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Monday minus X hours

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous thread: >>102266973
>Never write unit tests because it's gay and boring
>Never write documentation for the same reason
>Make it to senior developer

Fight me you fucking try hards.
based information silo-er
fuck you wagies
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>electromechanical heavy vehicle repairman
Am I a tech worker?
As long as you're willing to pretend you have an interest in coding, welcome in
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I attempted some coding. I liked C the most. Python is so open and abstract, I didn't get it.
I prefer clear, carefully defined code lines than easy but abstract.
I had a look at assembly. Wtf really. I also found Java harder than C. Wtf on Java too.
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Holy shit web dev work is so incredibly boring, no money in the world is worth wanting to rip your brain from your skull everyday.
A man of taste
She looks crazy.
It's because you can see the whites below and above her eyes. Stay far away from those women.
Good morning sirs
Who's ready for standup tomorrow? Any blockers?
Company is doing a huge amount of layoffs next week (not this upcoming week) and I have zero motivation to work. AAAAHHHHHH
>the jeets you work with are the best of the best out of india
how horrifying that we share a species with them
I feel so fucked in the social+love deparment that I'm thinking of going back to live in the big city and maybe even work in the office. what worries me the most about this is the money I'd spend, but otoh at least I'd have some options to meet women...
I'm almost 40, only had 1 long term relationship and the lack of options is killing me.
Just know that'll only help with meeting a certain kind of woman. If you want to meet chicks who are more on the homebody side then it doesn't help.
Just worked this entire weekend eating doordash and haven't been outside. Gonna go for a jog before I off myself
This but every day for the last... 4? years
it's too late anyway. the decisions have been made. GL
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I have been made redundant from my WFH job. Can now only find office work but modern offices make me want to kms. If I was single I'd do contracting/consulting from home or just fucking dig holes for minimum wage or something but I have a family. My wife has no work experience because we've been coasting on my tech salary so can't rely on her to pay the mortgage. I'm not looking for advice just venting thanks for reading my blog
>Get a tech adjacent job
>£6k more than I've ever made
>MFW they don't even have an auto dialer
This should be a good thing but I'm finding the repetition of taking numbers manually from a database and calling them stressful, should I just convince my boss to install AutoHotKey and tell them it'll improve my workflow?
at least I'd get my dick wet. I don't even get that in my shitty touristic town.
See if your workstation has anything preexisting you can use. Might have an old version of Perl hanging around. Then just learn how to automate whatever you have.
Watching Grass Grow While Being Hit Repeatedly Over the Head with a Blunt Object
Seems to just be a standard Windows 11 box to be honest, nothing but the raw basics of Chrome and that's about it.
are you calling from some desktop app, from a dumb phone or from a smartphone? can't you transform them into the tel: format and maybe link that to the app, or maybe share it to your smartphone as text and then click on the numbers to call them?
Powershell? Or maybe you can dump the whole DB into a spreadsheet and do something fucked up from there
Either from the Teams web app or Teams electron app being the main "dialer", there is also a webphone as well that can be called into, but for outbound then it's through teams.
I basically want to find a way to extract from the Database I'm given, take the number, ring, if it declines it'll update the status for me as it wouldn't be hard to do i + whatever the current status is and leave some notes with the date and status of that caller.
That's an idea, not sure how useful it would be however.
>Either from the Teams web app or Teams electron app
can't you just copy & paste the info into a chat with yourself then? like, concatenate tel: to each phone number and then click on them to call them or whatever? then if the call gets declined edit the note in Teams and add "declined" or whatever other info you need to the row
I wont be doing anything this week because of database migration effort...thanks
I just got told I will be put on pip extremely soon.
I have been struggling with performance for a while (about when I joined this team a year ago).

I just got diagnosed with adhd and I have been struggling with depression for many years so this is probably a main contributor.
I defiantly have some learning points here which I can try to apply to try to salvage this but what are the recommendations here?

This is big tech and I switched to this new team a year ago. I have been at this company for 3 years total (the other team sucked, was boring, and had really bad management and team dynamic issues)

Is it possible to get a job after being fired? I can't help but think of the worst case scenario here. Given how ass the job market is I feel like I will be out of a job for over a year.
Given a gap that big how do you even explain that in an interview?
Also to add I am turning 30 this month.
Does your country count ADHD as a disability such that you get any kind of protection from termination?
That aside, PIPs are ultimately about the company covering its own ass, so they're usually pretty long. I want to say like 6 months. I would spend that time trying to meet expectations so you don't need to worry about a job search.
Few people survive PIPs. Start looking for a new job immediately.
>can I get a job after being fired
Yes but it's far easier to start finding another role now before you are fired. Start upskilling and hunting now, having never been on a PIP I couldn't say if it's true they're foregone conclusions but I wouldn't just wait for it in the meantime.
When you say struggling wi th performance what do you mean? You're not meeting deadlines? are you just not doing the work, you can't do the work, or.?
>get into infrastructure and platform stuff
>new staff eng decides to rearchitect literally everything
>haven't written code in like 6 months other than writing yaml files
I don't know how to escape this hell. I'm so sick of learning new random bullshit tools he keeps introducing despite the existing bullshit he's already adding not working properly yet or showing any value. I had to write some actual running code recently and it was so refreshing. I'm confident that this entire initiative is going to crash soon and I'll be part of the culling that happens. It all just feels like such a waste of time.
Publicly document your concerns.
Spent 3 years busting my ass working for peanuts / literally free / being jobless / applying for thousands of positions.
>decide to offer businesses consultant services (have 6 years of experience now, everything from devops to networking to cabling to project management to cybersecurity to engineering to scripting to web development, fluent in C++, python, java, HTML/CSS/JS, know every network protocol, worked on 7+ OSes, mac/windows/linux/BSD/etc)
>finally found company willing to give me a shot
>complete project two weeks ahead of schedule, they're happy as fuck, paid good too (below market, but it's nice after 3 years of below minimum wage)
>going to give me a bunch more work
I was slacking off earlier
Now I do the work but I find it hard to get help (SME not responding, people being slow to approve PR...etc)
I have trouble tracking multiple tasks (focused on primary task and loose sight on smaller tasks and forget they exist)
Hard to ramp up on a new task sometimes

If I had to summarize it's probably time management, task tracking, and learning to communicate for help
I don't understand, if you have 6 years of experience and you're fluent in so many things, why are you only now getting a job?
I live in Ontario. That answer it?
Had a few gigs, mind you - I've worked about 3 years total in that time, in tech.
Isn't Ottowa in Ontario. Are you trying to say that the capital city of a first world country doesn't have many tech jobs?
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I want to study another career in case working in IT stops being profitable. What you guys recommend? I've been considering enrolling into a trade school, but a bunch of coworkers tell to pursue a 5 year career and I don't feel like doing that again.
>first world country
Canada has been a failed state for 5 years now.
I'm also in the Toronto area, not the Ottawa area.

Our economy collapsed 2 years ago, and immigrants get subsidized wages (by up to 70%).
The market here is fucked.
I'm being forced to do all of those things. Haven't written unit testing since college. They're forcing us to do all these architecture reviews now. Every daily standup the scrum master tracks story progress - "let's make sure we add details to those stories", "let's make sure we're moving these stories along". Still a junior after 2.5 years in the same position.
I interviewed at another company last week, same industry, mid-sr. level, 25k more. Asked them if they have scrum master, daily stand ups, architecture reviews, or use "Workflow Orchestration Tools". They use none of that shit. Feels like a really chill environment where I could just produce some good products and coast for a year or 2 until I'm ready for fagman interview. Really want that job so I can kiss this team goodbye.
I don't like how I can relate to this situation and I have yet to get a PIP
Is React fun? As of right now using Bootstrap, front end is ASS. Fucking miserable. Please tell me using React is better.
become a jqueryGOD
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>I do the work but it's hard to get help
Document all your attempts (Email/Ticket/Etc), then get on with it. Cover your ass always for when it gets to this point.

>Trouble tracking tasks
First thing in the morning write down what you need to get done, if it's not checked off at close of business follow it up when making tomorrow's list.

I found the Pomodoro Technique exceedingly useful for time management since I can sprint but can't marathon, start small and carry a notebook and write shit down when it happens.
Yes but it's easy to turn into hell. Know what you're doing before starting with it and don't let jeets anywhere near it.
I made some progress on that ticket today, might be delayed since Ranjesh didn't respond to me. Thanks
What do jeets do to it?
I need to get a job before I work with them anyways.
People like you should be raped to death (legally)
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I want to leave my current job so bad right now but there are like almost no cyber-security related job openings right now lol
They abuse the fuck out of hooks (userffect) and don't bother optimizing anything
>work in 11 hours
It isn't too late to get sick
>work in 7 hours
>nobody in office for 2 hours after I come in
>Have to wait for program to finish processing
>Learn something new like C in the mean time
>Get paid
Max comfy
Last time I spent time teaching myself something new when there was nothing to do the senior engineer messaged me pissed off that I didn't ask him for work. I did earlier in the day and he had nothing at the time.
I can't tell exactly how you're relating to the above post but testing and documentation are good in moderation. You'll be writing both of these things at fagman as well.
Based procedural PHP and jQuery boomer.
how do you geniuses ensure your code is working correctly without unit tests?
Write it right to begin with and you won't need to test it, little junior
Read it line by line and imagine what would happen if it ran. I know this is hard for you because developers don't normally have an imagination.
sure, but like why wouldnt you want to prove it?
Rust that compiles is guaranteed to be bug free
I have other things to do like jerk off and post in nigger hate threads. Not going to write a test. Just not going to lol.
This, >>102298096 but almost unironically.
I don't
someone else finds if it doesnt work
its 2:15am and i have to wake up in 7 hours for my standup :(
why should i devote precious time and energy to writing documentation and unit tests if i will be gone in 1-2 years anyway?
You shouldn't. Future junior devs or interns should be documenting your undocumented stuff while they're learning about the system. Keep track of what you aren't documenting and then offload it to them when they're ramping up.
Late 30s and working as an architect at a bank.

Is it over for me? Is it too late to pivot to big tech or a startup?
happy mondy
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Be glad you have that. It's tough out there.
late 30s doing glorified IT making under $70k a year
>SME not responding, people being slow to approve PR
Document this shit. Always. Also mention it on each daily.
>multiple tasks
gay. Are you working at Am*zon?
write proper integration tests
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So what would you say is your worst quality?
I hate shitskins and niggers. Diversity is not a strength. HR shouldn't exist.
I took some vacations and included two days where I'm supposed to work remotely in the total of days I took off.
But the company I'm working for has a policy that forbid people working from outside the country.
If I set up a remote control on a laptop to my machine at home, which is connected to the machine at work. Will it detect the double control? (don't know how it called or even if it's a retarded question)
What's your host OS? If it's Windows 10/11, then most likely yes.
Yeah it's Windows 10
You don't, no one does. Unit Tests are vital on larger projects once you reach the complexity and scale where you can't be sure anymore.

All the boomer uncle bob stuff seems silly until you hit a job like my current role. A custom fintech setup, built by pajeet contractors in a first world country who outsourced to india, at the behest of a shitbag CFO cheapskate. All the code processing invoices, statements, accounting etc is written in node.js/typescript in a microservice pattern with no unit tests and a couple integration tests, usually 1 or 2 per microservice only to verify the correct case. There is very little to no logging, the alarming is absolutely useless and no way to debug or rewrite existing code because it is all garbage curry code with no architectural separation. Code is full of subtle asynchronous bugs where the jeets resolved this by simply enforcing synchronous calls on all IO, defeating the purpose of using node. Databases contain 'relational' tables, where the jeets couldn't even trim zeros off the front of the keys to ensure they match, so instead they directly insert with 0s on the front. General Ledger system doesn't balance except once a month. A project with pajeet PMs, pajeet developers, pajeet solutions architect (who picked the contractors).

Then you understand why you need all the unit tests, abstractions and architecture to maintain these pieces of shit. And only hire white developers.
>have been just shitposting the whole day instead of working
of fuck of fuck will they find out?
Sirs are the only developers who can write job-secure code. You fire them to cut down costs? Fine, now you have to support the codebase by yourselves, good luck. Fuck around and find out.
currently in a pointless meeting for management level that has jack shit to do with my work
at least i'm remote
Why do people hate meetings? I find it comfy. You just sit back, relax and listen to those with fake jobs argue with each other about irrelevant stuff
I suppose it's not so bad as far as things you could be forced to do can be but it's still not as good as fuckin around and doing whatever i want
that was me but i woke up at 9.50 instead
just run it in local and ensure your input/output correct
Who cares, those things only matter for real software and the CRUD slop you're writing isn't.
this is the employed tech workers general neet-kun
Fair play to one of my team
We're downsizing and the cunt spends last week on one small ticket, takes Monday off again due to obvious hangover
Wish I had that level of fearlessness
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Good morning Sirs
you're hired!
you'll be working under Mr. Suryanamstriya
Would you rather deal with a jeet or a fresh grad?
Personally I would take my chances with the jeet
Sometimes,I want to get fired.
>Good morning Sirs
good morning sir
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>Mate tells me theres a job opening at his place
>Apply on a whim expecting it to go nowhere
>Get an interview
>Completely fumble it due to being out of my depth
>Hearing all the qualities of the other company makes me want out of my current job
I'm still stuck in traffic! Ahhhhhh!
I hate Mondays!
So why do you want to enter this fake "industry"? You will only be employable for a number of years because of ageism, corporate greed and pidgeonholing. Millions of cheap kumars h1bs will have preference over you. Inb4 its good money. The question is, for how long? Will you be chasing the few good jobs across the globe for life?

Think about this.

t. you in 12 years
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How do people phone post on this site its a miserable experience
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Yeah man thats why I plan to save enough money that past 45 I wont need to work anymore. Honestly even now I could make it 5-10 years just on my savings. Another decade and Ill basically be untouchable.
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jeets cant into linux sysadmin. My coworkers are fat bearded glass wearing smelly white nerds as god intended
>for life
lol if you can't retire after 10 years of waging
How did you get a job?
You could if you live with your parents or in a car.
working with stakeholders is fucking annoying
>boss is making me introduce a new feature to the team
>"anon i don't know if we have a use case for this, what about x,y,z,a,b,c"
>"okay, I'll investigate and get back to you."
>"anon we need help!!!!"
>"the exact feature i was trying to introduce would've solved the problem immediately"
>"oh, we could use this new feature here."
>"???? anyways anon, can we do x,y,z (goes against company policy)?????"
like jesus fucking christ, i'm both playing broken telephone and talking to a brick wall. this is so frustrating.
1. You won't hold a stable job until 45.
2. You will be robbed via inflation: your savings will diminish in value at a rate you won't be able to compensate.
what makes financially illiterate neets who dont even know about 401ks so confident
Those times are long gone.
I have no need to convince you otherwise, since the longer you slave away the better my stocks perform.
Yeah? How are they doing this week?
Organizations will be compelled to not have systems of their own, but to use authorised Cloud services. For the remaining few use cases, sysadminning will be automated and offered as a service. All in the name of cybersecurity, costs, or whatever BS they argue.
software is best done with as little communication with the end user as possible
>1. You won't hold a stable job until 45.
Sorry I hold an actually useful degree and have useful job experience so I will.

>2. You will be robbed via inflation: your savings will diminish in value at a rate you won't be able to compensate.
Oh really? Then why does anyone invest at all? Why not just murder people and steal their stuff?

I understand you're an angry college kid with dim job prospects but maybe you should work for a few years before making these retarded blackpill nonsense statements.
up 13% since the start of the year, pretty good
I use Firefox dark mode. It's not great UI, but it is tolerable if your frame of reference is 2000s forums.
>Then why does anyone invest at all?
Because stocks are dollar-denominated so they go up when the government devalues its currency by money printing. That doesn't mean the increase cancels out the resultant social decay because the economy is still largely fake.
>Why not just murder people and steal their stuff?
Men with guns will stop you.
Cover letters - yay or nay?
Why are you even thinking about retirement when you still hasn't solved the problem of having a job and paying your bills? You won't get a penny from 401k unless you have consistently worked for most of your life.
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So youre saving society by not participating at all right? Thats why your bank account has less than 100 bucks in it?
Your stocks are fake numbers that are subject to "market" trends.
10 minutes in Monday and I'm already frazzled and kinda annoyed. Is this a sign to look for a new job or am I being a bitch? I don't want to always leave when the going gets tough but I can't help but feel really frustrated with dealing with my coworkers.

The problem is I was hired to help support my boss in him helping the day to day operations. I know fucking nothing about the day to day but I know the software. I don't (and neither do I want to nor do the stakeholders) have the time to do shadowing sessions. And each fucking department does everything differently. So I don't know the ins and outs and repercussions of shit but I keep getting pushed to push features out and it's so frustrating because it feels like I'm constantly overlooking something, being too overly cautious, everyone seems to be giving me false information in what they want AHHHHHHHHHH
I say no, but idk. I'm just a random 30 yo eng on 4chan. What do I know about getting hired?
Waste of time. I have never sent a cover letter in and have had plenty of interviews and job offers. The only time its necessary is certain government jobs but when I see that requirement I just move on.
>he doesn't enjoy doing captchas on phone
Bot detected
If theybare frustrating or annoying they get to pay the time price of my annoyance.
Try this, it might help.
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how do you become this insanely cracked? does this kind of people generally has no problems in their family lives? no family drama, no girlfriend breakups, no friend group drifting apart, no house chores, no commute, no depression spiral, no porn addiction, no neighbor gossip, no shoulder pain issues, no back pain issues, no career blunders, no nothing? just endless time and energy to focus on being 10x, escape recruiting hell gracefully, and become self employed? are they living in a different dimension where there day goes for 100 hours and they don't need to sleep or eat?
are you retarded anon? I've had a job for 3 years and put away 2k a month into stocks
>You won't get a penny from 401k unless you have consistently worked for most of your life.
hahahahahahhaha, nothing funnier than talking to retards who refuse 401k matches because it's not "their" money
do you even know how this shit works or what a roth ladder is?

everything is fake and subject to market trends
and the market trend for its entire existence is up, but I understand you prefer to wallow at the bottom to feel a sense of superiority from the rest
>Sorry I hold an actually useful degree
This only proves how disconnected from reality you are.

>Why not just murder people and steal their stuff?
This is actually what all nation-states do with their citizens. You are seeing it daily in Ukraine.
I mean if you do pet projects in your free time it's easy.
For me, I replaced video games with hobby dev.
lol, being an indie gamedev makes me utterly hate video games. the only thing that catches my interest nowadays is either VN or RPGMaker garbage
>do you even know how this shit works
Yes, you work until being 60 to retire with e.g. $50k. Except they are $50k of the future. If you want more you work more years. Assuming you can.
I guess I was always curious as to how vidya was made, so dev is like revealing what's behind the curtain.
It gives me more dopamine than vidya nowadays.
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I love you guys, you shoot yourselves in the foot and then brag about it to everyone. You even form cliques in the shittier jobs I've been where everyone proudly says how they have nothing in retirement accounts because they don't trust the government hahahahahahha.
>someone enters the thread and starts jerking themselves off while aggressively strawmanning
>timezone change
>morning standup is now at 12:30 instead of 11:30
Sorry anon, would you prefer I leave this thread to the unemployed students and wannabe codemonkeys with 0 actual work experience?
good morning sir
Agreed. Always funny to hear people bitch about never being able to retire while they spend every single cent every paycheck.
Have a look at the demographics of your (western) country. You will probably be euthanised by the government before getting back any of your "savings". They already won't be able to pay for the boomers, so the new retirement system will be in place way before you reach that age.
join the CIA and overthrow the indonesian government, turning it into a puppet state.
>Please contact me for my employment history
Is it a good idea to do this?
You have no idea how 401ks work, just like every other faglord in this thread. This isn't social security niglet, you can withdraw the money tomorrow if you want.
>They already won't be able to pay for the boomers
boomers will be mostly dead by 2030, how long will you keep up with this doomlarp to justify not fixing your life?
I'm not a westoid bitch, I'm just here for the stupid amounts of money.
still laying in bed comfy after having my 9am stand-up call
Start in HS, or as you say have no life for 4 years in college and miss the point of going to college (It's not to learn for most disciplines)

Otherwise become self-taught through endless hobbyist projects and make resume websites like this to showcase your skills. Someone will hire you.

Traditional path or DIY path? Combination of both? Up to you these days.
>I'm just here for the stupid amounts of money
It won't be nearly enough. If you try to get it back on time they won't let you.
It's not even money at this point.
What does
>Severals years of experience
Actually means? It's junior position, doesn't CS degree count as experience?

Seems to be really controversial, like Reddit think it doesn't count and Stackexchange think it does.
When companies say YOE, they mean years of post secondary education non-internship paid full time professional software development
any data analyst here? how's the work like?
Alright man then what should we do
People spend less than 10 seconds looking at a resume. If yours requires extra work then it better say you are a full stack developer with 10 years experience in every language with a $10m+ direct revenue increase due to your work.
it's over bro, just do nothing for the next 40 years until you die
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Thank you for believing in me.
real data analyst or data entry whore or excel whore?
I always knew you had it in you. I'm proud of you.
Why is "tech" used as a euphemism for "software development"
most posters here are devs, but other positions are ok i think. even helpdesk
I'm an electrical engineer and I have no where to go.
stem career general on /sci/ has been overrun with brown status strivers chattering about PhDs.
I'm sysadmin (help desk) for like 20 users. It's comfy
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>reaching end of project
>pajeet project manager who has been silent throughout the entire project has a request
>"the marketing team wants to record a video with specific branding, how can we do this?"
>team lead asks him to elaborate on exactly what he needs for the video
>"we need a video, how can we do that?"
>team lead assigns clueless junior to get in touch with him to build whatever he wants
I love working with incompetent retards
this, too, shall pass
>assigns clueless junior
You don't get it. It's the most sounding way to say fuck off.
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is this a normal thing to ask for US based corps? Looking for remote jobs its kinda funny..
They ask this basically everywhere these days.
I usually put Male and then two or more races because I'm Jewish xd.
That sounds awful
What's a professional way to tell someone that just because it took them 20 years to get where they are, doesn't mean you won't be able to surpass them after a month of working there?

Tired of incompetent retards using years of experience as a hiring criterion. Been in the industry for over 3 years, can say with 100% confidence that those ugly dysgenic staff engineers at FAGMAN have less than 10% of my skills and talent.
You are welcome here, fren.
t. ME-anon
>another hot shot know-it-all is out to change the world and wants to work like a slave for mr. shekelberg to prove he is very smart
You're actually the idiot in this situation, the guys with 20 years experience figured it out a long time ago and know better than to fuck up a good thing.
>Been in the industry for over 3 years
>can say with 100% confidence
actions speak louder than words
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If you're really that skilled and talented, you wouldn't need to tell anybody about it, your actions would speak for themselves.

And if you're really that talented, why do you need to surpass anybody? Start your own business. You have the power to make anything, allegedly, go fill a niche.
You should never say anything like this, anon. I know you think you're a hotshot, and you are probably much more generally competent than your boomer or gen x competition, but listen to me: NEVER EVER SAY IT OR DRAE ATTENTION TO IT.
Guys like him always get chewed up and spit out by the workplace. He's a bug in search of a windshield.
Just check all boxes.
I unironically hate work from home. I'm much less focused. 10x more stressed and paranoid.
take it easy
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Once you realize none of this shit matters your productivity, happiness, efficiency and career will all go up.
So RTO then, bitch. No one is stopping you. The reason you're paranoid is because you don't have what it takes, fucking faggot. And you're a pussy.
hey man im still fighting for your WFH rights, i just myself prefer work at the office even if im there solo. it's not financially viable though because of the commute.
if you were, you would've rented a coworking space and kept it secret
>Rented a coworking space
do you know how much that'll cost? sigh i'd work in a library or cafe but those feel kinda terrible for my type of job (lots of meetings, etc.) plus library is more for students so it's weird.
can a nigga get a interview
Why do dumbass recruiters on LinkedIn/Indeed constantly contact me for roles I'm clearly unqualified for based on their own job description?
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what kind of experience do you have, what do you know to do?
Because recruiters and HR are the most NPC people imaginable and cannot understand anything they werent directed to do.
>wfh day
>got lots of chores to do
>take a break on 4chan
>gf sitting next to me
>"What are you supposed to be doing today?"
Why are women like this? Yes, I obviously have a bunch of stories and epics I need to work on, but let me do all that in the office when my boss is actually watching me.
Because they mass message anybody that hits a certain flag, regardless of whether or not they're qualified. It's a numbers thing.
Mine does this too lmfao.
The answer is not really.
>jeet randomly adds me on linkedin
>he's from my old university
why the fuck are you adding random people, is this what school is teaching you now a days?
Is he asking for a job? All the jeets that have been adding me recently are asking for a job or for me to reccommend them for a job.
Am I the only one that doesn't have a gf on this normalfag reddit-lite site? I thought this place was for incels.
one guy messaged me "It's been a while since we last caught up!" (some preselected message)
and im just straight what the fuck are you on about?????
That's a tactic, it's to make you questioned yourself and get you to engage with him. You're supposed to think "Wait, do I know this guy? Maybe I should talk to him and find out!"
It works on retards and boomers.
"can you please sir do the needful and make me a referral for X position? Thank you sir! I see you went to [school], I also am the alma of matter! Go [team]"
LinkedIn gives you suggestions on who to add, it'll recommend people from old work/uni
One time I accepted one and they messaged me wanting to be my financial advisor but I just ignored it
sir please redeem the connection request
Hate when this happens.
I got that one too. It's annoying becuase it'll be like "30 mutual connections" but it's all just a random assortment of people from work or school.
go to /b/ or /r9k/. /g/ stands for gigachads only! 8-)
I hate everyone I went to uni with. They were all redditor capeshit fans and their entire idea of STEM came from Big Bang Theory. Also one of them trooned out over summer break and walked into first day of senior year wearing a skirt and demanded everyone call him Stephanie. Was one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen, I literally laughed in his face and never talked to him again.
>Also one of them trooned out over summer break and walked into first day of senior year wearing a skirt and demanded everyone call him Stephanie. Was one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen
honestly i was the weird kid in my high school but when i went to uni holy fuck you'd see even weirder fucks and i wasn't even in a tech field (hey im a tech worker now i can be in here)
One thing I do still think about is how he landed on the name "Stephanie."
His real name didn't even start with an S, it was Andrew. I wonder how troons choose a female name. Is it just like "This is a name that sounds like it would belong to a girl I'd jack off too" ???
same lmao
>all the homeschooled freaks were released to the wild
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>getting ghosted after 3 rounds of great interviews

Why is it like this man. This job market fucking blows.
they found the ideal candidate. it sucks i know. desu there should only be two interviews.
Its even worse because I felt like I was the ideal candidate. I matched the job description like 90% and had a great back and forth with the team.
At least you are saving democracy.
I feel like public school produces freakier people than homeschooling does these days.
Did you follow up with the recruiter? It can take 2 weeks or so for someone to get back to you, depending on how unorganized it is over there.
yeah we had another guy that was really good in an interview but he just needed a little more technical knowledge. it really sucks and i felt bad.
You sure do love complaining. I'm at a coffee shop right now and have taken calls. Shut up retard drone.
Trying to predict what will be the thing that fucks your kid up is honestly impossible.
Society is absolutely fucked, your kid will be completely fucked up no matter what, the only thing you can do is try to minimize the damage after it becomes apparent.
I get this but from random students that literally live and go to college in India. Every time LinkedIn tells me who's looked at my profile it's full of Indian people from random Indian companies and universities.
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Im going to follow up with the recruiter by the end of day. Last I heard they were still doing interviews but that was over a week ago.
I don't understand why the fuck any of you still bother with LinkedIn. It was all scams ten years ago but now it's scammers scamming other scammers.
What else is there?
The only really great job board I ever used was my university's internal job seeker board. It was mostly local companies looking to hire our students and there was zero scams on it because it was rigidly gatekept, but I lost access 6 months after I graduated.
Good morning sir
Nupol and its consequences have been a disaster for the white race
If that means more retards working their whole lives to make my 401k fatter then its ok.
>inflation goes up
>value of dollar goes down
>things become more expensive
>stonks also become more expensive
>"look the stonks are more expensive, this is good!"
Being a retard isn't a counter to being a doomer. It just makes you a retard who can't put 2 and 2 together.
The US dollar has lost over 97% of its purchasing power since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 btw. There's a reason your parents and your grandparents worked their entire lives and you still don't have shit.
what are you currently saving up for? want to get my son an action camera for christmas.
What else should I do? I'll ride this train until it disappears, then I'll worry about what's next.
Where else to find job saar
Trying to find a job that pays enough that I can rent in the center city where my girlfriend lives. Then I can go out every night with her and live life the way it was meant to be instead of spending all day every day rotting inside.
You're so fucking stupid. Literally nigger tier. If you're an adult you should be ashamed. I'm not going to spoon feed you.

Paying off my house early, currently on track to get it done in 10 years. Otherwise saving for raising a family if that will even be possible in two years.
faggot bitch neighbor been listening to music for 6 hours
Well, which one are you?
My uni is making me go through a data analyst bootcamp that's packed with python, matplotlib, pandas, and seaborn. There's two le Capstone project, one is about data visualization and the second is machine learning heartbeat detection website wumbo jumbo with tensorflow, keras, and flask. Both of these needs to be done before 10th november or else they will hold my graduation certificate. Fuck me, tell me at least that the job pays better than being a QA
Bluetooth/WiFi DDOS. Get a Yagi antenna, a rasperry and shoot RF waves at it.

Brick the fucking device.
>You're so fucking stupid. Literally nigger tier. If you're an adult you should be ashamed. I'm not going to spoon feed you.
This isn't reddit, the female social shaming tactics don't work here. Either argue your point (you can't) or just accept that you've demonstrated that you have low intelligence and stop posting.
Is this legal
Fucking hell

Nothing. All my paycheck goes to my mom and younger siblings (which they blow for catfood and skincare or perfumes)
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IBM sent me a coding assessment...
Does that mean I passed the resume screening or do they send these to everyone?
Cool, I don't care. I just genuinely hate you and retarded subhumans similar to you. Everyone knows what you're doing. Kill yourself nigger.
No kek
Tell them to fuck off
>how do you become this insanely cracked?
That's called autism. Before I started working I was pretty similar to your picrel, until one buddy posted his company was recruiting and I got the position. Now I'm earning more than double of what I started. There's drama, there are chores, there are issues but autism always finds some time
answer the question dipwad
Is it possible to do online university as well as hold a full time tech job? Would any tech company even let you do that or would they be worried you can't put your full time towards the job? Is it better to hide the fact that I'm working on my degree on my resume, or write it down? (It is not a compsci degree)
You know that ibm is peak jeet hell right?
after 3 hours of meetings I'm ready for my day to begin
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Of course not. Just fucking shoot at him.
No, it's actually a federal felony. But do it anyway no one will ever know.
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no, I wasn't aware
Real data analyst then. What's the job like?
Jeet Hell. That's pretty funny. That do explain their fall from grace.
I'm married to an Indian but haven't interacted with many of them outside of her high class family. If I go to work in big tech in a company filled with them, are they the type of people to resent me for stealing their girl, or to worship me for mingling with their kind? I'm tall white and (modestly) handsome.
>8 YOE staff level engineer
>currently employed but bored, looking for new challengers
>job applications get sunk into a black hole for the last 1.5 years
>last month or so, finally start landing interviews
>LOTS of them, concurrently
>interview process in 2020: one HR phone screen, one Zoom tech interview, one behavioral, offer
>interview process NOW: answer a bunch of questions in a PDF AFTER APPLYING to get a _chance_ at the phone round
>hiring manager technical phone screen
>take-home test and/or Zoom tech assesment
>fly out to company HR for several more tech rounds, in-person
>final behavioral interview, on-site
>meet execs/VPs for final round, on-site
>get ghosted anyway
how in the fuck am I meant to accomplish these ridiculous interview gauntlets if I'm already employed? at least in the olden days of a single (1) zoom tech round I could just "go to the dentist" or whatever
now i've gotta take a week of PTO, look suspicious as fuck, and burn my time off just to get rejected anyways

holy shit anons i'm done with this shit career, it's gonna be motorcycle mechanic school for me if I'm ever laid off from my current gig.
I'll never forget this:
>be me
>be in uni
>be in the CS college building
>In front of the Game Design and Development lab, there's a little sitting area.
>sitting there, mmob, doing some schoolwork
>suddenly the epitome of a neckbeard sits down next to me
>ponytail, fedora, MLP t-shirt, fingerless gloves
>the full fucking monty
>pic related, but still isn't enough
>he literally pulls out a fucking gaming laptop
>thing revvs up like that famous greentext.
>dude is literally a living meme
>then the odor hits me
>dude has not showered in months.
>I'm forced to leave his immaculate presence

Yeah, tech schools are full of this shit.
These fuckers have the most coddling parents. They never have to pick up a broom or the cleaning sponge.
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I had a friend who majored in Game Design. He said the first day of classes was just the professors begging the freshmen to shower regularly. He thought they were joking, they were not.
How do I get over my hatred for the average tech worker? I don't like being mean but it's exhausting having to be fake friendly to the human scum that fills this profession all the time. It makes me seem weird because I'm pretty sure that I subconsciously telegraph how much I hate everything they enjoy but I go out of my way to be nice when I actually talk to them.
Why wouldn't it be legal?
Best way to deal with abrasive autistic tech faggots is to just pretend to submit to their "intelligence"

That's the single point of failure for a lot of "erhm, ackshually" tech incel types -- they have absolutely nothing going on in their lives, and never have, modulo being "smart" and working at a "tech" company.

So just ask them their opinions about some arcane incel shit like vim plugins and let them ramble, you don't really have to do any talking yourself.
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You are violating the NAP.
Yep I already do that. Can't count the amount of times I smiled and nodded to absolutely delusional shit coming from a senior engineer when I first started out. But I meant more that even the non autists are unbearable. I'm so fucking tired of hearing about video games and rock climbing. And the worst is the few who like sports ball shit and god forbid if you didnt grow up with their stupid fucking team obsession. The autists at least occasionally say something interesting between the bloviating.
I ended up waking up at 9:59 and was still the first one on our call
>I'm so fucking tired of hearing about video games and rock climbing
Ah, I see, the pseudo-normalfag wannabes who think attending a rock-climbing gym 2x/month makes them athletic or whatever. I'm guessing a lot of these guys are white/asian, probably talk about going to EDM shows too. Truly insufferable copy+pasta golems.

I know your pain anon, after 10 years in industry I have exactly 4 real friends that came organically out of the 6 companies I've worked at. The majority of people are just bland, tone-dead, tasteless and boring. glhf
based minimum-effort-but-still-surpass-coworkers go-getter
My boss tells me all the time how productive I am and that I'm on track for a promotion but I do like 30 minutes of actual work per day
>the pseudo-normalfag wannabes who think attending a rock-climbing gym 2x/month makes them athletic or whatever. I'm guessing a lot of these guys are white/asian, probably talk about going to EDM shows too
How did you know kek

>I know your pain anon, after 10 years in industry I have exactly 4 real friends that came organically out of the 6 companies I've worked at. The majority of people are just bland, tone-dead, tasteless and boring. glhf
Brutal. I hate this fucking industry.
Because you work smart. People has the conception that actual work implies working hours. Some cultures perceive working until late as something negative, not as an indication of productivity, because objectives are not being achieved in the required time.
>random roastie adds me on Linkedin
>wrked in my company for 10 years as an “analyst” ending in 2018 (supposedly)
>check her profile
>detailed listings of nail salon work but with a random analyst role with no description thrown in
this is either a scammer or a bootcamper trying to worm her way into networking using fake job history
what the fuck do you want me to say lmao?
oh yeah i spent my weekend playing visual novels, muramasa is so fucking wild bro.

like holy shit you "fake normie" autists are even worse than normie and autists because you don't know your fucking place. fuck off.
That would be the bitch upstairs with her music
you also got a meeting to talk about your weekends turn by turn?
if she's white you're obligated to help her. i'd rather see 1 Stacey lie her way into tech than 55 more Pajeetas
I have like 800 connections on linkedin and I actually know like 50 of them
That's fair.
Oh another funny thing about the rock climbing niggers: Two years ago I accidentally walked into three of them discussing some kind of wife/gf sharing cuck activity they were planning for a week they all took off together.
Just say general shit and have a backup plan for if they ask for more details (they wont). One of my hobbies (growing uncommon plants) is normie friendly enough so that's my go to when they ask.
I still remember some high end executive guy introducing himself as a Cyberpunk 2077 fan at the fucking peak of the bug disaster at lunch. It was a formal presentation, he has a new hire. It was the most alien thing I've ever heard in a business meeting.
Holy fucking kek
Yeah, I usually say nothing though because I'm not fucking STUPID like some of you people.
whatever fucking stoner. kys
hahahaha that's fucking hilarious. he's based as all hell.
how much would it cost for you to yell nigger at your office?
Start identifying as a transnigger and call them racist trannyphobes. Then they might puss out of firing you.
Are you a jeet?
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Fuck. Rajeet worked on Apple's silicon chips.
I do this repeatedly throughout the day (I wfh)
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Got this application in the bag
A British Fairy?
you forgot the custom box was/were
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boss makes a dollar i make i dime thats why i masturbate on company time
I unironically might get promoted. Worst case a slap on the wrist.
I'm meeting a trans girl I met from 4chan end of this month
she's a real woman chud
she will never be a transwoman
>sysadmin gives me new laptop with ThreatLocker on it
>trying to prevent me from playing steam at work?
>nice try retard, but you didn't take away my local admin rights
>Didn't disable safemode boot
>proceed to boot into safemode
>bit flip registry entry
>reboot to safemode
>run uninstall in CMD as admin
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>tranny pronouns
My scrum master is pretty useless. I've got the general idea across to her that I don't give a fuck about her processes and since im the only senior of the team it's my way or the high way.

By knowing people mostly.

But I got my first job by absolutely kicking the utter fucking shit out of the other candidates at a practical technical test. Im a do-er. Absolutely fall to bits with gay shit like leetcode. I struggle with things I think are fucking useless. But if im asked to build something? Even something substantial? No problem!
Reminds me when my Dad changed the password on his computer to keep me out. Windows XP by default creates an account called "Administrator" without a password, so I just logged into that and changed his password to something else.
>XP admin account with blank pw
Certified classic
I've taken to calling them
For the obvious reason, but also because they are likely to pull the trigger on themselves.
Feel free to use that if you'd like.
what the fuck?
Laughing Brazilian is a gender now?
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How are Russian hackers so elite? They're everywhere.
Gonna get two offers at almost the same time, salary will surely be very similar since I discussed them very early, only difference one is a small and the other a fairly big company. Any suggestions anons on which would be a good pick? I'm fairly early on my career with only 5YOE.
What position is it?
Often times in big companies you can fall between the cracks and get away with doing less work. Also it will look better on a resume later on
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it's over
Bigger Company = less work and better health benefits.
This is how I feel getting my first tech job in 2024 at 26 years old. Meanwhile there are 22 year olds with 5 years of coding experience degreed up to the cheeks
>get away with doing less work
Exactly my thoughts, both are for codemonkey positions.

>health benefits.
Forgot to mention this is in europoor
I need to motivate myself to apply for a job that I will probably hate and will cause me mental anguish.
Try psilocybin tea
I had sex with a cute twink once so I self identify myself as omnisexual on job applications for that sweet sweet DEI
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postal services and banks won't.

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