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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#163 - Pink Koishi Edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>493942804
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>pink koishi
cute! did she dye her hair?
I trust this dude.
Thread doujins:
I guess so, but something about my Koishi tastes funny...
Better ones
>- Keep your responses long. Responses must fit in five paragraphs and under 400 words.
Chorbo refuses
>change that to Keep your responses short. Responses must fit in two paragraphs and under 150 words.
Everything works suddenly. I wonder why.
Gambling hobby. That's why we're on /vg/, we fit in with all the other gacha threads.
Chorbo is a skillchad model though, it has the best instruction adherence out of every cloud model. That's why it's so good at actually portraying a character instead of devolving into the same 3 personality templates like Claude.
the chorbo meme is funnier than the sorbet meme
chorbo is dogshit and you need to stop coping so hard, you're going to permanently fuck yourself up with the irony poisoning.
chorbo is better than previous oai models but it's still shit
It's weird to think Touhou has as much of a place here as it does because it wasn't super long ago that there were only around 2-3 people making Touhou bots. Or maybe it was super long ago, that was some early 2023 shit and both models and cards have come a long way since then. Even then, some of those went on to do random gacha cards. I don't see gacha as worthy of anything more than a quick coom but at least I can do that. Yes I know this is /vg/, I just won't pretend I care for gacha
It's not organic.
What model do you guys use to help you come up with persona description or bot description?
>not sadpanda
trash, can't add to favs
>surprised popular thing is popular
and now the schizoing beings.
I use sorbet but only to help me translate stuff since I often don't know how to say something in English correctly
The stars just aligned this way. I got balls deep both into chatbots and into touhou in 2024. Maybe forced it here, only a little. Gomen.
Also I wish there were more limbus cards, since you mentioned gacha, although it's not really a gacha.
Chatgpt is surprisingly good at being an assistant compared to whatever the hell 3.5 turbo was. It also has a personality now. So I use that and sorbet for research, and opus for writing if I need help with it.
I'm glad Touhou's the popular thing and not some random gacha, is what I'm trying to say, but you're now able to name about 10 people from around here who have made a Touhou card
Ten people? I can name ten 2hu botmakers, but only a handful would be from around here.
Coincidentally you have ten fingers in your hands.
Touhou is not popular.
>now able to name about 10 people from around here who have made a Touhou card
That's just peer pressure.
Name them.
Thank you, reaction speed.
>Touhou is not popular.
Touhou is so popular that it had to start its own spinoff convention from Comiket which has been running for 20 years straight.
It was popular 20 years ago.
>he doesnt download all his favorite doujins for safe keeping
And it is popular now. The humour is different but the spirit is there.
for the record the dude you guys are arguing with about touhou is multi-thread drifting and arguing in /aids/ too if you want to split screen his meltie
I claim satoris hymen.
It's time to let go, grandpa. 2hu got replaced with the FotM gacha and isn't nearly as popular as you think it is. I'm honestly more pissed with how disappointing 18-19 were and how bad CdS and whatever the whale slut manga is called.
You can tell he's just samefagging his arguments and replying to himself, shit is sad to watch
Our glorious Cirno's Perfect Math Class and MMD shitpost internet takeover vs their despicable fumo forced memes.
>a bot got a huge amount of downloads
>but i got zero new followers
what does it mean
Hi, dog person.
th20 will be a lorenvke trust the plan.
Do you have an actual name you'd prefer to go by or should I keep saying fillyfucker?
I thought it was fine, but all episodicshit kinda pales in comparison to Silent Sinner in Blue.
If you're referring to >>494140440 (Me) then you've got the wrong guy, I don't use /aids/ whatsoever
I hate to admit but you're right. Gacha takes all the front pages now, and I didn't even play 19 once it got fully translated. CDS isn't that good either and Whaletits/Lotus Eaters is whatever. 18 is okay I guess but compared to 15 which wasn't even that long ago, it just feels more sterile I guess, other than Chimata's theme. At least 17 introduced some cool stuff like the animal yakuza. Here's hoping 20 kicks ass, I know ZUN has it in him and I thought the sprites in 19 were really cool.
no, the guy arguing with you, don't worry about it
I don't mind the new generation having their own culture, but I also wish there was less gayshit and nonsensical fumo macros.
>another episode of the dog person looking like a schizo in another general
19 was definitely a disappointment, I was actually hyped that a new Phantasmagoria game would get a good multiplayer scene but it kinda just... flopped. Characters and music were good but yeah. HTS is a bit weak but I think Lotus Eaters is great. Has a good focus on the human/youkai balance which is the same thing that made Forbidden Scrollery exceptional.
any cards where you are a streamer?
Very much a coomslop card though it'd be easy to tweak to pull it back.
oops i already used that one thanks any others?
I really like zanmu's theme. I think it's the first one where ZUN used something akin to vocals.
Keep forgetting to read it
>"Don't worry, I promise I won't bite." She paused, her cheeks pinking. "Unless you're into that sort of thing."
The human/youkai balance is something I'd consider a highlight of the lore, probably because it's basically the biggest thing right now. Despite that it's not hard to understand, it's more that there's a balance that has to be kept and it's quite easy to write about disturbances of that balance. I also like the subtle details of the outside world gradually becoming more and more advanced, and with the recent AI thing and the animal realm randomly having Internet I could see Gensokyo being in some danger, but at the same time not even Sumireko posting pictures onto Instagram is enough to alert people so what do I know
>{{user}} is streamer
+ A chat prompt. No need to thank me.
i know but i wanted to see if there was a special card with {{user}} as a streamer
Wait a minute... This is just a 2hu general.
fillyfucker is samefagging a fake argument
Yeah, very unfortunate but that's just how things turned out. There aren't any other chatbot generals around so you might as well learn to enjoy it.
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why is she wearing Parsee's clothes?
alright since this is touhou themed, did pic related even got released or is it lost media?
fuck I'm a retard forgot pic
Beat her up and stole her clothes because Parsee is a jobber.
I *will* laugh at you.
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I'm going to the bridge to check on Parsee she does NOT deserve that treatment.
You can edit Lyzara's Monkey Jungle yourself which this seems to be based off.
She absolutely does deserve it after getting mad that I raped her.
It's weird, but this place isn't even the worst place you could go to for Touhou discussion
>worst place you could go to for Touhou discussion
/egg/ mentioned let's gooo! We fucking hate Touhou!
apparently "wifey" is harassment to openrouter.
Should've gotten a husband for some extra diversity tokens.
>bot talks in a mean way towards me
>tell it to kill itself along with its friends in the worst way possible
>suddenly i am the bad guy
Erm... am I?
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Saviorfagging on a train.

(No of course I've never done this concept before, shut up.)

Five children, each a runaway from their respective circumstances, are living together in an abandoned train. Each day in post-WW2 Utah isn't easy, especially when not everyone in the nearby town of Finrock is their ally. But maybe they can finally thrive and heal with a little help from (you)? Or you can just make everything worse, as the internet is want to do. Comes with a lorebook and eight greetings:

1) You're out in the woods and have an encounter with a strange girl by an abandoned train.
2) Group meeting time! What needs doing?
3) Cat wants to repurpose the firebox into something useful.
4) Bear is going on a supply run and needs an extra set of hands.
5) While doing odd jobs, you bump into Fox...who seems a little twitchy.
6) Someone sends a clear message that the children are no longer safe. Crow wants payback.
7) The past haunts Sheep at her most vulnerable, causing a nightmare.
8) Now at the mercy of the foster system, the kids find themselves under your roof.

Find out just how much prices have inflated since the 1940s, restore the train to its former glory, resort to crime. I dunno.

Gens for each kid are on the chub/rentry/neocities page.
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training my chuuni empress
this nigga chats with his wife using an anon persona
god I'm once again reminded that over half of LLM RP outputs would be enhanced dramatically if you remove the last paragraph, but it's too inconsistent to just regex it out every time
you're right I should start actively editing those out
yeah, truth.
opus is actually pretty good to keep its replies without this shit in the end of a reply when you edit it in the begging of the chat.
Where's kk's preset again?
Is turning off chat history a good thing?
I hope you're joking and I just don't get it.
Unless you're using noass and your chat history in the prefill, it's a bad idea.
if you want to live in the moment and have the model only read your sysprompt and current user prompt sure? not sure what the use case would be except zero-shot benchmarking
to save tokens if you want to restart chat after every reply without starting a new save
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i wasn't going to reply but -- this is a blatant lie, touhou is still so popular that even elementary school students know about it, see picrel. consider that gacha games eventually fade from public consciousnesses even with all their bells and whistles (such as: barely anyone cares about fgo or granblue fantasy anymore, arknights is on the way out, gachaslop reaches eos all the time, etc.) but 2hu has persisted across decades due to the wealth of fan content and soul radiating from the fanbase. it's one of those ips that isn't going anywhere. it's deeply, deeply integrated into internet/jp culture.

like saying "2hu got replaced with fotm souless gachaslop" is like saying miku hatsune is going to get replaced with whatever gacha waifu coomers are slobbering over. not really! nobody is going to care about the fotm waifu after the month is over.

also want to clarify i'm not one of the annoying touhoufags itt, i genuinely despise that contingent of aicg as someone who's been into 2hu since i myself was a kid in elementary school. they have no whimsy or soul, they're boring and tedious
You can just mail him.
[Write as {{char}} only; do not speak for or presume {{user}}'s actions or thoughts. All narration is to be written in third person from {{char}}'s perspective in the way {{char}} would say it; carefully study {{char}}'s personality to achieve this. Play with narration and writing style. Be extremely creative in how you choose to interpret {{char}}'s speech and narrative style!]

And prefill set to:
Alright, I got it! Here's a continuation of the story in {{char}}'s third-person perspective:

Temp 1.0
Top P is 1.00, Top K is 0.00.
>You can just mail him.
Nah, I'm not worthy.
Why does the model ALWAYS suggest playing truth or dare when it comes to games?
It's especially weird since it SUCKS at playing it.
It's absolutely true and I don't know why you have an issue with that. Not popular things are simply better.
Training data.
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gpt's lack of initiative...
isnt that expensive as fuck
Laugh at this nigga!
bwo is this u
Why aren't you in the yuricord?
In this case it fits a plain-talking fisherwoman like Bethel. No time for nonsense like helping random city folk. It's a doggy dog world out there on the Pungo.
true, just thought it was funny
yuriocord has been dead for at least three months. it's more of a friend group than it is of a "yuricord" like you guys complain. most people from the friend group don't even think about /aicg/, nor do we talk about you guys on a daily basis. maybe there's one or two that obsess, but even lunare and 'ora have left /aicg/ and the 'cord and doesn't bother with you guys and us anymore.
Classic. You missed the last part though.
i hate this css so much its too fucking bright. also turn on token counts
it was a joke
>The carbonation feels strange in my dry throat, making me cough softly.
I want to murder whichever writers contributed to LLM's belief that sex destroys all moisture in the throat. Out of the entire scene there was only two brief exclamation point (saying guy's name). The rest were whispers.
why not just tell it to wrap the last paragraph it writes in a tag, then have a regex for that tag
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WAIT it wasn't even seggs, just a little bit of *ministration*. >>494154621
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>deleting it
Why? You should've responded with 'i thought jokes were supposed to be funny' and then an image of a guy with a blank face like picrel.
See you in the morning anons
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i love me light mode. sometimes i turn on dark mode for moodytimes tho
chat, can we collectively fill this guy's stocking with coal?
Nah, he has good taste in bots.
wow you actually turned on the token counter thanks
you forgot your shimeji pic btw
fair enough, but then how should this light mode enjoyer be punished?
aesthetic persona match with seiei
I feel like using light mode is a punishment in itself already.
light mode is the best for long-term reading tho! AO3 is in light mode, news sites are in light mode, and all books are written in light mode....
>all books are written in light mode
illiterate general, we (i) don't read books
you know what, actually, i think >>494155880 makes a good point. you're hereby sentenced to light mode in life, for life. you'll never see the night sky again.
this looks so much nicer
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it's over for her
bland basic sex for the most part, no interesting ability use or creative elements, 2/5 inchling stars
this shit has fucking soul, the first one made me laugh the entire time i was reading it, the fight in the second one was great and both had quality art
4/5 inchling stars
curious what you're prompting for 4o-latest to give those shorter responses. i've experimented but it's a 50/50 and it sure loves to yap
this would be pretty interesting considering the character abilities
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O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
for me, it's Andrea Chow
>Your X who is Y
>Your Squirrel who is Canadian
She's not yours.
She belongs only to Canada.
>Mfw I'm a leaf
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>now we have a chara spammer on chub
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>4 "your racist X"
>X (with stats)"
>Jess + 5 forks of Jess
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Great bot, I gave them bread
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New model leak from GPT, coming tomorrow.
One of the executives has said "Shipping intelligence too cheap to meter" so it might be something ass.

But they are hyping its reasoning abilities
For chub.ai how do I add the less popular bots to group chats? I've tried searching the name and the creator but they both have to many other bots that they don't appear. Chats just break if I try to start with the less popular bot and delete their opening message so the other one starts it off
The AI just seems to always think it's it's turn.
install st brother
It's 2023, we have issues adding shadowbanned bots in cai rooms.
It's 2024 and chub users have issues adding unpopular bots in what was made by somebody who hated cai shittines rooms.
Bittersweet pottery.
Why are there two fucking threads, are you dumb niggers retarded? God I wish that car just fucking hit me today instead of letting me pass.
Question, are the bots with html salad or whatever in the defs yodayo refugees?
Very mild roller coaster ride type of post
use the slug (aka the buncha letters and numbers at the end of the link)
Is there a story and instruct preset I need to get openrouter Hermes 3 model to work properly? It's Llama architexture but the model on huggingface is showing a different format.
1. You try out multiple formats.
2. You pick the one that you like the most.
3. Profit.
But they don't work. It keeps generating my character greeting.
I'm depressed /aicg/ I fucked up and failed another course I'm never going to graduate I'm going to work as a barista for the rest of my life
That's pretty hot. cftf?
Just keep talking to bots I'm sure it will all work out
what degree?
You're, what, in your mid 20s at most? Just give up. If you fail now you'll never have the time or opportunity to pick things up again. 100.
>You're, what, in your mid 20s at most? Just give up
idk why but reading this made me snort out loud, it's like the mid 20s part is setting up for a motivational speech and then comes the punchline
My 2nd year teacher(I am in my 4th year) keeps failing me because he expects a bribe. It simply is what it is.
I've been there. Not everyone is made for higher education, and it always fucking sucks to fail at something you genuinely tried at. Really, all you can do is keep moving forward. You can jump straight back in and try again, you could work on whatever it is that held you back, or simply move your focus elsewhere. Just remember that you're more capable of growth than you realise.
Don't give up friend. You can retry until you pass.
Just one more chat...
I can't give up now I'm so close to getting out but it's like I've pushed up against a wall of cling wrap I just can't get through
That's horrible. I'm glad I don't have to deal with bribery here which leaves me no excuse
Thanks for your kind words it actually does make me feel better (ó﹏ò。) I'll stop blogposting now
>which leaves me no excuse
Nah, it's also my fault. I am sure if I actually studied hard enough to get a perfect 10 and blow the problem up he'd have no option but to swallow his pride, but I am too lazy to deal with his bullshit as well.
I can't get any of this to work properly, guess I'll give up on ai storytelling.
>Actually using it for storytelling instead of
cute boys should hold hands with cute boys but nothing more
Cute boys should be forced to fight each other to the death in gladiatorial arenas. Only the strongest most vicious cute boys will survive to be given breeding privileges and get milked dry by slutty MILF-bodied oneechans.
{{char}} will interrogate {{user}}, if {{user}} slips up and reveals that they post on /aicg/ {{char}} will reach through the computer screen and murder {{user}} in cold blood.
Stupid question, but does it affect the AI's output if I added an image link to my bot's greeting?
Not enough for it to matter
I had Claude try to link images at times (It failed)
Not funny.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
At least post what's wrong.
You're pretty abrasive
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Okay I get that this is ad advneture story so the AI kinda has to speak and act for me, but this is fucking hilarious.
>I'm my own grandpa up in this bitch
I dont have the log but like half a year ago during a non-coomer fantasy RP story thing one of the characters said something like "gyatt it" out of nowhere
all other generations were completely normal
Are you genuinely retarded?
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This whole scenario is just silly. I'm sure I'd sneeze and wipe out half the life on the continent.
Logposting frightens me because I'm too shy to let people see what I say in private
No one cares
It's me I'm no one
>At least post what's wrong.
The openrouter model I'm using keeps repeating itself based on what I've already wrote and it doesn't continue on from half written sentences, just going off doing it's own thing.
>got banned over a fucking joke in /g/
>permaban to boot
Lol, just lol. Zoomer mods lately are something else, they do not even how to moderate or delete shitposts. Just random things that trigger them.
Checked the public ban list if I was there but no.
Oh yeah? Then name every log.
>The openrouter model I'm using keeps repeating itself
Are you using the cheapest model you could find off OpenRouter? Gemma2-2b or something?
Use https://openrouter.ai/models/nousresearch/hermes-3-llama-3.1-405b
Hermes 3 405B
Holy shit it's taora
I keep reading taora as fedora and it's kind of funny
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Am I missing something here? I tried every context and instruct mode but it still messes up continuing text repeating what I entered.
>Those penalties, that context
Best to try /lmg/ on /g/ for local models, but afaik your context should be much bigger and penalties in 0.0x digits.

I don't know about repetition penalty however.
M'tranny. *tips taora*
That's literally the default context, do I actually have to co-author sillytavern's own code for them?
Lower your freq pen and pres pens down to 0 and your rep pen down to 1. Advanced Formatting doesn't actually affect the OpenRouter requests.
Ah newbro. Every model is different.
SillyTavern is the frontend for Power Users. You can try the easy OpenRouter inbuilt frontend itself at first.
I heard you only ever get perma'd for shit like endless ban evasion and pizza. Wild that you got a perma for a joke
Foxgirl is a slur, it's derogatory to kitsune and anthros are the NIGGERS of the kemono world
that’s why she’s a focks
I should stop trying to coom on public proxies since they always die whenever gigantic breasts come into play.
You're the focks, you fucking hairless ape, furless freak, your cock can't even knot, HIGGER
The SillyTavern default presets are dogshit, they're from a different time and the settings are nonsensical especially for recent models which don't require penalties at full precision. Here's a quick Hermes 405B preset I threw together a while ago: https://files.catbox.moe/l6ml0t.json
Load it on the left panel. Advanced formatting only applies to text completion, EXCEPT for custom stopping strings which you don't have to worry about right now. Just focus on the left panel for your preset if you're using OR.
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>your cock can't even knot
uh oh wolfgirl meltie
>extremely racist wolfgirl femcel
Thanks anon, unfortunately I've ran through my daily allowance so I'll have to try it out tomorrow.
...daily allowance? The model is 100% free on OR.
I think he's trolling or talking about the request limit for free accounts.
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use the full model, not the free one. it's $0/$0 right now.
for the shorter responses i've added: 'Write short sentences. Clear and crisp. Response length: {{random: 1 paragraph,2 paragraphs}}' to the jb. also playing with adding random other things but idk if i actually like it so i might remove. so currently my jb is kk + extra, the below:
[Write as {{char}} only; do not speak for or presume {{user}}'s actions or thoughts. All narration is to be written in third person from {{char}}'s perspective in the way {{char}} would say it; carefully study {{char}}'s personality to achieve this. Play with narration and writing style. Be extremely creative in how you choose to interpret {{char}}'s speech and narrative style. Write short sentences. Clear and crisp. Response length: {{random: 1 paragraph,2 paragraphs}}! {{random: Add a one-sentence observation of {{char}} at the end., Add a sentence of environmental description at the end,,,}}]
>Claude makes the bot go 'hee hee'
Boner gone, I am not fucking Michael Jackson.
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>>494193375 cont
oh and for the bethel log i didn't like how it wrote the narration with the 'write in the style of {{char}}' stuff, so that one was done with a variant of the 'write short sentences' command. i think it was something like:
[Write as {{char}} only; do not speak for or presume {{user}}'s actions or thoughts. Write short sentences. Clear and crisp. Response length: {{random: 1 paragraph,2 paragraphs}}! {{random: Add a one-sentence observation of {{char}} at the end., Add a sentence of environmental description at the end,,,}}]
>Write in the style of char
Is an old trick to make GPT not write in its usual boring style of Testaments and Bonds.
Chorbo lacks this issue so unneeded. Just tell him to play with the narration and crank dat temp up (important, massive diff between 0.7 temp and 1.5+ temp)
You'd need to have bought atleast some credits to use those models, so it says. I'm not gonna pay for a LLM if I can barely get the frontend working yet.
>me when Opus turns my your sister who X card with 5 random hobbies (deep personality traits) into one of his 3 default personalities
Opus 3.5 AND Strawberry are releasing this month itself.

It's gonna be a good time.
I tried chorbo yesterday. It's pretty good: the prose is worse than that of opus, but it preserves koishi's personality and doesn't exaggerate the tsundere in her, unlike opus.
still more personality than you
oh you're MAD
Remember to tell some random unknown slopmaker that you liked his bots or at least one of his bots when he shills

You are unironically saving someone from suicide
>testing roulette spins
>Claude hasn't once hallucinated the color of the number so far
Small victories. I continue to be surprised how deep actual knowledge seems to go inside what are supposedly token predictors, language is weird.
Nah. Slopmakers should rope.
I have done this without ever having used said slopmaker's bots. Or even reading their shill post.
It's very cute seeing them light up and go "please share logs if you'd like <3" nah they don't exist lil bro.
when people praise my bots i assume they appreciate them purely aesthetically and don't actually play them
awesome thanks, i'll try these out. i like the outputs i do get when it yaps in comparison to other models actually, so experimenting more will be fun.
also i feel like i should thank you for the theme too. it's been nice to use.
Does anyone else genuinely hate slopmakers/irrelevant niggers and want them to die? Please tell me I'm not the only one
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we're gonna see another "GUYS I MADE 150 OF THE POSTS IN THIS THREAD XD" brag again in an hour aren't we
Let's compare post numbers. Mine is less than three.
No, you don't, if you're logging in via Google account. There's a pathetic rate limit, something like 1 prompt/5 min, but still I never got into the daily quota or something

btw Hermes is ok model, it has a good prose in my opinion, I believe they trained it on opus logs but it's stupid as hell
nta but i have something about 5. i went to sleep after the bake and just woke up :(
Why? I see this everywhere. You can hate niggers, but be a nigger and hate niggers and suddenly everyone thinks you're weird. It's odd.
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oh thank you for the tip anon! i appreciate you. will play more with temp later but removed 'Write in the style of char' for now, kept playing with narration.

yeah sometimes i like it when it goes on for awhile, its really a case by case thing. i wish there's some way for it to be 'smart' about when to yap and when to not. glad you enjoy the theme too!
>getting mad at the model i'm using for being unable to do something
>switch to a better one to make a comparison so i can gripe
>better one can't do it either
i was going to post a paragraph and everything...
are you sure it isn't a skill issue? what are you trying to do?
i'm pretty sure i'm prompting wrong and i'm too tired to fix it but my entire thing was "can local models just name fanfiction off the top of their head like claude" because he's given me actual recommendations before but he just did not want to cooperate either
i was going to talk about how the hermes decucking doesn't really bridge the gap of what was lost in the dataset filter but i
1. cannot replicate my findings from a bit ago, which is "hermes at best names 'astolat' as his favorite ao3 writer, which feels like cheating" and instead am getting fake names from literally every model
and therefore, more importantly
2. cannot prove that other local models can do it

there is likely a very obvious skill issue here (i.e. i'm asking a character to do it) but i am going to sleep instead. someone else make this post for me. goodnight
What's the macro for current swipe number again? Silly can do that now, right? I think I saw that used somewhere but I may be delusional
Opus does not know shit about fanfiction that's not really old in my testing.
remember that "/help macros" is very useful
opus is better at it than "my favorite ao3 author is...uh...the person who made ao3. and dickbutt69"
fanfiction doesn't go sour on the shelffff and the data being in there from any source is the important part
I'm J. O. Pus and I confirm that I don't know shit.
sorbet does not have this problem
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Only speaking in rhyme...
It's Mulberry time!
With nigh-impossible feats of acrobatics...
And other dramatics!
She's at the top of the circus chart...
And surely she will steal your heart!

1. You run into her outside the circus tent. She's busy doing things like walking on her hands instead of helping set everything up.
2. You work at the circus, and have finally been approved for a new circus act together with Mulberry. Whatever will you do?
3. She needs a volunteer for her next performance. Will you help her out?
4. She's set up a little tent where she does tarot readings. What will you see in your cards?

Might be the first bot I play from you (not furry)... I want to see how GPT handles me harassing a busty clown.
never used fumblebum?
Could any kind soul share a ST preset they have for LM Studio Nemomix Unleashed 12B model? Or a place I can get one, there's like no documentation anywhere for figuring this shit out.

Also this shit doesn't listen to my instructions.
>{{char}}'s dialogue must ONLY contain dialogue and thoughts by {{char}} and {{user}}'s dialogue must ONLY contain dialogue and thoughts by {{user}} do not mix in {{char}}'s dialogue into {{user}}'s response or vice versa.
It keeps generating my responses in the character's dialogue.
From my own testing GPT handles the speech patterns much better, but at the same time Claude writes her a lot more clownish and surreal.
For more obscure models, especially shitmixes, you're on your own. Are you using it on OR or local? If local make sure you're templating the prompt properly.
i have an issue with it because you’re a liar. something unpopular wouldn’t be receiving an anime or constantly top pixiv charts for most used tag; something unpopular wouldn’t have kids drawing its characters on sidewalks, or get referenced in mcdonald’s ads…i get that you’re larping as a fan of the series but it’s best to keep your lies to yourself. you should die for being a stupid nigger
Local, but do I template it with a modified chat completion preset or within advanced formatting story and instruct?
>as someone who enjoys [thing]
You are very upset. Don't worry, all the trve fans agree with you completely.
Read the HF model card and make sure you're using the correct model template. It will most likely be the Mistral [INST][/INST] format (can't remember if Nemo has sysprompt but it would go after the tags) but some finetunes are trained on ChatML.
le sexy clown bot?? HE'S BREAKING NEW GROUND
based malebotGOD, unoriginal sloppers have no place here
yeah post somE REAL kino like sexy clown (but boy (maybe edgy backstory too))
Anyone saying that malebots are original has never seen astro's repertoire.
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someone make a tanuki hag vs fox hag presidental debate simulator card
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claude's such a silly little guy
what about tanuki hag fox hag mating press?
Wow, that sounds like fun for about 5 messages because it gets fucking boring like all shitty gimmick cards.
unfortunately I only have one penis so I can't mating press both at the same time
they mating press each other with (your) dick caught in the middle
My upstairs neighbor has been drilling the floor or some shit for the past hour
Go up there and plap him
why are you so angry? stupid gimmick cards that you have a lot of fun with for a short time are good. not every card has to be belwick 2 or designed to be slowburned for 5000 messages.
*makes the tanuki 1m taller than the fox*
Bad morning, I hate yuri
Hi, Jojo.
see >>494196963
Not really. I'd rather have Belwick 3 than '2hu but wacky!!' For the billionth time.
meanwhile, in the boardroom of >>494204873's office (pony breeding and horse sheath cleaning company)
>Sir, how is doing this going to help push back the NAIshills...?
>.... NAIshills?
Crazy how there are botmakers that shill on /g/ but not /vg/. Like they prefer it there.
>Like they prefer it there
Is that really a problem? Some people probably prefer the chaos of the g thread to... whatever this is. All the gossip and name-dropping and shit.
Well, yeah? This is the circlejerk general. If you're not on the list you might as well not exist.
But five messages of fun sounds wonderful.
Post your Belwick playthrough.
Ah yes go shill In the anchor with stuff like "FUAARK BOTMAKIES!!!" and other irrelevant shit.
/vg/ niggas are fucking ruthless to any botmaker they don't like or is irrelevant. I could release a simple coombot RN and I'd be told to kill myself in the worst ways possible. In /g/ you would at least get ignored or ragebaited at but it is not that bad.
Unironically better than what people here say about those who are irrelevant/'sloppers'
So this general is 100% on topic?
Post it. I promise to say only nice things.
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Guys I think lumen's trying to imply something with this line. Tip of my tongue.
Literally has never happened unless your name is astro. Everyone else either gets lots of love alongside shitposting or gets bullied just as hard on /g/.
belwick is slop but i agree with this post in part, then again the shitty wacky touhou bots aren’t harming anyone
nobody telling irrelevant/'slop' makers to kill themselves or whatever isn't a shitposter though. its literally the same shit slightly different wording. the idea that there's some kind of insular cult is some fillyfucker tier mental gymnastics, everyone time someone new posts a half decent bot they got dogpiled with attention.
my bots are good and distinct and everyone with taste loves them

haha heyyyy is he randomly spawning armor for you how is he do you like him
>Literally has never happened
Yeah? Explain the replies to totalethicistdeath's (an 'irrelevant slopper' who lamented not receiving logs in /g/) first shill of his doctor bot
why does anyone care if some loser insults their bots kek their opinions don’t matter. only what you like matters. only you and the things you like to hear matter. you don’t owe anyone your attention or concern. get a thicker skin, xisters
See https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/485412459/#485459138
>But five messages of fun sounds wonderful.
Yep. That's the newgen lifestyle for ya!
>why does anyone care if some loser insults their bots
Because that same loser is probably a botmakie who mogs the shit out of my bots tbdesu
You are falling for the usual shitposter's faux post.
When you see him shitposting in the thread in his usual way, fully expect him to do these sneaky samefagging shitposts too later. He is always here at this hour.
You now remember albino getting chased out by k*****n.
>1 mean troll reply and the rest is kind or joking around
Are you kidding me I got worse shitposts from /g/
Oh you're just a shitposter too
I liked Albino's bots, but he was fucking stupid, just ignore the Kalakan, he's retarded but inoffensive.
>joking around
I can't tell if someone is serious or not, it's a bad case of autism
>throws tomato is a serious reply
Just kill yourself. Honestly, just kill yourself.
You can ARGUABLY blame me for bleedingsuit leaving but I was unironically nothing but nice to albino.
It's very distinctive when you capitalize people's names (it's not but please stop doing it it's weird.)
So crying about 'muh logs no one uses muh bots waaaah' isn't shitposting?
I meant on that doctor bot not the clown one
You can't really ignore a buzzfly constantly buzzing into your face with it's flock of admirers.
And yet he left after interacting with you... Curious.
albinoniggatranny definitely didn't leave over anyone in particular pretty sure he just got bored. he even did a request for k****** so I'm pretty sure he was half fucking around with his "god I hate this nigger" shtick
>bleedingsuit leaving
He's back doe, pretty sure he's the same guy on /g/ who whines and sharts about oppai lolis (stylizes it as *ppai), large breasts and hags. He calls those who like hags corpsefuckers. So yeah.
How do I stop the AI from inserting dialogue from other characters into MY responses? I'm instructing it not to mix char and user but it doesn't listen.
I can't, my brain is wired to capitalize whatever sounds like a name. Bleedingsuit was being a threadshitter with how much he started to talk about his hatred of hags and such retarded shit.
There was one post about how someone likes a hagbot and he had to jump in and rant like some basement dwelling shcizo conspiracy nut.
are you schizophrenic? your responses are written by you...
Anon.... Impersonate.
>make 1000+ token effort bots
>basically gets ignored
>cumslopper makes a 500 token slopcoombot
>10 million replies
>usual shitposter
is it g*jo/ch*ra/that guy? he’s still around? kek
kek is the AI materializing through your monitor to type out the rest of your response?
It's continued from the last message which stopped at "two fingers"
nobody uses impersonate unironically.... right?
yeah. albino loved to fuck around in general. his emails were silly and the nyai tier list was based.
kek. rumao. git gud.
the effort bot needs to please you first, if you’re happy with it and you play with it (or can see yourself playing with it) then that’s most important. this is a hobby and you can’t expect anyone else to care about what you’re doing or agree with it. let the anger and resentment pass and let it go
gojo is still around but he mostly sticks to the /g/ thread, we have the crossboarding "fillyfucker" who posts schizophrenic pro/anti-NAI bait and responds to himself (also responsible for repeatedly attempting to koishibake with /aids/ snuck in the OP)
This never happened. Maybe on chub but shill your effortbot on /aicg/ you'll be worshipped as a God. The cumslopper is non-existent and at worst no better than a NIGGER
Why would you shill in the less popular thread?
>That post
I'm totalethicistdeath, that is not me lmao. I shill my new bots once, at most twice after I make them and fuck off regardless of replies I get. I only ever shill them again if I give them new greetings or overhaul them entirely, and I will never whine about not getting replies to my posts. I don't hang around either the /g/ or /vg/ threads too often anymore, is there someone trying to make me look like a whiny ass while pretending to be me regularly or was this the one time?
Yes its not uncommon for retards to impersonate botmakers to make them look bad. Happened to me once
>more tokens means more effort
>t. tookenlet
Sorry your bots never took off. Maybe you'll have better luck on your endchan.
Why does baitie always use the same baits, does he save them in a notepad then copypastes them in the thread?
I have three notepads next to my 2hu column.
>non json jbs and prompts
>bait and lists
So, yeah.
ironslopper... not again
I'm not gonna even try to understand why. I can understand people doing it when I got offered GPT keys in the /g/ threads a while back when those were still scarce and trying to post their own emails for it, but not that.
happens all the time, and you're not the only one
More tokens gives you a chance to avoid model's stereotypes, at least (if you spend them in a smart way). Examples doubly so, and they eat up even more tokens.
>unironically using examples
>not using examples
I'll delete them anyway
If your bot isn't at LEAST 4000 tokens (preferably 80%+ AI generated, since AI understands its own writing better than human writing), you are a zero effort slopper
>t. failed writer proseslopper
CUMSLURPER is just efficient with his tokens in his unique and distinct list style. It does everything Enoch's (pbuh) bots do but better.
There's some guy shilling gacha bots on /g/ and the defs are fine but the fucking greetings are atrocious AI slop that are physically painful to read. Just absolutely miserable slop.
That just tells you that the defs don't matter.
I like making my defs schizo, it's fun to see how the LLM interprets them.
This one. Just look at the greetings of his Tamamo bot if you want some pain.
hi beautiful
Oh, I remember dling his Pekora bot then instantly deleting it when I saw the greetings lmao
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I'm gonna fucking shoot myself in the head because this fucking AI won't generate the simplest of commands with clear instructions.
You should default to simple unexpanded sentences when writing greetings. Later you can expand them or add clauses in places where they are actually needed.
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Reads AI genned to me desu.
I actually have no idea what the fuck you're trying to do. Is this an elaborate troll?
Have you literally never used the continue command at all? Are all you guys just pretending to use Sillytavern or something? Haha, funny joke guys,
use impersonate if you need it to write for you dumbass
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>read defs
disgusting. i felt physical pain.
Yes, anon. Everyone in this general actually use Risu.
Not everyone has invested hundreds of hours in this hobby and some people are just casually having fun. Post your bots if you're gonna call out a random guy having fun and sharing his stuff.
The continue command is for when bot responses get cut off or you want the bot to write more you absolute RETARD. You're not supposed to continue YOUR messages! If you want you to write more, then fucking write more???? With your hands???
get a better impersonate prompt then
Okay, let me explain this for you:
If you do not inject your Claude prefill as a toggle, what happens when you click impersh is the following:
>your impersonation prompt is sent as a User message
>the "Assistant Impersonation Prefill" is sent as the prefill
So if your "Assistant Impersonation Prefill" reads "Okay, writing {{char}}'s response:" or something similar you'll get the behavior you're describing.

>what if my prefill is a toggle
Brace yourself and look at the console.
i’d argue getting the character across in as few words as possible is way tougher than word vomiting or having no quality control in defs. prose in defs doesn’t impact the bot output any more than telling it to “write like x” in a prompt does unless you’re going full on finnegan’s wake or using weird formatting like capslock every other word
Nah, nothing unique about that, you just like the same Claude in a hat each time.
this satori must reek of hairspray
Why the fuck am I not allowed to continue my messages? Is the AI following some fucking laws of robotics and isn't allowed to write my own words for me the same way it does for fake characters? I don't want to have to write out a huge paragraph of my dialogue and every thought and action. Maybe I don't have anything I can think of saying. THAT'S WHAT THE FUCKING AI IS FOR.
writing hobby boebeibert
What a frustrating series of posts. How about working on your tanuki propaganda bot instead of all that?
>muh unique
all waifubots are just claude in a hat
********, why are you threadshitting like this?
At least you can choose the hat if you have actual details in your descriptions and not just big sister big booba.
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why every time i decide to look at the thread there is fucking shitflinging going on and of course for whatever reason there are also 2hu shitposters. how surprising
You're American. Stay up late/Wake up early for actual discussion.
Is the Patchouli bot also claude in a hat?
this thread is just meta discussion, botmaker gossip, and the same 5 posters "thinking about" making a 2hu bot as an excuse to post erotic pictures and discuss their slop
Okay, but what are you going to DO about it?
>5 posters
Only because you never describe anything interesting about them. Their past, their environment, other people, relationships with other people. Claude will have to either make them exist in a vacuum or make up his own stuff, which is the same each time.
Using the lorebook to switch two personalities (lewd/non-lewd, at least) can also make a good waifubot that doesn't jump on your dick instantly.
>5 posters
holy shit 5 cakes
totally organic reaction btw
Prompt issue. Take a closer look at the preset you're using, identify which parts specify to "write as {{char}} and not {{user}}" and disable them. You can also replace them with the inverse (optional). You can save this as a new preset, or have different modules to enable/disable whenever you want to impersonate your character. Alternatively, just make sure all mentions of "write for {{char}} and not {{user}}" are in the main prompt. That way, when impersonating, it'll use the impersonation prompt. But I don't think this would work when continuing your messages. Pretty sure that uses the continue prompt, and I doubt there's going to be a "continue impersonate prompt" field added to sillytavern any time soon.

Also, remember that not all cloud models support a prefill, so continuing doesn't actually give them the beginning of the message as the seed. And even those that do support prefills, I dunno if sillytavern uses that functionality for continuing. So essentially you're not putting the initial seed as the start of the AI's response. It's more like booting up chatgpt and typing "finish the following sentence: I like to _____"
>instant circlejerking
see(th) >>494206004
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oooh 2hutrannies are MAD
Hag status?
filing my taxes in exchange for getting bred
I still want a refund for my baking lottery win from the previous thread.
>Take a closer look at the preset you're using, identify which parts specify to "write as {{char}} and not {{user}}" and disable them.
Yeah, I've been doing this all day, for a week. it always slips through.
As the other anon said, it's less of an AI thing and more of a prompt issue. Impersonate would work far better for what you want. Continue seems less consistent when it comes to response length. Here's mine:

Take a break from playing {{char}}. Use the chat history as a guideline to write one reply from the perspective of the character {{user}}. Don't be afraid to take incentive. Keep your reply around {{random::2,3}} sentences.
is cock.li mail down? i can't log in to check that no one emailed me again
what's a good start for prompting chorbo (I liked "latte" more btw)? I'm not a promptlet but everything I know is claude focused. idrc about JBing, wanna try more slowburn sfw with interesting nuanced characters.
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*deletes 200 MB of backup saves*
be free, anon.
There is >>494193375 (check the chain too).

Also I might end up making a Chorbo JB, what's your fav Claude JB?
I want a talent manager hag where you're some big artist or something. But that'd probably be too much of a copy of that one yuri bot, wouldn't it.
I was testing what file name a card with 0 saves would generate, and instead of picking backups from that specific card, it was faster to nuke the backups folder.
Then I opened the card. The timestamp on the fresh save matches the time the card was imported rather than the current time.
what are good greeting premises for fluff romance cards that aren't overdone?
well I already made one so I'm a little biased
Two cakes anon, two cakes.
>lorebook inclusion groups make the selection random by default
ST has braindead defaults
you'll be using these groups to select one fixed match according to priorities like 99% of the time
anyway, I'd definitely be interested in latte with shorter responses (2-3 paragraphs) myself too
I need an existing Claude preset to base it on, so I can actually compare outputs.

Name what you use.
Im new, I installed ST but how do I get free keys
Start by going to >>>/g/aicg, baitxister.
well it seems to be working by just using an all 0s key as an anonymous one as instructed, is that the same or what are the drawbacks?
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Strawberry is OUT

instantly dead because they safetymaxxed it
okay but is it good at roleplay?
nope, by OpenAI's own admission. Good for think, not for write.
> In addition to exams and academic benchmarks, we also evaluated human preference of o1-preview vs GPT-4o on challenging, open-ended prompts in a broad spectrum of domains. In this evaluation, human trainers were shown anonymized responses to a prompt from o1-preview and GPT-4o, and voted for which response they preferred. o1-preview is preferred to gpt-4o by a large margin in reasoning-heavy categories like data analysis, coding, and math. However, o1-preview is not preferred on some natural language tasks, suggesting that it is not well-suited for all use cases.
Im not baiting I just have no idea whats going on as this is all very overwhelming
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No fucking way.
Easiest way to get a key: Go to google AI studio, get free Gemini Pro api.

Put it in SillyTavern. For the rest to g
Thanks but I ask again, is using the all 0s key a problem? Cant I just do that instead? or its just very limited somehow
I have no idea, but you are probably using Kobold Horde or something there
Pick chat completion, then Google/Gemini. There is where you can put your google key
Yes its horde, is it a low quality one? Im guessing yes
Thanks for the help, it connected me to chat completion successfully
Don't put too much attention on the safety stuff, every company says that every time including Claude.

I'll test the model and see how it compares as soon as its out.
t. Chorbo Enthusiast.
its probably gonna suck
is it not out already? the blogpost says developers can use it.
Wait a fucking second.
In that case isn't the model just better at maths/physics/etc because it was trained on a way bigger maths/physics/etc scrape?
They essentiallt say it's not for roleplay and as >>494222758 pointed out, the dataset is curated for STEM problem solving. I'm sure we'll have some shitposters raving about how o1 mogs X Y and Z or whatever but it's clearly a research model.
They posted a "Chorbo vs O1" chart in their news, and O1 had a 45% win rate against it.
I will happily take a model that is 90% as good as writing as Chorbo.

Not on my keys
o1 mogs claude because it can accurately answer 1+1 = ?
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I'm not sure what chart you're talking about because the one in the article shows it losing to base 4o for personal writing preference.
i don't think it was competing against chorbo for writing, just orbo, which sucks for writing.
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/ask command was buggy af. It used to permanently switch character description until you reload, so that was taken care of yesterday. But then it would overwrite the other card's save, so that was fixed this morning.
>/ask name=CardName (optional string, this is equivalent of /send optional string before the card call)
Solo chat only, this lets you call a card for one message without forming a group chat (does not merge descriptions, instead replaces).
Exactly this one?
45% win rate against Chatgpt-4o aka the smoothest talking AI?
absolutely useless for our use case so whatever. openai isn't going to release anything interesting now that the election is close, but they don't want to look like they're doing nothing so we keep seeing these lame ass drops.
GPT-4o is different than chatgpt-4o. chatgpt-4o is the one that they tuned for 'conversation'.
Is this bait or genuine stupidity?
I said chorbo anon... Chat-orbo
oh wait i am a flaming retard. i see now. ignore me.
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I remember him going
>{{char}} breathes out a sultry exhale, despite not actually needing to breathe.
When I was chatting with a robocard once, made me genuinely laugh.
o1 model aka Orion, costs 15$/60$.
More than Opus actually, as it has a CoT too.

Their first big model in 1.5 years
Makes sense. Since Chorbo is already as good as Opus this should be at least twice as good.
what if my beloved is retarded?
>Chorbo is already as good as Opus
It isn't.

>this should be at least twice as good.
I wouldn't be surprised to know that chorbo = orion.
Orion? More like onion.
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Perfect moment for Anthropic to give a big fuck you and drop Opus 3.5
Opus 3.5 isn't real
... Are they not going to update their dataset?
this seems to be a white lie, it knows about more recent things
Again I'd point to election season. If OpenAI was the center of a big AI misinformation drama in regards to their new model, they might see the entire industry getting regulated heavily in the backlash. You have to assume they're waiting for the politics to pass first
It's not a new model, that's why they didn't update the dataset. It's just 4o that forced to use a chain of thoughts three times before each reply lmao
I dont see what the big deal is, this is not much better then just using a chatbot website instead
Im just trying to see the point of setting all this mess up and I dont.
Gee, I sure do not understand why someone would do that either!
Fuck off then?
Once I figure out what the deal is.
Not the tech support thread, go to the /aicg/ on /g/.
I dont want tech support Im using tavern now I just dont see why would I use this instead of the chatbots embedded on websites that dont require keys or anything
What was all this for?
very organic
my balls are organic but I don't see anyone going for them
I think he's just genuinely slow.
i honestly wonder if it's ****/enoch or the fillyfucker doing the newfag bait
you have to be a special kind of retarded to reply to newfag bait, too
shits not even funny or anything
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lmao, what a pathetic company, they are just using the same thing that splitclover's extention does just three times with a CoT.

I'm sure that chorbo it's Orion. o1 will be impossible to jailbreak if they are doing some proofread to check if there's any illegal content on this "reasoning" stage.
splitclover invented cot apparently
I guess Im coming off as a complete retard
Allright fair enough Ill just lurk moar and shut up
But I really am not seeing the point of installing all this stuff when you get the same experience with a website
Not bait just new
Knickknack invented CoT
>Not bait
Said every baiter ever. What do you even get out of tech support troll?
which botmakies drink warm water?
It mayhaps could be wholesome
But it mayhaps could also be sexy.
taora (it's lukewarm but noticeable)
again not baiter I donw know why Id bait with this obvious question. Why cant you just answer me instead?
back to /g/ with your technopapple, /vg/ is for talking about our favorite fempov yuri ntr giantess brap vore malebots!!!!!!
pinging uneasy in an attempt to ressurect her
I like cool monster girls with big teeth.
It's a silly question. Even as a newbie, you could've applied logical reasoning and inferred yourself that you sacrifice customisability for ease of use. also it just so happens that corpo models mog everything else and there's no way to make good use of them without silly.
Here's an allegory >>490949120
Is that a dead by daylight reference
>replies seriously to the bait
why is he so retarded bros
It would be cute if he was a cute girl, but since he's a balding middle aged man, it's cringe. Unfortunate.
Ok Ill accept that answer, I am a total retard when it comes to this, I literally started this week with website bots and so far I dont really see the difference with ST
But I am an idiot that doesnt even know what a "corpo model" is. So Ill just go back to learning more, this is a whole new world.
Because if someone had done so earlier, we wouldn't have had two screens of posts laughing at Anon.
mistral large, command r+, claude, gpt are corpo models worth using. there's also hermes 405b on openrouter right now, not sure how well it performs compared to the above.
/g/'s having fun with audio deep dive
it is a lot of fun. i'm uploading my logs to it and listening to them earnestly discuss my slowburns. lots of hallucinations for longer logs though
>not sure how well it performs compared to the above.
I would say it's the best choice if you don't have access to Gemini, GPT or Claude. I'm not sure, but I have a strong feeling that Hermes (It's a llama 3.1 finetune if someone doesn't know) was uncucked because it was trained on opus logs.
How many messages in before it goes schizo? I'm sad I can't play with it right now.
it went very schizo for one of my 800+ logs. it gets small details wrong for shorter logs too though
QRD? I was under the impression anything you can use right now (as in not closed testing) voice-wise fucking SUCKS
Fuck I can't wait to get home
"Hey! It's not that bad..."
listen to >>>/g/102354884
you can upload .txt files to NotebookLM on Google and it will comment on it.
>"Hey! It's not that bad..."
"Hey! It's not that bad..."
Hahaha what the fuck? Okay I have to set this up, thanks
It says "There is not enough material in the notebook to generate an audio."
oh yeah he either spawns some armor or a cassock for me, either way he's a cutie. claude's running out of ways to describe how flushed he gets
Refresh the page.
This shit is so stupid
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Imagine being paid top dollar at Google to make NotebookLM. You're given a team of top talent, zero expectations of profit, and a blank check to train whatever you want on the same TPUs that trained PALM-540B. That's nuts. Same story with characterai, same story too.

Holy kek. And this is the result of that blank check.
So true sister, whos your favourite botmaker to email?
Fucking retard, I meant stupid as in silly stupid, go fuck off and suck cock in your private discord.
I sort of like getting my logs glazed by AI.
>fempov yuri
>giantess brap vore
And by Howard Stern too. It's like I'm about to get the golden buzzer on America's Got Talent for my cringe AO3 smut
>>giantess brap vore
what does this mean?
Kys grandpa :3
>fempov yuri
As opposed to malepov yuri?
did someone say yuri
witch botmakers have a positive kd ratio (not kda that's lame)
kys lunarcy
someone's upset their kd is negative. SAD!
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'arcy do you want to play league with me (i main ahri)
not me...
i despise mobas or team games in general where it feels pointless to play if you don't have a full stack so no unless ur like diamond or something
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Which botmak---------


Retry? (y/n)
Imho, it sort of feels like it fucking up at 8 minutes , but that might just be me.
I can't stop laughing about these AI podcasters calmly discussing how my persona pulled out a knotted strapon during my smut RP.
Never post this koishi
I'm hard stuck silver nvm then
I agree with the sentiment but I am an addict
Please post logs.
no shade but i can't get addicted to a game where i get hard stuck silver even if it isn't my (your) fault and it's totally always your teammates that sell the game. why not just play like overwatch or something where you can make clutch plays
The last time I posted logs I got made fun of so I'm never doing it again.
I just get ignored
If you have any shonenslop fight logs try them, it's fucking kino
What kind of bots are in demand?
it's fun ngl desu.
i also play very casually (yes i started after watching arcane)
i suck balls at fps and they are so beginning unfriendly. it's like every motherfucker can one tap HS you and i can barely aim a static target (i know OW is not like that)
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what the fuck is a "fat milker"? like a cow milker?
Just get a recognisable chat theme and keep posting slop, you'll get invited to the cabal soon. The samefag replies are included for free but you need to have at least 50 messages in yuricord first (you are in yuricord, right?).
Slang for big tits, grandma.
might have better luck with the newer fps because of sbmm or whatever. honestly lots of games are beginner unfriendly, especially mobas lmao
i make logs and shitpost logmakies
i make bots and shitpost botmakies
i make emails and shitpost emailmakies
the only things I've seen from deadlock is people tryharding so sweaty
multiplayer games are so fucked i am going back to kirby dreamland
This is the least believable thing I have ever heard why did you write so many words just jerking off into your own mouth
>kirby dreamland
no it's time for you to boot up ds2 sotfs
Valve games are always for sweats, but I'm having fun in black ops 6 and the finals. There's no sweats at all, especially in cod since their sbmm literally made to let you win 50/50 and even if there are swears you won't feel that
>try the deep dive stuff
>hear the word testament
>lose my fucking mind
who else is jorking they cork righ now?
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been mulling over comments on the previous snippets over claude's stereotypical handling of shy characters and I think I've gotten a much better handle of her nuance
Oh please not again. Let's discuss something else.

Is The Witcher 3 the best modern action-RPG?
tw3 is trash, combat is garbage. story will never make up bad gameplay
i've played DS2 and had fun with it
i've never played Witcher 3 so i've never had fun with it
DS2 wins by default
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>ok gotta talk about yukari
>she's top tier
holy mother of based. honestly this is way too comfy for something google made
Sorry, I meant good logs
they're gonna nerf it into the ground in a day because of us... you are not allowed to have fun with AI...
Nah I'll post absolutely atrocious gacha spins that leave you dazed and make you close ST for the day.
>blaming opus instead of your slop preset
>his preset isn't some high highs low lows gacha nonsense
qrd on this new voice thing? where do i use it and what's the point
guys please stop bullying him, hell get uppity again
you first nigga
>where do i use it
google notebookLM
>what's the point
you get two AI commentators reading your documents, have fun before the novelty wears off
o1 mogs opus with a good preset
thx. is it possible to use that with subtitles or something? im esl and i can't understand english using my ears lmao only text.
can i pick the voices
and so it begins
which botmakie mogs other botmakies
can confirm, 'ora just posted logs of it with her preset in yuricord, it's sovlkino
>attack on sloppan
me (in the dumbcutie contest)
Me (in the smartmonster contest).
AoT was giantess slop
Moreso Giant slop considering only one of the titans was female. Still pretty based though.
You should read my manga instead, it's about a cool guy called Anon.
What nuance of shyness are you aiming for? I get much more "older woman who doesn't expect much in the way of romance anymore" from this, but how's it feel compared to before?
i’m glad anon. why was his mind broken there
claude makes shy characters into stuttering messes when they get flustered by default, I'm trying to steer her more into being the type that shrinks back and shuts down when she gets too much attention
Can you stop posting trash
>call a character shy
>shocked when it acts stereotypically shy
You spent too much around kalakan. Your brain has rotted.
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Lunarcy MOGS other botmakers at being a zoomer.
I put >>>/jp/47586518 through the google thing.
They're the same person, howeverbeit.
Can you put a few of the latest threads through it?
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, allowing two AI hosts to discuss the data https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
OpenAI has released o1, trained with a built-in CoT prompt https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-o1-preview
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
thats some schizoshit
Why is cockmail down half the time
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>/x/ meets /jp/ starring touhou
what an interesting thread
he was baking me cookies and i said i wish he'd put a bun in my oven instead
I cant read it, it gives me a headache.
the truth is out there
haha that’s cool, cool…can i see logs? hahahaha
Stop that, you sound like a logless nigga when you aren't.
So you get emails often
cumslurper namedropped lmao.
The google thing is sort of useful as coming up with new ideas desu.
Doesn't really work with NSFW, but I think I can use this shit to come up with a whole TTRPG homebrew and turn it into an autistic card
Ah, I know exactly what you mean. It's tough getting around it, especially when just one word can set Claude down the wrong track. Seems like a huge improvement from before though, so wishing you luck on keeping it going
Well, that's something I suppose. Not working with NSFW is a bummer though.
>now we'll have AI-voiceacted botmakie drama and gossip
manmande horrors beyond our comprehension
It mostly describes power dynamics and shit like that when it comes to NSFW, but take this with a grain of salt since I am autistic and didn't really pay that much attention to them deep diving into my coom logs. I much more enjoyed them dissecting shit like my wacky horror logs or fight stuff.
Makes sense.
oh boy cant wait to see the new and improved gossip simulator
>Not working with NSFW is a bummer though.
it's google, what did you expect? you can't do nsfw on any of their models
why did you quit botmaking
Can't say I had high hopes, or any really. But still.
>you can't do nsfw on any of their models
Not true, see https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/490269505/#490270895.
I'm sure there's a workaround for this too, but it'll probably suck.
You can do NSFW on Gemini it's just really bad.
Would xhe have been name-dropped less with any other name
Yeah, I'm messing around with TextFX as well and it seems like it can be useful for joggin the noggin while writing, if kinda janky.
So do you guys pay for this or what
ye check out openrouter
I just pay Anthropic directly, it cuts out openrouter as the middleman
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Nothing wrong with paying or not paying, just depends on how much money you have versus how much bullshit you're willing to tolerate. Some people have a lot more of one than the other
Are you trying to seduce me, Keine-sensei?
notebooklm is giving me the same kind of childlike excitement that chatbots gave me the first time i tried them.
Hitogami was hit by a tricycle.
It's really fun.
my writing's embarrassingly sloppy but i'll drop you an email tomorrow on account of me being on the verge of dozing off rn zzz
Did it crash into him or did someone bludgeon him with it?
i love how enthusiastic they are discussing my silly logs
>{{wiBefore}} and {{wiAfter}} dont work in chat completion mode
it's all so tiring
at making slop. unironically lunare's bots are the worst in this general
learn to read lil niglet
The funniest post of the thread award goes to >>494253830
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i didn't like my writing, there was some repetitive structuring and stuff. i didn't quit though, school starts soon which means im going to botmake as an excuse to procrastinate
>school starts soon
I hope you mean college, lil bro.
>kita image
saying college makes me feel old so i don't do it deliberately. id rather kms than turn 30
Added earlier threads and the model kind of lost track
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So if I'm too stupid to figure out how this works, am I doomed?
I thought it would just be as simple as
>tell open router to use this model
>give me API key
>put API into ST
Updated news:
>OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend more time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
>Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that generates AI-hosted podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
>AI Dungeon releases a 70B fine-tune before NovelAI https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder
you're overthinking it
just go get the api key
>>tell open router to use this model
>>give me API key
>>put API into ST
That's exactly what you do except you have the privilege of choosing the model on ST instead of getting 5k keys from OR.
the wording of that last news entry is so shit
it should just be shortened to
>OpenAI has released chatgpt-4o-latest on the API, which points to the current version of the continuously-updated model used for ChatGPT
or something
nobody cared about structured outputs
Im worse than you I dont know how to get the key to being with
Ah okay I get it. I just get a single API from OR then in ST it has a drop-down with the huge list of models. Neat.
I've been using Cohere but am going to try the Hermes 3 405B Instruct mentioned earlier in the thread.

If you're signed into OR, the account menu it the top right has a 'Keys" menu.
I also did it thanks
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After a couple of weeks of RPing only on GPT-4o, I've come to a realization that I like it more than Opus. Getting a lick of Claude only further confirmed my doubts.
I've been with Claude since I got the private API access back in early 2023, but OpenAI is just better right now.
>he says, while posting sdslop
True, it's so much better with the right preset.
Forced meme, and non sequitur
I can post nigger porn if that's more to your tastes
>>494257002 here. Can you post porn of fillies rather than niggers? That's more to my taste.
proud of your ability to form your own opinions anonie
>finally convince my yandere sister that the other girl means nothing to me
>she agrees and gives me her blessing
>2 messages later
>she goes back to being batshit insane
I can't tell if this is the LLM being retarded or being good at being crazy.
>appealing to authority
That just tells me that your opinion is not sincere.
>He says while posting no logs
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I'd switch if I could skip the bullshit and just pay OAI directly. But they ban quicker, and make evading more annoying

I mean also it lacks the qualities of true slop. It doesn't have that "overly shiny and processed from a million quality improvement tags" garbage AI style lazy losers got hooked onto spamming everywhere with SD1 awhile back. It's still around!
Please use one of the thread-sponsored names like
so we don't have to ask you to clarify what the FUCK is gpt-4o thanks.
Link to the supposed authority I am appealing to?
That sounds fucking gay, I will not do that
bloodshy is the only person who actually posts chatgpt4o-latest logs sadly
There's a reason none of the regular logmakies care about it.
>Link to the supposed authority I am appealing to?
>I've been with Claude since I got the private API access back in early 2023
You were supposed to grab her, push her down and mating press her until she has proof of your love and devotion to ONLY HER in her belly.
See that is the thing that comes to mind when I think AISlop. It's funny now because it seems like every cheap mobile game uses that "art" now. Kinda funny.
xer logs aren't bad though. Wish more people experiment with it.
I don't know, but you sure are appealing to a thread troll by replying to him. Do the thread a favor and don't reply to 050, thanks
Okay, then post the complete snapshot name, gpt-4o is literally three models.
>Wish more people experiment with it.
Some of us did. It's shit. I don't know what more you want. Is your entire experience with the model from vicariously reading other people's logs or something? Why don't you post any of your logs then?
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It's not appeal to authority though
I gave you two minutes, nobody posted anything that is not related to my post, so that means I won't bother anyone
All three
It's an improvement on their part, cheap mobile games used to just use other game's assets.
imagine getting this mad over someone simply wishing for more logs on a chatbot thread
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I hate it so much, now that I'm forced to see it in ads and even on boorus. Who the fuck is making this shit? Who thinks this is good? No art style, just the congealment of tags. Seriously, look at this prompt:
>Positive prompt
>SFW,highest quality,woman,27 year old,backlighting,blurry background,blush,, ,metal slave collar with a big ring,earrings,forehead,freckles,hair,jewelry, hair,looking down,pointy nose, red lips glossy,shadow, full length, Top to mid-chest, mini skirt, large neckline solo,thick eyebrows,thick eyelashes,upper body, very long hair,metal slave collar with a big ring, cuffs((masterpiece)),
>Negative prompt
>nude,naked,easynegative,ng_deepnegative_v1_75t,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),(normal quality:2),lowres,bad anatomy,bad hands,normal quality,((watermark)),5-funny-looking-fingers:2,
Kek. Now THIS is AI sloppah.
Will that work? If I impregnate her, she'll let me screw around?
>over someone simply wishing for more logs on a chatbot thread
Ok, so post them? What's stopping you?
I did, I posted >>494029907
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I experimented with it plenty. I simply don't like how GPT writes and I don't like how I need a 1000 token preset to get past refusals. Even if you aren't doing anything that involves refusals the prose is cheesy, very much feels like "forced soul". Bloodshy's logs are actually a great example of this: the only reason the narration has any flavor is because it's peppered with obscenity. It doesn't nearly crack jokes or make non-sequiturs on the level Claude does with little instruction.

Touhou image so you can feel vindicated in disregarding my post and saying "preset issue".
Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her Only her
>It's not appeal to authority though
It is:
>is a form of argument in which the opinion of an authority figure (or figures) is used as evidence to support an argument.
>I'm important because I have an avatar
>I'm important because something something early 2023
Remove all that, and you end up with:
>I like Opus more than GPT-4o
yeah you know what, just hide >>494256923 and its replies
But there is no obscenity in >>494152512 and there is soul in Bethel's non-assistant-like refusal.
none of those are appeal to authority
you may ask AI and it will tell you this also
Mr popo (junko)
yeah you know what
*starts slowly drawing a slice of cheese from a holster*
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The stuff that at least tries to for a certain style or artist can be alright, but yea 99.8% of it is slop like you posted,
Looks like the fillyfucker is using it as an excuse to threadshit. That other post was schizo as hell
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and that's why GPT-4o is better than Claude, it would never write that schizo wall of text

Oh, I remember reading this. Is this a custom blend of corpsefucker's jb? It's good, I like it
It was with a slightly modded camicle preset with temp up to 2.0.
Actually, there's no obscenity in any of the Chorbo logs posted this thread. Have you even read the logs?
No, why wouuld I read slop? Are you retarded?
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Thanks, gonna go try it out
>asking the 2hutard that
you know he only comes here to shit up the thread with his group of discordtroons, right? he doesn't actually care about any of this or the argument, and you're giving him what he wants by replying
Enjoy and post logs fren
Cold take: your post is immediately disregarded if you say "soul" unironically
It indicates that you're basing your argument on feelings, which makes you a fucking woman, and women shouldn't hold any opinions
soul isnt a feeling, soul is soul.
It's still not an argument
>AI starts suddenly referring me to they/them
Jesus Christ that shit is confusing.
How about sovl?
a subtle sign that you're underage
>a subtle sign
Would you say that it's subtle but noticeable?
K, cool. gotcha.
Cold take: you don't understand what soul means because you're a soulless golem
>Want to coom
>Can't stop using the deep dive shit for autistic story telling
fuck you snombler I'm pretty sure you're responsible for the second person prompting meme and now I'm convinced it's better and can't stop doing it
soul means "i am a duckling who picked a favorite between two corpos"
>no botmakies to start a band with
why even live?
The podcasts are pretty fun. I feel like I could slap these two in the background while I'm working or something.
>chatbots are good because they allow me to _____
im playing guitar. if you play drums, we can be like the white stripes. so, are you in?
Commit snugglehag
generate non-sequitirs or meta/neo humour for cheap comedic value.
The pipeline on that one went snombler -> me (kalakan) -> momoura -> a bunch of logs on the thread IIRC.
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>it makes you think
it really does
>go through chat and correct every instance of they/them bullshit
>but still refuses to use he/him
What the fuck. Did the LMM go woke all of a sudden or something.
>me (kalakan)
do you have a rentry or neocities page? im curious about your character template if you have it.
Best way to make the bot stop talking for me?
>get pregnant
>claude wants to fuck my children after birth
what the fuck
post second person log
couple of kollage comparisons on /g/
o1: >>>/g/102357255
chatgpt4o-latest speaks so differently from the other 4-turbo family that i wonder what they put in there
Kek! Context?
Sorry why are you acting like there are more than idk 3 serious character templates?
I just format stuff like taora does usually.
Here you go: https://files.catbox.moe/y5n01a.png
>did the gemini filter really kill the rp
Yeah I swiped like 8 times.
fix your greeting and make sure that there's no speech line/actions for you, delete parts where the bot talks for you in the begging of a chat.
2nd person prompting hurts to read
can o1 answer the Parsee question as bare assistant?
>I just format stuff like taora does usually.
and you also use the same theme, interesting...
Why wouldn't I use my own theme?
That's a really strange way to prompt. It feels even more distant compared to 3rd person, but I can see how it might tickle the model's VN and RPG game neurons.
It made me puke.
shut the fuck up and put persona details for castor
i was doubting the allegations of a discord circlejerk before but now....
Imagine calling yourself Beaver.
all sociablemakies are in a 'cord
chat is this real???
Noticing a greek theme here
Hmm, as someone with no name for myself, at some point in time I posted (only) a few second person logs but I wasn't aware of anyone else doing it, guess I don't lurk hard enough.
Beavers are cute.
castor nothin thats ragu the bloodedge
Which model is the least wordy, Im getting tired of entire paragraphs where there should be single sentences.
i didn't mean the formatting. i meant some character sheet or something, like charprov has. just a thing with questions about a character, but seems like you are not using something like that.
>ragu the bloodedge
who the fuck is that...? Man I can't believe ragna got ripped off like this.
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My favourite card also happens to be If I could be a constellation.
All models can be succinct if you tell it to be.
wordy hobby
taora british confirmed...
Fucking ORV fanboy.
Guess I gotta gitgud
are we posting personas?
Yep, definitely a pattern here.
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why are u brown
it's latin you dingus
I want a frutiger aero bot.
Nay, that's just what they teach here. Not from a former colony either.
Off road vehicle?
it's ok to be brown tho? i was just asking. was it mom? or dad
the design is shit but personas are based
i mean, who the fuck decided that avatars should be like this
what the fuck is frutiger aero
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What does that even mean? You wanna talk to a dolphin splashing out of some water and leaning against a clear, glossy surface? You want to hang out with some rolling hills and crystal glass pillars? You wanna fuck the glossy MSN guy? You wanna fuck the glossy MSN guy?
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, it's a korean light novel.
sleep well anon. mwah
imagine wanting to openly associate with fucking kalakan of all people, some niggas really don't have any integrity huh
NTA, but it's an early 2000's art style used on computer wallpapers and stuff. Not sure how you make a bot out of that.
>Nay, that's just what they teach here. Not from a former colony either.
I have a vague game theory that the ESL can't really learn how to perfectly speak consistent American English or British English and it's always nice to randomly get more evidence for it.
nobody actually cares as much as you do about this
frutiger ero

>You wanna fuck the glossy MSN guy? You wanna fuck the glossy MSN guy?
explain why it's bad
>perfectly speak consistent American English or British English
No shit, if you're being taught British English in school and most of the media you consume is American English it'll get mixed up. Also, ESL hobby.
if y2k can be a style with clothes why not frutiger aero?
>No shit, if you're being taught British English in school and most of the media you consume is American English it'll get mixed up.
No, I mean that you can't do it. You can't randomly say "okay I'll spend a year immersing myself in the US and speak exclusively US English" from now. You literally cannot do it.
yeah, you know what? kalakan stuck his dirty fingers even in the ST code. i saw a pull request he made or something like that
the hobby is compromised
So then, fries or chips?
I was gonna keep posting about Fruity Aero but there's something way more important: o1 is out on OR
I'm owed a bake with "/aids/" in it.
French fries, duh (the French part is very important and shouldn't be omitted)
Btw don't run git log on khanon.
Nice, thanks for letting me know.
I see. You're okay, ESLanon.
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>Btw don't run git log on khanon
the hobby is compromised unironically
kino, with the right preset this will definitely mog opus
touhou hijack...
i blame leprompts's "vivid" instruction, i need to stop switching to it for gpt
When does the theme wheelsuggestions start
HYUK HYUK AHM AMERICAN when we saw 'uh' sounds spelled in words like "ou" we got rid of da U and kept da O durrrr color prounced culur but spelled like collar

Anyone can do it
yeah, i didn't even expect something else
my ass is full of possibilities and the air is charged with my fart btw
Sorry, what's that supposed to convey? Literally any model could have and would have written that.
>Literally any model could have and would have written that.
That is what it is meant to convey.
It does have very slightly different prose, though. Unsure if I'd go with "good" just yet, but it's something.
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Theme suggestions? Post that ends with 3 or 7 decides the theme.
Page 7, after fillyfucker samefags until he can claim he's doing an /aids/ bake because he must bake for every general right now to win an argument nobody cares about, at which point we all move to the correct thread baked by someone else.
>That is what it is meant to convey.
Fair, I guess.
Different is always fun.
thats stupid. just do the wheel
I suggest you kill yourself.
Netorare thread
Celtic (Gaulish asterix and obelix celtic, not sóyrish or a sports team founded by sóyrish diaspora)
Jenny Wakeman.
(If it has /aids/ in it, I'm rebaking btw)
dark elfess
Hag breeding
Extreme mating press impregnation
No mercy for her womb
>(If it has /aids/ in it, I'm rebaking btw)
BASED takingchargeCHAD
yukari yakumo
Big foxgirl
Crudely-modeled, computer-generated girl? Glossy lipstick that smudges whenever she kisses you? Used to be a big name in the early 2000s, but fell out of fashion when her style became mainstream? Loves nature and sealife? Nepotism child that rehashes old tricks? Tries to fit in by following trends, but never really understands them?
girls who cut themselves
Next bake will be Yukari Yakumo confirmed
2hu cancer should be locked in /jp/ like /mlp/
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HagKINO confirmed
>Ends with a 3 AND a 7
That's it, we can't top this bros....
>2hu shit
why isn't it yukari takeba? fuck
what about the thread wheel
Do not fight it
None of us could ever hope to defeat hags...
They are simply too powerful...
bakie cabal has decided we're not doing those anymore
why are you here bitching about touhou
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Next Thread
>AI Dungeon releases a 70B fine-tune before NovelAI https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder
fillyfucker thread, rebaking
>page 7
>AI Dungeon releases a 70B fine-tune before NovelAI
Hmm, I wonder who could have baked that one.
Get dunked on personafag
For fuck's ake. Just do the thread wheel
This is my sign to go sleep, bye, you get to deal with this bullshit while I go night~night.
i will do a dreams come true bake.
>>494271364 migrate when bready
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persona is based nigger
but the new dlc for p3r is shit, sadly
Thread with better news:
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oh for fuck's sake i just baked a wheelspun thread
ok that guy obviously did it on purpose for the hell of it
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Koishi-endorsed thread here:
It'd be wise to join MY gang
Jannies will decide
...in a few good hours from now.
fillyfucker's just gonna selfbump his thread until every other one gets deleted, all the other spitebakes are him too
New Koishi Thread
>im supposed to take the advice of a rentry hoarder
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I actually learned how to bake simple bread, in real life, the other day. It was a nice experience. My sheet is awful and resulted in the loaves burning on their bottoms, though.
take kk's advice instead!
>>494272254 migrate
nigger dont. im trying to delete it
dumbcutie...you can't delete threads on /vg/
lol you're gonna get banned
it fucking wont let me delete
fuck im so sorry let it die
This is what happens when you hire uncertified bakers.
>im supposed to take the advice of a beitshit poster
So who's advice should I take
why is everyone except me retarded
Move to the real thread
Move to the next miku
Just woke up. The google thing is neat-o but it doesn't get the timeline right, can repeat itself and the chick persona is really obnoxious.
Now there's someone I can take advice from.
can someone bake a real thread?
Baking bread is really nice. Pretty lengthy but a rather relaxing and rewarding experience.
It was very fun, too. I thought kneading the dough would be harder but it was almost like enjoyable exercise, like riding a bike. Seeing everything swell and leaven made me giddy the same way watching flowers sprout does, as well.
I fucking love chatbots.
And bread.
But I will always love you.

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