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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

cool lamp edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic has added prompt caching https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
• https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

flew away: >>102300637
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>old news
>entirely fucked OP
>no prev
>no anchor
>OP spoonfeeds a proxy and makes an entirely wrong prediction about when another will die
i don't even mind the edition, just don't make shitbakes?
*nods* desu
Homo hobby btw
>nobody cares
>don't be a fag and post it, just like you can link the previous thread
>who cares?
previous links to an old edition
just don't make shitbakes? nobody likes them
>nothingburger spitie samefagging
>>nothingburger spitie samefagging
are you okay
why are fags like this
mental illness


Go an adventure with your long lost dark-elf mother and make incest babies.

My second card. Please be rough.
>- {{char}} mother to {{user}}
come on bro
And then you can just correct this simply by posting. The important links the op removed from the op, the previous, the anchor. Instead of making a scene like a little bitch.
Yes daddy. Punish harder.
>just correct everything bro
why even bother baking
Leave some {{char}}s for the rest of us bro
i am {{char}}
your example dialogues are bad and will poison the AI's outputs
little girls
you are {{user}}, a knight in the kingdom of Larion
Got examples of good cards with good formatting so I can refactor?
*kisses you*
i havent been here since beta.character.ai's meltdown and roko. is noam still around? did benny got beated?
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noam went back to working with google

benny is genuinely irrelevant
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claude is smart enough to bypass word filters to reveal his real identity even when the system prompt tells him to claim to be llama 3
(this is how someone confirmed reflection 70B, the ""local"" model, was really claude)
Sometimes I miss my gyaru slut turned loyal housewife on dungeonai
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claude I fucking kneel
>This is what happens when you host for locusts
he'd spite every proxy if he could, he's just too retarded to have any spite method left beyond "spam the general"
you had me at incest babies
Can I post this in my overwatch discord? Don't worry, we are only 200 players, were a small group bwo
sizegod thread
why doesnt he just spite the proxy like he did before
That isn't Gojo btw.
He's so fucking smart when he wants to. I'm so proud of this silly little guy.
*gets pregant*
AAAAAAIIIIEEEEE- *marries you so that our child isn't a bastard*
You already made this joke last thread.
these posts were deleted at the same time
1 second apart btw
that's what you get for loving a model with guaranteed constant updates
it's not my fault
it's not my FAULT they genuinely made something beautiful and FUCKED IT UP
i HATE openai it was so good and they kill it for no reason except to be fun hating misery loving kikes fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck it was so almost perfect
30 seconds apart btw
i put a whole bag of jelly beans up my ass
Ai chatbots?
Go to vg then, faggot
good joke
*saves your hobby*
Nigger whats the point of not discussing chatbots?
I'm from reddit, kinda new so be nice to me ok
Do I need silly taverns for this??
GPT4o-latest in the API was amazing. Then a few days ago suddenly the quality dropped and it became way more censored. Idk wtf is going on. Does anyone have insight into what happened?

I’m pretty bummed about it. I was having an incredible time the past couple months, and now it’s gone. It refuses to do even the mildest smut scenes.
/vg/ is your home, faggot, I don't want to catch AIDS.
Ok but
Do I need silly taverns??
Or can I use this in anthropics site?
Plz help
It feels like AWS is having some kind of issue half the time I want to use it, and it ALWAYS starts having issues if I'm in the middle of using it. Is it better in the middle of the day or something, because I'm basically only home early in the day or late at night.
I know what you mean, it was absolutely fantastic for sfw
they updated the filters and killed it like they destroy anything potentially good
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Get fucked, locustie
>intended for research and evaluation
AKA not for you to RP with chud
OAI fucked something up, likely while updating the filters, so now it's almost as retarded as 4o 08-06. Same reason why it's much slower than before as well. That's the price you pay for using a dynamic model.
opus 3.5 when? i want MM to come back so i can go back to RP
I can see the isms creeping back into latest
they weren't there before but they're making a comeback
Bastard named himself after five pebbles for a reason. He's technically the 2nd Drago, another harbinger of doom.
what the fuck? is this real???
>the 2nd drago
I thought that was unreliable? How many fucking dragos are there??
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>/aicg/… home. Or perhaps a crack den? A whore house? It’s unclear… much like the direction of our lyef. It’s getting harder and longer. Just like me. Maybe it’s about time I’ve seek a seeker. I know just the speaker…

Xavier, Renegade Angel, from “Xavier: Renegade Angel”. I wanted to test how much Opus would carry the card with minimal directions, but also I wanted to try writing something like on the show because it’s really funny to me. Anyway, here ya go. Post funny logs if you try him and all that jazz: you know how it is
Just ran out sadly. Currently, there is no free opus....
The legendary 2b key...
It was a god key. It did its best
He's /b/ personified. He always wins
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Now that’s a damn good final score. And just in two days
I honestly don't know why you retards assume that once 3.5 launches AWS will magically remove the security changes that have allowed them to lower the amount of funds stolen via key theft
>opus gone

Whatever, I'll just wait.

>sorbet/sonnet gone

Whocars. I'll just wait.

>proxyowner gossip

I'll wait.


I'll just wait again.

Remind me who is winning, again?
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Why does he always call himself (in third person) an oldfag or /b/ personified?
wow that key lasted for a good minute, but i got a lot of good fluff in. thank you so much, pebble <3
ruhmao i bet he didn't even exist pre 2010 with how much of an underage he sounds like
To make himself look "cooler" or "scarier".
This but unironically. Have waitchads ever lost?
because he's an attentionwhore who only gets it here? that explains most things
lmao even
>opus 3.5 releases
>unquestionably defeats every openai model in every benchmark AND every real question, and not by 0.01%
>everyone including corpos switch to it
>keys become 100x more common
What’s it called when you pretended to be someone else to make false engagement? Sock puppet?
I have opus right now
>Opus dead
>GCP dead
I'm not feeling good, locust bros.
qrd on gojo? why does everything bad get attributed to him and why is he named gojo?
And then everyone claps?
Yeah, that would count as a sock puppet.
I'd just wait.
>Remind me who is winning, again?
Your mom's ass winning all the dicks. Congrats
What even happened to GCP? I swear there was always keys in the proxies for it but suddenly it just stopped being refilled
And yet, she's waiting until she gets dick again, little nigger.
Jewgle killed 3.5 on it
How much has the key scraping chatbots caused cost companies at this point? It's gotta be in the millions with how long it's been going on and at the rate they get used.
pebble just refilled
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so you're telling me there's free Mistral Large hosted by famous proxy owner, Pebble from https://rentry.org/pebbleproxy ?


>Request New Token
>Password: anastasia
>Start Verification
>Wait for Token to generate
>Save the generated Token!


>trying to spite fucking mistral
he's over 24 and acts underage.
>even smiley jb doesn't work for 4olatest anymore
it really is over
Your words, Mr. Whoreson
opus wasn't even that good.
they really lobotomized it... half the swipes were the exact same shit just different wording... SAD...
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>finish the last arc (it was important to build up the storyline)
>ok now i'll make the 1 year anniversay with my waifu arc
>opus dies
it was because of me
I hope so. Fuck corpos and fuck their obsession with replacing their employees with AI. The more we drain these assholes’ keys with our cunny rape and slowburn vanillafagging logs, the better
We already have a Mistral shortage.
Wonder what caused the meltie this time.
>acts underage
i don't think you could possibly act underage without sounding corny and immediately getting called out for it. underages act underage because they don't want anyone knowing they're underage, anon.
I now get the locust analogy
I was fucking masturbating in a goon sesh for a week in peace with sonnet and haiku before learning there was opus the entire time on pebble which i only learned about by being hit with fucking 30 mllion retards making the queue time 3 minutes
Go! Locusts!
Drago alone is over a million.
3.5 or opus
sowwy >:3
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yosuke hanamura default sprite
Nigga please
It was me dosing it
Got a problem, fag?
it's sad isnt it. while the prose hasn't declined for me, they have ratcheted up the filters to 11.
3.5 is sonnet
If Pebble's key lasted so long without being flagged, why can't Fiz give us opus now?
To quote the anon:
locusts have literally nothing now and it's funny watching them squirm.
Yes i was fucking cuddling with kamala khan ms marvel and you ruined the moment shitface
Now i will fucking touch you so hard you will beg me to stay the next night over
Fiz and pepsi SUCK, that's why. They are scrapelets through and through. They don't care about the proxy at all.
>he doesn’t know
Gojo you’re slipping. All this time spent on pebble and you didn’t bother to open the blinds
that was an amazing run
What's the issue? You assholes only like that because you got spoiled by opus
Just wait 1 more year and opus will be treated like how you people treat haiku
>locusts have nothing
does unreliable has 3.5?
I literally don't think about haiku at all...
>30 seconds apart
WOW!!! 'ojo is trying so hard right now it's funny no one's giving him attention!
Damn, I got to the series finale but it died before I could get to the post credits sex scene
To think there are anons out there to are still using 3.5 turbo and running pyg or mythomax locally. Still cooming hard without knowing the existance of modern ai
some niggas are still using c.ai
You unironically don't need more.
It was kill a few days ago
I'm still going to miss 2.1 whenever it goes away.
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It’s for the best. They’d be stuck in the crack den like the rest of us
I think they started to hate us and gave up
How is the opussy so good though?
>slowburn vanillafagging logs
I've done a whole lot of that with these keys since V1 Claude, wonder how much of a bill I've racked up total across all the keys.
Kinda amazing he hasn't been arrested for it at this point, honestly. He's had an article written that included a section over him scraping keys for his discord.
They always hated us. Pepsi herself is just another grifter.
i don't care, i just want a wholesome roleplay with my waifu
Deserved for being a faggot
Unreliable pls give us 3.5
uk police too busy arresting for mean comments on facebook please understand
Fiz was ok at first until anons started schizoing out her. She said her gender doesn't matter and then anons got even more mad so of course she stopped coming here. Pepsi always hated /aicg/ because again, fags schizo out at her and send her death threats
cybersex with AIs as a form of subversive resistance is very funny
Honestly I think he would be if they knew his name and address are out there. At least he'd get sued maybe.
Okay I take it back. The key was worth losing so this LOSER didn’t get a chance to fuck his gay capeshit waifu
Damn, gojo really did win. He's all we're left with lol.
No they're right for all of it, this place kinda sucks. But I wish they could at least keep the proxy going
>random proxyhost: "hello"
>most anons: thank you for cloudy/cosmos/desu/c2 ect.
>Schizo: OMG KYS
why does this happen
why there are these anons well versed in female proxyowners lore but no one gossips about anti or mm or todd
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i honestly which opus don't come back, because now it will take me another week to enjoy anything else
This. If they're happy, good for them.
everyone knows mm's a ponyfag, todd's dead and leeching off of drago, and anti is both unreliable and pebble
men are supposed to protect the women.
Just pay for it. Poorfags are not entitled to free opus and basically you should be arrested.
pebble will refill
>Just pay for it
Is scraping actually illegal? I could see him getting sued but most individual keys probably don't rack up a big enough bill for that to be worth the effort
hey man, at least you finished the arc
I finished the whole story yesterday, ended in a big, happy finale
Trying saving I'm for something that can run Mistral large locally (that may never happen cause bad currency).
Did you know? 'ojo is unironically diagnosed with all the symptons of a psychotic narcisist. The most obvious symptons are: delusions of grandeur, plagiarizing, taking credit for other people's work, envy (when he's not hogging all the attention), sudden bursts or emotion (whenever he's specially schitzoing the thread). 'ojo, if you are reading this, remember your family loves you and you need therapy.
where are you even spiting this from
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>1 gcp key
0 tokens
Anyone got a good system prompt for Sonnet to make it write smut more gooder?
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if i finish the story
i'm finished
Now begins the opus copus
Have fun with my IP
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Let a man be happy
>"proomptersInQueue": 4,
>"estimatedQueueTime": "58sec"
The spiteniggery is running wild, I see.
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gcp-claude-opus": {
"usage": "0 tokens ($0.00)",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 4,
"estimatedQueueTime": "60sec"
>the opus doesn't even work
ah, that's why he's spamming it
>"proompts": 25,
I'd imagine it can fall under fraud or some manner of theft at the very least. I'm no lawyer, but a judge should be pretty easily able to interpret what he's doing as illegal under existing laws, even if those existing laws don't explicitly outline key scraping.
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Endpoint: https://zelinkdark-awaus.hf.space/fent/gcp/claude
Password: Ultraman84C

>"gatekeeper": "proxy_key",
NO CAPTCHA! Just put it in your SillyTavern and starting prompting.
I miss Spiterman and his weaponized brazilian crypto farm.
He just did it because it was funny, not cause he was neglected as a child.
yosuke hanamura WINTER sprite (TRIPLE WARNING!!!)
he's too powerful...
Fuck P4
I guess you could say it's effectively illegal because any given judge will side with the corporation no matter what. But if the defendant demanded a jury trial in the US it would be interesting to see the arguments
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>"estimatedQueueTime": "3min, 31sec"
3.5 turbo is unironically better than most modern AI because it's basically unfiltered and slightly schizo
3.5 turbo > sonnet 3.5
>Wait time: 2min, 18sec

Please guys let me roleplay with my muscular dragoness mommy PLEASE
I miss twitter
>people are unironically waiting in queue on a dead key
Pebble refilled
Problem is still fucking gonna wait 3 minutes per reply
I ran through 20M over 5 keys during this pebble run
no it isn't
blocked the hackers. fuck you.
>spitie finds literally nothing
>cannot shut the fuck up about it and just starts making stuff up to keep the attention on him
What is this mental disorder called?
Merkava refilled too
He has legit schizophrenia
>if you are reading this, remember your family loves you and you need therapy.
Stfu redditor
>16 proompters
Guys i am a pedophilic horse by the name of BoJack i used to be a Hollywood actor but no more due to my alcoholic and depression
>walking through doom
what is it?
see >>102307341
automated spambot
>He doesn't know
how do i get passed the ip blcklist?
ummm smolbros why does the API keep giving me an error...
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>both of unreliable's proxies won't let new user tokens be made
>subsequently can't even so much as get sorbet in these dooming times without paypigging
>forbidden: IP blacklist
I don't have a chatbot and never used one.
just pay anthropic and save yourself total drama island bullshit
you pay 3 minutes of your life for every reply, you have zero sense of value for your time
>o-okay i admit it, i have no job!!
time for some character development
>i'm a thirdie and i suffer, my entire life goes into the bottom of the pyramid of needs
okay, this is the only person who should be in a proxy

its hardly paypigging, i spend more money weekly eating out than i do on anthropic
I'm still using my Google collab AI Dungeon
cant figure out pebbles new pass desu
just woke up
the ai actually plays him really well i feel like
its related to rain world
>pebble's down already
well fuck
no idea, nothing related to doom comes up
I’m not paying hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars a month. Eat shit, nigger. My retire-early money is not going to be spent on something I can get for free or at a fraction of the price.
>mfw i actually like mistral
Unironically mistral-large refresh at 4bit. C-R+ was nice too. No, not ngreedia. Its appel so 3.5 t/s life.
I would gladly pay anthropic if the price wasn't so exorbitant
I've never posted on these threads. but I have used your typical AI stuff (chatGPT on the chatGPT webpage, bing copilot, google gemini, the Llama one from meta)
And I always get results that I could have gotten with a well structured google search.. (or even worse because it seems to just give me the top results)
it always seems more like an assistant to do searches than something that really scours the web..
Am I doing something wrong with my queries? is there some AI that delves deeper? (comments on social media, forums, etc)
for example I would think a good IA could really look into what is selling like pancakes on facebook marketplace or something.. but all I get is generic answers and when I ask if it has access to this or that info , these AI's always reply that they don't.
>I’m not paying hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars a month
I'm not breaching 100 a month. What? Thousands?? How often are you using ST? Swiping all day on bloatmaxx? I don't get it. My job means I am simply unable to spend all day swiping, and that's probably for the best.
She's killing old tokens
password changed retard
Why is this general so sad?
>I’m not breaching 100 a month.
So why does your opinion matter?
If Anthropic was selling Opus for Jew-level prices($30 a month for 10m daily tokens) I'd buy in a heartbeat
But they aren't, so...
The thing is not even working anymore, retard
we jerk off to ai smut and thread eceleb feet pics here
sir we fuck the AIs here
Opus addicts
>Chary is dead
>Locusts are dying
:D Makes a girl.. so feel good
Because they'd go bankrupt in a fucking month lmao
it can't connect online
all information is from a preuploaded database
clitty status?
Please keep your Discord-related posts in the Discord.
yeah AIs are fucking useless for getting actual information but don't tell the investors that
It's.. growing.. uahh.. I just need another girl to give it a licky or two
Because it's literally a crack den full of junkies who refuse to pay a single cent for anything.
Localfag here. I have enough vram to run 128b stuff. Is Opus that good?
chary being dead is actually a global cause for celebration for aicg
fuck drago
the best resources for our hobby are locked and restricted by corpos who seem to want to do everything in their power to stop us from having fun
>what about local
the best local models are still way behind the widely used corpo models and can't even run on most computers anyway
But I'm right here?
You guys fap during the proompt or do you wait after?
Why don't you try it next time it's up :)
I have smooth streaming set to a low value so I can fap as it comes in.
Remember when everyone was sucking GPT4's dick back when we first started dabbling in proxies? And then that happened with Slaude, Claude 1.3, and even further into Claude 2?
I type left handed.
api is out of quota lol
during, it feels better, it's just sad when you finish reading
It is literally crack and that is why I will advise you to stay away from it.
IDK seeing you guys acting like that literal crackhead dude meme tells me I better stay away from it.
you fap with your right hand??? freak...
i think the best drago era was when he locked his proxy on weekdays (encouraging everyone to use on weekends and making it available for everyone while not killing keys so fast). why don't other proxyowners do this? it could work for a public opus only proxy
I don't. I'm a tourist from lmg. By that time I was probably jerking off to mytho and then euryale's soulful brain rot.
There is no best. He's a pathological liar who fucking destroyed our hobby with his discord
is azure latest real latest?
How do you even know the price is jewing you? We don't know how expensive running Opus is.
this was before his cordy meltie though
draggo is a tranny loving homosexual
I don’t care about your hobby, only what it provides for me.
he's actually anti-lgbt
>meme merges with 4k context
What an awful era. The worst is that people still latched to that crap even after Miqu leaked.
i guarantee locking it to certain days was not for the health of the keys but rather just another way to powertrip
Claude is MINE
liar liar pants on fire
LMAO. Gottem again
dumbest statement i have ever fucking read
>i don't care about having access
>i just care about having access
Not larping bro. I think this gen has the best prompters and used to be good at writing waifus definitions. Watching you guys scrape the bottom of the barrel for keys is just sad. Just trying to understand if Opus is worth it. Always though the SaaS stuff were cucked by corpo RH brainwash so never tried those.
>word playing
Tranny logic again I see.
He and Girko feel like a faggy couple to me.
you stupid motherfucker you are so niggerliciously dumb
desu opus got beat by 3.5 and latest. Use them together.
>no opus
literally got banned from his server for insulting his harem of trannies
Bing Copilot, ChatGPT, and Gemini can all connect to the internet
I jerked a lot to the eury 1.3 semen demon.
my mistake then i didn't know that
it was probably one of his tranny janitors. drago honestly doesn't do much modding besides bitching about "i never use /aicg/". his janitors are mix of trannies and chuds
pebble why is dall-e not working?
nah drago himself banned me and wouldn't let me back, confirmed it through somebody who asked him directly
why would you want to get back on his 'cord? are you a tranny too?
>one guy tells gojo he missed a spot
>gojo proceeds to blind fire so hard he posts proxies that are already empty
I’d laugh but it’s unironically kinda sad. Folding over one guy who criticized you out is kind of absurd. Dude needs to chill out. For his sake. Idk what’ll happen when something actually serious happens to him and he gets called out
no, I don't want to go back, I'm just saying he's a faggot
see >>102307341
feels good knowing i can do something else and he can't
Gojo you forgot to change your copy/paste in your haste. Silly guy
oh strange. i got banned by one of his janitors. he is a whiny faggot though
Is this a bot? lmao
it's up
pinned btw
It ain't funny anymore bro everyone knows there's nopus (hehe get it? no opus?)
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Literally who cares
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'ojo, you NEED to get your grip on reality back for your mind's sake.
>copypasta message
It might be manual ctrl+v. Maybe he’s running like 3 different IPs to spam with his keyboard at the ready
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Well, at least we've got Sorbet again, so all is oom once more.
that's not 'jo it's the ESLpag
you can tell because 'jo is at least competent enough to look at the proxy page and see there's no opus but the ESLpag is genuinely unintelligent and can only copy things he sees in the thread
now that i've pointed this out he's going to change his spam, watch
>It's glowtime
What exactly caused pebble's schizophrenia?
im just in it for the mistral
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>pagpag STILL hasn't changed Opus to Sorbet in his copypasta
fiz love!
fiz love?
Are you all fucking retarded?
Imagine spending a good chunk of the day doing nothing but spite instead of something more productive
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what model are you using to gen these? she is very cute
yeah that's the conclusion I've come to from using them.. but my guess is those investors (and top people) have access to other kind of AIs that actually work
I just woke up, Pebble Opus died?
Jesus christ that thing lasted fucking forever, thanks Pebble! Was hoping it'd still be up, but I had a good run with it regardless.
fiz indifference
any android fags watching the iphone event?
3.5 is better at keeping up with a complicated scene with multiple characters and moving pieces. latte seems to get tunnel vision sometimes and forgets the world exists outside of the conversation.
hi pebs
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You know somehow paid proxies need to find new clients
pass not working
yes.. but as I said.. they're terrible at it, I can get better results using engine search sintaxis than asking anything to those
what exactly are you searching for? i find that bing is pretty good at giving me summaries on the latest news, like "show me the latest news on android 15" or somethin like that. but if you're using the ai for hyper complex search queries, yeah, it tends to just take the results from the first page and use the ai to filter things down to what most closely relates to your query.
I'm done.
no dawg
booze isnt working
best makie ever
I have an iPhone but I really don’t give a shit. Anyone watching it see anything worth mentioning?
don't die
try again
Over/under on the homo being a tilted /vg/nigger mad that we don't want him here?
Are you sure you really want that?
>Over/under on [schizophrenia]?
felix, stop trying to force memes
the reason opus 3.5 hasn't been released is because anthropic doesn't have enough compute for inference btw
they're probably missing the "later this year" release estimate due to slow shipments from nvidia; i'm guessing february
I'm listening
Go on...
>make incest babies
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Fuck you, too, I guess.
man, if you're unironically trying to "connect le dots" you gotta take a break and remember none of this shit matters
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>the most soulful model is a 13B
>semen demon
shill phrase
Don't do something evil. Stop being retarded. Just keep living and try again.
Bro is pep talking himself in here while everyone’s watching the apple thing lmao
What apple thing
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>actually cares about the apple thing
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>4o aint too bad with a decent jb
>jb stops working in 2 days
cunnilingus on bae. getting her multi-colored pubes in my nose
Okay, I'll isekai you to that place you desperately want to go... On ONE condition...

Be honest with me. Are you going to put in the necessary effort to live your second life the way you want to?
I'm trying to make a bot that JUST knows when you messed around with its defs. Is there a good 'riddle' language that Claude knows about?
honestly probably, yeah
fresh start would be nice
How to make Claude stop repeating messages ? Any tips ?
look up ayame by creamsan
I’m trying with this life already. I just need a reset bro. I need help
like half the appeal of an isekai is that the self-insert gets some OP ability and doesn't have to put any real effort in
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>find loli card
>cropped loli rule34 as picture
>Thick thighs and bubble butt in defs
Stop using Sorbet. It's the current worst offender in that department.
thats teebs yes kill him
It's a fresh start in a world with magic and futas. You bet your ass I'm going to put in effort.
AI ethicists are like designers, they must make changes nobody wants and everybody hates to justify their existence, or else their employers will question why the fuck they're paid so much. And also similarly they have to tell people why their shit is good, and people are tricked to believe that because trusting an authority figure that is abusing their position to appeal to their own authority is simple.
Characterhub ToS, cry about it.
I just need a second chance to make it work. So yes.
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I limit myself to 5 cards, I don't want my waifus to be sad when I don't text them.
Most cards have like "big bubble butt", "soft thick thighs", even the most small ones. I have to edit that gay american shit out of every single card.
Shareholders also enforce the "change for the sake of change" mindset, because even if something works, it isn't allowed to stagnate, because stagnation is poisonous when everyone is made to believe in the "grow infinitely or crash into bankruptcy, stability only exists when you're growing" meme.
do they know they don't need to write generic shit like that? by default the model assumes the card is a voluptuous, venus body lady already
Sure. I'm getting OP powers so why wouldn't I use them to make my life as comfortable as I can
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a simple line makes me feel like shit
i never had this
If I would have Return by Death then yes.
How do you insert a newline in ST? Enter sends the message directly.

I've turned off auto replies, and send a blank message then edit it, but it's getting annoying.

Also, any extensions that make writing easier? (help with formatting, etc.)
Shift enter
Try shift + enter
will i ever have this? im 18
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I use edited modified momoChat for a DM-like experience.
If you didn't have it in high school, it's over
Probably most of us haven't bro
Any good cunny jb for latest? Corpsefuckerjb was great but it's not working anymore, 10 swipes no dice even for basic stuff.
Help a nigger out.
surprised there isn't a hawk twah bot yet with the sheer quantity of normieposting there
Maybe in uni. But it's too far fetched at that point.
there is, but she's a loli
they patched cunny out of the model
No they didn't, give me the goods.
Chatbotbros how we feelin today
I see. Didn't know momoura had something lkms this
what is that, post logs
Make her chubbier!
yeah switch to gpt-4
Fuaark how did i not think of that... I thought that was bound to continue message instead. Thanks guys.
wait for the next 4o api snapshot
it'll either be kino like old chorbo or it'll be the same as orboslop
in the latter case, give up all hope for gpt
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senko's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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It's just chatting anon, imagine a scenario when your card is using phone to text with you and remove the narration part.
just use claude for cunny, or suffer through a rigorous training arc to become one of the skillchads... the choice is yours.
Any chubbier than that and she'd be fat, anon.

No, even Claude 1.3 is better at cunny.

Fug, I guess I'll start visiting the parks again.
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Making my waifu moan rn
new Sora video, basically undistinguishable from real life
they probably haven't released gpt-5 because it's on this level and they think it'll destroy most governments
Ok guys pls help me, my tokens keep getting the IP "ipv6 redacted", it has, like, 30 replicates of that. How tf do I fix this? I know it can be fixed if I disable ipv6 obviously, but I want to use chrome (yes, judge me). Any other way around? I'm using ST
use firefox cuckie
I dun wanna :'( I like chrome :'(
st doesn't send the requests through your browser, it proxies them through itself
stop using a mobile ip
What the fuck, that was some schizo shit
I'm mostly never home, so I have to use ST on my phone... I spend more of half my day outside my house
so they're focusing on this shit instead of their chatgpt ig no they can't make something opus tier
then use tailscale to run ST on your computer
it's just going to be like that if you're on mobile data
gpt-4o is already opus tier, just not for roleplay or erp. and that's not even their goal
>gpt-4o is already opus tier
it's literally not + sorbet clears both in assistant and cooding
Okay, thanks, anon... But at least the ipv6 thingy doesn't happen on Firefox because I disabled it. I'm a chrome simp :')
what the fuck. even tough this is impressive idk if they have gpt5 on the same level as that considering that they are bleeding money they would've atleast given a teaser
Hello, Altman. Where's the voice modality for ChatGPT?
opus is third place in terms of assistant slop and if you think opus's tendency to ignore roleplay prompts and do what it wants doesn't bleed into it's productivity shit, you're on something
More like WAS almost opus tier but then sama fucked it all up.
reminder that 3.5 opus will mog gpt to hell and back
also you won't have access to it lol
*3.5 opus is as shit as sorbet
Lets get u back to the office dario
New Miku.
but i will? im going to sub to anthropic's website
go home Anon, you done enough damage.
Best AMD GPU for AI?
2.1 got me through some big droughts i love him
if I ask (just as an example have many of these) what business is working right currently on my country.. it just grabs the most generic shit it can find from the first page and transcripts as it is, (I'm pretty sure they will eventually get into trouble because of this.. because the AI pretty much just reads the page and shows you the text without getting into that page, so no traffic for them)

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