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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102284755

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Black Forest Labs: Flux

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
Post brapbox. Brapbox? bRaPbOx??? Brappboxxxxx?!!!@ i must sniifffffff
loli femdom
Cursed thread of hate
/sdg/ is healing
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what is with that noise
I need some help with Comfy.

A1111 can do inpainting in a way that it uses the full resolution for the masked part and then composites the part into the masked area.
For example I have a 1024x1024px image but the masked area is only like 20x20px. Instead of running the entire source image through the inpainting generation it only takes a bit more than the masked area and uses that on a full 1024x1024 canvas and then composites the result into the small 20x20px area.

You can get amazing detail this way and now I wonder how I can do that in Comfy. So far I only see examples where only the entire source pic gets used.
It prevents his posts from being deleted.
Why always only pee pee and never poo poo? :(
time 2 goon
Just use Flux, retard
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you need ComfyUI manager and use that to get the ComfyUI Impact Pack
The Impact Pack has the extra nodes you are looking for e.g. (SEGS)Detailer

Plenty of tutorials out there for it aswell.
>did you prompt for it?
it's all prompt except the 1girl lora
captcha: SDG HD
Oh neat, thank you Anon
so glad koff is finally dead
I had the same issue and couldn't find anything already written to address it so I made some custom nodes that do it, though they're a bit janky. Maybe someone has a better set of nodes now to deal with it
ComfyUI doesn't support anything, you need an extension.
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No worries.
Other good additions for Comfy would be the UltimateSDUpscale node and ComfyUI Easy Use.

Once you get more comfortable with the UI, you can also get ComfyRoll Studio but it's a bit overwhelming at 175 extra nodes.

>trying to change styles
That looks like pretty much exactly the nodes I made last year locally, though with added scaling algorithms and focused on 1.5 resolutions, with mine auto padding and scaling to the closest SDXL aspect ratio/resolution matching your masked area. Mine has some bugs though when you inpaint mask at the corners of the image
nta but what model/lora(s) do you use anon? I like the flat color style but can't seem to get that right with flux (also the lora I'm using atm ruins cat ears, yours are much better)
how much effort is it to train ai to copy an art style?
>jUst uSe fLuX
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Like 1-2 hours preparing a dataset and 5 hours training in 1024x1024 on a 3060.
>use random resolutions
>proompt as usual

>hear you should use standardized resolutions only when proompting
>test these resolutions
>results are very different and not the results I want
>go back to using awkward resolutions
>everything back to normal

are there any good guides on that? I checked the op links, only found a dead link to a guide about training
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In Comfy, is it possible to have multiple "stages" in a workflow that get activated on demand? Or am I forced to use multiple workflows in browser tabs?

For example I'd like to set up a workflow that has stage 1 (normal native res generation) and then stage 2 for upscaling (only if needed) and stage 3 for inpainting (only if needed).
So when most of the time only stage 1 should run through and stage 2 and 3 only if I want them to.
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50/50 lolidiffusionPDXL_LX7 and tPonynai3_v6 with
>drawing, ink drawing
in positive prompt and
>anime, photo, realistic
in negative

no LoRas since I'm trying to do as much as I can with just prompts.
is there tick boxes or something?
I routinely used 2048x1024 native res on sd1.5 models on txt2img. The trick was open pose control net and latent coupler
ah alright, I used to be able to do that on XL before, needed something for flux mostly. thanks
I don't know what extensions if any let me do it but I divide my workflow into group blocks (select nodes right click add nodes to group) then there's a node that lets me tick enable/disable each group and also jump straight to that part of the workflow. Use switches lets you turn groups off and have things route properly around it
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you can right click on a node and bypass it and I think if they are in a group, it will bypass all of them.

Just bypass the samplers and detailer nodes (watch out for randomized seeds).
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Julien is shit
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well that's different
Hes new here and thinks it prevents his post from being deleted because he thinks theres a JavaScript AI that scans his photos.
He says, as his post was deleted
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>time for bed
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last one
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gm anons. sorry I've been slacking on the news. I'll be back on the grind today'


we know you have going through grief since your last and only friend koff abandoned (you)
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you're still my friend, aren't you anon?
that explains why he was gone yesterday
Oh i will never leave you ****** ****** :)
Given the choice between a fp16 or bf16 model, which should I choose? The bf12 has about twice the file size so I assume it has more training data or something.
pony 7 WHEN???!!?
miniani is also a friend of him
target him next
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last I saw, he gave an update that he was planning on training against auraflow 'with flux as a backup option'. I don't think I've seen any new since. it might also just be a dud; auraflow hasn't really shined through as a powerful model
Is it true?
Morning anons
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Thanks Emad
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Yes, debo is currently in his grieving period
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hola brodittos
I appreciate your witchy waifu
I'm glad you like it but she is not mine, I just pay tribute to the original purple witch poster
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how do I get realistic results with flux?
Using flux fp8 with my Lora
Which other flux models work ok with loras?
is that you rampAnon?
no longer rampanon. My life is once again twist turned upside down and im back to looking for a job.
I decided to quit the shitty airport job and moved to Oregon to be near family.
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that's a shame the job didn't work out. Always great to see your pink and green girls though.
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idk why but separating sigmas and using lowers seems to improve details in realism gens

nice to see you around. hope your next gig is a fun new chapter, whatever it may end up being. is there a job market in oregon?
im glad you like her. she likes you to
with the way hiring works these days its really hard to tell. sure plenty of people claim to be hiring but who knows if they actually are
>separating sigmas and using lowers seems
what are you talking about?
is this ComfyUi terminology? I'm using Forge
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yeah, its a comfy node. I don't really understand how it works honestly
i really like this one
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took some inspiration from it
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I dig it. I've been trying to get flux to go deep into abstract/surrealism but it likes to clutch onto whatever 'subject' its provided instead of drawing it in an abstract way
i miss schizo anon
I think there's a lot of competition. A couple hiring managers have told me they get like 120 applications for every job posting. I've been having a hard time too finding something full time. I don't know what's going on with the market and why so many people are looking for jobs, if there's really that many out of work/just graduated or people have one and just want a different job.
What kind of realistic result are you talking about? You nudge Flux towards a particular style using a lora.
>be me, wake up
>no cottonballed down syndrome lolis with bones sticking 10 inches out of their bodies staring directly into my soul
and today was a good day
epic necrobump
(car broken down edition)
from what little research ive done there are 2 big factors.
1. people arent retiring anymore because they cant afford to.
2. people arent changing jobs as often because there are less better options. so job positions arent moving around as much
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I'd like to think that today, he woke up and started a roadtrip to see mountains for the first time. he could be out there living a fresh new chapter, away from things that made him feel bad

no u
with your car broken, you have no choice but to stay home and gen

don't forget asshole capitalists firing a bunch of people and downscaling workforces just to make earnings reports look better. august saw another huge wave of layoffs in tech and I'm sure that echoes through other sectors too
>he could be out there living a fresh new chapter, away from things that made him feel bad
you could too
Is there any way in Forge to set the distilled CFG scale for ADetailer? When I leave it the CFG override unchecked it uses a distilled CFG of 3.5 even when it's set lower above.
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sense you seem to miss me, dearly.
ill stick to 1 post a day. this being the 1 post for the day.
no mountains for me. just soft hills.
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there it is
drama qween moment
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im confused are we back or ded bois?
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spooky scary skeletons
bruh stole my image from another thread for th OP lmfao Thanks.
why does every youtube video I watch about installing ComfyUI on windows for AMD always leave out KEY FUCKING information that will get it to fucking work? I am so tired of this bullshit. I just wanna prompt and not wait for my fucking prompts with civitai.
stupid question:
When you train a Lora or whatever else, does it do the N inference steps on every batch, or just one step, or what?
Asking because I have a jerryrigged thing stapling some encoders to the front of flux and only have enough vram for 10 inference steps on each batch, which feels like not enough.
favorite one so far
Where's the news?
What's the buzz??
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No it doesnt but ok
I trust the most notorious porn spammer's word over how to spam porn
>I believe Theres an AI running in my browser, not even server side, in my browser that scans my pngs for porn
I don't think its client side. then you could just turn it off
Nobody said you did
>>I believe Theres an AI running in my browser
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the ones who do it for free deleted a SFW post.

>we also still have no /ai/ 2024
That's a challenge.
Why do you need to watch a video?
>2girls with two LORA's with SD 1.5 model
Is it possible to learn this power? I keep getting fusions with my existing prompt-fu.
I knew koff would come back hes just an unlikable drama queen
tips on super skinny 1girl with realism? any (skinny thin anorexic) i prompt seems to make her chubbier ;_;

also freestyling gens incoming
for fluxdev prompting, i should add
Newfag here, when I generate a tiled image at 512, find one I like, and then remake it at a higher resolution with the same seed/settings, it's a completely different render. What's up with that? I'm on Easy Diffusion.
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I'd just type 'skinny' into thesaurus.com and copy/paste all the results a dozen times
i've actually thought of doing exactly that lel
wont it be ignored since it's just a list of words rather than an expression?
because i don't understand the directions in the OP, i've tried to follow them before and I fuck up something always.
Does anyone happen to have a csv or txt file of all the e621 tags and usage count of said tags, for use with the autocomplete feature of comfyui? Already have danbooru tags in there.
I remember there being some weird hack to getting skinny back in sd1.x where you used some other word but not sure now
"obese" in negative does wonders in sdxl (and i think also sd1.5) but flux negs have no effect without extensions/custom nodes/whatever
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you can jam the word salad through gpt if you want fully formed sentences. I admit slamming in a bunch of tokens doesn't seem to carry much weight with flux

imagine the utopia we'd be living in....
wew, lads
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koff the lying pedo poster whose only friend is ****
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>the Xzibit meme from pimp your ride where Xzibit is laughing and saying "yo dawg I heard you like illuminatis so I put an illuminati in your illuminati so you can illuminati while you illuminati"
>slamming in a bunch of tokens
i guess it sorta worked
looks like shit and isn't funny
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but enough about you, lets talk about stable diffusion image generation
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sorry that you have to spam reply to your only friend left on this general, getting sad at this point
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oh shit, the squeeze is back
You don't have any feelings though.
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he has feelings. just none of the good ones
>this is **** entertainment everyday
Ran took everything from him
g'nite all
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Is Adetailer messed up on Forge right now? I keep getting square border around the face.
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Damn the anime feels hit me hard tonight
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Well shortly after posting this I just vomited a lot and I want to die, gn anons
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gn, be well
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this research team seemed to have a very specific chip on their shoulder

Towards Patronizing and Condescending Language in Chinese Videos: A Multimodal Dataset and Detector
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Concept Sliders: LoRA Adaptors for Precise Control in Diffusion Models

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