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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

"Shit just got real": https://pastebin.com/rqrLK6X0
Cybersecurity basics: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_/sec/_guide
and armory: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_basics_and_armory
learning: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_Learning/News/CTFs
Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0): https://mega.nz/#F!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw
/sec/ PDFs: https://mega.nz/#F!zGJT1QQQ!O-8yiH845GN26ajAvkoLkA
EFF anti-surveillance: https://ssd.eff.org/
Other library: https://mega.nz/file/UCgEGAjb#rwNcnMAQCUUbSp8supsFvn9QEHCWUW86eLcZa16ZG4Y

Tools: https://www.privacyguides.org/en/tools/
Hitchhiker’s Guide: https://anonymousplanet.org/guide.html
Hardware: https://ryf.fsf.org/products
Frontends: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Privacy_friendly_frontends
OSINT Guide: https://inteltechniques.com/index.html
Firmware: https://libreboot.org/
RMS: https://stallman.org/facebook.html

--[/hmg/ Hackerman General]-----
http://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/ - easy beginner
https://www.vulnhub.com/ - prebroken images
https://www.hackthebox.eu/ - super secret club
Huge info dump: https://hmg.neocities.org/
>didn't update the installgentoo links
>didn't save the previous thread
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sad general
thanks for stopping by
The password is 042
>they refuse to solve my shittier version of 'who owns the fish'
>this makes me superior
someone itt genuinely believes this
Red Alert: Invidious is kill, I repeat, Invidious is kill. This is not a drill.
>Firmware: https://libreboot.org/
iirc libreboot tranny now puts proprietary blobs in his libreboot
>open random instance listed on invidio dot us
>it just werks
or use 2022 libreboot
how to torrent using i2p
it's dead
>fuck canoeboot. it served its purpose.
>or use 2022 libreboot
yeah these are also an option
>it's dead
are you stupid?
>i'll probably do a few more canoeboot releases but i don't
want anyone hearing about it.
it has latest release as libreboot
(continue the argument just to bump le thread)
it's obvious that rowe wants canoe to be deprecated
Cyberpunk has nothing to do with Cybersecurity
compile coreboot yourself then

the password is 451
holocaust memorial in 3...2...1.....
>>open random instance listed on invidio dot us
>>it just werks
Just tried all of them, same error message.
>Just tried all of them, same error message.
that being..?
>iirc libreboot tranny now puts proprietary blobs in his libreboot
>or use 2022 libreboot
This is such bullshit. You guys need to actually read the documentation for once in your life. Libreboot let's you choose which kind of ROM you want.
>This helps protect our community. Learn more
>This helps protect our community. Learn more
>This helps protect our community. Learn more
hi Francis
Same error message.
>Libreboot provided (and still provides) documentation for how to manually remove it.
might aswell build your own coreboot rom or just use 2022 libreboot build to not deal with any of the tranny bullshit
Holy fuck you lying faggot. Read the next line:
>Such removal is still possible, but this release now provides two sets of ROM images for each x86 mainboard: one set of ROMs will contain CPU microcode, and another set excludes them.
idk just use Piped (like piped.video) or Freetube
dont see anything like that in the archives either
The code is 082
>not the latest release
thanks but im sticking with coreboot
cybboot will beat all
The point was you hadn't read the documentation like the total retard you are and didn't know that there were post-2022 releases with no microcode options. Honestly, if a 40kb microcode patch bothers you that much you should compiling from source anyways. If you're using anything post-C2D, the IME portion that you have to keep is far more of a concern than some inert microcode. And if you had more than two braincells to rub together you would know that you could remove the microcode patch from any version in under 2 seconds with a single cbfs tool command. But you're probably just a larper posting from pozzed hardware.
cybboot with cybos will release

your shitty HRT TRANNY PROPAGANDA site will fall

>you that much you should compiling from source anyways
with what? a backdoored compiler?
thats right you have no compiler because you are a fucken nigger cattle
my compiler is perfect and you have no compiler

>Honestly, if a 40kb microcode patch bothers you
you have never built minimal malware LARPING TRANNY you dont know shit

>But you're probably just a larper posting from pozzed hardware.
go mald somewhere else that no one bothers to read your unparsable html blob

Leah has been fighting for hardware freedom for over a decade and has done more than you could ever accomplish in a 100 lifetimes. I'd trust her/him/it (w/e pronoun) over some /g/ schizo any day of the week.
NTA but he changed libreboot policy just because he ran out of laptops to sell on his storefront
I wish bitwarden's autofill detection wasn't so fucking terrible
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with /g/ archives we have collection of this decades free flow of information all available for your reading

cybboot and cybos combine all free knowledge from current decade and future for the superior fighter jet production

you can prefer libreboot but cybboot will be unaviodable being everywhere, your DIMMs will transmit on AM 404 and there is nothing you can do about it
Wrong. The point was to make it easier for people to coreboot newer models with pre-compiled ROMs.
iirc newer models also require a small part of ME to be present
Obviously, as I literally said above, anything post-C2D requires part of the IME (and some other blobs as well). Neither libreboot nor coreboot can redistribute that firmware, you have to extract those from a working dump of your own ROM and then inject that into the libreboot ROM.
this lolo i heard hes in debt to raptorcs
you mean the fags that sell allegedly free powerPC systems for thousands of dollars? Why the fuck did he bought one?
I read on Phoronix that they worked out the monetary dispute.
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can you write your own microcode for powerpc? this is power9.

thats probably the debt
Any thoughts on synack red team?
>Why the fuck did he bought one?
It wasn't for a product, Leah contracted with them for reverse engineering of the KGPE-D16 and KCMA-D8 boards. Apparently she "mismanaged" the money and they didn't get payment for one the contracts.
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wtf is hostflow? All my googling says its just malware. But this vid says its a tool developed by MITRE. This vid is from the pastbin link posted in a previous sec general. This vid is from 2013.
dont care still using mitigations=off
From last thread, do we know who Cyberpunk Architects is? Seems rather productive.
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does anyone know much about disk forensics / data recovery?

I found my old 2010 macbook pro and I had a bunch of journals I wrote and photos I took that I deleted on it because I was embarrassed by them. That was like 10 years ago. I'm running ubuntu now and I can read the files that are still on the drive. I know stuff that gets deleted isn't really deleted until it's overwritten. Is there good software to browse the empty parts of my drive and see if I can recover my old notes and photos? they may or may not have gotten overwritten by subsequent files, but it would be nice to know how to look.
I can also run windows if I have to, but I would prefer to work from linux if the software is available for it
Anyone bored enough to find out if this popular binary of freeware is a trojan? https://embeddedsw.net/OpenPuff_Steganography_Home.html

It doesn't seem to be known as malware but malwarebytes and virustotal flagged it as a trojan even though I downloaded the binary straight from their site. The weird thing is only 1 AV marked it as a virus out of 74 on virustotal. It said "Trojan.Malware.300983.susgen" by MaxSecure. I never ran it as admin, is this a false positive or am I fucked?

Anyways the company/site have been up for almost 2 decades I haven't seen anything about them distributing viruses before and they even went to defcon so IDK what the hell to believe anymore
This was working for a bit today, but now every video is returning the same error.
>page 10
I will bump to save /sec/, but I will only save /sec/ in the future if you all promise to stop using Chinese hardware and software, for security reasons
you could run photorec on the drive and select it to just dump .doc(x) and image file extensions, from what little i understand this will recover a whatever of those file extensions it can find

there will be a bunch of tiny cached thumbnail images but you can filter and delete those afterwards (remove any image >100kb for example)

remember to never write the files to the disk you're recovering from
security does not exist enjoy american backdoors

What is this title, man.
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Does anyone here have a final solution to the 2fa jew? I dont have any real interest in supreme black book levels of privacy. Im just tired of giga jew companies harvesting my data without concent and """"accidentally"""" leaking it to (((hackers))) that totally didnt pay them.
I cant even sign in to buy things at this point. And for that matter because im actually using these accounts to buy things i am not really doing things truly privately and i know that. The goal is simply to black box and even eliminate all 2fa requests by companies like ebay. Im fucking tired of this. I have a very hectic life and im tired of store brands going hellow fr fr zoomie fren we totes forgot your pc that youve logged in on the last 300 times last year.
dont have online accounts and join the 4subs
Not my use case
I cant buy things if i dont have accounts.
walk to store
flea markets
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Those dont exist. Theres not even a micro center near me. Most used tech shops do not sell the parts i need anyway. Theres a reason tech has moved to the web. The parts are too specialized. Only commiefornians, chinks, and nips can afford to host cpu flee markets worth visiting and even that is largely dying out in nip land.
This may not be the right place to ask but whatever.
Does anyone use android emulation consistently?
I was wondering how the performance is as I wanted to spoof some GPS for reasons.
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I just binged all of Mr. Robot, not to sound too fanboyish but it's probably my favorite show I've seen desu, any other must see /cyb/ shows with similar quality or is this the pinnacle?
my favorite show is this thread

Great list, but it's missing Patlabor and Jin Roh, that although are not that into the dystopic conflicts have great settings and environment.
Unironically similarity wise it would either be Lain and Psycho Pass, but more like a mix of them.
Gits SAC, Animatrix and Cyberpunk:Edgerunners are must watches
SAC didn't age well. GITS is required viewing though
If you are interested in mind hacking in the extended meaning of the word, you should check out the TV series The Prisoner, from the lte 60s. Especially episode A, B, and C is recommendable, and is probably the most eerie mindblowing one of them all.
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They have written a bunch of other books, too.
Did you know that some of the new generation of SDRs go upto 6 gHZ? Expensive, but impressive. At this rate they will be able to pickup ethereal radio, like Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - International which as you know, exists only in the mind.
>I will only save /sec/
Sir, we have 3 barrels, and the shark still goes under. Also, this >>102348693. All hardware is backdoored to some degree, and *if* you did manage to have 100% free hardware, your traffic is still vaccumed up by globohomo's data hoarders, who use your tax dollars to store it all. As a reminder:
>Cyberpunk does not exist
>Cybersecurity only exists until a compentent hacker shows you it does not
>Privacy is an illusion
>SAC didn't age well.
Sir, because you are Bretheren of The Barrels, we will will overlook this grave infraction. Please remember that the S.S.Bareru has GNU torpedo launchers, and we can put insurrectionists in it.
>The Prisoner
Thank you for the reminder. I started watching this, and promptly forgot about it.
>Is there good software to browse the empty parts of my drive and see if I can recover my old notes and photos?
did you try googling it?
testdisk is a thing.
>SAC didn't age well.
Why do you say that?
here's some actual security news: a group of hackers discovered a big ass hole in the internet infrastructure simply bu uying an expired domain name
The NSA might know about some backdoors (they knew about the WannaCry backdoor) but that doesn't mean they're constantly using those backdoors against civilians

Also I don't really care if some guy in Langley reads my text messages to my friends. They're pretty boring messages. I do care about China trying to hack my bank account and steal my money though. I don't think the NSA would do that.
>I do care about China trying to hack my bank account and steal my money though
literally never happens
link story of that happening

the nsa and cia constantly kidnap and torture people using their information against them

imagine being slave to amerikkka lmao

sorry for ad, new ai thing hopefully it will help us generate propaganda

>>Cyberpunk does not exist
the cyberbike latest autism project does exist though
cybbike will be discussed in next thread
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use TOPT
use Yubikey
avoid SMS
guest checkout
Why people trust them?
I'm close to being done with cpts path on htb, after which I will be doing OSCP, is there any way to reduce the price of the exam?
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cheaper then building something similar on an old android phone, the U2F and Fido protocols are open source, plus I just stole a couple extra from work

>but some hardware access attack that requires destructive entry and 10k in equipment
If you need that level of security you don't allow remote signins at all
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get work to pay for it
Just use an authenticator app for a totp, or even just add them to your password manager (I know keepassxc supports totp, I think the paid or self hosted bitwarden version does as well), but you are removing a lot of the security offered by totp if you do that.
non free botnet
=== /sec/ News:
Are you fully under surveillance yet, or is there room for more? Ford will help you:
>Ford seeks patent for tech that listens to driver conversations to serve ads
>Ford Motor Company is seeking a patent for technology that would allow it to tailor in-car advertising by listening to conversations among vehicle occupants, as well as by analyzing a car’s historical location and other data, according to a patent application published late last month.
>“In one example, the controller may monitor user dialogue to detect when individuals are in a conversation,” the patent application says. “The conversations can be parsed for keywords or phrases that may indicate where the occupants are traveling to.”
>The tech — labeled as “in-vehicle advertisement presentation” — will determine where a car is located, how fast it is traveling, what type of road it is driving on and whether it is in traffic. It also will predict routes, speeds and destinations to customize ads to drivers, the application said.
>The system could pull data from “audio signals within the vehicle and/or historical user data, selecting a number of the advertisements to present to the user during the trip,” the patent application said.

The patent application:
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okay use solokey/onlykey/nitrokey
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>cheaper then building something similar on an old android phone
nitrokey is only valid one, though not for online accounts but for signing backups

using hardware key for online stuff is pointless

but still nitrokey is suspicious, funding from nsa lovers and they use NDA chips like secure element or whatever its called
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i said similar, not useless poc demo

atleast if you used an old grapheneOS phone you have the secrets somewhat protected.
is she being pulled into or leaping away from the gay shit
>latest autism project
Are you building something for yourself, or are you referring to something commercial?
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you guy will tell me linux does not need it, but why does no proper linux antivirus exist?
I downloaded a lot of music again and I just can't get rid of that feeling that I am unsafe. ClamAV is lacking and has only a detection rate of about 50%. With linux becoming more popular you cannot tell me there won't be a lot of viruses in the future.
Anon, this is the general to gather interest into reviving good ideas.
Anon you're not going to get a virus from mp3 files
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What can I download from here that can cause general chaos and mayhem on my Windows device? I just want my PC to get fucked inside out hardcore epic style.
Not clicking that nigga.

Their X page is pretty funny doh. https://x.com/vxunderground

I approve.
The website's kosher they spammed the front page with many legit sponsors. Basically they exist because they convinced glowies that security through obscurity doesn't work and they're being humored.
Anyway last time I tried all that happened was my PC slowing to a crawl and Defender was REEEEEEEing hard. Malware used to be cool now it's just about the money.
GUI: https://github.com/dave-theunsub/clamtk

Rootkit scanner:

You didnt really ask but OpenVAS and Lynis are good to run to look for vulnerabilities in your settings or files.
security through obscurity works as well as camouflage. Its fine defensely against maybe a single targeted attack, but completely worthless against an bombardment. If you have something exposed to the internet your likely to experience more of the later. In which case you want shields/armour, something that doesnt matter if the enemy knows you have it. When you want to be ironclad like a steel wall, you have to fire harden it through as many eyes as possible trying to break it. Open source encryption is important for this reason. So everyone can see how it works and theres no gatekeeping its protection. It works or everyone can see its flaws. Camo (obscurity) is dressing on top, and honestly more useful for an attacker than defender.
iToddlers BTFO!
Avira Rescue System used to run in an modified Ubuntu as far as I remember.
I used to have it in a PXE when I did repairs.
holy shit is that ubuntu unity i see?
Got error: "Sign in to confirm that you're not a bot"

Cannot test that at work. As it seems, Youtube is mega coping about alternatives right now so Freetube is blocked as well or will be blocked sooner than later.
personal not commercial, but it would be the most optimized bike for autism

i got sudden inspiration when i was something at flea market, there was historic bike used by military

imagine sick frame, all green, country emblem, had fucking telephone hardware alongside telephone wire that you would lay down, on the telephone hardware there was alphabet along side with word list as manual encryption you spoke into the telephone, the ultimate warbike with botnet free encryption immune to wiretaps as it is fully mobile

it was like two wars old but the telephone setup seems better than the shit we have today, if it wasnt reused pad then godmode

one of the things i want to make for it is this

dont forget to protect your pelican case with your thinkpad

no, no!
generate hashsum of all files and check if they are the same, if they arent the same they have been replaced, run bindiff on them and do malware analysis

optimally use purely xxd and ed for maximum status
>the most optimized bike for autism
So, a Kettenkrad?
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i am considering scraping qubes forums just so their retardation is written down, alongside with their github issue and mailing list archive

it should be required reading before installing their os, all the devs of today are incompetent

picrel is nonsense ban

>So, a Kettenkrad?
KEK, unfortunately thats too bloated for me
>scraping qubes forums
That is what you have AI for. It may go insane, but better to sacrifice one AI instance than your own mind.

>KEK, unfortunately thats too bloated for me
Then again it was mil.spec. and indeed used for laying telephone wires. It is also large enough to fit a radio, far more appropriate than a wired telephone.
>That is what you have AI for
i made bunch of ai scraping scripts for this general by just pasting curled html into llama and telling it what to carve out


i quickly went through the forum template pubes uses and seems very easy to scrape, i think graphmeme used to same stuff alongside with whonix so i could just save all at once

>Then again it was mil.spec. and indeed used for laying telephone wires. It is also large enough to fit a radio, far more appropriate than a wired telephone.
ugh stop making me want it
original ones go for a lot probably, i couldnt find any listing near me
maybe i could make one out of scrap

but i prefer classic bike for small form factor and optimal warbiking
cock.li down for anyone? Onion is working
>it would be the most optimized bike for autism
For cyb autism would be a fully custom mechanical bike with enough storage and support for camping.
domain down for me too

>fully custom mechanical bike

>support for camping.
i was thinking something extensible to nomad tier
There has been a couple of people that did cross continent with bikes and solar.
That's the real punk experience.
Quite a shame we will probably never get an full electrical version of that while stealing electricity through the way./
electricity is gay imo, would want to avoid it as much as possible

solar panel breaks and you die
Generating energy is easier than gas though.
A hybrid would be ideal.
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I find your CURRENT view of electricity reVOLTing, and SHOCKING.
A.I. Joe covers some more news.

i actually got cybbike idea from that post, cybbike was one of the unique words in the unique word list generated by llama

also partly because of the military bike, its combination of both
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Those military bikes are pretty awesome.
here is music thats never obsolete

cybos never obsolete either
after patching alot of userspace software manually i realized it wouldnt be that crazy to write everything from scratch for ironclad, maybe even modify the kernel itself since its so small

ah fuck anyways
remember to use koss ksc75 for optimal listening
>ksc75 for optimal listening
For me, it's trash picked whatever I can find headphones.
i stole koss ksc21 from trash and they sound surprisingly good, assuming ksc75 is newer model im gonna guess its just better

i think i never used open back headphones before this
Not necessarily /cyb/ related, but after Mr. Robot I watched Queen's Gambit and Chernobyl which were pretty good.
Based /trash/bros will roam the dystopian post-war apocalyliptic, barron, burned-out landscape building everything from improvised hosing and vehicles, to pico power sources, to weapons & anything else we need. Hope to see you and the cats out there. Don't worry, I won't eat them - maybe. Are they fat(ish)? Personally, if I survive the apocalypse, I'll make my way to the coast, picking though the ruins as I go and grab a smallish fishing boat, or better yet, a catamaran like the one from that Water World movie, and add solar panels and an electric power plant- and a gun turrent equipped with two 50 Watt diode lasers to blind would-be raiders.
It's unironically over this time:
>We are aware that Youtube has blocked the trusted-session-generator script and thus the script does not work anymore.
>For the moment there is no solution. We will provide one here once we have found a solution.
inv.nadeko.net is semi-stable. Some videos still work somehow for god knows how long.
There are many ways and means to watch YT without using YT's site, so whatever
Hi hammy long time no see

Cyber News TLDR;
Got my CRTP certificate, skipped the video did the exam would give it a 8/10, the lab shines because it gives you alot of opportunity to try out attacks like trust key when you wouldnt be able to really touch those in normal scenarios... although the exam is quite simple, actually... I would say its the same difficulty as the HTB pro lab zephyr
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They've got big name antiviruses like Kaspersky, and even Microsoft Defender. You should probably just take your meds instead of using those.
I'm sorry to say this but ingeneral if you want to make sure your safe you need to become the antivirus and start inspecting the files, applications and software you download. There aren't any linux AV's worth investing your time and money into at the current moment unless other anons have some suggestions
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Cortex XDR is okay
Avira Rescue System is a linux live CD
I actually went to check some others. You can create some custom pipelines to run it in a isolated storage container
So we have.
>Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux
>Avira Rescue System
>Kaspersky Rescue Disk 18
>ESET SysRescue Live
>AVG Rescue Disc
badness enumeration
It's 2024, all of them suck.
I don't trust anything but my piracy spirit needs to live on and on.
so just have 2 computers?
who cares if your empty box gets hacked
Just trigger run for every update in a torrent box VM for every completed torrent.
That would take what? A evening to finish?
>Tools: https://www.privacyguides.org/en/tools/
>Don't use DNS/VPN, it's not... le secure...
Why not? Should i just browse exh and boorus buttnaked?
>>Don't use DNS/VPN, it's not... le secure...
You should run your own and encrypt in a series of relays
It's true, a VPN doesn't make you more secure; it only helps with trying to hide shit from your ISP at best.
and thats all i need until theres a shift in power
So it sounds like you're in agreement with what they said:
>If you're looking for additional privacy from your ISP, on a public Wi-Fi network, or while torrenting files, a VPN may be the solution for you.
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Congratulations brother! Kick ass, take names!
let the security guard watch me jerk off if he opens it for me.
and there is no infetterence at all. i'm glad they're wasting tax dollars on this totally applicable research.
Thanks hammy. I was in the hospital for some time because my gender dysphoria made me attempt suicide. Getting another cert helped motivate me to work on something positive.
inb4, this is news from a decade ago
>new ai thing hopefully it will help us generate propaganda
AI-generated propaganda is of course terrible. In a democracy, people should express themselves. But machines should not be used to amplify the voices of a select few individuals.
Beautiful vagina, xister
>They have written a bunch of other books, too.
I'd say they have been remarkable productive.
>sorry for ad, new ai thing hopefully it will help us generate propaganda
All indications are it can generate a whole lot more.

=== /cyb/ /sec/ News:
>OpenAI acknowledges new models increase risk of misuse to create bioweapons
>OpenAI’s system card, a tool to explain how the AI operates, said the new models had a “medium risk” for issues related to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons — the highest risk that OpenAI has ever given for its models. The company said it meant the technology has “meaningfully improved” the ability of experts to create bioweapons.
And probably not experts alone. In too many cases, a teenager with autism grade fous can do this. It is as if they have forgotten everything about the atomic boy scout.

The scenario writes itself:
>Ahmed beats up Bob
>Bob the beaten goes home and fires up PlagueGPT
>PlagueGPG hatches CGTTAGTCT....
>The next week, Ahmed is dead, along with his family, and roughly 10.000 in collateral damage, and it is just Tuesday

Bat crazy /pol/ regulars (or am I repeating myself) might one day consider it behooves them to delete humanity south of equator. This is essentially a warfare where the first to shoot wins it all. And only in /cyb/ have I ever seen this issue discussed.
>literally never happens
It will
>link story of that happening
The North Korean government sponsored the hackers who did WannaCry, a ransomware attack. China might well do similar things.

>All hardware is backdoored to some degree, and *if* you did manage to have 100% free hardware, your traffic is still vaccumed up by globohomo's data hoarders, who use your tax dollars to store it all. As a reminder:
>>Cyberpunk does not exist
>>Cybersecurity only exists until a compentent hacker shows you it does not
>>Privacy is an illusion
If the NSA can read my messages, whatever. It's not so bad. It is what it is. They only care about finding terrorists anyway, and I'm not a terrorist.

But I am much more wary of Chinese tech because the Chinese government says and does shit all the time which suggests that they hate the West. If they have the ability to mess the West around with Chinese tech, I bet they will take that chance.
>page 9
It's over
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Strange, really, when the world is so steeped in cyberpunk grade dystopia. Perhaps we should try one Solarpunk thread next time?
>The North Korean government sponsored the hackers who did WannaCry, a ransomware attack.
and they used NSA exploit LMFAO

>If the NSA can read my messages, whatever. It's not so bad. It is what it is
they cant read mine because i dont use NSAWARE
>literally never happens
what does that have to do with chinese hardware stealing your bank account or whatever?
Read again, it was about kidnapping and torturing people.
that has nothing to do with chinese hardware hacking your online accounts lmfao
Are you really sure you are 18?
I am sure you do
China sure knows how to make their special blend dystopia.
hope all american spies get tortured for 42 years straight
>and they used NSA exploit LMFAO
My understanding is the bug existed in Windows, and the NSA discovered it. Maybe the NSA was saving their knowledge of the bug so they could spy on a high value target if they wanted to. Is there any evidence of the NSA exploiting that bug?

>they cant read mine because i dont use NSAWARE
You don't know that though. Whatever you use could be spied on by the NSA.
NSA hoards exploits without disclosing them for personal use

>Whatever you use could be spied on by the NSA.
epoxy on my ram and rom
come and take it
the exploit was stolen from nsa c2c server alongside with other exploits

chinks literally hacked their server KEK
Making my corps masters pay for my certs to become a better hackerman.
It's a livin.
>NSA hoards exploits without disclosing them for personal use
Probably yeah. I guess they probably don't use them and instead save them up so that if shit hits the fan, they'll be able to hack the computers of serious adversaries

Because as soon as an exploit is used, it will be discovered and patched. Best to stockpile the exploits and tell nobody about them.

>epoxy on my ram and rom
You're posting on here which means you're connected to the internet which means the NSA already knows everything about you

North Koreans. Anyway my original point is that I'm more worried about the Chinese hacking me than the USA hacking me. I think the USA has less reason to hate me.
>they'll be able to hack the computers of serious adversaries
or get hacked themselves like always KEK

>Best to stockpile the exploits and tell nobody about them.
or just disclose them so no one gets hacked

>You're posting on here which means you're connected to the internet which means the NSA already knows everything about you
i have airgapped workstation in emi shielded case with tamper evident keyboard and mouse with epoxy hardened everything custom display technology and driver for encrypted signal

i am waiting for the nsa to come to my house and decrypt my drives

everything i post publicly is 100% public domain i waive all rights

you are free to download my posts and edit them
Still down. Anyone got a new wiki we could use?

until then wait for God
>or just disclose them so no one gets hacked
You are laughably naive
thats what you should do when you discover an exploit
are you telling me the government should be allowed to commit cyber crime?
that they should have rce ready to zap your router?

ACK yourself CIA nigger, i cant wait for the footage of you getting organ harvested alive
>it's fine if other countries stockpile knowledge of bugs, but it's bad when the usa does it
You're genuinely a moron
KEK when did i say its fine when others do it
Thanks, I was not aware of that one.
Many of the original pages were saved by archive.org and/or archive.is but converting back to wiki format will be a lot of hassle.
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I started checking out cyberpunk settings and how to start into network programming but finding it too difficult. Python is hard stuff
Still too complicated, why don't they make it easier? Is there an easier way to start and how does one get into meshnets? There are almost no tutorials
>5 syscalls are complicated
you might want to consider going back to school

>There are almost no tutorials
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>digital privacy
rpi pico 2, risc-v, air gap. this is more performant than some computers in the early 90s
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GPT-o1 can solve this easily and in 44 seconds
not falling for your fud when half of you use closed ISA, I will buy as many chinese RISC-V cpus as I want
Shame all the software is 1000x less performant than software from the early 90s.
a lot of high performance software in the 90s was written for RISC systems, getting those to work on the pico 2 is possible (look at RISC OS running fine on the bigger rpi boards)
Would be nice if something like brave implemented i2p torrenting
44 seconds? 4o can do it in just a couple of seconds
And out of the blue newpipe is working fine again. The foss world is retarded.
Most hackers don't bother with sound files at all because it would have to exploit a bug in whatever audio software you're using, which is not always consistent between users. Rarely new vulnerabilities pop up for sound software in the NIST database, so pay attention to that if you're feeling paranoid
Thoughts on this video?
i am the no life government hacker elite
A slightly critical video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVlBmdvIC6s
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>electricity is gay imo, would want to avoid it as much as possible
How do you power your computer then?
>solar panel breaks and you die
There is wind power too, or if you prefer the steampunk approach, you can use wood gas generators.
I didn't even know they messed with sound files
>How do you power your computer then?
not good idea to have electricity powered bike
you are bloating it up and making it heavier
What is better, GNUNet, I2P, freenet, Tor or lokinet?
imo gnunet and tor are best
tor not for file sharing, max slow ftp server
hyphanet and i2p use odd programming languages that are gay to boostrap

gnunet has been around for the longest
tor is probably cia
i2p is ok
hyphanet is java garbage but probably ok

in the end i dont know
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Are they better or worse compared to blockchain based solutions like IPFS? I always try to read documentation and find it very confusing
tor is onion routing with mostly centralized directory

gnunet i2p hyphanet are meshnets

meshnets are meant to be resilient, so **mostly** same as ipfs

though the main difference between blockchain and meshnet is that you can use them for messaging, file sharing, game server(???) any protocol
>you can use them for messaging, file sharing, game server(???) any protocol
Blockchain or Meshnet? Which is more versatile?
if you want to host irc, ftp, git for your friend group then tor is best for that
Threadly reminder to check Fisheye Placebo for some nice cyberpunk goodness
What is your setup, anon?
Qubes OS, Tor and red hat for work
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I'll share my setup here again. I do all of my personal computing on a libreboot ThinkPad that I rebuilt and flashed myself. I deleted nearly all of my online accounts between 2016 and 2020 (only have banking, utilities, and lichess). If I buy something online, which is rare, I use eBay -> check out as guest -> with prepaid CC -> shipped to PO box. I got rid of my credit cards and use cash for the majority of my purchases while my savings is stored in gold bullion. I followed this guide (https://inteltechniques.com/workbook.html) and removed any data about me and the data of people who were one degree of separation from me on every data broker website. I carefully manipulated Google and Bing so that when someone searches my name and location they get pages of junk results designed to lead an adversary on a wild goose chase. I only connect to the internet through other people's wifi. My phone only has one additional app, Signal, and I set my phone to data only so that I can no longer receive phone calls or SMS.
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Attention, new Fisheye Placebo chapter. This is not a drill, new Fisheye Placebo chapter!
Awesome, I've long wanted to get myself a ThinkPad
RE thread over here: >>102395222
>ISP stopped letting me spoof MAC on pfsense router
I'm going to try openwrt later
Buy an ad.
How do you deal with a depressing world? It just feels like peak cyberpunk yet its so gay, its not even the cool kind of cyberpunk
IPFS is bittorrent based not blockchain

It's censorship resistant but not anonymous

topkek I spoof NSA mac address to troll
Is running my whole phone's traffic through tor a bad idea?
No, its the best idea you've ever had, anon. Most secure
Couldn’t it be traced back to me through my phone number or something?
How? That's the entire point of Tor
dont use smartphone for tor
not using it for tor, but using tor as a proxy.
>not using it for tor, but using tor as a proxy.
X is blocked in my country so I use tor as a proxy to circumvent censorship, understand? Also expressed myself poorly, not using tor to access the dw.
i am not using tor but i am using tor

just use tor browser on phone for shitter or use nitter if you dont need to post
my man have you ever heard of proxyes
tell me the difference between "tor" and "tor proxye"
proxy my bad. And there's none. What I'm trying to say is that im not using tor to access the dw, just to change my ip.
>Not using the dark web for everything
What are you, a faggot?!?
Why use a proxy when the darknet provides the same services but more protected?
How can this dystopia be made closer to the cool cyberpunk one of the books?
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What do you think about this, anon?
And how does it compare to ipfs/hyphanet?
Big tiddy goth androids.
What is the worst that can happen if i open all the ports on an ip cameras NVR?
>X is blocked in my country
Holy fucking based, if only more countries were like this
It will get closer once Elon Must het the Neuralink project going and that it is approved for general use. That can take time.
You risk it becioming part of a botnet, eating up a large part of your bandwidth, and vectoiring in to break into your other computers.
>go to big city
>immediately hit by RCE by asshole who is impossible to find
>lose datas and moneys
How does one prevent this?
i already have several scripts some of which I wrote myself to make youtube work without googles self sabotage.

still can't get it to run in vlc like the good old days but no ads (now if I could only do the same on phone)

I hate the state of things, I feel like i'm being gaslit by google / openAI (gpt-40 is insanely lobotomized, example follows:)

give me a link to google

You can access OpenAI directly by typing “OpenAI.com” into your web browser’s address bar.

If you’re looking for a specific OpenAI product (like Gmail, Drive, or Maps), you can access them by adding the product name after “OpenAI.com” - for example, “OpenAI.com/gmail”.
bro its been years since I saw a new page, I thought they died, thanks for pointing this out

that "NO DONT OPEN THE WINDOW (kid has knive)" thing happened to me in [redacted] can confirm real.
Please recommend an email service. Google makes me uncomfortable.
Protonmail or Tutanota if you want somewhat secure service and you don't have the time to mess with config files.
Cock.li or one of the Tor email systems if you want higher protection and got the time to fill config files (and don't care about being blocked by one of the main email providers)
What about Riseup?
> if you want higher protection and got the time to fill config files
And genuinely, I think any email makes me feel safer than gmail.
>Protonmail or Tutanota
literal honeypots
Many shell providers offer email.
Go on then, prove that Protonmail is a honeypot
>Go on then, prove that Protonmail is a honeypot
imagine thinking FREE email service from company that appeared out of nowhere isnt information gathering program for some government agency
Handing over a criminal's IP address to the police does not make it a honeypot, it just means they're complying with the law

And I'm glad they comply with the law because I want criminals to be caught. I'm not a criminal so they wouldn't have a reason to hand my IP address to the police.
>no proof
I accept your concession
police are the criminals, you'd know this if you lived in real life.
You tell society to go fuck itself
by tuning it out as much as possible
Police officers sometimes become criminals but most of them probably aren't. Anyway, anybody who commits crimes like murder, terrorism, rape, sexual abuse, etc, should be punished.
>most aren't
wrong, and this is always the excuse.
they are all to blame for the corrupt system, won't do anything because "need my career, won't throw it away" the money trap, the same trap used to control everyone.
>murderers rapists ect should be punished
I don't disagree. but the police protect rapists and murderers too.

I don't feel like talking about this.
like, when you hear the cops are the ones running cocaine locally you just stop listening to people like yourself with the "but they're trying their best" no, they're not.
the proof is proprietary server that collects all information


funny enough the anti epoxy shill is proton shill HAHAHAH

throw your body to the honey bear
Not nearly as bad as Gmail who will give all your data for free at the first chance.
The police are the people that catch rapists and murderers. The police might not be perfect but they're better than murderers never being caught.

I'm not shilling for Proton, I'm just saying they're probably not a honeypot. It's just FUD.
Yeah exactly, they have paid tiers, so it's not like it's a mystery why they're doing it
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As for me, I like Proton Unlimited.
I'm in vietnam and my data was sold by bank and mobile carrier, do I need privacy anymore
>I'm just saying they're probably not a honeypot. It's just FUD.
they own the server so they own all the data

plausible deniability

never forget
paying someone else to store your data instead of buying your own hardware and running your own server...
total nigger cattle
Yes, life will keep changing so all the more reason to get private now. Its a new beginning
New cyberpunk anime announced by Studio SHAFT.
VIRGIN Punk, seems it'll fit the average anon just fine
Set in a futuristic world with robots and government conspiracies.
Luckily its a movie so it may have such scenes
how to hack an instagram account?
Social engineer that bitch!
that, no, nothing to see, I want to hack into my relative's account
Libreroot is the best
>On CS
>Its all a bunch of wieners
Where are mu cute hacker girls at? /cyb/ you lied to me!
Not worth the effort, anon
They're in hiding, not at school.
>funny enough the anti epoxy shill is proton shill HAHAHAH
I see a lot of people say "I accept your concession" that don't mean they're the same anon.
Cyberpunk has nothing to do with cybersecurity
Of course it does, its the basic setting from which the case for cybersec and why it matters was established first. Also cypherpunk and cryptopunk have been common interests of hackers for a long time.
We were robbed of this future!
Reposting the updated Data Broker Removal Links:
Thank you anon, doing god's work!
You are in luck, anon, WWIII is expected in just a few years. China wants to be ready to take Taiwan 2026 - 29, and that can set off a new era of megadeath.
Neuralink is well under development, and they also have competitors ahead of them. Women already routinely dress up in tights where latex is entering the Overton window, so /cyb/ wear is already well under way.
>they own the server so they own all the data
So then every website on the internet is a honeypot, according to you

Even if you run your own email server, there's a 100% chance that you'll be using at least some software written by other people (even if it's just the operating system). Why should you trust it? It could have code written by the NSA that is spying on you.
$190 for two years of unlimited? I assume that's grandfathered pricing because their site now only seems to give the option of paying for 1 year at a time which is $120 a year
Why are the people that made the hardware/software of your server any more trustworthy than Proton? They're not.
Awesome! Can't wait for it!
Start polishing your drone operator skills so that you can serve a little bit away from the front.
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Is there any point? I'm a coder but it seems I'm about to be replaced >>102418618
What are good jobs that aren't likely to be replaced by AI in the near future? Say 10 to 20 years?
I'm thinking of moving towards math and cybersec but I'm afraid there's already a computer making and solving theorems.
>So then every website on the internet is a honeypot, according to you
well yes? most are for data collection purposes
only useful ones are wikis

>there's a 100% chance that you'll be using at least some software written by other people
i only use free software, no binary blobs, compiled with free software compiler
Any of you have a job in the industry? I'm a soc puppet right now.
I only do code and lick boots for the corpos, but want to work on more interesting stuff like cybersec and robotics.
Yeah I'm doing another cert right now and trying to move into more offensive stuff. One perk of being a corpo slave is they will pay for my education for the low low cost of my soul.
I need a new fucking job but everyone is being laid off so I might be stuck a while.
Likewise, we truly live in a gay dystopia but not of the fun kind. I can't leave my job because my debt from college is so high I may as well starve and even then I'm barely non-starving. I buy the cheapest rainbow colored noodles to keep myself somewhat alive.
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For those of you who live privacy-oriented lives and live in the U.S. what are you doing this election? Is it wise to register? For those who did register, what info are you required to give?

This is my first time I'm eligible to vote, but not sure if it is worth the privacy risk. Also do not tell me the Jews are controlling the election and the lizards are going to gape my asshole, this is not a schizo thread.
Just go it and say I want to vote and they say okay and you vote and then leave.
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Stop it anon, I'm thinking over here.
reality is illusion
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If I remove the wifi chip from my laptop I should be totally private right?
Technically? You just want an offline computer?
use ath9k wifi card and use the hardware killswitch when needed (assuming thinkpad)

computers can transmit radio signals in other ways
remember to tamper proof

In what other ways? What else do I need to remove?
keep the wifi, its useful
remove webcam, mic, speakers
disable fan in os and run on powersave governor

use wifi to connect at public places
disable wifi when not needed

further hardening:
tempest shield keyboard, display cable
epoxy ram, rom, keyboard

if you want airgapped workstation then thats different story
>airgapped workstation
Dude I'm not going to outer space, I dont want the cia niggers to backdoor my shit
use libreboot with fsf approved distro then, 100% free software
>i only use free software
But you haven't read every line of code so there could be backdoors. Companies contribute to the Linux kernel don't they? Some company could have sneaked a complicated backdoor into the Linux kernel.
Still better than trusting all your data to a faceless company you can't audit like Microsoft or Google
>disable fan
How is the fan an attack vector while active but not when disabled to warrant it's removal?
I'm too lazy to make my own email server and Gmail just works. I mean how many people run their own email server? Basically nobody
The fact you're a lazy piece of shit doesn't mean there aren't people who are willing to do it. Also that's why the FOSS community exists so you don't have to rebuild the wheel. If you can't bother to sign up to a FOSS email then you should better tie the noose because you ngmi
Keep crying moron
you cant remove the fan atleast in case of thinkpads, computer wont boot without the fan connector

set fan level 0 and restrict acpi access in os, or figure out how to boot with it removed

>Some company could have sneaked a complicated backdoor into the Linux kernel.
i said fsf approved distro, which use linux libre which have no binary blobs
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says the moron on gmail, instead of selfhosting iredmail / mailinabox
Normal people use Gmail. The software you use could also be backdoored, moron.
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What's in your address bar as you view this very post, shitass? There are only schizos and retards here.
>The software you use could also be backdoored, moron.
That's why things like IDS and SOC exist. If you don't check up on what's going on within your network at least once in a while - you are a certified dumbfuck. All those fan noise data transfer and IR keyboard reflection disturbance backdoors are so fucking obscure and hard to implement en masse that if you worry about them - you are just wasting your time. The real danger is not really within those techniques described in whitepapers and not even in your software(though some are) - you should be concerned the most about your network. There is nothing good for CIA/FBI/FSB/CCP/<insert_NWO_org_here> in collecting your data if they can't receive it.

Write a script to change your wireless and ethernet interface's MAC every time you boot. Always use some kind of proxying while online, and randomize it. Set a random user agent. Use services that require signing up for as little as possible. The more entropy you add - the more fake useless profiles you add to their databases and files. Basically, if you dissociate your online identity hard enough - you will have a myriad profiles created based on your activity, yet not a single one could be traced back to your identity.
Keep crying moron

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