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Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous thread: >>102310481
I have my vacation soon(tm). How the fuck do I trick my brain to doing some work before I leave? I'm so burnt out bros but I can't seem to get any motivation to finish my projects before I leave.
>new to company
>hr ask me to write a simple about me with one line about my previous job
>guy in same department writes intricate intro talking about his career accolades
>we're being introduced on the same day
... I could have done that too now I'm going to look like a chump
Should devops specifically even exist as its own role? Why cant I just write the scripts for deployment for my own team, fumb nigger company
I think of this post every day
feels good bros
devops is what happens when your org is too fucking cheap to hire the necessary amount of people
boomercorp i work at suddenly made a complete 180 on AI shit, and is now fully shilling their own GPT model + offering copilot to everyone.
how does this even happen? I'm not complaining, just surprised they went from "IF YOU USE ANY AI SHIT YOU'RE FIRED" to "PLEASE USE AI AS MUCH AS YOU CAN" overnight.
why would they ban him for that
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
read it again very closely
keep up or get left behind
i'm a retard
its 1030am
woke up a little early for my 11am standup
will be leaving at my normal 4pm
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bootcramp grads think they can compete with Brahmins like Poopesh and Pradeep
dumb street shitters
Learning how to act like an egotistical windbag is part of the process of adapting to the workforce
how fucked up is this?
My boss fired a guy last week, but he still wants to be friendly so he created a Signal group with all of us and my boss in it and is giving us daily updates on his job search and my boss is being nice and responding.
Baby steps. If finishing a project seems like too much work ask your brain to do tinier and tinier tasks until it agrees to one
It's more of my tasks have been so abstract, my boss doesn't know what his boss wants and I don't either. I feel like I'm playing league of legends and I'm grinding in the farming phase but nobody's giving any sign to push or anything and I'm constantly confused on who's handling what in our projects.

now I can see why people say PMs are fucking useless lmao.
reverse humiliation ritual
beyond based
>league of legends reference
>poos your open source codebase
so this is the power of Bharat
I've been in this field for 6 years
I looked at other introductions and nobody else did that.
Started my new remote job last week and all I have done is read documents and complete training. I have spent the first 3 hours of the day reading manga and playing minecraft.
So do I go back for my last two years to get a CS degree, or do I get something else like economics?
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Anyone dealing with try-hard GenZ new-hires/juniors?

This one kid on my team just _does not_ stop working. Zero friends or hobbies modulo programming and "looking smart"

Just last night he replied to an email at 3 AM (responding to Euro team) and then this morning at 6 starting emailing me about what architectural choices he should make

>online on Slack from 6 to 10 minimum, daily, including weekends
>constantly "reaching out" to everyone above him, I assume so he's "seen" and "recognized"
>puts entire team under constant stress, including our manager and skip level, because he has no off button
>bringing culture and morale of entire team down by being a retarded incel
>despite constantly "reaching out", has never taken advice or criticism from senior team members seriously
>can constantly be found spinning his tires off in the weeds doing some stupid ass side project that nobody asked for
>most recently wrote a python script to read an API definition .yml file and generated .cc files with HTTP handlers written as regular expressions
>sure, cool man, but nobody asked for that, and why the fuck would you introduce the runtime overhead of regexs when you're just parsing URIs from a yaml file? you could just copy the string literal from the yaml to the C++ HTTP handler...
>thinks he's some prodigy programmer because he's fresh out of a 4 year dual BS/MS program
>basically a bull in a china shop, unable to be managed or guided
How the fuck do I deal with this retard? We all simultaneously hate him and pity him since he's so new to the industry.

Real Jimmy Neutron/Spongebob rainbows "I'm gonna change the heckin' worlderino!' archetype.
fine, it's like im playing yugioh and me and my opponent keep bricking. bruh idk what to do mannn i can't keep summoning ash blossom in defense mode
"Hey, don't work off hours and only do the work we assigned."
wow brilliant stuff anon thank you for your sage wisdom
here's how that plays out
>"Hey Anon, you're gonna burn yourself out, champ. Don't try too hard, give yourself a break sometimes"
>proceeds to continue doing what he has always done
How do you know if you haven't asked him?
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So HR sent my manager my info and CC'ed me on my second day and he hasn't contacted me. Should I wait to message him until he introduces me to the team?
IT was surprised I set up some of my local programs and completed my hr training on my first day too.
I kind of like this pace because everyone seems laid back
I'm not used to this so I don't want to look like a spazz
Did you read my post?

>>>despite constantly "reaching out", has never taken advice or criticism from senior team members seriously

>>>basically a bull in a china shop, unable to be managed or guided
Don't worry the kid will burn out eventually and jump ship to a new company. I was the same way in my first year in this career and everyone ignored me or responded with the smallest replies, I learned that I didn't have to work as hard and quieted down. Now I don't do shit lol
The fuck else are you gonna do?
crop dust his work area
he might be too autistic to complain and just quit
Yeah here's the thing: he has somehow managed to negotiate a full remote position while the rest of us are office-cucks. He also comes from old money -- has a giant cabin on a few acres in the Rockies and another home in San Diego courtesy of mom and dad. He has literally zero reason to invest this much effort into a wagecuck sweng job.

>tl;dr i'd dust him up if I could
kek exactly the archetype I was imagining
a coddled privileged kid who has never been told no or struggled with anything
You have to weaponize his autism or give him BS special projects. In law enforcement they have these types work on Jon Doe's case file.
Reminder that coasters get pip'd
If you're:
>only working for 1-2 hours a day
>only focusing on jira tickets
>not looking for additional ways to generate value
>not being proactive in scheduling meetings
>not doing demos to your team
>not aggressively maintaining relationships with your skip
>not proactively paying for certifications and then filing reimbursements later
Then chances are you're on the road to a pip.
You're also very unlikely to ever advance beyond entry level.
This isn't a lounge around and soak up the sunshine industry. You must grind or else you'll be left in the dust.
I have an end user that wants to use features on our software that we haven't enabled and she needs it STAT.

I fucking hate these types of scenarios because in my mind it's as easy as toggling a button and I really don't give a shit but if she messes up or audit or whatever fucking gets on my ass, I'm going to lose it. We rushed a feature for her once and now she's fucking up my marbles to get this one released.
Holy fuck I'm about to go to my boss and lock this shit and start having an intake form for new features and stuff like that. I need a better procedure because this "can I, can I not?" is driving me insane.
>>not being proactive in scheduling meetings
>>not aggressively maintaining relationships with your skip
these are really the only two things that matter. the entire global economy is fake down to the worker level. if you want raises, recognition, promotions, just be likeable and make sure management hears your voice and sees your face. let the autistic dork incels worry about "generating value".
you'll just get gaslit and told it's your job to deal with ambiguity. imagine a surgeon being told the same thing?
>"am I performing a cardian by-pass today or a gall bladder removal?"
>"lol idk incel just get it done! that's ur job x^D"
god fucking damn it PIF and fucking fire me already i hate being a sysadmin. fuck this my favorite job was fast food maybe I'll just go back and be a manger there or something.
if we do things my way then im just gonna fucking turn the switch on everything. fuck procedures. all this office politics is driving me fucking insane.
how do you guys deal with

>meaninglessness associated with your jobs
>managers you argue with about the order of slides in a fucking powerpoint

I've been essentially making a PowerPoint presentation for 3 months now, and I want to die. I'm currently looking for a new gig outside of software. I'm thinking IT Support cus I want to help people.
My old company had the same retarded shit. New features requested directly to the devs and expected asap. It's the jeets fault for always saying "yes sir we can do it", and now everyone suffers. You need a product team between you and the end user to stop this shit.
fuck this bro, come join me at mcdonalds. we can fucking run the drive thru, make it our king!
My first two years in tech were the best.
Fuck around in terminals. Read some documentation to try and deploy a thing. Get frustrated, call it a day, and try again tomorrow.
Do a couple of tickets a week.
It all goes to shit so fast after that though. Tech isn't a new industry but it really feels like nobody really understands how anything should work, but the only goal companies have is to get that VC investment cheque.
I dunno, my dad worked in tech in the 80s and 90s and routinely drank on the job and had 2 hour lunches. You'd literally get fired on day 2 for trying to pull that today.
It's not about your work, it's about the perception of your work. It's also about business decisions and hidden motives outside your control.

You have power too, if you choose. I don't work hard and I also don't care about getting fired, I have connections in competitor businesses (family members and old coworkers) who would pick me up in a heartbeat if I ever asked. This is how a tech worker insulates themselves from the rat race, make connections idiot, especially if you have a specialized experience set.
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don't worry about it anon, he'll grow to understand in due time
why would you want to put more effort? you think these big wig companies mean anything? these fuckers just ruin people's lives. it's just a way for sociopaths to circlejerks themselves. FUCK CORPORATIONS. they don't do fucking shit to anyone, they're just miserable fucking pyramid schemes
dont care but would like to mention how annoying it is you've used "modulo" as a tryhard substitution for "except" in like 10 different posts on here in the last month. faggot
Guys like this have to learn the hard way. Life has to break them. And don't worry, it will. Especially at a quasi-governmental job like your pic.
I could see the job market recovering from the current high interest rates in a couple of years, not a bad bet.
You want to explain elastic economics to your McDonalds manager?
how do i cope working for businesses for money when i need money or else ill die but the government takes my money and fucks me in the ass but i need that little bit of money to raise my happiness meter a little bit so i don't get soul crushed by corporations which are in cahoots with the government to fuck the middle and lower class so fucking hard. how has nobody fucking gone crazy and pull a tyler durden yet
kind of funny
>relationships with your skip
your what now?
wtf is a "skip"?
I wouldnt mind minimum wage but

>on feet all day
>greasy air
>customers yelling at me

I don't want to experience that again
dumpster. talking to a jeet I guess? lol
why are jeets so obsessed with cracking shit
fuck customers be like kevin spacey in american beauty. no responsibility means no need to care. tell karens to shove it and when you go viral make that your career.
>feet all day
good job walking instead of sitting down like a cuck
>greasy air
healthcare for invincible job security
tech will be saturated for a very long time so you better be very good at networking or very good at a set of skills
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So how much of a retard am I being for immediately ignoring all jeet recruiters and snap hiding all job posts from
>Michael Page
>any other scammy recruiter firms
Just don't get fired without backup options and you're fine. You *do* have backup options, right anon?
>job aggregators
always trash
>jeet recruiters
always ignore unless it's an inhouse recruiter from a company you want to join
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>be me
>laid off 2 years ago
>previous employer made sure I don't make any connections
>think previous employer has been a negative reference
>this job market
I'm cooked
skip level is a term appropriated from the US military that refers to someone having a meeting with their boss's boss.
Exaggerate your resume. 2 years is good enough. I don't think references ever mattered for me at least, and connections didn't do shit for me.
these faggots are pests
>very unlikely to ever advance beyond entry level
I don't want to, as long as I get to work from home and get a okay salary I'm set, I live far below my means and I will retire in 10 years or less

>t. minimalism maxxer
do not ask your previous employer for references if you weren't beloved by them.

I went though the same shit. And I only got a job by relying on friends at companies to give me references. They were not my managers. I don't get along well with managers unless its in academia because they always give me some gay ass projects to work on and I hate working on gay ass projects

>find these 500 database fields
>work on this presentation and make slides that say X, Y, Z in this order, before A date, etc

I'm sad about this
I only care about the paycheck, I look for meaning outside of work shit
To yes and this, if anyone does this there will be retaliation from the direct boss. Even if you didn't mean it or if your boss's boss acted on their own you're going to get retaliation. Happened to me. My project lead was being unreasonable and his boss noticed and talked to him and got us separated. After that little scuffle, that guy made it his mission to make my stay unbearable as much as he could get away with. Fun times.
say you're working with shit managers, and your 4 month project is tedious. How do you deal with it?
Is aiming for FAANG realistic / a good idea nowadays? Or would you guys do something else in order to improve your money situation. I have an engineering degree and work as codemonkey, but make little money and am bored. I wonder if I should should start leetcoding and trying to get one of those faggy FAANG high paying jobs.
Based and grounded in reality pilled.

If you're a software engineer, your work is inherently chaotic . A ticket that is ostensibly simple may lead you down a rabbit hole of debugging and mental anguish. If your manager is non-technical, they're more likely to scold you for "wasting time" instead of praising your ingenuity for turning water into wine. If your co-worker is a complete fuckwit and is constantly lighting fires but management likes him more, you're at his mercy no matter how competent you are. it's not about the quality and quantity of your work, it's about the perception of your work. Save the "hustle and bustle" shit for your own projects. If you're an employee, take a look at how many idiots are in this industry and realise none of them have managed to keep their jobs by being a 10x developer. Do the bare minimum not to get fired then take the time you've saved and spend it on yourself.
i was on a meeting once where a few retards were arguing about powerpoint slides from 4pm to literally 11pm nonstop. left it running while i got drunk and played factorio. second most surreal night of my life.
This is my position but I thought it was because I'm a drop out and I work a technical role in a non tech business unit of a non tech company.
That's the thing, I never have and don't plan on ever asking for a reference out of them minus like 2-3 guys I actually trust and worked with. One more if I really need a manager's reference but it's iffy since he snuffed me on the way out the door. The industry I was in is full of cloak and dagger and trying to distance myself from them has been a pain in my ass.
If you can put up with the bullshit grind, it's definitely worth it. If you have stories and can leetcode mediums in 20-30 minutes, you're golden
Hilariously enough I had a 3 month project earlier this year that should have taken half the time between my manager being retarded, me being retarded and both of us under measuring the time correctly, it was a fucking slog but I didn't care. It's easier for me since I work from home, maybe you should focus on that.

Mentally, I didn't care, as long as I don't have to worry about getting fired.
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Pretty much every job application now asks if you have Autism, though you can skip the question if you want. For those who actually have been diagnosed with Autism, do you answer this question? Do you think it helps or hurts your chances at landing a software development job?
For the next 8 months I’m basically just dicking around at home, playing video games, and working a part time job where I get paid to do nothing.

I want to learn to code in this time, with the goal of switching to CS from my dogshit retard choice of chemistry (too late to get another degree). Where do I start, how do I gauge my progress, and what sort of projects should I work on to build a portfolio? What sorts of jobs should I look for once I graduate?
software """engineer""""
if you know nothing about programming then start by downloading garry's mod and learning wiremod (basically visual programming) followed by E2.
Where I work, we are allowed to spawn subtasks for a ticket we're assigned to. I have a coworker that constantly spawns like 10 subtasks for every little thing he does on every ticket. He's constantly praised for his productivity kek
>some business owner posts on LinkedIn about life and business being like poker
>praised and told they're right
>he's playing a fucking freeroll
>I bring up poker and I'm seen as a degenerate that's about to lose their life savings
>have a track record of being a winner
>played against professionals
>can't even talk about it without risking being seeing as a liability
I really do hate this world
Re: last thread
>if you cant do these things then we will have to bring in Poopesh who has been practicing these things since his birth
I want to point out that 99% of these indians do not have the social skills or critical thinking skills needed to flourish in the industry. The majority of the ones that do are rich children or international children
What are you even talking about brother? If you tell people "I make hundreds of thousands playing poker professionally", they will be impressed.
Seriously though
>not white
>not professionally known
>made 10's of thousands in cash games but no one cares about that
I never had a chance
ok ok go to durgasoft. that's how we all learned.
since when did rapid7 change vsftpd 2.3.4 payloads to only unix/interact
IT related associate degree, you're never making into FAGMAN but you can make a decent living
>If you have stories and can leetcode mediums in 20-30 minutes, you're golden
what do you mean by stories?
this but (((data))) """engineer"""
Why am I always the one playing broken telephone at work?
I dont think this is from the military. That shit is so un-military its unreal.
Let me just go and talk to the CMDR about things w/o using the chain of command.
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Maybe people will shit on me for suggesting something paid, but you can find this on sale for 15 dollars sometimes, price changes often, look for coupons or sales or whatnot.

Angela Yu's 100 Days of Python is what got me started. The schtick is it that it teaches you from zero, and you're making something every day. Sometimes it is something small, sometimes big. Sometimes it is guided part by part, sometimes you're given an objective very basic idea of what you're meant to be doing, and let loose.

If you're an intelligent person and you have as much free time as you say, you can finish the course within a month probably.

The projects teach and involve using APIs, using Pandas for data stuff, setting up a web server, using a front end (Bootstrap Flask), web scraping. It's a really good mix, and if you're actually building the assignments without cheating, then you'll be in a good position to continue building your knowledge, and more importantly you'll be in a position to actually build shit.

I also recommend using AI. Don't have it write code for you, but ask it to break down code line by line and explain what it is doing. Ask it for hints on what direction to go (in words, not code), and to explain the logic behind it. Ask if "is this best practice?" "what would a professional developer do in this case?" "is there syntax that makes this easier?" "I think the solution is xyz, how does that sound to you? Is there a better way? Does my solution work?"

Another path is boot.dev, which cost about 300 a month if you pay annually and is a full backend dev course with gamified experience points and a community. I would do that after getting Angela Yu's basics, as it has good courses on Linux command line, Git, Data Structure and Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming (though you'll be getting that in Angela's course too).

Also, Angela is an asian british lady with such a cute and soothing voice, and she does little pep talks at the end of each day
work stories for behavioral interviews
>I led this project
>here were some roadblocks and how I overcame them
>here's what I did
>here's why I did it
>here's the result of what I did
once you know what they want you just reuse the format over and over it's simple enough that jeets can do it
if I have no work experience can I make stories up? Like I have made projects by myself not at work, can I just craft a narrative out of that
nice, thanks anon. I don't think my stories would be very technically impressive or politically correct, since they mostly involve tard wrangling product owners and stuff like that
im just gonna spend 800 hours on this thing that takes maybe 40 if you have down syndrome. fuck my retarded manager. suffer bitch faggot.
Is Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis good?
I'd only do this is you worked on anything professional so you can fluff it up
If you have no experience at all, you can't make shit up like that since you'll be grilled on the details, but realistically your interviews will ask about projects and school instead if anything so maybe you just need one story about teamwork or some shit
>tard wrangling
That's called leadership buddy. That's exactly what they want to hear.
>I led this initiative and aligned my team towards this vision for the project. I constantly upheld communication from managements and customers to keep requirements and scope in check through extensive planning.
>blah blah
>HR sent manager material to talk about me
>hasn't done so despite everyone else doing it
>nobody said hi to me on team slack chat even though I introduced myself
Guess I'm sitting tight today, I really hope this means everyone is ultra laid back I'm low key excited and just decided to read documentation and do setup on my own
I'm still not sure if I should reach out to my manager he must be busy and my intro material said wait a few days I guess.
they eat that shit up at FAANG? I thought that was more for corpoboomer jobs
it's kinda cute seeing anons blogposting their first day here. it reminds me of my innocence when i got a new job before i started hating corporate life.
i'm mentoring a new zoomie and his enthusiasm is downright tragic. i was already a bitter chud before i got my first job.
hehehe it's fucking hilarious. even going to uni so many people are so wide eyed like they're going to change the world or something. little did they know the game is rigged as fuck. blow your brains out at the top because it never gets better
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devops is a meme like agile it exists so managers have something to do
Similar to how the "work hard play hard" bros can get shit faced after work three times a week and that's seen as normal and often good for advancement.
But if you like to chill out and smoke weed on Friday nights you're a weird druggie piece of shit who should be jailed.
I'm just nervous on making a good first impression, I don't want to seem needy and hopefully by setting myself up and having all of my task done before bothering/being reached out to by my manager I can leave a good impression.
The company is huge too and I'm used to working in smaller companies
whatever newfag enjoy your new job kek. i don't care if im being a crab in a bucket. nothing matters. companies steal your soul. yet nobody's fucking doing anything about it hahahahahaha
They will ask a bunch of follow up questions, so make sure you make your story around the big concepts that have some details about shit like
>this is the reason I did this
>this was important because
why the fuck do you fags want to work for faang? good job progressing humanities downfall retard
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cant imagine caring
If I don't have negroes in my team but I joke about them with the colleagues, would that get me in trouble? Sorry if the question is stupid, I'm not an American.
>job application requires 'birth gender'
Because I want four children and I want to afford to give them all high quality of life and the opportunity to pursue all their interests

It also exists so that way they have an excuse to get paid as well.
Yes, it will get you fired, the majority of people are not racist. And even if they are racist, they find the idea of being racist openly at work abhorrent.
i want four children too but IMAGINE impregnating a woman you don't legally own
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skip cutscene
FAANG wants you to 'demonstrate impact'.

>I told these retards how to get shit done
>As a result, we saved X man-hours of work
how's that going to work when you helped cause a ww3 civil war in the next 5 years? good job retard
Because it's FAGMAN or small studios that I can work at. FAGMAN pays better and the work environment is actually better than the fucking studio sweat shops.
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what the absolute fuck is wrong with you europeans lmao
I don't know what you mean by that. I own her heart and soul (and she owns mine), so that should be more than enough.
A world war that is also a civil war? Please explain how that works lmfao.

Anyways, you forget something: war doesn't matter when you're rich. Also, my girl has two citizenships, and so do I. So that is three separate countries we can easily flee too if shit hits the fan.
Money, obviously
what was the presentation about?
how did you know they went until 11pm?
what was the most surreal?
yeah you do that when some race riot palestinian or isrealian nukes your house because your precious silicon valley company decided to divide classes and race for money.
What's wrong with chemistry?
First of all, my citizenships are American and Israeli, so Israelis won't target me.
Second of all, I live in America currently, own guns, and have experience killing actual Palestinians. Some westernized liberal Arab youths whining in the streets won't be much of a match if they pull up.
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big boy detected
>it was a fucking slog but I didn't care. It's easier for me since I work from home
Nice, ok, this is what I am getting at.

If its a tedious slog, how do you gain enough energy and will to make incremental progress when you literally do not care?

I guess it's cus you do care - you don't want to get fired. I'm financially secure enough to NEET for many years. That makes it harder to listen to my go go go dork of a manager.
>can't install python on work pc, blocked by system admins
>but jdk is installed

What are some fun things to make in Java? Was thinking of trying to make pong
>First of all, my citizenships are American and Israeli, so Israelis won't target me.
They had no issue sacrificing chosen people during 9/11, what makes you think you're special?
Fibonacci sequence algorithms are no joke. Take all the time you need.
1. ZERO job opportunities unless you have minimum masters but ideally PhD (plus a gorillion publications and other shit)
2. Dogshit pay. Burger flipping jobs pay more than most entry level chemistry jobs (your max if you don’t have an advanced degree).

You can make it work if you love chemistry, but I really don’t give a shit about it.
My grandpa just revealed to me that he's a secret multi millionaire and just gave me 300k. I think I will quit my job and build things for fun now.
Why not just pivot into chemical engineering? Surely there's plenty of jobs there.
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weird homo looking creep
get ready to be rto
how'd he make his bags?
My family immigrated from Greece in his generation and he was involved with the local Greek community, in circumstances like that you're better off not asking.
He grew up on a socialism commune in his home country where you weren't allowed to own more than one home or like, make money through outside work. But he secretly ran a diamond business or something. Then he secretly bought another home in the center of the city (he wasn't allowed to own more than one house but did it anyways lol), before the city was developed and rented it out all his life. Once the city was developed the value went way up and so did rent.

Since all expenses were covered by the commune, he just dumped all his money into random investments that he never touched and are now worth millions.
Never ever answer any "voluntary" HR questions. They only ever filter you. Everything is
>Decline to answer
ah, makes sense. Enjoy the baggies anonkun
You're 5'6".
EU/Germanfags, how do I best apply and what are the interviews like these days? I'm bored in my current job and want to switch. Have a CS BSc degree and 3-5 yoe.
based Papadopoulos
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I genuinely don't give a fuck anymore.
Not about job hoping, making it, getting a raise, being promoted, learning new shit. I don't even argue with anyone at work anymore, not my manager, boss or any coworker. You want to do something that is beyond retarded? Be my guest, let me grab a beer and enjoy the spectacle.
I just do the bare minimum while trying not to bring any kind of heat towards me.
>meaninglessness associated with your jobs
I don't care, I only work to sustain myself and waste money on meaningless shit.
kek its true cus all manlets are irrationally angry
It's called resignation and that's my default mode unless I get too pissed or greedy.
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i have more money than that
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>average frontend sóydev
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The grind i want happens at home. I'm building my own brand.
None of our work benefits humanity in any sense.

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