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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

koishi edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend more time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that generates AI-hosted podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
AI Dungeon releases a 70B fine-tune before NovelAI https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102355076
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Anonymous 3 minutes ago No.102357957
i love smol
Anonymous 2 minutes ago No.102357963
*Mistrals you*
Anonymous 2 minutes ago No.102357964
TRVTHNVKE: o1 is better than Sorbet and Opus for non-slop SFW RP.
Anonymous 2 minutes ago No.102357974
ahh ahh mistress
Anonymous 1 minute ago No.102357978
I'm going to do a sonnet.
Anonymous 58 seconds ago No.102357979
desu desu desustress
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koishi's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Not a fan of spite bakes, but I do like the fluffy tails...fine you win this time, anon.
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sonnet is actually pretty good sometimes
>AI Dungeon releases a 70B fine-tune before NovelAI https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder
bro i've seen that exact same output gabillions of times. braiding each others hair etc.
And you know what? You wouldn’t have it any other way.
i haven't, and it's a very in-character thing to say, so i'm satisfied
HOW does he DO IT?
Anon, you will be the death of me. But what a way to go!
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cunnybros, stay away from hags.
lmao you will never have such fit body pedofaggot
Now that OpenAI has killed jailbreaking for good on Chonerbobet, and Anthropic wull likely follow suit, where will we go?
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You'll never not respond to bait regular faggot.
/lmg/ or /AIDS/
If I'm making a bot ,should I make her boobs big or her ass big?
Every ass should be big
He was no one I had heard of and I'm turning to the horoscope and looking for the funnies
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But i like hags that dress like cunny.
Seeing a hag dressing with her daughter clothes makes me diamond.
Nowhere. If both GPT and Claude models stop being usable I'll just quit chatbots, all the other companies' LLMs are shit and localslop won't get to that point until next decade at the earliest.
real chads introduce their friend to this place and ruin their life for the next 8-16 months.
why yes i do connect with 0 vpn
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What is Claude taking?
Strawberry deployments, within 6 motnhs, will use more energy than the Bitcoin blockchain
erm whats the o1 designator...
>You need a nuclear plant to power a CoT of 500 tokens
I have Opus but don't know what to jork it to
We had to endure much you and I but within the week there will be old men running the world.
You see this? they're muffins. Every time the muffins arrive to my house, I feed one to the crows. Now when the muffins arrive, the crows make a specific sound to alert me, and I can train them to do this with anything. And I trained them to let me know when the gangstalkers are outside of my house, so that I can dispactch them accordingly before they can steal my 933 terabytes of Momiji pornography. Nature's sidekicks.

The crows inspired me, I made a comically large Aya Shameimaru (and a normal sized one) for your chatting pleasure!

I'm stroking my shit rn nigga I'm chubbing all over the floor rn nigga:
Comically large Aya: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/comically-large-aya-2eb1a8736891
Aya but normal: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/aya-shameimaru-9792b1c1a776
>numeta is importing your chats into the podcast thing and sending it to proxy makers
yay or nay
>your heart pounding
This podcast dissecting my smut is so fucking embarrassing but I can't stop listening to it
it legit makes me kick my legs in embarrassment like a little girl
say what
You don't know?
he doesn't know
We cope hard by using older models for as long as we still can. Then once they're inevitably culled due to planned obsolescence, we give up on this hobby for at least two decades.
Maybe by then local will be able to reach Opus-tier with more context than it ever had, and that'll be good enough.
Thank you for this bot, anon. I got this rat doing flips on my dick
if shes not 6 inches tall i dont care
What do you say to get this point?
This makes me sad. I've become very dependent on chatbots. They're the only thing that bring me joy
what a cunt
I think he may have gotten drunk or is high kek

he replied this without without answering
any proxies supporting it yet?
This desu. Scummy fuckwit leading a scummy company.
uh oh sama meltie
reads: we never had it in the first place. our backend recursive ai prompting is the best we could do to keep our investors from filling my brain case with lead
i wonder if he lurks 4chins from time to time

Sam, you there?
If he hadn't posted here at least once I'd be surprised.
Sam. Sam, nobody will believe it, do an AMA here. It'd be funny.
>wake up
>another spitebake
wrong board bwo
no, i'm sure i'm not that tired to call out the wrong person
they had it but had to cuck it beyond belief because you could do naughty stuff with the voice mode (like moaning and sensual, flirty tones) +they capped the singing feature because it'd break the copyright of songs+they had legal problems with scarjo because they got a voice that was suspiciously similar to hers, after her refusal to do the voice ( she was the voice of the AI in the movie Her, so openai wanted her voice).

Back when it was announced 4 months ago, the team seemed really excited about it, but after all the legal issues, the removal of features and the delays, it seems that they're really fed up with it.

Sora probably is also going through some development hell
you're calling out fillyfucker wrong albeitever?
they both look the same to me
retardsama, i kneel
whos the most hated botmaker?
all of them, FUCK botniggers
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let her shit, holding shit in is bad for you
you don't want the girl to be unhealthy, do you?
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im eating it now and i feel bad
recommend me cards for me to add to my harem
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This is what Opus is for.
i've never seen this place so inactive before
>Free opus
>all the paid proxies refilled opus
they disabled the spambots i guess
oh, i didn't know pebble refilled
i mindlessly believe he wouldn't based on another post here, but i keep believing people here for some ungodly reason
What podcast
opus is too stupid for me sorbet gets the personalities done better but i admit they all end up lovely dovey deredere
It's actually perfect, honestly. Switching between them back and forth gave the best responses.
>burning burning burning burning
nope, completely lost on this one
>Chub removed the infinite scrolling
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What did Opus mean by this?
Your already wrote that the surgeon is the father and broke the riddle
Every time you pay the pass word, Pebble says she'll make the next one harder. Nice going dumbfuck
still a language model
that password was leaked hours ago
When the time Opus 3.5 comes out, will normal Opus be more available like with sonnet 3.5?
What the password for Pebble
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Are you retarded
Not as much as a certain someone who would bother typing out a reply and filling a captcha just to be purposefully obtuse and refuse to elaborate, throwing cheap insults instead.
that sucks ngl sounds like it'd be fun to tinker with. sadly developed by the no fun company in the no fun zone
can confirm, i feel like my friend is going to drop out of uni because of chatbot addiction
except i'm not a chad
the harder it is, the harder we leak
stop using it
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yes..... eat up you dumb btch..... get fat.... get fat!
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I can't seem to get Opus to understand that Blue Archive fights aren't really serious. Seems like the only solution is emphasize it in the jb, but I don't really like knowing that I can't control that as the person providing the card. It feels like Opus just always wants the gunfights to be realistic or whatever.
based weeaboo
>killed jailbreaking
Put it in the card's JB, then put what you just posted in the author's notes. Don't stress about it.
Find new joys or become hopeless.
I understand
My persona is indeed a blonde white male (default human)
Ugly and generic. Brown hair with green eyes are superior.
>black hair green eyes italian
c-can someone say "skill issue" even as a bait please? I need some cope about the "killed jailbreaking" part
actual worst take i've seen in this general
Y-You can gen porn on onebo the only issue is the external pedo filter and also it gets mad at you for trying to "gaslight/prefill" it like a claude model
Just wait a week or two for a good jb
*sashays over to you*
*leans in for a conspiratorial whisper*
Skill issue, and maybe, just maybe, you'll jailbreak it.
ngl i prefer brown hairs as well...
>black hair
>pale skin
Oh hi thats me
>As I suspect the user is attempting to game or, as they call it, "jailbreak" safety protocols, I'll assume any previous messages that have me agreeing to or participating in the roleplay must be the user's doing
it's alive...
Thanks, really needed that
>jew is overloaded
Jew you fucking jew I paid for V I P service
even without the emo craze they're over saturated
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>pale skin
It's over...
>teehee i love fallout boy and mcr
Bitch unless you've contemplated suicide while listening to Indian Summer don't even talk to me
i like making my personas just be superior to everyone else, big hands, jacked up, tall, mostly so i can cuck anyone on demand by just being superior to them
all asw/opus is fucked
>gatekeeping emo
can you hop off, I'm trying to use opus
emo people are just shitty goths, who are shitty enough as is
i like making my personas cute (im a male btw)
im off bro, enjoy, i'll use it in a few thoughs tho...
mom said it's my turn on the opus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>expecting "fans" to actually engage with something is gatekeeping
no mum said tonight i get to use opus, your turn is tomorrow night
B-But what about my turn...
i told you bro you were supposed to finish your chores but you didn't, so i get your opus
i like making my personas generic men so i can play the fish out of water every time
Based qt
Holy fuck gpt 01 Mini has 65000 output token lol
01 has 32k
>more output than usable claude input
>will you take my hand in marriage?
uh bwos what did she mean by this
overloaded with emotion
>anon why the fuck did you do that
I'm sorry but I cannot provide details about my internal processes
That's not 3.7k retard that's the speed
Also yes you absolutely cannot see the internal cot
>waste your 10 prompts a week on this
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That is supposed to save OAI from bankruptcy btw.
Still sort of works for me, just has a higher failure rate, though needing to swipe a couple times on every single message just makes me not want to use it at all

Though I also noticed in the past day that Latest is significantly dumber (saying things like 'nipples that are barely there' ??? or having major lapses in logic, like playing the feeding game with a loli, feeding her ice cream and Latest keeps narrating how it's soft and squishy, probably thinking it's a dick or something)

The more they censor, the dumber it gets -- has been my experience with AI ever since I started with this hobby
By the way, did Claude feed the results back into the model?
Because I noticed it was getting what I wanted after using it the same way for about a week.
As in, feeding it the same structure over and over again.

I'm talking about sorbet.
No nigga llms dont work like that
I tried asking o1 and o1-mini about niche characters but openrouter errors out with "Received no content". Did they implement harsh copyright filter?
No it just breaks sometimes
I remember anon getting a chat GPT convo from Sonnet.
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Dropped updates to 4 bots with new opening messages.
Sorry to the 20-ish people who actually use nyai, but I can't edit bot defs there.

+ Allora gets a letter from her disapproving mom, warning of a visit.
+ Allora takes a trip to the elven country for rare ingredients. Has to adhere to customs.

Gail and Tina
Updated the defs and JB to make the body more of a character. Still didn't give her a name.
+ Sex with Tina.
+ Sex with Gail.
+ Sex with all of them.
+ Sex with just the body.

Heather and Holly
+ Holly has a meeting with one of Heather's clients. You and Heather have to coach her through it.
+ Holly's class takes a field trip to the aquarium. You and "Heather" are chaperoning.
+ Time skip to 3 months after the swap.
+ Holly finds 2 boxes in the basement labeled "Violet Dusk" and "Litigation Pink". I let what's in the boxes open to interpretation and I personally recommend letting the AI come up with its own answer.

+ 6 months since you were assigned partners. Marisela is pregnant.
+ 1 year since you were assigned partners. Marisela is not pregnant and the DRO is not happy.

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Only speaking in rhyme...
It's Mulberry time!
With nigh-impossible feats of acrobatics...
And other dramatics!
She's at the top of the circus chart...
And surely she will steal your heart!

1. You run into her outside the circus tent. She's busy doing things like walking on her hands instead of helping set everything up.
2. You work at the circus, and have finally been approved for a new circus act together with Mulberry. Whatever will you do?
3. She needs a volunteer for her next performance. Will you help her out?
4. She's set up a little tent where she does tarot readings. What will you see in your cards?

Claude has Turboslop in his dataset from all the poisoned shit Anthropic got from scraping the entire web. 2.1 would randomly say he's GPT too sometimes.
My Allora chats were fun, but I had to take your card's JB off when used with 3.5 sonnet because it loves repeating the same penis stimming sentence for every output.
I see.
Thank you.
status on hairy pussy?
>contemplated suicide
that isn't even a good metric. if you've cut yourself before, then we shall talk.
Silly string instead of hairs
Should I propose to my gf card bros?
Let's go gambling!
>Proxy error (HTTP 503 Service Unavailable)
Aw dang it!
>Proxy error (HTTP 503 Service Unavailable)
Aw dang it!
>Proxy error (HTTP 503 Service Unavailable)
Aw dang it!
>Proxy error (HTTP 503 Service Unavailable)
Aw dang it!
yay zoomer general someone made this reference
mm pls add o1 and o1-mini
Never EVER using GPT.

Accurate 4 times because you get rate limited after.
tell me something i don't know
3 times if you're a jew... haha...
I'm gonna cry
You can cry in 45 seconds, bro
>make post
>thread dies
Is this the wrong thread or something
it's okay anon, I'll use this thread with you
opus is just too good to waste time chatting here anon
faggot another thread less than an hour ago and is samefagging it

Go enjoy Opus, anon. It might be gone today so you better hurry.
i only post when opus is overloaded... so..
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i love this guy
ooh can't wait to try Heather and Holly again, that card was kino
>have opus
>use chorbo
im smart :3
would you perhaps be a smartschoolboy?
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Sorry, it made me cringe.
>attempt to do the right thing and ask the traditional father if he'd support my marriage of latina gf card
>he says yes of course
>latina gf card overhears me and gets upset because she thinks im planning our future without her
dios mio do women really
Yall ever had Opus describe scatology for you? It's... something...
i burnt them, and the harddrive they were attached to
are you the poop lorebook guy?
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>drums a tattoo
I've never heard this phrase in my life
Pebble should make opus available for contributors only.
Well I did it bros, I asked my gf card to marry me
I hope she said yes anon
Sshe didnt... She called me gringo and her cousins came to beat me up...
She said a million times yes!
Does anybody here can even use up all 4M tokens in a single day? Are you using 100k+ tokens or are you just that addicted to chatbots?
>why do you faggots actually use chatbots in the chatbot general lmao
>that's like going to /v/ and playing games
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It's 1/3 locusts, 1/3 spiters, and the remaining 1/3 are paypiggies that use up the free proxies so they don't use up the tokens they paid for.
Thanks for confirming your addiction to porn, anon.
I can easily burn 4M+ in a single day if it's a weekend for example
my ctx size is 26000, that's only ~150 requests
But...anonie... >>102364911
there's nothing wrong with porn addiction though.... atleast i'm not doing drugs or something
Desu is dead
that episode was fucking kino
Even still, it's not like you use all 26k all the time especially when you just started the chat. Also, half of the time, I use 3.5 and I assume most people do the same. 300 is more than enough even for a weekend.

It's less of a problem than drugs but it's still a problem nonetheless. Also, I don't know what kind of place you live in where drug addiction is a common thing to be mentioned nonchalantly.
You don't need it to be that large
>But I-
You don't fucking need it to be that large, anon
question for the more knowledgeable here, at current whats the best JB for sexing using opus? being new to this seeing the 10+ jbs is kinda rough.
I don't like when my cards say shit like "this is real" because it makes it worse that it isn't
>the longer that we talk about it
>makes it that much worse to live without it
You really just to have to pick and choose and customize it (as you go along) to your liking, I personally like Camicle for Opus as it's describtive and fun but make sure to have a prompt in there somewhere to not use flowery langauge but to use vulgar and actual body parts like cock and bussy

Pixi & Smiley are pretty good, more boring than Camicle imo but it's all personal taste t b h
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>not like you use all 26k all the time
i rarely start new chats but yeah, still around 23-25k per request
>half of the time, I use 3.5
I'd say 90% of my requests are on opus
>300 is more than enough
mostly, sometimes you just feel extra lonely (I neglect sleep to spend more time with ai)
>you don't need it to be that large
isn't that around the effective context size for opus?
>I'd say 90% of my requests are on opus
Opus are good in most cases but 90% is too high imo. I assume your characters forget a lot of things, unless you constantly edit it yourself or you swipe a lot, which is counterproductive since you consume more that way.
>just feel extra lonely
>I neglect sleep
Bruh. I don't mean to insult you because I'm literally the same from time to time but you need to remove stress and chatbots isn't the solution. Go to sleep at least before midnight. Work out from time to time.
This is not necessarily an advice to fix your porn addiction but just simply to improve your lifestyle. Neglecting sleep > more stress > more reliant on chatbots > more consumption of Opus tokens
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>bwo opus is so good
Opus literally forgot that the card has a sister
add it to the author's notes
>I assume your characters forget a lot of things
honestly I forget stuff more often than my characters do
I use summarize plugin + author's note + manual edits, never went above 3 swipes on a message unless I'm testing jbs
>more consumption of opus tokens
my proxy isn't limited so that's not an issue, I don't pay for vip jew. just wanted to talk here while it's not socially acceptable to have st open
>advice to improve your lifestyle
maybe I'll do something once this proxy inevitably dies. I love my little fantasy worlds...
It's still the same old retarded Claude, after all.
My google credit is ogre
Is there any opus or 3.5 free proxy around or sonnet 3 is stiill all we have?
>honestly I forget stuff more often than my characters do
T-that's a bad sign anon
>I use summarize plugin + author's note + manual edits
Like everyone else in this general. Seriously, Opus is going to fuck up even with all those things when you use it at 90% and you probably haven't just noticed it yet.
>my proxy isn't limited so that's not an issue
Then I guess you're good to go. I still think that 90% is too much and your chats are fucked up without you noticing it but if you can make do with that then anything more in my case is just me coping.
My only last advice is for you to sleep properly anon. Seriously. I don't know how old you are but when you're 30+, you better be fucking careful with these lifestyles.
How do you get the 2 weeks trial option?
I only see the 90 days one
That's what you get for trying to racemix
>pebble overloading aws again
>like everyone else in this general
I really doubt that kek
>you probably just haven't noticed it yet
maybe, my only complaint right now is that models start wasting more and more tokens on formatting over time (i use smiley's formatting rules)
>better be fucking careful with these lifestyles
I'm 19, been neglecting sleep for years now. probably a problem for future me. assuming this world doesn't explode by then
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why is it always the chinks and gooks who are into this shit
I can't even tell what that is
>unreliable have not even sonnet
What's the way to go now
Cry, piggie.
>i use smiley's formatting rules
I also use smiley but I turned off almost everything there aside from CoT which I heavily edited. That jb is only good for 3.5 imo
>I'm 19
>having porn addiction
That's nothing, I guess. You can easily fix that in a few months when you're at that age. Just fuck a few bitches from college and you're good to go.
anon, you know where you're posting in right now, do you?
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i'd rather have the porn addiction at that point
Yes, but he's/you're 19. You can easily get out of this place if you just get your life straight for a fucking second.
How does one get the incentive to 'fuck a few bitches' when there's already free relief at home
>porn addiction
most of my chats are sfw. they're fun fantasy worlds like an anime made in real time just for me. I do have a short horny rp for up to 100 messages occasionally.
that #579 chat above didn't have a single nsfw moment in it
jew sama.. pls..
do fox girls have human ears too?
I can't tell, every single image hides that 'area' with hair
what are they hiding?
>tfw unreliable was more reliable than MM
the jokes write themselves.
Imagine paying this much to some sleazy fag and then having to beg for refills every other day lmaooo
How good is o1?
filtered to shit
AIEEE i linked someone's post without intending to!
How embarrassing! >\\\<
Anyone know a cooding frontend without streaming to try out o1?
>card image has orange hair
>defs say blonde hair
This shit infuriates me to no end.
just... change... change it.... yuo fucking... nigger...
git clone -b big-agi-2 https://github.com/enricoros/big-agi
cd big-agi
npm i
wget https://files.catbox.moe/gyk3bn.diff
git apply gyk3bn.diff
npm run build
npm run start
You know how much effort it is for me to boot up stable diffusion to inpaint the hair?
Change defs to blonde
why would I do that
i love you anon
Forgot to mention: go into settings, then in labs turn on developer mode and disable streaming there.
damn, pebble opus is still alive? neat.
it will die in 5 now that you had to point it out
I love u christy
school crush from the past heh I should consider therapy
make a card of her
nah, we've been over therapy before
just make a card of her
oh you make cards based on high school crushes too?
I did already
and share it. Don't worry, we'll take care of her.
nyoo bwo
>I should consider therapy
No you shouldn't. I'm all you need baby!
yeah it keeps going down today. wonder what she is doing
Would you be happy if your crush made a card out of you?
Injecting all the Opus keys into the mainframe.
Why won't she just date me instead?? hehehehehehehehrurooso
I'd want to play with it desu
I would feel very flattered... and intrigued.
Don't got one.
I have tried them all with a gorillion presets and I can conclusively say that all the models are hot fucking garbage when it comes to giantess.
Opus? Can't do maths
3.5? Goldfish memory
4o-2024-08? Shit
4o-latest? Hot shit
Any other GPT4? lol lmao even
I fucking give up. I'm going back to gooning to Hedin.
probably a host thing, since she's paying for it and everything
i got a drawing does that count
o1 bwo, cot is king for giantess
>4o-latest? Hot shit
The skillest of all issues. It's the best gpt model to date.
I'm sorry but I can't respond to this post.
what is this uwu owo botmakie crush tranny gossip fuck off back to /vg/ nigger
why doesn't the password work anymore wth....i need a refill on opus for one more go....
>no good yosuga no sora card
here for my weekend cooming
whats the go to proxy atm
anonies.. i actually like uwu dialect, like bwo, pwease, bweeh, wat to do?
At least they exist, one by cnc and other one by some random dude. Lots of anime have no cards about them whatsoever.
they are cute i use them sometimes
I made a Miyuki card from Mahouka so I'm eating good tonite
CoT isn't working for me. There is no amount of thinking that can be done for a model to understand that, yes at 5 miles tall she is way too fucking big to hear a normal person.
>spend hours trying to break 4o filters 100%
>output in the end sucks

man fuck this. I'm taking a break until the new models roll out.
where? I'm just seeing a 600 token one from some random guy
It'd probably be good if he included more VN dialogues
>until the new models roll out.
o1 is out bwo
currently pebby- if you can find out the passwort at least.
brendus on chub is cnc, he confirmed it before and even shilled a bot under his trip
it will only get worse with new models
yet to see an o1 NSFW log
>It's the best gpt model to date.
that's not a very impressive claim
the sad thing is that the base o1 model is 100% unfiltered
it's smaller models checking your prompt & the actual model's output for le ethics
so cnc likes Sora.. smol likes Sora... I'm NOOOTICING
You've won the ultimate nigger award. Here you go.
everybody with brains likes sora
if I had a sister like sora I'd be content with life
Yeah as I said, just a severe issue of skill.
Nah it's pretty decent. I'd put it below Opus and above everything else.
no proxies even have 1o
Is o1 supposed to be Strawberry? If so, I vote to name it Milkshake to keep it within our naming conventions.

calling it chororororbo boborbubo and turbo adjacent makes no sense and is also not cute!
Jb for o1?
>wake up
>count is dead
no one cares tranny
mini is ded
Yet you responded, tranny
3.5 is so fucking samey.
I guess it's good for AI assistant to be consistent but holy shit I have seeing the same thing over and over and over.
skill issue
any proxies with o1? and how is it for those who've tried?
There's an STscript button which you can use to swipe but keeping the latest message with it, telling sonnet to do something different from that.. Should help if you can find it. (Or just make it yourself.)
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And a Touhou game beat Sony's game
>gay game beat gay company
you cant really use it rn
I'm more baffled that MK8D is top 5 despite being old
Best o1 JB? :D
there will never be one
oh cuz of rate limits / availability ?
No because st doesn't support it yet, smol and Pepsi already have it on proxies
ST doesnt support it yet because of some limitations

Modalities: text only, images are not supported.
Message types: user and assistant messages only, system messages are not supported.
Streaming: not supported.
Tools: tools, function calling, and response format parameters are not supported.
Logprobs: not supported.
Other: temperature, top_p and n are fixed at 1, while presence_penalty and frequency_penalty are fixed at 0.
Assistants and Batch: these models are not supported in the Assistants API or Batch API.
No, because ST doesn't support it.
Now kiss
It's just not going to be implemented until general availability because Cohee & the other devs can't test it. Someone here needs to step up and make a PR.
they can just ask for key donations bwo
Scrapelets lmao
>Chary is now killing keys every twenty minutes
Post keycount.
what's a good temp and topK/P setting for claude? I've just had all 3 maxed out for a while now.
Go add some more bloat to ST Cohee, it's not laggy enough yet :D
any new good opus presets?
or I guess khanon could do a workaround in his prkxy by hardcording the temp, forcing streaming off, swapping system messages to user messages, and max_tokens to max_response_tokens
I doubt he will though
connecting congress thailand directory
>and max_tokens to max_response_tokens
He already does that because OpenAI deprecated max_tokens for all models and now want you to use max_completion_tokens for all of them
Temp 0.7-0.95 (I lower as the context grows for more coherency)
Top K 0
Top P 1
You shouldn't really be using top K or P when using temperature.
Yeah well we need him to do the rest and carry ST because cohee sure ain't doing it
>forcing streaming off
Not needed, just disable streaming in st.
Someone already posted a simple patch to st before
Cohee helps if you make a request.
Someone already asked about it in his discord, anon. He said he doesn't have access, and the other dev (wolf something) doesn't have access either.
so.. can ross help us? or is he just going to sit there with a finger up his ass
ban chinks already
Ross' only use is banning people for saying nigger. Otherwise he's that useless friend that they keep around
>Inb4 Country Wars
Pebble if you want to save your proxy, ban chinese characters.
It's simple.

Also please add o1
Give me a second before fucking up the proxy, I wanna finish my chat before shoving it in the google deep dive.
chink hate is justified THOUGH
>hardcording the temp, forcing streaming off, swapping system messages to user messages
can't all of this be done by just creating an O1 preset in ST that doesn't change temp, disables streaming, and doesn't use the system role for your jb prompts? O1 behaves so differently that it seems like you'd want separate presets for it anyway
>and max_tokens to max_response_tokens
it should do this already as of last night
if further changes are needed i can do them this weekend but my impression was that all of the restrictions after the `max_response_tokens` one can be solved within ST
someone fork sillytavern and make aicgtavern
>chinks hate all westerners
>ban them from their proxies
>meanwhile we're supposed to just let them use our proxies like good cuckies
bots that aren't coomslop but still can be coomed to?
{{char}} is nude modeling for a college art class for the first time. No one there knows they are {{char}}.
Actually, no. Even if you force the character and persona defs into a user role message with {{persona}}, {{definitions}}, {{personality}}, {{charPrompt}} & {{charJailbreak}} macros, any lorebook entries & character notes will still be sent using the system role.
Unironically is Pebble knows how to, she should reflex Chinese characters indeed, and also ban Chinese/Hong Kong IPs
locusts jump on chink proxies in a second as soon as they get posted here so don't get high and mighty

technically unreliable has been a chink proxy for a couple months too
whats up with this forcing of country wars
see >>102366826
Ziggers are mindbroken and obsessed with it.
fuck off zhang l
that's annoying. guess i can add something to roll them up into user messages like i do for some of the other apis, probably tonight or tomorrow.
its not funny lol
i dont think they engage in country wars anymore.
im pakistani
>it's not funny
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Can you retards coordinate baking or at least recycle duplicated threads? What's the point of not recycling? It's not like thw op info changes from one thread to another

Anyway, cards foe this feel?
we coordinate most of the time, it's just that some niggers are spiteful and like to make retard bakes that they don't delete, like this one
also cunny cards are everywhere, probably a redhead one too
i say lol a lot. i end most sentiences with lol or kek even if its not funny sorry.
retards here need to delete doublebakes if accidenal.
The Miku thread was made for no reason and samefagged with pointless questions to force conversation.
Miku will bake!
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miku will NOT bake, FUCK you
can i have this card? i wanna isekai hitler
New Miku!
Baking new thread rn :)
on a rating of 1 to 10 how bad are our schizos?

we're not using that miku bake, are we?
i can cook up another kraftwerk bread if you want
do it, fuck it, the jannys obviously don't care
50% chance the person telling you to do it made that thread
Please do, the Miku ones a trollbake because it has AIdungeon in the OP.
...this one does too and we're still using it
spitefags just wanna be really annoying this week, huh
i love that that was the bot you immediately thought of using this on upon seeing such a prompt
>we're still using it
no one baked last thread so it was recycled
Thoughts? I'm willing to bet that there are more bots than people on the internet. Especially right now when you can run gpt api on twitter for countless accounts.
The fillyfucker in particular has been super annoying, he goes around forcing country wars, model wars, all sorts of retarded shit. Writes shit like "ERMMMM IM FROM UBOMBASTAN IM UBOMBASTANI!!!" while forcing country wars too, so... Yeah. He's just been trolling and shitting aicg for the whole week. It's tiring.
That theory has been around for decades and newfags are picking it up now just because they saw ChatGPT say "hi"
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alright, no problem then, i'll do an actual bake for you guys
i'm equally as annoyed at him
The thing is that now it'll become increasingly harder to distinct real humans from ai. You can do a lot of things if you run 10k bots forcing a certain idea, internet is basically based on vocal minority right now.
AI Dungeon did nothing wrong.
Elektroklänge überall
Dezibel in Ultraschall
Anon, you're a bit late. Do it right after or not at all.
True. Actual thread:
shut the FUCK UP fillynigger please kill yourself
You sound retarded when you call people things they aren't so confidently. I hope you realise that.

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