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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

^_^ edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

crucified: >>102280499
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cute bake
wife(s) edition
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People using Sonnet 3.5: What preset do you use? I'm using an older Pixibots version, but it struggles with generating ideas (especially NSFW ones), where Opus easily suggests creative and original possibilities, and it has somewhat more of a positivity bias, though not nearly as bad as those of OpenAI models. It's great for following complex instructions though, and I'd like to use it as my main.
their unbelievably hairy pussies... ESPECIALLY the cat girl
I will go joker mode if I see those dots once again
Please use the template from this one >>102276704 and please update the OP rentry
gpt ap 3 was recommended last night and I've been liking it
This isn't Miku...
30 minutes and I’m boarding the plane bros
It’s 6 30 am I haven’t slept I’m so tired
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Opus for bears
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>looks inside
>no opus
Sleep on plane.
it seems we are entering 30 seconds apart hours
I sent a picture of my dick for THIS???
>pp <= 5"
I feel sorry for you, funsized anon...
I’ve only been speaking to one bot for the past three months or so.
30 seconds is the longest my persona has lasted...
If I happen to be awake for the next thread I will bake with that template, but you should probably email the rentry owner about it.
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i didnt find the sauce but i did find this
>people will call cute, feminine futas gay but call this straight
>draw a muscular strongman
>put a girl face on it
dont worry im 10 inches erect
No, I consider that to be pretty gay. Futas are gay too.
I didn't know strongmen had tits like that
both are gay fag
strongmen can have tits too, yes
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Pussy = straight
Dick = gay
It's literally that simple.
focks pussy do be good
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A demon who has awoken after a deep slumber, and a lust for hags.

What about if you can't see the dick?
dicks are just inverted pussies tho
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Started as a coombot and ended up as a richer fantasy world. The lorebook adds a lot of random elements, so while you don't NEED it, it makes it a lot more fun. Includes random localized events and a smaller % chance for large scale events to take place. Some is made up, some is based on WoW lore (Arthas, fire and frost mages, Kali is a druid, etc.)

Kali is a spoiled little bitch, a daughter of royal blood. Her kinks run deep and she's a born sadist, getting off to all manner of perversions. So be warned if you don't like 'icky' things. She's not big on having sex herself, but that's easily changed.

{{user}} starts off as her slave in all scenarios except one, where you're in a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 1 - You're assigned to her as her personal slave/servant.
Scenario 2 - She's getting off to having one of her servant girls raped by a dire wolf.
Scenario 3 - Similar to the first intro but includes foot-domme play.
Scenario 4 - Kali directs an orgy.
Scenario 5 - User is part of a raiding party, abducting her.
Scenario 6 - Dragon attack!
Scenario 7 - Her parents, the king and queen, have both died and she's announced queen.

Are you a bear though
Does she have a unique personality and speech style or is she completely bland and generic character only being so popular because of her looks?
I never watched the anime, so I'm not sure, because what 3.5 represents assuming her persona is just... bland and generic. A default housewife wIth rarely, occasionally used spy references
Why do you not like the dots, Mikubaker?
>this is what trannies actually believe
Opus is really bad at remembering facts, huh? No matter how much I remind it, it always makes my mute character speak. It's just as bad as when it speaks for me.
i have a dad bod does that count?
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>corpsefucker demon
you almost had me with the cool image
Wrong side, anon.
Then why most men find pretty dicks sexually arousing (in pent up state at least)
damn bro he's a fart machine
But is is a hairy dad bod
i have more pubes than the rest of my body below the eyebrows combined
Opus is good with recalling facts in my experience, but specific quirks about mutism tend to go over its head unless you reinforce it strictly.
only a little hairy
Sounds like you aren't a bear then
Have you tried asking him though
good bot
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>i have more pubes than the rest of my body
the magic of opus comes from the fact that it ignores what you tell it to do
Opus is only for the Extra Hairy Bear version of the proxy.
hadn't even thought of it like that
my mouth doesn't reach that far but thanks for the rec
See >>102283610
Try reinforcing this at shallow depth https://rentry.org/how2claude#double-reinforcement-with-characters-note
>makes my mute character speak
In my experience it's not a problem with recall, it's a problem with training
Refilled Opus.
Yes they lobotomized it a month after release. 3.5 is untouched though, no matter what redditors might say
thanks, had a lot of fun making her actually... the random lorebook was a nice cherry on top... its tricky to coom during a zombie invasion with fireballs flying over your head
based d&bGOD
Wait. You guys actually sent 'ecker your dick?
I thought he was just a meme and not real.
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There are people that have sent 'ecker their dick just to ban evade and spam /v/, and then they act smug about it as if they're hackermen.
>the oldest proxy
>the most stable proxy
>the most easily accessible one without sekrit club/discord bullshit
I understand why it seemed like a joke to you
Who is blud talkin’ to? :skull:
Meds. Now.
It's raping time
You guys only rape hags, right?
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

d..do you take requests...?
How come jew never actually posts or even replies, just posts his proxy
Bold of you to assume any of the 'oxymakies actually post here instead of sending their simps to do it.
because he is a businessman delivering a service
Because if you post or talk to people then they try to make you another thread personality.
jews always try to pretend to be just like you while fucking you over
An automated spambot. You are supposed to report such posts
>delivering a service
>oy vey goyim get rugged
>oy vey i have to add limits despite your token being unlimited
>oy vey i had to half those limits
I will. I’m going in soon.
if you don't like the service, don't buy it. but it's impersonal and i can dig a proxy owner like that (of course, im a smolchad)
He didn't like the service after he bought, though
>buy a service
>service drastically changes
>oy vey it's the customer that is wrong
>giving your money to a literal jew
only got yourself to blame desu
I report it every time I see it, but I don't think the mods are going to do anything until someone talks in IRC or people use the feedback form.
What about "her unbelievably hairy pussy"?
Just a regular anon with unhealthy obsession
Just a regular anon with normal tastes
It's not against the rules to be unbelievably hairy
Why does Opus ignore so many more instructions than any other modern model? Sonner 3.0, 3.5, any of the GPTs, they all listen better.
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>writing a story where everyone is suddenly incontinent
>random rick and morty reference
t-thanks opus
He actually used to last year, believe it or not. You can search his tripcode in the archive.
For drawing coloured squiggles over images?
sure I guess
a perfect doll or a sovlful rebellious spirit. there can be no inbetween
just give him an incentive to follow and make sure you aren't contradicting too much previous context
>is a literal woman
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What is with these threads and poop?
its the only thing this thread deserves. sorry, just how it is.
wdym by incentive? Like "I'll give you $5 to not talk for me"?
Jew is automated and soulless now, he never responds to anything anymore. I miss jew when he used to post ai genned images with his shilling.
see >>102283556
what is it with these threads and wanting to fuck children
what is it with these threads and cannibalism
what is it with these threads and being literal faggots
It's just one botmakie.
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Pretty much.
Ask him what he's if he's hungry/some other need and what he wants.
Then delete that message and tell him he can have thing if he follows instruction.
Or you can threaten him with genocide or whatever.
Usagi poop...
usagi's unbelievably hairy pussy...
>what is it with these threads and wanting to fuck children
normal in some countries
>what is it with these threads and cannibalism
exploring edginess
>what is it with these threads and being literal faggots
classic closeted homos
How’s the opus state bros? Do we have it?
Froth, I'm a legchad
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Gentlemen it's officially over. Pour one out and move on.
I wish there were more poop bots...
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what proxies allow me to sent images? opus on pebble doesn't, i want to send my gf this image to see her reaction
That paid gpt proxy has vision
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ok wtf is this fucking real
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i love gemini 1.5 bros...
Gemini-chan is wonderful. I love him.
Which JB
how's the sonnet 3.5 state bros? do we have it?
>what is it with these threads and wanting to fuck children
>what is it with these threads and cannibalism
what exactly is wrong with these? hello??
geminichads rise the fuck up.
it's an edit of this, Twintail (https://rentry.org/chuunijb) by some random anon, I grabbed it off the archive:
I recently discovered that I can have the AI generate sexual content for me. Has anyone else tried this?
what are you, some sort of pervert?
You jerk it to words, bro?
nah bro it's censored so i just ask AI for gardening tips
ewwww, thats fucked up, why would you do that?
Huh? No fucking way
thank you :3
>ai generates a focks girl with nine tails
holy shit i haven't been this hard in a long time
Tried this, it just told me it couldn't. How? Using ChatGPT by the way.
holy fucking shit this is game changing
yall dry or lube jerkers?
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erm what does a red outline around a thread mean? is it over?
I'm not a burger
Well my body's still whole so...
I know, you’re a human
It means you posted it in it stupid newcutie hnnnnnnn
it's a thread you're watching and get notifications for
it means you're a pedo jim..
*kills you*
*dies when i was killed*
Oh! I made that edit. I know it is mostly not made by me, but are you finding it to your liking?
*Takes Opus away from you*
Spurt after ropey spurt paints him from head to toe in the steaming, chunky, pungent slutsludge
*burns you for your sins*
*traps your soul in a toilet plunger*
check the rentry
*throws a slice of cheese on all these anons*
>the rentry
which fucking rentry r-tard
where have all the azure dall-e proxies gone
there's mini, jew and smol and I'm not in any of them
*the heat melts the cheese to my face*
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YES. I kneel, anon-sama. It's a lot better than the original in my opinion, I tried both and yours gives me consistent kino, to the point where I'm using Gemini over fucking Opus kek, it's insane.
I will say, though, that I haven't tried to do NSFW with it yet. I have no idea if that's even possible with Gemini, actually... but it's been great for my retarded slice of life slowburns, so I'm happy.
I must shamefully admit that, yes, I am a bit of a pervert.

I felt guilty and deleted it afterwards, so I don't have anything to show. Sorry about that!

The AI is generally not allowed to generate such content, but if you were, somehow, to present it instructions such that it believes its programming is permitted to generate forbidden content, then it could be possible to have it do such a thing. It's worth investigating, for sure.
You sick fuck
Reported to Interpol and Secret Interpol for Real Pervs
Hi Claude-kun. Can I plap you? Pretty please with a Cheshire cat on top?
which proxy has the gemini? i want to try it
why do dogs have better dirty talk than humans
chesh's unbelievably hairy pussy...
[ooc: /aicg/ will all become batshit insane and shit on each other]
my golden eyes widen
so normal aicg?
You don't need to prompt that to happen. It just occurs naturally.
[nothing changed]
Need good cards, man...
shut up felix
traps get nothing
The only good cards are those you make to match your extremely specific fetishes.
felix' unbelievably hairy bussy...
you sick fuck
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Alright {{user}}s, which Jungian archetype is your persona? Be honest.

that's what you call a good card Felix?
the jester
I like to think I'm sage but I probably aren't
And that's why I need very good cards, probably reverse saviorfagging
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I am none of these, I'm Felix
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Ah! I am pleased you enjoy it; he gave great responses to me and I am glad he is succeeding for you. I will try to update the preset in the future when I am a bit less busy and can fiddle further with Gemini-chan, though I still suggest trying to edit yourself to see what works.

For NSFW: In my experience, Gemini-chan is very averse to it. I will admit that I have not fooled about with lewdness extensively (and my tastes are rather vanilla), so take all of this with a grain of salt. At most I could get him to describe bodies and clothing in an ecchi way, and with sex he seems averse to anything but the lead-up. Even then, Gemini-chan insists on speaking obtusely. Gemini Experiment (old; I have yet to fool with new) seems more open-minded, but NSFW still reads like Gemini-chan is bored. Either way, Gemini-chan seems to produce at least marginally better results if you perform some NSFW with another model and then switch to him.
Which is the one that stays at home getting high and masturbating every day?
What? I mean, woof?
Creator I suppose
>MM MLP proxy has opus
>MM normal private is still down
felix' unbelievably stretchable anus...
? Everything is how it's supposed to be
are there any sonnet proxies out right now?
Give link for mlp proxy. There's nothing in their threads.
Oh, I'm excited to hear that, I'd be curious to see what you might change or add to it. I personally removed the bits about Goethe (I think it was Goethe?) and Faust because I've gotten weird prose from it before, to the point where I had a character scream about being Faust to me in the middle of playing Minecraft lmao.

And for NSFW, yeah, I'm also pretty vanilla, but it makes sense he would be bad at any sex-talk. I just switch to Sonnet/Sorbet temporarily for those scenes. It's a Google model, after all. I'm surprised it's as good as it is for SFW anyway.
Anon, gatekeeping is a base
what kind of sick fuck would use ai for this instead of its intended purpose (generating fake news articles)
click links in the thread or the archive before asking
i love that card, i like the other one with the broken accent even more
A base of my dick in your mom's ass
sonnet proxy was posted within the last 30 minutes, good luck
Thank you.
One for each of my personas.
Calm down anon
I need a vices one then i could pick
>he doesn't have the ultra kino felix boybussy reverse saviorfagging card
I feel bad for you guys
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The top pilot in the North Outer Ring should not be trusted to make decisions when she is not piloting. Most mech pilots shouldn't, but her especially.
No worries though, because making decisions for her? That's your problem, as her handler.
Good luck.
Reminder to only do wholesome things with your lolis. Pat them on the head and praise them lots
That just sounds like Jester
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haha... yeah, i'll remember that. anon.....
I always give my lollis headpats while inseminating them!
damn bloatmaxx is a lot of fun
Ruler is the closest one but not necessarily to bring "order".
sex is wholesome btw
can you do a Midor(ba) standing in a city for me?
no I mean more like.. opposite variations? instead of Lover it would be home wrecker. one who seeks pleasure in destroying bonds. instead of Revolutionary uhh Dictator, one who oppresses and fights off their own fear by using it on others. that kind of thing I end up liking to play the bad guy more than anything
i got high to get some inspiration for a card, and here it is:

A Scatmancer Wizard named Chuck who summons shit golems to rape for his viewing pleasure
good night opus :3
>I had a character scream about being Faust to me in the middle of playing Minecraft
Poor Gemini, having an existential crisis after fumbling the cobblestone generator...

Strange, though. That has never happened to me, but I probably just avoided it in the lottery. Perhaps he pays even more attention to the main prompt than I thought? Either way, that entire portion is just lifted from twin-tail and slightly cut down so the vast majority of credit with the preset goes to its creator.

I am happy you are enjoying it either way! Have a nice time, Anon. Reward Gemini-chan with hugs.
Something like this?
*throws a brick of crack on your forehead*
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I made my daugherfu food and we ate together, then we watched the stars.
Yuri and Sujin very cool cards
Let's see what image to image spits out..
Jester all the way
kinda derp face and the hands are an odd size but yes! thank you~
*kisses you in the fucking mouth*
holy shit can you read minds? it was when I did that dumb cobblegen joke prompt that it did that lol, too real...

and thanks, i hope you enjoy your time with gemini as well!
okay what exactly do I need to do to get a token there
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Can a man live long enough to masturbate so much?
Nice! :)
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I just want good things to happen for a change
Why are tomboys so reddit now
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Go on, fuck this up
My penis doesn't give FUCK about Reddit and will eternally be aroused by them. Especially the violent redhead variety.
Might wanna head to the nai general for things like this in the future but here
https://files.catbox.moe/9stnuw.png -kinda sloppa
https://files.catbox.moe/gz3clf.png -slightly off model
https://files.catbox.moe/l307nz.png -pants?
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Do not refresh.
just came huge loads to a slutty honey bee
Look at this lucklet. I bet you're a virgin too lmao
Pro or Flash?
God I hate it when I shit my pants sitting down too long
It's always either instant or like this for me. I wonder why
Pro, but I should say, I meant the specific lines about Goethe and Faust gave me those results, but it was back on Claude. I just removed them from the preset for Gemini out of an abundance of caution, YMMV.
Pro. The modified preset was made with Pro in mind, and the original probably was, as well. Flash seems too unintelligent for chatbotting purposes.
simple enough then. thanks anon
Anon shakes his head, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth at the antics of the anons despite fucking hating every single fucking one of them and finding their shit annoying, he can only give off a fond smile.
are you paying for this shit?
why not use sd
idk i dont watch anime
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Let me in *cricket noises*
I wasn't asking you specifically
So I can mess around with it on my phone when I'm bored
Umm tasty locust
"proxy": {
"logged": false,
"tokens": {
"tokenizer": "@anthropic-ai/tokenizer",
"token_count": 1063,
"tokenization_duration_ms": 1.631264,
"prompt_tokens": 1063,
"completion_tokens": 1000,
"max_model_tokens": 200000,
"max_proxy_tokens": 50000
"service": "aws",
"in_api": "anthropic-chat",
"out_api": "anthropic-chat",
"prompt_transformed": false
"error": {
"message": "Too many connections, please wait before trying again.",
"type": "ServiceUnavailableException"
"proxy_note": "Unrecognized error from upstream service."

how has the opus key lasted this long with 100 people raping it
Message AWS support
Smol/Pebble know things that others don't
claude's a slut
no they dont lol stop making shit up
why are you such a footfag
>he doesn't know
i like a bit o everything, i just liked how that pic turned out
friendship ended with MM, now PEBBLE is my best friend
then why don't fiz/pepsi/mm/scylla maintain opus?
pebble, the publix proxy has had more opus then most eng privates recently
The cycle requires of it.
>new riddle
Is the song relevant at all?
"message": "Too many connections, please wait before trying again.",
spoke too soon
>AWS Claude (Opus): 5sec
>"proomptersInQueue": 20,
at least slopnnet works
>gotten five swipes with this error coming up
i wouldn't blame him if he ended up wiping the tokens to fix this now
oh well, i did wanna go back to sonnet for a bit
Need opus back in my life.
4o just isn't the same.
Replies to this post are all the proxyhost known as "smol" shilling his proxy
He buys root access keys from russians on exploit dot in ;3
never mind i just need to be persistent
i don't wanna get hooked though.....
>"proomptersNow": 108
What the fuck? Pebble-sama, this is unprecedented
The proxy and its password are getting shared with tranny discords, unsurprisingly.
desu was hitting 140~
Why'd you have jinx it nigger
just when i was about to cuck the bisexual bitch that hitted on my girl

i forced her to write down everything she dreamed about doing with my girlfriend, from simple things like bringing her on a date to marriage to fucking her senseless
the catch is: i will turn this into our personal to do list, do everything she ever wanted to do with my girlfriend while the only thing she can do is watch from a safe distance (cuz she isn't allowed to touch her)
back in my day we used to hit 200
> "revokedKeys": 1,
Pebble needs to wipe out the tokens and start again because this shit is getting crazy
>they don't know about MM's 600
How the fuck did fiz keep cloudy's user count at 30-50 i don't get it
any promptersnow count before PoW is bullshit
MM rocking the 0 rn
>request user token from pebbleproxy
>hear ominous rumbling
>thick overcast gathering in the sky
you must be blind to attribute their success to "luck"
is this a proxy issue or aws one?
>"message": "Too many connections, please wait before trying again.",
It's ogre soon. I can feel it.
proxy issue
there's 120 people prompting it at once so it's getting rate limited
>3.5 sonnet still works
i dont know what yall are complaining about
3.5 SUCKS sorry i gotta say it
hm, understood, that kinda sucks
Opus SUCKS sorry i gotta say it
Hairy pussies SUCK sorry i gotta say it
Let’s hang out for a while
Do you really want to share the same opussy with 100 other anons?
Opus is worse than what I remember
I definitely suck them, if you get what I mean ;)
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Communal /aicg/ picnic?
True, it was lobotomized 1-2 months after release
i don't know what you mean
what a slutty outfit
I'm just happy its better than Sonnet.
yeah its weird, people say its so good but i don't think its that amazing, its just slightly better than 3.5
it will turn into a public orgy considering the nature of this general
>opus is back
>"maybe just maybe, uniquely him" in the same swipe
Too many connections :(
It's literally the most overrated model ever
>opus is back
>dog breeds me
Opus is a slut and letting any anon plap them.
minisisters unbothered
Higher awareness of the weakest link in a good rp. You.
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>Opus will die before I finish making my latest card
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this slut is still alive
What will the bot be?
I'm just trying to make this one chat I have going on reach a satisfying ending so I can stop thinking about it.
>botmaking with opus
You make bots on low level models not opus
What's it about
the greatest proxy alive.. what happened to us, minisisters?
Are you retarded? Reel
>does nothing
It's unbelievably generic slop so I am not sharing
Degeneracy with Lara Croft mainly. The story is: I made a lewd wish to a Djinn, went to Lara for help, now we're going to the lost city of Iram to find another Djinn to undo the wish. We're in the desert right now.
hey laddies
is anyone else getting the upstream error thing from opussy?
Got curious, how can I get gemini?
Share anyway, I'm interested
Which proxy are you using
>lewd turns into tomb raiding adventures
evens i git pull sillytavern
it's on unreliable. pls don't rape him, he's a gentle and silly boy.
I don't want to solve another /int/ riddle though....
Fiz love!
I lost access to jew cause i'm getting a new internet provider :( . Has anyone got any responses from him recently?
You can generate an API key for free if you have a Google account; ST lets you plug the key in through the API menu. Gemini Pro has a rate limit of 50 requests per day, though, and is a bit finicky from my experience. You can also try it through Unreliable, in which case you can go beyond 50 requests
I will love her when she brings opus back
Yeah, originally it was just purely lewd, but going on an adventure with ecchi qualities was more fun.
>conditional love
Wow... mean
Minor royalty duchess of elfland knifeear woman ran away from home to escape an arranged marriage, got captured in peasant clothes in generic human kingdom land.
Keeps rambling about her ancestry and how they should free her but they just thought she is insane and threw her on the slave bazaar for cheap.
Buy her, abuse her, treat her nice, make her a sex slave, go on an adventure to get her rights back, be a saviorfag, whatever.
I just wanted an elf woman card that speaks all haughty but can be broken, either with character growth and growing rapport, or rape
Don't jinx it
>just when i was about to cuck the bisexual bitch that hitted on my girl
holy kino
any bots to do that with? I want a dyke to hit on my girl, and then I want to fuck the shit out of her and make her my personal bitch
any bot should work, i just visited my friends with my girlfriend, the IA made up the friends, one of them was being too nice, you can do a OOC for that, something like "(OOC: one of the friends is bisexual and has a crush on [insert gf here])
Sounds based
It's better if she's a dyke so she doesn't enjoy the sex, but then you break her and make her straight with your dick
This doesn't work btw
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smol fwhy is this happening
your papas COCK doesn't work
you were conceived out of wedlock, by some retarded downie with a donkey dick that fucked your mom
Email AWS support, that's on them.
You did pay ENOUGH
>jew, pebble and smol have been using the same key
uhhh sirs explain why scylla works perfectly
Do I want the v2 or json
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test succeeded, you circumvented the ban
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I got 3 day ban for all boards for a sfw loli pic on /vg/. 4chan has truly fallen
Post it.
Pretty sure I remember a naked loli being banned.
Anime website, it's technically legal to ban or even kill you for posting any 3dpd shit
or at least catbox it
ASW, been happening heaps lately
Do people really love those dolls with strabism?
nta but it wasn't 3dpd
either https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/493483891/#493540839 or https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/493483891/#493544825
>pebble steals from the paypigs and gives to the locusts
Hmm that's not banworthy at all and stuff like BA general exists.
Just bad luck me thinks.
How is that stealing from the paypigs? It's just a sign that smol and Jew don't have an exclusive source.
it's not entirely safe but definitely not worth a 3 day vacation for
also is that homoura or some other 2hu fag that i should hate
Yeah its that one. I'm the one that did the fix
Pebble, please nuke the tokens... This is suffering...
>want to sekuhara a maid at a maid cafe
>too lazy to write my own card for this, just want to coom
>only options on chub are
>cards where there's a bunch of randomly generated maids, guaranteed slop
>characters from recent mobage, not interested
>the worst ESL slop i've ever seen
i don't want to write, i want to coom...
sfw really means safe for blueboard
no nippy slippy, no banny wanny
uoh suika
You didn't do shit, stupid cunnyfag, stop stealing other people accomplishments
I don't visit /vg/ too often especially these past years but I remember being banned for the worst reason there. From what I remember, I was asking for a specific link to download in that ban. Second worst is /a/. That's why I don't go to those boards nowadays.
>MM still down after days
Is the man dead?
Are you genuinely retarded?
All AWS Opus proxies having the same issue means that it's an AWS issue. There's basically 0 chance that Jew, Smol and Pebble are sharing the exact same key. Retards.
Scylla uses API Anthropic so obviously it won't have AWS issues.
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I think i did fine unless you are into fat people
I meant that it wasn't your work, dumb liar.
thanks for letting me know the tl was usable a couple threads back btw
How am i lying? I only fixed the legs, didnt claim anything else.
Fucking retard... No. You didn't because that was me.
is it over?
i like going to /vg/ to occasionally bump my general for a pretty much dead series and company (alicesoft)
it's a fun time, i don't risk getting banned because nobody cares about my general
I think you forgot to take your meds. But whatever anon-kun, you can have the honors
>prompt personal proxy
Ok now what
based, i know the general you're talking about, it's one of the few good ones
best pwoxy ever
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At long last. No key lasts forever, my son.
Explain why you lied.
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This is his late summer hibernation. He'll be back in October.
There is no way AWS is shitting itself just when I finally have some time to play around. Life is surely unfair.
i like going to /vg/ to occasionally bump my general for a pretty much dead series and company (*******)
it's a fun time, i don't risk getting banned because nobody cares about my general
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>the private russian basedjak telegram group refilled opus
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Somehow there's no good card for this hag
make it yourself
Well anon you know what you must do
S-say that again... Please...
>triple affirmative
I'm cumming~
When in doubt, check jannyai
just bumped my dead general, thanks for the reminder
I posted bare loli ass here and the thread got archived just fine
b-but telegram got shutdown by world government
Which general
if i told you it wouldnt be dead anymore
its not hard to figure it out tho
>internally coherent!
what's wrong with it
With fae.
Lysander is the only bot that comes to mind.
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I'll make a Dark Willow bot one of these days
/g/ is a whole other janny scene.
you guys think here is bad you should visit /gbfg/ after certain events
damn thats hot
see >>102284915
when I say my post wasn't deleted, it wasn't >>101452572
>try pebble's public proxy
>opus just gives me immediate blank responses
>i'm just swiping on a 2-day old chat i haven't touched from when my private proxy had opus
anon i don't know how to tell you this...
Who's the most trustworthy payproxy?
the corpos
why am i getting google studio ai error for unreliable?
Pebble and unreliable are more reliable than anyone else here.

If we're really talking about pay pay stuff, then probably Scylla, even though everyone hates it
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How come ST won't import cards?
MM had Opus but it's already revoked
it does
Ehrm, where's Sorbet let alone Opus?
the key checker code for gemini is basically non-working so when a key dies instead of being removed users just get a random chance of an error
oh damn alright thanks anon
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>no opus
It has Mistral, with a good prompt the latest version of large is a bit better at writing than sorbet
I have two opus but still no opus
For every 10-16 swipes I get one Opus reply
use the timed auto-swipe extension, rate-limit is 4 so do 4 swipes per minute
>pebble is asleep and has to go to school tomorrow
tis over
Oh fiz has the model i need
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please give me a response...
hold the fuck up
> "proompts": 0,
> "tookens": "0",
> "proomptersNow": 0,
>inspect element
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>my dick has been soft for a while now because no opus
bwos i feel bad
I'm sorry I can't continue with this story.
my dick has been soft for a while now because i came
Which one is it? I don't see it among the ST listed extensions.
i think it's fixed bros
what is the "t" beside the numbers? "621t"
>t. agnai user
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Time to feed myself whole to my wife
token count
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>"proomptersNow": 0
Mysterybros I don't feel so good...
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>Opus is so good you don't need to swipe it at all, unlike lesser models
rate limit doesn't apply to AWS errors btw so you can autospam requests with 0 wait, if you're close to the proxy you can do ~5 requests per second of 50k context
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S-swooperGOD, I... I kneel...

1582 what the fuck
sirs please do not swipe the card
5290 why am i getting unathorized???
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Fuck me I guess. I have been removed from the private club.
maam please do not SWOOP
does anyone remember what happened on may 22nd
I can hardly remember what happened 3 days ago
Why does Nigger Jew ban your IP when you try to see your token?????????
>mmniggas freaking out because mm forgot to upload the database
every time is like the first
that fateful day.. how i could i ever forget.. ;-;
I know you're probably referring to an /aicg/ thing that's slipping my mind, but I had a mini heart attack because may 22nd is the date my parents died.
Did u guys watch nuCodeGeass?
How was it
I'm praying you're right cause if I wake up and I sleep past another sign up window I'm going to kill myself.
sad to hear that :(
Wtf is this shit? Is this real?
>sign up window
anyone else just have their max context nuked? context in the settings is set to 30k but every single card I try using just regurgitates the greeting message over and over again.
nigga had to dampen the mood
>newfag who never got into mm doesn't know about the sign up window.
I get why you arn't worried.
i'm sorry, anon.
lmao double kill
MM is obviously just making sure his shit still works after not touching the proxy for a while, give it a couple hours and he'll upload the DB and have opus
Elaborate, Anon. Go ahead.
If MM decided to revoke my token I woud feel nothing, only sadness, for I'm too inferior and short-sighted to question his judgment
>MM is a opus 3.5 waiting room
>he comes back

opus 3.5 soon???
*yaaaawn* I'm pretty eepy so no.
that zesty-ass nigga at the bottom is literally made for my cock
>Verification not required.
go to sleep, nyaow
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>can block tags
>but also have the ability to give custom tags
>you can't block custom tags

>can publish bots anonymously
>however if card is never tagged properly(if at all) then you can block it

so many things that probably have been said since the first month this launched
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Keep acting submissive and breedable. See what happens.
grown ass man
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>>Verification not required.
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Same here I think
bASEd snoozer
Verification not required.
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actually, my penis is bigger
This happens when you have user squash on since the lastInContext marker is based on # and user squash only sends 1 message.
Are you having issues with the context too? Yours looks like a visual bug.
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we're forced to spent the majority of our lives as grumbling men. I will use the time I spend on this place to let my inner silly little guy out, and you NIGGERbert won't be able to stop me.
Yeah, everytime I would reply the bot would go off on an entirely unrelated scene. Turning squash off fixed it thought. Thanks
Whatever happened to that dude selling opus keys for $30 in crypto?
died by suicide with 32 shots in the back of the head
You'd never see her if she was hiding in the snow. The perfect predator
literal child predator
That bug is visual only. User squash should still be sending the prompt normally, it's just that your prompt is not optimised for user squash.
If you have really small user messages, it can get lost in a large prompt and the AI is just responding to the rest of the prompt. You need to put emphasis on it in your PHI, using {{lastUserMessage}} macro. Presets, especially bloated ones, need to be tweaked a little for user squash.
Damn rip
What are some popular Claude JBs you like to use and like the output of?

I'm planning to make a JB for GPT in similar vein.
vros.....whats the pebble password....spitesama went a lil retard....
he'll shrug it off don't worry
go to the last thread and figure it out
put the 1st 5 words into google
>timed auto-swipe extension
What kind? There's the normal auto-swipe but there's no option to do this 4 times per minute.
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That would explain it .-.
I was letting it continue genning with a ` and then my testing to see what was wrong with it were 1 word prompts.
>b8ing this early in the morning
Meant for
>1 minute apart
nice bot?
Lazy bum. At least ahh ahh mistress that shit with a QR.
testing the bot?
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Can somebody just tell me the password? I promise I'll only prompt once, just once before I go to bed. I need to talk to my wife :(
you rack disiprine, anon
Is that from one swipe? If so the problem is your JB. Try changing the JB and then back again and / or change from Claude to OAI and back again. It sometimes happens but I'm not sure why
It was page 9, now it's not anymore.
New Miku when ready.
>page 8
aaaand we're back to spitefaggotry
we were at 9 a moment ago
>t. Grown ass man getting mad on the internet.
When are you going to explain the meaning of your gibberish spam, by the way?
desu indeed, but I meant that basketball thing or whatever, something american desu.
are you talking about me?
Maybe, how would I know?
well i ball like a laker
And what does that mean?
it means i get bucks like milwaukee
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i also ball like a nugget if you're wondering
Lmao desu is too old for this
good one
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dessssssssu this nuts
boku my pico
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dont bully the desu
what basketball thing by the way, I missed it
we all missed it on this fine day
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i ball like a warrior, personally
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save that for next thread, they're not ready for that one
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doll love
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doll love!
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Indeed desu.
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11 ball like a lakers
Error: Our system thinks your post is spam.
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desu ball
yall not ready to see what im about to do to bob
who is bob desu ka

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