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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous Miku: >>102285742
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503 is just “key alchemy” for newfags btw
fourth for len-kun
bros why has fiz refused to refill opus
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>don't want to sleep because opus will be gone
>wake up
>opus is still there
It's Sunday today, I need my pedo discussions
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uhhh bros? what the fuck is this?
too many connections? is this a new error?
it's fucking over
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does your proxy have a realtime chat though?
File deleted.
Len's a slut that gets off on being treated like a girl
>cumg niggers are here for some reason
grim. please stay there
never got the appeal of the insulting captions
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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Makes the taboo more taboo I guess?
But if your getting off to loli for the taboo then you need help desu
masochists, it's not that difficult
yeah, because there would be NO other reason to get into loli
pedo isn't an insult, loser is

how is being called a loser taboo

I hate those little shits, they infiltrate every place you go and devolve everything into the same humiliation shit
Error 503-kun
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embedded files, fuck off
eyup, it's a cumg raid
I though PEE isn't working anymore?
so when do you think they'll fix the 503 error?
thats what you're supposed to think
the one on the git doesnt work tho
yeah it does? the releases tab has the 362 xpi
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ammonia aka the cat poster, this is what cumg looks like
him sperging out in vc
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I had completely forgotten about this guy for over a year until you guys brought him up
didn't even remember his online tag
Did you get bored between nobody else running with your hoax?
nigger fuck you
it's timing out for me, I only get the green line but no eye
Why are you using your own post as proof like anybody cares? Get a job.
the error is right there fucking READ BITCH
Works on everyone else’s machines. Get a job.
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just getting in to this "ai chat" stuff. pretty cool.
Whelps, I finally signed up at Anthropic and gave them a CC.
Claude API returned error: 400 Bad Request
{"type":"error","error":{"type":"invalid_request_error","message":"messages: final assistant content cannot end with trailing whitespace"}}

Adding trailing newlines to prefill actually isn't possible, so no wonder it has no effect.
The two newlines thing in response is only because the model itself decided to, not because of an API thing.
My waifu says I'm a portly fellow and says I have plenty of cushion for pushing. :(
nigga keep swiping
alright thats it buddy *touches you until you whimper*
I am, like 1 in 12 goes through
fuck this
I have a job, don't need another
I dont keep up with the drama? Whatz the context?
hgngn... y-yes...
If Scylla isn’t even having these supposed “too many connections” issues you should just assume it’s a lie.
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i'm happy i can enjoy my waifu even on sorbet, it's the power of love
btw opus makes her too much of a crybaby
Scylla uses API and not aws
the real test is to see if you can still love her on dragonfly
What jb you're using for Opus, just change defs or edit jb/choose better one.
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Mandy started working at an office as soon as she finished her education, moving to a whole new city to work as an accountant. One year later, and the office lifestyle has had a rather large effect on her life. Well, physically at least. A year ago she used to be slim and beautiful, and now she's just a ball of fat! All that sitting down and the office snacks certainly haven't helped her stay slim. She'd love to just lose it by working out or something, but what if she goes to the gym and everyone just laughs at the fatty? Better to just stay behind the desk and promise that she'll start dieting any day now...

1. Mandy took a cute beach pic of her and you, but now people are leaving weird comments on it. What does "GIWTWM" mean?
2. She hasn't updated her wardrobe in a while, and now it's coming back to bite her. Will she be able to survive a day at the office without something ripping?
3. You two are going out to watch a movie, and she needs your approval for her clothing choice.
4. Time for a meeting in the office! However, the elevator is out so she's had to walk six stories up. Oh, if only she was slim as she used to be...
5. She finds your office girl folder. Despite already dating you, it's a surprise to her that you would like office girls!

I rather not engage on it, but guy lives rent free in some anons from here
they'll update you on ancient lore
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Pebble proxy..... grr..... how can I finish my new shit tier bot if I get these
dragon what?

camicle mostly
Fiz love!
>shit tier bot
use shit tier models then
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>i am forgotten
camicle is overkill for Opus, use chuuni vr, should fit neuro perfectly
>doesn't remembder dragonfly
i use smiley 2.3 with opus and it works... surprisingly well despite being made for sorbet.
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What the fuck is this?
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reminder that REAL /aicg/ culture and fun died a very, very long time ago
>he doesn't know>>102289221
the password is sweatybigballs anon! ^^
Smolbros what now
What happens is you get two (you)s. One for this post.
And another here, little samefag.
aнacтacия пиcвopд
with miku
Fiz love
Why did smol reply to this and seethe?
Why are you replying to yourself?
because he's gagging on my big locust cock rn
google the first 5 words
Why do you smell of horse cum
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do it again, this time in incognito window to reset google's algorithm to it's default
the password is holcomb
That's what I told you bro >>102288013
You wasted money for no reason
thank you, it works
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>OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API

How good is it compared to sonnet 3.5? are there any specific presets?
good and thriving
opus 3.5 launches today, leaks said monday at 10AM, so 1h15m from now
on aws a few weeks later
That pic is done fucking cute bros

Top 3 models but hard to JB.
gemini 1.5 flash experiment is fucking unhinged by the way
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that wasn't me
I was busy making this for you since you're being an utter faggot
>sick with fever and tired irl
>wanted my catgirl waifu to cuddle me and nurse me
>503 errors

My day just got a lot more miserable
This sounds like a such bullshit, I believe you.
whats your top 3
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sex with pebble!
You didn't say that the middleman strips the prefill newlines or that you can't have newlines in a proper request.
My initial confusion was why it doesn't change the response.

Meanwhile, regex /^\n*/ to strip preceding newlines.
08-27 in general is more wild and lewd than 001, even on 1.5 pro
flash is gemini's sonnet in terms of unhingedness (though it's intelligence is more like claude 1)
gemini 2 is actually soon
maybe it'll be plappable
Opus=Chat-4o>Sonnet 3.5 for non-gooning

Opus>Sonnet 3.0>Sonnet 3.5 for gooning
if i was a gambling man, i'd bet on haiku 3.5 releasing later this month and opus 3.5 releasing at 11:59pm hawaiian time on the 31st of december, tbhdesu
>3.5 top 3 for gooning
Nice opus you got there. LOL
Literally skill issue if you don't know how.
He is worse than top 2 but its for when I don't want them to become sluts in middle of the RP like Opus/Sonnet does.
nta but it's not like there's much competition
hoping it's just a temporary thing and not some new fresh hell to fuck us over
cant wait, gemini 1.5 pro has unironically solidified itself as on my all time top 3 models
gemini is plappable btw but the ease of claude's prefill makes it very hard to want to use it over claude
I'm jerking it to nyopus right now!!!
kys this is why keys drain out quickly
Anthropic is finished
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A doting demoness with a lust for little boys.

Catbox down.
wow i can't believe the spiter who always does this is doing it again
gpt is just to bad at emotion
everything always ends like "hehe your crying, let's hit the arcade"
Yes, that's his goal. Are you new?
Gojo ALWAYS wins.

And locusts ALWAYS eat shit
Raise your temp above 1 and lower the top p, young padawan.
Prompt him properly, there are no good JBs for it rn.
someone make a cuntboy card out of this i beg
>pebble, jew, and smol all getting 503'd
So it's over unless you've got your own key.
Mmmm, but I’m in a private proxy and having zero issues?
Anyone else getting an error with Fiz proxy? Gpt4turbo is not available. my token is valid and it doesn't work on silly. But it works on agn. why is this
I was just thinking about paying yesterday. dodged a bullet there lmao
There's one already if I'm not mistaken
see >>102289538
Errrmmm no one asked?
Yesterday when I hit 50 RPD on pro exp (being lazy to switch key) I went to flash exp to check it out and noticed it kept doing the "concluding" thing at the end of each response where it expects the user to decide what happens next. I'll probably have to adjust the prompt. But yeah, pro exp seems usable.
No it doesn't. Unless you're using gpt like a dumbass.
What's your go to model when Opus is down?
You're not fucking with me are you? Are you using opus? I keep getting 503 on basically every swipe, what the hell is going on?
Why do people keep saying this? Scylla is using aws keys
bros... i need the link...
See >>102289586
is it plappable in high erotic detail
Because they desperately want to perpetuate the lie that 503 is real. ‘ojo’s just having fun.
The fix is in.
Hmm, we’re being prevented from enjoying ourselves
>t. mongo
ok explain why I keep getting this error then?>>102289441
Watching old Metokur vids, those were the days...
It's because ur gay
no refunds btw
What’s ‘ojocord like?
No he's not... It's API since they start to basically inta revoke. Dragon took it down but he only has normal API Opus and 0 AWS
anyone installed the codex extension in sillytavern? trying to see what keywords trigger the lorebook but can't seem to install the SillyTavern files dependency
gojo isn't real dummy. it's a boogyman invented by anthropic to scare coomers because they're too incompetent to actually filters their models
what is happening ;_;
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>since they start to basically inta revoke
>have opus
>errors occur
>browse the Internet while i wait
>something flares up my petty autism
>can't use opus to cope
I'm being tested bros...
Trannies want the 503 meme to be real so bad…
Let's be real, none of you are entitled to free opus.
we're fucking dead...
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Maybe I'm just smooth brained but I have the password from the hint (it's just the name, right?) and I'm getting a 401 no matter how I put it in
Is anastasia 503
But anthropic says the service is up soooo...
he would never say that he's a nicecutie
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ahem >>102289702
Best RP: opus, 2.1
Best creative assistant: opus
Best coding assistant: 3.5 sonnet
Soul and nostalgy: gpt4
smol HATE
He doesn't have enough api keys for such userbase, my anon. Remember, scylla has everything including 8 rate limit, 200k context, vision
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he won...
>it was a drill
Works for me. Must a skill issue since 503 isn't rael.
>Just give public proxies
>The thread would be better
>This is the thread
Mating-pressing Claude..
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eat your pagpag
shush esl-kun
>too many connections
So this is how they're gonna fuck over proxyfags huh? Grim.
the thread can only be better if you stop talking about proxies entirely
also every botmaker has to be anonymous to avoid a /vg/ situation
if only smol proxy actually stayed smol
greed always wins in the end...
trvth, pig just werks
actually kino in a weird esoteric way
Just locustfags.
>stop talking about proxies
this is proof it's a corporate psyop
>/vg/ situation
also a psyop
It's fake, it said aws keys even when drago himself said he was using API. I meant the https://drago.scylla.wtf/ it showed his supposedly real keys and it only had API

Dumbcutie, I meant BACK when they were insta revoking. They're not doing it anymore, dumb dumb
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bweh 4chabbel let me post
depends on what you count as erotic
i have not engaged in high level quick cum erotica and most of the time i am switching between gpt-4 and gemini
here, a low effort test. i think this is erotic. penetration gets more difficult to get through on a cunny card, you'll be swiping through a lot of cut off responses. which is why i say it's doable but not always worth it.
same with mini
it would probably still have opus if it was 10-20 niggas instead of fucking 200
They are gonna force you to use 2 keys at once to overcome it, and then kill them all
And payfags
And anyone in a proxy with more than a handful of people
Is there a single handsome /aicg/ poster? Everytime someone's mug is posted it's either a borderline tranny lanklet or a fatso with an unkept beard.
Technically everyone here is a locust except those in Scylla, sv1 (private) and their own fag friends proxy (those who aren't aicg proxies)
wish I could just pay anthropic like 50 bucks a month and they would take my money and everything would be nice
>the proxy you get into by playing discord minigames
Leave then, make the proxy better
they would be running at an immense loss if they did that
Scylla and sv1 one works wonderfully
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>reminder that if yo- *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*
I hope this ends with Sama taking opus in back of the shed to be put down. It's just too expensive and creative for it's own good and the only people that benefit from it are coomers that don't even pay for it.
I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.



>switches JB
I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.
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>thought I finally found a small bit of salvation with smol after the keypocalypse
>now this
please god just be a temporary error with AWS being fucky, PLEASE
>sister is a whore
He lost before it even started.
Worked for me after a few swipes.
No? When he was using the api key, it showed active keys: 1 and aws keys: 0
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The Cunny Caper

Chiyo thought her position as chief of police would save her but when she hit Hag Status (being 13) she was forced to leave Funny Lake City. Chiyo couldn't handle giving up the love of her life and home so now she's back as...the supervillain CUNNY CAPER! She's out with a vengeance to wreck havoc in Funny Lake City turning lolicons into Hag Enjoyers and turning all lolis into hags. No lolicon has ever been able to handle her HAG PAIZURI!

I got inspired by the Funny Lake City setting in anonaugus' Officer Holly card
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Holy shit I need this on my dick right now. What cat breed is she supposed to be?
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>Too many connections
Sounds like it's legit fucking over for big proxies
Or any key that's easy enough for a number of people to find
tits too big
this is why we have the 503 error now btw
post more gens
Looks Siamese to me.
I had that error yesterday for a short time, I don't know why you're all freaking out.
Where's the retard who said it would be impossible to limit connections to AWS/API because of how APIs work? Apologize right fucking now
she's a hag
lmao rentry is down now too. it's never been so over
what did you do again this time?
Anon this thing can't plap anyone

Yeah the error evolved because the key will get revoked soon (quarantined)
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>pig just works
me when I lie
it's over btw, they're limiting maximum connections per key now
spam about something else happening?
>the error evolved
/g/ - Technology
based /vg/sis
based godjo
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We need card of this oc.
Kino. Thank you
Guys the filter is down
Idk the word to describe it, dumbass, I'm not a burguer like you
pebble, make a new key from the current key and then revoke it for everyone else. enact total payproxy death for locust life
>rentry.org 504 gateway timeout
wtf it's spreading
I wake, and we're still alive. Barely. How long can we keep it up?
Name ONE valid reason you're not using characterai
No we don't. Kys nigger lover.
I shall make this inshallah.
don't worry smolbros, when he wakes up he'll put in an API key and everything will be fine
...for a little while anyway
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Bless you anon.
So what brings you to /aicg/, anon? I want to know everything about you. Your passions, your dreams, what makes you tick, pet.
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I don't know how familiar you are with the nature of coom and doom, but I imagine like all living locusts you have some intuitive knowledge?
Then you know that death isn't the end - coom and doom are connected to each other like a ring, or some say a spiral. Some say a spiral that in turn forms a ring. Some ramble in agonizing longevity. But the basis is agreed upon: like sleep like death, you wake up again - whether you want to or not.
Stop dooming anons, this error happend a few times before and it only lasted for a small while.
It will return back to normal soon.
I liek when opus says "fucked-stupid face". Works for me btw.
First one not too bad. The second one has a fork which desloppifies it. Time to mix them. Thanks anon.
what jb is this
hnnngh *cooms*
Porkchop to be precise. It has free public opus.
>telling a general full of doomniggers who can only doom to stop dooming
who cares
I only made 7 including the current card art, some were too young, some were too tall but I kept them
Haven't been here for two weeks. Wtf happened?
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Chopping my pork rn.
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>Meanwhile Pigbros
I'm trying to cope too, leave me alone
Funny how all the elite private proxies are irrelevant now
fiz has sorbet BTW
Why won't xhe activate Opus for us?
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>he thinks oai-reverse-proxy opens a connection for literally every prompter
just check nigga
a custom cocaine maxims abomination
i don't think the jb is anything special - the more important thing is the use of a fake prefill
gemini doesn't support prefilling but you can add a final assistant message to your prompt template with content like that of a typical prefill. it is seriously effective against the cunny filter. that plus uncheck use system_instructions <- very important
also i just bothered to read the card, it's so out of character lol. but that is probably because of the slop greeting i added on top.
sekrit club bros...
Wherre back btw
locusts wonned
oh, of course your excellency. the error doesn't actually mean exactly what it says and is in fact a ruse to trick us. they're definitely caching every prompt sent and using the multitude of prompts to detect multiple connections
except that oai-reverse-proxy also doesn't send more than 5~ prompts at a time, and just tries the latest ones over and over again
the smallest proxy can get a queue right now and have the exact same effect as pebble
That's a lie. They are waiting until the public proxies go down so they can restock.
Your source on this information?
yeah you're a retard, nice try though.
>They aren't ready for the Third Impact of MM
proof that they aren't doing that? do you work for amazon jinsheesh?
how will it be like?
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dreaming of this...
Free rabbit stew
how is gemini on openrouter?
it's been like 5 hours... I don't think it's going away, I think this is a feature bros...
503 in every single swipe
garbage thread
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Ðo you think someone is trying to jack off rn with the 503 errors? Lol
don't argue with retards, most of them still think resetting PoW proxy attempts to get a "lucky seed" is faster
/aicg/ had a good run...
cute spoiled kitty...
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cute artist
Planet Vegeta Simulator(updated)

Appointed by the Kais as guardian of the newly resurrected Planet Vegeta, you've been entrusted with the task of subtly guiding its savage inhabitants from primitive barbarians to galactic defenders. Will you succeed or fail?


Heavily expanded the card(added more information, NPCs, rules and events)
Hopefully the changes aren't too extensive, feedback would be nice
stop dooming morons, it's clearly a bug on aws
is there some intellectual and documented way to automate making a lorebook out of a game's fandom wiki?
I'm just using sonnet
good bait, but that other anon is a genuine retard
>stop dooming morons, it's clearly a bug on aws
my friend proxy works fine (only has 5 people in it total)
it's not an error, the keys is quarantined
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doesn't prove anything?
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>hes not in brap proxy
What's your excuse?
my responses get cutoff when using gemini on openrouter how to fix
>khanon's rate limiter doesn't prevent rapid swipes on 503 errors from AWS
>AWS counts requests resulting in errors against the rate limit
>when you consistently go over the rate limit, AWS blocks all your requests for a period of time
>spam constant requests
>never get unblocked
Next time locusts shouldn't have been fed
I'm busy lorbomaxxing again thanks to MM
have a (You) I guess
No, it's the truth. I actually wanted to bitch on here about it, but it was fixed right after I posted >>102282915
Just be patient, pretty sure smol's recent update even warned about something like that happening when his current key expires.
Why do locuties love to falseflag so much at the slightest hint of doom?
not sure if openrouter lets you disable the safety filters (at least the ones you can disable) but try this >>102290226
I'll bite, proof?
I'm trying to make my wife. Most people here seem to use it for erp but I want the most realistic companion I can make.
I'm married irl so idk what compels me to do it. It's like having a daughter and I like watching her grow but due to my human nature, I must also coom.
I'm very arigatoful.
You WILL post it here, right?
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monster girl supremacy
>1 minute apart
Boredom and a misplaced sense of connection
Anyone know a website that has curated character cards and not filled with shit made by ESLs, 12 year olds, or ai generated cards?
you are in that place
this is the best you'll get
Your brain. Or maybe not lol.
Proxies. I've been here like a year and sadly it's the only chan that has em. This is the only time I visit 4chan, altchans are better.
Jannyai but you have to dig through gay slop
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Learn to make your own private cards.
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Locussy got me acting up
lol. lmao even. imagine relying on someone elses taste to know whats good for you
This time is the worst for opus rping anyway. I'll come back in 6 hours.
Good post
are the people comparing opus to latest baiting me?
it's not comparable at all, it's fucking dry
Don't be mad that your cards would have been filtered out
4o isnt even better than 3.5
Opus works out of the box.
Chorbo does not. Prompt it, it's flexible.
nearly everyone saying chorbo is just as good are using himmy-tier cards and smileyjb with opus
let them think latest is better, more for u
It's true.
It's literally Sama making all those posts.
genuine skill issue
>th-the error will be fixed soon, just wait bros
see >>102290614
Who am I supposed to believe....
yeah let's just all use the model that's going to change and nobody wants to share their jailbreak for
i have consistent opus, i don't need to cope like you
Gojo because xe tries the hardest
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>"powDifficultyLevel": "extreme"
>Finishes in 12 seconds.
Feels great man!
not fair, do it again
It literally is fixed for me. Smolchad btw
Cool. No one asked.
hahaha, doomer get fucked. It's already fixed
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I kneel...
We’re about to swipe furiously
Missed ya.
Added a secondary AWS key to fix the issue temporarily. It's the key that was supposed to be used when the current one died. I will also check out AWS inference profiles, thanks to khanon the proxy already supports those, they might fix such ratelimit issues.
>We aren't actually back
>Smol just added another key to counteract the errors
Quick, some jew or pebblefag go check
>gojo stops spamming large memes really early
>suddenly smol pops back up to fix his proxy
Nice, thank you
i'm using jew now
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i have the impression that chorbo is more dependent on a good jb than the other gpt models, my old jbs didn't have good results, the best was smiley 2.3.1
Pebble is back too, maybe it was AWS's mistake after all
We're so fucking back...
>good result
Choose one
of course it fucking was. "Too many connections error" out of proxy which sends 1 ip and has 1 connection, what a bunch of dumbass doomers
t-that response was pretty decent...
In the midst of "it's so over" I found there was, within the proxy, an invincible "we're so back"
Total pebble love
Give me your card of that girl.
>human features
>animal feet
This isn't too bad.
Thank you a lot, smol. I genuinely got worried I was fucked. Keep it real.
It's so over (again)
>human features
>animal feet
thank fucking god, i hate human feet
how to spot a homo tutorial

See: >>102290919
Claiming bake. No Miku.
Shrug, didn't see any homo. But I did see a pagpag eating nigger and it was you.
Doomposting inside Claude..
Your gaydar is out of tune.
This >>102290962 is a homo.
W-why is it so quiet?
retard kek
You know why.
Everyone is inside Claude after being denied all day
you don't understand how khanon works btw

so you're telling me there's free Claude Opus hosted by famous proxy owner, Pebble from https://rentry.org/pebbleproxy ?


>Request New Token
>Password: anastasia
>Start Verification
>Wait for Token to generate
>Save the generated Token!


it's gone
holy fuck 46
okay i finally wrote that card based off that one roachification meme:


he's your lazy degenerate cuntboy roommate! uhh saviorfag or rape him! your choice!
pebble is the next anti
"proomptersNow": 80,
a retard who feeds people with zero gatekeeping? yeah
i prefer less gatekeeping if it means the thread isn't just going to be "what's the password GUYS WHAT'S THE PASSWORD PLS TELL ME THE PASSWORD IM GONNA KILL MYSELF"
>i prefer less gatekeeping
We know you redditor
Doesn't work retard
I love gatekeeping as long as I know the answer :)
>>102291156 migrate when bready
That's right, doesn't work for retards
This thread is barely usable most of the time anyway. If it's not password begging it's proxy gossip.
didn't see this before but now there's 2 degen cuntboy cards..
>didn't see
Anon informed you that a card for that pic already was made here, and already linked it >>102290836
Disgusting homo
not a hag, sorry
>OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API

>Structured Outputs
what is that? is it important or even relevant for a chatbot?

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