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last non-samshitshill OP was back in March, 31st edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

>Visual Phone Size Comparison

>Everything rooting and custom ROM related
>Beware carrier variants with locked bootloaders

>Debloat your stock ROM

>Open source Android applications

>Android App compatibility list for de-googled phones

>Custom ROMs suggestions, privacy guides

>Recommended Chinese phones

>Post a mini-review of your phone
>Discuss upcoming and current models
>Ask for help related to phones
>Tell us how much money you spent on a good/bad phone

Previous: >>102233118
do you download and store APK's locally?
Is this the iphone 16 waiting room
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All I give a shit about with phones at this point is camra gud baddery gud and how well a company does at making it not the size of a TV

I just want it to fit in my pockets without it looking like I’m carrying a textbook bros

Why do tiny phones not sell anymore?
Not clicking your random link
Is gsmarena sometimes wrong about cellular bands? When comparing the Galaxy A15 on T-mobile's site it includes band 71 while gsmarena does not.
bigger screens are more practical, smaller screens can have better ergonomics but you can only show so much information at a time before everything starts to feel cramped, when you're typing on a small phone the keyboard itself covers half of the display

also shit battery life
Yes, yes, and yes. But I still want one

Is something slightly larger than the iPhone SE or an SE size phone itself unreasonable? Those aren’t huge.

OP has a shitty xr edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

>Visual Phone Size Comparison

>Everything rooting and custom ROM related
>Beware carrier variants with locked bootloaders

>Debloat your stock ROM

>Open source Android applications

>Android App compatibility list for de-googled phones

>Custom ROMs suggestions, privacy guides

>Recommended phones

>Try out Android on your iToy

>Post a mini-review of your phone
>Anyone aggressively promoting iPhone is an underage micropenis shill who should be ignored
>Discuss upcoming and current models
>Ask for help related to phones
>Tell us how many shekels you spent on a good/bad phone

Previous thread: >>102233118
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What should phone should I get my boomer dad? He's pretty tech-illiterate, his old phone had shortcuts on shortcuts of apps and messages on his homescreen.
An iphone or a pixel
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stop talking to yourself, retard
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>Anonymous 09/07/24(Sat)09:21:54 No.102270342
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Based. I'll be making the next thread, it's clear the iToddler is running this one.
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>get an S23Ultra half a year ago
>Literally, genuinely, honestly and without any exaggeration the absolute best phone I ever owned, everything about it is good, the full package
>Go on /spg/
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4g+, preference for a qwerty keyboard, camera-less would be ideal but I can deal with that myself.
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i don't like these options
Why not?
Their prices are a little steep. Unless it's older pixel models you're talking about. And my dad doesn't like iphones.
So get him a Motorola.
Which one?
I don't know. You haven't told us your budget, or anything helpful really.
My dad's phone is a galaxy J1 mini prime from 2016, it's never connected to the internet so it's basically a touchscreen dumbphone
When he wants to watch youtube, he has a galaxy tab at home
What Blackberry is usable in 2024?
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>Working at my job
>Co-worker calls in saying their Apple Watch was accidentally caught by our card readers and needs refund
>Them: "So how do I prevent this from happening in the future?"
>"Easy. Don't get an Apple Watch. I mean, what company allows a feature like that to happen?"
>"Haha yeah, it's crazy that our company allows this feature to happen."
>"N...no, I'm talking about Apple. It's pretty weird that they keep their tap to pay features on all the time, don't you think?"
>"Well, there's a lot of weird features with this company too..."
>"All I'm saying is that other smart watches don't do that. Don't you think that's something Apple should fix?"
>"Um well I would be careful about the things you say and suggesting different smartwatches, this Apple watch was a gift and it cost hundreds of dollars and..."

Holy fucking shit. They're really brainwashed aren't they?
Moto G55 or a Moto G Stylus 2024, he'll probably like the stylus a lot if he owned a Palm or an early touchscreen phone with a resistive display before
A pixel 4a is gonna do him fine. Costed me 70 dollars or so
Man I'm trying to get a pixel 4a battery replacement. To get someone to install it it costs $50-$70 depending on where I go.
I should just buy a new one.
It was even worse before smartwatches became popular, literally all of them were saying:

>"Why would I want to get a watch? My phone tells the time and does absolutely everything I want it to do, watches are useless and obsolete now"
Pixel 6a will do fine still has updates until 2027
These threads are full of shills
What smartphone doesn't have a camera/fingerprint sensor?
G stylus or G85, depending if a stylus would be useful to him.
There is just 1 itroon which should be avoided. He even hijacked the OP.
Check XDA if they have ROMs available. I can't even remember which was the last one they put out. I barely remember it had a slide out keyboard, Z10 or something like that.
Most consumers are fucking idiots. They have no discernment and will buy anything with the right brand on it. Apple has been milking its consumer base for a decade. They break the old phones with software updates right before a new release. They remove features like headphone jack, fingerprint sensor, charger in the box and actually charge more for it. Wait until they put a yearly fee on using iOS, these idiots will keep buying iPhones and iPad's like nothing changed.
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i posted an Android OP, illiterate nigger. too bad you're too clinically retarded to notice that or perhaps did and lack just enough braincells to still call me an iToddler regardless.
now, even i feel bad for samsung for having such incompetent fanboys.
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you have a shitty xr
I don't really trust my phone like I trust my PC. I don't store my passwords on the phone, I don't put any sensitive files on the phone, I keep it rather far away from me when at home. Is this retarded? Is this purely paranoia? How do I stop doing this?
No. The desktop is a lot more private, since it's a more open platform.
>keep it rather far away from me when at home
Wouldn't this be bad if you have an accident or medical emergency? Unless you're constantly with someone it'll be harder to call for help
Is it better in general to get a cheap flagship phone from last year or get a midrange Chinese (or not Chinese) phone that fits your budget
Yes, but I'm retarded like that. I really don't like distrusting phones tbqh, should I try to power through it?
Disable smart battary or whatever it's called in system settings
Did wonders for mine
Xperia bro
Year old flagship
Cheap flagship from last year.
Is there any reason to get an iPhone 16? The 17 specs are so much better that it seems stupid not to wait a year. 12GB of RAM for iPhone 17.
Which phones have thin bezels that are still symmetric
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i know you guys are mostly complete consoomer retards with no real knowledge of phones other than brand names but how can i slim down my Samsung Xcover 5 without breaking shit?
picrel is the output of "top"
Entire S24 series, S23, S23+, Pixel 9 series, Nothing Phone/2.

OP is a retarded itoddler so he fucked the pasta. Check the up to date pasta: >>102270262 for the new debloater.
thanks anon. I like to do some of my own debloating manually too on top of this so if you know any database of what each app does that would be great

I also use a super outdated discord mod because the newer discord versions are more resource-heavy lol, but its still like 10% RAM usage when its active
You could also get an S24 Ultra now and save yourself the wait
Pretty much in every thread you'll see anons recommending the base S23. Maybe one or two people will actively hate on Samsung.
Check this: https://files.catbox.moe/inaptt.txt
Although this list is for 928B, most packages should apply to your phone as well.
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thanks saar, about to copy paste the entire thing onto adb lol
10VI was my second pick but got SE3
it is smaller but the OS is meh, keyboard, etc.
I suggest using
pm disable-user package.name

instead. If you insist using uninstall, then remove that k flag. What that k flag does, is uninstalling tha package, but keeping its data, which makes absolutely no sense.
oh okay didnt know
Also, one package in that list does not start with com.: android.autoinstalls.config.samsung
Anyway, be aware, it disables a lot of google crap, as well as emergency alerts (earthquakes, presidential alerts from Trump, etc). If you care about them...
Chinese flagship from last year
Literally none of them, you're shit out of luck.
im not from america and im not from an earthquake region either so i think im safe
and yeah i noticed one line didnt start with .com so i added the uninstall argument manually
Neither am I, just warned you. Also the SOS feature is disabled. Where you press power 5 times to dial emergemcy services. Horrible idea, just fucking type 112 or whatever your emergency number is.
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alright, thanks to all this debloating it already feels way faster and more responsive!
i assume stuff like com.android.systemui cant really be replaced with lightweight alternatives
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I want pic related but can't get it in bongistan
Waiting for it to come back in stock on wondamobile but it's not looking hopeful
Do I
> cuck and buy S24+ exyn*s
> S23+
> non-Samsung alternative
I just want a great camera with great battery that can also be a phone.
>can't get it in bongistan
Why not?
why not just get an S23U?
Get S23U.
for the S24 range Samsung are doing
> snapdragon in America China and Korea
> exyn*s everywhere else
should be illegal
I don't know what that means.
> why not just get an S23U?
ultra is too big and pointy
plus is the perfect size
exynos is processor that Samsung are putting in the s24 and s24+.
On 5G, it drains battery 50% faster than the snapdragon processor
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Why are you so triggered and schizophrenic?

Are normies really so bored with their miserable existence they use a basket weaving forum as an outlet?
Couldn't find a fitting phone because all smartphone manufacturers are fucking gay so I bought a ThinkPad instead.

Was thinking about hunting down a slightly older model in local tech resale stores, friend of mine tells me they’re decent for all round basic shite
Which gen?
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*cries in lack of several grand for rectangle*
I wish. Am poorfag.

I want to mod a PSP go so bad, any time I hear Xperia I’m reminded of their strange PSP go normie version

Anyone ever had the Xperia play 2? I only ever fiddles with the original one and it kinda sucked dick
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Oh bro I have no effing idea. I’m admittedly a techlet. I’m here to learn and read onions
Meant for >>102274462

Picrel was a more accurate depiction of me than I thought :^)
i need a cheap phone urgently. How's the cmf nothing phone
i just need a good battery life
What are possible benefits of updating from android 11 to 14 and installing the newest firmware on my chinkphone?
Worse performance and battery life.
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>stop talking to yourself, retard

You need to double-press the button to activate Apple Pay on the Apple Watch
Your company got scammed and you are retards who will believe anything.

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Has anyone else other than Red Magic figured out under-screen cameras. I never want to own a phone with a camera notch or pinhole ever again.
It was never released and that's a prototype model that was sold on an auction site a few years back.
Is the OnePlus 12 the only phone with Snapdragon in Europe that costs less than €1000? I've had issues with a Huawei phone in the past, so I don't know if Chinese phones are worth it.
>a budget phone with all features you need is 99 eurobux (original price 200 euroshekels but because you wait for a sale you get twice the value obvisouly)
>a top end flagships costs 17-22x as much
>does it even give 2x the value?
it's been the same shit since the first smartphones dropped
Poco F6 and F6 Pro go for around 400-500 euro. SD 8s Gen 3 (overclocked SD 7+ Gen 3) and SD 8 Gen 2 (last year's flagship) respectively. You might also be able to find a Xiaomi 14 (SD 8 Gen 3) for around 700-750.
If you're fine with last year's chip you could also probably find lightly used Galaxy S23 for under 500-600 euro.
>The efuse doesn't matter, it just disables some bloat you can reenable if you want using a magisk module. Shit like secure folder, other trash you normally need a samsung account for

Loosing warranty as well as severely degrading the security of your device doesn't matter, gotcha.

>you guys are mostly complete consoomer retards
>no load average and unironically thinks process count is a viable metric
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Anyone here read manga on a folding phone? Worth or nah?
Lots of people figured it out but they always decide to not use it because it fucks with the camera quality. Red magic just doesn't care.
I think in a generation or two the 10 series is going to be a decent midranger. Right now it sort of is, but the soc is always a bit underpowered and it's got a 60hz screen.
True, at that price anything below a SD 7-series and 120Hz OLED is criminal. It's the same price as some proper midrangers and even flagship killers.
The main defense I can give it is that they have really good build quality, but that's not enough to justify that big of a price gap.
Is Huawei still using a LiPo battery in their $3k trifold?
That didn't happen because it doesn't work like that, you have to physically tap the button multiple times
All chink phones use them. But what's the problen?
They degrade faster apparently
I have no issues with it on my RedMagic 8S Pro, but the phone is still fairly new.
I just use a cheap Lenovo tablet I bought on AliExpress
my sister two years ago was very excited to get an apple watch for christmas
a few months later when I went to visit I asked her if she was still enjoying it
she said she hadn't used it in a long time and didn't know where it was

insane because my dad that Christmas had hidden it, she threw a huge fit thinking she hadn't gotten one and then he pulled it out of hiding and she was ecstatic like all her problems were gone.
To be entirely fair though she was like 12 at the time which is an acceptable age to be a fucking retard baby
What modern phone (fast cpu and refresh rate) should I buy if I work in a dusty and crusty environment (furniture workshop)? I need 3,5 jack to use iems.
>Shit software support cycle
>Shit cameras for a company that makes some of the best DSLRs
Far too expensive for a phone that has the same flaws of a midranger
I already have an iPad I use at home though; I just want something for traveling without needing to carry a second device around
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S24 snapdragon
Pixel 9
Only really value good battery and small size. S24 is slightly smaller and comes with an extra zoom lens. But the battery size is smaller.
Coming from an iPhone which I'm done with. Used to be a Samsung user before that (which I had no issues with).
Why are you done with iPhone, out of curiosity?
> t. considering first iPhone
>Only really value good battery and small size
buy a chinkphone with a 5000mAh battery for 150euroburgers
>worse hardware specs for more money
>more locked down
>filetransfers are gay
maybe? https://youtu.be/Dx5-GUzxBk4
Lying through your screen.
Pixel 9 SoC is based on Exynos and uses Samsung's fabrication which is less efficient than Qualcomm. Better software and cameras and aftermath dev support on Pixel though.
Samsung Exynos 1430 waiting room
I just bought a Moto G Stylus and it's the first phone in years I've had with a headphone jack. It's so nice to have one again, I don't have to use those abominations of adapters.
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Well I want one that isnt chinkshit and works with all banking apps and shit.
Sure. I have an iPhone 15 Pro which I got on release last year.
>the keyboard is fucking terrible and constantly autocorrects for the wrong word
>can't simply drag and drop files/videos/pics to it from your pc (which ofc i was aware of but I didn't realize how much I really valued that)
>the battery is awful, at least my phone. Some people online claim there's is fine but I swear I get less than 3 hours of on screen time. And it's been this bad since release.
>my photos look terrible, all my photos appear too dark. If you google iPhone 15 pro dark photos on Google you'll see other people with this complaint too. But apparently I'm using it wrong.
>face ID sucks compared to the ultrasonic fingerprint unlock. After a year it still struggles to get my face properly when I'm lying down or sleeping. Never had that problem using a fingerprint.
>I wish i could customize the status bar to like include the date (which you could only check by pulling the left dropdown the whole way)
>lots of minor things I didn't realize that would annoy Me. Like the date thing above, the fact that you have to swipe up to unlock even face your face is scanned. Can't torrent (least easily), have to use shit like test flight or other fake developer app stores to use some apps not allowed on the app store (4chan ones or Newpipe equivalents)
>the apps are indeed designed better by developers
But that's really it.
I really miss android.
Okay so prob the S24 then. Both cameras seem about fairly equally on some videos I've seen so not the biggest deal. Thanks kings.
>Well I want one that isnt chinkshit
all phones are chinkshit tho
>and works with all banking apps and shit.
what do you goyims use over there in YourCountry? everything works for me on my chinkshitter but I only use some id apps and banking sometimes, no payment processors or paying for slop yet
I'm a leaf but idk just want to stay to a trusted brand that's all.
I still regret not getting an iPhone 13 Mini while it was still new and relevant. We're more likely to break past the 7 inch barrier than return to sub-6 inch phones anytime soon.We're never getting a 5.4 inch smartphone with flagship internals ever again, and by now I'm too used to modern Android and 120Hz LTPO screens to downgrade to a 13 Mini in current year.
Your country detained Huawei CFO's daughter at the request of Biden admin so I doubt you have a moral high ground on trust lmao.
>uses a chink phone for banking
>trudeau logs in and freezes your bank account
nothin personell
LG G2 was 5.2and when it came out it was considered a phablet. Now a 6.1" is considering a mini kek. People can be programmed to believe anything with enough marketing.
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Kek yeah probably but whatever
I did the ADB battery dump thing on my phone which I've been using for about 7-8 months, bought brand new. Apparently the battery's degraded to 98% over those months with around 130 charge cycles. Is that degradation within expectations, too fast, slower than expected, etc.?
I was doing regular charging ("whenever it needs to be charged") for the first 2-3 months, but then I switched to charging it only 20% to 80% on most days, and only up to 100% if I'm going to be traveling a bunch and need it to last 6+ hours of SoT with mobile data.
we also went from wider 16 9 to longer 20 9 and whatever
the early days of android phones were grim, the fucking retards took years to slap in good sized batteries
>wider 16 9 to longer 20 9
That was the biggest shock moment when I got my first "modern design" 6.5inch phone back in 2019. I expected it to be much better at YT than my previous 16:9 phone at 5.2 inches, but the video size ended up just marginally bigger unless you're watching one of those tech youtubers that render their content at 18:9 (2:1) or something, for phone consumption.
>>the battery is awful
Try disabling “Attention Aware Features”
I had the same problem before I did that
is for faggots
Ya ive had that on the whole time. Hope it's better.
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POV you were an android user back in the day
I thought this company deffo died but they are still around it seems kek
Flossy Carter still does videos for them
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Even if there was a phone with a 10000 mAh quantum black hole technology battery, compact 5.4 inch 19.5:9 screen (also available with a 7 inch screen and 20000 mah battery for our pajeet friends), weighs 150 grams (180 grams for the ultramax 7 inch version), is made with bullet-proof and scratch-proof Primate Glass TM on the front and back and 100% titanium side rails, invisible selfie camera, 99.9% screen to body ratio, 1 inch sensors for wide, ultrawide, 3x, 5x and 10x telephoto lenses, quad-LED flash, nightvision camera, infrared port for use as remote, fingerprint sensor on the back, 3.5mm AND 6.35mm audio jacks with enough power to drive HD600's, SD card slot up to 2TB, 4 SIM card slots, e-sim support, nfc, retina scanner (invisible), 2-stage shutter button, 4TB of UFS 4.0 storage, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 port, 120W fast charging, IP69 water immunity, 1440p 144hz LTPO SUPERAMOLED 2X RETINA XDR screen with no PWM dimming and 5000 nits of SDR brightness, 10000 nits in HBR and 20000 nits in HDR, quad speakers that point towards the side and the front, cleanest android with 0 bloat or privacy invasive apps, Snapdragon 8-series chip from the FUTURE with enough performance and efficiency to run any mobile game at 120 fps while lasting 1 week between charges, 32GB RAM, hardware proximity sensor, 10 years of android updates + 10 more of security updates, can record video up to 16K 120FPS, costs $300, is made by a non-Asian company, and comes with a charger, cable, audiophile-tier wired AND wireless earbuds AND over-ear headphones (4 in total) and a fleshlight in the box, and /spg/ would STILL find something to complain about and not buy it.
>6.35mm audio jacks
hell no
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i'm europoor and if i want a good SoC i'm forced to choose between samsung or apple. chink phones are dogshit and barely even supported
There are no non-chink phones period besides Apple, Google, Sony and Samsung. And even Samsung and Sony are kinda stretching it because gooks and nips are chink-adjacent anyways.
Xiaomi with custom rom?
why do you insist on lying you disgusting brown monkey?
Imagine if there was a phone with a 6000 mAH 21700 removable battery and a 1000 mAH fixed battery, 7" bezelless 16:9 screen, weighs 400g, made with fused quartz glass on the front and cast magnesium elsewhere, no selfie camera, 100.1% screen to body ratio, a single piece of shit camera sensor for taking low-res pictures of your cat, a huge grid of LEDs for a flashlight brighter than the sun, underscreen fingerprint sensor, 2x3.5mm balanced audio jacks, microSD slot, 1 SIM+eSIM, NFC, UWB, no buttons, a 512GB 3D XPoint PoP SSD with an on-die controller so it has speeds comparable to DDR4 DRAM, Thunderbolt 5 port, 240W fast charging, IP68 100m waterproof, 1080p 360 Hz IGZO QD-microLED with BFI, an under-display distributed mode speaker driver, stock AOSP x86 with all drivers mainlained into the Linux kernel, quad core Zen4c SoC on TSMC N3P, 16GB HBM3, unlimited Android updates because it's not locked-down ARM shitware, comes with a bumper case, 2m 240w 40 Gbps cable and 240w GaN charger that also functions as a USB4 hub, and costs $1000.

We actually have the technology to make this a reality at this very moment, but it doesn't exist because they wouldn't be able to sell you another disposable piece of shit with a massive crease for $1500 next year.
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Yes I like pixel
No I'm not a streetshitter
No I'm not brown
Pixels have always been cozy af and they've only gotten more cozy with the 9
This for some reason makes people mad
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what do you mean by thin bezels? like having a notch/hole punch and not having a massive chin/bottom bezel? or do the sony xperias and asus rog phones (prior to the rog phone 8) count?
Sounds like a load of bloat to me.
They're good phones and the fact they have Graphene makes them god tier.
Would be perfect if they had a headphone jack and SD card
They're good phones, but not at retail price. They're only good two to three months after their release when the prices depreciate to appropriate levels.
That is true. You'll probably be able to grab them for about $100 off around black Friday. They also don't hold their resale value at all (which to be fair, phones generally don't).
I do not like the price creep that the Pixel phones have been undergoing in the first place. IMO Pixel A should be $400, Base Pixel should be $700, and the Pixel Pro should be $900-$100. I dont think Google can compete well in the ultra high end quite yet.
>search up phone I'm thinking about buying
>most people talking about it on leddit are pajeets
is the motorola edge 40 a pajeet phone? I really don't want to be associated with them.
yeah, all people on telegram with it are indians
Where are the small phones
you don't need a small phone.
i went from 6.09 inch to 6.67 inch and it's better.
men use pockets not purses
that's for fold users
It honestly is
Is the Galaxy A25 256GB the best phone for ~200 USD?
Is there other phone with same specs and price but that can also install lineage os?
Why do people buy iPhones if the upcoming model will have only 8 GB of RAM? There are android phones with 12 GB of RAM. Why would anyone buy an iPhone in that case? You could have a phone with 50% more RAM.
iPhones with 3gb of ram will keep more apps in memory than an android with 6 or 8. They're not the same
Is it the best phone for $200 that can install lineage IN THE US MARKET? Maybe. There might be some older flagships which meet that criteria too, but the Exynos 1280 is hot garbage. Terribly bad chip.
So you think the iPhone 17 upgrade to 12GB won’t mean much? I’m debating if I should upgrade to 16 or wait for 17.
Why does this general hate iphone so much?
Are all of you thirdies?
Because my rizz is good enough I don't have to pay too much money for not enough specs just to get laid.
cause there's zero reason to own an iphone unless you're in the apple cult- i mean ecosystem.
I'm thinking about getting a Xiaomi. How bad is their ui? Is there an easy way to debloat it? I think chink stuff has gotten better recently. They are at least putting out good video games.
They like talking about their lingmingxiaoX27 and how it's exactly the same as an iphone. Then the next week they ask for recommendations for a new phone under $150.
I don't want my phone to act like an over protective mom who tries to hold my hand everywhere I go.
I just upgraded from honor to Motorola 5g 34. I can't believe you can get snapdragon for such low price, it's amazing, lmao.
honor 10 from 2018 lol
>Snapdragon 695
C'mon you can't be that impressed right
I don't hate them, they definitely have their place. that place just isn't in my pocket
almost like there's more to the usability of a phone than its specs these days
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For 120e it's amazing? I bought that honor10 for like 300, and it was always laggy piece of shit. I like the Motorola build of android too.

What is a good measure of "reasonable" battery consumption? I know there are a myriad factors to consider, but I'm just wondering if such a measure exists.

>be me
>have Samsung phone from 2018
>watch maybe a total of 1.5 hours of YouTube at work during breaks
>maybe take a few photos and write down a few notes
>lose about 40% battery life after an 8-hour shift
Is that "reasonable"?
Those niggers at Apple won't let me sideload without living in the EU
is the oneplus 9 RT good? planning to buy it and install lineage for daily use
The same reason I shop at regular grocery stores instead of Erewhon.
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I don't hate iPhones, I just think iOS is a drastically inferior mobile OS for power users like me, it's okay for normies that don't need unlockable bootloaders, proper sideloading and superuser access though

what I hate is the huge amount of gratuitous worshipping, boot licking and ball sucking iPhones and pretty much everything Apple related gets by normies and "tech" experts

yeah I get it, iPhones and iOS are fine for the majority of people, and yes, they do look pretty, guess what, I don't give a fuck about it because a phone without shit like Termux support, proper sideloading and restricted capabilities is worthless for my use case

>b-but le heckin' blue bubbles
I'm not American
>b-but le heckin' camera and ecosystem
I'm not an influencer nor retarded
of course it isn't. we've been conditioned into thinking that if the phone can survive a single work shift, it has AMAZING WOW 10/10 BATTERY LIFE
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>Free upgrade on my carrier
Do I shoot for it? The folding meme calls to me in a primal way. I'm coming from an iToddler 15 Pro, also snagged on a carrier deal. I don't game (besides those little iMessage games), but I do enjoy taking photos a bit, which is obviously my biggest concern with a phone like this.
I don't know if I would go so far as that, it's just that I can't remember if this is normal, or if it's depleting faster due to age.

I'm not opposed to replacing the battery or buying a new phone altogether, I just wanted to see if a 40% loss in 8 hours would justify it. Judging by your response, it would be justified.
I don't like iPhones myself, but I don't like Motorolas even more. It's an Apple and Samsung duopoly, for me.
What's your phone's audio and music experience? Hi-Res Audio, DTS X Ultra, Dolby Atmos, Harman Kardo, tuned by JBL?

Is your phone's audio, music and media experience gonna be good when you see that Hi-Res Audio or DTS X Ultra badge? Or "tuned by JBL" or "tuned by Harman Kardon"?
Size queen
Is the predictive back in Android 15 actually good? I always hated accidentally going to the homescreen.
What is a good smartphone skin company?

I would like an iPhone 13 Mini skin that wraps around the edges so it's not sharp. Dbrand was too small.
>And even Samsung and Sony are kinda stretching it because gooks and nips are chink-adjacent anyways.
Racism aside, they absolutely aren't.
The brands may be non-chink, but a lot of their parts are made in China. Some chinkness is unavoidable.
iPhone is made in China. Pixels are made in Vietnam.
It has Dolby Atmos which when turned on makes the stereo speakers sound wider
Battery life becomes reasonable as long as it can last you from waking up to going to bed, no matter how much you want to use the phone in those 16-18 hours. Unplugging in the morning at 80% (battery protection set to maximum) and plugging it in after you're in bed and ready to sleep at 15% or higher. Any higher battery usage in a single day causes battery degradation, and while that would be fine initially, you might find the phone struggling to last you the entire day in 2 years.
The iPhone can't multi task either.
The iPhone:
>1080p screen, not 4k or 1440p
>No reverse wireless charging
>No dual Bluetooth
>No headphone jack
>No option for sd cards
>No split-screening your apps
>No foldable displays
>No second screen
>No fast charging
>USB-C 3.0 only in the 15 Pro Max
>No built-in Stylus
>Can't keep more than one account saved on apps
>Cant torrent
>Can't do Picture in picture with every app (yes, we can even do it for YouTube for free)
>Updates constantly slowing phone down
>Can't have gifs or videos as backgrounds
>Can't customize alarm (or notification tone) with song that they own
>Cant customize ringtone with song that they own, have to purchase ringtone from Apple app store
>Cant emulate Ps2 era games or newer
>Can't download apps not in app store
>No phone charger in box
>No in-screen fingerprint scanner
>$120 wireless headphones DO NOT COME WITH PHONE
>It doesn’t tell you how long your phone has left to fully charge when you plug it in
>No way to close all apps at once
>Can’t pause or stop a video while recording: you can only stop a video and start a brand new one
>No option to flip the camera around while recording
>no separate volumes for ringtone/media/notifications/alarms/calls
>no ascending volume (for wake-up-alarms)
>cannot set more than one timer without a hardware-dongle (apple watch) or siri
>Can't put space between apps
>Can't limit ram usage
>Can't turn phone into desktop
>Can't record phone calls
>No t9 dialing
>Can't adjust height of keyboard
>Keyboard doesn't have row dedicated to numbers
>No clipboard
>No modes and routines
>Can't picture in picture their video calls
>Can't take long screenshots outside of safari
>Can't change hotspot name without changing device name
>No cloud gaming
>No 100x zoom
>Can't customize fonts
>No 8k recording
>No simcard tray (in the US only)
>No Fortnite
>Can't screen incoming calls
>Can't make reservations for you using Ai
>Can't wait on hold for you
>Can't erase objects in photos
>Can't unblur photos
>Can't emulate windows
>No proper image galleries with image management and folders
>Can't change app grid size
>Photos saved to the phone do not retain their filename
>Can't customize what gets notified from certain apps (i.e. can't only get notifications for DMs for Instagram, for example)
Some of these are giga nitpicky. Customizable ringtones, PS2 emulation, app sideloading, in-screen fingerprint, keyboard height/number row/clipboard, long screenshots, simcard tray, file management and folders, and app grid size are the only real dealbreakers for me. Most importantly the keyboard stuff and sideloading cracked/ad-free versions of premium apps.
>dad gave my mom an iphone as a gift
>she won't let me have her s10e she used prior because she can't transfer her whatsapp account to iphone, lost sim card or whatever
My bro got a s24u from work for absolutely free but he already owns a fold 5 so he's asking me if I want to take it, should I? I own a np2 which works for basic light shit that I do on it and since I do most of my work on a computer anyway I don't if I would want a more powerful phone. Also I think the 24U has 256gb as opposed to my 128
Think about it this way: with a more powerful phone you can keep it for longer before it starts struggling with the ever-bloating apps and websites you might use daily. With light usage you might even be able to get 48 hours between charges out of an S24U, which would be comfy wouldn't it?
>since I do most of my work on a computer anyway I don't if I would want a more powerful phone
Nigga it's free. Plus it can literally be turned into a computer if you want.
>free phone
How does it work?
You aren't supposed to return it to the company on demand or when you leave the company?
Also I hear they spy on you via Microsoft Exchange profile if you use one.
t. 3rd worlder
I use a manga plus sub on my fold 6 to do pretty much that. It's a portable tablet basically. My only complaints are that the pen doesnt come with the phone and if you want to use wired headphones it has to have a usbc connector. Attached a screenshot to get an idea of the size. Much more enjoyable than a typical phone aspect ratio.
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Forgot ss oops>>102286276
If you travel a lot then totally, nothing like being able to pull full-page manga out of your pocket on the train. If you're only reading at home then buy an actual tablet, Lenovo P12 is peak manga reader imo
>manga plus
Why aren't you using Tachiyomi?
My google pixel 4a finally died. I don't really want another smartphone, whats my best option?
Get a dumbphone for calling and do everything else on PC
What's a good dumbphone?
No idea, this is smartphone general after all.
What defines a phone as a "smart phone" anyway?
There is an option to transfer chats between phones. Have a look at the settings, you might be able to solve it.
Whats the best phone with a keyboard?
Currently eyeing this up but it's not released yet (Minimal Phone)
>Why does this general hate iphone so much?
>Are all of you thirdies?
Having no option but a garbage overpriced 400$ iPhone 8 looking 60hz trash phone with awful battery life or +1000$ flagshit if your iPhone breaks as a replacement if you lose your phone is a fucking scam. iPhone users literally can't have a backup phone that isnt dogshit or expensive as fuck. Literally retarded waste of money if you ask me. The fact that I have an S24 Ultra and a 200$ Poco phone with 120hzzø, 512gb storage and 5000mah battery as a backup phone makes so much more sense when iOS provides me no benefits
>iPhone users literally can't have a backup phone that isnt dogshit or expensive as fuck
Of course they can, why couldn't they?
bump for this
She wants to keep the phone number, not chats. It's whatever, I can get an S10e for $300 by now. It's just so stupid and janky to use multiple phones at once, I never understood how people do this.
People on the internet, with too much time, especially 4channers have this perverse idea that
>if you are a fan/user of something you should be a hater of it's rival/opposite
That, or they are paid actors, I know Samsung is guilty of that.
F(x) Tec Pro 1
Oh also the iPhone widgets suck ass. Don't refresh timely for some reason.
I like it, except the meme mini display on the outside. I like motorola android rom too.
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After months of research, and waiting for Pixel, I really can't see an alternative to the S24U (coming from iPhone 15 Pro).

Thoughts on jumping hard into their ecosystem? I've recently gotten into fitness and intend using their Health features as I have been on the AW, so the watch made by them seems the best choice.
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anyone here have experience with pela cases? I don't care about the environmental claims, I just want a colorful case that isn't extremely thick and can offer some protection if it drops from ~4ft
I'm about to return my mous limitless because of its sharp back edges and pela's doing a bogo
I would get the Watch 6 classic because that moveable bezel is pretty useful imo. The new buds look fucking sick in that gunmetal gray.

But yeah, quick share is 2x faster than airdrop, you can use Google messages on your PC and Google Meets also works on your PC.
>1k€ for a 256gb s24u
why does the 256gb in all my jewropean retailers start at 1.6k€? what the fuck Is wrong with my country
what the FUCK Is going on with taxes, currencies and imports
I don't wanna pay for the third world anymore
OUT please ASAP
Yea second on the stylus. The other option if you want to spend more is on a Samsung with the S-Pen option or addon if possible. Pen stores in the phone. Old folks usually use the pens to navigate due to arthritic fingers and worsening motor skills.

First time i hear of this brand, why there's no S23 Ultra cases?
Maybe it's perfect if you're not concerned with actually owning a phone.
I cope by buying phones I can easily repair and degoogle.
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What's the best phone for running postmarketos?
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i have no idea. it's been a nightmare trying to find a case that actually checks my boxes
>p9 pro XL
>solid colors, preference for blue
>at least a little damned protection
and it turns out even pela doesn't have magsafe built in, they want you to stick a magnet array to your phone and there's a cutout on the back that leaves airgaps between the phone and the case
i have a mous super slim that i'm keeping, it's comfy in the hand and even though it's plain black i like how it looks. but i never want to take this thing out of the house. no way this thing would survive against concrete. if they stuffed their air pocket dealie into the slim and gave it to me in a nice blue, this godforsaken general would have two fewer posts.
Should I really buy an S24U?
I mean, I don't even know what I'm waiting for. The S25U? The black market deal? God literally failing down thunder on me?
Why can't I pull the trigger? Because I still have a (half dead) phone? A tablet I can still use? A PC?
Great phone. Go for it.
The meme mini display is honestly part of the reason I'm considering it. I've also heard good things about Motorola's Android, but I haven't used Android in general since I wanna say the Galaxy S8? Think I'll have any problems switching back over? I know RCS is on the way for iPhones so if nothing else I'm not tweaking over iMessage.
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Fuck it. I guess I was just waiting an answer from (You). With a click of a button I'm a thread away from maxing out my credit card. Pray for me lads.
Last time I had iphone it was 4, so I have no idea how are they nowadays at all, but I had honor 10 from 2018 and switched to moto g34 which is the cheapest snapdragon Motorola, and I am very pleased with their ROM, feels like stock android. It's pretty much near stock android, without the meme AI things you get on pixel phones. I've heard oppo also has very basic near stock android too, you could compare their flip to motorola one.
Don't waste of money lol, just buy mid-range phone and if you really like photography buy proper medium format digilat camera for like 2k.
Is iPhone 4s worth using in 2024?
>maxing out my credit card
don't be a dumb consoomer

get the S23U as that's essentially the same exact phone but maybe 5% slower and save some money
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If you want very small phone check Jelly Max 5g.
I'm using Jelly 2e right now, but unfortunately it's too small. I was interested in buying Jelly Max, but 5 inches seem too big for me, 4,5 is the sweet spot. Unfortunately, the phone isn't available in the country where I live.
This would be the perfect phone if it wasn't so thick. I swear making a great small phone is impossible in the modern smartphone space.
>S23/S24 - not actually small, just normal (also applies to the base model Pixels, iPhones, Xperia 5 and 10 series, and Xiaomi number series)
>Jelly Max - too thick, dubious software support
>iPhone 13 Mini - too iOS, too poor battery life, no 120Hz
>iPhone SE 2022 - too iOS, WAY too poor battery life, generally very outdated hardware, not particularly small either
>Zenfone 10 - not actually small, barely smaller than S23, only 2 years of software updates
>Flip Foldables - too expensive, actually BIGGER than any other phone on this list when unfolded
For me it was a tie between S23 and 13 Mini, and I went for the S23 thanks to it being Android.
After all, why should I just buy both an Android and an iPhone and carry both of them with me everywhere?
already bought it.
gee, i do hope i dont get overspending this month haha...
What compels a man to buy a small phone? Tiny hands and skinny jeans? Regular wear of pants that don't require a belt because they're unemployed?
Smaller hands, and it feels nice not walking around with a 7-inch brick in your pocket, unless you are a woman with purse, lmao.
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I just want a Xperia XZ1 Compact with smaller bezels, that's all I need
how physically frail does someone have to be to even notice the weight of the smartphone in their pocket unless they were mentally checking to see if it was still there
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I still keep one of those as my backup phone. The battery life is really poor, and it hasn't gotten updates past Android 9, but I'd use it if it could last me the day and had an up to date OS. The performance isn't even that bad for daily shit and even light gaming. You wouldn't believe how smooth it runs Subway Surf kek
ever tried to replace its battery and maybe install lineageOS?

have you tried Carved?
I have been thinking about it, but I'm not sure if even a brand new battery + Lineage21 will make it resonable to use in 2024. Can the tiny battery even handle ~4 hours of SoT with modern apps and Android?
Breaking banking apps and NFC payments would normally also be a concern, but being stuck on Android 9 has already broken my bank's app and the only way to add a card from my bank to Wallet is by using the official app, so that's already broken even on stock software.
>That would be $1.5k plus tip :)
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haven't heard of 'em. looking at them they're not really my thing but i know one person who would love this so thanks for that.

I am in tthe same ship as you but with an S23 Ultra, cant find a single good MagSafe cover.
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What do we think of the Honor Magic 6 Pro?
Where can I get a good matte screen protector for the Pixel 9? I fucking hate glare.
>curved glass
>centered circular camera bump
two trends that absolutely need to die in one phone
Straight up copying Apple, or does the TOF sensor on the front have a real practical use to excuse the large camera cutout?
Gives you 3d facial scan like the iPhone, but yeah they did copy the dynamic island almost 1:1 (software side)

A lot cheaper than the s24 ultra and has a much better battery with silicone carbon tech tho. Not to mention how smooth the animations look like compared to OneUI.
Kinda tempted honestly.
The S24U wins in design alone thanks to the flat sides, flat screen and sharp screen corners.
The Magic 6 Pro does seem like the better option for SD 8 Gen 3 on a slightly lower budget though, it is ~250 euro cheaper than the S24U in my country when both are configured with 512GB storage. 775 euro and 1025 euro respectively for the Honor and the Samsung.
Damn bro. That's cheap as fuck? Is that something from your carrier? Because the device alone when bought without a carrier is
1500 euro for the s24 ultra base version
1300 euro for the magic 6 pro 512 version (no lower available)
Where are you from?
To be fair, the S24U is around ~1200 euro for the 512GB when looking at popular mainstream tech stores you can just walk into with money and walk out with a phone. I'm looking at the prices from slightly more suspicious websites that only sell online and deliver with courier.
Country is Bulgaria and my comparison websites were Technopolis (very trustworthy) and BuyBest/ALLGSM (suspicious). I've bought 2 phones from ALLGSM, Poco M3 for my mother back in 2021 and a Galaxy A15 4G for my grandmother earlier this year, both at prices way under what Technopolis was selling them for. IIRC the A15 was offered at Technopolis at around 200 euro, and I got it for just under 150 from ALLGSM. The Poco was a similarly great deal at just over 100 euro, and the website even serviced it (inside the warranty period) when it randomly stopped working one day.
My point is these phones might be illegal imports from Germany for all I know, but they're great deals if you want to take the risk.
I like having a pirated spotify, a custom client for youtube that allows me all the premium features without paying, and I can install whichever third party software I wish to. I can even access the bootloader for a full memory wipe and even change the OS if I don't feel like sucking xiaomis dick.
What can (you) do with your Iphone?
half of these are lies lmao
update your script Goojeet
>back up phone
For what reason?
Someone has to support those unemployed refugees, bigot.
I can upgrade with Verizon. My only "free" option is the Pixel 9 pro XL. Is it worth it for a free upgrade? I would rather get an S24 pro, but thats not an option. I keep hearing the 9PXL is buggy.
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You have to realize that most mutts are not white, and most of these "people" are unironically cattle consumers. Imagine licking the boot of a corporation that actively contributes to the replacement of actual white Americans. Wow, you own GoyPhone you really owned that jeet, but let's ignore that white Americans are a shrinking minority in their own country. Pure impotence.
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I got a new Xperia 1 a couple days ago. I like it so far. Upgraded from a Huawei Mate 10 Pro. Price was 200€. Did I fuck up or not?
>I can upgrade with Verizon. My only "free" option is the Pixel 9 pro XL. Is it worth it for a free upgrade? I would rather get an S24 pro, but thats not an option. I keep hearing the 9PXL is buggy.
S24 Pro doesn't exist maybe you mean the Plus or the Ultra. The 9 Pro XL will be a good phone, but personally I would wait for the non-XL variant 9 Pro due to liking more compact blowers. I'm probably going to hold on to this Pixel 7 until the 10 series comes out with much better SoC.
1 Mark what? There are a few duds in the lineage, especially the one with the 8 Gen 1 processor. If you got it so cheaply its probably a few years old and you'll get no future feature and security updates since Sony sucks at this.
Yes I meant the S24 Plus. Feel like I should just wait and hope Verizon comes out with a deal that let's me upgrade to the S24 plus instead.
The original one from 2019. Got it new off of ebay, the EMEA one Sim version. Sadly only has 4g and the battery is a mere 3330mAh but I'm not playing games, only phone call, text messages, browsing and watching YouTube.
>Price was 200€
Seems kinda steep for a 5 year old phone without any of the modern goodies like 4k-5k mAh batteries, fast charging, 5G and high refresh rate screens.
Americans may be dumber than donating to charity but don't think that this only appies to them. All throughout the western world, and even xountries like China, the IPhones is regarded as a status symbol. People covet sratus symbols as it is a way to appear rich because they create this image than they live a lavish lifestyle. In truth, many end up indebted for buying an item that shouldn't be considered to be anything beyond a communication and multimedia playing device.
Just look at Zuckerberg and hos plain looking shirts that look as if he went to a thrift shop. That shirt costs upwards of 500+ but no one could tell because there's no logo. Truly rich people don't have to show off, they KNOW they are, and everybody else KNOWS so.
Every so often there are minor mistakes that seemingly don't get fixed, yes.
Oh, that's interesting! I personally have a soft spot for Pixel Android over OneUI. Recently, my girlfriend and I swapped phones—I moved from a Z Flip5 to a Pixel 7 following my souring on foldables and a screen protector debacle. Even though it feels like a hardware downgrade, she's sweet enough to balance it out with some cash to even the trade.
Preference, I misread it as requirement, whoops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XokyeV7k5-s
HIT K1, 4g dumbphone with qwerty
If you live in the US, carriers impose whitelists, so you have to consult yours for allowed dumbphones.
I'm upgrading from an S20 FE, so both the Pixel 9 and S24 will probably feel like upgrades. I don't really play games on my phone so maybe the hardware won't be an issue. Does the P9 Pro XL have a decent battery? My s20 FE dies pretty fast nowadays.
I can't say my experience has been buggy, to the point where I'd even recommend the 9XL. as long as you don't want 120fps stable in wuthering waves or whatever the phone is really good.
Baudrillard wrote in particular about this specific condition. People being raised by objects become more like objects themselves, replicable, replaceable and disposable.
The thing is the 1 II is going for over 400€ here and that is used and not even the best condition. Sony phones arent depreciating fast enough it seems.
How do you like the screen and battery life? The refresh rate is 120hz on the 9 pro xl right?
the average man is disposable. always has been.
https://gsmarena.com/blackberry_aurora-8612.php Blackberry Aurora doesn't seem to have a selfie cam. It seems to use Android 7.
https://gsmarena.com/blackberry_classic_non_camera-7066.php This one doesn't have a camera, but it uses BBOS10 by default. There might be Android roms available, just like there were for Badas.
Opinions on POCO X6?
>b-b-but they're all ancient! museum pieces!
I'm sorry, it's all there is.
Not even modern dumbphones are cameraless these days, as shitty as they are.
Or you just could disconnect the camera cable.
> Which iphones dont have volte and in which countries?
As I said, volte is a white list.
> I thought it was enabled anywhere there is volte.
If vendor don't want to provide local carriers with data packages and keys for volte to work, carrier can't do much about it.

Most common thing is pixel phones outside of western hemisphere.
> "only Pixel X supports volte/5g in Y country, not Pixel X-1 or X-2, because they weren't sold there."
That's how it's works on greater scale.
Other vendors just aren't Google.
The only other phone vendor that doing this is Sony. They patched volte in Russia.
I'm getting ~12h over wifi and ~8 with mixed cellular but I don't rely on cellular often enough to give a good baseline for someone who's without wifi for extended periods
Over the weekend if I stay in the house most of the time, It'll last two days since I'm not using it as much.
I don't have any bad things to say about the screen. it's big and pretty. the super actua stuff is no joke and the max brightness under direct sunlight is excellent. the only thing they could've done to improve it was use the glass the S24U uses for antireflectivity.
Wrong, Orwell is quite correct that average man makes country. The idea that high IQ individuals can form a country is laughable. Enjoy living in racial méxico with your superior IQ. You simply get eaten alive, working class and average makes or breaks the country. Shitndia is a good example of this, think about the last female doctor that got raped and killed after by multiple jeets at the hospital. She was high IQ compare to average shitndian, didn't help her it seems.
The rich lord rules over the poor mass.
> Opinions on POCO X6?
Poco is shit. Never buy any Xiaomi product
You can't really compare the organic hierarchy and unity of evropean monarchies prior to ww2, and atomized individualism, international slum lords of shitndian or any other economic zone post ww2. But I don't want to drag the thread into off-topic, my bad.
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Can new iphones be still jailbroken
Is this still a widely practised ritual
What chinese/indian brands are good?
Huawei and Honor.
Does anyone here know how to fix Samsung phones showing black borders on youtube shorts if you have the nav bar disabled? It's actually driving me insane.
probably best price/performance custom rom phone
My mother in law has lost her phone after a night out. What's a decent low end smart phone, sub £100?
poco f3 and flash lineage
Galaxy A15
Looks promising, thanks anon
>Is your phone's audio, music and media experience gonna be good when you see that Hi-Res Audio or DTS X Ultra badge? Or "tuned by JBL" or "tuned by Harman Kardon"?

The opposite. Phone speakers are too small and no amount of tuning can salvage them so I won't waste any more words on them. For sound over the headphones all these audio enhancements just distort the intended tuning of your headhpones and sometimes degrade the sound information on top of it as well. May be useful for movies to simulate a wider soundstage, but aforementioned drawbacks still apply.
The correct way is to turn all enhancements, bass boosts, Dolby Atmos (especially Dolby Atmos) etc. off and get a portable USB DAC, plug your headphones in and I assure you will actually hear some improvement.
What phone on the market has the best battery life? I'd prefer one with as few gimmicks (fingerprint scanner, selfie cam, AI) as possible.
iPhones have the best battery life, followed by the OnePlus 12.
Cool, where can I verify this?
NTA but I wouldn't trust these numbers too much. It gives the S23 a ranking of 11:27h, but the highest SoT I've ever gotten with all precautions taken including battery saver has been around 8 hours.
The iPhone isn't on the top of this list tho?
everything is a copy of something else, that's what inspiration and art itself is. the only question is how much was copied and how obvious is it
>everything is a copy of something else
I bet that's not true.
I don't want to watch a youtube video sorry.
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>I will believe what I want regardless of any facts or proof
demoralization complete
I don't need to watch a video to know that rule isn't true all the way to the bottom. Why would it be?


Nice try
Where do you think samsung or apple build their phones? If you don't know, probably around the block where they build Xiaomi, OnePlus and Huawei ones.....
They are all the same shit!!!!
Why are you acting retarded on purpose?

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