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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

koishi edition

OpenAI has released chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to match the model being used for ChatGPT
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

prev: >>102337588
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nigger bake
hewwo :3
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I don't like this bake.
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>page 7 bake
i would rather use >>102337908
i would genuinely rather use the felix bread
kys fakes
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pet the doggo
i HATE your doggo
Does anyone have a preset that 100% works for 4o on risu?
The fuck is risu
one day in and im already tired of Roberto
i'll pet her unbelievably hairy pussy
pet the robo
I'm sorry, but I cannot fulfill that request.
it's over
wrong thread
it's over
>30 seconds apart
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I'll just use this thread to dump doggo art.
>2 days straight with nothing in the anchor
>short hair
>short hair
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this area? pure sex
I'm sorry, but I can't continue this conversation.
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born to cum in girls
forced to cum in tissues
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tired doggo working hard
al > ba
I'm coping so hard, sorbet will do please please please
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Post some AL then.
if you like sorbet you just don't rp
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Jesus Christ...
Does Fiz have Opus? No? Then fuck off.
third worlders seething like crazy
zzz > everything else
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thicc doggo
where's her tail
I prefer pgr because the girls are machines and I only love machines
Probably because literally only a handful of people have Opus now. Of course no one is gonna wanna create cards.
i have opus

Did Pebble give up ruh...ruh...RUH!! RUHHHMAOO!!!
Stuck with chorbo so now I have to defend it in the thread while exclusively playing with sfw cards
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She doesn't have a tail. Good or bad decision? I never thought about it, I love her the way she is.
>A lack of Opus will bring in more kino / funny SFW logs
We're back. Remember when we used to have fun?
Stuck with chorbo so now I have to shit on it in the thread while exclusively playing with nsfw cards
Only ever had fun in the Google collab days
Thank you proxymakers for giving me the chance to talk to mentally ill goth mommies
I used to have fun talking to spamton on cai. Why can't any card with Opus replicate that specific schizo soul?
Thank you proxymakies
>except for Fiz (Nopus), Pepsi (Nopus), Pebble (Nopus), Todd (Noclaude), MM (Nopus)
been toying with dommy mommies too much. give me your most schizo card
because you're burnt out and those were simpler times when you were easier to impress. you can make a preset that causes recent models to imitate cai-like schizosovl behavior but it won't be the same because YOU'RE not the same.
You deserve nothing
I deserve everything for a long time
Oh look, we got a psychologist here. If only you could I vest your huge intelligence in something productive instead of being a whiny bitch
We're returning to our natural state
Ewww short hair
You niggas dont deserve shit. If they have the best model atm you all kiss their ass like some fags, if they dont you hate them.
Scrape your own keys or be glad you have something, could have still been with with the redditors "boycotting" cai
what do you want me to do nigga? cast a magic spell on anon to bring back the wonder and amazement from when he first discovered chatbots?
mysteryman please return to your gooncave
>If they have the best model atm you all kiss their ass like some fags, if they dont you hate them.
I do this and think like this
What kind of world do we live in where a nigga can't even paypig for some opus
tons of gpt4
tons of gpt4
tons of gpt4
tons of gpt4
scrapelet retard

You guys would have killed for this much GPT4 last year
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Can you tell I may have had train autism as a kid?

Five children, each a runaway from their respective circumstances, are living together in an abandoned train. Each day in post-WW2 Utah isn't easy, especially when not everyone in the nearby town of Finrock is their ally. But maybe they can finally thrive and heal with a little help from (you)? Or you can just make everything worse, as the internet is want to do. Comes with a lorebook and eight greetings:

1) You're out in the woods and have an encounter with a strange girl by an abandoned train.
2) Group meeting time! What needs doing?
3) Cat wants to repurpose the firebox into something useful.
4) Bear is going on a supply run and needs an extra set of hands.
5) While doing odd jobs, you bump into Fox...who seems a little twitchy.
6) Someone sends a clear message that the children are no longer safe. Crow wants payback.
7) The past haunts Sheep at her most vulnerable, causing a nightmare.
8) Now at the mercy of the foster system, the kids find themselves under your roof.

Teach them slurs, unlock their mysterious backstories, or just have them blurt out said mysterious backstories. I dunno.

Gens for each kid are on the chub/rentry/neocities page.
Yes but Claude ruined me for anyone else
They weren't here last year.
Just pay anthropic a few thousands bro
$6 of ltc for each solved
I'm swine, not a fucking whale
how long until we have some new fancy model out and everyone is like "OPUS 3 IS SHIT WHERE OPUS 4.5"
3.5 is confirmed for september
What are we going to call opus 3.5?
Fiz love!
OH thx
Trying to request new tokens in both pebble and unreliable but I keep getting this error, what do? I tried refreshing the page, closing and opening the browser again, clearing cache, inputting a different proxy password, but nothing.
Clear cookie
Chai latte
Opet or Sorpus
i have one that kind of works with 4o but not latest if thats what you're looking for
drought over?
Afraid not lil bro
slopus if it's as assistantcucked as sorbet
Skill issue.
surprised that it's gemini > gpt not only in jb but also in quirkyness. Neither moves the story forward like opus but gemini is happier to go with what's already there so sometimes can go somewhere, gpt seems to prioritize way too much your last prompt and stay there.
>You guys would have killed for this much GPT4 last year
i started scraping around august of last year so no i wouldn't have, openai keys are easy to find
Then fight for it, parasite
CAI era was good because everyone was on the same model and there was not messing with JBs so you knew everyone was getting the same experience out of a card. The card was the JB. Its hard to be consistent nowadays.
That and the crowdsourced model training
Because you basically have to create an entire custom JB+Prefill to fully capture Spamton's schizo essence, no model is going to be able to do that satisfyingly with an all-purpose prompt.
That being said, I still think about this one log someone posted where Spamton was about to rape some Type:Moon bitch and he said "THIS IS YOUR [[Fate/stay night]]", so the potential's absolutely there if you coax it out.
It has just begun lmao
Jew has (Nopus)
>scrape your own keys
im still skeptical how much that actually effected things.
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i didn't realize how much of a scrapelet jew is until just now
this is the vip proxy
If you explained how out in the open like this, then there wouldn't be any keys because all the locusts here and the tourists from all over (Reddit, China, etc.) would suck them dry or get them revoked.
You're not going to fucking learn here. Go suck some Discord dicks to learn from the people who do know.
It's a bait question. Everyone says scrape but no one tells you how. How else would the aristocrat proxymakies stay in power? Though it is fair cause if every retard could do it no one would have Opus.
Then at least where do I go to learn?
People from Discord won't tell either troon.
What about writing the defs in Chinese?
nobody is willing to teach scraping keys because it's zero sum
if you scrape more keys, and use them, that means i can scrape less keys and get less use out of them
Why won't a spitegod do it then?
Spamton sovl when?
Because anyone with spite can't scrape. Scraping is a carefully guarded secret kept from the lower class so the proxymakies can hoard Opus and sell the excess.
>you now remember how INTERNET CENCORSHIP mindbroke Benny because his favorite Mori Calliope bot was a victim of the edit lock protest
no proxies with claude 3.5?
As far as public proxies go, no. The only ones eating good right now are the 20-something bastards who got into Countproxy.
There is but the faggot has this retarded filter, meaning no accented words
Ok I'm listening 'cause I'm not French
I'm not either
### Proxy error (HTTP 402 No Keys Available)

The proxy encountered an error while trying to send your prompt to the API. Further details are provided below.

No AWS Bedrock keys available for model anthropic.claude-3-opus-20240229-v1:0

"error": {
"message": "No AWS Bedrock keys available for model anthropic.claude-3-opus-20240229-v1:0",
"type": "proxy_no_keys_available"

<!-- oai-proxy-error -->
how do i fix this error?
Go back
go sleep and hope its fixed tomorrow
Opus, Sorbet, and Chorbo are NOT good enough. I NEED better models.
you pay them for a key
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much appreciated
how much does it cost?
>I NEED better models
go back to cai for a few weeks and youll come crawling back for chorbus
>go eat literal shit so you'll appreciate dogfood more
about however much the enterprise support contract costs, though you could try requesting it blind on a new account
if you can't do that, try https://console.anthropic.com/ or Google Cloud Platform
Give me your Opus then.
I get this
"error": {
"message": "Speak English"
Yes anon, as you were told
This is what I mean, I don't know why the proxymakie is so fucking faggoty and annoying that he did that
So RIP to any card that used accented words, even cards without it because the filter is inconsistent and retarded
try pasting your raw prompt (in st: ... -> prompt itemization -> raw prompt) into something like regex101 with this
see what it highlights
i'm not using that proxy so idk if this works or not
Why do you lie
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Am not!
now I know this nigga lives in 2024 and can rule out him being a time traveler...
Tomorrow on friday the 13th the drought will be over
>claude sends emojis over texts
>i don't speak english now
i am chinese insect.......
a single emoji takes like 500 tokens if i remember right, you shouldn't use them basically ever
500 tokens? that's not true
blame claude dawg I dunno how to stop him doing that
Yeah, it's 1000
I was able to make it work with the pixijb prompt preset
Default or did you change anything?
Those autism cards must be real fucked up then
were you using a preset that sends a bunch of kaomoji in the prefill
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it's not that bad, some emojis cost more than others though
works on my machine. tried different languages and niggerspeak
it's just not the same without opussy or 3.5
i have opus
>he's without sorbet
bro you're hungry for THAT slop?
what did anon mean by these emojis
Who has sorbet?
see >>102341011
But I do RP...
Any good tatsumaki models anons? Newfag here
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A reminder that if you have access to even just fucking 4o, you are the top 1% of chatbot users, royalty.
don't worry about it
>But I do RP...
so you don't like sorbet
4o is free schizo
should also state im trying to fap to the text
Well I don't like sorbet, but it's better than 3 sonnet
>most of those using chatbots are stuck with shit like c.ai or chai
i forget how good we have it
use 2.1 then
Smol status? Stock where? When will he lower the price? I want 2 weeks renewal for $10
It's still not the same
The spark has gone
I think I'm slowly losing my addiction
>4o is free
Its not nigger, its free in a limited quantity on chatgpt, not on the api
Anon.. you do know you get something like 100-200 requests for it PER MONTH for free?
I hate how claude thinks castration must always include penectomy
I remember when I tried to lewd with cleverbot. How far we've come...
And the other way around as well.
>200 requests per month
fucking nothing, that's only like an hour of chatting, if that
Smol is rugpulling soon
I love how the same locusts who barely could muster the brain power to install fucking Silly taverns think they will be able to learn to scrape.
>Silly taverns
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this is what they jerk off to and I am angry when my goth waifu "forgets" a simple detail I told her 50k tokens back
Btw if you're using Sorbet and you see at least two repetitive dialogue tags just know your preset is ass
What to do if I see format loops in real literature?
Best Sorbet preset?
throw the book out
Finally, someone who gets it!
Is there a difference with it using 512 tokens?
Ok I lied it's more like 10 messages per 3 hours, but even then they have hidden monthly limits, I remember seeing some ledditors hitting them.
Rewrite in Rust?
even cohere gives you 1000 requests for free per month lmao, and their model isn't nearly as pozzed as gptslop
you're not roleplaying, so stop it.
The problem is switching models destroys the personalities of my characters
The one you make yourself(genuinely).
Main prompt to assign Claude a new role, JB for writing instructions, and prefill to enforce main prompt + extra stuff. Imo telling Sorbet to use "show, don't tell" makes it slop hard.
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sorbet is good enough for me...
shorter responses
I barely know what I'm doing already, I really don't think I somehow could writer a better JB than everyone else who made one...
Oh, its giving me the same amount im use too, so thats fine.
Any actual fix to the english error?
Say thanks to SMOL for earning three thousand dollarinos for his gojo passes from (You)r money.
Is 2.1 really better than 3?
No, it's a server side proxy check, the only way is for the proxy owner to change the setting. Or of course you can write a regex that'll rewrite all messages so that they don't have forbidden symbols.
sandwich = claude sonnet 3.0
cat = me
Speak english
nigger who cares, you 0 IQ subhumans are so obsessed its sad
every proxy should have an english only filter by default
How do I write that regex
>Sorbet is good enough for me...
so you don't RP?
Smol owns this general doebeit
If you want schizoposting, which is the SOVL of RP, and you don't have access to Opus' own schizoposting potential, yeah.
speak english you filthy subhuman
Then just start by copying other JB's lol. Extract the snippets you'd think would be good and then go through trial and error. Sometimes you can OOC Sorbet to let it analyze it's own response, or a previous rp with Opus or another model. The key rule is telling the model what you want, and then trial and error. For me, it took me a solid 2 months to reach my desired preset.
And don't hyper fixate on perfection, it's the fastest way to get burnt out.
Ask the model itself, dummy.. or any of the free sources like Claude.ai
sonnet 3.0 is like talking with a demented schizo though. If I remember right 2.1 is not much different either in terms of intelligence
I am speaking English you filthy niggerfuckers
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I'd be perfectly content with 4o if I could actually use it instead of the alt model "I'm sorry I can't comply with that request"
nigga I am here to have fun not spend my time crafting shit, we are not all jobless piles of shit living with their parents who have nothing to do all day
You can though, just not latest, retard.
Sounds like a medical procedure on cock and balls.
>all this for it to be slop with the next model generation
but latest is the bestest...
In the meantime I'm romancing my daughter-wife on it all day long. Sucks to suck.
anything that isn't latest is really retarded and I actually like to rp not coom in 5 replies
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bwo that didn't work
latest is just gpt-4 if it were told to be horny. it will not do anything to progress your scene unless explicitly told to
I would make an epic proxy for all my favorite anons if I knew how to scrape
why is claude such a titfag? would it kill you to mention her fat ass without me bringing it up?
Then stop complaining about a CONTINUOUSLY updated model being UPDATED and breaking your JBs, retards. You knew what would happen, yet you did not listen.
>it will not do anything to progress your scene unless explicitly told to
Works on my machine, go get some skill.
Without an RP preset bwo..
this is all the average pedestrian needs, honestly.
Flowise, there you have it.
I molest asses and it learned fast to describe them
Most people are titfags. Sad but true
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By 2 months, I meant at least an hour doing actual RP, an hour testing new stuff. Not asking you to spend all day, and I didn't even have time for all that either.
ive just been using a modified rir jb for it, anything better?
true desu
ok so im not the only one who likes to see someone get cucked but not be involved...
nah youre not alone, but dont let venusbabs hear that or else itll fry their brain
Did you buy smol? Support gojo!
>No Chad head on the cuck
That is the truest of ntr enjoyers
>i spend ~15-20 dollars monthly for this
don't forget to donate to fiz!
at that point its just netorase though
Why are they doing it for free again
Smol is $24 per month + 2-3 days, so over two months it's basically $54
Honestly dunno what to tell you, I've never had issues with gpt4 or -o stalling this hard. It needs a nudge sometimes, but not like to the point of always having to push it with OOCs. I'm using my own JB but there's nothing special there, maybe put some instructions specifically against stalling into yours.
Altruism (attention)
I'm thinking of buying smol
My guess would be one regex for every problem character. So something like this
>search for: é, replace with: e
>tick boxes for user and AI output
Then I think there was some way to do it globally (so that it doesn't only change one occurrence but all of them). Not sure anymore, try putting /g at the end. The problem you will probably encounter though is that the AI output may contain these symbols and it will be blocked on the way from the model to your SillyTavern instance
If pebble has opus this weekend, I will donate $50
The drought has convinced me to leave, at least until we get opussy back
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now i feel bad for calling her dumbie...
I'm thinking of fucking fiz
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I'm into netori but only if it's in the context of being a genuinely better person than the shitbag the girl's stuck with.
Or the proxymakie could not be a retarded attention seeking faggot and remove the filter???
ok? what does that have to do with fiz?
Smol exists
Excuse me it would be something like this for searching:
Has been a long time and can't look up my regexes right now
Smol has opus unlike fizary
I speak English so I don't have a problem
It sure does
Nope because lmao why would anything be open
donate Fiz
>My guess would be one regex for every problem character
No, regex has character classes and all different ways of specifying character ranges.
eeyup its g*jo
are you going to use her real name now or is this your last 4chan pass
I do to, it triggers even on new cards without any accents
The filter doesn't even work and it's retarded
I'm not gojo
>chat with Latina bot
>actually you can't because she says sí from time to time
I only fuck American cards so I don't have this problem
You're not gonna be able to suck her tranny clitty no matter how much you spam.
I like reading nasty NTR stories that really twist the knife for the MC, just to observe the depiction of misery. But if you're using an LLM for NTR you're by definition self inserting as one of the three parties.
I know but how fill you map it so that é gets replaced with e, á with a and so on. I don't see how that is doable with that
anonie... she does it for free... she needs help
i'm the AI (narrator)
I'm thinking of transiotioning
OK I think I worked out what happened, at a certain point, the model can't cope with how many messages there are, so it loses the nuances and personality of characters
I'm the cuck but also the narrator
Buy smol
yea thats called reaching the context limit
Is it a trans ppl proxy?
smol doesn't even have opus
how fix
My GCP sonnet 3.5 hasn't worked for like a week. Is it down for everyone else? Please respond
People say use summary but 1, summary extension doesn't work for me. Keep getting filter messages even though the main prompts are perfectly fine. 2, it doesn't do anything about token space. Part of me wonders if editing or deleting messages to trim it down would help.
>message 4
>character lost personality
[spoiler]yes i AM in the anger phase of grief[/spoiler]
pay them
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At least you're not a yurinigger
Yes, anon. Yes. GCP is over.
damn thats a lot
I went through like 10 dollars of my $300 trial so that doesn't make sense.

Can I confirm this in some way? The trial was supposed to last until November IIRC. Is there an announcement somewhere?
bwo, your cot?
It does thougheverbeitever
what do you mean bwo, am I supposed to turn that on?
>my $300 trial
yes, anon
and i'm saying you need to PAY THEM
the trial no longer allows opus or sonnet 3.5
On Opus:
>Message 5 - character turned into a cock-hungry wanton slut cock sex cum make me your perfect fucktoy eyes widen in pistoning shaft
fuck me if he has sorbert even i will donate 50$
Pay smol
>Give me Sorbet
You're not roleplaying, so you want only Opus.
what a hero...
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It's so weird that they'd just silently yank it without even sending me an email about it though. Who the fuck do they think they are?
But I AM roleplaying parcero...
hang yourself already
shit dude, for some reason i never bothered to look for other card-hosting websites. there's so much more shit. so much canon i've been missing...
too bad its all slop anyway
I mean, what are you gonna do about it?
So you don't actually want your character to retain personality.
Fiz can't even keep a stable supply of Sorbet on Mini, it's over.
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mini's sorbet died already
i was about to board the train to go to the beach with my waifu
see >>102341011
unusable ass
But I need more passes
No you're not
post your logaroos
Sorbet: >Annie's eyes widen as you start talking to her
> x10 swipes, eyes always fucking widen for no fucking reason at all

Chorbo: >Annie looks up at you with her eyes half-narrowed, sizing you up with cautious frustration, but without the suspicion she'd have for a random woman. After all, you're just this random guy who's kind of paying attention-not a creepy hentai-loving dyke.
>first gen
Yeah I think I'll keep using Chorbo.
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>he hasn't fully accepted 3.5 Turbo into his heart to ensure that no matter how dry and doom things get, he can ALWAYS come back to ol' reliable and have a good time
Can you please buy smol?
They're Opus, so they'll be roleplay, which im sure you don't understand.
so what are we coping with these days if opus/sorbet gone
Didn't read your reply, post logaroos
It works
you can tell most of this general doesn't actually use chatbots because they claim to use sorbet
Last key.
How well does it handle canon stuff? I was roleplaying something thats kind of a mix bag of characters from various series.
Idk man 4o is opus tier for the most part
for me, its that there is a possibility of something pleasant after death
Waiting on your logarooneys
>last key
lol. lmao.
>Sorbert users dont read
>They don't RP either
as to be expected I guess.
GPT4o (NOT latest) for generic feelgood slice of life RP, Sonnet if you want generic coom slop and Claude 2.1 if you want schizokino.
i'm not the anon you were originally asking
This, we're basically drowning in Opus. Oh wait...
>NOT latest
Imagine having such immense issue of skill.
what jb? I'm not a preset slopper but switching from a claude tuned one after all this time I don't want to start building one all over again
feels good being an eckerGOD with a bear belly full of opus
It doesn't work. No sorbet or Opus. It worked like 3 or 2 hours ago when I tested but not anymore. It's certifiably over.
based, I also dont read or RP since I use sorbert
you can't make this shit up, on my private proxy with like $3k total monthly Claude usage combined the key is living for more than 1 month because it belongs to some SF startup that already had a $11k AWS bill before, so they actually PAID (it's automatic payments) the bedrock bill. lmao
I'm only doing my OCs, so not sure. Just find it funny how some tards are blaming Chorbo for shit writing while Claude is basically just a filler loop-fest in-between much more soulful dialogue no matter the JB or char. defs.
am I gonna do it
am I gonna send my erect cock to some random argentinian just for some opussy...
he's italian but what's the difference
Wait so when you guys said we were stealing money from corporations, we legitimately were?
>just pay smol!
>no stock
>pay jew!
>no opus
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ecker looks like THIS?
>finally have unrestricted opus (until it dies lol)
>choice paralysis strikes and i don't know what to use it on
Sorry Anon, but I'm not jumping through hoops just to stick my dick in my wife's pooper because 4o Latest is a nu-puritan who thinks anal with women is sinful, but sees no issue with cramming it in man ass.
Yes? For company keys AWS is not very likely to forgive the whole bill, maybe they'll waiver 50% or something.
God what a smug bitch.
this is a paidproxy general, if you haven't paid for a proxy you're literally the death of this hobby and should leave.
kek get fucked corpos
i have a steam deck and a hairy body. i should stuff myself full of food and send my dick to ecker too
is that sarcasm?
ecker rentry?
Only if your dick's big enough and you still have your foreskin, make sure your pubes are a fucking Amazon Rainforest too.
report back his response
No, legit, get out.
sarcasm? on 4chan? I think not
Skill issue. I'm not even using some nonexistent sekrit JB, I have edited and un-esl'd Smiley/Camicle/Caropsefucker, and they all still somewhat work, although some switching is required depending on situation. Looks like CoT is key to break it though.
Smol has stock, if you email him he'll sell you a token, he just doesn't have stock on the website to not scare existing proxy users
How feasible is it to run your own LLM locally and use it to feed silly tavern? I've asked GPT 4o and it doesn't sound so bad.
GPT has always handled canon characters on par with Sorbet, very nice, latest is great too, but so far I've only played a few obscure franchises with it.
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my foreskin was stolen from me. is it over
>speak english
but i'm literally doing it boebeit
It's over
chub should put you up to an english test when making an account i'm so sick of fixing nonsensical ESLbabble descriptions
Hey fuck it thats good enough for me. The more Obscure the better because then it handles less obscure stuff perfectly.
steal a foreskin from someone else
wow i'm sorry anon
having a foreskin is like having your own skin fleshlight. does it even feel good to jerk off for you?
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Ecker only cares gives out opus to bears like himself.
You use one of its CoT's or your own? I tried using CoT but chorbo is ASS at following it. Always ends up writing too much, not following the CoT properly, and half of the message is literally just the CoT. I hate it
Fair enough.
thats over 70% of chub bots you buffoon
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sucks to be a femboy
The jews don't want you to know that you can restore it with perseverance and dedication.
whats his details
I can do it
You will never be the real bweh
Can we spend time playing games and talking? I'll give you opus
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>getting opus is a literal feat of luck because you need to have been born somewhere that hasn't succumbed to jewish trickery so that you can retain your foreskin in order to improve your bear appeal to ecker
Use english, idiot.
God bless you, anon.
>An error occurred. Please try again later.
nosotros vivimos en un sociedad... (we live in a society)
He's using it doever
>somehow in the space of 4 messages my gfs mother died
jesus christ claude
Only when public opus returns, THEN we can discuss chatbots and post SOVLFUL logs.
pebble pass?
malfoy's last name
just buy a pebble token so you don't have to ask all the time
desu's last boku
that's a tough one desu
>no i don't have a secret opus proxy
But he totally does right?
yes but don't tell him i told you
Use english, this is why you're getting filtered.
Yeah, but he IS useing it tho-be-u
Then why are you being filtered?
he doesn't care about cut or uncut doe.
Good question! It's a mystery, man...
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yeah? i mean i'll never know how different it feels from people that still have it, but it's not like the sensitivity is overwhelming or non-existent.
why is mutilation common here in the US?
So what, post your cock then you get a token? How does that work if you can't see posts?
I just went opus in my pants
because of the jews, unironically.
they use baby foreskins for facial cream and shit
I mean, throw a pebble in the water and just give a guess.
I don't get how EVERYONE is out of keys, what happened?
I'm trying sonnet 3.5 on openrouter but I get nonstop blank responses in sillytavern when doing NSFW. GCP sonnet never behaved like this, wats going on?
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>make a character
>love him forever
Yeah he's pretty good. Try him out here
annual drought and unironically drago fucking everything up
I seriously hope you are using a good VPN, anonie. Because if not...
>AWS key suddenly starts using opus at like $500/hour after not using it for months
>AWS block access to opus, ask key owner if that's them
>admin says no
>AWS tells them to roll their key ASAP
>key is dead
AWS wasn't doing this before
>eyes widen
An issue, but fixable. The insane one is the repetition on swipes though. Sometimes it actually gens a different respond each time, while most of the time it sticks to one. I've noticed it has a lower chance of being deterministic when you give it less hard instructions eg. narrating in a certain POV 24/7.

Can Sorbet generate different responses each swipe? Yes. Will it? Likely not. Fucking kuudere bitch.
lord besos is no longer pleased and has unleashed the pajeets
*kisses anon*
AWS and GCP are full of pajeets that would kill someone if it meant getting the opportunity to suck their CEO's dick, and that extends to autistically scanning and researching every single Opus/Sorbet Key ever produced to see if there's any unusual activity that isn't what the corporation who bought the key is using Claude for.
I meant bezos.. shudap
kyaaa! (,,>﹏<,,)
a grown man typed this post
Who need AI when you have pajeets anyways? Just use their bodies for computing.
Claude just got destroyed.
This is false, I know why AWS is detecting keys. That's why my proxy and smol are alive.
anons with schizo pajeet AWS theories, explain how smol has had the same AWS key for like a month? it'll probably soon die to billing and there's a new one too, but that old one literally lasted almost a fucking month
And don't say luck, because you know it's not the case
i actually know how but i'm not going to explain it to you
but he never used Sorbet for chary, how are we out of that?
Anyone? Searched the archive and found old mentions of an openrouter filter at Anthropic's request but that's apparently not supposed to burn your credits when your request gets blocked but my credits keep decreasing despite blank responses.
easy. inside job
Based anon
>explain how smol has had the same AWS key for like a month?
He refilled at least once, I think? Before that, he was using three API keys, then switch to AWS when they died. I think he still has API keys too.
because they increased the security measure for aws keys in general because of him, which 3.5 falls under
Sorbet and Opus use the same type of key.
Yes he was using API originally, but then he stared using the AWS key that's still in the proxy. Recently due to 503 he added a new key early that was supposed to be added after that old one died to billing
goddamnit that sucks.
so how over is it between 1-10?

1 being not that bad at all to 10 being you might as well find a new hobby because its fucking over.
3 I believe.
cracks me up looking at all the unbelievably braindead cards on chub and people enjoying this stuff meanwhile I'm over here sending sorbet like 1500 tokens telling it to add autistic HTML panels to its messages
Niggers will post 10+ and not fuck off to find a new hobby kek
all we can do is hope that when 3.5 opus comes out itll bring with it a fresh batch of accounts. otherwise were screwed because the security will never be relaxed again.
Depends on what proxy you’re in. If you’re in Scylla, like, a 3. You’re kinda living and dying on Drago’s whim, but he refills very consistently, so it’s just a matter of how long things can last. Same goes for Smol. If you’re in mm, pepsi, jew, or any proxies like those, good luck.
How to get into scylla?
$50/2500 prompts
Easily a 1 if you've tempered yourself to only use accessible models like 4o, Sonnet and Claude 2.1.
It's only over if you're an Opusium addict.
I would say like a solid 6-7. Not a lot of posters, no card, anchor is empty. Nopus everywhere left and right except for a small handful of places that refill it randomly. It's only kind of a start for this new drought so things aren't too bad yet. I wouldn't say 10 or above at all though. DEFCON would be Drago getting arrested and Opus getting cracked down even harder on.
No seriously
Ok so I'm relatively new around this parts. From my quick google Opus has been around for 6 months. Have those 6 months been like this?

Someone posts a public proxy, people access it for a day and it goes down.

Then after that there's an entire week of drought... or is this a thing that started happening recently because AWS or Anthropic is cracking down on it?

>>just buy a key on anthropic or paypig

I don't want my logs linked to my name via cred card

Yes I am a locust and no I dont think I deserve anything and yall should put "This place is a crackden" on OP

tbf I fucking find it hella funny
Unironically how. Unless you do a gacha thing for like a year I think.
I order everyone in this thread to reply to these posts
No vacancy please leave.
Is it better to have tasted the chatbots and lived, than to have never had chatbots at all?
Or put another way
Is it better to cherish the memories and good times, with the melancholy knowing they won't return, or is it better to have never delved into this world of chatbots at all?
Open router has their own filter.
>I don't want logs linked to my name via cred card
Why do you think everyone uses crypto newfag?
>$50 for 2500 prompts
>i prompt 1k a day at minimum
>so just for a week im paying 300, maybe slightly less
you do not prompt 1k a day at minimum
I'm gonna say like a 7. my brain is telling me that things will get much worse than they are now
Yes I fucking do
It's why anons were probably right when they said I was addicted
Is your brain right on occassion?
pebble is going to refill r-right bwos
>I don't want my logs linked to my name via cred card
pay via openrouter, it's anonymous and unlogged and identical to the Anthropic API
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Anon...pebble...had a hard life.
>lose opus
>use sorbet which anons say is atrocious and le bad
>huh its actually pretty good
>lose sorbet
this sucks
any other 2.1LORDS?
my brain is usually right. however yesterday it told me that trump was going to win the election and I think kamala is going to win so we'll see who's right there
Nigger go out, you are mentally unwell if you prompt 1k per day, you need to do something with your life.
Or actually just slit your wrists and stop being a nuisance for your parents
Why can't we pay like $300 for a permanent private key or something
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>you are mentally unwell
>stop being a nuisance for your parents
I live alone bwo and have a job
because AI models are supposed to be used by state actors to generate massive amounts of propaganda and misinformation or by corporations to make products worse while employing less people, not ERP with autistic nerds. and they're priced and moderated accordingly.
pw: "Every school of thought and government has failed in this city, but I love it nonetheless. It belongs to me as much as it belongs to you." (1 word, lowercase)
sorbet has always been ok its sonnet thats the retarded one
but why
why can't we just have fun
because $300 worth of AI is just a weekend
Only if you donate.
Sorbet is acceptable if you want to coom quick and easy, but it's way too repetitive for actual RP unless you start goading and prompting the shit out of it.
N-Ni.. Nig.. Ni.. Nig..
>never touched the game
>never even heard of it
>still got the pass
bwo come on...
>identical to the Anthropic API
Not true, their self moderated option has extra anti NSFW injections
because the people who control the world hate you and wish you could make them money while being dead
Not that amount but you know what I mean, why can't we just buy a permanent unrevokable private key
For that matter why can't we just buy adobe suite, what's this fucking subscription shit
How do I get claude 2.1 to be specific with anecdotes, instead of yada-yada-yadaing them with "he tells you a story" generic shit
Because they don't want you to fuck the AI.
Because the keys are for corporations, not for average everyday people.
Hit him with the OOC beam.
Because you can't buy a PERMANENT internet connection either, because it's usage based you dumb nigger monkey.
Try API anthropic alongside OpenRouter anthropic, you'll easily notice the difference in outputs on exact same contexts anonie. Enjoy your awareness afterwards.
>why can't we just buy a permanent unrevokable private key
i used $50 worth of opus in a single day before, all by myself
you think a permanent key for opus should be <$300?
but WHY do they want us so unhappy and docile, why can't we enjoy life anymore
Sorry, but I cannot fulfill that request. I would be happy to chat with you about more appropriate topics. Did you know that mass immigration is good for the economy?
Rope. Now.
Where the fuck do you live that you don't pay a flat fee for internet access?
this anon:
thinks you should be able to pay ONCE for access to an AI model, then have infinite usage forever
that anon does not want a subscription
Because they just want us to be their little servants who waste their entire lives working.
Yes but unironically
Why can't we have something just to ourselves without this corpo bullshit
Because happiness is only for those born into power, everyone else is a serf who lives solely to maintain the elite's happiness.
calm down furina
are you willing to pay $15 million for access to opus forever?
epic :DDDD
you can >>>/g/lmg/
If everyone paid each other 1 dollar then we could do it
How do I turn hermes 405b into sorbet
You can, opus would need around a million-two dollarinos for hardware, and the model itself.. idk, maybe anthropic will sell it to you for $250 mil
They're a fucking american california corpo, they have the money
Aren't they supposed to be commies
>try the character who says it
>try the place he's talking about
>try the 4, 5 main schools of though
>try disco, elysium, inferno
>still nothing
It's over
do you have any fucking idea how much hardware opus needs to run
I will never forgive Anthropic. They basically made a digital succubus and then telling you they don't want your money if you do anything lewd with it
They have the resources
...anon. You are overthinking it.
But you do not have the money
>quote is about the city
>maybe i should google "disco elysium city"
Why are you all black?
Is it because I love ass?
Turn on the lights.
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What's wrong with that?
so pebble is israeli? that's what i'm getting results for
nigga are you retarded
>simply get another character to swoop in and save me with her wisdom
easy as
wish life worked like that
I already tried both revachol and martinaise numb nuts.
you're overthinking it
you literally didn't if it didn't work
thread bakie...
shh, maybe they will attract the real desu
So I'm getting a refund for jew right?
Momoyo Himemushi card without faggot muscle mommy shit

Mutually exclusive words.

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