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RTO edition

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous thread: >>102292573
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another monday another zero hours of work done.
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I want to study another career in case working in IT stops being profitable. What you guys recommend? I've been considering enrolling into a trade school, but a bunch of coworkers tell to pursue a 5 year career and I don't feel like doing that again. Yes, I'm asking this again.
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>join a discord so I can access some leetcode spreadsheet info
>resume review chat is full of ivy new grads with multiple fagman experiences
>people 24/7 streaming leetcode solves / SD study shit
>server has a fucking looksmax section
what the fuck is up with zoomers
I've never met a generation so dedicated to the rat race
you have never worked a day in your life
Proud of you, anon. Take all you can, give nothing back. Do it for the rest of us.
>First day at the new job
>Clone repos
>They're not following any of the best practices
>They're doing a bunch of weird shit instead
>The lead developer in charge is one of those '30 years of experience' morons who is completely out of touch with modern software development

Yep, looks like I'm disassociating at yet another job. God I'm so sick of this industry.
i bet 90% of them are asians
AKSHUALLY, I work as part of the sysadmin team for a bank.
Where's that dude who asked for /utwg/? Here you go.

I'm starting to not really care about my job anymore. How do I fix that?
Start posting here >>102310748
30% chink, 70% jeet guaranteed
rest assured their interviews will be 2-3x harder than yours but you just will need more soft skills to win
t. chink
Who cares? just do the weird shit
This. While you're at it, abandon any notion of "best practices" and write the most stupid shit you can get away with. You'll start enjoying your job again.
like it's weird, i have some stuff to do but im getting such unclear expectations, it's been zoning me out to do stuff. i just don't really care about it anymore....
lol I noticed that too. the cscd discord is 90% zoomer speak. I thought they were memeing at first but then I realized they're actually that brain rotten
Go into finance
I'm a contract junior dev just started in July. I was contract doing something else at the same company. My performance is super shitty. I never finish anything on time. But for some weird reason they want to extend my contract for 6 months.
Do you think I can negotiate my pay? I currently make around 70k (carried over from my previous position). I'm asking because I know my performance is shit because I'm still trying to learn, but I want more money. I also already do a decent amount of overtime for additional pay. They said there is no limit but I've been doing around 5-10 hours extra a week.
I don't even know what I can say. I don't understand why they want to extend at all. I was 100% sure they would just let me go.
thank fuck, now we can kick out the larping neets
Reminder that if you're not willing to be a contractor or consultant, Acqui-hiring is the only realistic way to land a good tech job. Plus it involves a nice cash bonus. Negative is that it's difficult to actually get to happen.
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>I never finish anything on time
no one does
Should I be marrying into a Jewish or Indian family
How did you get the job?
Do you have a degree?
How much experience did you have prior?
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all you need is the degree.
I'm a grown man; I'm not going to school for four years to get an entry level job at age 30
based stagnater
How do I do something like this in React / React Spring / Tailwind CSS / Whatever else is easier?

Basically I have a bunch of vector/svg drawings, I want them to do this cool spiraling animation around my website logo (which is just a Next.js <Image> element).
u sure u even can? these fucks have arranged marriages and will just dump you when you stop being their plaything.
Either way 4 years will pass, might as well spend them doing something to improve your position.
Otherwise you'll be 30 and not even capable of getting an entry level job.
Why don't I just use one year to teach myself though
Genuinely mind boggles me how drooling retards like you land a job while I'm not getting any callbacks after 500+ apps sent.
Yup, anon needs a 4 year degree in transnigger studies
>that hairline
he has a decent face too, life is cruel
He's a contract junior bro. He's either a jeet or stole one of their jobs. Don't be too jealous of him.
>try to finish a task my boss sends me
>about to push to prod
>"Hmmmmmmmmm, now I'm thinking about it, what happens if this scenario happens? can you talk to our stakeholders to see if they're okay with this?"
all this guy has to do is lose weight
I will list all things wrong with him. I am qualified to do this. Do not ask me how or why I am qualified.
>bad haircut
>bad glasses
>weird bio
>uses snapchat as an adult

He should immediately go and get contacts, or better glasses. I recommend contacts because he has a handsome face and eyes and he should show them off. He can ask a barber for help, a good one since his hair looks like it is receding (Idk much about male pattern baldness sorry if I am wrong.) He should go to the gym obviously. He should stop using snapchat for serious. He should change his bio to be about something he likes, having a bio about what you DON'T do it bizarre and gives off bad vibes.
I have a BS in compsci from 4 years ago. I've been contract at this company since I graduated. I started in QA and then went to automation testing for a little bit. With the automation I just asked if I could do that and they just let me handle it on my own. I only did that for about 3 months, then they moved me to the engineering team in July where it was more structured.
They didn't even really interview me. I got lucky and a lot of people on my team vouched for me. They asked if I had projects and programming experience. I had some old personal projects plus the automation thing. I only really had experience in front end. I was very rusted and only really started programming again while working on the automation.
In this position I do backend using Golang. I had absolutely no experience in backend or Go. I've been struggling to keep up.
Not a jeet, just found the right opportunity at the right time. I'm not slacking off, I'm just not experienced. I feel like I'm getting the hang of it, but it's just been really stressful. I at least want a pay raise.
Why do recruiters want to talk on the damn phone so much. "please call me after the interview and let me know how it went!"
>retarded manager finally got booted
It's been a great Monday
just 4 more days to go anon
sissyadmin lmao kys
Let me be clear.
I will learn how to program within 3 months and land my first remote job within 4 months.
I will immediately move to the center city and spend the majority of my money on rent.
This will not matter, because I will be increasing my skillset and always striving for more.
My experience and portfolio will continue to increase, and within a year I will be making six figures, making up for all that money lost on rent.
lets goooo
>land my first remote job within 4 months.
>I will immediately move to the center city
>rest assured their interviews will be 2-3x harder than yours
is that what Changs tell themselves? Guess it makes sense since asians memorize 10000 leetcode problems
Let me be clearer.
I will be moving to a city in a foreign country that I cannot legally work in, for reasons of true love.
>write the most stupid shit you can get away with
This guy gets it. If they wanted you to have the company's long-term interest at heart, they'd incentivize you with equity. Your only long-term concern is yourself so make mistakes and learn a thing or two.
At least I have a job.
fuck off
Based. I'm on the same grindpath brother.
>At least I have a job.
yeah being a janitor
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Please let it end
better than being a basement dweller.
based WiF enjoyer
>Only me and the new hire showed up to the office.
>No Feds
>Federal building is made out of wolverine bones so no cell service
>Assure the new guy that everyone must be running late.
>He says everyone is on teams.
>In Morning meeting Federal manager says RTO is great and implies he's at the office eating all the donuts.
>Watch the hope and optimism fade from the new guys face.
I don't think he's coming back bros.
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who said I dont have a job dickheel
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They went with another candidate.
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I hate this world and everyone in it (except mom)
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Ooh sorry about that anon, we reused a template from when we were hiring during covid, the job isn't actually WFH anymore, its office based work 5 days a week at our central office 1.5 hours from you.
You don't even own a home yet goyim, you think we're going to let you go that easily?
>just another day of believing israel didn't take my foreskin and I should be happy to be alive
>just another day of protecting my 100k salary by never saying nigger or jew in the zoom call
>i will be able to have children at 45 yo with a 44 yo blownout jewish dyke and they will all have autism
>you need to move out and have the degree.
I do tho
anyone got tips for am amazon SDE all virtual interview?

Specifically how to use chat gpt for coding questions during virtual in-person interviews

I gotta do the remote assesment but that should be easy, but for interviews coding challenge with a person, assuming they can tell where i move my cursor, how can i use chat gpt for coding quesions in real time?

set up two laptops side by side? use voice to text on my phone to speak the quetions out? ctrl+a ctrl+paste on the same laptop into a chatgpt window?
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>You don't even own a home yet goyim, you think we're going to let you go that easily?
>yes own the home goy, just flush the past 15 and next 15 years of your life down the toilet for a pile of sticks in kikeapple pennsylvania
>just buy the SUV so mommy can run the kids to school
>remember you can always sell and move to boontown vermont
>it's a great investment, the bank is here for you
>we're all here for you
IDK What any of this means, why don't you just go find a nice girl and have kids with her now if you're making six figs
No email trail of what was discussed.
>jeetin his ass off
put the fries in the bag lil bro
you have to read the post, there is empirically no way to undo the damage done besides stem cells being grown to replicate the exact organ and magic nerve cell fusing technology
stretching just does more damage, the best thing you can do is regularly vigorously jerkoff with lube to keep your muscles functioning at a higher level than an amish person
the pain is real, and there are so many who brainwash themselves that it's not, and all they had to do was give me an easy going software position but NOOOOO women need gay nigger twinks hanging off them and my penis shouldn't exist and any and all complaint about my discrimination as a male is silenced because the second you speak about it, the second you breathe a word about it to anyone, the NPC chip in their brain activates and suddenly it's a healthy procedure that male children should be exposed to, because otherwise all men should be dodging laser guided 155mm artillery shells in ukraine as a job (with no air support) (ever)
Won't know if you can until you try. They might tell you no but that's about the extent of it. A lot of young people have a fear that they'll face repercussions just for asking, but the reality is that you won't ever get a raise without doing so.
How do I learn and study for system design interviews? I have 2 YOE, but have no system design experience. System design interviews seem fucked up. My leetcode skills are strong though
My Sec+ class begins tonight. Any tips?
please remember to shower first, pradesh
It's virtual sirs
You're not allowed to work from another country remotely either unless your contract clearly stipulates this and many legal/insurance things are in place. Are you talking about a currently existing true love or just a potential one?
>You're not allowed to work from another country remotely either
Nobody has to know ;)
Google Voice has me covered

And yes, a currently existing true love. I wouldn't move to a foreign country where I can't legally work for a potential lol, I'd just move to a city in my own country.
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>first day of work
>remote gig
>no idea on my work hours so start early
>manager doesn't contact me
>none of my teammates
>send in introduction info to HR as requested
>do mandatory training videos
>all meetings are for later in the week
Is this normal?
My hr person only sent me my initial benefits info after I sent in my other stuff. I'm used to my department contacting me during the first day and scheduling meetings.
I wouldn't call it normal but gross incompetence is hardly unheard of
>none of my teammates
nobody gives a shit about the new guy, they'll usually avoid you so you don't latch onto them as your stupid question go-to.
>manager doesn't contact me
he might have forgot
I'm trying to be positive
Should I contact my manager if I don't hear from him tomorrow?
I've been waiting for the teacher to start my Sec+ class for 10min...sirs...?? I intentionally picked the white boomer instructor to avoid this shit.
objectively you should send him a "hi, do you have any work for me?" even if you both know you'll be in onboarding.

it would be funnier if you didn't message him and see how long it takes him to remember that he hired you.
I'm so used to having someone contact me day one I think I will reach out to him if he doesn't reach out to me by noon?
I don't want to disturb him and get off on the wrong foot. I just want to get going and have a comfy remote experience.
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the hybrid enthusiasm lasted like one week at my meme job. only a couple boomers with shitty home lives showed up.
just contact and ask him about either work or onboarding/newcomer's setup. Check if there is any account setups to be made or permissions to be asked for. Just show interest, in 2 months you'll be comfymaxxing like the rest of us.
Just want to be clear this isn't normal right?
He's supposed to reach out to me on day one right?
Hard to say. I didn't have much movement when I started, I think the bigger the company is, the more likely you are to not be dragged into random shit day one. My guess would be that summer is ending, people are just coming back from vacations and shit is either mega chill for now or so busy they can't deal with you. (but that isn't your concern, contact 'em anyway)
calm down fag
it's a discord for getting into big tech/high paying companies, wtf did you expect
I'm nervous
god you're going to be a nightmare to mentor
relax nigga, you already made it. Just focus on not getting kicked in the first 3 months and you'll be gucci
I'm good when I have task
That's easy once I get directions I'll reach out tomorrow
for being nervous? why?
>$50k net savings
>18k debt
>New job making 75k
>27 years old

Am I ever going to make it (/g)oys?
Doesn't sound too bad once you pay off that debt
why wouldn't you wipe our your debt with your savings?
for double- and triple-checking on routine/subjective things
You got ants in your pants, fella. Have a drink.
>~20k+ in ebt
>1k net savings
>90k salary
Yea I'm thinking I'm based.
i'm having a yuengling oktoberfest as we speak
Ya love to see it. Cheers
Not him but some loans (especially scummy car loans) have penalties if you pay them off early
Or he's collecting more interest by putting his money in a bank
>subjective things
these things are decided by team conventions, often implicit, as a new guy I do not know them
i'm not the original nervous anon, just another one
>why wouldn't you wipe our your debt with your savings?

Jews are printing, flirting with nuclear war, false flag bio weapons, starvation, and war.

To me having money invested in precious metals, crypto makes me sleep better at night than paying off my debt (which could be inflated tomorrow after another false flag)
just stop messaging me on teams dude

I hope you are right bro... everything is so expensive by comparison. To have a really enjoyable life I'd need at least x10 of what I have and that still wouldn't be too much nowadays due to inflation...

I am working hard to reach at least 100k in the next year or so. That would be so sweet finally entering six figures
>Every local """"IT"""" opening is call centre helldesk
This time I'm really gunna do it
> No Savings
> 6k Debt
> 35k salary
> 29
> europoor

Yeah ngmi
>everything is so expensive by comparison
Yeah, it's insane. People have commented on the vanishing middle and making "two more week" jokes for a long time but it actually feels like it's getting noticeable worse with every passing month.
When I started as a contractor for a major bank in europe my manager only contacted me a month later and only because I called the HR.
Should've kept quiet and doing the bare minimum. Lesson learned!
I have a fullstack interview on Friday, the manager said it'd be a SQL problem and then a "backendy question"
Problem is, I don't know SQL beyond the very basics like SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE. I looked at some SQL tutorials, just learned and practiced joins but the sample interview problems all feel like wizardry to me. I don't know how to use CASE or GROUP BY or HAVING or all the bizarre queries I see online that are so long I can't even parse them in my head. Ho do I get good at this in 3 days?
nothing ever happens
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>> 35k salary
I can't believe europoors. My first job ever was 45k at a shitty nonprofit and my first IT job was 60k
you reaaally should know group by
anons what is the equivalent of making six figures in yurop? currently making ~40k€ but looking to increase that figure. I live in bumfuck nowhere so cost of living is cheap, but I am a degen so up until recently I was blowing the money on delivery food.
put it all in bitcoin
Yeah I'm learning that but I can't really wrap my mind around the output since you can't print the result of a group by query (at least, I don't know how to). You have to pair it with COUNT or MAX or some other aggregate but then I can't see the data.
>need a new job
>can only get interviews out of state
I live in Miami
Why the fuck can't I find an IT job anywhere in this overbuilt shithole?
That's all IT is anon
Fuck. My security+ class is an Ethiopian guy, a Ukrainian guy, an Indian guy and a Chinese guy. I'm black and probably speak the best English here.
And the only one of you who won't get a job is the Ukrainian
you make one row out of many that share a value for the column of your choosing
the aggregate function defines what happens with other columns, which don't have equal values and thus can't be represented by a single row
more importantly it's the practical things you can do with it that you want to grasp, like getting the maximum or average per group
you have no attention to detail you fat pig
So we can get DDL out of the way quickly: know CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE. You should know that you can do pretty much anything here (e.g. add a column, remove a column, change a column's type, etc.) but the syntax gets retarded so don't worry about it
For DML it's the commands you listed. The only things you really need to understand are filtering (WHERE), joining (JOIN, obviously) and aggregation (SOME_AGG_FUNCTION ... GROUP BY). That's effectively it. 99% of SQL in practice is just this shit, and most of the complex syntax is just shorthand for doing a bunch of this without repeating yourself.
The easiest way to learn will be to just think about it like any kind of data processing in your language of choice. Like if the programming problem was "I want to count the number of items in this list where cost is greater than 5", it's just SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t WHERE cost > 5. The aggregate function (in this case COUNT) crunches the value in a way that it doesn't obviously correspond to the original data set, so if you for example want to bucket by the cost to understand the distribution better you have to do something like SELECT cost, COUNT(*) FROM t WHERE cost > 5 GROUP BY 1. This is comparable to just doing a map<int, int> in your language of choice where the key is the cost and the value is an incrementing counter.
Hard to fit a join example but in short: if you want to intersect two things, do a join.
If I want you to do something that sounds like the intersection of two sets, then you want a join.
Talk through your confusion with chatgpt or your LLM of choice. Someone's gonna call me a jeet for saying this but SQL is simple and ubiquitous - chatgpt won't bullshit you on the details. They'll even walk you through example data and queries.
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Is it worth pursuing an IT related degree from WGU? And if so, what one should I get ( or avoid)?

I was thinking the cloud engineer degree, networking, or some generic IT degree.
I think I understand and have practiced GROUP BY enough, but I'm going crazy just trying to get a "table of tables" view, if that makes sense. I don't have much SQL experience so I have to kind of see the intermediate data before I can run aggregates on it. I've kind of been doing that by using ORDER BY and then pretending I'm getting a bunch of smaller tables UNIONed together, but it breaks down on big datasets.

Thanks anon, I appreciate the help. And I haven't thought about using ChatGPT for explaining, that's a great idea.
I do understand the basics that you've outlined, but I get caught up on the more complex examples (like when they have nested SQL queries). Maybe I'm worrying too much, I'm not experienced with SQL so I don't even know what would be considered appropriate for an interview. Just going to cram for the next couple days I guess.
you will never be comfy
you will all hang
>wake up
>make breakfast, smile, watch my shows
From here it branches
>go into the office
>smile and do my work, joke around with coworkers, grab lunch with them
>go home
>work from home
>work and enjoy my work

But then it all comes to the same thing end, where evening rolls around and I just feel so empty. I want to be doings omething but I don't know what to do but work. I don't have friends. i'd even settle for gaming with some pals.
>"table of tables"
What do you mean?
Today I worked from home and ended up jerking off to Fire Emblem girls for 3 hours because of /v/
thats how we get ya nonny
If the data is

1 a
2 b
3 c
4 a
5 c

And I GROUP BY column B, I would like to see 3 tables. One has (1, a) and (4, a), one has (2, b), and one has (3, c) and (5, c). I think of it like an intermediate result between the GROUP BY and the aggregate function, even if that's not how SQL works. Maybe that doesn't make any sense and I'm thinking about it all wrong.
Dying for Israel is a job, Anon.
I’m over employed with 3 gigs but i want to farm this work out to code slaves so i don’t have to do much. What’s the best way to take production data and make it available to this other repo without rewriting everything so some Russian/eastern euro doesn’t try to hack or steal my clients
You're right that it's not how SQL works (you can't produce multiple outputs for a single query in that sense) but conceptually you're not off base about the possible ways that the data processing could be done in a more explicit language. With enough exposure you'll get used to the limitation
My former employer got bought out by a big tech company half a year after I left. Can I, or should I, put the big tech company on my resume?
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Friend who is software dev of 20 years told me he's working on an AWS cert. I was literally so shocked I spit my Dr. Pepper all over my three 1440p monitors and Razer keyboard because this guy is self taught, uses vim, trashes rust, and unironically refuses to browse /g/ because it's "too mainstream".
>*after cleaning up dr pepper* me: why AWS cert?
>him: "dunk on people who don't have one, idk"

Is this the way? What certs should I be getting to make HR Nancies go WOo0O0oOOW?
do it nigga, get the bag
AWS on the whole is easy, but has some esoteric parts. Mix of old and new configurations and poor documentation when they make the split. If you learned something in 2018 it's probably out of date. He's probably just getting the certs to learn what he's "supposed" to do rather than what he can do. At least I'm guessing because I'm in the same boat (though well short of 20 years).

The only thing intrinsically wrong with AWS is the price and if somebody else is footing the bill.
but muh free helfkare
If you could name like, 5 things that somebody needs to get a job as ad ev, what woudl they be?
1) not be a retarded jeet
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Tight bussy
Neither of you named 5 things
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Who else went sicko mode today?
ok, let me try.
1. a previous job as a dev

does that help?
5? Lmao

You need, at minimum:
>All AWS services
>All Azure services
>All GCP services
>Cybersecurity best practices
>CI/CD principles
>At least 10 unit testing frameworks
>Integration tests
>Browser testing
>A/B deployment
>UX design
>Debugging skills
>Shell scripting
>Linux commands
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are you hungry enough to get a job?
have you done more than Gurgledeep?
have you applied to 50 jobs a day and optimized your approach? (meme projects and targeted resume for recruiters)
have you set up 15 filtered keyword searches on linkedin in the tech hubs?
have you criticized and improved upon every piece of your resume every few months?
t. no degree no experience employed dev
That's an average of 778 swipes per day.
Body like a fucking yin yang symbol
>13 hours until work
Can I get away with:
>Linux commands
Discrete math, Theory of Automata, Compiler science, Advanced History of Technology, Microsoft Word
I drank a beer too close to bedtime. My day tomorrow will be ruined. FML
Do any of you work for these "staffing solution" companies?
>be me
>never used dating sites
>asked a girl on a date ONCE
>she accepted
THIS FUCKING EASY, FAGGOTS. Dating sites are completely and absolutely full of shit. Have the courage to talk to people in real life.
Too many languages, not enough k8s/cloud devops bullshit.
(Jokes aside, I do think it would round you out a little.)
we get it you're a normie congrats
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I'm so fucked up, and out of hope, have any of you anything to say about this organization?
I have worked with both randstad and then aerotek at basically the same job what happened was uhsze to workl fgoprt areoipb hir crudentials tyerd5 und gat caht n xposed a lot of chicanctgvjh in th b so the company decided to change staffing companies and all us temps just got grandfathered in without having to change much. My biggest gripe with staffing agencies is the company using them pays significantly more for a temp worker than they pay a full employee but the temp worker gets paid less , it mostly just goes into the pocket of the temp agency, "administrative" costs I'm sure.
way more time consuming to filter irl
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I didn't even open the fucking code editor today
law of averages anon
>The only thing intrinsically wrong with AWS is the price and if somebody else is footing the bill.
The only thing intrinsically wrong with AWS is the fact that you will never do any work on it and what is there to know further than that, that you will sell work on it to some other company that will sell work on it to some other company, which ends at the doors of the federal reserve?
Calling me a normie (its normalfag, fag) implies that you see yourself as a non-normalfag, which in the context of imageboards usually means "loser". You're not going to be happy if you keep thinking this way.
>have you applied to 50 jobs a day and optimized your approach? (meme projects and targeted resume for recruiters)
24 and can't be bothered to do this meticulous dick sucking ritual yet. Fuck this nigger tier existence.
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You’re competing with billions of jeets globally, you need to stand out
thanks for sharing normie
what fuels you, /twg/?
This post made me upset, I'm going to go hire a hooker so I can watch the disgust in her eyes while I cum on her face so I won't be so upset
People give me shit for liking my career but without my career what is there to look forward to and work towards? God? Socialism? What?
Nothing anon. If your work really motivates you and keeps you happy do it. Just make sure to have SOME social life.
>Just make sure to have SOME social life
be social be happy
be social and breed the brown girl
be social and get aids from the brown girl you love soooo much
be social and have 5 babies with the brown girl cause her mother had 5 babies at the age of 55
be social
be happy
Pay: 40k
Workhours: 8 to 22, monday to saturday
No lunch breaks
5 hour commute
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None of what I said implied you breeding with anyone. You don't talk to your mother/father? Do you have siblings? Do you have any friends?

>be social and breed the brown girl

You made this art?
To all the IT people here, do you all restrict companies using country level domains from emailing your employees? Ie if someone is trying to communicate via a .co extension.
Drink some water and have a snack, fucker. Don't give yourself reflux
Never been high enough to make those decisions for a big company, but usually we just quarantine emails from outside known contacts and put an [Ext] in the subject line to indicate its external.
This is literally me except I just now married the brown girl and we won't have babies for a few years
saars we must get to the Tim Horton's
>>No Feds
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Stay strong, brother. People will try to pull you down for actually enjoying your obligations
>we thought you were a good match culturally and would bring a good attitude
>but we are looking for someone with more experience at specific thing

>i have 14 years experience at that specific thing
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People who don't love and understand you like we do. Reject negative normies.
>be me
>try to talk to woman
>get nervous
>club her in the head and rape her

>way more time consuming to filter irl
filter what, yourself?

We dont restrict anything, just pay for whatever spam filter software, filters that shit but doesn't block. If a email does get past that, in big red letters it says This is an external email outside the org. This way your not getting tricked by people claiming to be people inside the org.
Even when I was still living in New York City and remoting, it seemed like I got a lot more job offers. Now I'm upstate, and I barely get any callbacks.

Has anyone else noticed this!? I'm kind of panicking because I really need to find a job now and it's quite a bit harder than I remember.

I suppose some of this is because I'm an older engineer now. My skills are getting old and they want me to learn all of these next-gen languages and frameworks, but it's harder now that I'm taking care of a family. I have less time for personal projects.
What time frame were you in NYC?
When I was young I looked down on people who used whores, but now that I'm older and have way more money I wonder: why shouldn't I just pay to skip to the part where I can do what I want with their armpits
the spirit of 100k is making net 3x+ your col
some regions never achieve this in tech because they offer real salaries instead of meme levels, but it is what it is
>My security+ class
ya this checks out. Why do you nogs fall for this. I watched some youtube vids and took some practice test over a weekend. Then took the Sec + shit was not hard.
It's surprising how this general is probably the ones that doesn't actively hurls N-slur
>Even when I was still living in New York City and remoting, it seemed like I got a lot more job offers. Now I'm upstate, and I barely get any callbacks.

yes it has to do with your location and nothing to do with economy
Turdworlder here, I'll take the 100k salary any time of the day
stfu nigger, I knew something was off. I haven't been dropping n bombs as often as I use to. Im getting so old and gay.
>I can do what I want with their armpits
this is actually very accurate, stinks, hairy, bone dry no matter what I do
I want to stop hating myself or think about difficult things after dinner.
I try to make most of my daytime, get my main responsibilities done so I don't carry anything difficult on my head on the evening.
that one scene from the lord of the rings trilogy
>Im getting so old and gay.
Just like everyone in tech. All gatekeeping faggot cunts looking for that drip tap of the USA federal reserve.
And would you look at that, the jews in charge just can't help cumming at the thought of you salivating at their massive urethra of salary entering your mouth till you just can't get enough and ask for them to take a giant shit of plywood and spics from guatemala down your throat till you blow up like the good fat white man you are. Then you'll have secured wealth for your children when you shit out the jew cum and bloodied wood splinters.
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How does it feel to spend your hard earned techslaving money on prostitution? I love pits but i tend to focus the attention to whom it's attached to. One of my bucket list is to have a frisky girlfriend who likes to tease me and be teased in return.
I'm happily married but if I wasn't, I think I'd just use hookers a couple times a week. All costs considered, it seems cheaper and more to the point than trying to date in Current Year.

Only downside is I suspect I'd find it absurdly depressing to bust a nut then hand over $100.
Hey boss, I think to reduce our carbon footprint we should allow more telecommuting.
I think to reduce your carbon footprint you should stop shitting up America with empty suburbs to make it seem like the cheese from Analsex, France is worth buying because it's surrounded by three layers of bounty of houses, a bosom of collected energy of asbestos and plywood, wonderful composite plywood made from shaven trees star screwed together by the finest slaves from Guatemala, what a wonderful house to raise soulful children in who will go on to change the world and make it better for all the faggots and lesbians!
Yes your carbon footprint will be reduced, now get back to work
Because (in my case), having sex or being intimate with somebody you aren't in love with makes you feel disgusting and hollow afterwards.
low test
I enjoyed intimacy without love I would have continued going and doing dirty things with strange women, and never have met the love of my life. So maybe a happy medium of test is a good thing. Enough to stand up for yourself and not like, grow breasts, or be silky smooth. But not so much you have no control over your lust or anger.
dead beat why are you here?
Why did they do it? Did they think converting into Judaism would land them higher chances of marrying into nepofamilies?
Actually not feeling it means you're probably emotionally numb, and if you're emotionally numb you have a trauma which puts a damper on your emotion centers.
like i said, low test.
>How does it feel to spend your hard earned techslaving money on prostitution
I don't know, but I'm considering finding out. It's true what people say about things being more enjoyable if you love the person, but even that seems like it loses to the need for variety in the long term. Good luck finding that girlfriend, deadbeat
I assume you pay in advance. For nice ones, anyway...
Shit, I only got

>Some AWS
>Some Azure
>A couple of unit testing frameworks
>Integration testing
>Browser testing
>UX design
>Debugging skills
>Linux commands

It's so over.
I remember a story from my military days where one of the lads decided he'd break his duck with a hooker in town. He was waiting for her to call him in from the waiting room, which had porn on a bunch of TVs.

He said he saw a video of a midget getting railed by a black guy and had an existential flash that led him to leave the whorehouse and never enter one again.
This reminds me I could have hired Rachel Roxxx while I was in uni. $1k for 1 hour. Honestly, probably worth it.
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If you cant do these things then we will have to bring in Poopesh who has been practicing these things since his birth
Hello /twg/! I just wanted to hop in and say I miss you! I retired a year and a half ago so I don't come here much anymore, but it was fun.
I have 6 years of development experience and I still feel like I don't know shit, using most of my free time to study stuff trying to fill the gaps, how do other people knows their shit? is really everyone using all their time studying?
What do you do now?
Start your own company or hobby project on the side.
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How much do you earn now?
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it doesn't matter.
That feeling will never go away. You fear inadequacy and accumulate knowledge because you think it will protect you. It may, but only so far as you're willing to sacrifice relationships and hobbies to keep feeding the beast.
What doesn't?
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I just NEET around now.
Nothing other than investment returns. Averages a few thousand per month, which covers all my basic expenses. I was making around $350k/yr before I retired, but my lifestyle has always been pretty inexpensive so I was just saving and investing nearly all of it.
So then what's the point of doing it?
They must be saving money on all the benefits they aren't paying you. Maybe payroll tax savings too? And if they fire you no unemployment claims or severance.
Here is a tip, you put in several hours into leetcode, and soon you won't need to use ChatGPT, you can instead use BrainGPT to correctly answer the questions.
It's no good. My model's been getting dumber with each year
When I showed up to work on the first day, they had forgotten that they had hired me. This is not normal, but also not unheard of.
Not doing anything for the first 2-4 weeks is pretty common for companies that don't have a well defined onboarding process, or they have a too meticulous onboarding process and it takes forever to get access, equipment and clearance from the various departments.

It is not a good sign, but not a big red flag either.
If anyone will ask how to get a job in cybersec:
No, I... shan't be clicking that
The point of doing it is that you get expensed to a giant amorphous "external vendors" cost center instead of some manager critter who's worried about justifying his budget.

It's basically feelgood accounting to assuage anxious middle managers.
It's a pastebin without listing and logging, I recommend it.
Is it a bad luck to work on 9/11? I've been taking a day off on that day since 2002.
Be honest, anon... have you worked any other days of the year?
Are other anons struggling with getting a job as a Product Manager?
Trying for entry level (APM programs) with a few years of tech consulting, can't even get a call back.
What’s your net worth if you don’t mind me asking? I’m in a similar boat income wise but I don’t see an end in sight, mostly because I have no idea how much is enough. And more importantly, are you happy with your new life? Do you still do tech stuff?
Do you anons play games when its quiet at work?
And do they look like spreadsheets?
It's almost like there isn't much demand for an unskilled bullshit leech job
I'm taking a flight that day. No chance it happens twice.
>What’s your net worth if you don’t mind me asking?
Little under a million. I always figured I would need to get up to like, 3 million or more to be able to just spend the entire rest of my life living off of investment returns, but I ran the math at some point and realized it would work fine where I was. It's been working out so far - I have more money today than I did when I retired because investment returns are averaging more than I spend. It helps that my area has a pretty low cost of living and I don't live extravagantly or have kids or anything. If I need to drastically change my lifestyle or have some horribly expensive emergency, I might have to go back to work, but I don't really see the point of protecting against that now when it probably won't ever happen and I can always just go back to work later if I really need to.
>more importantly, are you happy with your new life?
Yeah, very. I figured at first that I eventually wouldn't be, and I'd get sick of doing nothing and be desperate to go back to work just to have something to do. But none of that has happened and I don't think I've ever been happier in my life. It's so much easier to work on myself and do the things I want when my job isn't eating most of the hours in the day and leaving me pretty drained for the rest.
>Do you still do tech stuff?
I didn't at first. I was pretty burned out and didn't really want to touch tech stuff for a few months. Now I do a lot more of it, but nothing with industrial relevance. Just tooling around with electronics for myself and writing little scripts for fun.

I'd definitely recommend running a few financial simulations if you're thinking about it.
I'm too terrified of death to kill myself
i think im slowly starting to accept the fact that i will never work in the US, and just have to live with being a yuropoor for the rest of my life.
Move to Japan.
I'm not gonna spend 2 years learning a language isolate of a dying xenophobic tribe living on a volcanic island
I'm doing this once I make senior so I can coast
>2 years
yeah, move to japan and make half of what a yuropoor makes, while paying double for rent if you want to live in an area where you can at least somewhat live without fluent japanese

>permanent languagelets
i speak 4 languages, and have no interest in learning japanese. why would i learn a language of people that despise anyone who isn't japanese?
what is this terminally online response, what do people have to do with the language
>that despise anyone who isn't japanese
touch grass, japs don't think about you at all
>You are now in our database and we encourage you to continue to apply as roles at [Company name here] open regularly.
then why bother replying lol, attention whore
why else would you learn a language, if not for speaking to people from that country?
are you autistic?
hahahahaha, have you even moved countries once you dumbass
the language is needed for interacting with the government and work, why the fuck would you talk with normgroids in any country
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Bros I'm never not gonna be NEET now
Funny how you called that anon terminally online, then make a post like this m'anon.
thinking that working adults learn a language to talk to the foreigner equivalent of a walmart cashier is terminally online delusion
try to read through gov websites or contracts with the bank or utilities without knowing the language and then you'll need to learn it
dis nigga still livin without chatgpt lmfao
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>You are now in our database and we encourage you to continue to apply as roles at [Company name here] open regularly.
>what do you mean this contract can't be cancelled without notifying in writing at least two weeks before expiration chatgpt told me I could come on the last day and cancel it
nta, I still use Stack Overflow because I prefer nerds bickering over shit instead of an AI straight up hallucinating a random solution. On rare occasions, I'll use ChatGPT to vomit out some code. I had used it one time to pass a coding assessment. At that point, I'd wondered what they were really assessing me on.
most of us went through the 4 years tax, you can upskill very fast after you get a junior position assuming you're not stupid.
They are over-socialized extroverts and sometimes sociopaths
Things that wont happen, unless you're still used to some ancient GPT version. GPT will forever be better in Japanese than someone who isn't native Japanese.
We are talking about translating text anon, one of the few things LLMs are actually decent at. If i suddenly have to move to china, I'm not going to learn Chinese, it's a huge waste of time as even after 5 years I probably will still be at a toddler level.
>I am incompetent, womp womp, 30 years to learn a language is the minimum
sometimes I forget how useless monolinguals are

yeah, be sure to whip out gpt to talk on the phone with customer service about how you totally cancelled your contract and use gpt to talk to the gas man into fixing your heater, and use gpt to talk to your boss when he's berating you for being 5 minutes late
>yeah, be sure to whip out gpt to talk on the phone with customer service about how you totally cancelled your contract and use gpt to talk to the gas man into fixing your heater, and use gpt to talk to your boss when he's berating you for being 5 minutes late
As opposed to speaking completely broken Chinese, that is going to confuse, and possibly insult the chinaman even more? Chinks, nips, etc, are all used to immediately whipping out their phone to translate things when they have to communicate with a foreigner, you would know this if you actually travelled to countries like that.

>on the phone
Literally who the fuck calls nowadays kek, you really are stuck in the 2010s huh.
Desire to work for peanuts on something they can legally sell as less than a junior position.
Minimum skills to pass the probation period.
Decent communication skills to not sound like a retard and maybe some unrelated skill to prove that you are not just an average guy.
The ability to convey your desire to learn, grow as a professional, etc., inside that company.
A contact inside the company that can get you an interview.

That's how I started 4 years ago and I had 0 programming experience.
AMERICAN is the only language you truly need.
I'm starting my NASA job in a week
I've graduated from this circlejerk shithole
learn the language properly gweilo, you seem to be stuck on the dichotomy of being permanently shit at the language or using google translate

newfags won't get this bro
65k a year any job you want
they're going to make you do gay safety paperwork or (((systems engineering))) while private industry chads like myself do the actual design.
oh fuck i'm a newfag >>102319925
for SWE, how many lines of codes do you guys usually write on an average day? i feel like i don't deserve that title anymore since i sometimes don't write a single line for 2-3 days, and instead am stuck in discussions, refinements, testing, etc.
And how are we supposed to do that. There's nowhere to meet them and they've all been taught to hate us.
Software engineering is like any other engineering profession: It's more about the administrative process of certifying artifacts than about the actual design.
this is normal, the more seniority you have, the less code you usually write, and instead are more busy with discussing architectural subjects, PRs, etc.
wtf based give cord link unc
not many, most time i spend finding where other's people code fucked everything up, and usually its just one line of code,
by the way thanks chatgpt for lowering the bar.
this is correct but it's also the cancer killing engineering. architecture is necessary and ideally it should be a single architect. "meta-engineering" which is maybe 50-75% of systems engineering and is often conflated with architecture is not necessary and should be kept away from the 6-12yoe leads like the plague so they can do direct work in critical areas or mentor juniors.
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Congrats. Enjoy working a .gov job with mostly women.
good morning sirs

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