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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102322489

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Black Forest Labs: Flux

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
>mfw Resource news


>Concept Sliders: LoRA Adaptors for Precise Control in Diffusion Models

>EENets: Early Exit Convolutional Neural Networks

>A Low-Computational Video Synopsis Framework with a Standard Dataset

>ComfyUI Qwen2-VL wrapper


>FaceSwapLab for Forge

>diffusers-torchao: End-to-end recipes for optimizing diffusion models

>California’s big AI regulation bill is headed to Gavin Newsom

>StableNormal: Reducing Diffusion Variance for Stable and Sharp Normal


>ComfyScript v0.5: Previews, CivitAI nodes, ImageViewer and MetadataViewer

>Deforum Music Visualizer: A music visualizer tool build on Deforum Stable DIffusion

>Fluxgym: Simple Flux LoRA Training Web UI for Low VRAM (12G~)

>Nvidia RTX 5080 and RTX 5090 are reportedly 'scheduled to officially launch in September'

>Datacenters to emit 3x more carbon dioxide because of generative AI


>DC-Solver: Improving Predictor-Corrector Diffusion Sampler via Dynamic Compensation

>TCDiff: Triple Condition Diffusion Model with 3D Constraints for Stylizing Synthetic Faces
>mfw Research news


>Flash Cache: Reducing Bias in Radiance Cache Based Inverse Rendering

>Evaluating Multiview Object Consistency in Humans and Image Models

>CustomContrast: A Multilevel Contrastive Perspective For Subject-Driven T2I Customization

>TextToucher: Fine-Grained Text-to-Touch Generation

>CipherDM: Secure Three-Party Inference for Diffusion Model Sampling

>A Survey of Multimodal Composite Editing and Retrieval

>Shaking Up VLMs: Comparing Transformers and Structured State Space Models for Vision & Language Modeling

>Decoupling Contact for Fine-Grained Motion Style Transfer

>Boosting CLIP Adaptation for Image Quality Assessment via Meta-Prompt Learning and Gradient Regularization

>MRStyle: A Unified Framework for Color Style Transfer with Multi-Modality Reference

>Can OOD Object Detectors Learn from Foundation Models?

>Image color consistency in datasets: the Smooth-TPS3D method

>DreamMapping: High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation via Variational Distribution Mapping

>Rethinking The Training And Evaluation of Rich-Context Layout-to-Image Generation

>SpotActor: Training-Free Layout-Controlled Consistent Generation

>Swin Transformer for Robust Differentiation of Real and Synthetic Images: Intra- and Inter-Dataset Analysis

>Thinking Outside the BBox: Unconstrained Generative Object Compositing

>POINTS: Improving VLMs with Affordable Strategies
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How can one achieve realism with Flux?
All my pics are creamy and somewhat cartoonish at times
Using flux1-dev-fp8 model
Tried the realism lora and this one too:
>being this easy to trigger
>NAI pic in the OP
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Have you tried incorporating "Photo" or "Photograph" into the prompt?

>Photo, Inside bus, Photograph of brunette woman with arms crossed above head showing armpits
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Actually this should be better

>Photograph of beautiful brunette woman crossing arms above head and wearing black singlet inside of a bus.

Let T5xxl do the rest.
actually no
try: sfm , cgi render in negatives
4got ur gen
make me post one you mindcucked little bitch
>seething this hard
He's not well
I always put 3d, render, 3d render, cartoon, anime
Unstable Confusion
Thats not proper flux syntax
Semi-durable mild uncertainty
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I realized that, so I fixed it. >>102337417

>It didn't work anyway.
Why do you care
Are you going to answer the question or what
your reading comprehension is pretty bad schizo. probably the obsessive behavior
>singular schizo anon cope again
Get new material
still looks too creamy and unrealistic
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one of his many talents.

>he really is the lolcow of the thread
always has been
schizo is esl confirmed. probably a nigger as well
So no then. Okay. I was just wondering what makes a person engage in this negative behavior. If Theres drama you dont have to get involved, just ignore it. But ok
>le esl boogiemens
>what makes a person engage in this negative behavior
this schizo retard has been ruining threads for years. time to take a gigantic dump on his head
>Stable Diffusion General
Stay on topic and don't shit up the thread, faggots
You guys gunna talk about stable diffusion today or
or what?
Randomly greentexting has no effect on anything and isnt any kind of dump. You a re just saying you are triggered. Let it go. Dont let others affect your mood
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I know.
It's also only 4 steps on Schnell Q4
>fizzle drama hours again
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Flamewars are off-topic
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lead by example. post a gen and tell us your favorite emad tweet
no it's esl nigger schizo (You) ruining the thread again
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Sorry, Anon
I don't use twitter
calm down "anon"
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at least you posted a gen. thank you for contributing to thread culture
They're mind broken kek
Pretty cool, genuinely reminds me of Amli's work.
>I'm mindbroken
>you obviously mean ani
sides in orbit
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(You) really is that pathetic schizo
is this supposed to mean something? schizo only thinks about is ani at this moment
I guess we just have a different philosophy on handling life. Have a good day man
>replying to schizo in niggerspeak so he understands
well done
full blown melty
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thanks. I have a new ink-based series I'm gonna start posting today. those turned out cool too
put in a good word for me

>smoking indoors
almost as degen as that 1girl drinking beer through a straw
>coping this hard
this is entertaining, keep going you pathetic nigger
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I honestly don't think ani even opened this thread. he's in japan living his best life. screaming into the void is pointless. post images
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you mean this one?
>it's not even ani
this is the most embarrassing part about your cope
Who did you guys trigger this time?
wait "Julien" is ani? how do we know?
wait, in Forge there is no negative section available
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wow I just realized its 9/11. I actually forgot

I hope he gets fired soon so he'll have time to hang out with us again

oh no, its an epidepic
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flux doesn't support negatives
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you win an internet sir. if you have x, @ him kek
I don't see the humour here. Very low brow and even vulgar.
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Guess I will post old gens since Comfy keeps crashing on VAE decode with Flux...
>I hope he gets fired soon
me too
also checked
didn't check
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>I don't see the humour here. Very low brow and even vulgar.
Stop sending cummies in the mail Elon.
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Morning anons
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How do I tell the difference between model being unable to handle a prompt/tag because the subject was not present in the training data, or because the prompt tripped some autocensorship filters?
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fucking love these, anon
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>not yet Gunther, shes still asleep
subtitle scrape in progress. all your ass are belong to me desu
already wrote the script to turn it into a dataset of
>series, season, episode, start, end, name
plus each language
scrape should be finished in a few hours, can probably get the dataset dropped tonight
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you can't know

thanks! this series does some new stuff w/ this ink aesthetic
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gonna let Flux dev gen while I sleep
hopefully they will be better than schnell

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>when he's actually smaller than you
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these gens are right up my alley. hope you cook up some good stuff. gn
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>spazing spiderman
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You're so cute when you are trying to work hard.
Using this
if I use Lora gens are blurry

I also have enabled AE, t5xxl_fp8_e4m3fn and clip_l.
Not sure about the original context because I'm not a twitter homo but people are retarded. Maybe he painted over a gen, maybe not.
Hard to say because haven't seen the rest of his portfolio anyway.
Is it any different from painting over a photograph?
the actual highlight is all the terrible artists begging for commissions in the replies, total AI victory
Kek based GPK gen
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>we liked the art and kept giving the artist more commisions until we were informed that we shouldn't like the art. we are shocked and ashamed that we previously liked the art that we were told we shouldn't have liked.
that's pretty funny ngl
>debo still suffering
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>Don't talk to me or my son ever again
have we stopped splitting yet? Local diffusion general or whatever it was
niggas with no love for sdg still post on ldg
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no tail fox
Julien leaks fecal juice
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being yourself this side of midnight
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Neat and graceful, gives off Rosen maiden vibes.
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Good afternoon, anons! I hope everyone is doing well :]
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All is well, how goes it with you?
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I'm glad to hear that!
I'm doing pretty good! Just woke up, having some coffee :]
Good day to all, for posterity
Great work posting pictures
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Good day to you too, anon! :]
Cute gen!
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ty PW
it's ToraFurry_Pear, Zankuro and SImple_Draw lora with pony if one wants to try
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Ohh cool thanks! It's actually been a while since i've used anything other than Flux haha using pony again sounds kinda fun! I might try that :]
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hello pw. whatcha got on the menu for today?

>Great work posting pictures
oh, my pleasure
the purple one doesn't seem too excited to be there
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Heyy Debo!! Great to see you as always :]
Just trying out some different styles haha
I might play with pony again in a bit after a few more gens too, that sounds kinda fun!
Gonna go out a little earlier than usual too haha probably in like 3 hours or so
Any plans for you for today? :]
Hahaha she does look a little nervous in that one, huh?
i miss schizo anon
Hi you're right here
You're also posting a nice style, debs
I have been immersed in the Furrylora for a month or two now, I have come out more furry than before
>4 ears
This is stable diffusion General, most people are using Flux ATM feels weird posting Flux gens here.
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>as a nogen posting in a thread I dislike, I have strong opinions on gens people post here
go back
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< lovely 3
holy malding
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>I might play with pony again in a bit
sometimes I like grabbing a brand new merge off civit of a model I wanna play with just for some new flavor. maybe there's some fun new flavors of pony out there these days. everyones been so deep on flux that I haven't see new XL stuff in a while

>Gonna go out a little earlier than usual
stop having fun and hang out with us instead

nice to see you around and playing with some different stuff. sorry to hear about the furry infection. hope you survive :(

angels can have 17 wings but catgirls can't have 4 ears?

we've always accepted a wide variety of models and media types. we're stable diffusion, not to be confused with Stable Diffusion ;)
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>neighbourhood cat patrol
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Yeah it's been a while for me haha!
I'm giving this a try >>102341806
I hope I got the right ones hahaha! I like how it came out tho :D
Hahaha! I wish I could stick around but i'll be back around 10ish as usual :]
Gonna get ready in about an hour and a half or so
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I especially enjoyed the 'main' one, https://civitai.com/models/395187/tora-nijifurry-xl-pony-pear
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Oh perfect that's the one I DL'd! :D
That's a really cute gen!

I noticed only certain posters get attacked all the time but others wont ever, why is that?
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>Barb lvl 26 LFP
How do you get attacked on 4chin?
the furry at 0.70
at 0.55 and
at 0.50
Sry not screenshot bc I'm having a troubles
Weird question but is there a way to make the generation automatically stop at a certain point? For example, setting it up to finish at 80% instead of 100%.
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this is why i kidnapped the sun
How do you get harassed on 4chin?
Can an anon point me in the right direction? Using ReActor it's possible to faceswap a video, but I have a LORA of my subject which is far more detailed. Is it possible to do a frame-by-frame swap using LORA without every frame deviating a lot? Hope this makes sense.
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Ohhh thanks! I totally got the last two wrong LOL
How does this look?
Heyyy Hlky! It's great to see you again :]
>The anon you are trying to reach is not here right now, please leave a message after the tone
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are you getting that thing where it looks great then switches at the last second? I think you can fix that by lowering the amount of steps you use!
well it's quite different, the prompt included , furry, fluffy fur, covered in soft fur, and rating_explicit, source_furry, fyi to bring out the hair
>I hope he gets fired soon
omg you're basically me, we have so much in common!
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Ohhh gotcha! Lemme try that
It could be cause of my workflow
I just realized I had artists tags in mine as well haha
Mine went full furry hahaha! I'm gonna try with my green cat
imagine how bad she smells
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they just tell me that all my gens look the same
well there's a lot that happens with different artists added as extra lora,
combined with Ottopony it's ver ydifferent than Bonifasco, but I'm sure you'll experiment
I think there's a comfy node but I forgot the name.
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Ohh gotcha! What model are you using btw?
all in pony
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do you want it to actually stop at 80% or do you want it to stop 20% sooner? the difference is that the former will not be fully denoised and have visible noise patterns while the later will change the denoising schedule to complete in fewer steps

empty question by an empty person

>please leave a message after the tone
I hear george constanzo singing this for some reason

in retrospect, I realize that probably sounded malicious but I didn't mean it to. I just meant that he'd sooner get fired because of SAI's shitty business. ani doesn't seem like the sort of person to quit stuff unless he already had something even better lined up, which means he still wouldn't have time to hang out with us. all I'm really saying is I miss when he and comfy hung out with us

>pw is consumed by furry
oh no
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What's that anon? You're craving my mcnuggies?
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Gotcha haha i'm using autism mix for these
LOOOL it's not what you think!
>replies to me 4 times
How much does your life have to suck to spend 12 hours a day on here?
>george constanzo
I have his hairline fml
that should work as well, pretty sharp
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checked, plus he fucked. always batting out of his league too. the world is your oyster
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Thanks so much, anon! :]
Here's my workflow if you wanna try it!
>He fucked
So did your step father which is why you needed a colostomy bag at 18
>are you getting that thing where it looks great then switches at the last second?
>I think you can fix that by lowering the amount of steps you use!
Tried that but it didn’t help much , it probably happens because I don’t have enough vram, but I found that stopping in some parts of the generation actually gives some nice pictures, just wish I didn’t have to do it manually every time.
You are weird anon
Another thing I have in common with him, then
>do you want it to actually stop at 80% or do you want it to stop 20% sooner?
The former, I want to interrupt the process.
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you can do this in comfyui with the advanced ksampler. instead of just offering a steps param, it gives you steps, start_at_step, and end_at_step. this lets you set it up such that it starts at 0, has a total step count of 20, but stops at 16

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