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/gedg/ Compendium: rentry.org/gedg
/gedg/ Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg
IRC: irc.rizon.net #/g/gedg
Progress Day: rentry.org/gedg-jams
/agdg/: >>>/vg/agdg
Render bugs: renderdoc

Requesting Help
-Problem Description: Clearly explain the issue you're facing, providing context and relevant background information.
-Relevant Code or Content: If applicable, include relevant code, configuration, or content related to your question. Use code tags

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Can anyone tell me what is going on with the installgentoo wiki? It's been fucked for days.
I haven't looked at the wiki in forever.
Is the wiki even maintained anymore?
I add something ... once in a while. I always just made sure to add the compendium.
A document I maintain
its a bit older than the wiki entry. It's always in the OP.
>all /gedg/ games
Thanks for reminding me of criterding dev. I miss that evolutionary game dev so much.
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Doing an interface to help create clips & hit boxes for a 2D game.
Please add ambient occlusion if you are already adding shadows
ambient occlusion for a game that's supposed to look retro and isometric?
You can add fake AO to match with the retro aesthetic. Just take the y value in the fragment shader and make the color go to shadow as it nears the floor plane
if I wanted to make an FMV game to sell on steam. where do I start?
I'll try it out, thank you.

I think imma just bake it in the texture.

What kind of FMV game?
>What kind of FMV game?

I think its a bit more simple then the complicated ones like Police Quest.

Perhaps a bit more like Terror Trax.

so no real point n click. more of time attack like Until Dawn
both rust and c++ look like they're full of tranny shit. C# won.
I could keep going but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't rely on ai heavily lol. I was trying to scale it down just now and oh boy.
C# has more tranny shit than C++ so that can't be true
Write the story
Get some buddies to film the scenes with
Make a game out of it

Sound like you got a fun idea for a project.
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He's making an FMV, how can he make one with no story and just mechanics?
what program would I use to do this thing?

I'd imagine it'd be easier to do a node based programing. this video file leads to this video file. etc
By making doom. The story is that demons escaped hell and now you have to kill them. No press a to skip dialogue.
>John Carmack
>last made a good video game in 1997
For this I can't really help you since I never tried to play video in a game yet.

But yeah you are unto something. Play frames until choices moment. User pick and action, resume playing frames but for the selected action. All structured In a sort of tree.
Quake II wasn't good
>completely memory safe
>oh you wanna do whatever the fuck you want? just type unsafe king
why can't rust do this?
If it were completely memory safe then it wouldn't have unsafe
memory safety is as boring as safe sex.
Now with AO
wrong screenshot...
In an RPG, what datatype should typically be used to represent attack range of a character? Like a minimum and a maximum.

Does it make sense to have two separate int variables for minimum and maximum?
Any modern games made in C?
it should be stored as an int an array or 2d array if you plan to store multiple stats in one variable.
What you need is a tuple.
>Does it make sense to have two separate int variables for minimum and maximum?
no, a tuple is better.
I'd test the framerate rate in unreal engine for comparison but i don't have it installed atm.
Here is the source of the 3d model if anyone wants to give it a go.
If what chatgpt said is true there is a huge difference though. it said like 100 fps max and the fps reached fluctuated in the lower 5000s fps
they're the same thing
two integers
No but there's nothing stopping you if you really want to
two separate ints are more efficient
you almost never want tuples
Have you considered old-school stencil shadows for your game? I think it would fit the art vibe you're going for
>two separate ints are more efficient
Use a better language
name 1 language where a tuple is equiv or faster
Imgui and C++ makes creating a console easy ...


I'll just stick with it for this project (god I hate RAI)
what's wrong with RAII? it's like automatic garbage collection in most cases
I don't know, the whole constructor and destructor just rubs me the wrong way I guess. It's funny, I used to program in C++ all the time and it never bothered me. But the more I used C, the more certain things just ended up getting under my skin.
The common complain of RAII and the vast majority of C++'s garbage from a C programmers perspective, is the sheer fucking amount of "hidden" code all over the place.
You literally cannot trust anything unless you already have the entire context in your head.
constructors and destructors are pretty easy to follow in my perspective, they just play terribly with exceptions (which C++ also has)
Don't you pretty much have to use exceptions if you do orthodox RAII (actually initializing everything in constructor instead of having a separate init() member func) and don't want to have to implement isValid() on pretty much every class?
I have an idea for an hentai game as none made before.

I would need to create it with an interface kind of like slave maker or princess maker.

what would be the easiest resource to use?
honey select did it
where is the gedg discord server?
what is it? A game engine?
its a coomer game
how was it related to my game engine question?
you asked what honey select was. I said its a coomer game...
i meant the first answer I got, what was the point of it?
It's a hentai game that uses only UI because it's a puzzle game or something. I've never played any, but that type of game was trending on Steam a few years back.

My recommendation if your entire game is menues is to use a webstack. Electron, Tauri, Wails and whatnot with your Frontend Framework of choice. The amount of tooling that exists for web UIs simply outlcasses everything else.
i'm having an argument with a guy online.
Why isn't fixed timestep independent from framerate more common(aka tickrate)? It would make games way more resistant against physics bug when gpu become a magnitude faster
examples of games breaking:
basically every gta
is it so difficult to interpolate some quaternions within the ticks?
Games which use it stand the test of time, people are still fucking around with source engine games as an example, also serious sam does it.
Console games have fixed framerates so console devs tend not to bother
Implementing it has downsides like making code more complex or adding latency
i can understand for 2000s gta but nowdays millions of pc copies.
also i think it's not THAT complex (there are countless more difficult things in gamedev anyway).
Latency i guess it's also not a problem, have you seen the controller response time of modern games in order to look "heavy", rdr2 especially.
Also not everything has to be syncronous to the tickrate, camera movement can obviously be independent
The main reason is that console devs just don't give much of a shit about PC
Rockstar PC ports have always been buggy
they are the same selling the same game on a next console generation with just the frame rate cap raised, it would be better for them to not have the burden of fixing weird physics bugs
Btw old gta modders are still figuring out why physics bugs happen, not even the guy who decompiled the source could tell exactly why.
Clearly if they built the game on a fixed timestep they didn't intend to increase the frame rate
Seeing consoles have fixed hardware, they program to the hardware, they measure exactly how much they can put into a frame and still have it hit the 30 FPS target
my point was that then xbox series shitfart comes and they have to adjust the physics for 1488 fps
i guess adding the tickrate logic is a bit tricky when the game and engine are already done
>writing my own shared library API in C
>actually manage to call a dynamically loaded library's function using its address without explicitly grabbing the symbol with dlsym
>do above by pushing the function's address into a dynamic array of void pointers, then recasting each pointer to a function pointer to use in other shared libraries
>its completely fucked up and for some reason it's corrupting my dynamic array
>direct assigning the data portion of the dynamic array shows that it fucking works though

fuck engine dev. become a framework dev. this shit is giving me a brain boner like learning vulkan & opengl never has.

i have no fucking clue what im doing but i feel like a genius
i guess it's because position independent code is enabled by default on 64 bit intel
i don't know if you even can disable it
were you trying to reply to another guy
btw this is dumb as fuck
please explain why
let the linker handle it
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i write my own linker inside the program like a white man
i'm sorry for some reason i thought you were doing it at compile time
I thought everyone and their mom did it since the early 2010s..? Big projects always catch up a bit slower since they were started earlier
A lot of Japanese devs dont bother because they haven't invented PCs yet over there
They probably will when the information spreads far enough. I give it a generation, max two
not rockstar, bethesda and many unreal devs apparently
setting data by click.

I should add the result of the animated sprite
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It would be better if you could click-drag a selection box around the first frame of an animation to set the size, then move a widget to set the space_between, and finally click-drag another widget to add more frames based on how far you drag it to the right.
Alternatively, you could generate the bounding boxes of every sprite and then let the user click on them to add them to different animations. Maybe right-click menu to set the "brush" and then left-click drag to paint-assign every bounding box under the cursor to that animation.
Finally, you could probably use a combination of OCR and code to automatically do everything, because the animation names are inside the boxes. But that's probably too much hassle to get working unless you had a lot of spritesheets to do in the same format.
No I haven't yet. Dynamic lighting is something that I keep for later. I really need to add more features instead of getting embroiled in that right now.
Why are people so obsessed with transexuals as a development experience metric?
Masturbation has fried their brains and now they can only talk about their fetishes
No, there are scenarios where you can use RAIII where destruction and construction can't fail. At my job we have static methods that return an instance or an error code (C++ without exceptions).

It works but I don't see whats wrong with exceptions still
is Zig the new tranny language? why did they abandon Rust so soon?
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When mapping per-face textures, is it normal to have duplicated vertex coords and normals with unique texture coords all packed together? Is there any benefit to separating them other than having less duplicate data?
Pic slightly related, trying to see why only those tris got their texcoords fucked up.
enjoy you're std
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Here is my progress since yesterday for the game (largely text-based)

I used imgui to make a console that can send info into my guile scheme program for processing. The console doesn't use guile as an interpreter directly (you don't input lisp into the console is what I'm getting at). The bulk of the game will be written in guile, including the code for processing the console commands.

Each time I enter a command, C++ talks to this guile procedure

(define handle-command
(lambda (cmd)
(string-append "hi" cmd)))
Why are you lying to us Faggy?
Making games is too fucking hard, Godot is a cluserfuck. There should be a retard-proof game engine like GzDoom Builder, it's so easy to build levels in that engine
zork is a game ,,,
I'm not sure if I want to do much graphically or if I'll just make the game one big spreadsheet.
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Working on a casual game, things fall from sky catch it and just survive. Here are my sprites, thoughts?
Games made with this framework: 0
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>GLFW + OpenGL is a framework
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>ask chatgpt for examples of programs that perform a certain functionality
>not working on one my 4chan projects, its under my name
>lists my shitty no-star github project and says I made it. Doesn't list my name, but identifies me, the current user, as the guy who made it

Okay, now I'm spooked. I deleted those old chats, so I guess it remembered me anyway or was able to figure out my identity.
Ahem ...
It's only a temporal win until my language (manc) sees the light.
>faggy thinks he can delete things from the jewish data hoard
spent some time on r9k for the month before it became terminally infested with incels. back when it actually had the r9k filter on it (which checks if the first N characters were posted and blocks if you aren't). it would be extremely easy to collide with one of your own previous posts you made a week ago based on a certain combination of words you and only you like to start posts with

point is, it is extremely easy to fingerprint someone on certain concepts they describe, word combinations you use. that project probably has some verbiage, some concept that you and only you use repeatedly

nice thought to have when trying to publish things anonymously
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it kind of is desu
glfw by itself is a framework too, which most people like you won't get until you do win32 and xcb by themselves
I have plausible deniability because I can imitate normalfags irl
> Yeah some austist online is copying me, so what?
>C? Lisp? Isn't that for boomers? I sometimes like to program in this HTML programming language. Way more impressive don't you think?

yeah I know ...
Userdata is now called Memories and found in your user settings, not deleted when you delete a chat.
But of course they're keeping your deleted chats and metadata, why wouldn't they?

>b-but privacy/data laws
If the AI race hasn't taught you that companies don't give a single fuck about the law then I suggest you get off the internet because it's just gonna keep dissappointing you.
C question, what's the consensus of typedef vs define vs const?
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I give up, there's no way to fix turn based rpg combat other than turning it into yet another card game.
now define a framework
A framework dictates the flow of your program, which is not what GLFW does.
>C question, what's the consensus of typedef vs define vs const?
holy shit noob get a brain
>A framework dictates the flow of your program
that's not what a framework is or does retard
a framework is
>a basic structure underlying a system, concept, or text.
More specifically in Software, it's merely a collection of functionality to bootstrap a system so the programmer can do the important work on top of it.
GLFW supplies you a basic structure of a graphical window with input
add opengl and you have a framework of a graphical window and graphics.
GLFW is a framework
GLFW + Opengl is a framework
>nit picking about framework vs engine when you could be shutting the fuck up and coding
regular day in /gedg/
I prefer using myself
you and your definition are retarded
Nice non-argument retard
your definition is all library = framework
most libraries are in fact frameworks
but not all libraries are relevant frameworks
you're getting it now!
Does anybody actually have an engine capable of making games or are you all just larping?
Most of us are larping, a few of us are arguing over stupid things that doesn't matter and maybe 0.1% is actually doing something.
I already released a small game on itchio. Now I'm trying to work on the real deal.
Thinking about picking up game engine development as a hobby. I aim to make a quite simple 3D engine. In terms of math needed. If I know linear algebra, vector math, trig and some basic calc, am I good to go? I don't know physics and will probably use a library for that functionality.
that's what you get for sharing your data willingly with Google
>When mapping per-face textures, is it normal to have duplicated vertex coords and normals with unique texture coords all packed together?
Depending on the type of game the engine(or coding at all) is just a fraction of the actual work. A turn based RPG is dead simple in its code, but you need tons of art, text, encounters, etc. Doing your own engine is maybe a month or so extra time? That's not that much in the context of a video game.
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Do you know what an engine is? It's not a software where you drag and drop things to make a game. Please learn basic game dev terminology before posting.
thats not what he asked
He asked if anyone has an engine capable of making games, which is retarded since it's people who make games, not a bunch of code.
im just building my thing into godot
>It's not a software where you drag and drop things to make a game
then how come I can drag and drop things to make a game in engines like Unity and Unreal?
Yes, but it doesn’t matter as I’m completely incapable of finishing things (which is why I work on an engine in the first place, I can add features in perpetuity).
Have you considered that this shit is fixed angle and that could all be baked
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Rudimentary wait mechanic.
Mine can do simple games like snake, pong, platformers. It's also capable of simple 3D.
Yea, that's pretty much it.
You'll also need quaternion rotations, but that's no big deal.
What is this anon? It looks excellent
a PS1 game, racing lagoon. ive seen that webm posted quite a bit on /v/
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I scaled it down and rotated it. Made the following changes to the glftloading.cpp file
void loadNode(const tinygltf::Node& inputNode, const tinygltf::Model& input, VulkanglTFModel::Node* parent, std::vector<uint32_t>& indexBuffer, std::vector<VulkanglTFModel::Vertex>& vertexBuffer)
VulkanglTFModel::Node* node = new VulkanglTFModel::Node{};
node->matrix = glm::mat4(1.0f);
node->parent = parent;

// Get the local node matrix
// It's either made up from translation, rotation, scale or a 4x4 matrix
if (inputNode.translation.size() == 3) {
node->matrix = glm::translate(node->matrix, glm::vec3(glm::make_vec3(inputNode.translation.data())));
//change the rotation
if (inputNode.rotation.size() == 0.5) {
glm::quat q = glm::make_quat(inputNode.rotation.data());
node->matrix *= glm::mat4(q);
//change the scale
if (inputNode.scale.size() == 0.5) {
node->matrix = glm::scale(node->matrix, glm::vec3(glm::make_vec3(inputNode.scale.data())));
if (inputNode.matrix.size() == 16) {
node->matrix = glm::make_mat4x4(inputNode.matrix.data());

// Load node's children
if (inputNode.children.size() > 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputNode.children.size(); i++) {
loadNode(input.nodes[inputNode.children[i]], input , node, indexBuffer, vertexBuffer);

void loadAssets()
loadglTFFile(getAssetPath() + "models/scene.gltf");

you also need to install glm to configure it and run it on visual studio.
How is Godot? I haven't really messed with it a lot.
Are you happy with it?
I'm considering it for my next 3d project.
So far its been good, I'm mainly writing my code as a c++ module instead of using c# or gdscript, no major pain points so far.
>irrelevant loser
Imagine getting into tech in the 90s and not even coming out with eight figures.
All the people who made undeservedly huge amounts of money from "tech" are people who got in on the web 2.0 / social media boom
I like your small dick energy reply.
if you're talking about the AO then it is baked
i just realized that game jams is a pit of degeneracy. they reward low quality, low effort, cheap, dirty art. and over time you conditioning yourself to make this kind of games.
it just struck me. i have been participating in game jams for 5 years now, and every time i try to make a big project, i just uncoditionally repeating something similar i did for game jams.
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Time can now be added properly. Here is the time going from one year to the next. Each month has 30 days.
First line could be
auto* node = …
>Each month has 30 days.
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My fantasy world has 360 days a year. I'm just trying to be accurate. They also don't have days of the week, another case of me being accurate to the game's lore.
>not going with 28 days month.
wtf are you doing froggy...
this, but 13 months. the human calendar
>Don't feel like your projects have to be serious. They can be as frivolous as you like, so long as you're building things you're excited about. Probably 90% of programmers start out building games. They and their friends like to play games. So they build the kind of things they and their friends want. And that's exactly what you should be doing at 15 if you want to start a startup one day.
>at 15
>be 33
90% of programmers never get further than Pong
I finally loaded in a gltf model into my engine. But my simple lighting shader doesn't work. I must be doing something wrong with the normals.
>fw = framework
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animetard btfo
what does anime cartoons have to do with that?
People that post anime images are shown to have as much as 40 IQ points missing over a normal poster
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Uh oh

Make sure to take advantage of tools like Renderdoc. You can also map your normals to colors in the fragment shader and it might give you an idea what is going.
Can I remake Crysis in pygame at a silky smooth 24.99fps?
Maybe you should subtract another 20 fps
maybe but you will have a crisis trying to achieve it.
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making a text interpreter (and debugger) for dialogues, life is great
Is there a good tutorial on raylib somewhere? Preferably one that doesn't assume too much prior C knowledge
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Scaling works, moving works, translation works. Some bugs persist, so some cleaning up is on order.
Oh I meant using C but from the ground up so that I can learn C at the same time. But thank you anyway
>so I can learn C at the same time
Learn C first.
ok good
>literally no actual maps making use of it or real env for that matter
you making me wanna kill myself anon
I admit I have no game ideas, and lurking in upcoming indie games thread in /v/ made me more depressed. The games that stand out always have effort put into the art side and representation of it. It's been an asset diff all along.
You should never be aiming for attention on 4chan
>sheer fucking amount of "hidden" code all over the place.
Ironcially one of the things I am realising I really like about C++ now that I am messing around with other languages. Though I also only hobby code for my own projects so its not like anyone else is sneaking stuff into my code, I can see how it would be annoying on projects with more than one person working on it
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I'm working on getting the object under the cursor. so far it's pretty good, other than when an object is sitting on two or more chunks or for objects on top of a table. I still got work to do.
hey you added the simple shadows to the square tables too!
are you storing the height of objects or are you doing some fancy detection?
I don't know if I can call it fancy but I calculate the bounding box for the objects when I load their model from the glb file. And then I walk the cursor ray through the chunks and check if the ray intersect with an object's bounding box in the chunk.
that's fancy enough even if it only relies on bounding box which can be weird for non flat objects.
If it were me I'd hardcode the height or have a height per object, it's not like you'd have that many objects.
This is the video I used to quick start raylib in C, from 19:17 onward.

This is a very good introduction to C or if you really want to learn do the C part of CS50x provided for free from Harvard.

You will have an extremely hard time trying to find a single video that teaches you both C and raylib at the same time.
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Fixed all the issues with the object finder. Now to pick the object up and move/rotate/delete it.
neat, riddle me this, if you have a one tile corridor, can you put paintings in 2 sides? in other words, can you only have one painting/object per tile or you can stack multiple objects on the same tile as long as they don't actually overlap?
Yes the placement of objects on walls takes in consideration the orientation.
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Why do objects light up green when intersecting the thing you want to place
It's just a debug indicator that the object is currently being hovered by the cursor.
today i have worked adding attributes to console commands so in the future I can split them up between the user interaction thread vs the simulation thread
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Up next comes the shading and then the physics engine. However I do wonder if by the time its all put together its worth the effort. Notice the fps took a huge dive.
A lot of those costs are upfront, you won't know until you get around to it. Also part of how frametime works is wonky, it takes more to go from 600 -> 400 fps than it does to go from 1000 -> 600 fps.
>model loading
>animation loading
>designing game mechanics
>creating art assets
>building a cohesive world
>actually finishing (tm)
everything on this list is twice as difficult as the previous
>tfw marketing is harder than actually finishing your game

the worst part is there's things you think are just an upfront cost but they actually aren't because you get years into a project and realize the way you've implemented things is bad
I'd be inclined to root for your success if your engine came with cute girls
eh as far as GPU shit goes it's not that bad, you can just cheat it with low draw distances worst-case scenario
any examples? i'm paranoid of something like this happening.
Noobs worry about performance because they've been fed bullshit by online talking heads about how OOP is terrible and how your game will literally be unplayably slow if you aren't using the fastest programming techinques around (even though people in the industry don't even use them)

The issue is that you without any experience designing all these systems your architecture will just suck, your code will be too complicated and not expressive enough, so you either have to keep redoing it or commit to making a game with a shitty architecture
I used a physics engine only to discovered it actually sucked for what I was trying to do so I had to write my own
Went through several iterations of animation systems because I wasn't clear on what it was actually supposed to do (do I support procedural animators or just playing animations)
Also went through a massive journey with my entity system, started off inexperienced with game programming so I decided I needed a scripting language to make things easier, went with lua, lua sucked so I made my own scripting language, then trying to bind everything and making everything work nicely with scripts was taking way too much work compared to just writing regular code
What physics engine did you use?
>Also went through a massive journey with my entity system, started off inexperienced with game programming so I decided I needed a scripting language to make things easier
yea I can see that being a PITA. That's why I'm just sticking to one language for my game, I also considered adding scripting.
I'm doing the standard entity/component system with just 1 level of inheritance, nothing complicated. What did yours look like?
physix is programmed to interact with nvidia's physics hardware. Rolling your own physics probably means you'll using the cpu. Although it might make sense if the physics are simple or doesn't have physics. I think.
I think only some features operate on the GPU with PhysX, most of it is CPU like with any other engine (Jolt, ODE, etc.)
I used Bullet. I don't think Bullet is bad, but it sucks for what I was trying to do which is large amounts of characters
I tried to make a generic entity system where everything was just an entity that could be part of a tree and have other entities attached to it and could be scripted, I think it's similar to Godot's system, but that was far too generic. So much boilerplate code to support script integration and different types of queries and caching for the queries
Physics doesn't really work well on the GPU, PhysX's GPU accelerated features are things like particle systems or cloth or something
>I used Bullet. I don't think Bullet is bad, but it sucks for what I was trying to do which is large amounts of characters
Yeah I'm using ODE which is a bit slower than Bullet. In my case even though I have a lot of characters/physics objects, I can get creative with putting them to sleep since they're not all active at the same time. I can see this being a PITA for something like an RTS though. What type of game are you making?
>tried to make a generic entity system where everything was just an entity that could be part of a tree and have other entities attached to it and could be scripted, I think it's similar to Godot's system, but that was far too generic. So much boilerplate code to support script integration and different types of queries and caching for the queries
Sounds similar to ECS. I tried ECS and mostly enjoyed it but I'm back to a simpler architecture, I didn't like how it scaled.
My game is in a city and I want to have maybe 100,000 people in it all doing their thing at the same time. To do this I turn NPCs you can't see into a simple simulation mode where they only move once every two seconds or so. But for this I need continuous collision detection, because regular physics engines are designed to be stepped frequently not once every few seconds. and Bullet's CCD is slow

My entity system is kind of the opposite to ECS but both had the same problems in that they were just too generic so it means you have to write too much boilerplate code
It's better if you know your game you can decide on more specific objects to have like a GUI element, a background object, an actor object, etc. And write them specifically
>My game is in a city and I want to have maybe 100,000 people in it all doing their thing at the same time.
Oof yeah I don't think any physics engine is gonna cut that. I also have something similar with NPCs following schedules but we're talking <200. Haven't had issues yet with them doing their thing 24/7 but I want to implement a schedule system similar to what you have at some point. Luckily I don't need collision for it since they just have to do trigger certain events, just need to know where + what animation/pose they should be in when they become relevant again.
>It's better if you know your game you can decide on more specific objects to have like a GUI element, a background object, an actor object, etc. And write them specifically
I've found the same. I still keep a hashmap of components on the entity to mix/match behaviors at runtime but I've found there's no need to reduce things to queries and systems like with ECS.
anyone got exp with unreal on linux? Seeing conflicting reports, some say ubuntu is okay, some say arch is okay, some say lumen and nanite don't work no matter what

i would be not lazy and try but I want to really know for sure, because if I can get off w11 I will never return
Just try it. I last used it years ago and I didn't notice anything wrong with it. Maybe it's better now, maybe it's worse. Oficially runs best on Ubuntu, but I've tried it multiple times on Fedora with no issues.
trying to gamedev on linux is retarded
its the future bro.. year of linux bro... im telling you.. copilot+ is disgusting and will be making it everywhere, steamOS is really making a difference... Only problem are those games like COD which have kernel anti cheat and will never support linux, its tragic

nanite and lumen are the issue tho too
>steamOS is really making a difference
yeah it bumped the Linux users on Steam from 1% to 2%
write a game not an engine
this post was made by a person content with the absolute state of the industry, where it's somehow acceptable to release games that have to be patched continuously for at least a year before it's playable
has literally fuckall to do with oop
performance doesn't really have anything to do with bugs
sidetracking a bit, experimenting with libclang for bindgen. it's the path of least resistance i've found but it's a heavy dependency
>only bugs warrants patching
>just write pOOP bro, the paradigm invented solely to make software more expensive to develop
NPC samefag
Games are rarely patched for performance reasons, they're patched because of bugs
moreover most performance issues in AAA games are GPU bound, where OOP has zero impact.
i can tell you've never read a patch log, but that's ok. i'll conjure some notable examples from my ass to save you the trouble
>helldivers 2
>baldurs gate 3
>cities skylines 2
this desu
does that prove anything?
you can do piecemeal optimizations via patches, but most performance decisions that matter are made at the start, not after release
a game that has performance problems so bad that it's unplayable is pretty rare

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