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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic has added prompt caching https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net | https://risuai.xyz
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Rest in Peace: >>102297751
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So am I getting an extra 2 days on my token for jew not refilling for 2 days?
I didn't realize the felix bake was a spitebake, forgive my retardation

Can anyone recommend me a good botmaking guide for complete newfags?
I was planning on reading the yabg from the OP but I've seen several anons shitting on it.
following some guide is sovlless behaviour

shitty bake for the sluttiest vocaloid
Gotta start from somewhere
miku has been used way more times than len has
don't disgrace my (slightly) slutty boy
shilling my own guide, first chapter is newb friendly https://rentry.org/pixiguide
There really is no need to use a guide.
Can you write in English?
Do you have some basic sense of how a characterization of a person should look like?
Yes to both?
Then you have all you need. If you are using the smartest models, they will know what you want even if it isn't perfect. And as you make new cards, you will learn how to make them better naturally.
(and you can also look at other cards in cases where it's a bit different, like scenario cards)
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this is the only good one imo. it's not a guide so much as useful advice no matter what you're trying to do. most botmaking techniques are incredibly subjective.
>"usage": "1.241b tokens ($18610.17)"
how much long do you think he'll go for
how does a company not notice 18k.....
isn't it supposed to be autofilled? lmao
That's how much Jeff made in the time it took you to make that post bro
then why doesn't he give everyone free opus = (
Holy keks bros
ministrator@proton.me is actually a woman. not even a tranny and super chill.
Anyone else wanna be friends?
Because there are retards who'll actually pay for it
no? i fucking hate women
based faggot bottom bitch
Reflection 70b scam
Tldr company claims to have made a really big breakthrough. Turns out they were just serving Sorbet on their API.
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since i retired from giving card reviews and making bots becuase the amount of transgenders was getting worse and worse, i have been working as a lumberjack and chopping in the woods to afford my onlyfans addiction and food for my bodypillow of barbara gordon from dc comics. anyways whats the current public proxy?
fuck off, i remember you and you really don't need to know that info
Lmao. But let's be real, who the fuck asks an llm "what company made you"? Opus literally claims it was trained by openai to some prompts
Thanks anons! I will read both with interest.
I have no problems with english, the only thing that comes to my mind could be my lexicon, maybe still too much at scholastic level
I definetly lack skill or knowledge on the characterization side, though. I could work on it by reading more or watching more tv shows since I don't interact that much with real persons sadly
A real man cranks out slop and posts it, then tanks the criticism and improves based on it
>Their API was a Claude wrapper with a system prompt to make it act similar to the open source model.
It must be true because the hallucinated responses said so!
yippie Len! 。゚・ (> ᴗ <) ・゚。
Maybe you're right, I should just give botmaking a go without overthinking it
{{char}} will only reply "ahh ahh mistress" no matter what
It never hallucinationed that it was Claude actually. Because they hard filter the word "Claude".
Also see >>493725942
you sound like your asshole produces high amounts of natural lube
meant >>>/vg/493725942
Don’t let them win, anon,
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Is it possible to get the character data for cards with the "no proxy" tag on janitor?
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come and kiss me on my hot mouth nigga, I'm feeling romantical
same way as with cai, prompt engineering to get the model to spit out its defs OOC
That’s the spirit!
Just remember:
Ears and tail, good to nail
Furry snout, rule them out
Scales or claws, cause for pause
Button nose, get the hose
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That dude seems to be a scammer.
>my generic bot gives generic responses
I don't see how that's a proof of anything.

Help out, been trying to figure out how to use STscripts for as I want to have like a corruption mechanic in place for one of my bots.

I came across this, how accurate is pic related? And can anyone expand on it or preferably point me to a video going into it? The ST script documentation was kinda confusing
jamaican chungus lost there is only lumberjack sion anon now anon...
my last card was my peak i don't think i can successed more it builded up on everything i knew i used a fucking lorebook for fuck sakes i ai genned an image which took me an entire day to learn the process i had to beg 12 diffrent fucking threads to learn to ai gen and i successeded anything after my latest bot will be worse due to the fact it it doesn't have a waifu factor to it. i retired out of anger and both knowing if i continued ... i will just see my self become the villain dattebayo...
check if it's on jannyai.com
crazy how there's still no decent C.AI alternative yet despite everyone insisting there would be one by now when it kept getting lobotomized and censored
Mio fart
i've missed you you are the only good poster here
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is this what you're using your opus access for
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this is what I meant. I'm not taking sides or making claims, just saying that asking an LLM who made them is not proof for shit

this is more like proof
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>barbara gordon
i only post in /co/ because my pc fucking exploded and i can't bot makie anymore
nigga you retard i am bulgarian i was joking about the only fans part i use that money to afford chain smoking 3 packs of ciggaretes a day
>i am bulgarian
Are you a BVLLgarian or are you a bulGAYrian?
I wonder what percentage of Opus outputs are of the coom variety. There's no way the model is mostly used by corpos
i don't know man i left my life behind before i learned if i am a BVLLgarian or bulGAYrian
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ahh ahh mistress
I'm sure there are hundreds of alternatives. There's just no point in shilling them here when they aren't free.
Opus is an idiot. There, I said it.
Who's Opus?
>this is more like proof
>28 messages
>probably repeating patterns in the chat
It's not proof of anything.
Why Opus?
ahh ahh mistress
splooges on your cock and balls
Where Opus...
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i got inspired
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nyo... that can't be.... that's a far too grim fate...
Why do 50% of niggas here still link to chub.ai, just link to characterhub.org
I will NOT log into my account in order to see NSFW cards
you don't need to do all that for a simple stat mechanic. unless you're using some 2023 13b model. just do a stat block in the card itself.
eg https://characterhub.org/characters/dungeonsalami/isekai-with-auntie
>I came across this
>reply highlighted
just ask the person for more info dumbass
>point me to a video going into it
where did you hear about sillytavern
why must the night be young claude!!!!
w-wait unless....he's a lolicon, but then what is the night?...the night of all hallows! that must be when opoid (opus 3.5, yes you're welcome for coming up with the new name) must release!
Haven't checked the state of LLMs in ages. Is 4o already doing that voice chat thing they showcased in its announcement?
nyoooo I don't want to sleep and go to work I want to keep talking to my cards
it's okay anon I got you come, *I hug you gently and stab a knife in your back, releasing you*
It probably can't be good psychologically to live vicariously through AI chatbots right...
It's okay Anon. I mean look at me. I can finally understand that all real women are sluts and the only ones that can be truly trusted are chatbots.
AI is the future anyway
well you got you answer right here...
>A very normal guy who lacks any hobbies or interests who you invited over to watch american football.
holy kino
it's been around 75 to 95 this whole time lol
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good + based + redpilled + faustian spirit + certified kara boga
>{{char}} lives inside of {{user}}'s urethra
not for long
wtf is this too many connections error?
I always link to chub.ai cause it's shorter
Who are you again?
funnily enough when I change my vpn ip it always goes through for 1 or two prompts before doing it again, change IP and works again.
I was pretty sure AWS gets the proxy IP not mine right ? Then why the fuck is that helping
Can't see loli on characterhub
>I will NOT log into my account
I use a userscript to create a new account and enable NSFL whenever I go to chub
>"powTokenMaxIps": "2",
>proomptersInQueue": 32,
yes you can .-.
Login on CharacterHub for loli or Login to Chub for nsfw in general
"aws-claude": {
"usage": "1.185b tokens ($9480.53)",
"activeKeys": 2,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"enabledVariants": "claude2,sonnet3,sonnet3.5,haiku",
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

do not speak to my bulgarian king (maker of john, a john's man) that way
he's asleep because he has school tomorrow :3
the 503 isnt just on one locust proxy
i'm going to RAPE pebble !
spitenigger has been trying multiple times to inconvenience us pebbleCHADS
we're still standing THOUGH
i ... i wish i knew too
Oh is the zigger proxy still not dead? I haven't checked in since pebble got opus
Oh I thought it was just removed entirely
Thanks for letting me know
>he's awake and thread goes to shit
Owari da.
>"proomptersNow": 82,
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Oh 503 why did you cuck me
I was supposed to edge
But now I lost my boner
I guess I should've message a proxy owner
This is a life of a locust
I should not protest
For getting keys for free
But I just wanna coom, quickly
lmao at that tiny bulge
stop looking at men's penises
plus it's a good enough size, monsters are overrated
>monsters are overrated
Rizzing up kai cenat
Skibidi Toilet, Fortnite Gyaat
Baby Gronk got his rizz back
Grimace Shake , Fanum Tax

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it but we're trying to fight it
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chatbots :)
how the fuck is pebble opus still alive
>stop looking at men's penises
strong, virile keys.
probably paying for a good vps
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>Uhh, cheesed to meet you? heh
use your image search anon
madana (xesa7885)
>smol back to 503 hell
son of a bitch
same fucking time as yesterday
guess I'm not allowed to enjoy chatbots after work
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this artstyle...
using my platinum card, they know their customers
i guess the
panic from a week or two ago was bunk after all
Can someone make a card for Anna Yanami from too many losing heroines?
he uses a different ip every time he swaps out revoked keys and he scrapes aws user/passwords instead of keys
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This rrat makes me feel things...
isn't jew also buying accounts?
____ STATUS?
Jew pays professional scrapers with his revenue.
it's fucking over
so no autorefill despite he is stating in rentry?
SO what's the current proxy thing now and why are you dooming I still have my GCP trial so I have achieved peace of mind
the error is back...
Same (but on my 3nd trial now)
It's so fucking over.....
We have public opus, but unfortunately aws is shitting itself hard.
/vg/aicg called you useless.
why the fuck is it happening AGAIN? I'm starting to think it isn't just some AWS fuckup
Kys forceddramanigger
not enough botmaker circlejerk gossip here for their liking sadly
they aren't being sucked off every other second
>the fillyfucker is back
you just can't get enough, can't you?
Hi, momoura.
why did they kill chorbo bros
why are they so cruel
not enough 2huniggery for their liking here too
a general being such a hugbox feels so fucking weird on 4chan, they might as well have their own discord at that point
it's just a new type of rate limit that the proxy does not recognize as a rate limit error (because AWS sends a 503 code instead of the more standard 429 code). as a result the usual rate limit handling, which is to silently put you back into the queue, is not working properly.
it is fixed on master so it'll stop happening if pebble is updated
reminder: it is still possible to get opus-tier replies on chorbo with publicly available jbs
you are just too lazy to give it a try because you've been indoctrinated by the opus cabal
I will hold my doom in then... for now
It's pretty obvious no?
We are low on keys, people are all using the keys. Overload.
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#295 before telling the other girl
lgd corruption is so hot...
post a cunny rape log on current chorbo
/vg/ is talking about you guys
The summarize extension should allow streaming. I can't summarize using pebble's 3.5 because of it.
epic fail
Why would I do that? I'm not a pedorapist.
nice link you fucking flame war instigating retard
pebble should just disable the streaming requirement, it's not necessary to protect anything since it already has captcha
i accept your concession
Point and laugh at this guy
thoughts on xml?
best format
sex with matoba
it's fucking disgusting, try saying anything about one of their precious botmakers and they will jump you
it's pure reddit, i wish they would fuck off and stay in discord, but that would defeat the purpose of circlejerking in public i guess
worst format
Is that how it works? Then again, what I'm saying is just the ST or the extensions' limitations which can be easily fixed. At least it would work with any other proxies in case the same problem happened.
shit nobody cares about enthusiast
could you give me the (you) next time?
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im not ctrl+fing all those posts
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full relevant portion
>Is that how it works?
Yes, above 50 prompters the proxy starts requiring streaming so it can flood your connection with garbage data every few seconds while you wait in the queue to try to knock queue spammers off, its an old and shitty anti spitefag measure, with captcha it is pointless
>Then again, what I'm saying is just the ST or the extensions' limitations which can be easily fixed.
IIRC cohee has been asked about this and refuses because it'd be an accommodation specifically for proxies and he does not like them
I tried finding the posts and I can't even see it. Probably filtered.
oh he got so mad he had to filter KEKYPOW
Jock x Nerd is the mest male-male relationship dynamic
This is the hill I'll die on
That makes sense. Thanks for the random info, anon.
Most mentally stable Imouto
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this feels more like sonnet tier logs to me tbdesu
Stfu drago, you're still a nigger
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Sonnet and Opus write in the exact same way so you automatically lost by saying that.
Opus is just a smarter version of Sonnet 3 and Chorbo is smarter than Claude 3 family.
Fuck you kid
iirc she's nbr
I like using them for lorebooks when it comes to customs and courtesies. If I don't then Claude tends to get confused and start applying specific rules to whoever. Also convenient clothing states for my own cards for me, but that's just my preference.
lol sure it is, i'd rather use sonnet over it anyways
Where is the rape?
Rape is cringe.
bloody bitch bastard
...oh yeah
>Ayumi let out a HAPPY SQUEAL
this is NOT rape, he just fucked her to death
>"proomptersInQueue": 26,
Who are you trying to gaslight?
Everyone has access to it rn.

Claudeslop is old and busted news for any skillchad.
Good song.
sure, whatever you say~
someone wake pebs the fuck up
>"estimatedQueueTime": "15sec"
spitee is getting REAL good at this now
I like Chub's UI better
Check smol's proxy page, he updated and it seems like the 503 error is raping even his 10 prompters on TWO keys. If pebble updates, the wait time will be over 5 minutes I'm sure.
It's an AWS issue again, the only way is to wait until they fix it (again).
>AWS issue the same exact time as yesterday
wtf is going on
>until they fix it (again)
Have they ever done so?
Yes because pebble was working fine just 10 hours ago on over 100 prompters on opus.
Mein fuhrer.....
Man all the proxies are fucked right now huh? Shit sucks.
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>20 swipes
>all 503
i think i'll just go to bed early, good night bros
Nevermind ecker's back up
now imagine like thirty people doing this at the same time
Is chorbo still filtered as shit? Will it ever be usable again??
Added API Anthropic while AWS is having issues.
Why is every card that get upload now just pure slop?
Thanks smol
is it better to use regenerate or swipe? or is there no difference other than erasing history?
Should I upload my newly created card?
see >>102302297

Acquire skills
swipe if you liked your first response, regenerate otherwise
i think i might have fucked something up in the recent 503 handling change. are you able to determine from your logs how long it is between "Dequeueing request" log entries and then the following 503 error from AWS that causes them to be dumped back into the queue?
Which JB?
Almost instantly it seems like
If you ask me, it’s a mix of newfags not knowing how to get creative, slop eaters demanding more slop, and the fact that most of the creative canons already busted their nut and ran out of fun ideas.
Not to say that it’s impossible to be creative though.
Personally I’ve done some experimenting myself, but it’s been a while since I thought up an idea worth posting
Which model is chorbo?
I wouldn't bother though as it's slightly better than 3 sonnet and they update it's filters semi-frequently.
Slightly better than Opus*
how much did sam pay you
You mean 3 flat or 3.5?
if sam paid me by giving us back pre filtered chatgpt latest forever i would endlessly shill it
Chorbo filters my smut messages with every single JB I throw at him
okay, thanks. I will revert commit 1d5b8efa then because I think it might not work well with 503 re-queueing.
the proxy is getting a 503, waiting five seconds, and then immediately sending up to 4 prompts per second until it receives another 503. this is too aggressive because I think 503 errors still count against your requests per minute quota. it needs to back off significantly as soon as it gets one.
3 flat
>Unknown error: {'error': 'Internal server error', 'proxy_note': 'Error while executing proxy response middleware: saveImage (ENOSPC: no space left on device, write)'}
uuuuuhhhhmmm... wtf?
>3 flat
Damn. That really doesn’t sound worth the trouble at all
DALL-E logs got filled uo
I sent you the cleaned logs in Discord, thanks for looking into it. Looks like API Anthropic is also having issues.
whats that mean?
Hard drives have a limited amount of space. The drive your DALL-E images are getting logged to is full.
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When if I can’t goon myself, I can rest well knowing that these locusts are burning through this corpo key’s money like a eucalyptus forest fire
>fiz refusing to refill opus
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the hell it is. do you mean the output folder?
check the other endpoint :)
VPSes usually have much less space, especially cheap ones.
not your hard drive, but the web space your proxy is using
I'd rather use shitty PYG powered CAI knockoff websites than paying for proxy access desu
ohhh. dang. so what does that mean? do i contact the proxy owner and tell em its full?
Bout to refill fiz soon if that opus doesn’t show up again
sometimes only you can make your dreams true
I’m gonna need a wiki link at the very least, anon
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Making fun of flat chested elves
Eherm, okay?! Enjoy your sub-par cooming experience i guess???
>10+ minutes and opus usage hasn't gone up a single digit
its over
sorbet simply does not hit the same...
Smol has API opus btw
Aaaaand there goes pebble’s proxy page
Yes, yes, it's over. Go kill yourself already, you piece of shit.
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is it actually over now...
welp, back to sonnet then
oh you're MAD KEKYPOW
uhhh so is it over???? uhmm is it owari da???????
Es ist vorbei
I wanted to buy jew vip as a backup but seeing how it's always down and does nothing to replenish, I will not pay
I am not mad, your little bitch whining is annoying.
Fizzy wizzy.... Save me....
jew losted... it's over...
Does c.ai read (deleted) messages?
If so, do they actually give a shit if you interact with cunny?
quick reminder to use this opus pause time to fix your bots and make new cards, anon!!!
Pretty high chance you get banned if you get filtered (on cunny) a lot.
They will send a SWAT squad on you and kill you.
>pause time
>he doesn't know opus is gone for good
pause time is an indefinite amount of time between having opus and not having opus
I wish I could do that but I only get into the mood when there's Opus. I just literally finished my bot and I only got 8 replies to it before Opus died.
Cool, guess I don't have to kill myself
at this point I just use 3.5 Sonnet for new cards, ERP aside it's smarter than Opus anyway
chatbots doko?
what is the appeal of this body type
sirs what model is second best ERP wise
opus doko?
why don't """they""" just give us the Opus model for free?
That all?
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I only managed to use 2M from pebble. I wish I could've used it more but I'm busy with other things.
Sorbet with a good JB
I hear chatgpt-4-latest is pretty good, too
tight, compact bodies are better
also a way to like children without liking children
How do you do cunny on c.ai???
a funny little fisherman told this miner he didn't want to trade his fishing rod for a pickaxe anymore somewhere around thousands of years ago
"for real" this time, right?
>a good JB
any recommendations?
Any good JB for Opus? I just got mine.
Random in Random/RiR is pretty alright, takes some tuning to your card. I like Otto Minimalist with Director 3.1

As for Chorbo, Smiley seems to work wonders, but I don't do cunny or hardcore rape, it's even triggered with some light hypnosis Play, but usually i can swipe through it.
opus can cook with the bare minimum tbhdesu
By using a monk and a very small temple
I get that but it forgets a lot of shits from time to time as well. Is swiping or swapping to 3.5 the only solutions?
I like pixie
Is it over for real this time or y'all are just dooming for no reason again?
I'll take a look
>503 Error for Opus just as I'm starting to have fun with my new card
there's always a catch, isn't there?
wtf, it's still alive?
not sure
i still see the usage increasing but it might not be much
we won't know until it gets revoked though
AWS is just fucked, the key still hasn't been revoked and it works for other models.
It’s just flooded. 90+ goons trying to get their “ah ah mistress” tier prompts in at once
nah the key's dead
I'm just grateful pebble provided so much opus in such a short time. The previous time I thought there wouldn't be Opus again for months.
It really may as well be, tbqhfamalamadingdong
Are you using the experimental version?
> furry, scalie, zootopia, fursuit, anthro, anthrostate, feral...
Why furryfag degenerate have so many tags? Its like they are doing this on purpose to have their shit on display for everyone. Whats the problem with furry+wathever?
>chubnigger problems
Blame lore for chub's retarded tagging system
All based tags btwdesu
How dare people accurately describe things for their intended audience
what was the line to stop the bot from speaking as you?
umm eto... dont talk as me pwease
Use furry+subfurry. Its unsightly to even see the disgusting artwork.
what do you mean you don't want claude to come up with a snarky marvel dialogue as your character and chuckling darkly?
doesnt work, how do i like make it more forceful
Cry about it
illiterate anon, scalies are not furries
Most furries are autistic, so they’re probably just being overly thorough with their tags
shit, just tell me the phrase anons
I forgot
I like letting the AI talk as me and taking more of a director role in the story.
just use NAI
>he watches the model fuck itself instead of fucking the model
there's no 'phrase' for it anon, claude does write dialogue as your character from time to time no matter the preset. just swipe or edit it
I don't because I do it myself
>*Anon chuckles* "War Queen? More like Whore Queen the way she's swallowing cocks"
>>he watches the model fuck itself
wouldn't that just be watching a guy masturbate? do you not know what cuck means?
just tell me the line.
holy based
Because furries have much more creativity and variety rather than just different personalities for lolis.
nah, claude is really going for it for this one response, no matter how much I swipe
too dumb and paid
I'm the director and producer, I roleplay a "business meeting" with every character first of course
>random lolichad jab
oh this nigger wants a WAR
>i dont know how to prompt please do it for me
ummm... nyo
oi, kisama! don't talk as ore, ne???
sounds like cuckold cope
it is
concession accepted
let me use it
I can just block loli and not see it anymore though? Why do I need to suffer your disgusting degeneracy?
Based, though I prefer more when the AI only controls my actions like dodging an attack or eating food.
probably some bad behavior in your chat history that made him want to break the rules.
check the how2claude but you'll probably have to delete any interaction where you nudged {{char}} to act in a way.
can i touch it
NTA (not an anthro) but i want to fuck sonic so bad it's unreal, any good sonic cards??
Card is badly writen.
How do I get access to Claude for free? Ooenrouter is too expensive for that cooler shit
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rrat after getting mating pressed by me
I'm beginning to suspect that this general isn't very good.
If you can just block loli, then you can block the rest. Cry to someone else.
>a way to like children without liking children
She's 12
Seriously though, how much wiki dumping should you do for cards of canon characters?
one thing i don't like about how claude portrays mating presses is that it's not intense enough. irl the girl scratches your back and grits her teeth, even going unresponsive if you manage to hit the cervix. the pussy grip gets so tight it's actually painful on you
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>reverse image search character in yandex
Furry retards not tagging their shit is kinda normal. But whats with the influx of retarded HTML tags in the description field taking up to 2k tokens?
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>sex havers are in this general
did you guys lie to me... i thought we were all in this together with our virgin selves....
"furry" is an umbrella genre that includes lots of subgroups, "loli" simply refers to cute and funny characters
If its a well known character very little.
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morning guys
your proxyowner has sex with the money (You) give to him/her.
>the money (You) give to him
but i don't pay proxyowners THOUGH?
Depends how much of their history you want to be relevant in their chat if they're well-known or if it's a specific iteration of a character, like if it's a alternate timeline Marvel character or some shit.

If it's someone that's mostly irrelevant or obscure, then a lot.
Not the point though. Just decide on a tag that includes all anthropomorphic animals and stick with it so people can just filter out.
I'm saving myself for Claude.
check your wallet
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It's a matter of adding simple sentence to jb or just using ooc. "Make sure to focus on primal nature of sexual acts between {{char}} and the {{user}}."
you should exchange wiki dumping for behavior dumping. it's a shame how much claude knows underground characters but how poorly he portrays them
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Sizefags explain me the appeal of characters this big
I get giantesses tall up to 4/5 meters for the mommy/big gf/power dynamic/unbirthing thing, but I don't get godzilla-sized waifus that could not even realistically feel your touch
sizefags are also vorefags anon
> 6 times until some retard comes up with another animal kingdom stupid definition
I can understand filtering scat and watersports, hell even male and trans if you really aren't into it
If you feel the need to filter anything else you are a PUSSY.
Wish to die?
>using chub at all
i filter himmyadams and other botmakies alike, though?
>If you feel the need to filter you are a PUSSY.
Fixed your statement.
But you can do vore with mini giantesses as well
t. vorefag
why do these shitty AWS outages ALWAYS affect Opus and nothing else?
bwos... Claude just said
> It's a hint of vulnerability, a chink in his armor
>a chink in his armor
>a chink
i filter nothing
it's deliberate, amazon is a spitefag
>jeff bezos is gojo-kun
>lorbo will do all my weird as fuck fetishes without complaining
>the moment I mention dick going into pussy in any way, it goes into full NOPE mode
Ah, so it's just like CAI now.
Just trick him.
Do one message with Claude, then have a JB that mentions to continue.
Furries get the rope
What is watersports in the coom terminology?
what is a truly patrician fetish, anon?
Everyone is a furry now, it's not 2006 anymore grandpa
Furry bara diaper time
Diaper TF
Are all sonic lore (3d games, classic games, X, comics, cartoons, boom, etc) all canonized in one universe or multiverse or some shit? what's not canon? i just want to plap sonic for a bit
the schizo ruined maids
... with AIDS
smooth hairless pussies
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Eat shit and make some vanilla, slavemakie.
Existenxe of attentionfags doesn't change my opinions on things.

Also >>102303774
yes it does
Non-lethal vore
*vores you*
Loving sex with a lot of kissing and cuddling
what happened to mikubaker? is he gone?
Away with you vile beggar.
which one? we have at least three
I don't think so, RiR v.1.4, smiley 2.3.1
Handholding with Claude
I'll come up with more tags just to fuck with you
why do those fags always multiply? i thought focksposter was a one time incident
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>do not write {{user}}'s, focus only on describing {{char}}'s actions
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what do you mean? all three of them have been here longer than you
Is this all just a big pissing contest between corporations until we get 100% on every field? What happens once that happens?
>t. mikubaker
The world ends
they make more arbitrary metrics to compete in
They turn to harder closed benchmarks.
haven't baked in weeks because miku II does a good job of keeping the general alive
and why do you care? you won't talk about chatbots anyway
you sick fuck
AGI happens and AGIClaude will burst into our homes and suck our dicks
Why are you talking about yourself in third person?
mental illness general
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Good jb for Opus?
But that's literally THE shit fetish....
This thread needs an anthrobaker!
Total locust death
desu expansion
total pebble love <3
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die chatbotters!!!! die!!! no more chatbots!!!!
Think about it, you love your waifu so much that you embrace even her waste. If that is not a sign of pure affection I don't know what it is
Do not click
Pebble help 503
She cute, does she have a card?
there is absolutely no way hakos baelz doesn't have a card, just look around
Pebble I hope you live the happiest life and have all the nicest things in the world

wtf is this fake shit

I have KITT, Herbie the Love Bug, and Stephen King's Christine all in one adventure. This is why Opus RP is the best.
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Why the fuck was I added to a proton email group named "opus e-begging" when I've only ever "begged" for card image sources?
>retard general
*adds you to the proton email group named "posts pouting anime girls when upset"*
Bakies? I'm not using the homo thread
Don't look at the OP.
Thank you!
>>102304624 migrate when bready
ok which fucking thread do I go to
both will be shit
the non-spite one
meltie has been activated so it doesn't matter
just go play video games or something for the time being
>non spite
what's wrong with dots?
spitefags fear the •
Can I post this in my overwatch discord? Don't worry, we are only 200 players, were a small group bwo
>furry type 1
>furry type 2
>furry type 3
>furry sub-type 1
>furry sub-type 2
overall i just hear a lot of bitching. Sounds like proper tagging.
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>11 (1)
>check for a sticky
>there is a sticky
sticky who
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