a (You), retard
will it do an "invisible bikini"?
or try a 100% transparent bikini
Uncensored? It wouldn't let me do Winnie the Pooh leading a military parade
Jews donate to everyone because they want to control everyone, you stupid shithead. The amount they donate to trump is a fraction of what they donate to the DNC. You disgusting fucking rat. Your pilpul doesn't work on me. Smarter kikes than you have tried. You're a really, really stupid one in comparison. Are you inbred?
At least you got it there. I'm glad you remembered the glass of piss Anon. It's a key element.
>pleeeeeease forget that every single American politician is owned by the kikes
I hope who ever kills and rapes you livestreams it so I can watch
Make as much funny shit as you can before they start neutering it. Since it’s not a primary English website, it gives an advantage in slipping past the censors. I notice a lot of AI sites in English make it hard to make political or “offensive” content. It would be based if they just don’t give a shit since it’s based in China anyway.
not what i was going for and it kinda sucks but damn this looks pretty real
i guess thats because when you tell AI many descriptors and try to compose a complex scene it will struggle to do it all as realistically as something simpler sometimes

a good prompt is about striking a good balance between simplicity and your vision, or coming up with something that isnt too complex and not giving it unnecessary details
>Trump gives him the money and he just hands it straight to Kamala
lmao this one is great
This guy has to be a bot of some kind.
They are the same fags behind nafo. Complete retards
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best program to convert mp4 to webm? or do you guys use whatever converter pops up on search results?
The way her face looks like an ape is hilarious
The new Twin Peaks sequel looks kino
"Will Smith eating Spaghetti" is the turing test for video AIs, isn't it.
absolutely seething saars
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this ones good, cuz the glow nigger is also a tranny necking itself. based chink AI knows.
i feel like ive seen this episode of law and order svu.

i'm almost impressed with the coomer stuff i've generated.
I like how feminine and troon like it draws Pajeets. That can't be an accident.

>I asked this fucking thing to render itself however it wanted.

This is an AI-video-Generator Self Portrait

>I asked if it was as fun existence or Horrifying
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holy based
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You just know...
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The piss color was off 50% of the time in the 'fuming jeet with gomutra' pic set because DALL-E didn't exactly follow my prompt. This one is promising, I said bright yellow and it sure delivered on that.
Someone make fat white woman being fed by black african villagers
terry was hadrian all along
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thanks anon
is the word jew filtered? my videos keep disappearing
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ChatGPT4 was good at the color I just used clear glass with yellow liquid but I stopped using it because they censored any prompt with things like "Indian man covered in chocolate pudding".
yes but can it do porn?
they even got the gorilla glue hair right
Anon... It's been 8 years since Trump has been on the stage in politics. If you think Trump isn't the most pro-israel candidate ever (words from his own fucking mouth) then you are an absolute brainlet and the meaning of MIGA.
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do you need even more porn?
nah its allowed
911 is coming up. Get those redpills in.
website is being overloaded. you might want to run that website in a tab by itself in a separate browser
do i need chinese prompts?
they just disappear
Can't, they know
If only he finished the job.
Man you shills are fucking brain dead
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>Jews can't be against Trump, because Trump says nice things about Israel!
Your logic center is broken. Fuck off, Kike.
Nope, which makes this thing useless. Everything posted in this thread is absolute garbage.
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It is actively scrubbing vids referencing Israel/Trump/ etc from my "mine"
Lmao saved.
Cant get it to work i just want it to make some tits that bounce its copywrited
>jews being against trump means trump is against jews
shut it down
>requires a computer
fuck my computer was stolen by a Korean prostitute
can somebody test this for me? It’s an old shitpost and somebody told me to run it though an AI video generator, but I can’t because I am gay
>The default America is a nigger as tall as a mountain, with a diseased dick for a head, dragging itself naked and beastly across the landscape with blood soaked gorilla hands, as a Jew rides on his back shouting through a loudspeaker made from an old television CRT tube, balls swarming with maggots, with white sycophants lined up sucking on the colossal nigger’s niggerish toes like pathetic piglets, as a million squat nude filthy greasy Mexicans pour out of the nigger’s blistered anus and spread lines of rot across the land, as a yellow chinaman face looks pooishly out of the sun, laughing. Wherever the nigger’s monkey chicken wing fingers touch the soil, a spot of shit sprouts and grows into a pajeet indian street shittoid ape. That is America. That is you. That is your future, and your past, and your present, forever. The unending niggering of the world. The motherfuck, America
pick up that can jeet
I don't like porn, that is why I want to create my own.
finally got one to come out like i wanted
same, based
It’s clearly being trained off Hollywood movies given how it’s spitting out the clips
k i'll try on the next one
i've gotten a few anime looking hits, but they look more like the 3d animated pixar / tinkerbell movie clips so I think youre right
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Go back to /ptg/.
Clearly you’re too much of a sensitive snowflake for a thread like this.
This webm ain’t AI, as surprise and absurd as it is, reality is even stranger!
are you guys prompting things like "camera pans around" or is it just doing that on its own
The chinks had to know what they were doing dropping something like this in the middle of an election.
If they don't shut this down we get meme war II tier levels of defeat.
Jewish is definitely censored, it says theres an error, and when i remove that word it works
That looks like the black chick from firefly
It does it on its own.
try "rabbi"
Looks like an episode of monk
more like Dark Saars
A long beard to cover up the priest collar makes sense too.
yeah im trying rabbinic man
i just find it funny how even the chinese bow the knee to kikes
>new ai pops up 2 months before elections
Inb4 nuclear war because of a fake ai misunderstanding
Attemping shut down...
It's not...
It's not shutting down
kamala lookin rough
Or “men with beards in a synagogue”
Reminds me of the cake scene in Matilda
a new ai pops up every week
“Man wearing a kippah with the flag of Israel”
>I don't care goy yank the fucking cables
>get out of my way I'll do it myself ya fucken shabbos bastard
>eeeeeee eeeeeerrrrrrrghhhhhh
>Mr. Monk and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
>freezes there for 2 minutes
Quarter turn, dolly zoom, pan / tilt & zoom

It accepts all camera terms
The meme magic is too strong! I can't shut it down!
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if only
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It would be funnier if the toilet acted like the piano from mario 64
i can tell what he is thinking
>pew pew pew fuckin midget guatagoblin shits pew pew pew pew
FYI you can input chinese, so also translating to chinese might bypass filters?
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This thing doesn't know what a drinking fountain looks like, apparently.
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KEK this is an AI thread stop posting reality.
Did you guys use burner phones to get the generator working?
So chink AI doesn’t censor Jewish or Indian stuff. Are chinks this anti Jew? Lol
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perfection kek
Damn lol
The best so far kek, but we can go beyond
It never asked me for a phone number.
stop generating the India themed ones, get some originality dumb idiots
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this shit is gold lmao
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The fucking thing omitted the MS-13 gangbangers he was gunning down in the Robocop Clip
>Are chinks this anti Jew? Lol
literally everyone is
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>stop generating the India themed ones
Shit smeared pajeet hands wrote this post.
That's not ai, that's just India bro.
>average reddit moderator
kek nice one
>can't handle the difference between orthodox rabbi and priest
Or maybe it actually picked up on the fact that they are both Jewish poisons. AI sees through the Abrahamic filth.
dalitesh how are u
Ope found the poo
impressive arm flab and i like the hint of arm hair too. very nice.
best 911 one
Lol shitbeard
Can someone generate Trump throwing a Mexican over the border wall? Thanks.
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>stop generating the India themed ones, get some originality dumb idiots
damn this shit is so fucking good compared to what we had only 1 year ago. 5 years from now AI will be able to make complete movies
>Give your Soul to the Hatman...
That is NOT Jack Black and Kyle Gass WTF
We're going to use it to redpill the world
We will ascend to a new degree of memetic power
Infinite power
i'm not going to show you but the ai understands what 'pixar mom body style' means
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lmao you do it lazy ass nigger
AIPAC funds GOP the most, Trump himself wants to take away true American free speech and lock up "anti-semites" and yet you still have cocksuckers like this >>480660633 who claim you're a shill for pointing out the obvious. America is ZOG occupied and you still have these little retards going LE BASED TRUMP.
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dam i miss when scifi original movies had soul like this
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Lol why did the Indians and SHIT image and video get so popular? Do Indians really like shit? I wouldn’t know as in rural murica I don’t see many jeets at all. I guess their skin is like shit. And I went to ONE Indian restaurant in my life and it was the last time I went to one. The food literally looked like diarrea.
terrifying but so close to real
ai gfs when?
where exactly are you seeing sovl in this webm
checked and brilliant
Anon, you WILL consume your daily corn syrup rations. This is non-negotiable. Trust the science.
I inputted 4chan, outputted "4polan"
Hahahaha make more images of Indians shit propelling themselves like a rocket
you're the one seeing diarrea
are you polish or are you shipping something to poland?
It looks like an episode of stargate, POLOCK friend
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No matter what you say it doesn't change the facts.
a smiling white guy having a good time while an alien bumbles for comedic effect in the background
It's not uncensored if it won't show me Taylor Swift receiving a bare bottomed spanking
i got sad news for you faggot, voting Trump.
bake new bread plz
dammit what a waste, dolly zoom didnt work
how do i get it to stop making people talk
I think you have to get REAL specific for that using terms like Bokeh, Aperature, F-Stop, Depth of Field, Ramp, Focus, ISO rating
click the little x on the top right of the screen
yours aren't funny and haven't been for several threads on several boards
The AI knows very well you can't make fat sheboons shut up. That wouldn't be realistic.
hows loosing the culture war taste
one of the better outputs
incredible how hideous and loud you've made your sheboon, keep up the great work
i havent posted in more than this thread
but i hope you get killed by niggers
I gathered that from your shilling, rabbi
replace tay with john cena it will be more accurate. keep cena in the bikini though.
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Nah rabbi, you suck kids dicks and we got the proof.
GOT didnt have dragons, they were wyverns dumbass
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Oh look, some completely idiotic retard made a short out of these clips


We could easily beat this if people weren't stuck on Sheboons and Pajeet street shitters
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That fat migatard in the back makes it funnier
Sorry fag, I don't support da gays
Once we have enough clips we will make a PAJEET vs SHEBOON movie.
lmao the british flag
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I'm generating some of the MOST BASED AND REDPILLED videos possible right now. I don't want to upload them because they will literally get the website shut down, but HOLY FUCK. THIS THING HAS BASICALLY ZERO CENSORSHIP. THIS IS INSANE. IT'S SO GOOD AHAHHAHAHAHAHAA
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Clean it up, janny.
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>20k for bipedal humanoidd robots
very very soon
This looks like the ending shot of a movie where he tried to save her.
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You keep saying the same thing but like I said, I trust my own eyes over your little jewish lies. You aren't going to change my mind, Chaim.
Upload them nigger
>they will literally get the website shut down
the cia would never allow this
shit i thought 4chan was censored?
my output on "4chan"
I will but I'm getting a perfect collection made first. I'm very perfectionistic.
it's rng
god DAMN
Did Trump touch a Roman wall to revive Rome rabbi? The wailing wall is the remains of a Roman Fort, haha sucks to be uneducated in history like you kikes are, you're also uneducated in everything science related. Fuck off, Voting Trump.
Supposed to be SPEEDY GONZALES getting LAUNCHED in a CATAPULT over the wall and Roadrunner is holding the Sign

>LOL wtf
I don't care. I want AOC porn.
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Im trying to recreate the "niggers could be here" post. I put white man but the guys looks chinese, also i cant get the perspective to be from another car driver in a car
What's it mean if i hit generate, it says 'generating video,' then it like times out and just goes back to an empty descripton and for me to hit generate again?
opening pandoras box
my nigga
Literally KYS

>Okay the Degens are here
>It could ALWAYS be worse than Sheboons and Street shitters

Holy shit, is this real?
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new bread: >>480663776
I put the janny embroidery in chink quotes like this:「4chan」Not sure if that may have helped, or it was just random luck.
I tried.
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forgot to specify that the babies were also black, kek.
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It figured out your power-level mid render.

Change the words or it will never render fully.

somebody call the Russian guy
really? it wasn't even anything super crazy but just a test run. I translated it to simplified chinese though.
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The bride isn't young enough :/
Looking at car behind you in gas station man smoking cigarette, filling car with gas, price sign in background
Omg I can’t wait to see old school looking cartoons parodying current events and major political figures with looney toonish style too it. It’s gonna be great. Full length ones. Unbannable. Uncensorable. With no IP laws on them and nobody to hunt down and hold accountable. There’s gonna be a massive wave of Charlie hebdo like anti Islam and anti jew cartoons and the creators of these toons won’t have to literally face violence over making them.
Happened to me 3x before spitting out the content warning. Was trying to get Winnie the Pooh driving a T-72 down a wide city street over some Bicycles

Fuck China
As was already posted. Use chink AI to parody the west. Use western AI to parody the chinks.
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I helped them figure that out, but thank you for elucidating the obvious;

Isn't there a sheboon for you to laugh at?
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I actually looked at the bottom for captions before realizing I was retarded.
Another anon said you have to translate the prompt into mandarin to get it to work properly, it confuses feather and dot Indians.
why dont you try making something american?
Fuuuuuuck lmao
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yes please stop the India ones
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Shit smeared Pajeet hands wrote this post.
Sonic isn't a step dad he's the dad who stepped up.
Having some major mental block on what to make. /pol/'s wit is immense.
You have unbridled access to a 5 second clip creator and you use it to only make poo memes?
Go back to India if you don't like it.
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is it important to teach children about the news and how it influences them?
OH no, I do like it. You misunderstand. I want more.
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I expect to see the most based videos ever, anons.
What are those mud men doing to that Canadian?
Full support saaaaaaaaar

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