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old >>102252181
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Free as in freedom offline maps for Windows/Linux? The only thing I know of is picrel and that's for Android.
Several fonts in my PC (Windows 10) are not displaying as intended. How do I fix them?

I've tried rebooting the font services, deleting font cache, and even reinstalling Windows, but nothing has worked for me so far.
Brave stopped working on W10 Enterprise LTSC (21H2), uninstalled, deleted all temporary files and still nothing. What do?
Aren’t Chinese radios just spyware?
What's a chinese radio?
Remove Brave's user data too. C:\User data\
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So it's a Qt-thing? Should I try out a Qt-desktop while at it? Not sure about full blown KDE, I really don't need all those features.
Is Qt better than GTK?
The fonts themselves do not work or certain characters aren't displaying? Is this system wide or only certain programs?
How do you guys manage large image libraries? Is there a solution that works on mobile and desktop?
hdmi port's no longer working. tried different cables, tried different monitors. its not the cables, its not the monitors, all work fine. just hdmi port's broken. dunno what to do. it's truly over isn't it? there's no bent pins, and in fact it did work once and sent signal but to a different monitor that i was testing. when i did it on the right monitor, no luck, and back again to the other monitor, stopped working. dang thing must just be a broken hdmi port

sigh anyone got any ideas?
Does anyone download music from YouTube? Any way to make it higher quality?
if you have an android phone you can install an app called Newpipe which lets you dl music at different quality levels
>The fonts themselves do not work or certain characters aren't displaying?
The former. A lot of fonts are displaying a different shape and in the case of one in particular it's displaying periods where there should be a space
>Is this system wide or only certain programs?
It seems to be system wide. At least my video players, subtitle editor, video transcoder, and a visual novel have this trouble
I will definitely get an android, thanks. What about desktop?
no and no. use soulseek or a private tracker if you care about quality.
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how do I debloat my Tesla model 3? It's got a USB port so can I unlock infinite ludicrous speed and bypass the oboard DRM? Yes I love onions protein and consume it regularly
How to disable opening new tabs/windows in browser? maybe there is some addon or mozilla/chromium fork that doesn't have tabs at all. Anything please to get rid of this modern web shit.
That's not going to enhance the quality. Youtube's audio is low bitrate and there's nothing you can do about it.
what is your use case?
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When I try to post on here, I get a pop up to save the captcha image.
Anyone else has this issue?
Hey friends, I have a question / dilemma

I am stuck at the moment with 3 sticks of ram. My laptop can only take 8gb maximum.

I have two configs available:
A: 2x2gb for a total of 4gb.
B: 1x8gb for a total of 8gb.

The problem is this: it looks like when I run sysbench memory test that A runs at 10400mib/s, and B runs at 4934 mib/s.

What is the better config? I am not hitting ram limits with A config (much, I do have browsers crash with lots of tabs.)
You answered your own question, A runs faster because of dual channel.
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should be a simple one for you wizards but its confusing me, ill try to explain clearly

vlc (or mpv but lets not get confused im trying to just fix vlc for now) doesn't load network streams (youtube) anymore, because google are gaylords and patched it out on purpose. internet says I need to use a FORK of youtube-dl called yt-dlp or something and then rename it? to youtube-dl.exe and i'm supposed to like already know how that works and then add the plugin to vlc


replacing the lua for youtube in playlist DOES NOT WORK don't bother mentioning that method, its been broken for over a year, people are waiting for someone to write another youtube.lua that unfucks googles mess so it works again without the hacky solution im trying to understand right now. (windows 10, vlc latest) please help, I was trying to solve it earlier and then there was a power cut and i've lost focus, I need help please

for no particular reason have a johnny silverhand keanu rainmeter mask layer I "made" (posterize, blur, color threshold, color to alpha, in gimp) that you can use over video wallpapers to make your desktop look amazing (try "the matrix" for obvious reasons, lively wallpaper for live walls.)
Android is Linux and stuff like Dex hives you desktop views of android.
Why is android not available as a desktop OS?
There are emulations and now Bliss but what about vanilla android?
Why is transferring over USB slow as shit and what is a better alternative? I used to remember my old mobo came with an eSATA port, is that better?

I want to make periodic air gapped backups of important files and I'd like to put them on a SSD that I can plug and unplug.
Is there a way to get past the subscription on this site and unlock the premium features? How would I go about finding a vulnerability to exploit?
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USB isn't slow, it's the flash.
Isn't a thing.
>SSD that I can plug and unplug
External USB SSDs are fast, get one but avoid scams.
I'm really skeptical. Copying a few GB folder in windows takes like 2 seconds, nothing on USB has ever worked at even 10% of that speed for me. Writing to my phone for example is still taking minutes to copy this data over.
'An actual SSD' has way more junk under the hood than your typical flash drive. There's RAM caching and smart processing and the flash itself is obviously magnitudes faster.
USB as a host interface is very adequate.
OK, my bad. It looks like I just had to believe. It works without the gateway just fine, it just looked like it wasn't working because it says "Unidentified network", but I just tried to open the network location, and no fucking issue.
When I set up the gateway, it gets renamed to "Network 15" or whatever. Also, any way to rename that? I'm a little tired to seeing a bigger number each time I mess with anything.
I'm trying to get ChromeFlexOS
And there are several sources.
From google direct installation it give this
While going to chromiumdash build
What's the difference?
keanu again >>102286391
I solved most of it but now I need a way to have a tampermonkey script one click button a youtube video into (yt-dlp renamed as youtube-dl.exe + vlc plugin) vlc and play, or preferably just auto dl and open when visiting youtube (but not while looking at embeds else 4chan is going to open 50 videos lol)
existing scripts either don't work or don't do that. the plugin and yt-dlp successfully handle the rest

i've already written a hacky redirector for youtube to force it onto embed, as long as the url is clean (I don't know much regex) because it just pauses itself or throws endless ads if I don't do that (googles end, because I wont disable adblockers, which I will not be doing, because viruses exist)

make sure to use a usb-C slot, the blue ones, because the old standard is slow as fuck these days.
Shit, it's the captcha solver script.
How can I stop Firefox screenshots from trying to generate a too-long filename, forcing me to either manually delete part of the name or else it fails to generate? I have screenshots.browser.component.enabled set to false, because with it on, the screenshots are "data components" or some shit and can't be interacted with properly.
*tried using chatgpt to write the script, unsurprisingly it didn't work

I just need a button (actually managed that part) to open the url in the address bar on any given youtube video, truncate the bullshit off the end no timestamp no playlist etc, and send it to VLCs ctrl N open in network stream and play but apparently I lack the knowledge to make that happen and so does "AI"

force it to output filenames as unix time like 4chan since they are guaranteed to be small length relatively speaking
Is there a way to run I2P on my home server, and then connect through it on my main computer?
Where do I go to change the file naming preset? All I really need is for it to not copy the tab's name since most sites seem to love putting the entire text contents of social media posts into that name, causing the length issue.
I assume in about:config but I can't find the documentation specifically for filename besides this https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/devtools-user/taking_screenshots/index.html tldr: you can change the filename with --filename if you take a screenie with the web console. I do not personally know where the setting is to alter the format, I tried screenshot.browser.component in about config and im not seeing a filename one so idk sorry
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Sure. i2p runs a HTTP proxy so yeah, you'd simply configure the local IP to your browser. Can't remember i2p defaults so check that the proxy listens to the local IP, not just localhost.
Also open up a port from your router so the i2p server can run most effectively.
How the fuck do I change my wallpaper on DWM?
Yeah, I edited the xinitrc and nothing happened.
I have
feh --bg-fill /home/me/Pictures/4c1.png
on the /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc but nothing happens once I boot into DWM
So I'm trying to host a website through Nginx Proxy Manager on CasaOS on a virtual machine

Despite having modified my hosts file to have a fake domain, whenever I visit that fake domain, I get either 502 Bad Gateway or 500 depending on the exact configuration.

For example, I have a custom location set as follows

root /DATA/wordpress;
index index.html index.htm;

And error logs show "recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client:"

Could I be overlooking something obvious?
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Is this /g/ approved?
I would still go with 8gb since 4gb is a bit too small nowadays
you can't have an enclave pin and a hippy peace pin my fellow wastelander.
>even reinstalling Windows, but nothing has worked for me so far.
Sound like malware on your hard drive. Try booting windows from USB
Create a new partition in your harddrive and install windows there
You can uncheck that

I got exiled for few days because I used some words that are not be used here around the tool you mentioned
Is this the smartest forum left on the internet? I haven’t been able to find a place that *feels* more high IQ than /g/
What a world we live in.
Why even use it?
The only reason to use it is to revive an old laptop.
And it doesn't support core2duo
NTA, but I assumed reinstalling Windows meant wiping everything
My current know how:
>compile Linux kernels with EFI-stub support
>give them UEFI boot entries
>boot up different distributions
>unzip rEFInd to the EFI system partition
>give it boot entry
>have rEFInd now
Anyone care to spoon feed me on Xen? Does it work by booting a Xen EFI executable with a specific parameter so it finds the executable for "Domain 0"?
maybe this is better directed towards /hsg/ but I don't want to look stupid in front of those guys. How can I get my vps to point to my NAS at home? I have a nextcloud server that I want to upload content to from home but I don't know the best way to get nextcloud to recognize the path to my machine. I don't want to vpn into my home network since the whole point of having the vps was to get everything off my home network. I know that inevitably I will have to connect the two, but I would rather not just leave that open for the whole server. I have the relevant drives being shared locally through samba so maybe set up sftp?
does anki have a feature where two or more people can contribute to the same deck? or maybe we each have our own decks, all merged into one, and new cards are automatically pushed out to everyone?

tl;dr me and a buddy are studying something and we'd like to be roughly the same level. if i find a fact, id like to add it to anki and push it to him and vice versa. if anki can't do this is there another program that can?
sounds like you wanna buy some domain no one wants for like $12/year and setup DDNS
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I've already heard DDR5 is a bit special but what in the god damn fuck is actually wrong with DDR5.
So I have a Asus x670e-Plus, a 7950X3D and a QVL approved 4x32GB 5200 RAM kit.
4x32GB boots into BIOS eventually but RAM training (orange LED is on) takes over 5 minutes at stock speeds. Running it at the """validated""" 5200MHz leads to the system never booting at all. Left it running for over 24 hours before I pulled the plug. Never gets into BIOS required a hard CMOS reset to even get it to post again.
So I tried with 2x32GB which I can overclock to 6000MHz but time to bios is still consistently well over a minute regardless of MCR being on or off or auto, even at stock DDR5 speeds.
So I tried combinations of two different Asus boards and 2x16GB as well as 4x16GB RAM kits all with the same result. Boot times longer than on my current 12 year old shit machine.
Is this an issue with the 7950X3D or Zen4 in general? Is this an issue with Asus motherboards in general? Is this an issue with DDR5 in general?
I've already tried the most retarded and often conflicting """"solutions"""" given online with no improvement. I've tried up and downgrading BIOS versions with no improvement. So on and so forth.
I'm at the point where I'm thinking about just returning everything and paying someone the money I wasted on this shitshow to shoot me in the fucking face.
Is this really just DDR5 being the most niggerlicious piece of shit ever released to the public since Bulldozer?
after reading up a little on DDNS I'm not sure I totally follow you. You're suggesting that I set up DDNS for the home network then have the VPS point at that IP for samba?
Just curious but if I'm using a VPN to like, canuck and I go bust my cock off to my some cunny doujinshi (makes the canuck guberment seethe a.k.a illegal) what happens?
I'm not in canuck, I'm not a canuck citizen
Do they go after the VPN node or whatever?
in reality, probably nothing. Legally speaking, yes they would go to the VPN provider with a subpoena and ask who was issued the IP at whatever time/date you accessed the website. Whether the VPN will (or is even capable of) comply with this subpoena depends on your provider.
If the hard disk has partitionsm windows can be installed on a single drive lets say C drive and it will only wipe out the C drie as the remaining stays intact. So if the malware is outside of the usual C drive then it will just attach itself after the reinstallation.
>How can I get my vps to point to my NAS at home?
You want your NAS reachable at the VPS' IP? Port redirect or a tunnel of sorts.
>I have a nextcloud server that I want to upload content to from home but I don't know the best way to get nextcloud to recognize the
>path to my machine
Your IP? Does it change all the time? Do you have mobile internets?
>I don't want to vpn into my home network since the whole point of having the vps was to get everything off my home network
My router does a WireGuard tunnel to my VPS, I access it with a private IP. Just works and universal solution as it's all IP.
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Does anyone know which AI voice this is, a ton of channels use it

When you call someone and it makes a little chime sort of noise before it starts ringing, what is that little chime noise? What does it mean?
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I recently installed arch hyprland, and when I got to select files from within applications, such as when posting on 4chan, I don't get icons, only names display, not counting the image preview (see pic). How do I fix that? I want to see what the fuck image I am trying to post.
different operator
Ah I see thanks
In powerpoint, is there a way to import a slide from a different presentation into your current presentation but keep it updated as you edit the original?
You have pptx1 that contains a slide.
You import this slide into pptx2 and continue working on pptx2, save it and close.
Then you go back to pptx1, edit that slide and save. When you open pptx2, that imported slide is now updated as it looks in pptx1

I'm guessing it's not possible.
When not incognito 4chan cloudflare gives me 'browser is not up to date' page.
Is this 4chanx or something?
I've just realised I can adapt my job application bot to spam recruiters with fake profiles.
Is there a reason I shouldn't do this once I've got an interview for a role? I could effectively DDOS the recruiter so they have a hard time interviewing other candidates.
Oh nevermind, I found that it's possible with Paste special > Paste link
>updated BIOS a few nights ago
>started experiencing intermittent crashes while playing vidya and two BSODs
>decide to try running memtest
>1 error after multiple passes
I'm clueless. Did updating my BIOS fuck something up or could my ram just failing and the timing is a coincidence?
I can't get Koreader on my kobo clara BW to connect to Calibre, it always says timeout. How can i fix this?
Seems like that + quick reply by clicking on post number is disabled.
What's up with that?
So is the cloudflare goy check just broken on firefox? I turned off all my extensions, no VPN even reset it default settings and still get the "ublock challenges cloudflare" message.
Works fine on chrome of course :)
Never had that problem. Run firefox -P to make a new profile and see what happens. It shouldn't conflict with uBlock.
I had a raspberry pi 4 with an ssd as a little nas device, the transfer speeds were horrible, probably because the ethernet and usb port had shared bandwidth.
what would be a sensible upgrade? a pi5?
i had my eye on that asrock n100 board, but i really like the sbc formfactor.
Anyone else reporting a similar issue with that bios version? If you can rollback you could see if that fixes the issue or if the ram is failing
Bumping this
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>How do you guys manage large image libraries?
>a solution that works on mobile and desktop
G-Guys? How do we tell him?
Is it possible to make a hotkey or binding in firefox to instantly save an image, or instantly save-as?
I want something faster than right click... save/ save-as
I've seen a few forum posts mentioning similar problems. Just gonna try to rollback and pray for the best.
Ran windows memory diagnostic and it's reporting hardware errors. Leaning towards at least one of my sticks actually being bad now.
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I took my meds and now I don't even like video games and masturbation.
Is this how normal people function?
Should I continue?
Sounds less like meds and more like depression desu
yeah, i couldn't find an answer online

i have used git to clone the gcc installer files from their website and received a folder with a lot of files, not sure what to do with it.
Does anyone here use Scoop?
Is there a way to force it to update all apps every Sunday at 4AM by itself?
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is there any text-to-video AI website that
>isn't just an avatar making tiktok style videos
>doesn't need a google/facebook account

I want to make something like this
Wtf are these ultraslop channels and who's watching them?
That sounds pretty rough. Get the doc to try some other meds.
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I have an external USB SSD that I usually install Linux distros to so I can play around or test them without touching my main operating system. Can I do the same thing with Windows 10/11 without touching any other disk, with the normal installer? Or do I need to do something else?
Question: Is the Signal app a good, private, messange app to use?
A friend of mine wants me to use it because it automatically wipes messages, but I want to make sure it doesn't have backdoors, spyware, or Israel-based development/funding/owned, etc...

And if any anons have suggestions for good alternative message apps, that would be appreciated. I've heard Telegram is pretty good.
>Can I do the same thing with Windows 10/11 without touching any other disk, with the normal installer?
I'm looking for a PoE programmable chip that can perform just the following task
>If voltage/circuit detected
>visit localhost website
>sleep x minutes
A RasPi would be such overkill for something like that.
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>I've heard Telegram is pretty good.

Telegram is no good, owner got arrested and pic related is self-explanatory.
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I am getting a "but outproxy is not enabled" even though it clearly is, fuck I am doing wrong here?
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Thanks for the FYI on Telegram.
Do you have any recommendations for messaging apps I could use?
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nta, but if you want private messaging, Session is good
Deciding between plex, jellyfin, and ember to host my animu for my home. Any recommendations
Pi Zero with a PoE hat. PoE can never be single chip anyway.
>but overkill
You buy it for the software support not the hardware.
Man, I can feel this Pepe in my bones.
Office just swapped the simple, physical discount cards for a shitty app that requires using third party sites to convert codes if you're not buying the product online.
my old laptop died, my new laptop doesnt have an m.2 slot, and my old laptops m.2 SSD refuses to boot correctly from a USB enclosure. how the fuck do i rescue my old chromium cookies? importing the browser profile didnt work because encryption bs or something as far as i can tell but firefox was just fine with it.
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I installed g++ via cygwin, and if I cd into the cygwin directory it runs just fine, but if I run it from anywhere else it hangs forever. I think the "where g++" line confirms that I have my PATH variable set up correctly... How do I fix this?
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on W10 can i configure programs to use different internet connections? i'd like to separate my utorrent/soulseek from my regular browser whatevers and i have access to two ISPs
Does anyone still have a screenshot of mpv responding to a weeb's tweet by calling him a pedo or something? I'd very much appreciate it.
okay, nevermind, this solved my problem, though through 3rd party software
The second part is just a nice to have, not a requirement. If it just works on desktop that's okay
Is yt-dlp being throttled? Uncharacteristically taking minutes to initialise and merge formats after downloading on Windows for me
works fine for me
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Thank you for the response. I'm not opposed to getting a Pi Zero and PoE cap of that's the solution
>Have PoE switch
>door bell transformer is right next to this
>door bell wiring needs to be replaced
>if I add another set of wires to the switch, I can capture and 'digitize' the analog switch
>i.e. if I had a small device that captures then the doorbell circuit closes and tell a program to do a simple http request, I can have door chimes and an air raid siren.
>*It'll carry 14-19 volts of current which I can address separately.
So my thought was to power and gain Ethernet through the PoW switch, then _____ product to run that 3 line script and monitor when the circuit (door bell) closes.
I used a CH340 240v programmable relay for the siren and have been viewing this in a similar light however different it is.
*sorry for the phone posting and typos
>*I'm not opposed to getting a Pi Zero and PoE cap IF that's the solution
It's a good idea and I went down that road until I saw the USB connection and thought I'd elaborate
>*if I had a small device that captures WHEN the doorbell circuit closes ...
So a device ran from the doorbell to capture when the doorbell is pressed, it makes an internal http request which triggers the already setup air raid siren. Wifi blows downstairs and unnecessary given the PoE and ethernet switches a foot away.
D'sanyone know a way to reduce OBS cpu usage?

I ask because it always pegs a single core on my ryzen system and the heat generated makes my room hot.
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I want a system to handwrite notes and scan them I guess into a pdf or some other kind of file.
The pdf will have text I can copy, paste, search via grep or something to find stuff
My problems are
1. I have very bizarre handwriting. Ideally there's something where I can write out example sentences so whatever application I'm using can recognize and use my handwriting. Does something like that exist?
2. I have hardly any money. I do not need photo quality scans, what I really need is a cost/time effective scanner. Does anyone personally use anything specific for this kind of thing they could recommend?
anyone else having trouble loading images on 4chan lately? It works fine but sometimes images refuse to load, and it's annoying af. "Connection error" also randomly happens when posting.
what's the cheapest or easiest solution for boomer parent who just wants to channel surf? are those antennas that can get over the air channels worth it? i don't feel like paying for an IPTV subscription
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If reposting someone's art without their permission is technically copyright infringement, then how come websites like rule34, Danbooru, gelbooru, etc, are still around? They essentially amount to piracy sites but specifically tailored towards art and especially smut art right? How come websites like archive.org and nhentai are gone after and forced to comply with DMCA request yet these guys seem to get us got free? To be clear I am not trying to champion copyright trolls or even the concept of copyright in general. I just find it all at that no one seems to care about The aforementioned sites. Maybe it's because normies are hypocritical and wouldn't fare touch their favorite coom sites?
Is there any way to quickly switch to a specific WIFI network using a shortcut in Windows?
Said network isn't always in range so it must also trigger a network scan before attempting to connect
I really want to refrain from wearing my sanity away by trying to write my own progran that uses Win32 API
Make a .cmd file that runs every 5 minutes or so with the command to show close wifi networks:
netsh wlan show networks

And if its within range just connect to it
netsh wlan connect name=Uplink

Take a look at the documentation:
How can I generate direct clip link to clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv storage after recent twitch changes? Previously mp4 url could be inferred from thumbnail url. It was convenient to not mess with thier api and auth.
I tried this before but seems like
netsh wlan show networks

doesn't actually trigger a network scan, it just uses the cached networks list from the last scan
Then your best bet is to run this:
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Have you checked anyone actually does transmissions for you to watch?
>"those antennas"
It's called normal TV here, only city centrals have cable-TV. (and even rarer city centrals have internets coming from the cable-TV cable)
t. europoor
What's a good TB per dollar size for the WD external 3.5 drive that is above 5TB? I can't afford a NAS yet but I need an external drive to connect to my computer for basic storage and download. I usually get each year the 5TB elements 2.5 portable HDD when they go on sale and thought about getting the new 6tb variant but the price is somewhat more than I'd like so I'd rather get a desktop 3.5 drive instead.
hey how do i fix this crazy battery controller?

When I leave the laptop off overnight it drains to about 3%... allegedly.

Then I plug in the charger, conky says 8 hours charging to go.

I shutdown and then a minute later reboot the laptop.

The battery in only a few minutes is back to 100% with 3 hours remaining.

What do I do to fix it?
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I'm trying to the warbird obfuscator (https://github.com/KiFilterFiberContext/warbird-obfuscator, using the leaked version) in Visual Studio 2022, but I'm getting this mysterious error. Did I do something wrong in the compiler flags? I really don't do Windows C++ development so I have no idea what half the flags even mean
try affine i guess

Why did we go from DirectX to DX9 in the span of eight years, but then only from DX9 to DX12 over the following twenty years?
What is some good open data backup software? I've heard bitrot is an issue and just transferring files with the built-in file transfer system can introduce issues compared to using dedicated software. I've seen rsync mentioned but it's obviously not available for Windows. This is the first time I'm using an External drive to back shit up (considering all the software hosts out there deleting everything on sight, I'm getting more worried about backing shit up)
Any recommendations?
well, what the fuck else do you need from a graphics API? also, the end point is really Vulkan
I'm really feeling that OP image.

Hey guys, I'm looking for a free working Kosovo proxy/VPN. Please help.
Because they were just flailing around breaking stuff until DX5, and the 3D part wasn't worth using until 7. There never even was a 4. 90s Microsoft was a complete dumpster fire.
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What does “All Files” do?
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So how many passes do I have to let memtest do? Some say 1 is enough. Some say 24 hours at least. Its new ram for an old thinkpad, but I damaged the connector a bit too. Did a full pass without errors so far.
How does landline telephony network work and how does mobile telephony tie into it?
What does fapye tyme mode do in 4chan xt? werk type hides images, but what does the first one?
Why so many AGP anons on this board?
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>2 monitors
>1 computer
>1 printer
these are 4 power outlets used up already
How do you guys cope with having so many power outlets used up? How can i use less power outlets while still powering the same amount of devices?

I like the daisy chain feature of old PSU where you could power the monitor off the computer, is there anything similar nowadays? Picrel
Which version of Firefox with what addon can I use to get multiple tab rows?
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is it weird to imagine the person you bought your second hand tech from hacked it and is coonstantly watching you (making you feel like you're impressing them, making you more productive, and giving you an ego boost because finally someone is giving you any glimmer of the attention you desperately need)?

a-asking for a friend
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i have to make like 10 separate email accounts that i will have access to that do not require phone numbers for registration. they can't be temporary or throwaway email accounts because i need continual access to the email accounts
i was able to make like 4 or 5 of them on Proton Mail but if i make anymore then they'll delete them because they want me to subscribe for a premium service and pay monthly for having multiple email accounts with them
Gmail won't let me make anymore email accounts with my phone number
so idk what to do, i dont want to pay Proton Mail for a subscription
do you guys know what else i can do?
I have a flac and used the same command to convert it to alac using ffmpeg as I've used for others but for some reason itunes didn't accept it this time?
ffmpeg -i "20 V字上昇Victory.flac" -c:a alac -c:v copy "20 V字上昇Victory.m4a"

I've also tried it without the -c:v and with acodec instead of c:a but nothing worked.

is this website not loading anything for anyone else? just a white screen
What's the current place to go to get free Udemy courses? The most up to dates perferably.
I'm confused about coax cables.

I want a 10 meter (33 foot) cable to run from an antenna to an adapter. Is attenuation always going to be a problem at this distance? When I search for what cable type people are recommending, I get all kinds of different responses
can anyone post that one webm that eats up your cpu usage and explain to me why it does that?
Someone from /v/ recommended I use RAM Doubler for Windows if I want to emulate Nintendo Switch games.
If I only have 8 GB RAM, will this program overclock and fry my computer like Intel is currently doing?
reask since ignored, how do I get a grease/tamper/otherwise monkey script to open in VLCs network stream (I already have yt-dlp renamed to youtube-dl and all that shit, see above)
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I need to test some sketchy android app and monitor the network traffic.
How would I go about this?
Are there pre-made VM for qemu or something?
Does it offer network monitoring?
>new keyboard
>works fine
>play game
>hold W
>after about 15 seconds W input stops
>have to repress
any ideas nerds? drivers are up to date
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anons, stop overthinking networking
there's just interfaces and routes
I can't answer for the rest but..
>Does it offer network monitoring?
..this is basic networking. When your PC hosts virtual machines and gives them virtual networking hardware, it essentially becomes a router or a switch - depending on your VM configuration. You'd monitor your VM's networking *exactly* like you'd monitor some other computer plugged into an extra network card.
You got the options to
-NAT - like the VM was inside it's own "home net"
-attach the VM to a bridge interface for whatever reasons (wanna pipe the VM to Tor?)
-MACVTAP the VM thru your actual hardware giving it its own MAC address
Is it safe to fill all M.2 slots on a motherboard? I'm rocking i7-13700k and the Z790 chipset. According to ARK I shouldn't but the chipset itself supports more?
What kind of keyboard?
I just have a bunch of APC UPSes. Each UPS has 8 outlets, but only plugs into one outlet in the wall.

Daisy chaining can be dangerous. It can cause a fire if you pull too much through them all.
It just shows you all files regardless of file type. And when you save, it allows you to save it as a different file type if you want.

there used to be looking table of audio quality vs video resolution, iirc audio maxed at 360p or similar, but this knowledge is old
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Lads, what the fuck is causing the WIFI for my desktop to randomly stop working (even though it shows connected, it says only connected to local network) forcing me to restart my whole PC to fix it?

It happens after 6 or so hours of use and is killing me. The Wifi isn't down or nothing, it's like my PC Just gets booted off after a few hours
>is it weird to imagine the person you bought your second hand tech from hacked it and is coonstantly watching you
That's not weird.
>making you feel like you're impressing them...and giving you an ego boost
That is weird. Or at least it's weird for someone from my generation, fuck for all I know the zoomers are all having parasocial relationships with Google and Apple because politics and presumptions of others being various boogeymen has scared them all away from each other. And they can't imagine these corporations utterly despise them too, look at how polite their assistants are.

limited number of 2.4GHz wifi channels might be possible expanation, if someone shared keys or uses same channel on their network there may be too many users in current channel
Would lifting a motherboard by the CPU heatsink, when swapping from one case to another, cause heatsink contact to get worse?
Asuming the cooler is properly mounted.
Wire it up, there isn't any excuse to not just run a fucking wire anon, but, if you insist, what driver version do you have? did you install the wifi drivers from the vendors webpage? it is assembled or prebuilt? what wifi brand and model?
Hmm, thanks.
The reason is some piracy site, require me to install this
So I want to see what's actually being sent and see if i can open this with mpv or something.
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I have around 4 people on it (my wife and 2 kids). Is that really it?
I would but the router is in my living room, my PC is upstairs
>what driver version do you have? did you install the wifi drivers from the vendors webpage?
I checked on device manager and it said I have all my drivers up to date.
So it's better to save it as all files?
Why does nvidia force you to choose between studio and gaming drivers? Why can't they release one that gives optimal performance for both?
no. That option doesn't do anything to the file itself, it's just a filter on what shows up in the dialog box.
Sounds like wifi card is getting disabled, maybe power saving? Instead of reboot try just disabling/enabling device. And try updating the driver, network hardware drivers are notoriously bad
>In order to read it's optimal to have the lights on
>In order to watch a movie it's optimal to have the lights off
>why can't they have a lightbulb that is both on and off?
Is this a default uBO filter list or do I need to add it?

no, that's how a lot of people remove a board. I wouldn't carry it around by the heatsink, but to just lift it up out of the case should be fine.
Is it possible to revert to the last version of ios i had on my phone and recover the pervious data i had? Lost most recent backup and couldnt save everything to icloud
It is provided by default, but you have to enable it in options.
yt-dlp -i -x --audio-quality 0 -f ba -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" [video/playlist url]
What's a good solution for remote controlling a Windows desktop PC through an Android phone? I've already set up a VPN connection into the LAN; I just need a way to control the PC (preferably through GUI view).
no its mp3 not flac so you're stuck with 256kbps digital at best
most people can't tell but if you know you know.
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So why do a lot of wireless mice come with dongles? Is Bluetooth not good enough?
the option for power saving is on and I came across that as a fix,

Why would that even trigger? Something wrong with my PSU or mobo? It only started recently ever since the shitty W11 update, never happened before
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>Uni blocks ports 30000 - 65535 (almost certainly to hamper torrenting activity
>VPNs don't work, can't connect to any peers
>I can still post on 4chan no problem though....

1) wat?
2) any ways I can circumvent this?
Do I enter this in the address bar or as a comment?
right, this has been driving me up the fucking wall for two days now and chatgpt has FAILED to solve it for me

I need a tampermonkey script that opens youtube urls in vlc (network stream and play) via a button or automatically when opening a clean url'd youtube page
other stuff will solve the rest (googles intentional breaking of vlc and mpvs play video in the player functions)
if no one here can do that send me to someone who can, i'm done going around in loops with chatgpt failing to solve this

>why cant you just copy paste the url into
kill yourself
I bet her fans love to touch her belly. She is like Buddha
What is the bump limit on /g/?
Look at extensions like openwith or play-with-mpv or the many others that exist. You'll see they all require some additional program, script, server, or something to be run in order to get a simple context menu with an option to open a link in an external program. You aren't getting this done with just a user script.
Consider using ahk and making a script that runs when you hit super+right click to copy the url and then run it in vlc for you.
Ok, say I want to transmit video in real time from a server to a client. What do I need to do specifically? Surely it can't be as easy as just sending h264 bitstream to the client and showing frames on the screen as soon as they become available, so what is it that I need to do exactly?
Any reasons to learn vim for someone who's not a programmer?
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Is it possible to get roid rage from corticosteroids?
there is no reason to learn vim even if you are a programmer
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Anon, I'm sorry I'm running on one brain cell, bare with me.

>it allows you to save it as a different file type if you want

I can do that regardless if I click on “all files”?

Also filter for what? I have been fucking with this button for the last 20 minutes and this shit does nothing.
You need a buffer and a way to recover in case the connection drops.
Also video frames aren't as straightforward as you think, some codecs have a base frame and delta frames on top.
I knew that I needed it, but I don't really understand why I need it
I have schizophrenia for context
how do you beat the urge to not say thank you to chatgpt when she answers one of your questions?
I have two different types of subtitles that I want to combine into one by taking the best parts of both. One is a .SUP file and another is a .SRT. The .SUP file has a handful of lines in another language that I like the look of. The .SRT file has the most accurate lines for the rest of the movie. Is there an easy way to just import the lines from the .SRT file into the .SUP file? I was able to export the .SUP lines that I liked as .png files, but that's as far as I got.
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In the market for a new laptop. I want something with reasonable performance and a 1080p OLED for watching movies and the like.
Preferably something easy to maintain and switch out memory and storage when needed. I want it to last.
stop humanizing and anthropomorphizing a codebase
>reasonable performance
>1080p OLED
what's your budget? ASUS ROG zephyrus line or ASUS ROG stryx line, also could go for the HP OMEN line but imo they suck. of course, the ones with OLEDs are almost double the price, meanwhile the IPS display ones aren't much of a downgrade
How do I convert webp to webm? Is there a simple, good, non-online program for that?
I'm willing to spend $1000-1500 USD
idk what you're not getting man, it just shows you different files based on file type. It either shows you the files of that type, or all files in that folder.
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Do you know what the best monitor setting to eliminate all blue light and eye-destroying stuff? Because I think not all eye saver modes are made equal.
I have this fun idea I want to try where I make a discord account that sends the opposite of what my friend says in a server. So it needs to detect when he says something and then run it through an LLM to make the opposite
>Fred: I love cheeseburgers!
>Anti-Fred:I hate cheeseburgers
Do you guys have any recommendations on how I should achieve this
Buy the antiblue glasses
I've never actually worked with github before.

How do teams of multiple people push updates without overwriting other peoples code?
Hey guys, I want to transcode a video using ffmpeg from H264 to H265, but the video bitrate can never exceed 5000kbps. I want the best quality so what command should I use?
So you don't run out of frames when the connection slows down, it is also more efficient to send a few big packets than lots of smaller ones, a lot more efficient.
If two users are working on different files they can just push without problems, if they are working on the same file whoever pushes last will have to fetch the changes from the other users and resolve any conflicts before pushing, ideally.
You can't convert an image to a video.
Are you sure its not a meme?
They are 100% a meme. If you're concerned about bluelight just turn it off on your monitor. You have the option to remove 100% of blue LEDs on almost all monitors.
The vast majority of monitors are just phosphor coated blue LEDs. You get eyestrain from monitors with cheap phosphor coating = bad gamut coverage and backlight flicker.

Yeah they just mask the symptoms a tiny bit and fuck up your eyes in other ways. The only solution is to not buy garbage screens.
Currently working as an Engineering Manager at an agency. Only went to a bootcamp and then coded for 2 years.

I got this job as a Technical PM originally because I'm a non-jeet native english speaker and they needed people who could talk to US customers. Then they bumped me up to manager because I can handle a dozen large projects at once and we basically doubled the agency's overall workload between me and the owner. I manage 10 teams of 3-4 people, a couple of them have PhDs or Master's, all of them at least have a Bachelor's, we do legit work on production web and mobile apps.

The only code I do is code reviews and occasional bug chasing when nobody else can figure it out (and that's only because I can tell the DevOps team to set up a separate environment and let me go in to break everything until I figure out what's wrong, nobody else can pull that much time from DevOps and even with their fancy degrees I'm pretty sure most of them wouldn't know how to properly destroy shit in a controlled fashion).

It's an agency and even though I'm the highest paid employee other than the owner I don't get paid like my corporate counterparts. I also can't get corporate roles to give a fuck about agency work without a degree. Been here for 5 years and I want to break into cushy corporate where I'll make an extra $80-100k plus better benefits and comp. That's $2 million over my remaining career.

I have the high IQ 'tism and I'm technically legally retarded because my US state only requires 1 severe deficiency area compared to two in most other states. The govt just approved me for disability vocational rehab funding as "most severe" and I can get 75% of any work or education expense covered (normally it's 100% but since I have a high paying job I have to contribute 25%), they said it includes a Bachelor's Degree and possibly additional college since I'm considered so severe.

Should I get a Bachelor's Degree? I'm already 42 years old.
If so: Comp Sci or a real degree?
>do web search
>write a list of key words to the search box like you were using an ancient database
You know like if I wanted to find information on canadian milk I'd search "canada milk"
>can't find shit
>watch other people do searches
>they seemingly "talk" to the search engine like it was a human
What I'm doing wrong? What's this even called?
t. autist boomer
Large images like virtual machine images?
you're not doing anything wrong
google search was destroyed by 3rd worlders asking it questions in the worst fucking ESL possible...
remember when google started with the "related queries" back in 2010ish and they looked like a toddler had typed them out...that was jeets trying to use english...and it's only gotten worse since...
the key words don't matter anymore, only the loose sentence structure matters and then google decides what it thinks the key words to search should be and then tried to pick a related context.
pre-2020 it was already tailored towards 75-115 iqs
add in the post 2020 woke/govt censorship, put it alongside the post 2019 Raghavan ads revenue squeeze and targeted/sponsored results on google...and voila, google is dead, the internet is shit and zoomers think Tik-Tok is an oracle
I'm experiencing some fuckery using 4 displays, especially when changing configurations or which monitors are being used. Is windows bad at this or is this a hardware issue?
it seems I waterdamaged my GPU
DP works fine but both hdmi ports aren't working (tried tv and 10m cable and monitor with 2m cable)
I'm kind of pissed because I don't want to spend another 800 bucks to replace this shit
is there any other way? I still have 1 displayport free but apparently DP sucks for gaming on a TV
is there any other way?
Reviews saying the zephyrus line overheats pretty bad.
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>"related queries"
Never tried it. Guess I'm the worst person to ever try anything extra.
>the key words don't matter anymore, only the loose sentence structure matters
>sentence structure
Damn, I'm the type of ESL who wants to drop all grammar.
>search engine
I hate this idea of talking to toasters.
Configuration files have syntaxes too.
vim is universal though
>serial line into a smart toaster
>poke around
>need to edit files ("need")
>toaster's environment doesn't have package management -> no way to install software without wizard skills
>have nothing but vi(m)
Is there any point buying gaming laptops now when Lunar Lake is coming out? The iGPU coming with Lunar Lake is good enough for 99% games especially with FSR and you won't have to deal with any heat or loud fan noise that is inherent with gaming laptops.
I know Windows is absolutely dogshit at managing displays of different UI Scaling. Do any of your 4 displays use UI Scaling?
>vim is universal though
Sure, but by "learning vim" I understood mastering it use. Editing simple text file and saving/exiting is trivial and everyone should learn that. But doing more advance stuff is not for everyone.
always liked how the hands are backwards, nice little touch to make it extra shitty
Yeah I got 1 with UI scaling.
cmon guys, I could use some help
I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars
Use windows
>my family dies

Ah. I'm a person who never masters anything.
You can Always not spend 800. Get a HDMI to dp cable or converter.
Enjoy 4k high refresh.
Use your other monitors with a laptop or mini PC. They can do the same secondary activities
Gaming laptops are a niche use case. You got it or you don't.
Too much money.
Tons of travel.
Addiction to games
Hate desktops

In the future gaming laptops/mini pcs will be the norm because no one will want a desktop that can pump out 16k 1000fps.

A slim laptop that can support 1x 4k 120 monitors for gaming is fucking plenty
Consider a 3rd party display arrangement solution.
From memory, AMD is better with multiple monitors. So if you have Nvidia it's a known hassle
This anon is correct and and racist.
I guess I could have said double correct
>Get a HDMI to dp cable or converter.
that doesn't support VRR/freesync though and only 10bpc
I say get the degree. I have a different story than you but at 33 I started my degree.
I really like academics though. I mean some teachers are retarded and some courses are a fucking joke but overall.
I went with biz info systems. Maybe look at systems eng too.
I work at Nvidia and they wouldn't have hired me without the formal education.
I feel ya. I love my LG c2 42 inch OLED. HDMI inputs only
I got a Samsung Galaxy book 2 360 for 600 bucks open box.
Sick OLED monitor. I hear 4k OLED screens drain battery like a mofo.
Upgraded the nvme and ram.
>Trying to install Ubuntu 24 on refurbished T490
>Set BIOS options and install from USB okay
>Won't boot into Linux
>Still shows "Windows Boot Manager" as a boot option somehow
>Booting to that flickers then restarts
>Booting to the HD I installed Linux on just shows black and restarts
Help please, I've tried tons of options.
This is fun for about 8 seconds then he wants to ban you from the server for spam. Think of something less spammy
Put away the devices at a reasonable time before bed. Read books. Listen to music. Journal. Fuck.
I guess if they have time stamps you can merge them by that
Might have to parse the time or other data.
Basically you're writing a script with two file inputs and customizing it
Or doing it manually
You realize that reinventing the wheel is a huge waste of time and use a program or library to handle it
It has integrations for Discord and OpenAI API. I'm not sure how you'd set up the listener for only your friend's messages, but there should be a way to do it, probably free tier on Make.com with $5 on OpenAI (maybe $10, depends on how many messages the server gets and how much work ChatGPT has to do)
actually, I just remembered I just have my 1060 somewhere
gonna pop it in tomorrow and see if maybe it's the motherboard that is causing this (though that makes little sense considering it's the hdmi ports on the gpu that aren't working)
however I think the motherboard could be fried too because one of my SSD didn't survive the water either without getting hit by it
so maybe there's a lane on the motherboard that's fried and is causing all this shit
I really hope so because that would be a 200bucks repair instead
firefox only stores the last 7 days of history for some reason and i just found out the hard way. i see no options to enable/disable this limit and the option to automatically clear history is disabled. whenever i actually need to search my history its already several years old, how can i prevent this from happening? i'm starting to regret switching from chrome 3 years ago, the privacy violation might be worth the ability to access everything back to my first search among other things.

in case of relevance my os is linux mint with xfce/cinnamon de, mostly default just changed graphical interface, disabled/removed a lot of the features i'll never use, added some custom daemons, configured timeshift backups, and written/installed a shitload of other software that shouldn't be able to access my web browser's stuff. i like having everything nice and segregated, the only exception is my crypto miner because for some reason it requires root. i've still yet to figure out how it works so i won't be writing one myself to prevent this anytime soon.

tf mozilla, why is this even a problem?
Sorry Klaus, the future is people having oven receptacles installed in their PC room to do the thinking for their sex robot, and they'll hang you from a goddamn lamp pole if you fuck with their electric.
How has it treated you? Worried about open box OLED because they tend to degrade over time and buying used would likely mean less lifespan
actually, i just checked and it seems that the option was removed... this is the only setting i can find directly related to history now
Love it but admittedly I don't use it often these days. It's an extremely solid backup for my desktop and great for movies in bed. I could easily go a year on it if needed for academics and light gaming but eventually I'd want my battle station for multiple 4k monitors
How are the thermals? Is it easy to do maintenance on?
I want to stream Tekken 8 and it's giving me a ton of issues. It says the minimum requirement is a GTX 1050 ti. I have a GTX 1650S. I can get 40-50 fps. But when I launch OBS, my streaming software, it tanks me down to 20 fps making the game completely unplayable. I haven't had a lot of issues streaming other games, but most games I stream are kinda old and not as graphic intensive. Is this really just a graphics card problem? Do I just suck it up and get a 4070?
What is ARM and why is it better than X86? As a C developer on Linux, what would I gain by buying an arm laptop?
because mozillians are absolute fucking retards, they even save porn from private browsing FOREVER and I found out the hard way too.
I wrote a js script to parse a web page and send me an email given a certain criteria. How do I integrate that with a raspberry pi to to this every n minutes forever? I don't know anything about servers but I think that's what I gotta do.
Sirs where mining Bitcoin Linux hack need money for white women street corner
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how do I greasemonkey this website to automatically delete "dark-mode" from its html? Otherwise I'd have to manually F12 it every time, or I'd have to make an account just to change my default between light and dark theme, and that's fucking stupid
There is an unused monitor at my desk at work. I'd like to use it to keep up with football scores since looking down at my phone is not ideal. I figure I have two options. First is to invest in a docking station and connect my phone (S22+) physically via the HDMI port. Second is to buy a streaming device and cast to it (offline - this device cannot be on our network). Prices on docking stations vary wildly to the point where neither choice is definitively cheaper. Which would you recommend?
Never heard of such libraries
How can I get Japanese subtitle files for old anime that don't have them?
Just to make sure, NOT English translated subtitles, but the actual original language
Do I use some kind of AI? Can I do it completely for free?
A proprietary software compatibility layer alternative to x86. Neither has a good reason to exist. Neither is better than the other. You're not a competent C developer if you have to ask. ARM laptops blow.
what does it mean for an isa to be proprietary? isa to me just means assembly instructions of a particular flavor.
A compatibility layer for proprietary software, esl-kun. A proprietary ISA would be where the programming docs aren't available to the public.
I was going to use RTP instead of RTMP though, my use case is not like a Twitch livestream, it's more like a P2P video call
I've looked there already but it's a good site
is there a way to have multiple pictures open on the desktop, like a widget thingy? using linux mint.
I am once again absolutely appalled at how fat I am and I want to see these pictures every time I look at the desktop. they are too small to use as a wallpaper and too few to make a wallpaper collage.
Then I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't know if it's because of my ignorance or JP subscene in general is just shit.
>or JP subscene in general is just shit.
I think for the most part Japanese people are just worse at caring about and archiving old shit than English speakers, probably because they have no incentive to due to stricter piracy laws (at least from what I've heard)
I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to computers but I wanna start storing my stuff on a separate drive so I have an easier time reformatting, better organization and etc. do any old drives I can get at local tech stores do fine? Is there anything I should watch out for?
I wanna hack a game, but for something very simple
all I want is for the saves to get stored on the game folder itself
is there a quick way to learn this?
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is it safe to get the inspire3 if I want something to track sleep? an uninsured sleep study is expensive and retarded where I live. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm almost dying every night when i go to sleep.
$99 for a monitor isn't too expensive. The Charge 6 is an extra 50 bucks and does some smartwatch things like media control.
however, it says on their site that the Charge 6 has onboard GPS and the inspire piggy backs off your phone.
So obviously it's better to get the inspire right? save $50 and not be tracked at all times without my consent (like when i put my phone in the Faraday bag)
I installed Kodi again for the first time in forever because I got fed up with Mpv stalling sometimes (Linux on a shit laptop with --vo=drm).

>What add-ons do people use in the current year?
>it's more like a P2P video call
Use WebRTC
But my server and client are not using HTTP
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>real time
use UDP instead of TCP
>I went with biz info systems. Maybe look at systems eng too
That's a good idea. I don't really want to go for comp sci but I'd like to stay in tech.
Since I'm mid-age already I'll be 45 when I finish school...I'll still have ~20 years of career left. Nobody is going to want a 45 year old writing code, and Comp Sci is already saturated, plus I already have the resume experience for management roles and systems thinking...
I figure I should look for something that fits with my age and my current resume rather than go further with coding beyond the bootcamp, those suggestions sound like good ideas or at least better places to start looking.
>ffmpeg -i example.png -c:v libjxl -distance 0.0 -effort 9 example.jxl
Using these settings always yields jxl images that are about half the size of the original png, but when I do it with jpg images they're like 5x the original size. Should I change the distance to another value? I'm new to this stuff.
I tried extensions but google are blocking the chrome store on ungoogled chromium and I couldn't update the browser yesterday either it just doesn't work, new version executable doesn't execute let alone give me an option for update(and repair and whatever else)
I have a mouse program already to disable my side buttons, I could remap one of those to auto grab youtube urls with a macro or something I guess but that would be a wild misclick for non youtube pages.

in short I can't, which is typical of windows.
I've never added all the extra commands, I usually just do
ffmpeg -i input.png output.jpg

Some times I'll add -q:v with a value in between if I'm not satisfied with the results.
>Should I change the distance to another value?
Yes, 0 is lossless.
Is there a type of network switches that’s a literal, physical switch that you can flip to send network traffic through one cable or another? Both devices would have the same IP
yt-dlp -F <url> and yt-dlp -f <fmt> <url> to download specific format.
Best free Android emulator?
they exist yes but the last time I saw those was in the context of valve electronics used for trains.
google it I guess
screen recording shouldn't be affected by your video card, since it's either done with a hardware video codec, which while it is in your gpu, is done in a part of the gpu specifically for video encoding, not the 3D parts, or it's done on the cpu
if you're getting lower game performance when recording, you're probably using a software codec and starving the game of cpu time
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>>102282867 (me)
Before applying the solutions I've been told, I decided to download FontExpert

Ehh... Thoughts?
maybe try perfect dark
Considering those would be corrupted system files, this might be a case where sfc's scan followed by dism's image repair might actually work.
You could maybe copy them from another install manually too.
write a script that takes your wallpaper, composites said pictures onto it, and sets it as your wallpaper (assuming you want them to change as well, if not, just composite them and set that as your wallpaper)
You can do that with your router if it supports changing the managed switch settings, or any old used router running openwrt. Any router with >1 WAN ports is a managed switch.
as much as it's used as a meme, this might actually be something
sfc /scannow
can do
I just found out that proton just blocked an old free version that allows to choose which country to connect to. Are there any other VPN that's good?
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>This week, an appellate court ruled in favor of major corporations, removing access to over 500,000 books. But we will continue to defend the rights of all libraries, and we ask you to stand with us.
Wait, they are shutting down everything in Archive org or they are just only removing those books and that's it?
I would like to install android OS on a desktop. Is it possible or are there too many hardware issues?
>no touchscreen
maybe try blissos
what's a good remote desktop client?
i'm too retarded for setting up a vpn for it, and my router does not support it natively
like this?
amazon /Network-Ethernet-Switcher-Sharing-Splitter/dp/B07HR94MVK
Android studio has a built in emulator
You could make a ublock filter:

If this attribute gets added dynamically you may need :watch-attr(class) too, since ublock origin doesn't watch for attribute changes by default
Docking device? Can't you just get a usb-c to hdmi adapter?
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Need to buy a laptop case / sleeve. Is this one worth $45? Which kind should I get?

What is the point of scanner if you can take a high resolution pic of any document with your phone?
if the quality is good enough for you, that is fine.
but scanners have been around since before phones could do that and deliver better results if you need it professionally.
I would not buy a scanner now, but they are still needed in businesses where they either come with the printer system or are special (high volume, special sizes, included ocr and filing etc)
i've used various 'scanning' apps on my phone, they work kind of ok in ideal circumstances with limited requirements, like if you just need something fax quality and don't mine some distortion it's fine, like taking pictures of receipts or something, but for any kind of actual quality, where you want good resolution, colour, flat pages, etc, there's no replacing a real scanner
>in short I can't, which is typical of windows.
Checkout Auto Hotkey (AHK), there is very little you can't do with that. I think you can even make a GUI if you wanted to choose between grabbing a url of the current page or the link under the mouse (at the time the script was triggered). Also here is what I got from ChatGPT when I asked about making a user script and python server
import http.server
import socketserver
import subprocess
import urllib.parse

PORT = 8000

class RequestHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
parsed_path = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.path)
query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed_path.query)

if parsed_path.path == '/play' and 'url' in query_params:
url = query_params['url'][0]
# Use 'mpv' to play the URL
subprocess.run(['mpv', url])
self.wfile.write(b'Playing video')

Handler = RequestHandler

with socketserver.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler) as httpd:
print(f"Serving at port {PORT}")

Python server part
I would like to make calls (& receive) with a headset. Seems like the emulator would be good for this, what about bliss? Can it do it?
Part 2, the userscript
// ==UserScript==
// @name Send URL to Local Server
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.2
// @description Add context menu to send URL to local server based on context
// @author You
// @match *://*/*
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';

function sendToServer(url) {
const serverUrl = `http://localhost:8000/play?url=${encodeURIComponent(url)}`;
.then(response => response.text())
.then(text => alert(text))
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

function getUrlToSend(event) {
let url = window.location.href; // Default to current page URL

// Check if the right-clicked element is a link
if (event.target.tagName === 'A' && event.target.href) {
url = event.target.href;

return url;

GM_registerMenuCommand('Send URL to Local Server', function() {
// Get the URL from the context menu event
const url = getUrlToSend(window.event);

Haven't tried any of this but it should give you a starting point
How do I choose a good VPN service?
Go with whatever's popular on /r/vpn if you don't know how to set up your own network. If you do, look for one man outfits run by people with obvious personality disorders.
Just use Anycast routing
Short answer: Mullvad
Long answer: https://torrentfreak.com/best-vpn-anonymous-no-logging/
I'm clueless about this so thanks for the pointers!
nta, is private internet access any good? I've already been using it for a while
Stay away from Kape Technologies:

They're very sketchy and constantly buy up competitors. They own tons of different VPN companies all under various different names.
Yeah well what else is there? regarding the whole "real time" thing.
>Both devices would have the same IP
No they wouldn't. You are clearly misunderstanding something here.
If you want something that is not Ethernet, use serial connections. Sounds like you are an Ethernet hater as you don't wish to switch the traffic.
annoying, i liked how simple it was
thanks anona
Is this 4tb HDD good for backups?
Capacity: 4TB
Cache: 256MB
Speed: 5400 RPM
Interface: SATA 3.5"
SATA Interface Transfer Rate: 600 MB/s
Maximum Data Transfer Rate: 190 MB/s

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