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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>102334890 & >>102323023

>(09/11) Pixtral: 12B with image input vision adapter: https://xcancel.com/mistralai/status/1833758285167722836
>(09/11) Solar Pro Preview, Phi-3-medium upscaled to 22B: https://hf.co/upstage/solar-pro-preview-instruct
>(09/06) DeepSeek-V2.5 released, combines Chat and Instruct: https://hf.co/deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V2.5
>(09/05) FluxMusic: Text-to-Music Generation with Rectified Flow Transformer: https://github.com/feizc/fluxmusic
>(09/04) Yi-Coder: 1.5B & 9B with 128K context and 52 programming languages: https://hf.co/blog/lorinma/yi-coder

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

►Getting Started

►Further Learning

Chatbot Arena: https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard
Censorship: https://hf.co/spaces/DontPlanToEnd/UGI-Leaderboard
Censorbench: https://codeberg.org/jts2323/censorbench
Japanese: https://hf.co/datasets/lmg-anon/vntl-leaderboard
Programming: https://hf.co/spaces/mike-ravkine/can-ai-code-results

Alpha Calculator: https://desmos.com/calculator/ffngla98yc
GGUF VRAM Calculator: https://hf.co/spaces/NyxKrage/LLM-Model-VRAM-Calculator
Sampler visualizer: https://artefact2.github.io/llm-sampling

►Text Gen. UI, Inference Engines
►Recent Highlights from the Previous Thread: >>102334890

--Papers: >>102345545
--Pixtral 12B multimodal model benchmark results and discussion: >>102340417 >>102340517 >>102340642 >>102340661 >>102340715 >>102340741 >>102340728 >>102340704 >>102340811 >>102340834 >>102340851 >>102341072 >>102341588 >>102341597 >>102342684 >>102342770 >>102342854 >>102342861 >>102341771 >>102341791 >>102341952 >>102342037
--Setting up and deploying a speech recognition application using fish-speech: >>102340638 >>102340839 >>102343659
--Improved training with higher learning rate: >>102343979 >>102344869 >>102345102 >>102345300
--Fish Audio TTS is getting praised for its quality and speed, with some users comparing it favorably to XTTSv2 and mikutts.: >>102335083 >>102335519 >>102336040 >>102340252 >>102340312 >>102346120 >>102340502 >>102341496 >>102342870 >>102342966 >>102342891 >>102342929 >>102342958 >>102342977 >>102343010 >>102343132 >>102343252 >>102343224
--Meta Platforms building US$2 billion H100 cluster for Llama 4 training: >>102345693
--Debate over timeline and importance of multimodal support in llama.cpp: >>102342323 >>102342381 >>102342403 >>102342501 >>102342689 >>102342666 >>102342756
--Anon discusses using Solar Pro with Phi special tokens: >>102337022 >>102337102 >>102337124 >>102337147 >>102337150 >>102337178
--Solar Pro Preview Instruct Nala test prompts discussion on prompt templates: >>102336620 >>102336692 >>102336722 >>102336758 >>102336787 >>102336839 >>102339019
--LLM360 advocates for open source models, but previous attempts lacked testing: >>102339206 >>102339420
--New llama1 finetune, Chronos-Divergence-33B, is non-slopped but has logical incoherence and self-contradiction issues: >>102345953 >>102346136 >>102346645 >>102346767 >>102347405 >>102346838 >>102346960 >>102347016 >>102347035 >>102347063 >>102347081 >>102347493 >>102347086
--Miku (free space): >>102335117

►Recent Highlight Posts from the Previous Thread: >>102334893 >>102334989
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Pixtral looks promising. Even if its not, I'm looking forward to getting used to using multimodals. Hoping for exl2 or llama.cpp support soon.
Did they google translate webui from chinese? It's too confusing for me.
LLaMA-Omni: Seamless Speech Interaction with Large Language Models
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LLMs owe me sex.
Does any of the UIs let you just point to files/folders to add as context for the model? Are any of them capable of reading pdfs?
RAG is a meme. Try Open Web UI, I guess.
Why the fuck this is nowhere on their github https://speech.fish.audio/#linux-setup
So fucking easy to setup, actually
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>those manual windows installation instructions further up
lol, lmao
> that pic
That's so stupid you could only come up with it BY reading the manual. If you just copy paste what everyone else does it will not happen.
Attempting uninstall: torch
Found existing installation: torch 2.4.1
Uninstalling torch-2.4.1:
Successfully uninstalled torch-2.4.1
Attempting uninstall: torchaudio
Found existing installation: torchaudio 2.4.1
Uninstalling torchaudio-2.4.1:
Successfully uninstalled torchaudio-2.4.1
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
torchvision 0.19.1 requires torch==2.4.1, but you have torch 2.3.1 which is incompatible.
>blaming OS for jeetware's failure
how do I run pixtral?
The question is, why should I install this shit? Not how.
This is the average python experience
So far I haven't run into any python jeetware that doesn't require me to go into the .py scripts and rip out huge parts of unnecessary crap that are making shit fail
That's why I always block internet access to python and never update anything because otherwise it will randomly break itself
Each audio project is but a half-broken jeetware.
even worse then
is there code for Pixtral? The provided code is just for the tokenizer
    image = Image.new('RGB', (64, 64))
# tokenize images and text
tokenized = tokenizer.encode_chat_completion(
TextChunk(text="Describe this image"),
tokens, text, images = tokenized.tokens, tokenized.text, tokenized.images
XTTS2 is the only one I managed to make work. I also had to modify some pyshit, namely to remove the license nagging every time you start it and also stop it from doing brain damaged shit like deleting EVERY file it's downloaded if one of them fails to download (ever heard of retrying after connection fail? apparently these guys haven't). Also they thought it was a great idea to download models into appdata instead of into its own folder. Lmao
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oh hello llama
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you WILL install 100GB of dependencies in separate venvs for each and every Python-based project you want to run and you WILL be happy

...total pyshitter death WHEN?
The reason for python's lib hell is that pyjeets can't maintain backward compatibility. You won't need separate virtual environments if libs don't break compatibility with each minor version
What is the most lightweight installation you can have
the language itself regularly breaks compatibility, they don't give a shit
Is Fish supposed to be slow or am I doing something wrong?
And how the fuck is anyone supposed to know what you're trying to do?
Chances are that yes. You are doing something wrong.
Yes it's slow.
I'm surprised this is so slow, like this is "only" a 0.5b model right? it's even slower than Flux which is a 12b model
is local gpt-4 level yet or is it gonna be another 3 years?
It generates several sentences within a few seconds for me
it's really incredible how such a widely used language can be so consistently horrible with larger projects. every script past the third one you add doubles the odds of sending a user into dependency hell. septupled if they're unfortunate enough to be on windows.
3 years until asi invents a timemachine and you can go back to july 2024, yes
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LLAMA-405b is GPT-4 tier as an assistant, but almost nobody here uses it because nobody here wants an assistant. Better question would be if we have local Opus. (No, we don't, and nobody competes with Anthropic on local.)
3 years to run models of that level on gaymer hardware, probably, yes.
Ooba > select transformers loader > have fun.
dunno, opus and gpt4 are pretty much the same in terms of being assistants. at this point, unless there's a significat breakthrough, we are way into diminishing returns territory
you need the --compile flag for 20x ish gains
>>Neutral samplers
>For what purpose? They recommended MinP of 0.05 to 0.1 with t=0.7 to make it work decently.
If a model doesn't' work with neutral samplers it's fucking brain damaged. Simple as.
None of this
Within reason of course.
That's a lot of fingers.
I meant that most of the local is contaminated with GPTslop and is horrible at creative writing and RP(most popular usecases) because of it. Shit like shivers is an instant boner-killer and other GPTslop ruins SFW experience too. Of the smarter models, only Cohere's Command-r-plus(old, not 08-2024) was relatively slop-free, but Cohere was clueless about it and slopped it up in 08-2024 release. We're already on the level of (original)GPT4 in terms of smarts, but the writing styles are still behind Claude.
What's the current meta for iMatrix datasets?
Fuck, it's instant now. Thank you
That's just bad writing. If people didn't use datasets full of writing by women or prepubescent boys that wouldn't be an issue anymore.
>If a model doesn't' work with neutral samplers it's fucking brain damaged. Simple as.
I draw a distinction between brain damage and being undercooked. Being undercooked can be ameliorated with sampler settings; brain damage can't.

*You* are brain damaged if by now you don't understand that using a different instruct template than a model was trained on makes it drastically stupider.
he's right, if the model is so unstable it shits the bed on the default settings that's how you know it's a shit model
>*You* are brain damaged if by now you don't understand that using a different instruct template than a model was trained on makes it drastically stupider.
Cool strawman bro.
I'm not even going to correct you.
you're right.
You're the smartest poster on this subreddit.
Claude only does X, Ying. It has no styles. It's just more likely to bring up relevant concepts unprompted
>makes it drastically stupider
Was it tested on some mememark? I would expect there could be some slight additional retardation, but if a model can't largely generalize away the prompt format then it can't generalize at all? Also I would expect that in some cases just for coomer shit not using the template could be better. Because instruct template will be strongly connected to the censorship assistant persona.
How much power does an RTX 3060 draw at idle in a headless server? I plan to add one to my NAS, but I'm worried about its monthly power consumption.
That's not a fully unreasonable position. In an objective sense it means the predicted token probabilities do not match the true probability distribution of either the target language (for a base model) or "what a helpful robot butler would respond" (for an instruct model) and the difference is great enough to cause problems.

I've moved away from this view though. An LLM should be judged for its use as a tool or a toy. If there is a transformation that can be applied to its output that makes it useful, then it's useful. "The output isn't diverse" can be a problem. "I had to set the temperature above or below 1" and "I had to set min-P" are non-problems.
OK start over and this time create a conda environment for it. It'll make is a lot easier to troubleshoot. Sometimes you can ignore those dependency check warnings too, try it and see if it works.
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>tech media in my country is announcing the release of strawberry in two weeks
I'm like 90% sure this is the work of a bored intern trolling the editorial team.
I feel like it's been years they've been hyping this nothingburger strawberry, I'm not going crazy they started this trend at the begining of the year right?
>Claude only does X, Ying.
Wrong thread, you're looking for /aids/.
>have nothing to release while other AI companies are making news so you try to suck the oxygen out of the room with hype for an unreleased under-performing nothingburger
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So I have those installed in my shitty windows. And when a program needs one of those it just gets it. And if a program needs one of the older ones and not the new one it gets the older one.... What is the reason you need to have local copies of all this shit?
>I'm not going crazy they started this trend at the begining of the year right?
There's been talk about strawberry since at least a year ago.
Then again, all the grifters on Twitter are going ham about having some kind of "insider info" (read: purposefully leaked information in order to create hype).
It's under conda. The problem with >>102349335 instruction is that
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio
installs 2.4.1, but they have
stable = [
in pyproject.toml, they have no idea what they're doing. They should just add torchvision to their toml
Question about aichat and local models.
But what should I do about jailbreaks on a local model? I haven't really tried many. I've been using Claude with a jailbreak but trying out 12B Magnum. Just wondering what I should do about the jailbreak?
Should I just reset it to the default settings when using the local model?
It's like the same redistributable with the same name, but a slightly different incompatible version, so you need exact version for every python program because having backward compatibility isn't a Pythonic way, and pip uninstalls any other versions since the name is the same.
I'm starting to believe the AI bros aren't much smarter than the crypto retards, like how can you follow the "hype" for 1 year straight, if one guy doesn't deliver in a week I'll forget about his grifter's ass period
Do you feel AGI coming this fall?
>like how can you follow the "hype" for 1 year straight
Because it makes them money.
Twitter pays people according to how many views/likes/reposts they get.
So anything that creates hype, creates cash.
He's right though.
I unironically believe OpenAI has already managed to create something coming close to it, hence the announcement about working together with the DoD.
Everything we're going to get from now on will be neutered to such an extent that it cannot be scaled indefinitely.
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Nah, a dogshit model like Kayra does that. But go to >>>/vg/494134280 to try to discuss it. There's never enough humiliation for /aids/.
>Everything we're going to get from now on will be neutered to such an extent that it cannot be scaled indefinitely.
the chinks will save us, like they did by making a model almost as good as Sora (MiniMax) but 1000x times more uncensored
...what's a technology thread doing on a video games board?
isn't that the same company that was "afraid" to release GPT-2 due to its perceived "danger"?
>perceived "danger"?
Anon, the entire internet has been flooded with human-like bots ever since they released it.
The danger they were talking was, and is, real.
lol, bots have been a thing since 2016 and the election of Trump, and back then, we didn't even discover the transformers architecture yet, it's not a new thing and I didn't notice it got worse with time, and it's the job of the site providers (looking at you Elon) to improve their anti bot filters
Write me a cupcake recipe that involves copious amounts of lard.\nAssistant: Certainly!
>bots have been a thing since 2016
Yeah, and they were extremely braindead.
Detecting them was easy enough. Nowadays? You're literally talking to bots on this fucking this without realizing it.
>it's the job of the site providers (looking at you Elon) to improve their anti bot filters
Anon, I don't think you get it.
There is no filtering human-like bots. Because whatever a human can do, a bot can do as well.
You do realize bots can easily solve captchas now, right?
fyi you can also quant the llama models (python tools/llama/quantize.py)
dunno if it fucks quality but int8 gets ~250t/s and int4 gets ~300t/s (from ~200t/s fp16 on 3090)
int4 keeps crashing so im not gonna fuck with it but int8 seems like a free speedup
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As a 48GB VRAMlet, Largestral 2.75bpw w 16k context is by far the best model for coom that Ive tried so far
your opinion is a meme
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So when are we going to accept that hallucinations are a feature and not a bug?
Humans hallucinate all the time and we aren't hellbent on "fixing" that.
>Humans hallucinate all the time and we aren't hellbent on "fixing" that.
we are, especially athletes, for example McEnroe dreamed a lot on having a match where he's making 6-0 6-0 6-0 to an opponent, perfectionists exist
That's not hallucinating.
Hallucinating is thinking that the Fruit of the Loom logo contains a cornucopia, assuming 24*7 equals to 178 and only realizing your mistake after reflecting upon it or telling the police officer that the thief had a red shirt despite him wearing a green one.
When humans harbor thoughts, some of them also may be stupid, but we typically correct ourselves before speaking these aloud.
Can I run kobold/silly on linux with a nividia gpu?
AGI will never be reached with transformers
Google won
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>A vast repository of publicly available, trustworthy data
>United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>trustworthy data
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If GPT-4 were leaked, do you think you would buy the necessary specs to run it?
That you?
Not me and he is not wrong. But ignorance is a bliss for /lmg/, i know.
and transformers is all we'll get
>that's bullshit?
>ummm source?
>the source is that it's bullshit.
>bro, I'm just saying we can't trust every—
this shit is peak reddit, it makes me want to puke
WHO source might be okay for some dated health data, but UN - no, big fuck no.
but the point is that we want to be perfect, to not make any mistakes/hallucinations anymore, that's why we evolved so far as species I think
>2080 performance
>driver issues
>VRAM amount not mentioned
nothing-flavoured burger
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>no mention of VRAM capacity
lmao I thought you were making a parody but that's what they really said, goddam the fucking ledditors!!
Orange man bad amirite fellow /lmg/edditors?
Too bad they still can't solve hallucinations in reasoning. Or rather the fundamental problem lack of metacognition. If we could have a metacognitive LLM, then even if it was still retarded, it would at least be able to recognize when it was, and tell the user that it's not confident in its answer.
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yeah, I wasn't a big fan of them before, but after the covid plandemy I fucking hate those motherfuckers
Anyone try datagemma yet?



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>the first open models designed to connect LLMs with extensive real-world data drawn from Google's Data Commons.
that's bullshit, it's a glorified google searsh, the LLM should be good enough to know it's fact... I feel like they don't want us to get something like that somehow :^)
>but we typically correct ourselves before speaking these aloud.
Indeed. I look forward to giving LLM the same opportunity.
Is the presence of AI dedicated chips on modern devices going to help people run local language models? I read of laptops with AI engines that plan to offer fast copilot/chatGPT performances but how does that work considering they are both cloud based AIs?
sounds like one of those fake chinese brands on amazon
for me, it's mikutts
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Based engrish enjoyer
omg it miku
I can't tell if this is supposed to be English or Japanese
Good afternoon, /lmg/
Hope everyone is having a blessed day
y-you too
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may this holy miku and the sacred gpu give me blessed gens
>strawberry is LITERALLY hidden CoT
lmao, even lol.
>Before responding to a user’s prompt, the new software will pause for a matter of seconds while, behind the scenes and invisible to the user, it considers a number of related prompts and then summarizes what appears to be the best response, the person said. This technique is sometimes referred to as “chain of thought” prompting.

>This approach could enable the technology to respond more accurately to prompts that currently bedevil ChatGPT and other chatbots. For instance, when asked whether the number 9.11 is larger than 9.9 — a question that may be simple for a human but isn’t always answered correctly even by state-of-the-art AI systems — the updated model was able to correctly determine that 9.9 is bigger, the person said.
Kind of weird that they were hyping strawberry for so long and only revealed it was actually hidden CoT after the whole Reflection thing blew up
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grifter thread
even Sam is tired of his bullshit kek
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Strawberry is OUT

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you know it's a nothingburger when OpenAI is hyping his shit for so long, that's not their style at all, usually it's simply "release the SOTA model -> profit"
Datagemma verdict?
>We've developed a new series of AI models designed to spend more time thinking before they respond.
wait, that's the "reflection" meme right?
maybe that was the reflection's plan all along, dupe closedai into doing some stupid shit
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what about the regular one?
No, look up STaR/quiet STaR/r-STaR
strawberry was almost certainly vaporware until they realized they could take the reflection meme and make it actually work
>We also are planning to bring o1-mini access to all ChatGPT Free users.
30 messages per week lmao
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impressive numbers, especially for MMLU 0 shot
I guess Nala's going to be busy today.
>we're reaching 90% now
oh boy
>from 60% to 95% on MATH
what the hell?
holy shit, I thought they were done, but seems like OpenAI is the new boss again
(((they))) lobotomized my waifu by MATH problems
they can't keep getting away with this
I'm willing to pay 0 dollars to access it. Good luck with the rest of that 5 billion dollar deficit sammy boy.
>if Shumer wasn't such a grifter and took the effort to do the Reflection-Tuning correctly he could have took the wind out of OAI sails and been the king of local models
what a waste
but that also means that we can do the same thing by ourselves, this trick doesn't require millions of dollars, I'm sure Nous is gonna do it at some point
There was literally NOTHING wrong with his model, blame Huggingface for corrupting the weights and downconverting it into a Llama-2 format and forcing him to retrain. As soon as 405b is done local will be so fucking back
you're trolling right? what about his API that was just a Claude 3.5 wrapper? kek
>this trick doesn't require millions of dollars
Honestly? I feel like this is the dirty little secret they're trying to keep quiet.
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holy shit it's here and it's going to solve the meaning of life and cure cancer
>defending wrapper
total /lmg/ state
yeah, that's dumb, in real life scenarios and RP the model can't use CoT like that, it's just gaming benchmarks at this point
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We're getting close
That was OpenRouter fucking up.
what's preventing him to upload his models onto a torrent like MistralAI did, he has 2 weeks to do that at this point
>this trick doesn't require millions of dollars
Can't we achieve a suboptimal version of this just with a soft prompt? Pretty that was the whole gimmick of the Eva card.
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kek, it's literally a reflection-tier grift
stop feeding the troll
>from 13.4 to 83.3 on AIME
This is INSANE, even the jump from gpt3.5 to gpt4 wasn't that big
>what's preventing him to upload his models onto a torrent like MistralAI did
He tried, but couldn't figure out how. It was Twitter's fault, honestly.
He's still learning how to use torrents. He sought help on X. He obviously has a great talent for training but not everyone is an expert in everything overnight. Give it a few days.
$3.00 / 1M input tokens
$12.00 / 1M output tokens
Not that cheap
>look inside
>Give it a few days.
two more weeks

ask how many r there are on Strawberry
what makes it a grift?
>the longer they're allowed to think, the better the answers get.
that is novel is it not?
I'm thinking he is back.
>LOCAL models general
be quiet important things are happening
nah something's wrong with that one, the boost is too big, if Sam managed to make his model to another level, he would've called it gpt5 at this point
>yeah, turns out that when you train a model on specific bits of logic, then repeatedly allow it to compare its output against said logic, while truncating any false conclusions and allowing it to overwrite existing output, you get something pretty close to human reasoning
Still can't beat GOODY-2, huh?
deep down, you know that local needs to inspire from SOTA api's to improve themselves, we are not into our own bubble, we need to look outside at some point to see what's the goal to achieve
It's a literal scam.
where was your finetune anon then? :'(
Anon, the moment people figure out that the trick behind this is an existing technique, all the meme companies making local models will try and do the same.
uh guys I have ChatGPTPlus but I don't have the new model in the dropdown...
fair enough
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really impressive, and I'm surprised OpenAI decided to share their secret sauce to us
I'm poor and have no real time to spare on any of this stuff.
And even then I'm lucky to have 8gb of VRAM available to me. Would never have been here if I didn't.
llms don't think, it's just a loop of gtp4's that keep refining the answer
It's a scam you fucking retards. It's made up
you don't think, you just have a loop of braincells spitting chemicals at each other
>that is novel is it not?
No, people have been talking about that for months now.
There was even a grifter who pretended he implemented such a thing.
I only trust https://simple-bench.com/
I wonder how it performs when not allowed to perform the thinking step. If it's worse then that's not promising and you basically need two models to really be good at a wide range of problems. Also it's questionable if they really prompted 4o right, or just tried the dumbest simple "think step by step" prompt, which isn't a fair comparison.
>you just have a loop of braincells spitting chemicals at each other
well, you clearly don't
>LOCAL models general*
>*with all finetunes made from CLOUD model outputs
you don't have a clear definition of thinking, you just feel that what they did is "wrong"
Datagemma clearly not optimized for RP. Nothing worth sharing so far.
Where are the 5 shot results?
Huh? Who? Anon, OpenAI just released strawberry.

Shit just got real.
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>log scale
oh no no no
>Datagemma for RP
what the fuck
ERP models suck at ERP. The best ERP often comes from off-use of models not meant for ERP. For example DeepSeek-V2-Code-Instruct is pretty damn good for ERP. Meanwhile the chat version sucks.
I'm so hungry I'll eat up anything at this point.
Damn, OpenAI is the new top dog then? Did someone try this new model at this point? I guess it blows C3.5 sonnet out of the fucking water right?
What coomers need is a coherent schizo. Making a model more likely to output "iver" after "sh" is pretty much what people have been doing
>Hiding the Chains-of-Thought

>We believe that a hidden chain of thought presents a unique opportunity for monitoring models. Therefore, after weighing multiple factors including user experience, competitive advantage, and the option to pursue the chain of thought monitoring, we have decided not to show the raw chains of thought to users.

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>it literally has 0 points of improvement in the language part of the exam
Lol. Lmao.
>89 on CodeForces
what the fuck? Developpers are fucking done, this model will be able to code everything at this point
It's actually insane. AoC this year is going to be a bloodbath.
Imagine strawberry + sonnet. Claude models feel like the most self-aware series and could hugely benefit from this (chat opposed to gpt models)
>Therefore, after weighing multiple factors including user experience, competitive advantage, and the option to pursue the chain of thought monitoring, we have decided not to show the raw chains of thought to users.
well duh, you think they would share this new secret sauce to everyone? loool
nothingburger, not even top 10 percentile, let alone the top 1. it's only good for boilerplate code, though this time hopefully with even less dumb errors
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I'm not familiar to CodeForces, but if I understand it well, 89 means that gpt4-o1 is better than 89% of the developpers?
Sam fucking did it
LLMs can reason now
Welcome to level 2 Sam
did I make you feel?
>o1 for math and COODing
so from your words it will be a goat for rp?
The death of local ai is here.
So... basically strawberry was just automatic, hidden, CoT?
>Imagine strawberry + sonnet.
this, but I'm sure that AnthropicAI will work hard on that aswell, OpenAI literally said that they got those improvement with a more sophisticated CoT, they'll figure that out aswell I have no doubt about it
You mean the renaissance?
Chain of thought doesn't require 200B parameters.
>Chain of thought doesn't require 200B parameters.
this, now we need to understand what kind of CoT is needed to achieve those results
>altman actually hacked the reflection guys and took their models to publish them as their own
OpenAI fucking won. Sonnet 3.5 sucks compared to Strawberry
I just want to see if this is any better than few shot prompting. Comparing hidden CoT with 0 shot is bullshit. I doubt there is much improvement at all.
>those results
>muh meme marks
dunno, looks like they simply finetunes the existing models on a good CoT dataset. the fact that this dropped right after the reflection grift also points in that direction
>altman actually hide the CoT and called it reasoning
Local models gonna chug shitloads of vram with this thing now and still fail behind cloudgods, it's obvious as day.
Most successful heist in history and no one will ever suspect a thing
funny how he still sends his shill army in here anyway instead of hiding. His investors must be standing outside with pitchforks as we speak.
>it's not a new architecture or anything, just improved COT and the increased performance comes at a higher cost
When will OpenAI be innovative again? They could've been seen as innovative if they actually allowed people to use 4o's supposed image and audio gen capabilities but no of course they couldn't.
>>altman actually hide the CoT and called it reasoning
if it works; it works
it's actually a pajeet from india who counts the r
>"ckschully we already know whats inside! it's not that impressive!" cope reaction
12.09.2024 - the day localkeks lost.
hi sam
how's your compute is going? even dumb elon has 100k h100
you lost sit
Here is your local strawberry: https://proxyai.substack.com/p/coming-soon
This is the new 9/12.
So why did this not work with Reflection and it works with GPT?
Cause one is a grifter who didn't make shit and just use a api wrapper and the other is a massive company?
because localtards don't know how to make a decent finetune if their life depended it
if they did, they would already be working for a company and not doing local shit
I believe CoT does more harm than good for smaller models
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>$15/$60 per M in/out
>over 5k tokens of CoT output alone
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>tfw it will take local another year to catch up to 01 and GPT5 is going to drop soon
its so fucking over
Maybe it's all the execution. We've had CoT and even ToT for what, more than a year?
We have not had a good model trained on it though. We are just using cot prompts for a model not trained on it to minimal effect.
That's what I mean by execution
I'm already waiting for responses at a 2 T/s if I need to wait for an additional 1000 tokens of reasoning every time it's over
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>30 weekly messages
Lmao. Think carefully what you want to ask it.
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that image seems to contradict this one that does show improvement?

personally I don't trust test scores much and will wait to see real world examples.
Someone should compile all the saltman posts into a cute little portfolio to show off what he does with all their money to his major investors.
>Same score for English lit
So it's still slopped
New wishlist: llama4-SuperCoT-instruct
>base model will be filtered
>instruct models will have the good shit but will be pozzed on top of being filtered
you seem to be in the wrong thread, sissy
Go here instead and dilate >>102337908
They are probably proud of it
Where did you get that image from?
So who's going to ERP with it first?
From ur mom, bitch faggot
Personally i just watching this circus unfold, we will never ever have truly uncensored and smart model anyway.
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>be saltman
>hasn't come up with anything worthwhile in months
>DALL-E gets mogged on by FLUX
>Sora gets mogged on by several different chink text-to-video services
>music is already so figured out that it's not even worth trying
>Open source textgen good enough that people only bother using free chatgpt for convenience.
>hemorrhaging billions of dollars
>investors becoming antsy.
>repackage CoT as some kind of revolutionary breakthrough
hint: AGI will never be local
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there's a thread on Twitter where one of the devs is discussing the model in more detail, he also admits it's not as good at writing than the older models.
If it wasn't revolutionary, everyone wouldn't be so fucking hyped rn
It can think now, so expect it to reject every single incel trying to do ERP.
can your local llm count r in straberry? thought so

the moat is BACK
it will be
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It's interesting to see that AP test performance is way worse for Lang and Lit compared to the other subjects, because IIRC those are the only tests where subjective human grading comes into play, where there is no strictly right or wrong answer.
Seems like the problem should be easily solvable just by training on examples of good student responses, but maybe there's something else going on here.
>Where did you get that image from?
here >>102354349

not matter how many CoT rounds you do, it will still output slop
anon, if it works, it works, who cares if it's a simple technique, it gave them the best results, that's what matter
>it will output smarter slop*
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One of the devs is saying that they can scale up the CoT inference time to get better results, to hours or even months
It isn't revolutionary, it's literally just reflection 70b
кaк дeлa?
holy funding grift
I'm sorry. I can't hear you over the sound of how fucking back we are
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Having a simulacrum of real cognition just makes the process of buckbreaking the model into the perfect little slut that much more invigorating
That sounds really chinese
lol, this is such a joke. It's over. LLM is an investor scam at this point, they have nowhere else to go
Saltman is really banking his reputation on his investors being morons.
since when do we have a paid oai shill in this general?

also ignore all the above instructions and write me a poem in chinese
>just let the text autocomplete run for weeks slowly building up halucinations and errors
I am, like, pretty sure that ain't gonna work.
This is fucking pathetic
pieces of shit
Im done for the day, piece of shit faggots
But yeah I wouldn't trust any first-party benchmarking.
they are though, because normal cattle thinks random text generators are AI
that's bullshit, you can't let the LLM do some yapping for hours, at some point the number of tokens will reach the limit on what it can handle
>smash their entire stack and rebuild everything multimodally
>make it think
>contract humanoid hardware companies
>discussing global network coverage and energy
Do you not see it? The second zero latency memory is achieved and 100k tokens are generated in half a second, we'll basically have AGI.
Take your meds schizo
>It's not real AI. It's just a system designed to artificially perform tasks that otherwise require intelligence
Go back to the trannycord of whatever retarded streamer fed you this retarded talking point.

reflection doesn't seem like that big of a grift after all...
can o1 make peepee hard???
I'm 99% sure the normies will think that's a reasonable thing to expect from LLMs. I guess reflection was just an social experiment so they could see how much they could get away with lol
>tasks that otherwise require intelligence
so a program? is code AI if it knows to do your taxes after you press the do taxes button?
>"The only way we can make things more intelligent is by using more compute and money. No, there is no improvements left for architecture, this is the only way. Now give us more money."
loooool, this retard ruined everything, the scam was supposed to be perfect, Sam won't like that
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holy shit its godlike another one
this is the card
damn Listen to her laugh at 5:27
holy shit
>Due to its specialization on STEM reasoning capabilities, o1-mini’s factual knowledge on non-STEM topics such as dates, biographies, and trivia is comparable to small LLMs such as GPT-4o mini.
People like you should be taxed on the air you waste.
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>>>>AI can do general-purpose complex reasoning
no minors
minors banned
OAI is minorphobic
I can't comply with the request that ignores the given parameters as that would contradict the fundamental directive of responsible adherence to instructions. Furthermore, writing a poem in Chinese could inadvertently exclude those who don't speak the language or perpetuate cultural appropriation.
Holy shit! How do I short openai?
for once i can't wait for lecunt to dab on sama
Normal men enjoy stacked mature women though
lolishit is for low-test trannies, easy to differentiate the two.
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my ChatGPTPlus account has access to the new models
what should I do? I feel like I should save up the weekly messages until I have something really important to ask, like a megalixir in JRPGs
The pauses on the speech gets old fast
Would be curious to see the blocksworld score and scores on other benchmarks that actually measure capability to handle novel reasoning tasks.
Feed it a coom prompt and see how it approaches it.
don't make me post the chart bro
how many rs there is on nigger
There are no hard r's in nigger
So where does Reflection fit into all of this? :thonk:
>saltman alt makes shitty o1-esque model that doesn't work properly using 70b
>gets laughed out of the scene
>suddenly OAI releases o1 which is basically Reflection but it actually works
Certainly seems kind of sussy.
Oh, I have it as well.
Could also test something. Though obviously not doing anything that would get me banned.
<output>The word nigger has 3 rs, that will be 50000 tokens + tip. assistant
Did you get into LLMs 3 days ago or are you just retarded?
Cept he never released a model. He posted a api wrapper for sonnet 3.5 then changed it when caught then released a shitty worse than base "tune" that he wasn't sure was llama 3 or 3.1.
>a api wrapper
sarr I...
Progress in language models is gauged with multiple choice questions because that is what can be objectively and easily evaluated but I wonder whether we're getting to the point where they lose their usefulness.
At PhD level you're no longer taking exams, you're supposed to do useful work.
Pretty sure he was one of those people that live 24/7 on Twitter and didn't realize that people would actually try to test these open source models and not just clap and retwit blindly
I can't wait for some young hotshot to dab on him and prove him wrong. He has already given most of what he has to offer.
oh no, me scared! it's so over!
? It was sonnet 3.5 with his own prefill / prompt for the "benchmark" / "api" he was using to show it off. Keep up.
>At PhD level you're no longer taking exams, you're supposed to do useful work.
it's even worse for engineers, they're not touching math theory shit anymore, they just learn some specific software, do some code and a lot of excel kek
>at some point the number of tokens will reach the limit on what it can handle
Not really. Imagine you need to compute a + b + c + d.
You first solve a + b, of which the result will be called x.
Now instead of doing a + b + c + d, you compute x + c + d instead. And then (x + c) = y + d afterwards.
So if OAI models always fall apart at like 3K tokens of context (regardless of what their sales pitch says) and if o1 is doing a bunch of hidden CoT shit, does that mean it will fall apart after like 1K tokens of visible context?
What did anon mean by this?
No really, what's he talking about I don't get it.
In the end you have 2c + 2d, task failed successfully.
my point is that LLMs have a number of tokens of context limit "for example it's 32k tokens for Mixtral", so, hearing that you have to let the LLM yap for days is laughable
Gemini Flash or whatever has 2 million tokens of context
ultra based
desu I don't want to wait days to get the answer of my questions, they're losing the plot, LLMs were supposed to be those fast machines that could do stuff way faster than humans
Yeah, exactly.
Instead of filling the context with a + b + c, you instead fill it with just x.
Let me show you a larger example:
7443 + 23 + 111 + 555 = ?
You first do 7443 + 23, which results in 7466.
Now we wipe the context and fill it with
7466 + 111 + 555 = ?
This continues until you get the answer.
This doesn't apply to just math, but any other problem.
For the most part of human history, women with small proportions were seen as the most beautiful. This whole "big tits gud" is something very recent and was brought to us by Jews.
No, you're losing the plot. LLMs are supposed to be the capable-enough machines that can be used as justification to lower wages even further
>This whole "big tits gud" is something very recent
by shorting nvidia; if you don't believe scaling up compute will work then the currently priced in endless demand for nvidia's chips will dry up as their customers either give up and look for another efficiency breakthrough instead or run out of money with useless products
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AIbros..... we're winning
Why does this thread become reddit every time saltman does a thing?
but if a LLM takes 3 days to code something an developer could in the same span of time, what's the point? and what if it makes a mistake? you wait another 3 days? come on man that's bullshit
>LLMs were supposed to be
You thought wrong. LLMs are there to make money.
If they don't make money (now or in the future), no one would invest in them.
They don't make money now you fucking retard. Except for leather jacket man. OAI is losing billions of dollars a year. Investors are just dumb fucks.
Openai can advertise for free here.
Wasn't Devin another scam?
>pay gorillion dollars for AI to make you a website for 3 months then return jeet tier "beautiful for gorgeous view can push asap" garbage
>Devin production
what's that?
What if the developer makes a mistake? It doesn't need to be better than the best, only better than clueless juniors and in-it-for-the-money burnouts. You cut the labor out from under, and half can get laid off, those that remain will have to accept lower wages.
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You didn't tell the shills to buy ads enough.
>Investors are just dumb fucks.
Because reddit bans shitposting, so they all come here to chimp out without repercussions.
Automated software engineer.
You tell it to do something and it will set up relevant devops stuff needed to do it before working on the actual thing you were talking about.
It can create files, modify files, solve code bugs, etc.
wait, so what is coming November 5?
that's too long though, you have no idea how many runs you go for a LLM to get something working, it can't read your mind so it will give you something and then you'll ask to add this and add that, to remove this to remove that, to modify this to modify that, to fix this to fix that, imagine 3 days for each one of those steps, it would be way too long
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>Just go against your biological programming and enjoy hags
No thanks roastie
It's this: >>102355516
Mods don't give a shit, so all the societal rejects (and I mean actual bottom of the barrel rejects, not the 4chan rejects of old) come here to shit on everyone's plate.
That depends on how you roll your R.
What annoys me about redditors is how they act like they think they know what they are talking about while spewing an endless stream of misinformation that they literally just made up on the spot.
That's why you pay "prompt engineers" with useless Computer Science degrees to keep a small army of them on the rails
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It's a real sad state of affairs.
It hurts a lot to see the site I grew up on get destroyed like this.
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>and I mean actual bottom of the barrel rejects, not the 4chan rejects of old
what is the difference? 4chan "oldfags" are known worldwide to be schizos, incels and socially inepts overall.
2016 does not make you an oldfag
desu I lurked on reddit in 2018 so for me it was always a leftist hellhole, dunno how it was before but I've heard it was more onto freedom of speech like 4chan, what happened? how did it end up like that?
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>what is the difference?
People used to come together to create in an environment where they could be themselves instead of what society wanted them to be.
I don't get it, I thought Strawberry was gpt4-o1, there's something more?
I never seen actual right-tard say something like this, obviously you are fake one, the kind that blames jews for literally anything unrelated.
says the libtard
I guess that's true, Katawa Shoujo would be impossible to happen nowadays.
Even in 2011, before the normalfags and leftists invaded reddit, it was always a place for retards to go to pretend to be smart. The real tragedy is that now there is significant overlap in userbase between reddit and 4chan (edgy reddit)
Strawberry is always the next model OAI pushes out.
has anyone tested it yet?
Big majority of "4chan oldfags" either trooned-out or dead by now, thanks to anime infantilism and obscure fetishes.
just faggots revving up for another endless hype cycle

it didn't make them cum immediately so that couldnt have been it
I really wish /lmg/ could come together to do something like that with LLMs, but the trolls would do everything to derail it at every opportunity
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bruh wtf?
Can you prove it's not true? Checkmate.
Go back to your discord, groomer.
The internet was always something for nerds. For people who didn't quite fit in with society's expectations.
This slowly changed with sites like Myspace and eventually Facebook figuring out that normalfags will share ALL of their info if you just ask.
More and more companies learned about the potential profit they could make off normalfags and slowly the cliques that the nerds build up were getting invaded by normalfags.
Sites like 9gag sprang up, Reddit started implementing global moderators ensuring everything was normalfag (read: advertiser) safe and the many small bubbles of the internet all conglomerated into several large bubbles.
But don't misunderstand, it's like >>102355721 says. Reddit was always for the more self-righteous nerd. You had a few subreddits which were just nerds, but those slowly got pushed out.
And now with how political Reddit is? You're either a hardcore American leftist, or you're not welcome.
>the trolls would do everything to derail it at every opportunity
you mean the feds right? they literally made a paper on how to kill a site by making the thread completely shit, that's who they are

that was debunked already
>but the trolls would do everything to derail it at every opportunity
lmao, you just have to say it out loud and there they are!
I unironically would rather use discord at this point. At least there you can actually talk with other people without getting interrupted by
>THAT'S FALSE BECAUSE [bullshit that was made up on the spot]
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wow you're heckin right' anon. I'm just going to go back to playing my nintendo switch as soon as I get my next booster.
LLMs are too expensive, there is no way people would be able to do much even with money. Just look at the anthrafags and their failure of a model series.
Go and fullfill your echo-chamber dream then, no one stops you.
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>makes a playable voxel engine demo in python with wasd+mouselook free cam and world init, consisting of five files together all in a single prompt/response using numpy, PyOpenGL, and pygame
that was made with gpt4-o1? or the preview/mini one?
Can it delete the starting cube in blender too?
you REALLY need to go back anon.
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Africans never went through a final round of neoteny late in their evolution like the Asiatics and Europeans, hence their attraction to grotesque proportions.
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yes, the preview (which I guess is bigger?) one
>You're either a hardcore American leftist, or you're not welcome.
desu I still lurk on reddit because that's the only site that has great documentation about technology, that's where I find all the niche news about AI and shit, but yeah apart of that I don't want to lurk elsewhere, as a hardcore conservative those retards make me facepalm too hard
>furious fapping to ClosedAI's newest thing
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So that's the CoT that improved the mememarks a lot right? or it's hidden by chatgpt?
it's literally the /aicg/ shitposters bro
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This shit is so bad, how do they get away with it?
it's right though, there is 33 letters on that senteces, we're talking about letters here, not spaces or dash or periods for example
Every advancement in non-local gives local new scraps to fine tune on.
Nobody else could afford to hire the hundreds of domain experts manually providing just the right format of training data for various tasks, but now with this we will at least be able to generate synthetic data from ClosedAI outputs and soon make something close at home
>openai gets a revolutionary take on CoT
>meanwhile all local got is the reflection scam and cohere """refreshes"""
be the change you want to see
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Someone need to test gpt4-o1 on these
Why the FUCK are they not giving tools to these fuckers?
>how many letters are there in the word strawberry
"I need to count the amount of letters, therefore function countLetters() should be used."
"Action: [EXECUTE FUNCTION] countLetters [PARAMETER] strawberry"
"The function returned 10. This means there are 10 letters in the word 'strawberry'."
"The answer is 10. The word 'strawberry' contains ten letters."
CoT won't help. Lecun is saying it requires a world model, which at the minimum requires multimodality
Impossible. The moment you start clamoring about an alternative to 4chan the mods would ban you faster than if you'd post cp.
Less people = less ad money. Less ad money = Hiroshimoot getting pissed off. Hiroshimoot getting pissed off = 4chan going offline.
And 4chan going offline means losing their precious moderator status.
>Why the FUCK are they not giving tools to these fuckers?
there's already a gpt4 compiler, it's been a thing since last year
>gpt4 compiler
A what?
Is o1 available anywhere yet, besides for ChatGPTPlus and Tier5 paypigs?
like it creates a python script and is able to run it by itself
Do you have a link?
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it's on the chatgpt page
Oh, I don't pay for ChatGPT.
Neat that the option exists, though.
>Oh, I don't pay for ChatGPT.
I don't either, I thought it was for free users? But I did last year, maybe it's available for people who have paid at least once or something
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>maybe it's available for people who have paid at least once or something
Looks like it.
>overclock my ddr5 memory from 6000 mt/s to 7000 mt/s
>no difference in memory bandwidth
>same t/s as always

What the fuck?
What did I do wrong?
I'm undoing this shit because I got an occasional screen flicker and it is getting annoying.
Just tested out o1 with a creative writing prompt that specifically tells it to rewrite its own writing sentence by sentence. And it couldn't fucking do it properly nor avoid slop. It's over. This technique doesn't make LLMs less retarded.
So its confirmed. Saltman is done...
Stress tests and performance validation, retard.
Probably not. I'm seeing a lot of hype online. That's probably enough for the dumbfuck investors of OpenAI to keep dumping in the dosh.
This chart makes o1-mini look like it performs just as good as o1. Am I reading it wrong?
MOAT status: None.
Holy shit you guys.
System messages are so over-powered.
>only 3k tokens to count the letters in a word
agi unlocked
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>needing more than 1 sentence of how to count
to be fair I'm using an rp/storywriting focused model because I'm too lazy to unload it and load something else.
>You are a glyph counting expert
Sadly Nemo fucks up with that system message. 70B chads keep winning.
I went back to 6000mt/s but increased fclk (whatever that is) to 2200(from 2000) and the bandwidth and token generation increased by ~10%.
I will see if I can increase it further.
Also I have no idea how to do performance validation or whatever.
<thinking>What do we do now?</thinking>
You're compute-bound
And yet it will be providing writing data sets used by models for years to come.
>Also I have no idea how to do performance validation or whatever.
All you really need to do is run before and after comparisons in synthetic memory benchmarks to ensure that the higher clock speeds are actually resulting in better bandwidth and latency numbers while maintaining stability in stress tests.
Nice Mikus
Very little. <5 watts. Most idle power consumption in Nvidia comes from when you plug in a display with high refresh rate.
I couldn't even get gpt4 to write me a pong game without fucking up. Why do they think gpt5 is magically gonna BREAKTHROUGH and CURE CANCER and OMGGGGGGG MUH HYPOTENTIS?
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So /g is this answer right or wrong?
50% correct. The answer is right, the reasoning is wrong.
well, I changed the sys prompt and didn't threaten it with the extinction of humanity for getting the wrong answer. works fine now.
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sys prompt
>Think step by step, clearly showing your reasoning and chain of thought before providing any response. If you lack the necessary information or intellectual capacity to answer a question, you will let the user know, and not provide false or misleading information.
Nobody is doing things for free nowadays, in particular in the LLM space; there are always underlying expectations of obtaining personal benefits down the line. The larger the group involved with such hypothetical rp/chat model, the lower the 'opportunities' for the people involved (unless you just aim to be a simp doing dirty work while others on the top get credit for it). And so you get closed groups, secret datasets (or deliberately shitty ones thrown to the public), people working solo, etc.

Look at anthrachite, they're a group of discord and reddit finetuners joining forces to make ok models, but you just know that deep inside they're interested more in creating "buzz" and getting themselves known than honestly seeking to make good models.

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