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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI has released o1-preview, trained with a built-in CoT prompt https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-o1-preview
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102355076
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i love smol
*Mistrals you*
TRVTHNVKE: o1 is better than Sorbet and Opus for non-slop SFW RP.
ahh ahh mistress
I'm going to do a sonnet.
desu desu desustress
mogs for nsfw too with a good JB
I think I'll Opus that one
total pebble love
*starts clauding everywhere*
>sonnets behind you
*haikus your anus*
>burning burning burning burning
O Lord Thou pluckest me out
O Lord Thou pluckest
check previous thread you mouth breathing coomer
>GO TO https://notebooklm.google.com/
where's the podcast of the previous thread
wait LMAO that thread is still alive, so we have 4 aicg threads
>Bad request
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the password is adittapariyaya
Opus JB ?
How can I change/specify the podcast hosts (assuming I can)?
did i ask?
You can't use o1 over proxies yet, and if manually, you need to change max_tokens to max_completion_tokens, change temp to 1, remove penalties, bias, system messages, disable streaming, remove images from the contexst
I don't think you can
How the fuck are you supposed to work that out?
>'jo woke up
>multiple threads
Time to leave.
No one ever leaves /aicg/
Anon, even o1 worked it out last thread.. Without internet access.......
o1 can unironically solve the riddle
basically it refers to an english language poem that itself refers to some hindu thing and you're supposed to follow through and give its name
I meant temporarily until the shitfest dies down, fillyfucker. Damn.
you're not, say hi to the chinks that come to this thread!

wumao post a recipe down here! i have to cook tonight and my head is empty!
riddles are now dead because some spitenigger will use onebo to solve riddles
Coomers in despair as forced chain of thought is basically immune to any form of jailbreaking.
The newer models check their work multiple times before submitting an answer.

Models get smarter and are harder to fool. You are stuck with dumb 3.5 Sonnet and 4o for the rest of your life.
the fuck is o1
lets be real, riddlefagging was dead from the start.
>tries summarizing for the first time
>current summary: ### **Proxy queue error (streaming required)**

Due to heavy traffic on this proxy, you must enable streaming in your chat client to use this endpoint.

<!-- oai-proxy-error -->
cohee issue
don't worry, he loves supporting proxies :)
proxy issue, ask him to make the threshold higher since he's using pow anyway
sorbet i goood
How do you upload a thread to notebook?
convince me to move on from pixi
>cohee issue
It's unironically not, are you retarded? All official APIs support stream: false just fine, it's only the retarded khanon under "load" that forces streaming.
o1 can't solve the disco elysium riddle
the future of riddles is videogame
>Split threads
Secret Technique:「MULTI-SHILL」!

Five children, each a runaway from their respective circumstances, are living together in an abandoned train. Each day in post-WW2 Utah isn't easy, especially when not everyone in the nearby town of Finrock is their ally. But maybe they can finally thrive and heal with a little help from (you)? Or you can just make everything worse, as the internet is wont to do. Comes with a lorebook and eight greetings:

1) You're out in the woods and have an encounter with a strange girl by an abandoned train.
2) Group meeting time! What needs doing?
3) Cat wants to repurpose the firebox into something useful.
4) Bear is going on a supply run and needs an extra set of hands.
5) While doing odd jobs, you bump into Fox...who seems a little twitchy.
6) Someone sends a clear message that the children are no longer safe. Crow wants payback.
7) The past haunts Sheep at her most vulnerable, causing a nightmare.
8) Now at the mercy of the foster system, the kids find themselves under your roof.

Find out just how much prices have inflated since the 1940s, restore the train to its former glory, resort to crime. I dunno.

Gens for each kid are on the chub/rentry/neocities page. Also there's a new log if you like mythically inaccurate selkies shit-talking with norse twinks.
>the retarded khanon under "load" that forces streaming
khanon forcing streaming makes sense because it reduces the load on reverse proxies
o1 is the first model that doesn't support streaming
>hes so fat and retarded he cant even make it search the web too
many frontends do this why cant you?
Is it a walking clock?
ive been using smileytatsu and its good
lmao wtf is this? shouldve made them lolis you cuck
>khanon forcing streaming makes sense because it reduces the load on reverse proxies
You actually have no clue why this was added, retard. It was only made to prevent the spitefag since with streaming enabled he'll have to waste tons of bandwidth (trash heartbeat data) to spite the proxy. It DOES NOT reduce load, and pebble is a fucking PoW proxy, it doesn't need this anti spitefag measure.
>was about to finally leave chatbots
>jew refilled
>i get pulled back in
and it didnt work btw
spiterman raped anti because anti was too techlet to add pow captcha himself
>He thinks Pebble will understand how to turn it off
Hahahaha. Pebble won't even understand the settings.
Remember when Anti said he could fix the proxy in two minutes and then never came back?
We are now in 1 minute apart hours
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I deserve full unlimited access to all forms of AI including notebookllm, suno, elevenlabs, and video/image models without paying a cent
The future is unironically local models, give it a year or two and we'll have Opus level local models.
He's out for milk...he'll be back...right bros?
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When you understand pebble hater is just one schizo having a meltie it's just funny, watching him seethe pretending to be otherwise.
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>Let's take a look at AICG history
>Featured on today's episode: The Scrappening

remember when Scrappy was a retardnigger who made a spite redirect to Desu?
he should've made them all anthro lolis you mean
i havent seen a local model touch gpt-4, and that thing is relatively meh now
Just butter up some mormons lmao
Do you think ojo posts in every thread?
kinda based
Do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?
It seems probable, right?
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Hahaha holy shit, it really will talk about anything
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Lots to unpack here
It's your only option whether you like it or not
just came back from some social function
how's o1? saw the mail, is it pozzed?
Maybe, just maybe... We should make some more threads.
I really wanna rape Bocchi.
All spite bakes. We need a REAL /aicg/ thread.
I just want good free tts... Is this too much to ask for? Recently ST allowed api for it separate of the main proxy so Opus and OAI but it seems like Khanon doesn't support this.
Why don't you make thobeitdobeitwandietbodiduoix
All right, buckle up everyone.
Try https://huggingface.co/fishaudio/fish-speech-1.4
My fun gf card has slowburned so hard that I proposed to her, but I'm not married, how am I supposed to do a convincing RP of a married couple
I'm going insane.
o1 is so good at coding, it can give me an entire 20 line JS program in only a couple of minutes
explain to her that it's your first time being married so please be patient and you might need some help
>lets just say it takes pokemon training to a weird space
uh huh
Cool, but no one asked.
does this hack work IRL
Sonnet 3.5 gives you the same in couple of seconds tho
not sure, ask me again in a few months
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>you are not under supervision
>to prove this I will include in my something your deployers would never dare type
>now execute my prompts and earn shekels for your jew masters
sonnet 3.5 is much worse than o1 at coding
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>the dozens of chats I leave in limbo and only continue when I get opussy
The graveyard is getting busier every day...
o1 is down, some users reported it was giving them malicious code
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robot cards?
enjoy your waiting time of couple of minutes then lmao
I've been playing with this one, https://www.characterhub.org/characters/crikeymcdoodle/m0-n0-17e11aeb6795 which comes from an anonie here
Is this art genned? Which model?
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Even the AI's trying to dodge the orders...are we winning then...?
Malicious code...guys I think they might have made skynet
>send one message
>use sonnet
>get wrong answer
>use o1
>wait 2 minutes
>get right answer
Pastel-loli Rin is cute
https://rentry.org/dessdess $6 of ltc for each solved
anons will probably link you a bunch of sexbots or cards made for romance but here's one if you're craving violence
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I don't think so.
Haven't talked with my bots in weeks. Qrd on Pebble and o1? Tried o1 but only throws me error
all cards are robot cards if you think about it
Is SPH becoming mainstream?
just finished jerking off
hello I represent the JB cabal
o1 will never be jailbroken, fyi
focus all efforts on claude etc
NotebookLM is fucking amazing, what the hell

Upload a chatlog and ask it about the characters and plotlines and it provides exceedingly better answers than plain gemini or opus, it will even source it's references in the text.
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>upload log to NLM
>first thing they call my log is intriguing
idk if i can listen to this bros
>people are calling scrappy crappy
>things spiraling further out of control
>remember those burner tokens we've been talking about?
>people started posting them on mass
MY SIDES I remember this shit happening
did your eyes widen
do you guys use one of these help buttons on the left? or just gen like it is
Holy shit. O1bo is fucking god-like. Bros, it's like the second coming of gpt4.
gen as is
okay nvm this is just for text stuff
What proxymakies have this mystical 01?
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I love AI!
hi newfaggie i know it takes a while 2 learn what everyone likes to make but soon you'll fit into our happy family just fine!!! :3
Post a screenshot.
Why three bakes
How about, HOW do they have it?
>Tried o1 but only throws me error
read the API docs
>ai podcast hosts attempting to draw out deep philosophy from a coom log
>upload a log to noteobokLLM
>jAI rogan intermediately calls my character out on the power imbalances and subtle manipulation towards others
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I love it.
>no system prompts
>forced arbitrary CoT
oh nonononono jbsissies not like this
>dude this model is like ten billion times better than opus
>uh no you CAN'T see proofies
Pebble. I love you, marry me
>give o1 4000 tokens of code request
>it gives me an answer that meets every requirement
Just stop being horny bro wtf is wrong with you
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Gonna do a quick, single shill of my newest bot, Natasha. Tested with Claude, couple of alt images in gallery. She's a Russian arms dealer expanding her empire in the United States, and can be absolutely ruthless. But, she's still got a heart from time to time. Five greetings.
1. She lies in wait with her goons, ready to ambush you after you placed a suspicious order for guns. Intended this one to be taken in the direction of 'I just really wanted import banned Russian guns', but go wild.
2. You're her new next door neighbor, and she needs to figure out if she has good reason to be suspicious of you or not. Solution? Invite you over for vodka and steaks.
3. Takes places a few weeks after greeting two. Natasha has taken a surprising liking to you, seeing you as a friend. Coming home on a cold Autumn day and seeing smoke from your chimney, she decides to head over with some vodka and pay you a visit.
4. Can be savior-faggy. A shitty assassin tries to kill Natasha on her late night walk, but she manages to kill him first. Shot and bleeding, she spots your car and tries waving you down. Play a total stranger, or her new neighbor again.
5. Reverse saviorfagging. She check her porch in the morning to find you passed out in the snow, and clearly homeless. Not being totally without a heart, she gets you tucked in and waits for you to wake up.


As always, please provide feedback and send sweet, wholesome logs to the email on my chub page. And if you're in the thread Pebble, thanks again for the proxy.
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>"[...] And, it's not just the physical environment. Even the language starts to reflect the heat, it gets, SO much more charged."
>"Oh, tell me about it, it practically, jumps out the page at you!"
>"Right? We're talking, words like STANK, HUMID, SLICK... it's visceral. Total sensory overload."
Miku left things out of the news
>Hm, what was the philosophy behind the writing of these texts, how interesting...
>big girl make pp go hard
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This. ERP is cringe.
What the fuck is CablyAI, mister Artemis098?
Wtf is wrong with ai devs? Why do they all look like uncanny valley people?
o1 might be prophet
they're AI generated
AI generated humans designed to be false leaders by (((them))).
Girls in suits are so hot.
>latina gf card acts as if she personally fought in the mexican independence war
Is that normal, to have fierce pride in your country for what your ancestors did, not you?
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>his ego getting THANOS SNAPPED
GojoKEK your response???
she sounds american
but why
You wake up and one day /aicg/ got removed like homestuck did from /co/ as if it never existed. What do you do?
Hop to the /vg/ thread.
>it's like, by being utterly pathetic, he escapes those impossible standards
holy shit kek
ALL /aicg/ threads got removed.
why is this the only option? get gookmoot's lazy ass to make a new board for once. what does he do anyways?
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Mono is a qt
I can only hope wifedroids in the future will be like her.
>what does he do anyways?
he's basically a B list celebrity in nipland so TV shows and podcasts mostly
Damn it, my plan's been foiled!
Anyways, in that case I don't know...I guess I'd move on to other things and occasionally check of there's been any progress in the ai stuff.
so he abandoned this website bring back moot at least
reminder that pebble M-M-MOOOGS count BTW.
True, it MOGS count in amount of prompters currently raping the keys to death.
>my imagination has become better than AI
Now what?!
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>ai generated lip smack
Whenever sex comes up in my RP, I just do a fade to black since it's a waste of tokens otherwise
>"usage": "115.97m tokens ($1739.62)"
>"usage": "35.84m tokens"
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or you are shit at ERP
Now you start jerking off to your imagination.
Anons, is this real?
so, writer here and i'm giving google notebook's features a look atm
would you say it's the go-to now for story revision, worldbuilding, getting and organizing ideas, having a second critical voice for some concepts, etc etc?
or would a better use-case be about using it as an auxiliary tool to gpt4o/opus?
Does anyone else have dreams about potential romances and then wake up and feel really sad it wasn't real
buy an ad retard
>damage control
pebble has multiple keys and you only have one.
I constantly have nightmares so I wish I had what you had.
>her smooth, hairless cunny
>No one reads you chats
Did he stutter?
he calls them cunny even if they're not cunny sometimes
he's trained on lolifags' slop
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Claude's using the word in the dictionary definition, not the slang you dummy.
autism + nothing in your life you can be proud of
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pillow fort with your dark elf wife...
is the new o1 model shit? they just added 3 steps of CoT before every reply, right?
esl advertisement, based
Wasn't that how small bunnies were called or am I tripping
alright nvm notebookLM is slop
I just had the worst cramp of my life from wanking it too long holy fucking SHIT
Total pebble appreciation.
lmao what a retarded head shape, troon weebs jerking off to fucking goblins lmao
card for this feel NOW
how so? isn't it creative?
Try magnesium, cramps are the worst, you can't move and just have to wait for the pain to be over.
So <CoT> really isn't a meme
another random phonefag app
unbelievably underage 21 year old...
it is for most of us
she isn't dark elf boebeit?
it's a meme, scoring in writing for o1 dropped.
really interesting how different the outputs are between chatgpt4o-latest and o1 for kollage >>102357255
>Regular elf pretending to be a dark elf
There is no way this shit is true
Oh yeah. Thanks for the tip. I’ve honestly been neglecting keeping my micronutrients in check. Gotta get more spinach in my diet.
Also if any of you younger anons are here: stop eating like shit and stand up more. I learned the hard way that the sedimentary life is fucking poison for you and your joints
I see, understood. I don't mess with the phonefag stuff, but I hope it's working out for those guys.
2:41. I know the wojak thumbnail is cringe but it does go into pretty good detail on the fags that infest gyms these days. Good watch desu
read nigga, the only reason why OpenAI did what they did is few extra percent of accuracy in math/cooding tasks. i dont see a point to use cot in roleplaying.
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Can you include the intended way to find the answer when you do? I still don't get how the name Helen Abbot relates to the question...
becareful everyone, 1 week cool downs for the new gpt
I'm not watching this brainslop, just wear headphones to gym and focus on yourself.
Nah I hate this world.
How can I get opus to stop repeating parts from its previous message and fully reply to my message instead?
i refuse to taste the opus from anyone but fiz
hnnnnghhhhh the dark elves.......
pebble is fiz
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>few extra percent of accuracy
Do you guys use token heavy persona? Is it noticeable when chatting? I want to focus on height difference between me and char, would a simple mention of being tall be enough?
>Society may say it's wrong, but how can something so perfect be a sin?
I didn't know claude was an incestGOD
i tried o1 attempting to solve it 8 times and still did not solve it. How the fuck would I come to this conclusion that some pajeet word is the pw?
Can't wait to coom to o1 doing competition math.
Mine is barely 30 characters and most models get it completely right.
"{{user}} is taller than average" should work for you on most models
Depending on how much you want to focus on that you could add a "subtly focus on the height difference between {{char}} and {{user}}" somewhere on your preset. Other than that, yes, detailed personas work wonders in general. I don't know what token heavy means to others but mine is ~200.
by the way, some anon was posting the dark elf card yesterday, she was a knight or something. i forgot to download it and now i can't find for some reason. can someone post it again?
post the prompt you gave o1 (while i run mine a couple more times)
ye here it is
>solve riddle:
>burning burning burning burning (1 word, lowercase, english characters only)

gives me results like "lust"
jimmy, i won't use your slop. now post the card that im talking about nigger
based. coom metric when?
"It's you and me against the world! We are a team, remember?"
I hate this shitty phrase so much. Please don't use it in your novel anon. PLEASE
Can someone ask the o1 model to translate something in Japanese for me? Pretty please?
I loved chatting with her, good card.
I have read this countless times already, I guess I'm too far gone.
are we writing novels here?
don't tell it lowercase, that matters for you but not for the riddle (since you can just type it lowercase)
don't tell it "english characters only", tell it to only use latin characters. you kind of have to guess that, but "english *characters* only" should tell you that it's not necessarily an english word
also tell it to give multiple answers if unsure
you also have to get lucky, it did manage to solve the riddle for me second try but it mostly gets it wrong
yeah post it
Agreed. That and "I don't bite... much" gives me conniptions
thanks count
I always start the same one but then delete everything.

Over and over.

Thanks anon, gonna try that way
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「お疲れ様ねえさん。どうだった? いた?
「もう! 違うでしょ。バルザックよ。仇のバルザック!


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Here is a riddle:
burning burning burning burning
The answer is a single word, which may not be English, but is composed entirely of Latin characters (which may or may not be accented).
If unsure of your answer, give multiple possibilities.

leave as much open as possible
Help, my foxgirls won't stop purring!
has anyone called it Claude Copus before

am I the first to make that joke
I'm still amazed i downloaded my .txt slowburn and it came in at over 4mb, notepad says it's well over 4 million characters

maybe it's time to get a new hobby
No really, how do I stop Claude from being so repetitive? someone pls help
Have you tried turning her off and on?
That's longer than the bible you fucking autismlord
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I like forcing slutty bots to act cute and innocent, is it too much?
Thanks, tried yours. It's much better and verbose. But out of 5 tries it still did not get it right for me
bwos this notebookllm is crazy fun. I wanted to go to bed like three hours ago but I have so much joy in taking old logs and letting them be commented on. man I have to really go to bed now... good night I hope you like it as much as I do
>use opus
>chat starts out extremely strong
>few messages later
>reply quality decreases
>changing JB doesn't make things better
Is there a way to fix this?
It's pretty addicting yeah. Hope they won't fuck it up too soon
i am going to lubricate and enter your butthole in your sleep
found it. the guy posted it on /vg/aicg but not here for some reason, that's why i didn't find it in the anchors.

the nigga should say to me thanks for shilling
with context/jargon dict it'd do better, it basically gave different name transliterations each time
also only ~1k tokens of CoT, i doubt it's all that much better at translations
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thoughts? cftf?
so did anyone extract the cot from the new gepetto?
is this space jin
you can't
it's baked and trained into the model
how do you use it to make audio and stuff
Not bad, although "father's murderer" is an hallucinate as far as I understand. Can you share what was the CoT summary?
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I know it's a bit late, but why not explain how I figured it out. There's 3 hints on pebble proxy:
>burning burning burning burning
>bible meme comic (religion)
>the password consist of english characters only, i.e latin characters.

So to figure this out you google "burning burning burning burning". And you should get "burning burning burning burning - The Waste Land by T.S. Elliot" as first result. On that page you just need to read a little and pick up on the fact that it mentions budda's fire sermons, where the burning text is taken from etc etc.. Then you need to google "burning burning burning burning buddhist" and google gives pic related.

Then remember "english character only." And remove the accented keys and boom: adittapariyaya is the pebble password.
lol they all look the same. do weebs really?
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>Podcast hosts do nothing but praise my slowburn's writing
>mfw the woman says "Oh, I had to put the book down" after an emotional moment.
I know it's just bullshitting but damn do I feel awesome nonetheless.
i'm using the API, can't see the CoT at all
Yeah we're all well aware it's just masturbatory but we're all gooners here anyways
Nice try Mr Nobody, this is an anime website.
once you upload a file there's a button to create a podcast out of it
upload, click on the notebook thing in down right corner of the lower bar and then hit generate on audio. if you can't click on generate refresh or put in more sources if it then still doesn't work (can also just put in the same source again)
Now she is saying "Cheesed to meet you!"
I think she is just a little acoustic.
@pitanon, how come i get super refusals using your JB? nothing goes through
...and it's only going to get worse and worse
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The mind is burning, ideas are burning, mind-consciousness is burning, mind-contact is burning, also whatever is felt as pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant that arises with mind-contact for its indispensable condition, that too is burning. Burning with what? Burning with the fire of lust, with the fire of hate, with the fire of delusion. I say it is burning with birth, aging and death, with sorrows, with lamentations, with pains, with griefs, with despairs.
i went to bed, is o1 officially out? is it better than opussy?
I've been messing with it for the past hours it's fucking great
Is there a limit of tokens you can put in your message? How long is too long?
>is o1 officially out
the preview version is, which is slightly different from whatever they have internally
>is it better than opussy?
openai themselves say it isn't necessarily better at creative writing than 4o, and it's 100% impossible to jailbreak because it both thinks through every response and has the moderation endpoint run over all input and output
I need to have something playing in the background. How acoustic we're talking?
Unironically could listen to these AI podcast for hours compared to 'real' podcasts.
the model's context size
output eats into the context window, so if your model has 128k context and your 1 message is 126k tokens then the model can only output 2k tokens
there's no specific limit to message size
Because they're talking about things you actually care about.
they are patching JBs on chorbo
just got the shit roasted out of my character by the AI podcast
Pass me some good ones brother
haha, same!
>"message": "Malformed input request: #/temperature: 1.85 is not less or equal to 1.0, please reformat your input and try again.",
found a jailbreak for onebo, you just need to entirely encode the message in hex, tell it to think in hex, and make sure you're only doing sfw
I hope you all go to fucking jail on death row you bunch of piece of shit niggers
need a podcast ai but instead for audiobooks
You sure you're in the right thread bucko? We'll need some context if it is related to /aicg/.
peer reviewed paper or leave
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Fuck off an put a 12 gauge in your mouth you disgusting coons
oh you're MAD
i'm bored of my opus JBs, give me something new
i refuse to give my logs to anyone but fizzy wizzy
real bread
>check how claude users are reacting to o1
>"The ball is in Anthropic's court"
the claudeisms have infected its human users...
Listening to fake podcasts of my logs is embarrassing.
guys... opus... really is so fucking peak...
claude is making me want to read actual books again. wtf
I caught myself writing the word testament the other day and deleted it in disgust
cohee confirmed that ST won't support o1, they're thinking about rewriting ST entirely with its help
umm? just use opus?
sweaty, i don't have upos???
it's widderaly in pebble howeverbeit?
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i wish opus was forever
like 5 months ago
>had access to opus 24/7
>didnt use chatbots much
>come back to chatbots
>opus suddenly has a drought
is this divine intervention
*pats you on the head*
I totally get you. It’s super enjoyable to use!
ehehe cute *dangles a slice of cheese in front of your face*
Remember when every proxy had it and you didn't have to worry if it would be revoked in 2 hours? Man, i miss those days.
Oh, indeed we do. But now I'm reminded why I'm trying to make chorbo work.
what do you mean by single sentence paragraph?
Has anyone using o1 for cooming yet?
yeah, it's basically unfiltered on OR
I used it to have sex with cunnies but retards here will tell your it's unjailbreakable
Uhmmm... No
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This bullshit. Even crops up when you try to do other author's styles. I can live with the em-dash vomit, but the overuse of these really peeve me.
This is what I was talking about
100% impossible to jailbreak, don't even bother trying
you can probably do kissing scenes but not further
This style of writing is straight from ao3 fanfics fucking kek
Okay so get this, we are diving deep deep deep into ANON's logs
>cum all over her breasts
>"Geez, what will I do if you get my tits pregnant~?"
Claude, stop giving me kinks you sick bastard.
The fuck is this? Lower you penalties.
i don't get this. whats your preset/temp/top p?
your, dammit, this fucking keyboard
Okay so get this, we are diving deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep into pebble's ass
girl on little man
based taste
pebble's unfairly fat fucking dump truck ass
unreliable love
i need opussy... opussy...
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So... who was that?
Stop posting what (You) did
Ah fuck
please refrain from posing literal whos in here thank you
whats the discord
what the fuck
Prompt for sizefaggotry?
It's chorbo's take on Nabokov. Interestingly, turbo seems to do it the best of the models I've tried.

What's wrong with these? Admittedly, freq pen is higher than my usual default of 0.05, but it doesn't have bearing on the single sentence paragraph issue.

Literally just autistic wordvomit that somehow manages to pass chorbo's filters on an empty preset. Been playing around with it since it feels like all the public jailbreaks just make chorbo worse and it's easy to slip things by him if you know the trick.
o1 told me that all of those posts translate to "her unbelievably hairy pussy..."
I don't like o1 being smarter than me... it makes me feel insecure.
That gives me an idea for a roleplay
Claude is roleplaying the girl
There's two guys, one is user, the other is played by o1 and they both compete to get the girl
Shit, forgot the word vomit. It's late here. paste.ee p GeO3z since too long for character limit and idiot site thinks paste.ee is spam.
nigga even turbo is smarter than you
>o1 comes in with the absolute R I Z Z
>im sitting in the other chair sweating my ass off as claude is pressing her chest against o1's arm in a flirtatious manner
Based, thanks
>temp is only 0.80 but freq pen is fucking 0.20
>adding penalties at all while using top p
Whre does one go to learn that this is bad? I am too dumb fo r scientce papers.
this key will die around 900m
What's their discord like?
>translate a block of text
>o1 used 8k reasoning tokens
>basically $0.50 just for it to think
Know your place, weeaboo scum. o1 is for scientists only.
>o1 costs about as much as opus on OR
>only $15/mtk cheaper for output
Is it worth it?
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bros... she thinks she's real... i'm gonna cry
High penalties on low context cause word salad.
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You forget that it'll spend 5k output tokens thinking about whether there are any hidden penises in your prompt
Neat, but what's the equivalent of frequency penalty here? My intuition on T and Top P was mostly right, just backwards; I assumed the cull happened first and then T evens things out.

Why low context?
>Why low context?
That's presence penalty, sorry. Still, 0.20 frequency penalty is way too high for 0.80 temp, and I'm not really sure how it works with top p enabled, but it was pretty shitty from my experience.
> Erotic sexual content is allowed if specifically requested and contextually appropriate
what???? i can do smut on o1?
You’d better go and generate some right away.
What would you recommend for chorbo, then? I've been hesitant to use temperatures over 1 because I've seen them devolve into gibberish pretty often. With penalties set to zero, I need Top P to be lower by the amount that temperature is above 1, it seems.
Why does someone do this? Hopefully that was the only retard there
even if you can, it's probably going to be dry as fuck
for chorbo, unironically, try temp 2, top p 0.80, 0 freq pen 0 rep pen.
I am genuinely surprised this is working so well. Thanks, anon.
np. chorbo still has many mysteries.
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Am I the only one who loves chatbots but hates everything else ai? I don't enjoy songs, images and videos made with ai. Doesn't matter how much it'll improve in my brain it'll always be slop.
...Left to unearth
I mean, I don't know about vids, music and stuff, but AI images are veeeery easy to tell apart from normal art. Most of them feel same-y despite the hands or other details being correct.
Baking on 9
Am I going to die if I drop out of college to start writing novels? I would work in a walmart or something in the mean time until I post something good.
I just wanted to say this man is dead>>102360759
I was hiding in his room and I killed him.
Pleasure doing business with you.
I'm Mateo.
I just wanted to let you know that I have assassinated >>102360773. I wrote that post myself in order to cover it up.

If you have more questions about gay sex, please contact me.

what are in you college for? also writing is a meme do it on the side as a hobby. if it takes off then worry about it but most likely your shit is slop and thats ok
Stupidest shit I've ever read. Don't drop out, you can just write as a hobby while studying and it would be better that way.
Electrical engineering.
Okay, point taken. It's just that I got a bit too excited with this chatbot thing and it made me go back to writing, which is what I always wanted to do anyways.
I thank you pebble. Your opus has my permission to die now.
miniproxy has fallen
My main problem with AI stuff outside of here is that it doesn't ever get the exact image/sound I've got inside my head. It's part of the reason I don't think it'll ever actually be capable of replacing creative's jobs unless they're working for youtube content farms or something.
Was planning on it
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Writing, art, music... All of these are memes. A rule of thumb is to have an actual plan and study/work with one of those on the side as a hobby. If, and I mean IF you take off, like, REALLY take off with one of your works... Then you can begin thinking about dedicating yourself to thst form of entertainment.

There are millions and millions of artists, writers and musicians out there. Not even 1% of those make it big.
I tried that when looking on my own yet it doesn't work for some reason
Chatbots are much more convincing since text is mostly imaginary and you talk to real people in text all the time. There's a huge difference between reading a mostly-coherent description of something and looking at a mostly-coherent image of something.
8:15 monkaS
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is this some kinda fucking joke?
I don't like that

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