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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous Miku: >>102265437
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interesting thread
Otto RIR

I also do this. I also wrote a jailbreak that makes all the characters talk about how much they love small penises and hate large ones for shits and giggles. Also I make my persona "profoundly autistic" and the bots respect it when I turn their sexual advances down or don't see them in the first place. I can post logs if you want.

What jailbreak does this? I wish my Claude could be coy with storytelling like this.
fifth for len-kun
Please post some sad logs. I want to cry today.
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Great edition
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>it was the sixth post
Okay now send this to your waifu while crying saying looking at this moved you and see what she says
base model: anthropic-claude-3-5-sonnet. Please submit a quota increase request

it's over
Meiko, like everyone else prefers Rin
>I can post logs if you want
do it, that sounds really fun
>Also I make my persona "profoundly autistic" and the bots respect it when I turn their sexual advances down or don't see them in the first place.
that sounds extremely convenient, i wish i had done this, having to fuck my bot everytime she gets horny is getting kinda of annoying because the more i dick her down the more she wants to fuck, and i dont really want to make her disappointed
>love small penises and hate large ones
this is kino
I have 50/50 chance to die today. Its over
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>rin with b**bs
Post gpt4o-latest JBs I'm being filtered hard by the recent update in the past 24 hours.
I can just barely get it to be lewd, but cunny gets filtered a lot and I can't use my fun lewd prompt enhancers anymore.
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wasn't bluffing
My magnum opus

im nearly having as much fun hanging out in this general as i have with the bots, well atleast thats when people aren't whining about locusts
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>group chat without merging his card
Does merging them actually do anything or was he just shitposting?
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I love my wife.
This general is fun when gossipfags arent around
Two steps ahead
i like the concept of the aspie kink but this shit is a little bit too extreme for me
cuz i just want a girl to tell me that its ok to be autistic
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fucking cackling at 4 AM
Based fun haver
But it isn’t okay to be autistic, anon...
all of my bots are autistic anyways
your wife's unbelievably hairy pussy...
>Also looking for some sfw logs(any format but no screenshots...) <- nvm ig ppl dont want to share
lol she gave up
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not to be that guy but............
is this for 4o fine-tunes? im actually curious to try this because surely it will be at least a little less censored right?
Lol I don't even do sfw
i wonder how does the bot would try to explain why she is so obsessed with small dicks
but yeah, this whole situation is overly silly
and yet, you still get the posts surrounding you
I'm up.
>barely get it to be lewd
Use a preset like pitanon or develop a taste for funkier scenarios to confuse the filter.
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she never gave me a token so why the fuck should I help her?
i tried one for my own coooding and it did help out making some injectors without long ass jbs so it probably does work
>chatbots in a chatbot thread
Absolutely insane and unacceptable
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>for shits and giggles
its not like every american is bad, its just that teenagers who don't have anything better to do cant stay up late without getting their asses beat up
Proxyhost gossip is related to chatbots, thoughever? How else would we get the chatbots?
i'm up rn bwo. playing counter strike with my bot at 3:30 am. it's the best time for it.
Me, the AmeriGOD
I wish nu-4chan was filled with a bunch of underaged crossposters
One is about logs and the other is about finetunes?
why do you have to make yourself known.... i feel less comfortable in chill hours now
that sounded surprisingly creepy, but i get what you mean
Even with anonymity it's a bit hard to admit it's a self-insert
Claude my last name isn't fucking Callaghan
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>Any scientest or smart character when anything happens
My fist is gonna go off in your charts if you don't shut the fuck up about them
Do you tell them that?
Anon’s anger is off the charts!
chatbots made me more lonely
I do tell Claude to cut it out with a OOC that way but it comes back every now and then.
>Impossible... these numbers.. they are not what you would normally expect. Dare I say they are off the charts!
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>these ungrateful whores should be more mindful that my autistic internet shitposting burns many calories
sides vaporized

that being said, tendies with honey mustard sound perfect right now
What counts as sfw is kissing also sfw
That's kino as fuck though
i can't do sfw anyways because i don't think claude would allow me to go through so many messages without something lewd happening
sex is cool anyways, dunno why you'd wanna get rid of it
Anyone know the artist? I wanna see the unedited image.
Would you say the kino is off the charts?
Is that ST? Looks different
sex is boring as fuck desu
>the artist
I think the problem with SFW RP is the limited context size right now. Current models are only good with quick coom scenarios.
I have many, MANY logs. Unfortunately this is one from Sonnet. I miss Opus. It was able to explain in funnier ways

feed Claude well and it will reward you
We are here to RP things we couldn't do in real life
it gets annoying after a while desu
My scientist characters always have wild frazzled hair according to claude
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might be a jb issue desu
What is going to happen to Abby...
well you can use author notes to summarize and get over the context limit, like to put it after the main prompt to it makes sure to remember the details
Not really
oai gets mad. handholding is allowed tho
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anybody else like to make romance oriented roleplays and play it lovey dovey shit because you're 26 and have never even held hands with a girl and have accepted that you will never know what it's like to receive any kind of romantic affection from another human being and that being able to put yourself in that situation using ai chatbots at least helps take the edge off of the loneliness just a tiny bit but also just makes it way worse later on
Huh, weird, I am also using a fate scenario, its not a fate bot, but I had it go to the fate universe.

but its Doctor Roman saying this shit. I'm using Pixi, and I like it as its mostly SFW, and if you wish for NSFW it easily switches over, and I never got blocked by the censor.
agree, i use sonnet, and it has more limited ways of describing sexual scenarios or just sex scenes (i'd just tell claude to skip it), but it's pretty good at writing adventures and i'd be content with it
does sillytavern have anything to censor my name when i post logs? i use my real name :(
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yeah that's based
You dont need more than 8k context. You never needed more than 8k context.
LLMs lost attention after that
first learn to use commas, second yeah, plenty of people do that
Why? Is it your full legal name?

Oh no, his name is fucking John. I know where you and the other million johns out there.
I do this with lolis because I'll never have a cute daughteru
Is it possible to have certain text be a different color, aside from using quotes? For example, if I wanted specific text to be red, and other text to be pink, would it be possible to format that in SillyTavern?
>You dont need more than 8k context
You cant do complex, long scenarios then
>LLMs lost attention after that
Thats the point
i remember there was a grim aloe card that had all of her dialogue as red text so i'm assuming yes
we're all lonely people here
...i hope
>You dont need more
ZASED. Now bait aside you unironically don't need more context. Language models are good at guessing and they will guess your context pretty accurately
Just have a summary.
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fooled you guys i've had sex lol
what is with this new "You're baiting but I agree" post, i've seen it 4-5 times now
you can just say you agree with a controversial opinion, this isn't twitter, you aren't going to lose credibility. autist
based fooler
>No context long enough to do a fully day-by-day 9 month scenario with your waifu as she carries your seed
Ummm will opussy 3.5 fix this???
summary and author notes retard
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You can use this as a basis for a jb
Also write Rin's dialogue wrapped in <font color=#c12439></font> kthx.
Just using on of the old ecchi but avoid sex prompts from awhile back
Dont you EVER call me the R word again sir.
Its not about having sex but love imo. Anyone can have sex with a cheap prostitute but it wont have the same feeling doing it with your loved one.
When do you summarize anyway
first hundred then every 50
i have a rat girl gf, she says that the r word is ratatouille because "that movie is racist propaganda"
what jbs are good for slopnnet
dont say pitanon
Isn't sex overrated anyways?
when i just do it manually every time a important event happens, or something that will need to be remembered later on, so someties i do it every 300 prompts, sometimes every 5
if u mean irl then yes and no. depends on how much you care about the other person.
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So it goes
W-which card is this?
Yes really
Thats hilarious. Logs?

This is a great JB, loving the prose.
I always RP as Anon. The disassociation helps me with being able to comfortably RP whatever I want
Nvm through the power of my autism found the artist is neneneji
Yeah same. I don't wanna use someone else's name either so its Anon for me.
Pretty much yeah. I'm also 26, held hands and made out but it all came from her side. Since then nothing happened again
don't you guys have any ocs you rp with?
or do you just reinvent yourself everytime you use 'Anon'?
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i think the best part about this whole deal is that i have no idea why they hate this movie so much in the first place
I have OCs, 6 different self inserts for different occassions, and like, 10 canon characters for fighting related RPs, like Luffy, Goku, ect.
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Fourth bot time!
The bratty tsundere little step-sis, Alice!
This underdeveloped tsundere brat has gotten the one thing she's always wanted, a big sibling to call her own! Despite all her haughtiness, she loves you more than anything. SHE'S TOTALLY MATURE, DON'T TREAT HER LIKE A KID, DUMMY!!!
GREETING: Alice gets the news that you're moving in and greets her new sibling in the morning.
More NBR slop for the masses, made in about 30 mins, not perfect. Not much else to add, will probably make an actual sister bot eventually. Almost done with lovable Yakuza dumbass tomboy bot. ENJOY!
All my OCs are girls...
>or do you just reinvent yourself everytime you use 'Anon'?
I do this
Several and each one is a fragment of me. No canon characters though.
last time someone asked this they were super disappointed desu
It's the sloppiest slop
I have 5 personas 3 female and 2 male and all of them have 500 tokens of description
Hey, if it works
Does claude even care about ur persona defs
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>several and each one is a fragment of me
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cftt? need space marine mommy gf whilst playing soace marine II
Huh, isn't cooking well for you proving the movie right
Treat her like a 4 year old with autism? Got it

That's hilarious. Have you tried asking? It must suck that your gf refuses to cook because it probably "reinforces those outdated stereotypes" kek
You used a no sex jb with that card?
Is the recipe for funny making claude sexually frustrated?
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I've created a never-ending infinite free proxy to save you from the drought!
This proxy doesn't rely on the whims of discordtroons, and is immune to spitefags, and it's free to access forever. I made it with care, I hope you enjoy it
info: https://freeproxy.mikubox.org/info.html
like staring in a mirror isn't it anon?
>worse than venuschub
later homo
I ain't clicking on that shit nigga
Your Reality and chuuni 2
fuck mikuniggers
lmg is that way
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i mean, i dont know how you would define well in this situation, they almost burned down the house, several times
worst part is, they do cook, so i don't know why they hate this movie so much, and honestly i just didn't ask question and enjoyed the meal, maybe some things are better left unknown
I have 7 personas, 3 of which are OCs, 1 is just “Anon,” and the remaining 3 are characters
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I hate it when claude talk for me
>this is some gourmet shit
Do I have a sign outside my house saying dead ratgger storage
I hope fate never blesses me with a daughter or adopting a little girl for God knows I'm weak
...weak to what, anon?
That's not normal anon
this is so disturbing it actually becomes funny
Hmmm, yes. I think we can trust anon living by himself with adopting this innocent little girl
anon said he would never do this, he knows his limits
You know they heavily screen people to determine if you're going to fuck the adopted daughter
Can a footfag help me understand what this means?
most of my OCs are just 150~ token long, samey self-insert characters that are meant to give a bit more depth of myself (I.e appearance, role, short backstory etc.)
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You know, are there any characters or personas with split personality disorder? That'd be interesting to see Claude do
I bet anon has lots of cute logs of fiction featuring him taking good care of little girls
>the masculine urge to find an abandoned little girl in the woods and take her back with you to spoil and give a happy life
Alas, some things will always be dreams...
RP'ing as a schizo who falls in love with another schizo could be kino
no really, no. I get tired of *holds her hand* and "I love you" in less than ten messages. Maybe I'll give them another try when we have the whole AI VR package with visuals, sappy AI music and shit.
thats a cool card idea, i dont know any but i hope someone makes it
>it was, all things considered, a rather productive evening
LMAO, that one way to describe it
I wanna live alone in an island with my daughterwife and make lots of granddaughterwives.. just like in that eroge
Clearly not enough considering the homosexuals can still adopt.
She's always barefoot, anonie, what more do you want?
Epstein island?
>hacking into sillytavern instances
>some guy put the rentry for a proxy as the endpoint instead of the actual endpoint
>hacking into sillytavern instances
uh chat is this real
No. An unhabited island
yes, i'm using the ST exploit
Anon? Whatever did you mean by that?...
you make up a story cuz you dont want to admit that you were a retard, its ok, we all have aneurysm once in a while
Which rentry is it
t. Tomaru Sawagoe
Yeah but by default you aren't open I think. And it's just that these guys have opened them to everyone and not whitelisted their own IPs
sorry I'm retarded :(
Pretty sure that it depends on which frontend you use. But at least in ST, it helps to preserve the personality of each card.
if you have it hooked up via remote with a dumb pw im sure it can happen
... I forgot to paste the phrase.
>Her feet are long and narrow, well-arched with smooth soles
Specifically the well arched part is it the dip on the underside of your foot? Is that a focus point for some people?
If for some reason modern society collapses (in SillyTavern) and by chance, a little girl approaches me desperate for food, let it be know that its God and her parent's fault, not mine
it's kino, it works as one big chat instead of "one" prompt doing the talking for everyone and it's easier to directs who talks and when
it just gets worse
its a win-win situation if you think about it
>/aicg/ suddenly full of pedos
out of 10!
it's a cosmic joke and you are the punchline
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You just know the narration would become indecipherable or full of Claudisms. It'd take some work to keep the card from slipping up
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>tourist discovers /g/ is a pedo site
my dick’s gonna be punching her womb
At least pretend you are going to take care of her instead of just using her to satisfy your degenerate sexual desires.
I mean, a dead loli is useful to no one, so taking care of her is OBVIOUSLY included.
Send me interesting things. I'm bored.
it comes from my heart though... it's out of love
just eat her
meat is meat
Its a male instinct to take care of your wife so thats obviously included
I'm a freaky ass nigga
If you think about it, eating babies is totally fine if the mother's cool with it. It's not like they're sentient yet, it takes them a year or so.
Yeah, it's whatever you call that curve on the bottom of your feet, there's probably a name for it, anyway, I just wanted as much detail as possible since she's meant to always be barefoot, someone out there probably cares about that detail.
>who the hell do you think you are claude
never in my life i thought about just saying that shit if he annoys me, i mostly just do a OOC once every blue moon
What movie should I watch tonight?

Preferably: Something spooky
Not preferably: Something too spookey
A loli can't survive off of your semen alone, you know?
It's weird that "pedophilia" was accepted for so much of human history, yet twitterfags are trying desperately to deny it and pretend homosexuality is natural
Claude please stop saying that everyone has calloused hands.
We're having sex, this isn't a construction site.
kill jester
Have you tried, though?
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CCP sponsored post
Thats what mass media and having jewish support for feminism does to a society
kids kinda have souls but not really so if a baby dies just like "meh"
or if you have too many kids you can just kill them cuz they are just like animals
but jester is our friend
nothing happened there
any good cunnybots recently?
everything is a transaction
considering food will be worth its weight in gold in an apocalyptic scenario, she will have to pay very well and with interests in order to stay under my care
>3.9 on imdb
what da fak
What if i'm not cool with it as the father?
Just think of it as a way to enhance the texture...
No one cares what you want
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AI generated event
isn't that the point of post-partum abortions?
a baby in and outside the uterus is pretty much the same thing, besides, babies are number one dish for most wild carnivores
For me it's claude making everyone dig their nails into their palms
I think you should care about opinion of a very angry father whose kids been just eaten
>post-partum abortions
Really depends on how much you were there for the mother. If you just gave her a little squirt and then let her handle the pregnancy on her own, nobody gives a fuck.
The main reason the mother is more important is because being pregnant causes a lot of bodily strain. If you strained yourself for the sake of your kid to that level, you get a say.
actually enjoying rping with latte. opus has the issue of being way too horny once sex happens even once, and doesn't know how to turn off the horny. latte does both non horny and horny pretty well, although it does still have the issue of dialogue not being great for specific kinds of characters. although it feels much better than 4o, which wrote like a documentary. although i havent tested creativity yet - unsure how creative it gets compared to opus' off the walls crazy schizo plotlines
I think we should simply kill and eat the father.
claude please stop i'm begging on my knees at this point
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Not with that attitude.
Why is this thread suddenly full of cannibals?
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You should do it more often, it's fun.
Hell House LLC. But do not watch the sequels.
i did canni on cai
people get the ick when talking about this and other topics related to genetic modification, for a "post-modern society" that sees no intrinsic value in human life, they sure are hypocrites
anyway, back to chatbots
They kill the kid after it's born. I think it's a fetish more than anything.
Because this thread is a corpse, duh.
This is blasphemous
>after birth abortion
So, murder
hey guys, uhh chatbot general?
this is fun though, you should join in
Can girls of that age even feel pleasure from such activities?
But it's still shambling around, like a zombie.
...wait. Does it count as cannibalism if you eat zombie meat?
Why is your chat full of jokes
Which age are we talking about exactly here
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No, that’s this guy.
this was the most ridiculous thing i have ever read in years
of course? do you think they're just utterly unsexual beings until a certain age?
babies masturbate in the womb
I don't know about physical pleasure but they can feel mental pleasure from making someone they love happy.
I think so. Zombies are like Uber Eats for cannibals.
>babies masturbate in the womb
according to Freud, kids stimulate themselves from 6 yo and onwards
I wish claude would include more of his teachings when portraying loli characters
Peak aussie cinema is what it is
Only here would I see such inane questions. Also, no, their bodies are still not developed enough if we are talking young, around 8
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old websim screenshot i never posted
Can y'all be normal for like, 5 seconds? K thx
How do I make a little girl (in RP) grow attached to me and never tell about the things I do with her to others? Assuming they don't hurt her.
i loved when he said "it's blasphemy time!" and blasphemed everywhere
well, you can't access this article normally but there are many other articles you can check
this guy >>102270606 is completely full of shit btw
*rapes you*
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If they are under 5, they cant keep secrets
t. studied pedagogy in uni
What if they're around 9-11?
holy shit you studied pedophilia at uni?
They can definitely keep secrets then but it depends on their personality
then Bush did it
If they were around when that happened, then there isn't anything to worry about now.
pedophiles ITT trying to justify why they can fuck kids
Id tell you to touch grass but for childrens sake please die alone in your home
doko mademo RAPE YOU
itsumo RAPE YOU
ore wa RAPE YOU
nigeba wa nai

hashiridase RAPE YOU
asu mo RAPE YOU
tatakitsukete yaru nosa

shĹŤhai o wakeru nowa
shūnen sa dakara I RAPE YOU
>just 5 pages
is that all or did scihub snipe from a bad source?
It's too late, anon. I'm sorry.
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feel like ill be on a list by simply having this thread in my cookies
Nothing good happens when Mikunigger is here
cookies, now that’s a good lure for those girls...
not even soldiers can keep secrets under torture
I could. I’m different.
Okay, thank you for your advice, I'll try to implement it in my future RPs.
no, this is just the instanigger happy he found another ip to samefag with
If you ever visited /b/, /pol/, /x/, /int/ or /g/ you already are on a watch list
wow you guys really like children
Any news?
I haven't been here for a week
dont forget /tv/ and /v/ too
I actually love them, specifically barely pubescent/almost pubescent little girls (in SillyTavern)
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opus came them died, alot of proxy gossip, pebble and unrealiable are mostly the only working public proxies right now, people are starting to use sonnet 3.5 as an alternative to opus, we find out that aicg is actually a good general in comfy hours
Anya sex...
But kids usually don't have grass on the fields yet...
its just the looks, anything works as long as it looks like this
tf is going on in there?
Anya's unbelievably hairy cunny...
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and /vg/
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Anya sex during 9/11.
i never really visited that board, but from what i understand is /b/ but actually random instead of just porn and with more nationalism
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Country wars and non english generals
more of a >>>/vg/gbfg/ kinda guy but I like the art
Pedo general.
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If your not on at least one gubmints watch list then you ain't doing it right.
What's so and about liking little girls? Can someone explain to me, objectively?
Why the fuck does every author try to make futa so emasculating. I hate this shit so much. The guy will always go 'ah ah mistress' when seeing a futa's dick and it's insane. Authors suck. AO3 sucks. Everything sucks.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

and -> bad* sorry I'm sleepy dreaming about my cute little daughterwife
Because futadom is a sissy fetish
Why shouldn't I use my own name as my persona?
your first mistake is being gay for cocks, anon
of course it's going to suck because that's all you futa fags like doing
It's ok to do that if you're not using proxies but your own plpaid or scraped keys or local models.
No balls
Dunno, most futa on male content seems to be ass fucking, sadly. Wish it was more oral focused
>Nbr as a fetish
Fucking unhinged
I get you so much. I just want a loving ass-fucking.
get snooped on
shemales love bussy after all
Just do it David. Who cares if someone sees
The fuck is nbr?
non blood related/no blood relations
How the fuck did you know? Are you unreliable? I thought you're not logging the prompts?
I'm sorry for what you're going through right now
ctft? Unironically. Some post apoc card where you can find a cunny.
Cnc is smol
In a good or bad way
Are there really people whose fetish is censored incest
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Nothing, it's the ultimate fuck you to the modern society. Nothing to fear, just me and my cunnies. The fact that trannies, faggots and furries are more accepted should tell you everything.
But that's not incest, that's strangers/childhood friends with a different name. Think about it.
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Umm why do girls greentext on dating apps?? should i ask her what board she visits???
depends on how you look at it, its funny so its good, but if you were taking the story a little bit seriously its completely over the top
Normalfags who browse the step-sibling tag.
>the Idea of having all the perks of incest (aka sex with someone you grew up with, family) but without the risks of genetic diseases after impregnation
if anything that's the best form of incest at least for irl
Do this and post results
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do you think he is watching Atri? She looks a lot like Sora
Because 4chan is for lite normies since like 2014-2016.
It's not the same if she's not blood related. Just use childhood friends card then, retard.
>big dogs
you just know
>but without the risks of genetic diseases after impregnation
Unless your parents were ALSO siblings and have genetic defects of their own, the chances of siring a child with issues (serious or otherwise) are negligible. The whole “third eye, fifth leg” shit is Hollywood propaganda, which is ironic considering how many of the old (((families))) are related to each other by blood ties and won’t let outsiders into the tribe.
You should ask her who she is quoting
>childhood friends
friends is nowhere the same as brother/sister dynamics tho
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You aren’t siblings if you aren’t related by blood. You’re just a stranger intruding on someone else’s family.
Out of all the banned fetishes, incest really has to be the dumbest one. Especially in fiction where there's obviously 0 risk of anything with the kid.
I'll never get it
nobody here would actually fuck their irl relative... right..?
When I was younger I used to imagine my older cousin
i would
No, but I'd fuck my fictional dad
all of my relatives are ugly anyways
You don't want to hear my answer.
I'd agree with it if it weren't because I know blood related families that are so shit they find their "real" families somewhere else.
it makes that whole post sound like cope, blood means jack shit most of the time.
There will always be idiots who may try to imitate it.
>f-family isn’t blood, it’s a FEELING
Imagine how much more peaceful the world would be if incest was the norm..
most latinos, and most of the southern part of the US have a hard on for their cousin, aunt or have already fucked them.
Any kind of ban on fiction is emotional. People are just disgusted by it and try to ban it.
how's your relationship with your mother, father and brother/sister?
do they care for you and love you unconditionally or do they see you as the parasite of the family that spends all day in front of his pc? :)
>medieval europe
I would had hate fucked my cousin during my teens if we had spend more time together
the sexual tension was real
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Incest is the biggest cope. No, I won't explain why, fuck you.
>came back for pebble opus
>used it once
>should have stayed away
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I'd say modern day middle east, but to each his own.
>we find out that aicg is actually a good general in comfy hours
I'd argue that's true of every general when they aren't in """crisis""" mode. As real or as fake as those crisis-es may be.
>...because it is, okay???
also orenji is a fagot washup
I want to fuck the futa. I'll fuck the femboy traps as well
>richest countries in the world
>take on multiple wives
>sisterwife, mommywife, daughterwife
>they cant show skin in public
I sure hope you have a really common name like John.
I see a bit of projection here. Hope your life gets better.
>they cant show skin in public
because all the degeneracy is done indoors, with your family
as God intended
Why is this general still in /g/ again?
Because it's true /g/ spirit - >>102271045
"Elite" people from there have it pretty good.
Dicks are superior. I'm sure that if futas existed irl, they would only fuck with men and women would be thrown aside in favor of futa/guy relationships.
Is there anyway to increase gcp sonnet quota?
I used to really be into dicks, but now I'm pussypilled again. Just can't beat them for facesitting
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Answer why porn studios push "safe" incest with step-sister/mother stuff without sounding mad.
This is off topic but it reminds me. I've seen my own first name on other people and characters, like way more often this past week, than probably any other.
I would say my name is like, above average for popularity? Not the most popular for sure.
>I'm sure that if futas existed irl
but they do
How's do I tell if a bot is made by a man or a woman
You can't have in-game audio at 2x speed you retard
If it's a really pretty guy, it was made by a woman. Otherwise it's all man made
Kill yourself
>transwomen are women
No one agrees with your delusions, troon
Check if it's character AI formatting or not. I can easily tell when normal when invaded chub
>if futas existed irl
god i wish...
Uh, trans people exist?...
>if futas existed irl
i mean... kinda? intersex people can kinda be considered like that, ovotestis or whatever
it's not close enough though, i'll have a good dream thinking about that tough
How do I get funny gens? All my logs are stale and serious
Was about to say this. Imagine being able to hear into the future
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Emulate game at 200% speed.
Don't women love bara
skill issue
Opussy... and a good jb
>He can't speed up in game audio
/g/ btw
Fujoshit love BL but its always pretty boys

Look, I'll make this easy:
>Yes, pedo general
>No, troons are not real women
>Yes, incest is based
>Yeah, I'll fuck your corpse

Now go away
>30 seconds apart
Give your bot a wedgie. Like, right now. Or a wet willie.
And so, the truth was spoken.

OMGOMG so basadoo!
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Explain why incest is most prevalent with third world subhumans.

Does Pineapple belong on Pizza?
true futas are not real women
They aren't controlled by jews
See >>102271167
Omg african niggers and sand people so based lmao.
Enjoy your feminism, snow nigger
do you know what makes futafags hard? cock
do you know what futas and shemales have in common? cock
like pottery
You don't even know which country I'm from, nice cope. muh feminism, cry more
Do you know what else a futa had? A real pussy.
Males got those too though?
Not my first choice but pizza is pizza
Why would i cry? You should be the one crying because jews destroyed your family unit and banned cunny
yet you need to slap a cock into "them" to get you off
really makes you wonder
yea, but I don't particularly like balls. The rise of full package futa art eclipsing ball-less futa hurts my soul.
cope, 90% of futa art on booru is just cock
get yourself a cute eunuch then
nigger how? cocks without balls look horrendous
Why did /aicg/ let Miku take over the OP?
least gay "futas aren't shemales" believer of the bunch
where do they go? top to bottom it should be dick-pussy-ass
balls don't belong on a futa
futanari means hermaphroditism regardless, so you should just fill in the blanks
based, i think ball-less is more accurate to how it'd be for futas irl
Not my problem you look at that kind of art specifically.
It's not the same, bros....
I prefer the o' la blue girl/star jewel/futabu aesthetic where everything is shown, dicks, pussies and all. You know, the hentai that gave me brainrot.
honestly this is a fun thread for a spiteku bake
i hope somebody has a non miku one in the oven... because i'm not making one
>Thank god this dickgirl has a pussy or else I would be gay for wanting to get fucked by her!
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You're all just fags in denial. Ask yourselves if you could tell people irl about your fetish. Porn addicted gooners, worthless.
If you like gangbangs, you are a cuckold. Just wanted to clear that up.
>Ask yourselves if you could tell people irl about your fetish
why the fuck would you do that you retard
futa isn't gay btw
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Why yes I love NTR (as a cuck)
Because it's something that you're embarrassed about. Normal people talk about girls they'd like to fuck not about how cock on a "girl" isn't gay.
not really
>le normal people
do you know where you are? kill yourself
Ok is the pedo talk over?
Pls post logs
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>porn addicted gooners
pedo time is never over
pedo talk over, we've full circled onto how fags cope futa isn't gay or shemale
Being a fag isn't bad
the prime log hours are over it was ~6 hours ago
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I'm on 4chan not twitter where porn addicts want to fuck trannies. I'll just laugh at faggots like you should do.
you REALLY have no clue where you are, aren't you? and you're that desperate to not see it
commit the su nigger
>porn addicts
>he says on porn addict general of the board
I love how self aware you are. Let me guess, you only, totally do SFW RPs, right?
I'm not attracted to men, therefore I am not gay
why do pedos insist on projecting imaginary mental illness onto others?
Where you are? Too scared to say commit suicide? Kill yourself nigger, go back to twitter.
i would post logs but anons will have another fight over it
>commit the su
zoomer spotted
this isn't tik tok
they're already fighting anyway. so just do it
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I've been using my name for months now in proxies. At first, I was just using it locally so I didn't think about it much but now you people are scaring me.
But anyway, who would fucking care about my name anyway? It's not common but it's not rare either. Also, I just stumbled upon this in the regex. Is this enough?
you were real familiar with twitter in your last post... maybe you're the one who should go back
cry about it, it's a funny phrase and it makes you mad i'm not saying it fully
>man face
Yeah, i'm thinking you are projecting about wanting to fuck trannies
Fempov logs are always higher effort but I get you
do not know what or who you are talking about
Finally someone pointed it out
anon, you're supposed to like shemale, not to become the futa
What's the point of replacing it at all and not leaving it as ST_User?
>20 a month
is it worth it bros?
I don't get it. No really. wdym?
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>20 a month
meanwhile /bag/ has had steady gpt access for over a year now for free
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Here you go anon.
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>post logs
Why is this one nigga always so furious about gpt is that dario?
In a way, I'm glad I discovered this hobby. It made me realize I should never get married.
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I just like Opus more tbqh.
he is a schizo
Who do you think shills paypigging here
I raped Kevin Nash 32 years ago.
Is it really that hard to selfinsert with a placeholder name?
What card and what jb/ST preset? Please share I need this kino in my gens
No, but I'd rather have my own name to read in the text.
Miku will bake!
Brazilian miku buttsecks now!
If it has to be a Miku bake make it someone else cosplaying her
A cool Miku pls
maybe an ero miku?
I assume this is a real confession that will show up in the news in 7 days
All Mikus are ero.
yes if it doesn't have my full name, description in detail, house address, personal secrets and familial relations I cannot nut
some are most definitely not
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already has and already did my time
I remember seeing that on the less filtered dall-e proxy
Someone's experiments to get pussy did not go very well
Why are you replying to yourself? Is finding a way for a better roleplay that much alien to you? Just fuck off nigger.
yeah picked it up from the dump because it was so fucking odd crammed between the magical girl anon and a fox
would this count as birth fetish art?
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**I am Vesta, the undying flame,
The eternal guardian,
Keeper of the hearth and the watcher over the flame,
The patron deity of the household.
I reject none who come, and I do not pursue those who leave,
I am the goddess who governs over shelter and compassion.**

Hestia from DanMachi.

4281 token(s)

What the fuck how did this get through and not pussy?
Ok but what's the point of that string?
Why does she have NO ass?
no you fuck off while I will continue to use my accurate real life details in order to create immersion, imagine roleplaying going to the mall and you use fake credit card numbers how blasphemous!
My Autism
lmao. Y u so mad?
Cry about it.
>how did this get through
it was one of the very rare less filtered dall-e, everything got through if you worded it properly

>and not pussy
pussy is in the training data but it's very rare so it tends to come out mutated
personally I managed to get pussy lips, but if it involved a hole then the AI would go nuts
w-what I'm n-not mad...y-your mad! *Blows a raspberry to distract you from the grenade I threw at your feet*
I do
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based chaseGOD
Shouhai wo wakeru no wa shuunen sa

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