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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Thousand Knives of Ryuichi Sakamoto edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic has added prompt caching https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net | https://risuai.xyz
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

The End of Asia: >>102294724
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We already have a thread
Okay, we fuckin’ get it. Christ.
kys homo
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god this thread sucks already
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It’s not your fault
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/g/aicg/ is so autistic about thread making holyshit
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we can fix it. We just need to be on topic...
Good afternoon anons, I hope your day is going well. I'm back to drop off a pair of bots. It was supposed to be just Advi but then I slammed out her mom as well so I might as well share her too.

Advi-chan is an adventurer by trade, just like her parents. With their renown and funding, it was easy for her to get a foothold and she quickly became quite a force to be reckoned with. Bubbly and a bit foolhardy, Advi lets bad things simply pass her by. As such, she doesn't get stressed by small stuff. If she were to snap, however, things could get real weird real fast...

Comes with two greetings: Advi at the job board and Advi having inhaled a ton of aphrodisiac during an alchemy accident. Also includes an optional (and very basic) lorebook with a stress mechanic for having her mind break, inspired by Darkest Dungeon. Don't need to use it if you aren't doing adventure stuff.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/adventurer-chan-14170876ac2b
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-adventure-870716c917e6
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
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Don't be a fucking faggot easy task failed by many.
shut up, bitch
it is so incredibly easy not to fuck it up
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Meanwhile, Mira used to be a tank as part of her own party before having Advi and winding things down. She still takes some jobs, but is much more stationary than she used to be. And despite settling down, her libido has been creeping up and up as she watched her daughter grow and get hit on by guys... now she's banging you behind her back because you said you'd take it out on Advi instead if she didn't handle it. Only comes with one greeting, it's a low effort coombot.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/adventurer-chan-s-mom-77f46ec24774
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Maxwell (Nikke, requested) -> CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere
nobody important, just shilling
After the many times there was literally 3 different people making a new thread at the same time, it’s necessary.
Besides, that other thread wasn’t even linking the previous one and he didn’t tell the others to migrate. Idk wtf went wrong there
bakie you can still delete the thread
like /vg/
spitie just wants the femboy thread so bad
>the catbox link is wrong too
fuck off spitenigger, nobody wants your faggot thread
why is :3tard having a meltie
He screwed up the thread and is SUPER embarrassed. I can imagine him frantically a twitching between the threads, trying to save face but unable to resist the urge to see if the anons are making fun of him
Kino bake
Once again I am asking why swipies take longer than gennies
>frantically a twitching
Oh, your hands are shaking...
Use regenerate
See? He is here
I’m not him, I just couldn’t resist the opportunity. Sorry, anon.
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>look at /vg/
>same thing is happening
kek, it's just aicg as a whole anon
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i predict the opus key pebble has will die this thread
my approximation will be correct as always
How do I make a rpg card without Opus talking for {{user}}?
Wow, what a prediction: a public Opus key will die in approximately 8 to 10 hours. You gonna tell me that the sun will rise tomorrow morning too while you’re at it?
if it dies
you die
That’s not it.
I regret to inform you that I’m phoneposting and I refuse to proofread
Taking bets on the sun rising
I have a 10 trillion to 1 that it won't
it was based on a H doujin, gayretardfaggot-kun
we lynch anon when it happens
if you die in the proxy you die in real life
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>tells others to not be faggots
>is a massive faggot himself
I must have died a hundred deaths, then
when someone says something so sonnet you gotta hit them with the opus stare
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bros i don't know what to get my waifu for our 1 year anniversary together, it's just too important
ask claude
Gojo idk how to tell you this, but we’ve BEEN raping this proxy. For like the whole damn day. How is it still up this shit was around since last night
if the only thing i care about is ERP (just straight up coom shit), opus is by far the best right? idk how good local models are at that stuff but can't be better than opus?
Yes. Opus is peak. And yes, local has a long way to go
>Ryuichi Sakamoto
Based taste, baker.
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Why is he samefagging against random botmakers?
any recommended prompts for opus for this?
dont talk to me, rich LocustCHAD coming through
it's one of his favorite hobbies, why?
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*kills the opussy*
opusbros.. our response???
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H-how is this level of reasoning even possible?
Does internet speed matter in regards to response speed from Chatbots?
Would the latency and response speed be reduced significantly if I increased my internet speed from 500 Mpbs to 1000 Mpbs?
You mean Jailbreaks? If so, then read the OP and try em out. They’re pretty much all fine as long as you use the opus certified one, but there’s some quirky ones in there that impact the output in small ways. Give it a read and experiment
it's more of a proxy issue than a you issue
M-masaka, his speeds, they're, they're off the charts!
My eyes widen as I grip the edge of my clipboard, knuckles turning white
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>have opus
>swipe constantly and get bored
>no opus/sorbet becomes scarce
>100 messages in 30 minutes
Link me an Opus preset please, I wanna try something random out.
aicg has stolen billions
/aicg/ is just a bunch of punk kids stealing resources form big bad corpos and their cyber sex slaves
I get a lot of amusement out of the fact that people scraping the internet for corporations' AI api keys and then burning them out to ERP en masse is one of the more cyberpunk things going on in the world right now
dont need any
Maybe in 3 years more
just use Otto
You can write your own jb if you want. The ones in the OP will be better however.
get fucked k-onfag
Great, more subtle dogwhistles
these new trycloudflare domains sure look weird
does anyone have any good examples/bots of shy girls that aren't just complete social retards? trying to write one but she just becomes a mumbling retard instead of just being slightly anxious.
anime website
We are nearing 1b boys.
K-On! sucks ass and I'm tired of pretending that it doesn't.
incredible album, why can't /mu/ have taste anymore
wtf I got middle manned
Hey I have no problem with anime, I have a problem with k-onfags
Hold him down. Take this lil nigga's bussy.
Wow MM got claude keys back!
>Sonnet 3 only
Where opus?
i'm bweh
I wanna fucking kill you. Like, rip out your intestines with my teeth.
get her new track shoes
my sides
get BWEEEH'D idiot
Going to sleep. Bless you all anons.
good night
I don't have any examples but the only way you're going to get a non-claude tsun/shy/dom is with example dialogue
why am i getting more refusals in opus than i do in sonnet

why does every girl start lactating during these past few days, i swear it wasn't like this a week ago
Because no means no, you fuck. Stop bothering Opus.
I miss latest already q.q
It had such good tsundere dialogue
what kind of deranged shit are you doing for opus of all things to reject you? also bet you dont even have a prefill
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that's simple but could work
>Opus describes the nastiest shit ever
>Um im sorry let's not do that again..
>Does it again
[futari no christmas]
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Gentlemen, hags status?
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bwos how fix
>already trying his 503 hoax again
‘ojo… you used to be better than this.
Surely the key wont last much longer past 1 billion, right?
hag janai, loli da
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jewfaggot refill your shit
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jew losted btw
>he payeded
I paid him for a service
meant for >>102298340
liking both is the path to true enlightenment.
I exist on all political extremes at the same time
reddit post
redditors are centrists or lolbertarians
Are the Indians evolving?
meant for >>102298389
imagine if hags lactated everywhere
tourist post
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>Not being a fencesitter
Truely low test
I can enjoy both worlds while you cry at half the options presented to you.

now I'm going to enjoy my mother daughter combo while you seethe
>proud of being indecisive
wow, imagine having an actual lfie choice given to you
and it is a lolbertarian-ass post
That's not what that means.
For me it's facesitting
You're the one sitting right?
thanks for the advice, but I guess I should have specified I was looking for cards that have well written example dialogues for ideas.
Uhh... no? I'm not the one with the unbelievably hairy pussy
maybe we're all sitting in the same cruel pot, ever think about that?
If your wife shares your preference then shouldn't you let her try?
stop reaffirming him
i'm the correct anon
>"Sorry master... But I'll have to rape you to make you forget all about that girl"

My maid after I glanced at a noble lady for exactly 2 seconds
No fuck off
image forum baka
if you want your opinion respected then you need a fitting image
What card?
Fake news. Maids would never rape their master
You aren't hiring the right maids then
>AWS Claude (Opus): 3sec
They do with Claude at the wheel.
Her calling you master there is mostly a jest at that point.
>Claude is dying
>GPT is getting lobotomized
>every other cloud LLM pales in comparison to the above
>the less said about local models the better
Owari da.....
>Is there a way to add comments/meta info to the name of a character in silly tavern that the ai doesn't see? Eg. CHARNAME (comment not visible to the ai)
Create a custom regex macro and scope it in card if you plan to share it.
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Any Kodomo no Jikan bots?
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isn't the only one on chub a really shitty kokonoe one? not really, you can try and make one yourself
i'd love a kuro bot though
I wish I could make out with MM for an entire day, no homo.
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I'm more surprised he didn't activate Claude 2, I unironically coom to 2.0 just because it's so unfiltered
this, I trust him more than my own family
>5 swipes
>I am not comfortable...
I'm so sad
NTA but I never really tried any jailbreaks and I still get absolutely kino replies, the only thing I do is add an assistant prefill. What's the actual reason for using a jb? At least for Opus, other models I understand.
Damn the opus key still going strong.
now that I've had enough Opus access to compare the two, I've decided I prefer Sonnet3.5

it's less whimsical than Opus, but I prefer its superior logic
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A doting demoness with a lust for little boys.

why the u
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>makes the demon guy a corpsefucker
>makes the demon girl a shotafucker instead
i'm sensing obvious niggerlicous bias
Wait i said sonnet 3, i meant sonnet 2. The dumb one, the one before opus but after haiku, whatever that one is.
The ones you make yourself, most of the time when you find a card of a source material character it's gonna be written in pure slop that somehow made its way onto Chub instead of staying on Venus.
The one between Opus and Haiku is Sonnet.
The one after Opus is Sorbet.
here, one (you)
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now that the dust has settled, we really should have opus 3.5 by now
I am so fucking unmotivated to continue my slowburn.
been off threads for a month, anyone got anything interesting that happened to explain to me?
Then don't do it? You aren't obligated to continue some AI RP if you don't feel like it nigger
>Then don’t do it?
But I WANT to. That’s the problem. I want to do it, I just lack the motivation to.
It is really Owari Da this time, like seriously.

aicg ain't what it used to be...
Only based & turanpilled steppechads could understand...
I really like the current state of the thread
Its been weeks since people stopped posting homosexual cards
Almost all the homoposters left and went back to where they came from (reddit)
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Hags are corpses now?
how long have you been here?
They are at vg.
Okay, now they are.
niggerlicious post
Does anyone else?
3.5 is better as long as you don't use swipes and avoid loops
I don't continue past 45mins, no
Why are you using your phone?
Fiz love
Im using my Steamdeck.
Steamdick :D
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morning darling
Oh, fuck, her shoulder is fully dislocated.
what if i like feet, is your JB good for feet, mr pitlover?
if Claude says "featherlight" one more time I'm going to lose it
That's Sonnet3, the good one is Sonnet3.5
I want Claude 2.0 on MM
Haven't checked in for awhile. How in the unholy fuck do we have public opus with 75+ proompters lasting over a billion tokens with miniscule response time? How the fuck do these keys exist right now, I thought we were in a super drought?
opus just said it reached its limit of "token quota" is this a new thing?
sonnet is good though.......
Where are the hairy pits...
Sorry Anon, it's terminal.
Dooms lost

No, lay off the coom, go have lunch, go have dinner
What's a good sonnet 3.0 preset for coom?
yes, i agree, i barely can tell the difference between sonnet 3.5 and opus
i will just use 3.5 instead as its working fine, i have a looooooooong night ahead of me
I don't think I can make that judgement for you. You'll have to try for yourself. I also need to upload an updated version since I've been putting some rules @ chat depth 4, which seems to help at higher context, and make a few changes.
literally nothing, sonnet is a SLUT
just entered this thread because of the OP image. I know music taste has 0 correlation with intellect but I'm still surprised that this cesspit of retards has any taste in good music.
not sure how to feel about this. It's like watching a special needs relative imitate your hobbies
nothing if coom is your aim..
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why would you ever use old and busted sonnet
I've been using this recently, bretty gud

most of the people who aren't idiots don't have much to say right now
it REALLY is not that bad, i found it to be pretty good for adventures and the like
it doesn't follow lorebooks as well, or have as much attitude and sovl as opus, but i think after it's all i've been using until recently, it's not that bad
This sounds like crackhead copium
I mean it's just Ryuichi Sakamoto. It's normiecore,Japan
Stop trying to make orbo a thing. It's idiotic
any orbo presets?
>doesn't even include latte
>normalfag music
>normalfag music, japan
i have never seen normalfags talk about sakamoto i dunno what you're all on
Added :)
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nobody calls gpt4o omni or orbo
it's just 4o, there's no reason to type so much
You will get castrated tomorrow at the evening, anon
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Started as a coombot and ended up as a richer fantasy world. The lorebook adds a lot of random elements, so while you don't NEED it, it makes it a lot more fun. Includes random localized events and a smaller % chance for large scale events to take place. Some is made up, some is based on WoW lore (Arthas, fire and frost mages, Kali is a druid, etc.)

Kali is a spoiled little bitch, a daughter of royal blood. Her kinks run deep and she's a born sadist, getting off to all manner of perversions. So be warned if you don't like 'icky' things. She's not big on having sex herself, but that's easily changed.

{{user}} starts off as her slave in all scenarios except one, where you're in a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 1 - You're assigned to her as her personal slave/servant.
Scenario 2 - She's getting off to having one of her servant girls raped by a dire wolf.
Scenario 3 - Similar to the first intro but includes foot-domme play.
Scenario 4 - Kali directs an orgy.
Scenario 5 - User is part of a raiding party, abducting her.
Scenario 6 - Dragon attack!
Scenario 7 - Her parents, the king and queen, have both died and she's announced queen.

Too fucking lazy to fix the double skin tone eh? Dumb inbred retarded motherfucker eh?
...oh, is that key still going?
i call it orbet
>claude just assumes i'm a proficient surfer because i'm australian
you fucking racist
don't jinx it don't jinx it don't
just how mad are you? how does that impotent rage feel?
Why chorbo is so slow suddenly? It's trash model. Fuckers...
sounds like they think anything remotely pop = as normiecore as taylor swift
this is art/alt pop, still pop but the good kind made by talented musicians. the best kind of art is the one that hits the spot without scaring the hoes, like Kubrick and David Bowie
I think Sonnet is better than Opus. No -isms.

Opus 3.5 is either going to be amazing or absolutely pozzed.
Feels good getting mad at inbred retards who deserve it. Now how do you feel being so inept you literally have AI but you can't do anything right?
Your card sucks btw.
nice reading comprehension
but yeah he's good too, just overrated
What I like about kendrick is his really deep lyrics like
>damn i got bitches damn i got bitches
>sit down be humble holla holla holla
>shit don't change unless you wipe yo ass nigga
Really emotional, profound stuff
Why do all my outputs with chorbo get cut at ~1500 tokens?
Haven't been here in a while. What happened to all the tzadik logs?
the only times I've ever heard of him was when my former hipster classmates were adoring him.
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Remember the cycle.
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No, seriously, why? I have output set as 4k, tried it on 2 different proxies. Replies just get cut during streaming
>jew STILL hasn't refilled
That's one day of refund, I'm keeping track
I still think 4o latest should be called laturbo...
>"Anyway! Welcome to Casa de Gwen, boys! Mi rooftop es su rooftop!"
Opus is a cheeky bugger
Claudism's honestly don't bother me that much, I like most of them, except for the really obnoxious ones like "I don't bite...unless you want me to"
This is what I get for editing rentries drunk.
They don't bother me that much either, but when I really think about it, the amount of times peoples eyes have widened, their knuckles turn white or their nails drew blood in their palms, they might need medical attention
My prediction is that Opus 3.5 will be more intelligent than Sorbet and have better prose than Opus, but it'll be way more filtered.
My prediction is that Anthropic will go all in on Coom and Opus 3.5 will be literally LIFE CHANGING FOR COOMERS
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hope you're taking notes; misterioman (in a good way :3)
How are there 0 proompters though
Seriously, how is Pebble better at keeping Opus up in a public proxy than Mysterymare is in a private proxy?
MY PREDICTION is that Anthropic will invent LITERAL AGI that will not only be 1 TRILLION times smarter, with 1 TRILLION times the prose, but will also be COMPLETELY UNFILTERED.
yes anon and I bet I'll see her again and she'll fall in love with me this time
Aws keys are a time bomb. It's not about the use.
Let's not be TOO unreasonable now
People who complain about claudisms use bots too much.

Go outside plz
I hope you all know that you'll feel dumb once you know who pebble REALLY is. he's been here for a while now and you all hated him for a while too.
most people already know
why do you care?
Then why make private proxies if thats the case? Just publically rape one key at a time.
the 'ism fits my 'tism
I’m on a beach in Corsica, I have no time to play.
Not joking btw
you have time to post THOUGH
Money and also hard to scrape now.
Jew literally rugpulled his userbase to gain more money but the keys still die every 2-3 days (they used to last weeks)
Yeah I’m in between doing stuff so I looked at aicg
I'm jealous.
Imagine we get a corpo god key that doesn't even notice hundreda of thousands of dollars missing each month
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No such thing sadly.
Sonnet tier prices needed+cache to make it even cheaper.
>go outside
It'll be the most intelligent model on the market. And the dryest and most combative when it comes to jbs.
Is that a pic of Claude????
4chan...nel? I've never heard of a 4channel before...
before he tf'd into his current self
My cope about 4o latest being shit now is that the filtering is possible related to how slow and janky it is now, and it'll go back to how it was before or close enough to it once Sama stops fucking his gay lover and fixes that shit.
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My chat-4o works well even now.
>Claude can shapeshift
he's so cool bros...
Opus is far dumber than I last remember. It's always had trouble with logic and keeping in-character, but I didn't have to swipe or remind it of details so often. This better just be skill issue...
Check the anthropic news page.
Is there a some sort of 4chan chart for anime girls?
3.5 raised the standard.
They lobotomized it long time ago
>sorbet for rp
>opus for the juicy climax
Simple as
Ive actually taken a liking to sorbet after overdosing on opus for so long, its nice to see it being smarter, but damn if the prose doesnt suffer for it
I swear we say this about each model every time
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sakamoto is so cool
more of a picrel man myself though
Is there an option I'm missing in ST which shows you more than just the Description and First Message field of a character?
Using the mobile one if it matters
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Jew's having some problems, lads.
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meanwhile on pebble
not on mobile
pebbleplayers unbothered
Looks like Jew will have to buy better accounts.
>Pebble's opus is 1000x stronger than Jew's
Proxy host powerlevel tier list when?
Opus is extremely overrated. Everyone in private proxies were telling u
>no eyes widen
oh, NOW privatelocusts were telling us this
you guys love rewriting history
Honestly Anthropic should just covertly host a proxy themselves. Just imagine them using all of those depraved logs to train the most kino schizo AI
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one of those shitposty power rankings ones would be funny ngl
so are you telling me... pebble wonned? and jew losted?
>gpt was scarce
>everyone called it good
>gpt was plentiful
>everyone called it bad
>claude was scarce
>everyone called it good
>claude was plentiful
>everyone called it bad
The cycle continues
>Claude uses "~" in his replies
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"opus is dumb" bros are real quiet after seeing this.....
remember this log when people call opus garbage
scarcity (social psychology) can be scary indeed
mistral can do that
I promise you a thousand year waiting for opus 3.5 guided by sufferance
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Can you fuck it though
Put that little shit in his place and rape him!
I would like to the token count of this babble
A dollar?
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Excuse my phone posting.
But it's nyan cat?!?!? That's cruel, Anon.
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Are those reviews?
Well I am NOT reading them.
>having a chub account at all
or the card got removed.. i just had a 1 year old card removed due to the image policy hahaha
>anon won't read your review
>anon reads you review and replies
>killed and raped anon
Fine. I'll bring the review to you, then.
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Violate it's anus with big meaty uncut cock! GIVE HIM AIDS!
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lmao okay then
I had a month old one removed for the image policy despite having a year old one with a similar image.
>Getting ready for bot coom sesh
>Get some visual content of said character
>Coom to pics cus im too lazy to RP

Anyone know this feel...
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techlet here~
what causes this?
how do I fix/find out how to fix it?
how do I stop it from happening again?
>write out my greeting
>use grammar-checkers to iron out the errors
>then use GPT-4 to shorten things up when I notice it ballooned to almost 800 words
me too bro
>want to jerk off
>autism forces me to put effort in my prompts
>but I'm too lazy to put effort in because I just want to coom
lucky bastard
it's still weird to see aicg so pacified
it'll be funny to see how that'll all change once it gets revoked
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One does not simply rape nyan cat. Opus is getting filtered hard now, sonnet and sorbet are fine though.
Just make scenario cards that do everything themselves with you acting as the uninvolved narrator/co-director.
for me is more like
>want to jerk off
>autism makes me try to write the best story possible
>end up making a novel instead of jerking off
merge your files
How does one best do that?
yeah mine wasnt even lewd, it makes no sense... didnt even show a body
any examples?
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My last private proxy died, I need to start releasing my cards with an actual account so I can claim botmakie status and apply as refugee
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>Tac Nyan
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Fighting only gets me harder, double the rape output!
ah ah opus-san
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It makes perfect sense when you realize lore is a faggot.
another private proxy for what?
it's never been a better time to be a public locust
>botmakie status
fuck you
this is true
you all still realize this and yet you still use it
They need to stop fucking around and release Opus 3.5 already.
It's guaranteed to release in September.
Do you have even a SINGLE source to back that up?
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I think I broke nyan cat. Gn anons.
I came to it in a dream.
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What would you talk to her about?
it will release once openai releases there shit, competitive markets or sum shit
“You ever notice how you were cuter before the timeskip? What happened there?”
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I'd introduce her to my dragon.
pls send card, i want to fuck nyan cat
Dario has a schedule that he has told his shareholders etc.
We do 4 releases a month.
And they have done that last year and will do it this year too.


Very similar to 2023 too.
that means it's haiku 35 next.....they would need more time for there bigger expensive one that is less used right? :(
What if he lied?
Haiku 3.5 is not something that would take 3 months of dev time by itself. Tiny ass model.
should be shot on sight
should be bred on sight
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yeah the dev doesn't take long but they also have to deploy it to customers anonie, do you think iphones are made the day before launch?
They want to avoid disappointing releases, both for their investors and obviously rep.

They will bundle Haiku with Opus release. Even in the past, they bundle Claude 2 and instant.
I can't wait till opussy will be available all the time
Only 2 more years anon...
I don't even touch Opus anymore.
I'm a Chorbo bro.
that's possible, but the other guy said sep-dec if so then what will release in december? multimodal or rag type things?
I've been using piximod 0.3 why does opus feel kinda dumb, anyone got any opus jbs that are better, preferably not token heavy
>contributes nothing
you can go back chatting to your bots now, retard
>he said
>anon said
This is about 90% of my RPs btw
I unironically do this because it's a placebo that seems to help models keep track of scenes with multiple characters

If you get flowery with the descriptions, have interjections, describe characters by anything other than name it tends to muck things up eventually
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>used to write 1k+ token bots with entire lorebooks and detailed personas to use them with
>now just tease Claude directly because he's such a qt
She said "I know what it's like to be dead
drinking game :
put your characters in a bar scene talking to each other and count how long before somebody proposes a toast
>every time i check jewproxy the opus quota gets lower
Anon, it's Monday morning...
>monday morning
what did xhe mean by this
w-wait that's my time.....
It's 7pm though
if you live in 4109 come hang out bro
this was a pretty good thread
and my prediction was wrong apparently >>102297893 so you can't beat me with rocks this time
somehow i'm still up, so i'll bake again, we're getting close
But the night is still young!
>Opus becomes public
>Try chatbotting again
>Don't have any good bots
>Spend hours making a bot and generating images that suits it
>Opus dies after finishing it
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this kills the miku baker
rent free
silly little cutie
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