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Server room edition

Temp wiki: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Home_server

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Routers
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
SFF cases https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AddRvGWJ_f4B6UC7_IftDiVudVc8CJ8sxLUqlxVsCz4/
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
PCIE info: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf
>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
>For more SATA ports, use PCIe SAS HBAs in IT mode
Cockpit is nice for remote administration

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
Post racks
If I have a home server with a Ryzen 5000 series CPU with no iGPU, can I still get software rendered output via the motherboard DP slots, or is it 100% completely black? I just want the ability to get to a terminal and edit bios without buying a GPU for emergency recovery scenarios.
This is why you should have a server motherboard with a BMC. Whether you have iGP or not is irrelevant for video output, it's only good for compute in servers if you have it.
You can just ssh in over LAN for a terminal.
>edit bios
Yes, for this you will need a GPU on desktop hardware.
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anyone else use grafana for monitoring? i am a total newbie but this is my latest creation
My issue is that the device is also going to virtualize my router, so if something goes wrong with that VM I won't have access to the machine at all.

It has a dedicated GPU as well, but that GPU is being passed to a different VM and not staying in the host OS. Although I should be able to get into UEFI via that, as it's the OS that handles passing the GPU into the VM and the OS hasn't been initialized at that point. I just really don't want to buy a second GPU just so I have emergency access to the host OS.
I have so many problems with proxmox that I'm so tempted to just fucking buy Unraid. Holy shit. It's just one problem after another.
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Current problem right now.
You ever tried Checkmk?
i dont think that's really a problem it's just saying that there is nothing to transmit
never heard of it but ill check it out
have you tried clicking "enter"?
Just install a real Linux distro instead of jumping between dogshit package bundles for retards who don't know how to install server software themselves.
I love you, Home Server General anons.
It is a real problem though since whenever I do a checksum it does not match the original. It happens whenever I copy/paste/do anything with files inside the NAS VM.

Your NIC is shit, try this:
# ethtool -K eno1 gso off gro off tso off tx off rx off

Most likely I'd happen with Unraid as well
Downgraded to kernel 6.8.4-2 instead. Seems to work so far. It's the integrated NIC in my P510 motherboard, maybe someday I'll get a proper NIC.
>Your NIC is shit
Whatever NIC he has is getting poorly abstracted into a generic generic device by his hypervisor and then being presented to the guest VM as a virtual Intel gigabit NIC. That translation process is probably what's causing the problem, and I bet it would work fine on a bare metal install.
Interesting observation
Are you telling me Proxmox is shit? When it's getting enterprise support?!
just install another nic
either give it a static ip and plug it into your switch or just plug a cable in when you need it and use 169.254.x.x
what does this mean
No idea. But every time I try to use my checksum program for files in my NAS it always outputs something different. Like one file would be 12345 on the first run, then the second run it would change to 45678. I thought it was a failing drive but I think this was the issue. Because after using my checksum program again it's been very consistent.
What's the implication for me, potentially?
>BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
Needs a better definition.

I left 2 hdd unplugged for a few months. Were they BACKUPs or RAID-jbo?
There is none for a home server.
looks slick
>gso off gro off
this anon is correct
What makes you still yap about this? The answer is obvious, invest into your hardware and rearchitect your infra to not depend on a virtualized router and a desktop motherboard. This is /hsg/.
You will not experience the best support experience while using non-validated third-party components in an OEM server. Using these third-party components introduces significant risks to your data environment and may make problems difficult to diagnose.
>aging r700v router/modem drops connection every few days
>find a script to reboot the router every morning instead of buying an new one

I realise my whole network is probably glowing using an old router but eh
Is Navidrome better than Plex for music? I setup Plex with plexamp but some things like no ability to read lyrics from tags or download them without a goy pass is annoying.
there are cheap am4 server mainboards with bmc
i paid $50 on ebay (new)
what's the best alternative for nextcloud? i don't want to get a domain just to use this shit
Is it recommended to keep the public keys of Wireguard VPN clients on the host? The only place where I have them now is in the Wireguard config file.

It's hard to track which peer and its public key is which client, since you can't really add comments to the config file. Should I keep the keys in a directory somewhere?
is it the gigabyte one that was like 50% chance of doa?
i ordered that one but ze germoids didnt send it to me
just get a free one anon

>public keys
take a guess
>just get a free one anon
i want my network airgapped
Is a 5600G enough for NAS plus some other minor stuff? I need a low power CPU for storage and some VMs. Also is ECC necessary or can I just use regular ram?
>Is a 5600G enough for NAS plus some other minor stuff?
More than enough, I've setup NAS and homeservers with WAY less powerful hardware
>Also is ECC necessary or can I just use regular ram?
You can use regular RAM. ECC is a nice to have but certainly not necessary
hosting your own instance internally on your network is not what airgapped means
Thanks. One more question, I found SAS controllers with RAID support on my local secondhand site. Can I use them without RAID so I can use software RAID? I don't want to get into hardware RAID.
>Can I use them without RAID so I can use software RAID?
You should be able to, yes. Might as well double check the device's specs
>I don't want to get into hardware RAID.
Good, hardware RAID sucks and is obsolete
Most controllers have this feature, but especially older ones may not. Look for "HBA" or "JBOD" modes. Depending on the card you could also get away with creating a pool for each drive, but i would avoid this.
It is if he's running an airgapped intranet
Is there something self hosted that I can use to keep track of vehicle maintenance and do things like automatically insert calendar entries on my nextcloud?
I've got two cars and 4 motorcycles and I currently use a spreadsheet per vehicle but it's becoming a pain.
I don't know any but that should be easy to implement yourself
idk about nextcloud but something like this
>creating a pool for each drive
I don't want to deal with this too. I only need to expand my SATA ports, nothing too fancy.
On device specs it should list HBA or JBOD right?
How in the hell do I query a UT99 server with javascript? I just need to send "\info\" to the query port and get the response string but I'm not sure how to do that without the json toolkit of the modern era. It works fine with netcat tho.
Not exactly sure what features you need, but you should be able to implement that in few hours. That's like second lesson of full-stack 101.
>On device specs it should list HBA or JBOD right?
You don't. No major browser supports sending "raw" tcp/udp requests. You would need to have a server in the middle that "proxies" from http to whatever you want to do.
Thanks. How do I pick which mode it'll use? I'm a complete noob with SAS cards.
That's a good question anon, and that depends on the actual device
I see. I'll have to check the specific card then. I'd ask for advice but my local secondhand site isn't very rich on SAS cards so I'll have to settle for one. Thank you and >>102301228 for your helps.
Just get the brand and model spec/number and search for docs, you could even send us the model and most likely a couple of anons already know about it
can i route traffic from a VPS to my home server, tonot expose my home network? if yes how nd will it work behind NAT?
Is the shield pro still the best option for running the jellyfin client on my TV or is there something better
Yes. I usually recommend running a vpn on the vps and then connecting from you homeserver to the vps to avoid nat. Then route incoming traffic from your VPS to the vpn client. I would recommend haproxy for this, since it supports layer 4 and proxy-protocol. Then on your homeserver listen for connections on the vpn interface and enable proxy-protocol.
so make one up and have your router give it out
My E5-2690 v4 arrived much earlier than expected. Time to try it out.
Looking for solutions for a fairly specific use-case. I have a home media server currently running on a ThinkCentre M910s that lives on a shelf on my entertainment center, and that's working great for my needs. Gonna need to start thinking about storage expansion options very soon, but the number of drives the server can hold is pretty limited, as it's only got 2 slots for 3.5" drives. I've been thinking of doing either a small form-factor NAS that could live right next to the server box on the same shelf and I could map my media library to a share from that plus use it for more general storage shit and other things in the future, or potentially just getting some kind of external drive enclosure and connecting that directly to the server.

I'd want it to have at least 4 drive bays ideally and the real pain in the ass is for it to live where I want it, it'd need to be around 7.5 inches tall or less which is proving difficult to specify in searches when looking for options. If going the NAS route I have some old hardware I could potentially reuse for the internals, but all the boards I have at the moment are ATX so if I went with something that can only support mATX or ITX I'd need to source one as well.

Not necessarily just looking for the cheapest possible option, but cheaper is always better of course. Any thoughts/ideas?
Is there any specific brand I should avoid? Like Fujitsu or Dell.
I guess I could theoretically just get a 4U rackmount chassis and shove it on the shelf if needed, wouldn't be the most elegant solution but it could work.
I honestly have 0% experience with HBA's but this is what I know from my lurking
>LSI are the recommended ones
>Avoid HP

Anons feel free to correct me on this one
Use ECC memory if you love your data and availability.
You bought e-waste, in the current year?
>E5 V4
>much earlier than expected
Did you choose 20 year shipping?
>some kind of external drive enclosure
DAS. Direct-attached storage.
Don't get a usb one if you go that way.
QNAP make the TL-D800S (8 drives) and TL-D400S, both are ok but not cheap.
Much cheaper to go with a diy das if you want more than 4 drives. A cheap second hand sas hba with external sff-8088 ports (LSI 9211-8e etc), any enclosure that can hold your hdds and a power supply plus a couple cheap cables etc from aliexpress is all you need.
Add a sas expander if you want more disks than your sas hba supports.
Good info here, any tips on actually finding an enclosure that would work for something like this and fits the needs I threw out there? (low-profile size, at least 4 drive bays, ideally ATX compatible but not strictly necessary)
My roommate and I are both in the market for new computers. Both of our systems are 10+ year old ewaste and there's not really anything worth repurposing. Ignoring ownership concerns, will we benefit from configuring our current machines as thin clients and connecting to VMs on a shared server? My budget is $1000 and I mostly do gaymen and recreational AI shit in the evenings, his is $2000 and he does architectural work that involves real-time raytracing during the day. We have maybe 10 or 15% overlap in usage at the most. What software can manage resource allocation for us? For example, I'd want all of the server's hardware available to either one of us if the other is logged off, but I want him to be able to take the GPU if he's working and drop back to the IGP if he's just watching youtube or playing minecraft, which is the most demanding thing he does when he isn't working.
fellow home server chads,
I want a solution for easily accessible hotswap drive bays.
Id like to use my own custom hardware instead of the shitty cpus and OS's baked into NAS's. So which route should I go here:

- Mount a NAS to my server over gigabit connection
- Connect a DAS to my server over USB
- Buy a new case with hotswap bays built in
DAS over USB4 is probably the simplest option, buying a new case is probably the most compact.
not really, my das is a regular atx mid tower.
before that my home server was 4x1tb drives crammed into an ancient compaq sff p4 shitbox that i gutted. i used special rubber spacers designed for stacking hdds but i cant find them online anywhere anymore. was going to just use foam rubber spacers before i found those.
you could do something similar with a newer sff chassis and a tfx power supply i suppose

heres my shopping list from when i put together my current das. i updated it a bit since prices were off.

>ATX compatible
as in motherboard or psu? theres a few chassis that smaller SIs use that fit matx boards and tfx power supplies. you see them in schools a lot here. no idea who makes them or what to search for though.
if you want to spend a bit more theres the jonsbo cases but those take sfx power supplies iirc.
>gigabit nas
>usb das
looks like your only option is to buy a new chassis anon. or buy one of those ancient tower cases with 12 5.25" bays and a bunch of hotswap cages.

why did they make usb confusing? now it does pcie as well?!?!
Could be wrong, but the way I understand it is USB4 is just USB4, Thunderbolt is USB4+DisplayPort+PCIe and uses either miniDP or USB-C plugs.
>as in motherboard or psu?
mobo, I'd want to get a new PSU no matter what so I don't care what it uses there.

I'll take a look at some of the stuff you mentioned, might be able to get somewhere with it
Oh, I looked it up and it looks like USB4 now has all of the stuff from Thunderbolt in it, Thunderbolt is now just a specific set of requirements whereas the USB spec has a variety of levels for each feature that manufacturers can choose from.
Can I make a home server with 2tb for less than $500?
I'll tell you straight up you can't afford virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) with licensing costs. Not when Intel Flex 140 GPU alone is $2000+, NVIDIA vGPU costs "fuck you" and licensing for remote virtualized Windows desktops has an enterprise price tag.
Several multiplayer games' anti-cheat systems don't play nicely with virtual machines.
You'll get the best experience by having your 3D graphics on the local machine.
Offer to suck his dick if he pools resources and build 2 $1500 PCs
>with licensing costs.
Still no way to do it if I don't care about legal bullshit?
Mate, my four 960 GB SATA enterprise SSDs (used/refurbished) for RAID10 cost $800 alone with carrier for the tray slot.
wait usb4 is faster than SAS? how embarrassing...
If we're talking 2 TB storage instead of RAM yes.
That seems expensive. Also, is refurbished reliable?
Yeah just storage. Music/videos/memories.

Naskiller seems like reddit-tier faggotry and possible overkill. But then again I am retarded.
You're gonna have to elaborate a bit here dude, 2TB what, RAM? Storage? Do you care about SSD vs HDD, NVME, etc? What do you need the thing to actually do? You trying to just run a storage server or plex or something? You want a render farm? What's the intention here?

If your goal is just
and you just want any old 2TB of storage as cheap as possible, and it's not gonna be doing much heavy work, just buy a cheap micro-PC off ebay and slam an enterprise HDD from a well-reviewed reseller in there.
USB3 is faster than SAS.
Some more features I'd want
>Inputting vehicle year, make and model would automatically bring up the service schedule
>Generate list of parts numbers needed for a service
>Be able to modify the service schedule to suite you (I like to change oil earlier because I run my bikes hard)
>Store receipts for parts etc so it can generate a service history with proof
>Mobile friendly interface
Probably other stuff too.
I want to be able to store movies and shit and stream them to my phone. 2TB of memory at a starting point.
>just buy a cheap micro-PC off ebay and slam an enterprise HDD from a well-reviewed reseller in there.
love you too uwu
C'mon anon this is 2nd year-tier CS project
You can easily get a cheapo PC and a storage drive with way more space than you're asking for both for under $100 that'll do everything you're looking to do.
They were spare parts, backups are regularly refreshed and tested for data integrity.
my R720 is showing its age with these physics simulations and i thinks its about time for an upgrade. just as a ballpark, what kind of (used) hardware could i get for around $2000 USD? not including storage.
>physics simulations
oh, not including GPU either.
So doing some more research on my question here, it sounds like my only option for doing this on a card like a 4090 (or 5090) would be by using GPU-PV in Hyper-V, which requires Windows guests (although WSL in the guest might be an option?), and seems to allow modifying CPU/memory allotments only while the VMs are shut down. Is that correct?
$100 for a 16 port NVME capable HBA. 9400-16i or 9400-8i. See link for 16i variant. LSI / Avago

Universally praised for its reliability and use in servers around the world. Every Linux / Unix Kernel ever used has proven support for it. Uses around 10w power and not a house fire like the 9300-16i variant.


If you do anything BUT this card you are retarded and deserve to get your data nuked.
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I say get a new case with hotswap trays built in. Looks better and it costs $200 pic related. Silverstone CS382. Plus it has enough room for any normie board shit with massive GPU's if thats your thing.

The U-Nas is pretty cool to. I have no experience with it, but the CS382 above I own and would gay marry it if I lived in Canada.

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What an unfortunate model name
>hey bro you want a 2X18 18TB?
>what which one? how big is it again?
>it's the 2X18 18TB
>18 or 2X 18?
>it's the 18 2X 18 one
>2x18 = 18TB
seagate math
I fucked up and used Windows for the first go at my homelab. I've digitized a significant portion of my media collection and it's all on NTFS.

I want to move over to Linux, but I don't know a safe way to convert all of my media from NTFS to a supported filesystem. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I recall Mint having NTFS support and offhand I don't believe that Mint has any disadvantages I care about when considering my use case compared to other distros. Any advice or info in this regard is helpful.
>tower server
Backup and restore. If you have two live machines, rsync or something.
Honestly NTFS isn't even bad with Windows Server for a NAS. It's easy to manage SMB shares and authentication on a Windows Server.
You should be able to connect a linux machine to an NTFS drive just fine, assuming you have another drive you can shuffle things over to just rsync then reformat that drive and make it whatever you want.
those reddit naskiller builds are years out of date
anyway just grab some cheap second hand pc and slap in a couple 2tb hdds, set them up in raid1 and you're good. and have a backup.
dont go with dells newer sffs, they only fit 2 3.5" drives.
>2tb of memory
no. anon pls.

almost all of them are identical besides the silkscreen on the board and the firmware
fujitsu and dell both are just lsi cards with their name on.

you dont need a specific distro to use ntfs. ntfs support has been in the kernel for ages.
desktop distro on a server is pretty silly. waste of resources running X/wayland for a desktop you should never use.
safest way to move everything off of ntfs is to buy new drives and just copy them over with rsync. run rsync twice, with --checksum flag the second time if you're paranoid.
pretty cool
not paying $200 for a $20 production cost tower though
2tb is plenty if you delete what you consumed and don't hoard
>delete your vm's bro you already consumed them
2TB of memory?
I think thats more than plenty. Pretty ludicrous actually. I don't think I've ever seen a server with 2TB of memory, though I'm sure they exist.
Dunno how not hoarding is supposed to make much difference though
What is it about home lab and home servers that just attracts a lot of snobbish people?
So infuriating asking for help anywhere, be it here, Reddit, Discord, their official forums, etc.
Or maybe it's just a Linux thing.
Gear Disease
same as in photography and bicycles
Every hobby has the same social ape bullshit
i don't use vms on my k8s cluster
even if i did 2tb would be plenty for a bunch of headless vms
i always imagine they are fat so it's easy to ignore them
Me again. Still getting the NETDEV WATCHDOG error even after downgrading to kernel 6.8.4-2. Makes checking the hashes of files really difficult since it always happens during big files.
I tried ethtool -K eno1 gso off gro off tso off tx off rx off and it seems to work. I hope.
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listen here, Fat. If the box your parts arrived in did not say "Enterprise" on them, then your little plastic box is not a server. And that's the bottom line.
Does this shit actually support 6 sata ports at full speed? I wanna run 5 HDDs and 1 SSD. I already bought it, so looking for confirmation bias thanks.
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You posted some bargain bin no-named gook shit made who knows where by who knows what and you are on 4chan asking for reassurance?
Because it addresses all of his questions, looks good and is easily passed on to other builds if necessary. The alternative is pic related from the wiki.

Its an easy choice hence my recommendation.

You are just one of those many people on 4chan who come here to post a question for something they've already decided anyway just to argue with the right reasoned approach.

Fuck off and do whatever you want. The Silverstone case is the right solution to what he wants to do.
Lots of this shit. There is a case builder called 45drives (really) who sell small form factor that do not in any way fit 45 drives. Caveat Emptor when dealing with computer fags.
it only has 2.5gbe, how would you know and why would you care?
Any suggestions for DAS hardware? Ideally would support up to six 3.5" drives.

>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
friendly reminder that apes will not be tolerated in the homo sapiens general
The 2X18 means its a dual acuator
If you know Seagate's convention, X+number designates the max capacity of a series of drives. X18 is max 18TB for that platform, X26z is 26TB (with HSMR zoning)
Your not meant to multiply them.
Better than WDs HC 665 or whatever the hell.

To be fair 45 drives started out making cheap(er) JBODs which did have 45 drives.
There is a lesson is not naming your company after an initial product tho
chat I am cooked
I was going to pull the trigger on a pin64 pro and make a NAS seedbox. What can I use to power the HDDs that aren't going to be noisy as hell?
which link should i click if i want to learn how to purchase parts and set up some vidya game servers.
what can you do with a x1 width pcie 2.0 slot
Just about anything, slowly.
cope. if you arent paying 5+ figures a month to dell for 24/7 phone support and on site service techs then you dont have a server
probably? its not like sata is difficult or something
wowee gotta plug in my sata-pcie bridge to pcie!!!
an atx power supply with a thermofan
you can power the pine64 from it too
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Is it normal for Samba to use ~5gb of RAM?
On zfs sure
Honestly, these hobbies attract people who are better than you will ever be.
how to into knowing if can has out of case hard drive?
Can look for Saar what benchod India #111111111 superpower 2025
I am thankingly how to know this sar
Saar of this drive hard put memory there?????????
OpensSUSE MicroOS seems like a good candidate for a server OS. I was looking at immutable Fedora distros earlier but I couldn't wrap my head around them for server use.
How is a ryzen 3600x as a home server cpu? Does it idle low enough? I upgraded my desktop and have the 3600x already.
I'd mostly use this as a backup site, media server (jellyfin and *arr stack), and SMB share. Either zfs or btrfs with a couple hard drives.
Sell it and get a 4650G
>Are you telling me Proxmox is shit?
Yes. So is Unraid and every other similar product. Just install a normal Linux distro.
Why, better idle? I don't need hardware transcoding so the igpu presence isn't important to me.
>and *arr stack
Speaking of which, did they unfuck Readarr yet?
> looked a few months ago
> the service used for ebook metadata lookup had done offline
> and there was no replacement in the works
> has been broken for a year
> one of the byproducts of the bug is you can't upload any works by authors with sufficiently large catalogs
> logs fill and fill with a "HTTP 429 backoff, try again in 10s" message
> Readarr devs were aggressively disinterested in doing anything
> they posted a note on Discord (!)
> and anybody that opened an issue on github got roasted with "go look at our discord"
A shining example of what's wrong with open source projects.
Honestly when I said *arr stack I just meant the main ones for movies/tv, plus maybe jellyseerr for requests.
Do you guys actually use any of the other programs for any other media types? Like what is the purpose of readarr? If I want a book I just go to Anna's archive.
i don't really see the point of the ones that aren't for TV/anime imo
Yeah the stack isn't even for me, it's for other people who I share my jellyfin with.
got a similar vibe from sonarr devs reading an old github issue. haven't used readarr though
My router doesn't support Hairpint/loopback NAT.
I have on AdGuard Home created a DNS rewrite from anon-cloud.com to my internal server, so I can keep using the domain name in the LAN or outside.
But now I want to do the same for my WireGuard VPN, anon-cloud.com:51820 to
I can't rewrite DNS for a port, how should I proceed so I can leave the VPN active even in the LAN ?
>go look at our discord
easy uninstall
Anyone using truenas scale?
Does rootless podman and vm pci passthrough work properly on it?
As a related question, do people prefer rootless podman over rootful docker? I always considered running docker containers as root to be too much of a security risk so i used rootless podman instead
Im not sure i fully understand what you are trying to do (or why for that matter). My understanding is that you have two local servers, one running as anon-cloud.com and another one which runs wireguard. The easiest way to differentiate them would be to give them different (dns) names. You could just create a subdomain for your vpn and rewrite that in adguard home.
Use Rocky if you want a well supported podman host . It doesn't have a good web GUI for managing containers but if you manage podman with cli its the best host .

I run all podman containers in privaliged mode inside the container then run the pod or container as a separate unprivileged user . I find this makes all containers designed to run as root docker work while still getting all the security advantages of rootless podman .
I was thinking of just using regular debian, i was hoping truenas scale might have some kind of extra benefit of zfs support and its web gui
The only issues i've had with rootless podman was filesystem permissions for volumes and dealing with pihole since unprivileged users arent supposed to be using port 53
>pihole port 53
Dont run it with a privaliged port and instead have your the DNS server on your router reach out to pihole on port 9001 or what ever
Debian is great , simple and dependable but a little less secure than Rocky
But if you do that pihole won't properly log which client was responsible for which dns request right?
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Works fine for me
I use Ad guard home but I assume pihole works the same way
Pihole is just dnsmasq under the hood
I might try that then, but instead ill run a dns server on the same server as the pihole container
The only other solution i found was to do an nftables rule to port forward 53 to the container port
what services should i host on my state of the art rpi3?
i run latest truenas scale. it's been super rock solid, but i'm thinking of just abandoning it and going with plain old debian, which is run for my servers. does anyone prefer debian over truenas? should i do this instead? or just stick with truenas? kinda want my mediastack on the server which is why im thinking of doing this. truenas docker blows and is very inflexible
Assuming it fits someone's needs, Is there any reason not to use an all in one dashboard like CasaOs over more a fragmented server?
You'll be fine, yes they will run at sata 3 speeds.
i'm basically in the same situation as you and am probably just going to use debian over truenas
Just to confirm anons other post, yes on ZFS. ZFS uses a fucking boatload of memory, but there's not really another way to get max out sata3 on HDDs, I'd imagine, lmao.
The flexibility of having ubuntu server or something with all of the shit you want installed yourself instead of a pre-made OS is why. Realistically, what does this offer over Ubuntu server for example, or any pre-made hypervisor with said OS running on it
If you want to use it nobody is faulting you that's just why they're popular btw, I don't want to come off like I'm shitting on whatever you're shilling.
is 2.5G ethernet even worth it, everything costs like 5 times as much as building 1G and it's not that much faster
infiniband for example is probably cheaper if you buy used cards on ebay
My laptop is in and out of the LAN very frequently, I would like if possible to remove the task of switching on and off the VPN.

anon-cloud.com -> public IP
I have open all the port and redirect them to (Synology with most service) and only 51820 to (Pi4 with WireGuard).
The subdomain would still go the the public IP of my network and I can't (afaik) create a CNAME with a domain and port, only domain.
the am4 apus (-G) are monolithic, no io die. the io die uses 10w+ on its own. that goes for the non-g cpus that are -G parts with disabled igpus as well (R5 5500, for example)
No, just do 10gb. 5g would be worth if you could get all the hardware. 10gb is widely available, and cheap, because sfp+ and 10gbps fiber is like a 15yo standard.
>I don't want to come off like I'm shitting on whatever you're shilling.
Nah, i don't take it that way. Obviously there are limitations to how these all in one dashboards are set up and any convenience offered is an inconvenience to another. I was just wondering if there's any stink associated with CasaOs that would sway me away from throwing it on a NAS for parents.
>I was just wondering if there's any stink associated with CasaOs that would sway me away from throwing it on a NAS for parents.
I've never heard of it, but I do think Truenas would be pretty good for this purpose. Throw plex or jellyfin in a docker container, it handles ACL & authentication for SMB (and NFS) pretty well, it's fast, etc. If whatever appliance you plan on using doesn't have a ton of memory (less than 16gb) it's probably a non starter though.
All of these "convenient" web gui frontends just make things more difficult to troubleshoot compared to using the cli manually
Yes, you can only create dns records for domains / IPs (well you can create srv records with ports, but that will not help you in this case). Here is what i would do:
Create a cname record vpn.anon-cloud.com -> anon-cloud.com on your nameservers.
Create a redirect for vpn.anon-cloud.com -> on you adguard
Configure wireguard to use vpn.anon-cloud.com as the endpoint

If possible i would still try to toggle the vpn some other way. I have a script that runs when i dock / undock my laptop which turns the connection off / on for example.
Proxmox is overbloated shit
Don't get what's stopping people from just using debian with libvirt
If they need a web frontend that badly, they can run virtlyst in a container
They can also manually set up a docker container with virt-manager and kasmvnc if they really need to.
Should I create a CNAME to the apex instead of just a A to the IP ?

My coworker doesn't have a dock so I need a solution that work for both of us.
proxmox allows you to be lazy, you don't have to read man pages and you don't have to type much
Unreal Tournament 2004 server
> Should I create a CNAME to the apex instead of just a A to the IP
Doesn't matter. Cnames may take longer to resolve. If you create an a record, you have to update both records if you change the ip. Take your pick
I want yo get RAID5 and some programs in a docker running. Being able to support different sized drives would make upgrading as I went along easier, right?
Does that just leave me with TrueNAS Scale and Unraid as options?
Is there an open source Google search alternative I can self host that /g/ would recommend
I've got OpenWRT on an old router of mine, but since my connection is via fiber (GPON), I still have to use it behind my ISP-provided router, which sucks for obvious reasons.
Any way to circumvent this so I can ditch the ISP router entirely?
Are you sure it's a router and not just simply an ONT?
An ONT isn't anything but a media converter essentially
Quite sure, yeah.
Here's the model: Mitrastar GOT-2741GNAC-N1.
>so I can ditch the ISP router entirely?
Those are usually locked down and remotely provisioned with data and logins that might change occasionally, you can't just plug&play any device there
What is the component of an authentication system that I want if I just want to handle user signups and login in my home server? I want to let them sign up through their Gmail or Facebook account and only want to retain their email address.
Any way for me to know if that's the case?
There's the possibility it's not so in my country.
Look into openid connect / oauth2. There are id providers which allow you to authenticate via an external oauth2 provider.
It will probably have an option to set it into gateway mode. Do that and then you can plug your router into it.
Oh, yeah, don't know how I forgot about that! I remember seeing the option somewhere.
Still would like to be able to ditch it, tho.
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There you go, anon. Just tell your parents to stop being pussies and use the shell.

I also briefly considered CasaOS before doing the needful upgrade to unraid.
No, just no. Intel Xeon E-series or AMD EPYC 4004 series if you need an equivalent CPU for ZFS and proper validated ECC memory support.
virt-manager is deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
You're not using the best tools available.
I only know of Searx. But maybe you should go ask /g/.
Just be a normie and use Google Search, Bing Search, StartPage, DuckDuckGo, or something.
Sounds like you're attempting to downgrade your network with hacks nobody but you can resolve when problems come up. Avoid this behavior.
>ditch the ISP router
Don't. If not due to PON transreceivers requiring compatibility, then for 802.1X security.
>My laptop is in and out of the LAN very frequently, I would like if possible to remove the task of switching on and off the VPN.
I made a task in windows that does this when I am away from the home network. It works well enough for me. It's probably even easier in linux.
SearX-NG, but at least for my browser (ungoogled chromium) it basically required using https. so be aware you will need that.
Should I use something pre built like Authentik for this, is that what most people do?
Never had to build this part by myself before
Searxng or 4get. There's not really a point to self-hosting a search aggregator though, since you're still sending queries to Google from your own IP. At that point it's just an alternative front end.
I don't use it myself but I hear it works well enough unless you are willing to upgrade your TV. What issues are you running into? There are some dv glitches but basically everything that's not a recent TV has that. I do use external players (mostly mpv or justplayer) on my android TV rather than using jellyfin directly for playback.
You will likely want infuse if you go this route.
Aye that's why I was wondering if there were legit open search engines instead of just meta aggregators
>Do you guys actually use any of the other programs for any other media types?
I was looking for something to help me centralize my ebooks into one place. I've got a bunch and they're scattered across a couple of laptops and a desktop. I'd like one place I can
> drop the books,
> fiddle with the metadata if needed
> edit tags (I tag with 'to-read' for stuff I want to read next)
> edit the description to include my post-read review
> share with other members of family
> maybe easily find missing books in a series
> maybe alert me when a new book in a series becomes available
F'ing Readarr checked for new stuff every 15 minutes which seems like a pants-on-head retarded default.
Looked at other solutions but they all were lacking.
you tried calibre?
how long did it take you to configure that?

it seemed way too finicky for me to monitor systemd cus Prometheus has no service level monitoring capabilities.

I wrote my own systemd monitor, then discovered cockpit
If his parents dont know how to operate a nas then maybe they shouldnt be in charge of using one?
>virt-manager is deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Virt-manager is perfectly usable?
>You're not using the best tools available.
You're not going to say it's that terrible frontend for that cockpit web gui are you? Both the podman and libvirt frontends are complete unusable garbage
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How much fucking longer will it be before the Asrock Rack B650D4U3-2Q/BCM and the MSI D3052GB2N-25G are available for purchase? I'M LOSING MY MARBLES HERE.
is there an ARM binary for that even?

i mean you can always self-host some LLM if you just want to ask questions, knowing it might hallucinate here and there
>No, just no
If it bothers you so much, can you send me the cash so I will be able to afford an enterprise system for my home server?
Yes, I sent it.
it took two or three days, and most of the effort was figuring out how to enable and capture the right SNMP variables from the router and get them exposed to prometheus
I give up guys. I just wanted a simple NAS. I bought so much hardware that it would have been cheaper for me to just buy a Synology or something.
I can't get Proxmox to run right. I can't seem to install Unraid properly. I'm too dumb for Linux.
It's over.
Why did it take 2 hours to install proxmox?
its more fun to use chroot and debootstrap to install debian than using their boring installer
thank you zfs
If I only want to have storage in the network, a SMB maybe, what is the recommendation for a budget option in both buying and watts.

The idea is just the SMB and use infuse and nova player for movie/series watching. Not interested on Plex.
Are Raspberry NAS even worth investing on?
Do you think they use raspberry NAS in an enterprise setting?
No they don't so don't use one.
I was talking about a simple NAS for streaming/storing shit
You could use literally any x86 computer to do this.

Acquire any computer that can support two hard drives, and buy two of https://serverpartdeals.com/collections/manufacturer-recertified-drives/products/hgst-ultrastar-he12-0f30141-huh721212aln600-12tb-7-2k-rpm-sata-6gb-s-4kn-256mb-cache-3-5-ise-manufacturer-recertified-hdd

Ignore the enterprise schizo, he's currently unmedicated and not handling it well

they're a novelty to play around with
How is this server related?
i googled your model number and found a similar one with a very easy exploit. maybe it works idk.

besides "modem mode" or whatever the fuck
- you could try spoofing the mac of your own device if they use dhcp.
- you could phone them up and ask, if they arent assholes
- you could root it/dump the firmware and figure out how it authorises with your isps network and copy that for your own device
i aint enterpriseschizo but a raspi makes for a really shitty nas
even the new ones with pcie
fuck raspi
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finally getting my first home server together
Recommendations for my NAS/server build before I pull the trigger?

The cooler is a placeholder, I intend to use any cheap AM4 compatible stock cooler I can find.
The PSU and case (Gladius M35) are from my old PC.
Can I disable the iGPU in the 4650G PRO for hopefully better power savings? (Or is the R5 5600 better perhaps in terms of perf-per-watt and idle power draw?)
Is it better to get 3200-CL22 or the 2666-CL19 shown in the image? The price difference from deals I found negligeble
Is this motherboard any good or should I keep looking?

Lastly, should I run RAIDz2 on all 4 of the drives or ZFS mirror on two different machines with two drives (for backups or in case of failure)?
>Lastly, should I run RAIDz2 on all 4 of the drives or ZFS mirror on two different machines with two drives (for backups or in case of failure)?
Realistically, how much are you going to care if your media files get killed? At 12 TB it's unlikely but not unheard of for a second drive to fail while trying to recover the array. How much would you care? Do you care for all of the data or just a select smaller amount?
>Do you care for all of the data or just a select smaller amount?
definitely the latter
raidz2 it is
With 4 drives, I would run two stripped mirror vdevs and set it store copies of the important files on both vdevs. That gives you a moderate performance boost, makes it easier to expand (because you can do it 2 drives at a time, rather than needing to buy another 4), and you don't lose the important stuff unless literally all four drives die at the same time.
You'll need at least one more drive for the OS
also this. looks like your motherboard has an M.2 slot. get a cheap ssd
>Can I disable the iGPU in the 4650G PRO
depends on bios. I can on my asus motherboard.
>...for hopefully better power savings
won't make much difference if you dont have a monitor plugged in anyway
>is the R5 5600 better perhaps in terms of perf-per-watt and idle power draw
perf/watt maybe, idle power draw certainly not. Stick with the APU.
>Is it better to get 3200-CL22 or the 2666-CL19
neither speed nor latency are particularly crucial. ECC > speed > latency (within reason)
i forgot include it in the build, but i have one lying around and intended to use it as the boot drive/zfs cache
16gb of RAM is going to be a bottleneck. If possible, you should get more.

For comparison, >>102315652 is my RAM usage with a smaller ZFS array with only Samba running.
zfs will use up as much memory as it can.
it'll run that array just fine with 16gb.

this is what you get by relying on webuis made by incompetents instead of actually understanding how your shit works.
>Anyone using truenas scale?
you're in hsg, a shit ton of people here use it including me
>As a related question, do people prefer rootless podman over rootful docker?
most everyone using containers uses plain old docker. not podman, not docker desktop, just docker. almost no one uses podman. i don't know why podman is pushed so fucking hard on here, but almost no one uses it. all you have to do is look at what companies use, go look at job applications, go work at companies, but also just make a poll on here for who uses which container method. podman will be like almost no one. guaranteed
It seems pretty easy to run cat6 cable in my 2 story house from the videos I’m watching. Just climb up in the attic and drill down through the middle of a top plate for an internal wall, then snake wire down and pull it out from the hole for the plate at the bottom. Then run the other side down whatever internal wall is going to hold the switch and rack. Anything I should be aware of before I put a hole in my ceiling?
how do you justify buying HDD in batches whenever you want to increase your storage? spending $2,000 on HDDs just because i ran out and need a bit more but i also need to 'plan for the future' is a though pill to swallow
Asbestos? Hidden wiring/plumbing? Why ask us when we don't know the layout or design of your house.
Just wondering what I don’t know that I don’t know that maybe an anon who’s DIY’d it already could help me out with.
we're not talking about what companies use, we're talking about what hobbyists use
companies use the easy lazy method for everything and dont give a shit about the repercussions until after it happens which is not always the best option to use
docker is a daemon, runs as root while podman is not a daemon and can be run rootless for better security
I dont understand why people are spending so much on new hardware like this
I made my current nas with a second hand i3 kabylake and second hand motherboard, the only thing that is new are the drives and psu
Get a fish tape, drill a hole in your wall, feed the fish up to the attic, tape the wire to it and pull out back down. You can do it however you want but every other method is a pain in the dick.
Don't tell me you actually bought the fucking thing...
This anon is correct >>102331431
As for
>we're not talking about what companies use, we're talking about what hobbyists use
We hobbyists try to build our *homeservers* as closest to an actual enterprise (read: company) server as possible, mostly software wise because enterprise hardware is too expensive yet nothing too different from a functional standpoint
Does RHEL even support Docker?
ask /diy/
Thanks for continuing my legacy. You're still an enterprisefren.
Are you making digital signage and making use of GPIO? If not, no, it's not worth it. You don't buy an ARM device for general computing, nevermind a server, the value in Raspberry Pi devices is its GPIO and not much else.
Chat, previously I said I would setup ADDS and ADCS dedicated to managing VMware vSphere logins on my homeserver.
At workplace, there's SCCM-managed Windows 10 computers and Intune managed Windows 11 computers. We're converting everything to be Intune managed; users can't login with FIDO2 security keys to Windows 10 computers at this moment, and we're not interested to setup smart card PIV with ADCS for them and their keys.
I think I'm an Intune convert at home now. It's not an Active Directory replacement, but it makes some things like passwordless login and OOBE setups so much easier than doing the traditional on-prem ways.
This is not a server / NAS, it's a desktop computer.

Buy a prebuilt, whether it's a NAS or a server, if you must. Validated ECC memory support, with a server CPU and a motherboard with a BMC, is a must to be a member of our chat.

As for four HDDs, striped mirrors (RAID10) is the best option for performance and the only one I recommend with HDDs.

16 GB RAM is very little for a server. It's not untypical for single-socket servers to have 64-128 GB RAM, and dual-socket servers to have 256-768 GB or more RAM.
>i don't know why podman is pushed so fucking hard on here, but almost no one uses it. all you have to do is look at what companies use, go look at job applications, go work at companies, but also just make a poll on here for who uses which container method. podman will be like almost no one. guaranteed
No, but they support Podman.
How realiable are the frefrubrished ultrastars from amazon?
Expect anything to last its warranty period, depending on the seller.
based enterprise schizo
why are there no alder lake (n100) business micro minis
only chinkshit devices seem to use it
Only CPU, Motherboard (potentially) are new. As for why - I can't find decent comparable secondhand parts in my country with a price that would justify buying them. For example, a R5 5600 secondhand is 25$ cheaper compared to the new OEM 4650G PRO.
If the seller is Tech on Tech then they're the same ones from serverpartdeals. They are pretty reputable.
Why can't you buy a e atx n100 board?
because you're a n100gger
>We hobbyists try to build our *homeservers* as closest to an actual enterprise (read: company) server as possible,
that's not ture
every person has a different usecase for their homeserver
some people just need a router, some people just need a nas, some people just want a nas to also host services, some don't
everyone's use-case is different
>that's not ture
that's not true*
Anyone here has a .pdf of "ISO/IEC TR 14763-2-1:2011 Information technology Implementation and operation of customer premises cabling Part 2-1: Planning and installation - Identifiers within administration systems" or "ANSI/TIA-606-B Cable Labeling Standards"?
some people just want to architect an enterprise sized infrastructure without having to deal with people
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who the fuck uses these
aren't 5.25" to 3.5" cages are in the same price range
>how do you justify buying HDD in batches whenever you want to increase your storage?
justify? what do you mean by justify? i have money and i spend it, i'm an adult, i don't need to justify how i spend my money to anyone. and i'm not poor so i can afford it. and i buy every few years, and by few i mean like 7-10 years. so there is no justifying why i'm spending the money to myself, it's money well spent. and my rule is that i buy at least 2-3x bigger than what i had, which is plenty for the future. this previous buy i bought so big that i haven't even used almost any of it, i should be good for like 10 more years at this point. so my recommendation to you is probably at least 3x what you previously had. for example if you were running 10tb, you should buy 40tb. if you had 40tb you should probably buy like 100 or 120tb
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is this true? I don't want to be bullied.
i wish i wasnt poor. 40k/year isnt nearly enough. and this is before taxes
i'm talking about hobbiests too, if you use podman you will never ever believe what i'm saying because podman retards are hyper fanatical and they can honestly go fuck themselves. i don't care at all about podman users, they don't live in reality. most all people use docker, if you don't believe me that's not my problem, that's your problem. but that is the case and there's no amount whining or crying you can do to change that
40k is really really bad, i feel bad, get a better job, or even just a second job. how old are you?
full time as a warehouse associate
part time schooling in a nursing course
also my bad. i made a type. i make 50k a year before taxes. to be exact it's around 56k a year
Kubernetes is also podman right?
>the popular thing must be the better one
>most all people use docker
wrong >>102334508
you can do better than 40k at 32, if you keep pushing hard i guarantee in the next 2-3 years you can make at least 20-30k more. you can do it bro. do it for the larger storage pool! 120tb here we come, then you'll never have to buy ever again.

newegg has: Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM007D 20TB 7200 RPM 256MB Cache 3.5" Internal Hard Drive
listed for: $334.99
so that's 8 20TB drives in a Z3 for $2680

you should aim for this as a goal!
sorry but i don't care about podman, you're not converting anyone by being an annoying fanatic about security. you can go kill yourself though, let me know when you did that
I have two wireless openwrt routers, I made (router A) client (Hotel WiFi) & have configured (router B) as accesspoint. The routers are connected with cat cable on the two switch ports.

I can't ping from router B or from a device connected to router B.

I am able to ping from router A.

What am I doing wrong?
no it used to use "docker" but it has changed to providing interfaces that can be used modular
for example it has a container runtime interface that can use containerd which is a docker component or it can use cri-o which was developed by red hat
It is
>16 GB RAM is very little for a server. It's not untypical for single-socket servers to have 64-128 GB RAM, and dual-socket servers to have 256-768 GB or more RAM.

You're making a mistake about ram. Home servers should see no more than 3 simultaneous users.
>Home servers should see no more than 3 simultaneous users.
It's not about the amount of users but the amount of services you have running.
Ex.: My Minecraft VM alone takes 16GB of mem. If you ask why, well, I went full autist and designed a multi-world game for my buddies. They enjoy it so I don't care
>Home servers should see no more than 3 simultaneous users.
this is the stupidest thing i've ever read in this general
Have you configured the port on router b as a wan port?
That is an accomplishment. Nothing to be proud of but still an accomplishment.
Which is better, CMR, SMR or PMR. I don't really know the difference.
If I want to switch from docker what should I be using as a replacement? Is there anything that is easy to use and spin up as docker is with a similar variety and quantity of pre-made images? I'd rather not make my own unless I really have to. Is Podman better? lxc?
To add onto this, I'd want something as easy to spin up as docker compose is.
podman-compose should be compatible with docker-compose
what happened to the olf installgentoo site?

dont know about pmr either, in short: just go for cmr
>dont know about pmr either, in short: just go for cmr
Yeah...thing is when I look at the data sheet for specific HDD they say PMR. No mention of SMR or CMR. But apparently, according to R*ddit all CMR and SMR drives are all PMR. PMR came first then it branched out to CMR and SMR.
dead for now, in op is the most recent snapshot, from last december i think
i accept your concession

>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
Will an 8x hba work if installed in a 1x slot?
I have a shitton of free drives, but no more slots
Looking to buy a rackmount NAS enclosure. It's got a backplane with mini SAS on it, as well as cables that breaks the SAS out into SATA. I'll probably need a PCIe SAS card, and those seem to come with cables that break the SAS out into SATA as well. Can I just get a single mini SAS cable and hook the PCIe card up to the backplane? Will that work? My assumption is yes, but I've got no experienced with SAS so I don't know if there's some fuckery involved.

new thread you guys:



Podman is usually the alternative to docker
Podman has a podman-compose that should be compatible
I don't get the issue with using a shell script over a yaml file, they're doing the same thing
concession to what? this makes no sense. everyone uses plain docker, bye
I use Docker but, in Podman's defense, it is bundled with distros so that's nice

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