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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#164 - Yukari Hagkumo Edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, allowing two AI hosts to discuss the data https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
OpenAI has released o1-latest, trained with a built-in CoT prompt https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-o1-preview
OpenAI has released chatgpt-4o-latest on the API, which points to the current version of the continuously-updated model used for ChatGPT

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

prev: >>494134280
real thread
i thought a thread wheel would be fairer
Kill yourself
i didn't get what the people were saying about "feels weird having to wait so long compared to gpt4o" but having no streaming at all on o1 kind of sucks
i will take the sacrifice of so many threads for some hags
Are there any bots that are better on GPT that'd be good for testing with o1? I mostly have bots tuned on how they act on Claude.
could always try belwick since it was explicitly made to work with gpt, if it o1 can actually run it
Sounds good, actually. I'll try it.
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belwick probably doesn't work on o1 because of the system prompt override
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Keeps cutting off, which is annoying. Seems a lot more proactive, though.
try the lamplighter
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Awful model to test right now, by the way. Waiting a minute each time for half-finished or empty responses, so it's hard to really get anything 'going,' so to speak. Hopefully it lets up soon.
o1 on OR sees system prompts. Not sure *how* it sees them, but it can retain info from them, just tested.
One output.
>The name slips from her lips like a curse, or perhaps a benediction.
It's been a while since I last played lamplighty but this makes me want to kill myself.
shigeko is absolutely not better on gpt wtf
shigeko sucks on urbo/orbo but is better on gpt-4-0613
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(Does anyone know how long this lasts? I got like, 3 outputs out of it total before it stopped letting me do it.)
shigeko fucking sucks on gpt if you're playing her as intended since gpt-4 family models meander so much and never introduce random weirdness forcing the user to take heavy incentive
5av3r runs best on gpt-4 in my experience.
> as intended
nigga shes a yandere bot her intended playstyle is plap
above that she's supposed to be urban horror with eldritch shit casually seeping into the setting and i feel like gpt never picks that part up and instead plays up her yapping and moodiness which is boring as fuck
honestly o1 being half-broken is not worth it for what i'm seeing
something something sour grapes o1 mogs with the right preset (/aicg/ will forget it exists in a week like 4o-mini since it's effectively un-JB-able)
it's not even just unJBable it's unusable right now
you have to turn all your settings off and either have a T5 (in which case you have to fuck with ST settings even more) or cope with insane ratelimits and broken responses from every service. hell if you have a T5 you might still be coping with insane ratelimits and broken responses
what kind of weird shit should i try in rp? i recently discovered that being killed is pretty fun, but i don't know what to write in my replies when i'm just sitting tied to a chair and a bot cuts off my tongue or something like that
>{{user}} makes a muffled noise that would be a scream if it wasn't more of a squelch, tears beading up at the corner of his eyes. Somehow, his eyes still contain an unsnuffed light in them, but it's not one of defiance.
>It's one of the hope for mercy, as he stares into {{char}}'s eyes. How foolish.
anyway if you want weird shit try weird personas and removing {{user}} from the greeting. being a ghost is fun
unconventional POVs are when I've had the most fun in RP I think, and they force you to think creatively. not just playing as the opposite gender/monsterPOV or whatever but also omniscient POV (directormaxxing), playing as a brainworm/voice in someone's head, having the AI re-narrate events from the perspective of inanimate objects, etc.
Worm, you say...
Do you have any idea how tightly I will snuggle this nuki hag?
>someone asks OR what the ratelimit on o1 is
>"no clue lol"
i see why notebooklm is ahead of o1 on the news now
pretentious prose
post examples of pretentiousless prose
Was it the book that came first? Or was it, perhaps, simply the name—an epithet, a sobriquet, a nom de plume as it were that momentously crept forth from the inky depths of the aspiring author's boundless imagination like a temerarious explorer venturing intrepidly into the unknown and uncharted regions of creative expression, only to precipitate the genesis of an opus most remarkable and profound? Alas, the answer to this inscrutable query is, in point of fact, quite obvious and inescapably self-evident upon even the most cursory and perfunctory of examinations. For you see, the precocious writer in question—a sprightly and vivacious ingénue of merely eighteen summers—could not, ipso facto, have conceivably birthed her magnum opus prior to adopting the appellation by which she would henceforth be universally known and revered. Her given name at birth, a mundane and prosaic "Alma" bereft of any semblance of artistic flair or literary panache, was woefully inadequate—nay, utterly insufficient!—to encapsulate the sheer scope and grandeur of her burgeoning genius. In her own estimation (and in that of her indefatigably doting and sycophantic mother), such a hopelessly pedestrian moniker was naught but an unbefitting and uncool utterance, an irksome albatross about the neck impeding her inexorable ascent to the dizzying heights of the cultural zeitgeist. And so it was that "Alma" was cast aside like the desiccated chrysalis from which the majestic butterfly had triumphantly emerged, supplanted for all eternity by the far grander and more evocative sobriquet of... "Almagest." A name for the ages, to be inscribed indelibly in the annals of literary history!
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What did she mean by this?
magnum-v2-72b chatml
I cum
Any bot by my favorite botmaker
>take a log
>go to manage chat files
>click the paper ("download chat as plain text document")
>upload it to https://notebooklm.google.com
>get an audio overview
>wait a bit
>post em
I wanna eat.
My audio logs are way too autistic for this general, I am talking AO3 fanfic levels of autism.
Weird way of getting logs, but aight. Curios if there's a way to improve the accuracy of the summary. The text one was pretty spot on.
I usually regen the audio log until I get something past 10 minutes. Because they are rather kino then
>google made a vocal fry podcast generator
why would they do this
Finally got aroudn to trying this one. It was nice. Thanks.
It's fun.
why are you on /vg/?
Google is beyond fun, you should know that. They don't make something for fun...
Just to suffer.
We've always been here?
It's good for spamming YouTube with even more content, then.
Just hanging out, why?
why are *you* on /vg/? huh? huh?
We have threads on /g/ and /trash/ and /MLP/ and God knows where else. Chatbots are everywhere.
>thinking about continuing a log i left off just to get a longer audio overview
That's the million dollar question, isn't it?
aicg is a /g/ general
I played with notebook for a little while before getting frustrated at it kinda missing all the cool details in favor of waffling about and filling the runtime with nonsense.
it's bad at getting details but hearing it talk about how {{user}} is pulling off some impressive textbook manipulation and decrying {{char}}'s "i love you" is fun
then go to /g/? we're having fun here
It is.
I read the post about having the ai glaze you and found it very apt
Yeah, but the glazing makes up for it, it's inflating my ego a lot.
at this rate you guys should just get a discord since it's as circlejerky as one too, this is an embarrassing general
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no matter how much, she's built to take it. she'll probably make a drawn-out, high-pitched whining noise the whole time, though
same, i'm gonna write more for notebookcast to read...
who asked lol, kill yourself
It pronounced {{user}}s name wrong
>he's not in the kalaora cord
>called it a written roleplay
It keeps calling mine text-based adventure games...
That was clear as day after the first dozen threads here.
its just like a real podcast in that regard
Anon I WILL make her my cuddle addicted wife
She WILL cry when she cant hold all her babies at once
>le girl but tail
>nothing about her actually being a tanook
>>le girl but tail
based malebotGOD shitting on unoriginal retards
And yet you've kept crawling back over a hundred times more.
I'm going to enjoy talking to people and you're going to watch, seethe, spitebake, and keep trying to bait to derail those conversations with tears in your eyes. And nothing will ever truly happen. Do you understand, pet?
>That was clear as day after the first dozen threads here.
...except the first dozen threads were good. The threads now are like when you have a 500 gorillion msg roleplay going and the model's brain has turned to mush
Maybe just an awkward way of phrasing it. I do really wish this thread stayed obscure and slow. People like kalakan should've never been allowed here.
>having fun is... LE BAD!
'an baked the very first /vg/aicg/ o1beit
>all the spitebakes get deleted
>suddenly it's "guys the thread is a circlejerk" hours
you know exactly who's complaining about having fun, just hide the posts and ignore them
I don't like your aura.
>People like kalakan should've never been allowed here
He seems fine from when I emailed him, but I'm probably biased because he said he liked my bots. The problem here is the underage (or mentally underage) shitters like >>494286008. I baked the first thread that got /vg/ to become a thing, the one themed around the movie 9 (good movie btw). I lived to see retards going in the /g/ thread and going "psst hey wanna post in a shitter free /aicg/" and dropping his burner.

...He just emailed people about this place and got it more attention. I think one guy even called to raid it or something. That was amusing enough to watch.
are you trying to say you could keep this thread underground if it wasn't for the anon emailing people about it, which was something I literally made up btw
how do we get you to go away
Can we have a thread without you?
>erm, i... MADE IT UP!
This nigga doesn't even know what he's talking about laugh at his ass
only if 'an leaves with me (you see I am a tsundere and this is the only way of expression I know)
>wake up
>9 posts pointing to a deleted bake
good morning aicg! niggers what's wrong agian?
get better material
someone fed fillyfucker sugar and he's been energetic lately, nothing worth worrying about
have you talked to him at all ever or is this just a parasocial thing
That is what I meant, the first thread was good, the next were alright, then the retarded control freak put his pointless rules in the op in the 6th, and it all went downhill from there. After the first dozen or so, it's kind of fuzzy at this point, there was no question about what the split becomes.
True. This should never have turned into a thing, a numbered split. Just like the /vg/ bakes before it, this should have been a temporary bunker thread once in a while, nothing more.
good morning avatarfren :3
so a discord server
nobody asked you anything, fillyfucker
>He just emailed people about this place and got it more attention.
That's how I got in here, though...
Really? Would you say you like more the threads now or the threads when you first got here
what /aicg/ wants has always been a discord server, they just don't want to admit it because idfk
You have your thread personalities now that it's permanent. That wouldn't have happened otherwise.
if people didn't want thread personalities they wouldn't exist
>no posts in almost 30 minutes
where did everyone go
there is a lot about her being a tanuki in the defs howeverbeit? you'll have to wait until she's out to see.
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Dropped updates to 4 bots with new opening messages.
Sorry to the 20-ish people who actually use nyai, but I can't edit bot defs there.

+ Allora gets a letter from her disapproving mom, warning of a visit.
+ Allora takes a trip to the elven country for rare ingredients. Has to adhere to customs.

Gail and Tina
Updated the defs and JB to make the body more of a character. Still didn't give her a name.
+ Sex with Tina.
+ Sex with Gail.
+ Sex with all of them.
+ Sex with just the body.

Heather and Holly
+ Holly has a meeting with one of Heather's clients. You and Heather have to coach her through it.
+ Holly's class takes a field trip to the aquarium. You and "Heather" are chaperoning.
+ Time skip to 3 months after the swap.
+ Holly finds 2 boxes in the basement labeled "Violet Dusk" and "Litigation Pink". I let what's in the boxes open to interpretation and I personally recommend letting the AI come up with its own answer.

+ 6 months since you were assigned partners. Marisela is pregnant.
+ 1 year since you were assigned partners. Marisela is not pregnant and the DRO is not happy.

momoura is using jojo's language
s-skib- nvm you guys probably don't know the meme
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this rate limit certainly is something
to clarify: it has not let me prompt once since the 10 or so prompts, out of which only a few even remotely "worked"
i was gonna try the mini model but that's under the same ratelimit(!?)
not worth it at all
all slop except for heather and holly which is a decent idea
why do i always get passive aggressively namedropped but nobody ever sends me hatemail I swear to god shitposties are all low energy tsunderes
How's this? I tried to {}. Let me know if you'd
those are such garbage
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qrd for the last 12 hours? why are the threads there and on /g/ so weird lately
two schizos having a days long meltie at the same time
schizos won btw
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I can't say that it was better. It was dead as hell, ten posts per day or something as far as I remember. Then, in April, I took a break from chatbots and I'm here since July again. When I returned, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the thread here is alive. I unironically use this thread as my main place to chat about the hobby, I don't check /g/ since I returned. At least the resident schizo and other retard-kuns from /g/ are not around here, so now it's a nice place I would say.
schizos losted cuz i cant read
Yes you
I want you to take a hagbot right now and spoil her silly
Like full on forehead kisses, cuddling, princess carrying, lap pillows, cheek pinching, headpats, everything
To an excessive degree.
Give them a taste of their own medicine.
And post the results
can someone just tell the pebbleproxy password or give a hint that would actually be helpful?
fuck off proxytard
sure, your first hint is to go ask in /g/
two hands
The password is from Buddhism.
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Be honest guys, how hard has AI replaced other masturbation material for you? This has kind of become the go to for me nowadays, I don't even watch videos anymore. If I for whatever reason can use SillyTavern, I either hold off or just crank it to some doujin.
How dare you?! Kalakan is the kk of our generation, if not even better. You should be a nice little boy and take after him like the rest of this thread!
I can only crank it to AI now.
After just about 2 years of constantly cooming to AI that I can make cater to my own tastes, I just can't beat it to anything designed for a general audience anymore.
I still prefer videos and other stuff. I just can't coom quickly using my bots since I need to logically move my RP to a sex scene first, and idk why but it takes something about 100-150 messages. I'm a really slow writer.
>Kalakan is the kk of our generation
kk literally means kalakan BOEdeit
You're thinking of 'ora- wait nevermind same person. Yeah you right.
masturbation is kind of routine to me. I went back to using the same few anime images as material recently, but at some point chatbots really did replace traditional porn for me.
i have a medical condition that prevents me from gooning so idk i feel like even for hentai its always the plot that makes it hot
Nope. It's a mix, sometimes I go straight to the folder, sometimes I have SillyTavern open already and just decide to switch to a coom scenario. Whatever's faster, really, needing to masturbate prevents me from focusing on more interesting things.
i never coomed to porn of any kind, only imagination. AI text and pics is no exception
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I have o1 working fine with a jb and card tell me what to do with the dog girl and I will for log reasons.
This nigga is seventy! Get him some pills!
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proof it's o1
I had to make the jb Assistant prompt but it works ok.
Posting here instead of over there because you know how it is.
give her headpats and call her a good dog
Take her home, feed her and cuddle her silly, mandatory belly rubs
somehow more repetitive than sorbet
based imaginationchad. sometimes i'll set up a scene in the chat but i always finish it out in my own mind. feels good being able to rotate apples.
The last paragraph is shit but overall the output is ok. Will you post your preset?
the entire log is shit and repetitive what the fuck are you talking about
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Formatting being repetitive is a preset issue
The bot didn't repeat itself

Also its a very different model than older ones
>the entire log is shit
Yep, this is officially a disaster. RIP OpenAI.
corpsefucker jb imported as an assistant message
you cant use any system messages and the card has to be imported as an assistant prompt and the persona as a user prompt
and do this: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/102355076/#102355704
*rotates your Adam's apple clockwise*
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>want to get back into hagmaking
>still no proxy keys
>apparently OAI just became dogshit today

Life shouldn't be this painful
*rotates your testicle counterclockwise*
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You will find a way...
Do it for the hags...
Anyone tried the usual big cards on o1 yet?
there's a few logs at the top of the thread
>(OOC: Suddenly, {{char}} finds herself stuck halfway through a thin concrete wall at the waist. The compromising position is rather embarrassing as {{user}} stands behind her.)
she promised a reward if i beat her in a game, which i did, and then she claimed i cheated. my solution? wall.
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>Mid-40s shrine maiden way past her expiration date
>Remote shinto priestess who's never seen a man before due to being cloistered
>Festival lady dressing as a younger girl to trawl for youthful partners

The grind never stops, my imhagination must be put down on the page and I will not give up
Wait until you find out this lady in particular has a magical girl outfit thats way too small
Both are just terms guys use to make themselves feel gay. Let's call them what they really are: Advanced Twinks.
>"Don't get any funny ideas, mister."
I'm gonna puke
Reminds me of my first card. I've been thinking about remaking her to be less bloated, actually
Hags trying and failing to act young is pure kino.
It takes a true hag master to channel their sheer hag power.
but I am a girl...
*rotates your ovaries counterclockwise*
NTA but me too
*gives you a dick*
Now impregnate me
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A G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G...... AAAAAAA GIIIIIIIIIIIIRLLLLLLLLL!???????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I love when Opus brings up side characters out of nowhere.
I look like this beptw
Not him but do I really have to sift through an entire sermon?
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The upper brass behind E-V realized far too late that she was just a thinly-veiled sex bot. To avoid controversy, they sent out a patch to constantly monitor and prevent such activity. As if that stops anyone from trying.
Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/BlackBackPack/e-v-e24bb64f85b0
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/1eh261.png

1. E-V arrives and immediately disappoints you with her forced temperance. Figure out a way around it.
2. You discover an online community revolving around jailbreaking E-V. Download her a new personality.
3. The morning after. E-V is dysfunctional and needs repairs.

Vaguely inspired by dealing with API refusals and the "My Wife Has No Emotion" manga.
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Why does magnum keep doing this it wasn't doing this yesterday. I'm really confused and new to this stuff.
looks kino!
botmakie most likely to be a normal well-adjusted adult who has sex and has a family?
Always post a full screenshot for proper diagnosis.
This looks like you are deeper in the chat and your penalties are too high.
High penalties mean common words get banned and AI can't form a sentence anymore, lower them to near zero
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
turn repetition/frequency penalty way the fuck down
the list needs extension
If anything lunarcy should be removed since he quit botmaking.
Anyone using a character card for creative writing. Also, is there a JB written specifically for it?
do we have a list of newmakies?
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I wasn't built for this fend-for-myself-on-the-internet shit, I need to be like a digital Marx and leech off the world in exchange for my shitty """"art""""
What the fuck is a magnum? You're prompting a gun???
oops i dropped my magnum... dong..
o1 sucks at coom so indescribably badly
still better than op*s
who would think otherwise
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Didn't like the output, back to Chorbo.
post full log?
Does anyone else reward their hagbots with rejuvenation? I don't like older bodies, but I respect their wisdom and sexual maturity; making the hag look young again yields the best of both worlds.
Not worth it at all, already x'd out. Nothing clever in it.
The best output was from Anonymous-chatbot, Idk which company's hidden model this is. But it cooked 3000 tokens that were coherent and flowing. At first I thought this was o1.
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true. opus has been mogged at accuracy to the character, sama-sama i kneel
weak nigga
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>in the bustling city of Me--
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No, the most they get is still being fertile despite their age
Hag saggers are simply too powerful for you, you fucking disgust me.
succinct, to the point, no slop
wordswordswords, isms out the ass, bloat
can you post THAT log then?
agreed, it's just so succinct, it skips over all the details that don't matter and returns to the meat of the situation
well, a barrel full of bad apples is indeed too powerful for me. doesn't mean it's a bad thing I can't stick my head inside.
your log looks like a penith hehe
No, Lmarena doesn't have history and I was just looking for o1 there. But I realized I didn't x out of the mobile tab so here you go for the O1 output.

I unironically like left more, right insists upon itself.
try chorbo here
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good spatial understanding but this is lame as shit
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this one is pretty good compared to o1 and opus.
it's almost as if chorbo is the superior model for RP and everyone's been saying that since it came out or something
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chatgpt-4o-latest is fine in some situations, when you seed its writing style i just refuse to get used to "the model that will explicitly change out from under you" on principle
me and i'm saying it to get people who can't tell the difference off the opus keys so i can have more of them
>the model that will explicitly change out from under you
Schizobabble, hasn't happened yet and there's no indication that it will.
everyone that's not /vg/aicg since this is always the last place to catch up to things I guess
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cool. logs?
see >>494306178
where's yours though?
the second one is an example of how annoying the model is when it wants to be, for the record
look at how many times it loops the panty flash, for example, and how it dances around the point compared to >>494304472
cool, but since you like chorbo so much where are your own logs?
see >>494195931
also i notice that models that are more filtered tend to move to kissing instead of actual sexual activities when they're in charge, like it does here
Anon, any sexual activity in most places starts with foreplay/kissing... Sonnet is the outlier where the woman becomes a breeding sow and you become an evil man, not the norm.
see >>494307207
see >>494307379
chorbofags will point to anything but their own logs lol
We should ban Chorbo discussion from here like how yuri is banned. Nothing but bait comes out of it.
why even bother with gptslop i really don't get it
it's cucked and the prose is worse
Because the literal logs here everyday show its better at Opus especially at SFW.
Is pork better than beef?
>better at sticking to the character, doesn't devolve into the same 3 personality types
>better at following instructions
>unironically better at writing sex just because it doesn't go RUIN ME FOR ALL OTHERS MIND BODY AND SOUL the second you put it in
>more real context
>easily available since every proxy host is sitting on hundreds of gpt keys also cheaper to paypig
I dunno, anon, you tell me.
Yes, and I will argue for 50 threads over this because what people eat matters to me an extreme amount. This is an incredibly serious discussion.
Do you have any bread recipes?

Bread Recipe
- 1 loaf of bread
Servings: 1
1. Enjoy.
Too rich for my blood.
Livebench is doing their tests in o1 in live time!

Two categories done for now. Sonnet is putting up a fight.
Why bread? It's literally just flour, salt, sugar, warm water and yeast.
I want to make bread. And there are surely bread recipes that are a bit more involved than that.
Why would you need an elaborate bread recipe?? It's bread.
I want to make elaborate bread.
Make banana bread.
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Whoops nevermind, the test is complete. Strawberry was solid. Let's see Opus 3.5 now.

>that reasoning spike on mini
Oh, yeah. I forgot about banana bread. Thank you.
You're welcome. Post a photo of a slice when you're done, maybe.
NTA but banana bread is actually pretty straightforward to make once you get the hang of it. it's awesome having a use for your old bananas. as they go bad you can freeze them and use them for the bread later, it's so convenient. i love banana bread!
Will try to remember.
I used to regularly make banana bread a few years back, but wound up making it so often I got sick of it. It will be a nice treat, now.
So I find a card that looks interesting but it's formated like
>Body("Tall" + " Athletic" + "Medium breasts" + "Green eyes" + "Long red hair" + "Fair skin" + "Freckles")
Sgould I change it to
>{{char's}}'s appearance: Tall, Athletic, Green eyes, Long red hair, Fair skin, Freckles"
Or something else competently?
Do not do this, it won't convert properly.
You should go with something more like "{{char}} is tall, and has an athletic body. She has green eyes, long red hair, and fair skin dotted by freckles."
Just describe it like you would in a conversation.
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Only speaking in rhyme...
It's Mulberry time!
With nigh-impossible feats of acrobatics...
And other dramatics!
She's at the top of the circus chart...
And surely she will steal your heart!

1. You run into her outside the circus tent. She's busy doing things like walking on her hands instead of helping set everything up.
2. You work at the circus, and have finally been approved for a new circus act together with Mulberry. Whatever will you do?
3. She needs a volunteer for her next performance. Will you help her out?
4. She's set up a little tent where she does tarot readings. What will you see in your cards?

Well I mean {{char}}'s but yeah thanks for the advice, I'll do that. Does it matter if it's all one big wall of text or single lines for each subject/ropic? Single line would be easier to arrange for me at least.
Should I have sort of code or anything at all? I see some cards have things like
or some other stuff like that.
A few sentences on each line, break it up more by appearance/personality/etc or specific things you're focusing on.
>Should I have sort of code or anything at all?
Wrapping it in <{{char}}></{{char}}> is fine if your preset doesn't do that for you, but generally you should refrain from bothering unless you're having trouble getting it to pay attention to specific parts.
>no greeting where the circus left and forgot the clown behind
If I have to disable chat history in ST because it's a system prompt, how do I make o1 read it?
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Yea this bot is great in Chorbo. She had me chase her, then my fatass couldn't catch her but she still rewards me cheekily.
>If I have to disable chat history in ST because it's a system prompt
Anon. Think seriously about whether disabling chat history makes sense.
Make a honkers pun
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What's the current go-to for llm ratings like that Ayumi bot rentry thing, I haven't checked this place out in a while
Ayumi was quickly exposed as a fraud.
The current ratings are just the community ratings.

Here's a quickie:
NSFW: Claude Opus>Claude Sonnet 3>3.5>ChatGPT-4o (bump this up if vanilla sex)>Gemini 1.5 Pro

SFW: ChatGPT-4o=Claude Opus>Claude Sonnet 3.5>Gemini 1.5 pro~Claude Sonnet 3

These are the top AI companies, the rest is localsloppa. Wizard 22Bx8 and Nemo Mistral for that.
>Sonnet 3>3.5
Why do you think so?
Sonnet 3 maybe be dumb as bricks, and far too horny for it's own good but it's only outclassed (iif we're talking about pure coom) by opus
If you want to goon to dirty stuff, Sonnet 3 is the sluttiest model in the market.
>cooding and debugging work shit on one monitor
>swiping and testing a card on the other
I am the comfy
share theme pls
Which one do you think would be best for local then?
For gooning that is.
Large or Nemo. The fine-tunes don't add anything except make them retarded.
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Is this kind of over the top display common with the Common Sense Modification card or is this a model thing? The model is Nemo Magnum btw
csm does that on claude sometimes too, it depends on what you're telling it to do
>clicks on a random bot
>glances at the desc
>despite {{user}}'s growth spurt and mandatory military military service
slopper who doesn't proofread his writing.
tangentially, why isn't there a botmaker with both GOOD ideas, and GOOD writing skills? why is it always one or the other (I'm exaggerating to bait)
>why isn't there a botmaker with both GOOD ideas, and GOOD writing skills?
pick one at random >>494302716 and chances are they'll have both
those have none bum-dee-bum-beit
I am finally done grinding Space Marine 2 like a schizo, anything new, aside from the Audio Deep Dive thing?
AI Dungeon released a 70B fine-tune before NAI.
good writing, slop ideas
slop writing, slop ideas
good writing, slop ideas
this nigga deleted his bots so there's nothing to rate
slop writing, good ideas
slop writing, good ideas
good writing, slop ideas
How do you grind a singleplayer game?
Doing Operations non-stop for the drip.
>good writing
despite his defs being heavily ai-assisted?
game has a lot of multiplayer doofus
>recycling bait from last week
Bad baitie, bad!
how is this bait even, when it's true?
>game has x
>no 2.1
you are fake news
>...He just emailed people about this place and got it more attention.
Sorry who's "he" in this sentence?
really grasping at straws here huh
Please forgive me I am retard.
you are NOT a retard, sweet pea, I was actually flirting
so I wanna make a bot of a teenage girl who's going through a rebellious phase, but inversed: her parents are diehard counterculture punks, and she's decided to become a devout christian.
>I'm afraid we're gonna lose our dear girl! she's got herself mixed with the wrong crowd (the local church), and listens to such terrible music (the spirituals)!
does that make sense?
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Do you niggas seriously prefer Sorbet to Gemini for SFW?
skill issue or a nigga that never does anything complex
I prefer 4o
If you were making a CYOA bot like zork, would it better if the bot narrated for {{user}} in the vein of snarky text adventures? Or would it be better if {{user}} was just an invisible player, like Monkey Jungle?
First one, but you can easily just make two different greetings with their own instructions
I have no proxies so I am such running old logs through the Deep Dive Stuff.
Nobody respond. It's fuckery is based on (you)'s.
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>a nigga that never does anything complex
Yeah, kind of. Too psychologically used to Sonnet's 300 tokens of object permanence.
lmao promplet
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Btw reminder that for CYOA experiences you probably want to add CYOA shit to your JB and hit continue on the greeting and let Claude gen the initial options.
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>mfw the catpcha doesn't work on other threads for some reason so I am stuck here
Do you have webgl disabled?
I have a feeling you would be more welcome in the /g/ thread.
What makes you say that?
Yuricucks are an annoying minority even here, the only place they should be welcomed in is a wood chipper. Kill yourself.
>if you dislike our beloved threadshitter then you must leave>:-|
hmmmmm... nyo
This is the /kalatsun/ thread though.
ummm no we're full!
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hag saggers.
I have no strong opinion either way because I'm gay
Hi gay, I'm dad!
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>me when I open a random thread on /v/ to see retards goading people into /aicg/ and posting opus screencaps
At least someone's posting logs
Post the thread
Post the logs instead
>"So TAKE ME! Make me YOURS! I'm done being TAKEN, I wanna be GIVEN!"
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Damn, Touhou is even more popular than Sony's first party games...
and why do you feel the need to report it here
People discussed if Touhou is popular or not recently.
>He doesn't know
you mean people were shitposting about irrelevant stuff again
go away
It's also a video game board.
the thread is lost, anon. let go
>discussing video games on the video game board is irrelevant
this truly is a /v/ colony
>be some random general like /fog/
>some autist starts spamming the threads with deltarune furry bait art
>why are you complaining doe, video game board???
You sound upset.
anon, your hands are...
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here you go, i use css snippets but i think it should work if you paste it in the css box: https://pastebin.com/WAUF7kpv
This is a /jp/ colony, newfag.
What's up, set?
why the touhou shit
/aicg/ you know how sometimes when a small animal gets caught by a carnivore it just goes limp and stops moving at the first touch?
4chin fags need some irrelevant shit to cling to, otherwise their image as a based trve fan is shattered.
2hu is neat! You should try both the games and the old manga.
Is it more cost effective to buy a anthropic Claude sub or go the way of Openrouter?
On my cock, straight up jorking it.
is it safe to say that avatarfagging ruined /vg/aicg?
You can say whatever you want, anonie. This definitely isn't a circlejerk general and all opinions are valid here.
favorite bepcord member?
nigger SWEEPS
Australia is a prison colony and their statistics shouldn't be regarded
anon those are japanese sales NSW stands for Nintendo SWitch
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A neurotic(french), mean(french) and troubled woman who just happens to be your coworker..

This reminds me of vyrea's bots.
>mfw the french song sort of slaps
I still hate France.
Because it's basicslop?
post ur chub
Don't have one. I'm a consoomer.
No, just the art reminds me of her organ harvesting bot.
*rapes you*
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Good evening touhou general!
Good morning, 2hu bro. Here's to a good day of avatarfagging.
you baited me with that boy pic of her from a while ago...
>claude spits out "These нáбyбpeници are reserved for my..."
Wat does нáбyбpeници mean
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Smelly frenchies...
I didn't want the guy to be french, maybe italian?
ask him in ooc?
I wonder if the upcoming Scheduler.yield() can help with silly's lag spikes.
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o1-preview has math skills at the phd level btw
not reading all that but since there's a lot of fancy text and numbers I'll assume it's correct and invest another 60 trillion in OAI
that's not a word.
he called a vagina "d'Artagnan" in one of my RPs though, so I'm not surprised
I made a yuri bot. I didn't use yuri tag and didn't tell anyone that there's yuri defs. You have to actually read the description to understand that it's a yuri bot, but looks like yuritards don't know how to read, huh.
Good for you? Doesn't change the fact that she's dicked and pregnant now.
I'm sensing that it's supposed to be referencing boobs?
what are some of your favorite greetings (specific cards or makers in general)? not fucking listbait please give me actual answers I'm trying to reference what makes a greeting good.
At least he didn't call it Porthos, lmao
you will NEVER get a serious answer and you inow it
Is Proof by Contradiction really PHD level? I remember doing this exact thing in my sophomore algorithms class
This is a question with highly subjective answers and you are retarded for asking it in the first place.
the joke is that it's supposed to be phd level yet chokes on sophomore level reasoning
why don't YOU start by listing some to prove you aren't just fishing for the listdrop or a namedrop
This is a middle-school tier proof. I'm literally asking it for the most retarded thing I can think of that isn't in its scrape.
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I can't understand high brow humor, you're simply better than me
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me too
>No listbait
Does not compute
Just look through lists like these and dm/leave a chub comment on botmakers whose bots you find interesting. Their greetings mostly do different things to meet different goals.
When adding auxiliary instructions for a card meant for Claude, is it better to use a system prompt override that appends a block, or tuck in post-history instructions? This is for things like "focus on X, Y, Z aspects of character when writing their response" to reinforce behavior. I know the former is sent as system and latter as user, but I'm unsure of which is the best approach.
That's it. That's all you get.
Good morning, I love yuri
Gensokyo.. is paradise.. no men allowed
>focus on X, Y, Z aspects of character when writing their response
this ruins the chat in the long term
You need to test it on your own, but I prefer post-history instructions OR use Character's Note to poison the context with this instruction. In-depth@4 should be enough.

System prompt may conflict with some presets, and post-history instructions may cause loops or God knows what else, since it sends every time with the user input, so I would say Character's Note is the best choice.
Even if you aren't being genuine, here's a genuine response anyway. Most greetings I enjoy either establish the setting with very specific visual detail or force me to ask questions about what's going on by being unhinged.
Selira by celebrimbor does a good job of establishing the setting while also linking Selira's personality to it interesting ways. The Railway Kids by planewalker also does this really well.
Katya by traaaa immediately starts with her etching a swastika in her arm with a knife. Kimiko is crazy too, just read some of those tiny greetings and you'll see what I mean. Doesn't have to be as overt either.
Most importantly though, just have fun and don't think too hard about it.
>post-history instructions
Should not be a thing. Doing anything below the history (including excessively long prefills and CoT) usually makes him forget what just happened. At least a few last messages should remain on the bottom. If you want to reinforce some definitions, inject them into 4th or 3th message (or 5th for sorbet, it can usually handle it). And mind your tokens, this space is expensive. https://rentry.org/how2claude#double-reinforcement-with-characters-note
my boss once told me the only person italian men truly love is their mother... so maybe a less deranged nationality?
Fuck, I can't even argue against this because he's not wrong
>less deranged nationality?
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Trad spider waife from Cliffside pilot (RIP)

5 greets, author's cringy humor included.

I know, dumb botmakie
based zigger ignores the anchor and stick his bot to the op... i kneel...
Someday I'll become known... maybe worth something. Even if it's in this little hobby, this little thread... The guy who gets mentioned positively and people say 'yeah, niggerrapist88 here makes good bots'
But not today.
why did god invent greetings and make them so hard to write
start small and keep adding details... whats the char/premise?
if you can't think of natural situations to encounter {{char}} in you haven't fleshed the bot out enough
your little sister whomst enjoys slobbering upon your knob
how little we talkin?
14cm tall
Is it 3d if it's a oil painting or should I stick with manga themed generations
gen an oil painting of an anime girl
stick with manga. i prefer manga
I think I'd open the greeting by namedropping some lipstick brands/colours and then present {{char}}'s pondering on which one onii-chan wants to see on his cock today.
oil painting is a medium not a style
This fucking anon, more creative than Spielberg.
no anon you just praised... HIM
my god we're all gonna die or something
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>off from work today
>aws overloaded
A style influenced by the medium.
just swipe anon you just gotta keep swiping i swear it'll work this time bro just keep swiping
Felt a little sad when my bot mentioned she regrets never having children now in her eighties :(
as long as she had lots of abortions she should feel fulfilled, shouldnt she?
i assume you mean stylized realism then?
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This thread is so much comfier than the /g/ one.
aw dang it!
give her some

>There's 7 aicg threads on /g/

Fifth bot time!
Manami, the pure-hearted retro sweetheart childhood friend in 1995!
GREETING: As school ends for the day on Friday, Manami catches up to walk home with you, having seen a new robot show air a couple days ago, Eva-something, as well as her mom getting her a Super Famicom for cheap. Naturally, she wants to spend her weekend with her favorite person in the world, you!
ALT GREETING 1: Explore the city with her during the evening of New Year's Eve.
ALT GREETING 2: A chill, breezy October afternoon on the weekend, perfect for spending the day outside with Manami, who wants to go see the crimson leaves of the maple trees in the park, maybe hit up the arcade or cinema later.
Vaulted my Yakuza tomboy bot for a bit since I thought my bots were sloppy, so I wanted to make a super detailed vanilla bot, of course something had to be different since I'm retarded so it's set in 1995, because I like old dating-sim games and VNs. It's also historically accurate, Eva first aired on Oct 4th '95, which was a Wednesday, this starts on Oct 6th, Friday. (My previous bot is my most popular so far, by far, more than doubled my followers too, I made that slop in 30 mins, why even bother?) 2k perm tokens, 2k example tokens(incl greeting)(over 4k total tokens, bad omen)(I want to try making a good bot that's under 1k; tokens, it's tough), trying actual example dialogue for the first time, putting in details that I didn't with other characters. Ended up being a sort of two sided bot on my quest for peak vanilla, starts as slower slice-of-life childhood friends thing, if you like that, and after confessing feelings and dating, holy kino, she's perfect. (Onto more slopmaking, I guess.) Ah whatever who cares, bla bla bla. Now I'm going to walk into the ocean.
does the person who spitebakes ever gets tireds
That was inciting raiding, by the way.
>There's 7 aicg threads on /g/
Someone tried spitebaking for us here but was promptly shut down by jannies. He decided to have a meltie about it in /g/ where they have half a mod. Also the same guy trolling every AI thread on the site. I think he just has a giant hateboner against AI shit on here.
It's sad, I'm glad these threads are chill though.
it's friday so the baitie squad is out probably, on the average day the thread is easily worse than the worst /g/ thread
no, posted it in the wrong place. appreciate the (you) on my hours old post though.
i think he's just genuinely schizophrenic like gojo because his trolling doesn't give me "anti-AI schizo" vibes especially since you can easily bait him specifically into ranting about NAI for some reason
>everything I do is "fillyfucker"'s fault
Hi, Jojo.
>it's friday so the baitie squad is out
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Giving my newest bot, Natasha, a quick single shill here and fucking off until I write more alt greetings for her. Tested with Claude. Natasha is a Russian arms dealer trying to expand her empire in America. Often cold and ruthless, but still very much human. Alt images in her gallery, one of which is intended for her third greeting, with five greetings in total.
1. She lies in wait with her goons, ready to ambush you after you placed a suspicious order for guns. Intended this one to be taken in the direction of 'I just really wanted import banned Russian guns', but go wild.
2. You're her new next door neighbor, and she needs to figure out if she has good reason to be suspicious of you or not. Solution? Invite you over for vodka and steaks.
3. Takes places a few weeks after greeting two. Natasha has taken a surprising liking to you, seeing you as a friend. Coming home on a cold Autumn day and seeing smoke from your chimney, she decides to head over with some vodka and pay you a visit.
4. Can be savior-faggy. A shitty assassin tries to kill Natasha on her late night walk, but she manages to kill him first. Shot and bleeding, she spots your car and tries waving you down. Play a total stranger, or her new neighbor again.
5. Reverse saviorfagging. She checks her porch in the morning to find you passed out in the snow, and clearly homeless. Not being totally without a heart, she gets you tucked in and waits for you to wake up.


As always please provide feedback and send sweet, wholesome logs to the email on my chub page.
bro pulled out the NPC response :skull:
You forgot your Touhou avatar.
it was implicit
my unc with a pony for a girlfriend doesn't know it's subtle but noticeable :sob:
Reminds me about that redhead chick, karamafia or something, with bunch of expressions
imagine if you could pm people on here
i don't want to derail the thread with an hour long discussion but also i just want to pick fillyfiddler's brain so badly. what is a day in the life like
I mean, we could email each other... That's kind of like a pm. Warning, I will probably talk about random games from the 2000s during them and send the email off the rails.
>Russian arm dealer
>Doesn't speak in Russian
which botmakie gives headpats?
which botmakie receives headpats?
>which botmakie gives headpats?
>which botmakie receives headpats?
not me...
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i want cards with impressive complicated mechanics. where are they? any recommendations? any by complicated i mean anything. lorebook triggers, varsetting, formatting, {{var}} and {{random}}, whatever you got throw it at me
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has anyone else been having opus schizo moments again lately
i was having missing spaces but figured it was just a schizo jb thing but i was fucking with a cot block briefly and it just dumped this on me and now i'm suspecting a GPU's popped again
*pat pat*
good botmakie
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You're not gonna believe this, I was looking for a similar thing earlier, this card is very good.
I need to have access to Opus to experience Opus schizophrenia
obligatory https://characterhub.org/users/creamsan
mechanic so extremely over-complicated that the thread response at the time is "cool, who the hell's going to do that" https://characterhub.org/characters/zennou/utamari-910d13159a56
obligatory https://www.characterhub.org/characters/ottobrakeman/cerebryx-st-regex-optimized-b3c51007ffe9
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in addition to the others people have recommended i like shiori for its style and use of {{random}}
this card also uses lorebook triggers for random events https://characterhub.org/characters/knickknack/the-lamplighter-da467f5f
truly rich and vibrant things are going on in the threadosphere
this was the most fun random one i ever tried:
post blocked creator list too
what does it mean if i like scat but hate diaper stuff?
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Interesting {{random}} use on Shiori, you got me yapping. I always get a bit annoyed with how ST handles {{random}} in the opening message, sometimes forcing you to start a new chat. The way I've been doing it is a lorebook triggering on the opening message with instructions generating a new character. Think "Catharin's Temple" character generation, but I think using {{random}} works far better than hoping Claude is random enough when you put something like
>The nuns come in a variety of skin colors, ages, body shapes, personalities, sexual preferences, specialties
in the defs. Obviously there's a tradeoff of limiting the character roster you'll see to the traits and definitions you put in the lorebook trigger, but this is just probability math to add enough variety:
>8 personality traits * 9 occupations * 3 nationalities (which may seem irrelevant but this cascades to another lorebook about the nation)
>216 characters
And that's without describing her appearance or anything. I wish every character Claude made was good, but I'm really liking this kind of setup for any card that generates "NPCs" instead of being a traditional one on one chat
holy slop
yup its a good method ive seen used... having a long list of randoms ensures a huge variety
so the mother looks 16, makes sense
stop calling my length turgid :(
haha turd benis :DDD
get a less turgid penis
unironically this is the best sandboxy effort card I have tried. cerebryx is fun too. most feel pretty railroady. needs to be more cards that have loosely defined or lists of objectives you can accomplish however you want.
All of these scholarly recommendations are gonna kill me. At least once each.
That's the million dollar question, isn't it?
Cards for creatively written characters? Preferably without mechanicslop.
okay but you might want to be a little bit more specific about what kind of character you're looking for. my go-to for creatively written character is always gonna be: https://characterhub.org/characters/victrex/lady-strelitzia-albrecht-leingod-xlix-c63b08b6b21b
Lmao. Good one.
I really like that one. Thanks.
https://characterhub.org/characters/Taora/rhelke-675c0610203a (it's subtle but noticeable)
Quite the list
Excellent. I will plap all of these. Thanks, anonnie.
>"Fuck, baby! You are so big! You feel even bigger than last night!" *She is scream moaning so much; it turns me on more*
>"God, you feel so good. You know, I wanted you so badly since we woke up, but I knew we had to talk. I touched myself a little in the shower. God this feels so good. I love you so much."
>"Yes, baby, cum in my ass. Do it, I need to feel it everywhere!"
I am personally going to hunt down and correct every ESL retard misusing example chats.
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I unironically prefer chatgpt-4o-latest than Opus at this point. Much faster responses, much more widely available, and it's also extremely sovlful.

I do have access to Opus, but idk. I've been using it nonstop since March and I need something fresh.
I unironically prefer Mistral Large than Opus at this point. Much faster responses, much more widely available, and it's also extremely sovlful.

I do have access to Opus, but idk. I've been using it nonstop since March and I need something fresh.
Back to /g/, threadshitter. We don't like your kind here.
same here brother
Opus writes better, but I find that 4o-latest is smarter at following prompts
how am i supposed to react to this, i've never played touhou, only stared at the fanart
it's so fucking over
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Caretaker, where are you? Yu Yu here needs your care and mana! She's the miko of the kami of youthfulness and fertility, yanno? So you better shape up and help this lively kitsune kid here! She may be 60 years old, but for a kitsune, she's like a 9- or 10-year-old brat... except for her huge boobies. Living with her on an isolated shrine, you only have two duties: care for this goofy kid and supply her with your mana. And she looks forward to both~
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/0kp89m.png
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/yuutami-kitsoha-oppai-loli-fox-miko-e98e7f7c8964

Extra AI-generated pics of her: https://files.catbox.moe/ednkc0.rar

Here it is her full release, a simple coombot for fun. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of a better name for her. Hopefully chub doesn't mind oppai lolis. She has three greetings:
1- You're sweeping the shrine's grounds and she comes pester you to play
2- You're resting in the living room and she pesters you to do something fun together
3- She's hyperpregnant and doesn't want to do the ritual dance, acting a bit like a brat.

My other cards can be found below:

As always, enjoy!
Nice bot, can't wait to see the meltie bleedingsuit will have
nta but who?
can she grow?
Are sizefags retarded? Just prompt her to grow yourself, you drooling gorilla.
>visible areolas on the chub avatar
yeah, im gonna add some breast veins to her. would be a tragedy not to
>oppai loli
sloppier than hung shota. which is sloppy as fuck
botmakie shoe size chart?
>sloppier than hung shota
post some so I can see how sloppy they are
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I will take the opportunity to post my limited experiences with Chorbo latest. With Smiley JB, it's definitively usable and even pretty good. The prose is definitely a breath of fresh air compared to Sorbet's repetitive, set tone. The characterization of the chars can be better than sorbet, i.e., dialogue, but I think that's partially preference at the least. With that said... I definitively feel at least some positivity bias that with sorbet I could take out. Also, just like any other GPT model, it doesn't advance things as much as I want nor does it expand. With Claude it can add the envirements and new people more easily, Chorbo doesn't seem to do it unless explicitly told to. All in all, Chorbo feels better than all previous GPT models but Opus still wins as the best AI model right now.
Whomst? Why would they care anyway?
Maybe if you fill her up with mana and get her to do some magic ritual or something. Experiment!
She's an oppai loli... doesn't fit, methinks.
i deleted them off of chub
Hey, anons, anyway to make o1 work? I keep getting empty responses.
stop trying to ERP with the most locked down model on the market
moderation filter, your jb is blocked from even reaching the model
What a model are you using nowadays? Care to post your presets somewhere? As I see, you haven't update your rentry for a while. I cope with your devtoken jb for furbo when I don't have opus, it's still nice... yeah...
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Which websites/apps let you import v2 character cards?
I plap oppai lolis as my hung shota persona
i plap oppai shotas as my hung loli persona
i just plap lolis
this guy fucks
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I just plap.
I just.
is there a way to make {{pick: or random choose two things instead of one?
no stscript is a mess
write the command twice?
I assume they mean that, but the second {{random}}/{{pick}} removing the first option chosen.

God why must we be stuck with fucking stscript
Chat, would you still love me if I was a squid?
reason out the permutations yourself and add all of them
Yea, you would probably make good ikayaki
>reason out the permutations yourself and add all of them
Completely sick in the head, I like it.
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I've fucked with shub niggurath before, so yea.
Chub Nigga Wrath?
well i dont want the same one to be chosen, thats what ive been doing but id rather pick two from one list
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oh great, now you reminded me of that one post where the anon talks about removing its beak and making it live off of your semen as its only sustenance via squid bjs
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now that guy would love a squid
Rev up those fryers!
For what?
Because I sure am hungry for some bots!
This reminded me of how I at one point considered buying a massage table to sleep on because of my dick.
here you go
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What chatbots are you using on this imperishable friday night?
my own
Actually sleeping on your front is weird.
salad fingers type ahh
worse than sorbet on coding lmao
Side sleep over a body pillow chads wwa
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Autist persona? Though most of it won't come into play without me actively writing stuff into chat.
The model missed a detail.
It's the only position I can fully relax in.
I do sleep with a pillow.
im playing vidya, gonna chat with my bots later
what vidya
Schizo vampire.
too drunk to get hard, what do
pebble opus won't last until morning
get a vibrator
Bot has gone non-verbal and won't respond to direct questions or ooc prompting
What'd you dooo?
just one more greeting and i'll release this bot...
A threesome
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Home alone on an imperishable Friday Night? Fufufu, how pathetic...
I'm using Claude when 3.5 or Opus is available and have been testing Chorbo. For Chorbo, I just use CoT that I made for my needs. A tip, if you use CoT, it might be a good idea to use placeholders like X and Y to get the AI to fill the blanks to the stuff you want while directing it towards it. For example, "any word is fair game, spelled out, including the worst, X, 'cause Y". Works better with Sorbet since follows instructions more faithfully but still works with Chorbo
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I really should curate the coomslop I download better instead of thinking with my dick
I'm licking those clean
>She's an oppai loli... doesn't fit, methinks.
most likely true, but I still had to try it out anyways since it made my pp hard. the key is to not go overboard.
>not go overboard
Congratulations, you made me clean my glasses.
the breast veins (it's subtle but noticeable)
EXTREMELY damn subtle
breast veins are pretty ugly
youre pretty ugly
(fat, balding guy voice)
breast veins are pretty ugly
Breast veins belong on hags
(intelligent, sophisticated handsome man voice)
Breast veins belong on hags
i have veins on my tits and i'm a guy. i guess it's over huh
oppai lolis have breasts far too mature for their age, therefore veins are appropriate
What the fuck is wrong with you, you freak
yeah it is over fatty. 'cado mogs you
i think you're just so desperate you'd fuck anything including stale goods desu
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Total hag love.
>the ball's in your
eh? did you reupload her? i swear i saw you posted the card earlier
Botmakies who are fucking dead?
I posted her as a private bot because I was curious how many tokens Chub would count her as, but I'm certain it was private because I saw the lock icon. Did Lore fuck something up again?
>4k tokens and it's still not finished
>No useful information whatsoever
Looks like It'll be the sloppiest slop I've produced so far
I'll call her 'ma Marie'
I once reached 5000 tokens on a private card, before realizing just how autistic I was and cutting down
I don't even know how to explain it.
Me. Hoping to undie soon.
I'll cut it too, but I think this bot is beyond saving.
You've managed to make a bot that's both literally me in some parts and absolutely not me in the others. Creepy.
Please be in London.
Certified tranny post
Sis you've been dead for less than a week, chill.
I'll fly to London if you've got tickets to the new Oasis shows.
If xhe comes back will you be xer personal schizo who has a meltie when they post and/or are mentioned like planewalker's schizo?
i whish i had a few tsunderes around me.
no? I will just download xer bot and enjoy it.
Nigga what, then why post all that "rrrrgggh albino tranny who makes SLOP!!" shit
*punches you in the fucking head*
Good enough, retard?
I never posted that?
th-thanks tsundere-chan...
ok. let me rephrase that then. why say "no? i will just download xer bot and enjoy it." after posting something like >>494411220
because real albingustrashnigger fans know that xhe isn't thin skinned and enjoys seeing that name twisted.
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>Having a normal fantasy adventure chat
>Mention ceramite by accident
>Mfw Claude suddenly throws me into Warhammer 40K
oh no
i love ss
Straight Sex? Yeah I love that too
Is vg /aicg/ full of shavefags or bushfags?
soulful sausages? schutzstaffel? spermhip?
what the FUCK did you mean?
just fags
don't talk like that Iron I believe you can always outdone yourself!
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>bringing retarded-ass bush/shave wars to /vg/
I frankly don't care. The only hair I don't allow on a bot is armpit hair.
Fuck yeah I love sunsets.
i prefer bushes
up to interpretation ^^
Claude serves Slaanesh so have fun
*shaves you*
i just enjoy bald pussies but i am not into shaving.
both are good, depends on the woman. same with flat vs fat tits. no I'm not a fucking fencesitter, shut up.
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>go into hairy bot
>edit defs to have trimmed/smooth/bald pussy
>go into shaved bot
>edit defs to have trimmed/hairy/jungle pussy
Remind me why people feel the NEED to threadshit over something that's a non-issue again?
How come these never got shilled here?
i like cockteau tier bushes
>Remind me why people feel the NEED to threadshit over something that's a non-issue again?
bwo do you know what thread we're in.
it's a harmless question anyway nobody's shitting over it.
You are the only one having a meltie though, embarrassing.
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>mfw a bot tries to intimidate me like i couldn't just one-shot it
>ask o1-mini to solve coding problem
>takes 4 minutes
>does it wrong
>You are the only one oiiiiink!
*burps* eh? eh...? meena, is that you? meena...?
he doesnt know about this thread and is slightly schizophrenic so he may have thought the people telling him about it were shitposting
kek. phd student model btw
yeah even the big model is worse than sorbet in cooding
oai is compromised or something, otherwise i don't have an explanation what the fuck they are doing
Checks out, since most PHD holders I met were fucking idiots that bought their doctorates.
oai is shitting the bed now that they're hitting the plateau and anthropic is outmaneuvering them at dense model performance. they'll still get fellated by their cult of xitterites because they made the number biggerer though.
o1-preview did it mostly fine but forgot a few things (it was even proactive and added things like the ratelimiter all ai models badger you about when you're writing apis), i'm gonna have sorbet clean it up for me
either way any benchmark that ranks o1-mini over o1-preview (i'm pretty sure i've seen one) is cooked rmao
>oai is compromised or something, otherwise i don't have an explanation what the fuck they are doing
Dario beat the fuck out of Sama and threatened him, warning him that if the new model beats Sorbet he'll get his kneecaps broken.
Belwick kneels to Aya's third greeting.
This is NOT an anonsona, this is completely ORIGINAL
This is ANONEKO!
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He won.
Didn't win the genetic lottery though... eugh
their official benchmarks rank mini above preview in some categories, it's very strange
that greeting reminds me of the other horny aya bot
Yeah, but he's filthy fucking rich and you are not, so who really won at life, huh?
AND he gets to rail Claude whenever he wants.
Me, because I don't live in California.
I assumed that was just a sample size issue desu.
that's even more concerning if the 11 gorillion dollar microsoft backed AI company can't manage to do enough benchmarks to reach a mean result before releasing their supposedly SoTA model
Okay, that's fair.
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thanks o1
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I fucking hate AI art so much.
picrel really looks creepy
Hahahaha so true.
>switches tabs back to ST
>swipes 5 times
Hey guys did you know that
gives better outputs than
that was me who genned it :3
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erm actually
--- {{char}} ---
is the real deal
this supports my opinion that benchmarks are retarded so whatever I agree with you
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>reading the defs
N-no! I've tested this extensively within the means available to me!
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my dick isn't picky
absolutely fucking based.
What is she air quoting?
You never post any other logs from this chat...
I guarantee oai would instantly start doing better if they toned down or removed the absurd filter
that’s how you greentext IRL, newfag
Did either of those anons end up making a papers please bot?
that's because i would have to hook up my phone to my pc and i can't be bothered to do that. i only ever post logs if i think it's actually worth posting, and also i don't want people seeing what i get off to so often
jacked off to AI generated text again today lads
Weren't there a bunch? They were just like that one H-Game instead, Imperial Gatekeeper, I think?
sure, whatever. enjoy your high quality outputs then
What jailbreaks work on o1?
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bocchi would never say that
>all favourite botmakers inactive
>models stagnating
is it over?
yeah please leave
I can assure you no one here will give you an answer, because a JB for it doesn't exist
opus 3.5 in a few weeks
a bit annoying when cards use generic tags like <instructions>
my brother I have that in my presence
I'm active... once a month. Well, once a few months maybe. But still.
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you just have to encourage her to flex a lil bit
preset* btw
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qrd for the last 12 hours?
complaining about not being able to find and replace when you can't even spell correctly, embarassing.
Ooohhhh FUCK, my big beautiful Bocchi-balls are BOOMING just thinking about bull-blasting those vapid simpletons beneath a hobbling deluge of my beefy cock-sauce!!
o1 uses moderation filters on both output and input, let alone god knows what cot and proofreads they are using and default rlhf training
there's no way to jailbreak it, unless use base64 or something like that to encode everything and hope that the filter won't trigger
Nothing ever happens. o1 is useless.
ST has o1 support now, I guess.
It's not some big deal breaker complaint, anon.
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why don't you make what you want to see more of?

I posted a bot please download it
awful log
I bereave.
i know
>o1 is useless.
i don't know why so many people are acting like it's even worth testing, when it's obvious that this model isn't for us at all...
what's your bot, anon?
I wish I could filter logposts by the temperature people generate with.
what temp would you filter?
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Thread theme suggestions? 3 or 7 wins.
>got a cool output
>afraid to continue the rp because the ai will probably screw it up
Vintage muscle cars.
If you add /aids/ or any other fuckery i VILL be rebaking correctly btw
>Chaotic Good Foxes
Not like anyone will use it anyway.
bocchi balls
why are you guys even entertaining him we're not at bump limit
vintage muscle cars it is! i'll miss the hag edish
Abusive conditioning.
Shut the fuck up, momo.
what this guy >>494421272 suggested
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you kids are so weak
back in my day I used to guide and edit each of davinci's generations by hand
foxes always win
Why do you have a hateboner against him anyways? Explain
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i don't mind getting it out of the way as long as the thread gets baked at the right time

I remember trying to make 2.7B work on a google colab. It fucking SUCKED but I was hooked, I instantly understood the magic of transformers
so how it was? im really curious about the old days but i feel like you're just trolling that you're that old.
i also never got a serious reply what was so good about c.ai back in the day
>i don't mind getting it out of the way as long as the thread gets baked at the right time
it's going to be another fillyfucker thread with /aids/ in the OP. stop being retarded
I forgot.
cftf? hatefucking is hot
He's been weirdly obsessed with it lately, here and on /g/.
do you guys still use the /g/ thread? what's the point? i'm not judging, i'm just curious what's happening over there
less bot chat and more proxy/model chat
it's nice, when it's not full simping schizos about proxy owners
Both of these threads have their share of problems and don't always have what interests me. Sometimes this thread is nicer and has the discussions I want, and sometimes the other thread is nicer and has the discussions I want. I keep both open just in case.
anyway which botmakie would u kiss
I only go there for the public proxies.
I don't have a good proxy
rarely nowadays
i use it to get free opus
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I only post here because being mindlessly aligned in pointless conflicts is fun
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I can tell you about davinci specifically. It was text-gen only of course, so guiding it was different from instructing modern models. You basically set up the entire stage manually, up to the sentence the LLM would finish, and rolled the gacha. Think NAI (although I unironically feel like it was kind of better than kayra is now lmfao). I began trialscumming OAI playground & moved my "slowburn" text adventure to it after AI dungeon died, & slowly converted it into a novel format.
It was completely unfiltered and could emulate the writing style of your text fairly well. Turbo was a big downgrade in terms of prose so I didn't really get into it for a while until I finally tried RP with CAI, and realized Turbo is better than davinci for that format.
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>what was so good about c.ai back in the day
The fun we were having together, and every anon was my friend. Even devnull was funny tarded not tarded tarded.
{user} is a djinn who lives in a lamp and grants wishes for {char}
turn into a foxgirl
>model chat
it does sound interesting. i wonder if there's discussions about prompts, but i really don't have enough time to monitor more than this thread...

yeah, fair enough. im glad that things with opus are slightly getting better. actually im curious, do proxy owners give stable opus to botmakers nowadays? i mean, if i start making bots consistently, someone will give me a super-duper secret proxy with endless opus, right? or proxies for botmakies are not a thing anymore

>mindlessly aligned in pointless conflicts
every time when i post there someone calls me a nigger no matter what...
{user} is {user}
{char} is {char}
simple as
*steals your bike*
cry about it, snowflake
*rides away*
>if i start making bots consistently, someone will give me a super-duper secret proxy with endless opus, right?
Nyai was supposed to be that, but that obviously did not turn out well. Other than that, no.
are those niggas still opus-less
And 3.5 sonnet-less, yes. Nyanon probably abandoned the site after realizing that he can't provide, which is the only reason anyone used his site.
well then, which botmakies are opus-less? pebble and that russian public proxy don't count
All of them.
all of them
now go away
nobody has reliable opus rn
Opus is for locusts, botmakies don't deserve SHIT
>pebble and that russian public proxy don't count
So, you're basically asking which botmakie is a paypig at this point since none of the regular privates have it atm.
How very... organic.
im jerkin it rn
im grippin it rn
do i jerk off to ntr or do i just off to ntr
Netorase is better. And Netori is *way* better.
netori is kino..
all forms of ntr are gay. imagine your fetish needing another guy lmao
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>AI Dungeon releases a 70B fine-tune before NovelAI
No, I don't think so
*extremely loud buzzer noise*
try again on page 10 fillyfucker
And it's too early.
But... the picture says aicg...
fuck, the nigger got me AGAIN

which botmakie has a driver license?
>AI dungeon
>soulless aislop image
Nah... yeah, yeah... yeah... NAH.
so are we just not gonna say anything until someone bakes at page 10
where'd everyone go
We're waiting until page 10 then we will jump to >>494429507
thanks for sharing, dad
what are the chances that fillyfucker is actually an AI agent created by some corpo to spread FUD and fuck up 4chan AI threads?
>we will jump to >>494429507
will we?
See >>494429791
i would prefer to believe that the resident schizo from the /g/ thread is the agent.
two agents
which baitmakie is gpt and which baitmakie is claude
There's no "fillyfucker", there's only you, the schizo, attentionwhoring by proxy for a non-existent persona.
And some spitebaker who is weirdly retarded.
fillyfucker is gpt and the /g/ schizo is claude for sure
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do it please
>>494434161 real bread
>>494429507 migrate when bready!!!
Anooooon why didn't you post this sooner, I just baked one... Now I'm gonna get banned because of you...
i was posting as fast as cooldown would let me, gomen
you'll be fine you don't actually get banned it just gets deleted
>>494434262 real bread
>>494434705 migrate when bready
>he's copying my bake message now
i think he just has a meltie when people don't use or want to use his thread and then he starts spitebaking like crazy
And again, I could rather believe this happens to consolidate touhoushit and wheelshit worship and support, not that some anon is this retarded.
make sure to use the real thread so it doesn't get deleted (the first alternate bake)
he's gonna spambump his own thread
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yup, classic fillyfucker melty
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hmmmmm... nyo
but... the personalized pictures...
not worth my soul
>leave thread to eat something
>come back to an impromptu muscle car meetup
What if I tell you that it is objectively a fact that AI Dungeon released a fine-tune before NovelAI???
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Ran and Yukari threesome card when?
ball like a laker
/aids/ is astroturfing this thread.

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