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Will generative ai actually kill the porn industry?
Why would you pay pornographers or actresses when you can generate infinite novel porn whenever you gou want?
because in your subconscious mind you know those AI pics aren't real but the actual porn star is

I always wanted to make a series of pr0n that was her saying YOUR name. much like buying a mug with the word "bort" on it.

so now you can do that. hell you can even make her say certain phrases. or even look at certain way.

its going to get crazy in the next 5 years
because low iq people thinks in terms of "muh real people"
as if those whores would even know about their existence...
I assure you my friend, it wont kill JAV industry anytime soon, not even close. And that's all that matters.
I will be surprised if it doesn't.
retards will use AI to make 'virgin whores'
that's an untapered source for porn
You think ai is incapable of making bug faced screeching retards shove eels up their ass and drink each other's vomit?
Pornstars with branding when?

Star Citizen already sells us the promise of spacegame but actually is selling branding. Porn could sell us the promise of sex but actually sell us branding. Add a subscription model too for that recurring revenue to make it the most corpo friendly possible. So basically enhanced OnlyFans.
I hope so. I just need endless xev.
Porn is already free.
Can you explain what selling branding is? I know what Star Citizen is but I don't follow it or anything like that
Porn has been free for decades, and yet people have still found stupid reasons to simp for pornstars. AI won't change shit.
you never really watched any JAV did you?
they are so much more than just pornography and fucking, there is a deep story and lore there and lots of SOVL.
an AI cant copy this.
LLMs have already killed my need for real and drawn porn. I just jerk off to words now.
I can't wait for high quality hentai
Hell, automatically turning an image into live2d porn with audio from a seiyuu of choice would be a godsend
Yeah 30 minutes of buildup from walking on the street to getting into the building to another 30 minutes before penetration that I just skip anyways
Instead of selling a thing you sell the idea of a thing. Like maybe someday there might be an actual Star Citizen game that people can play, but so far it's been 12 years and almost a billion dollars mostly so those who responded to the call to action can socialize with the community about their .jpg spaceships.

Or imagine that Pepsi and Coke were the same liquid from the same recipe but you still had adherents to one over the other that wore the corresponding merch with their logos.

Or think of Taylor Swift, and the dividing line that exists between any of her music simply as music, and the concept of being a "Swiftie" that reaches so far even national politicians try to claim pieces of that identity to improve their own brands towards their voters, to appear relatable.
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reality never plays out as exactly as predicted

the answer is 'probably', its likely the easiest to generate

and the situation will be very much like what we've gotten today: an endless stream of it, but none of it is good or worth watching unless you endlessly sift through pirated content or pay for it
Why the fuck would I want real w*men in my porn?
AI generated art is getting better, but it's not going to replace the actual good artists.
the more normie the porn the greater the possibility. I've seen it do decent tentacle porn, being the Lovecraftian horror that it is, but outside of that it's no good for fetishes
>Mia Melano
Very hot, but really bad at sex all all her scenes are trash.
Many such cases unfortunately.
Who pays for porn? The industry is retarded.
I knew that, but how do you sell the brand of a pornstar without porn and a star? With Star Citizen there is the believable excuse that there's no game yet because it takes time to make.
What is a brand only pornstar? A person on twitter who posts about doing a lot of shoots and having a lot of sex, and faked backstage footage with no actual full length porn movies to speak of?
I wont forget how she ruined her twin sister life because she wanted to whore herself for fame
>virgin whores
this is the big deal, all the people cope with the idea
>muh real people
but now normies will have a choice and reconsider if regular porn is worth it, it's cucked to watch another guy fuck a girl and you're just watching. At least with an AI gf, she really is just for you. Only the camwhores who only make solo content and never mention having a bf will have any appeal
I'll never forgive them for not doing BLACKED together at the same time
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Yes and that's a good thing.
and you wouldnt even know
It didn’t stop me from cooming to videogames, it won’t stop me with ai
What does it do? Show me an example
I'm not going to give hugging face webcam permissions lol
What brings you here, villager?
So far it only caters to body horror/guro fetishes.
I love three-fingered women.
If I can get Jessica alba to suck me off in VR sure.
If not it's useless
Porn stars aren't "real" either. Not even in the sense of the realness of the experience, but as people.
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Oh, so you don't understand what he means? Are you retarded or just pretending? Or just being a pedantic faggot?
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>I watch it for the story.
Yeah I like seeing other men fucking women so I can pretend it's me. I love seeing retarded women with tattoos getting railed by massive negro dick after getting stuck in washing machines. In fact it's the tattoos and the knowledge that I make a yid rich from ad money that makes it "real".
OK, thanks for sharing.
i tried but all spaces are broken
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What a retarded thing to ask. It's gonna kill the porn industry the same way as tree harvesters killed the logging business
Brain dead retard
Most porn stars are crusty tattoo covered slags though, it doesn't do anything for me.
The text in that picture is retarded
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>AI completely ends OnlyFans and women making money from porn
It would be unfathomably based if it happened.
it wont kill OF that's for sure. Coomers want to feel special, appreciated, vip and other shit like that. It not always about lewd pics/vids but also interaction with OF model.
>Or imagine that Pepsi and Coke were the same liquid from the same recipe but you still had adherents to one over the other that wore the corresponding merch with their logos.
So like politics.
Not entirely. Same reason why the professional porn industry doesn't kill the amateur porn industry. It's the knowledge of who's doing the porn that gets people off.
I think the professional porn industry takes a shock, but they eventually learn to augment their shoots with GenAI to offer a better experience than people would get by generating it from nothing. Verifiable amateur porn becomes more valuable than ever before among a sea of GenAI'd stuff, and people probably end up developing verified porn fetishes.
She's gotta look like 2002 Jessica Alba too
idk. sometimes im fine with gooning to AI stuff ive made, now there are times when AI just does nothing for me, but some 240p crusty vid of a senior cd blowing some fat trucker will get me really going, you know?
>because in your subconscious mind you know those AI pics aren't real but the actual porn star is

Yeah but why should anyone pay them? You just need pictures of their head. Also they can't compete with the "girl next door" image of an eceleb. They can't compete with the real girl next door image of girls you know in real life. They can't compete with the charisma of an actress or singer. And that's if you even if you care about personalities when you fap. I've been spending time mixing loras to make dream bodies and new faces. The library of existing pornstars is big enough that you can make anything you want. All we have left is those men that are attracted to sluts and slutty lifestyles. But good luck to them competing with sex bots.
>I wont forget how she ruined her twin sister life because she wanted to whore herself for fame

I won't forget that someone will generate a video of her sister joining vixen to do a twin gang bang with behind the scenes footage and interviews presented side by side of them being fucked
>It not always about lewd pics/vids but also interaction with OF model.

We have language models and voice AI though. I just wonder if they're pathetic enough to pay a whore and simp for nothing in return, that means they can simp over an entitity who isnt real at all.

Speaking of which we havn't seen the age of "personality" AI yet. Right now they are just trying to be the smartest assistant possible. But soon they will be trained to act like types of people that speak when not prompted by the user.
>Same reason why the professional porn industry doesn't kill the amateur porn industry.

I think it's for the same reason piracy doesn't kill the industry. It's not an industry with a lot of expenses. They usually own the locations they shoot in and only the high production stuff builds sets or rents locations, which has been in decline except for vixen media. Cameras, lights, and microphones aren't expensive in a commercial sense and dont need replacement often. Crew, editors, and male performers work for low pay because they are getting paid to look at or perform sex. It's easy to recoup your costs.

I don't even know if it's really about real people doing porn. I just think there are whales for every type of porn no matter how little sense it makes. I bet there are whales who buy AI porn from patreon.
I use chatgpt everyday, mostly programming, and I have no fucking idea how some people can "feel" anything toward that thing. It's like using google. It will never be the same as talking to real person. Doesn't matter how good AI is. Because YOU know that it's all fake.
>you can generate infinite novel porn whenever you gou want
You can't, though.
I can
You can't
No, you really can't. Your AI model doesn't know what hands are, let alone vaginas. A porn video is way out of its reach.
This, most pornstars look like crackheads, ai girls would actually look like models.
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your fucking retarded
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imagine generating porn of your former classmates you never got to fuck
Porn will have to go higher budget to survive.
There is no higher budget than BLACKED(/RAW)
What else can they improve?
>Will generative ai actually kill the porn industry?
Unless you get godlike VideoGen model, no.
Every AI's hiccup is a turn off.
No, because of the filters.
Generative AI destroying the porn industry would be a Feminist's wet dream since they can just lobby to filter it at the source and pass draconian laws on any private generation/make it mandatory for any model hosted anywhere on the clearnet to be pozzed to fuck.
Can you recommend any good ones that are like that and don't have the genetic cringe face + whining noises? Ideally with rape.
Like a Vtweeter.
***Laughs in Chinese***
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There exists entire world of amateur, creative porn that actually have artistic value and is free from le industry. But they wouldn't know.
Is there a place to see the good stuff where it won't get taken down after a week or two never to be seen again?
>Will generative ai actually kill the porn industry?
I hope so
Only sickos are into robots. Also ruins the immersion and doesn't feel real. So no

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