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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Shanling M0s - $100
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>102247611
>posting pos gore
nice fotm sars
>plugs my katos into my tanchjim space
>presses play
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Enjoy your mold.
for wiki testing
That's brass patina, not mold. The brass nozzles sound shit anyway so there's no reason to use them
>presses play
>Can't go wrong with (...) Chu 2
I literally did go wrong with Chu 2 when I bought it last year. Gave it a couple chances but it just sounds like shit to me (and brand new, not AFTER the filters clogged). OG 7Hz Salnotes Zero is much more enjoyable for me but it's not as comfortable due to the wonky shell.

>inb4 EQ Chu 2
I'm certain that to some extent you can EQ almost any iem to not sound like garbage but what's the point of choosing an iem that you HAVE to EQ for it to be even tolerable.

It looks like it can comb your hair while you're listening to it, maybe that's why it's so expensive

>it really is pretty.
Maybe on photos, in person the built is adequate to the price, but I guess still doesn't look as cheap as Gate does. It sounds OK but it's not the second coming of Christ like some make it out to be.
S12 pro is peak IEM
>peak iem
choose one, tiny planars are terrible, doesn't matter if it's a KZ or something 10 times the price
based planar enjoyer, the consumers don't like the fact that iems have been solved. inb4 tears
Been meaning to buy a pair of IEMs but I have tinnitus, and I sometimes (about once or twice a month) have pain in my ears. Should I go along and buy it or are there any health risks that come with IEMs that I should stay away from it? Maybe aside from the obvious "don't put it on too loud and too long" of course.
>keep seeing the saint post about the prestige ltd for the last few months
>finally say fuck it, the shilling worked, and buy it
>it fucking sucks
>boring as fuck
>doesn't even sound better than a $300 iem in terms of details
saint you fucking faggot if you go to socal canjam i am stuffing my cock in your ass
do me a favor and shove the apple they'll be carrying up their ass as well
there's a reason nobody talks about it
You know why we call him s. ain't got no IEMs? Because he has no IEMs. He's only ever shown boxes from his "friend".
It literally is PEAK iem
The space to host that image on a 4chan server is worth more than the "iem" itself
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Get it and move on with your life
How is it "Endgame" when it falls steeply off the "Endgame" target literally right on its "End"
Tanchjim Prism thoughts?
Dt990 destroyed his hearing, please understand.
Why is headpos the most expensive medium by far to get a decent quality? Are they just at the worst point between counteracting HRTF and size in regards to price/performance?
The most expensive is speakers since you need to set up an anechoic chamber otherwise they sound horrible.
With speakers the room is large so all variation in bass and easily measurable. With IEMs the "room" is tiny so all variation is in the upper/mod treble. Headphones are just the right size to have variation in the most sensitive range of human hearing.
Wrong, speakers sound terrible in an anechoic chamber. The reflections are necessary.
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Is the Ziigaat Doscinco a direct upgrade of the Zero Red? Searching for something with a similar laid back tuning up to around 300$
Reflections smear the sound. You need an anechoic chamber and EQ the speaker to have a downwards slope. Maybe you are deaf from all the reflections.
Surely you could get most of the way on $1k for some panels and bass traps in a smallish room?
Or buy some foam sheets yourself and DIY the whole thing.
Ah thanks anon.
You literally hear less without reflections because of total cancellations. With reflections the content at those frequncies will arrive to your ears eventually.
No it needs to be truly anechoic. The cheap option would be to drive to a flat field and listen to your speakers outside but this only works on windless days. Speakers in a room sound worse than dentpos, speakers in a anechoic chamber sound as good as $20 pos, and speakers in an open field sound godly but thats highly dependendent on weather.
Don't listen to that retard. Read sound reproduction by floyd toole. Most living rooms need no treatment whatsoever. You need treatment when you have a highly symmetrical space and empty walls.
Wait for mine to arrive to see if it's really all that
Book of cope. Go outside and stop coping.
Speakers outside are the definition of low fidelity.
Just go outside on a windless day and try it. You will understand true fidelity.
You forgot about ground reflections. Jump off a building to experience true sound fidelity.
above $100 there's no upgrades, there's just sidegrades to stuff that's different, but "different" doesn't mean "better".
HiFi Walker H2 or Surfans F20?
it's completely opposite for me, OG Salnotes Zero sounds okayish but Chu 2 turned out to be much more enjoyable, although in terms of fit, Chu 2 makes me fucking mad and therefore I prefer Zero's shells, if Zero 2 was more airy it might've been literal perfection in $20 price point for me
>crin wants $10 a month for his graphs
NTA but anyone with a F20 tried rockbox on it?
Does the Bluetooth work? Wiki seems to say no but also seems outdated.
Interesting, i was searching for something with a similar tune to the Zero but.. better?
What do you wish was better?
Do you wish it was a little more analytical or less?
I just want to hear the cymbals and hi hats more, the rest is already perfect(to my ears), i think it's because of that huge 10k dip, but i'm a total noob so i'm probably wrong
And there's also another huge 16k dip
>I just want to hear the cymbals and hi hats more
That just means you want a set with more treble, but then while you hear the cymbals and hi hats more, you may end up complaining about too much treble anywhere else.

The only way to have treble when you want it and not have it when you don't is to EQ depending on the music you're listening to at the moment.
> That just means you want a set with more treble
Sorry, i had expressed myself poorly. Treble is the reason i bought the Xenns Top and i'm waiting for the S12 pro to arrive, but something still gravitates me towards the Zero.
You can worry about those after you try going outside. Advanced techniques like elevated listening setups are too much for you when you still have no idea what a good speaker undiluted by a shitty room sounds like in the first place.
S12 Pro has something magical in its sound. It's light and airy, but at the same time it's meaty and packs quite a punch.
only if you wanna put 3+ graphs at once, which is retarded but he's prolly making some money this way. squiglink only MRS profits with hifigo ads and idiots keep posting there, thankfully hbb, jay'saudio, listener, etc moved to github.
no it's not, it's pos.
have you ever tried to hit play and enjoy?
That's how people lose hearing.
i exclusively use single dds, so yes that's what i do
Nggars entire database should be nuked from squig, I don't want it polluting my search results.
Speaker without room sounds like bad earphones.
It is perfection of sound, indeed.
They are worse with a room.
Objectively wrong.
Touch grass.
So what is the QCY T5 of this generation? I need another nice cheap earbud with stellar quality, those were really good for the price. Also they were tough, never broke no matter how much they dropped or how many washing machine trips they took.
Was looking at the moondrop space travel but they seem fragile.
KZ Carol
>The only way to have treble when you want it and not have it when you don't is to EQ depending on the music you're listening to at the moment.

That or just have different sets of pos for different music genres. There's no "endgame iem" that's good for everything out of the box.
they're too new to tell for sure, but aside from being KZ, they seem to deliver at least as much as Space Travels do for the price. I'm mostly curious how their ANC performance compares.
various targets with various energy levels through the FR can excel in their own genres of music, but there is the target that's very good in all genres and it's Meta target
fuck it im getting the letshower 2024, dont care if I'm overpaying $100 for the same s12 driver
>$200 for a gayer version of the s12
>Meta target
holy retard, 'meta' is not a target; it’s a DF HRTF with a weighted treble based on the ISO population average. The "target" is just applying a downward flat tilt or personal adjustments using harman filters, which this methodology would give you rather similar results with any other DF as a baseline to begin with. The treble information is practically useless on an individual level since HRTF treble variations are so wild so no target is a one size fits all and you're back to square one
How do y'all feel about these for flathead earbuds? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSVZP2MC
I don't understand this, I have been using the Chu II for almost 6 months and I don't have this problem. Just clean your IEM every 2 week? Or you could just clean your fucking ears.
Hello wiggers, I need an IEM that has a unique sound. By "unique sound" I mean anything other than "harman-tuned but with a tasteful bass shelf". Something like Tin P1 with its non-existent upper mids, Moondrop SSR which has "diffuse field tuning" (no bass and boosted upper-mids), or ER2SE. Budget $300
I know, but my cope is that it may hold some resale value since its a limited run
Describe what "harman-tuned" means to you
nigga these are chinese earphones, they only deprecate in value
This issue is not that widespread and varies depending on your type of earwax (wet vs dry), the weather, and how you use the IEMs. Common situations where the filter might get clogged include during exercise, right after a hot shower when your ear canal is "wetter," or in a high-humidity climate
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Do you consider the "new meta" as being "harman-tuned but with a tasteful bass shelf" as well?
Shozy p20 disrespects harman and actually sounds good
Did you even read my fucking post? I wrote that I didn't like them even without the clogging. I don't think mine ever got clogged either.
Thanks man, noted
Flatheads have no redeeming features, I don't get why they still exist after IEMs becoming a thing.
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>non-existent upper mids
Nice, and goddamn do they look pretty. Definitely will get one sooner or later
this is the dumbest shit i've ever read it today
>Tanchjim 4U
Has 4 tuning options that changes bass levels. The ones with the least bass apparently come close to earbuds in terms of presentation
>QKZ x HBB Hades
>Celest Phoenix Call
Pretty strange V-shape presentation (QDC-like ear gain
>ivipQ Conch V12
Graphs weird, almost Harman-like but not really? Someone here has it, not sure if it's the same version
>KBEAR Streamer, F1, etc
Wonky tunings everywhere, you pick
>Audeze iSine series
Everything about them is weird, should be around that price for used if you're cool with that
>Dunu SA6 mk2
Barely any ear gain, not sure about pricing
>Penon Globe
Literally no ear gain
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Very good, thank you a lot. That's a lot of weird iems to explore lol.
> Hades
Lol indeed. Lmao, even. Kek, perhaps.
While we're at it, got any tips on cleaning the IEMs nozzles in general? I tried alcohol, but it just fucks with the glue that holds the meshes and at this point I'm not sure if it'll even hold again once it fully dries back.
Phoenixcall. The signature can be roughly described as ass.
S12 Pro, W-shape tuning, really good
My sister messaged me out of the blue she wants to buy 1MORE quad driver.
She's not very tech savvy at all and I'm more of a headphone guy.
Are they any good or what is better for that price?
Are they easy to use/drive with normal smartphones or would they need some amp/dac?
Any opinions on Artti R3? Quite cheapo Beryllium driver.
>1MORE quad driver
wow are those old, fuck that
>headphone guy
our condolences
>better for that price?
anything in OP
>easy to use/drive
Why quad driver specifically?
Why would you want that pos...
Well I'm literally asking if it's any good to decide whether I want it or not
The redeeming feature is that they don't go in my ear which is extremely uncomfortable to me
just get non-chink eartips i used to hate iems but final type E tips (buy e500) are the comfiest thing ever and now i can wear them for long hours w/o an issue, also they help to tame treble for me
Yeah and if there's a comfort issue, don't use foam tips, their seal is amazing but they can also be uncomfortable as fuck when left too long in ears.
Aful Explorer
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ER4XR > any of your flavor of the month chink shit
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I agree OP reccs are meme but... BA pos and nobass ain't the answer
>he needs his bass boosted and music ruined
opinion disregarded
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You guys at CanJam in 2 mors weeks

Be sure to try out endgame POS, Thieaudio, other brands, etc
kek, what absolute garbage
i'll be sure to dump a water on your head bitch
If KZ is not there, I'm not going
im bringing apple pie since we're in fall now, do you like it cinnamon heavy or not?
just don't confuse cinnamon with cyanide

You are an alchemist, a star child. Unlock your latent powers to travel back to save the universe before the (2012 CERN) EVENT
you're not wrong, although it works mainly in professional use cases
regarding the XR variant, after it's been concluded that the room curve is the way to go for neutral targets, I'm curious if the XR will ever take over as the primary reference model or the ER4
Make sure that he/she/it is wearing Thiefaudio LTD first.
>after it's been concluded that the room curve is the way to go for neutral targets
Can you elaborate on this? I'd like to learn more.
tonality-wise, the pure diffuse field is mostly correct, but despite sounding very smooth and transparent, something was not right with it and when Harman decided to use the average curated room instead of echoic chamber, it turned out that there's significantly more bass and the sound is a bit darker, so even if the Harman target strayed from neutrality and became the abomination it is, the research on the room curve turned out helpful and since then diffuse field targets started to get a bit tilted clockwise and have boosted bass
You need to read on speaker preference research first and then the each Harman target paper, for both headphones and IEMs.
I recommend reading the last part on preference targets in the EQ guide, it does a good job at summarizing the research in a way that is simple to understand.
> Thiefaudio
Is this just a funny name you gave them, or did they got caught stealing shit from other manufacturers?
He has no IEMs.
they steal your money when you buy their overpriced pos
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what did they mean by this
lol and then they turn around and make cheap hollow shell plastic shit and sell it for kilopos prices
they're calling their customers poor, clearly
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Good evening /iemg/, got my Nova, its a good day.

Been wanting a pair for a while now. It looks absolutely gorgeous with its deep blue shell. Cable is nice as well, but it is quite microphonic. These fit me perfectly after bending the ear hook a bit because it was wound too tight.

Turning is very comfortable, zero fatigue, separation is great, fantastic for almost all genres. Playing Pick Up the Pieces by Average White Band, all instruments are given respect, nothing sounds either too thin or bloated, its a joy to listen to.

The biggest con is that male vocals take a huge hit, and some genres feel exceptionally thin. For example, they cant handle motown. These totally strip away the vocal power of Stevie Wonder or Marvin Gaye. I couldn't fix this with tip rolling.

In conclusion, beautiful pair with comfortable tuning that's good for most genres except ones focusing on male vocals.
>have Surfans F20
>decide to install rockbox for no real reason
>finish install, pretty quick and easy
>colors are inverted and all text is backwards
>see note on install page about my version needing extra fix for lcd screen
>no instructions, just link to a github-like page showing code changes and saying it was fixed a week ago
>instructions had me use a different type of bootloader than what the code change appeared to update, no instructions on how to use the fix at all
>spend a few hours playing with different things but nothing works
>give up and restore original software
welp, never trying that again. doesn't really matter since i don't think rockbox was going to give me any features i care about except alternate themes
how's the nozzle? has it destroyed your holes?
>thin male vocals
le shartman face
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My first chinkshit arrived a few days ago.
After testing them, here are my thoughts for anyone considering any of these two. I'm gonna use them mostly on a S22.

The Tempotec Sonata HD III is quite decent for its price, in some devices, like my laptop, my Switch or low end phones with headphone jacks, it improves the sound and max volume by a LOT, on my desktop PC it's about the same level. Absolutely not a single sound or hissing when nothing is playing or connected. It's built like a tank, very heavy metal frame.
Conclusion: absolutely recommended.

The Gatos are, unsurprisingly, what you can expect for 20 freedombucks. They are not bad by any metric, and better than pretty much everything else not chink on this price bracket and maybe a little more. The bass is non existent unless you EQ, then it's kinda there. They are on the brighter side in general, lower treble is good, but when you go higher it shits the bed, also hi-hats sound awful. The mids and vocals are okayish, but very straightforward which I personally like.
I can't talk about fit because my ear canal is weird and I never had a single in-ear fit in there snuggly. Build materials are just right for something worth $20.
Conclusion: good bang for the buck, even better if you EQ to your taste, but that applies to everything I guess.

Thanks for reading my blog, you may unsubscribe now.
These nozzles are beastly. I resorted to my dunu tips for fit. But no troubles... yet.

I was warned by reviewers but I thought they must be exaggerating. They really arent, maybe even understating the hit to male vocals
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Should I just buy chinkshit for an usb mp3 player or go through the trouble of ebay to get something by sony?
Steal r&d from bigger brands and sell at cheaper price
so is anyone still down for that wiki/blog project we discussed in the last thread? tested out the wiki for a bit, seemed fine but remains to be seen.

for now there are 2 options: either someone who is so present here curates and acts as an editor consistently adds stuff to the blog, or we find a method to make it so that anons can contribute.
>Conclusion: good bang for the buck, even better if you EQ to your taste, but that applies to everything I guess.

If only 3-4x cheaper KZs didn't do the same... oh well, I guess at least Truthear isn't known to change their product during its production cycle Or are they? I honestly don't know. Have they phased out Hola because they stopped making the driver it uses? Or was it just a "fuck you we're not going to sell you any more of this cool thing"? Honestly that wouldn't be much better either.
That's just impossible to work, too many opinions, too many shills for different brands, haters of other brands. Even the OP post is just someone's entirely subjective opinion and at best someone else is just copy-pasting the entire thing.

There's never gonna be a consensus on anything.
Just ordered the Sony NW-A306, What kind of buds should I get with it?
i think maybe letting anons contribute when they can could be a good idea, and then have a regular be able to edit or format when they have time

organization wise, could have anons submit impressions / opinions categorized by iem, would be cool just as a collection of perspectives and also help newbs decide
Can't we have a thread without the kz schizo shitting everywhere?
The Hola and the Gate are pretty much the same in terms of sound quality.
You are not fooling anyone, and everyone in here knows about KZ, the most scummy chifi company, no need to project their jewish deeds to other companies.
You kz niggershill wish kz had something to compete in any segment.
$20? Mogged by Gatos, Waners, Zero 2, Chu II
$50? Mogged by Zero Red, ew200 and Delci
$90? Mogged by ea500lm and Delci AE
>Tfw the gate is just a POS using the old KZ as10/as6 design, which was a ripoff of 64 audios designs
Hyper chink POS
it's literally impossible to steal anything that's not tangible
if it works it works, out of all the $20 pos it's the best fitting
>The Hola and the Gate are pretty much the same in terms of sound quality.
So I was lead to believe Hola was awesome, but from the beginning it was just a bunch of lying shills? Because saying that Hola was good and that Hola and Gate are the same is mutually exclusive.
if you look at the previous thread, i'm talking about a scribe retard, essentially someone that is recording and noting down worthwhile posts and pics. the goal is not to be a bastion of unbiased information, but rather a sort of database so that anons don't have to go treasure hunting for a measurement or impression or discussion
sounds like a good plan, although i think that most anons will not even be aware of there being a blog
All me BTW
I'm trans and hindu if anyone's wondering
>Tfw the gate is just a POS using the old KZ as10/as6 design, which was a ripoff of 64 audios designs
wtf you're not kidding, they're identical
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>cheaper than all OP reccs
>mogs all reccs in this thread
>solves budget IEMs
>trigger all SEA chinks and trooncordians
praise be to lord EDC Pro
Different times, back then the Hola was market disruptive. Had the sound of much more expensive non chink earphones for a fraction of the price
Now you have an oversaturated market of chink iems where the Gate is not thay special anymore. Not bad, but not special.
Truthear don't do stealth revisions, otherwise it'd be very convenient for them to make new Holas that aren't discernible for older ones and sound like Gato
besides their focus on precisely hitting the targets doesn't allow them to stray from the targets by quietly revising their pos, there are still unit variations and Truthear is basically Moondrop, but still the targets are generally hit well, of course unless you get pos with a BA or two not wired, but it's not unit variation but a faulty product
nigga i ain't NEVER buying a kz ever again
>trigger all SEA chinks and trooncordians
already revised 5 times, the original tuning didn't even reach the retail
I'm glad everyone in here but a single schizo agrees kz is shit.
I wonder how many rupees he gets paid by them to shill their crap in here.
Because he SURELY isn't doing it for free, right? Right...?
don't know whether he gets paid for it or not, one thing is certain that crapzo aka KZ shill will never be Chuzo
So is everyone in this thread, how else do you thing you ended up here?
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Buy gato sexo
We Jeets We Gato Bros
>Shartur replacing his broken Nova with Gato
Ill stick to my S12 pro POS
Thanks for making me realize that Gate is a steaming pos
Whats the point of having a small lcd display on a portable dac/amp? Youre using it in between ur laptop or phone or pmp. So just use that to see whats playing/get info??? Its a complete waste of internal space and battery life. It would only make sense on a BT dac/amp.
based and techspilled
Kz shill still projecting
We know you are not only a poo, but even browner than whoever is holding that box.
>BA distortion slop
>no front vent so pressure build-up
>soft bass
thx imma buy it
at least he isn't recommending Conch, EA500LM, etc... with that treble bomb to people. that is bad faith Mr. OP!
post ur yellow hand
I don't get why people even bother with any meme drivers in iems. DDs are proven and well-developed, anything else is just a cashgrab in the iem form factor giving little to nothing in return, or even being detrimental.
I already did and I'm unironically white you stupid brown street shitting indian fuck
See >>102279635
Although I wouldn't say I love them since I prefer warmer signatures, I'm quite pleased with them nonetheless, and I'm glad I didn't fall for your shilling when I lurked this thread for two months after deciding to try chinkshit instead of my usual japanshit. Next I'm going for the Zero Reds and the Kelci AEs
Eat shit and die from cancer.
>they didn't buy delci for $40
You're not white. You're fat.
it's much easier and cheaper to tune your pos as you want by using multiple drivers and BAs are so small that you can put many of them inside, tuning a pos into kilobuck targets with just a DD is prohibitely expensive, probably only Senilegeezer does it
>you stupid brown street shitting indian fuck
saar wtf i just love gate i thought we were gato bros
scary to think that eqzo could be anyone one of you retards
So simple and yet 99% of retards fail to achieve endgame with this straightforward method.
Hola was already pre-obsolete by vk4 v1 2 years prior. Too bad qkz decided to revise their only good iem back then.
>pajeet is colorblind from lifetime of eating feces contaminated food and so used to seeing malnourished walking skeletons that when he sees a normal hand he sees fat
Many such cases!
I'm never touching a KZ, seethe, cope, and dilate while swimming in that corpse filled river. Kazeesh
Guys I need an all rounder IEM that handles p much any genre around 500-700. Also what tips would be good for comfort for long term? Want to use IEMs at my desk. I use airpods pro medium sized tips so any tips probably work for me. I've tried a few IEMs like the S12(treble raped me), Blessing 2 Dusk, and heydey but all didn't really grab me or stay at my desk. Also are there any good IEM cables that use 1/4 jack?
>swollen hands
>typical diabetes type 2 symptom
>prolly braindamaged from diabetes
Here in INDIA we love gate plz respect my skin saar no racism
any pos + eq (eq guide)
Thieaudio Hype 4
>kazeesh is not only deaf but also blind
Any other physical disability? Besides being brown, of course.
the hilarious thing is he called out "bloated hands" for other anon when kayzoid has literal midget + obese + missing chromosome hands. fucking fat sausages
im 6'1" and 185, not everyone is born with feminine hands. now post your hand.
3.5mm -> 1/4" adapters are very common. basically no iem is going to come with a stock 1/4" cable. see op shopping guide. you dont need to spend that much, especially since you seem to still be a noob uncertain of what you even want (you're throwing money around blindly, you have nobody to blame but yourself for making uneducated consumer choices)
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1DD + eq (eq guide) is endgame
ahahahahaha look at this fat brown midget
that's me
post mano, maricon
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Sorry bro but that was just a shitty impersonator. I'm a REAL white and unlike your fat hands... I can even see my veins :)
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We are post hands now? Ok. Saars Pls redeem Samsung earpoods. I pood in them myself :3
nigga ur groce
hey fuck face give me my money back >>102269225
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>that's not me guise I swear! I'm whiter than a paper white person and I'm so fit I can see my thick powerful aryan veins :^^^)
Kazeesh on suicide watch
You can't be this desperate man, have some self awareness
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>I'm whiter than a paper white person and I'm so fit I can see my thick powerful aryan veins :^^^)
so true my lil fat boi
Real schizo hours with an included race war.
Is there actually a reason why people keep shilling the KZ edc pro or gate? Is it all meme posting or unironic? I cant tell because its almost comedic at this point.
it's the same guy posting both. he's been here for years, always been annoying, deaf, and retarded. he has children yet spends hours of his days shitposting on 4chan and headfi.
you can search archives with kz terms like: "cca duo, kz zat, krila, edc pro" and it is literally all his posts. not a single other genuine person cares about these dogshit iems besides him. and he incessantly advertises for a random chinese company that doesn't even pay him.
There is only one single (brown) person shilling kz
Absolutely no one is shilling the Gate, at most people giving their impressions on it like the anon from earlier, or making jokes about the name because it looks like gato.
I'm jealous mine is still more than w week away.
>The biggest con is that male vocals take a huge hit
I looked at this before I got them and they're just a small EQ away from fixing it.
pretty much all meme posting, though i think the edc fag aka deafzo may be serious, hard to imagine getting so attached to mcdonalds toy level plastic trash but apparently $10 is a lot for some people
mostly a blue eyed aryan baiting chinks & spergs for a kick laugh
you should be laughing with your family and kids. not on 4chan you retarded fatty
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>Sorry bro but that was just a shitty impersonator. I'm a REAL white and unlike your fat hands... I can even see my veins :)
>mostly a blue eyed aryan baiting chinks & spergs for a kick laugh
pfffffffft ahahahahahahahahaha
Just bored anons engaging in pseudo-arguments in a mostly ironic manner, which seems unironic due to how viscerally annoying it is.
?? Sorry, but the guy living rent-free in your mind is definitely not me!
No, it's not. You're genuinely retarded if you can't recognize it's one person. Or you're that very person posting more posts. While you have children to care for and raise.
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this is now r/greymousetaxi general
Holy retarded, that is not me. So that's why this chink calls everyone 'rat'.
Please get your meds as soon as possible, not everyone is retarded shill here.
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is he here with us right now?
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this is a fat finger thread, if you have skinny fingers get the fuck out
Yeah EQ will probably help there. I'm warming up to the stock tuning, gonna enjoy it as is for a while then go for EQ. I ended up swapping the cable, the stock one although looks and feels really nice is more microphonic than what I'm used to.
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i just finished reading OP and i'm wondering... TRN Conch or EA500LM?
terrifying graphs
Both bright as fuck no matter the nozzle, get either as they will fuck up your hearing to the same degree
Even as an untrained listener that's a yikes. Get anything else if you value your hearing.
they're fake graphs dummies
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>doesn't know how to use squiglink and adjust the scaling
>can only read squeezed 45db scaling graphs
why are you so dumb
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Why are IEMs considered a "hobby"? Buying stuff isn't a hobby.
Reminder both of these iems have unscrewable nozzles meaning you can tame the treble with just a small piece of foam stuffed in them.
watches, camera, keyboard, camera, pen bros... our response?
enjoying music through the characteristics of certain drivers, dac chips, audio formats, cables, eartips, eq, is a hobby.
>want to be based and pirate everything
>most pirated flacs on soulseek/rutracker are actually just converted youtube mp3s and have to buy the tracks if i want them to be actual hi-res
such a conundrum...
Feels good being a weeb, this never happens on nyaa.
he doesn't know...
fake news + skill issue + retard
>tidal free trial
>run scriptzo to download all the flacs you want to
just use deemix
make your collection before the j*ws pull the plug for good
>tinhifi dudu
and they've been in the game for a decent while too
wtf is wrong with chang, is the beryllium affecting their mental capacity?
I'm thinking of getting the Spinfit W1s but idfk what size to go with. Is there a "sampler" of multiple sizes or do I just have to try my luck with one. I've found the medium on Penon Liqueurs to be the most comfortable (the only tips I have that aren't just bundled with my IEMS). Any help is appreciated.
refer to the size dimensions both sets give. pick the closest.
unfortunately it seems they switched up their sales strategy and there is no longer a multi-sizes option (it used to come in SML pack)
They even sell tuning kit for Simgots
I have the medium and the medium small W1s. I find medium the best balance between seal and comfort for most iems. The medium small only works with super small iem shells like Chu 2 that can fit snugly in my ears else they lose seal very easily. For comparison I use the second largest dunu s&s and second largest final E.
Just ordered the mediums, they're the exact size as the Liqueur mediums looks like so I guess I lucked out lol. Thx for the help!
The hobby is making EQs. You buy different IEMs to find the best comfort.
They use them BECAUSE they're bad. Same logic as vinyl.
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>they're fake graphs dummies
....or are they?
>enjoying music
Majority of people who claim this is a hobby are not enjoying music but looking at squiggly lines and pretending they can tell from them objectively which iem will in theory sound better.
Youtube is hires.
What are those fox IEMs? Are they some old 7BA POS?
It's epz g10.
They're not fake by any means, just exaggerated by zooming in the vertical axis.
S12 pro is peak chink audio, 64 audios u12t is peak western audio, you guys can cope forever
Peak tinnitus yeah.
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You can drag this to change the scaling.
Squig is surprisingly decent for a $20 "gaming" pos
You think a guy with a measurement rig cares about their stock squig. It's 100% about the fox. The comfort is also pretty good from what I hear.
Yes because even if you have a measurement rig you're still limited on treble EQ ability.
Fat fingers are good for handling shovel and working the farmland.
Skinny fingers are something people with superior genetics and intellect have. They're good for precision work and fingering your mum.
Treble must be EQd by ear regardless of whether you have a rig or not.
Especially if you see a smooth squig and believe it'll be smooth in your ear. RIP beyer goblin.
Good luck EQing a sharp 10dB peak that's at 12kHz in one ear and 11kHz in the other which isn't particularly uncommon on these cheap pos.
>Chu II
Lol, they're fucked.
Been using iris 2.0 for months now. Still happy.
Are you so sure expensive pos will guarantee you flawless channel matching every time?
No. There's a minimum price for good QC that's continually coming down but measurements from reviewers that bought it themselves is really the only way to tell.

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