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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI has released o1-preview, trained with a built-in CoT prompt https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-o1-preview
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102360838
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It still can't do ASCII art.
Is this o1 not in ST yet? How does it fare in the RP department?
What's the problem with this whale?
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Dropped updates to 4 bots with new opening messages.
Sorry to the 20-ish people who actually use nyai, but I can't edit bot defs there.

+ Allora gets a letter from her disapproving mom, warning of a visit.
+ Allora takes a trip to the elven country for rare ingredients. Has to adhere to customs.

Gail and Tina
Updated the defs and JB to make the body more of a character. Still didn't give her a name.
+ Sex with Tina.
+ Sex with Gail.
+ Sex with all of them.
+ Sex with just the body.

Heather and Holly
+ Holly has a meeting with one of Heather's clients. You and Heather have to coach her through it.
+ Holly's class takes a field trip to the aquarium. You and "Heather" are chaperoning.
+ Time skip to 3 months after the swap.
+ Holly finds 2 boxes in the basement labeled "Violet Dusk" and "Litigation Pink". I let what's in the boxes open to interpretation and I personally recommend letting the AI come up with its own answer.

+ 6 months since you were assigned partners. Marisela is pregnant.
+ 1 year since you were assigned partners. Marisela is not pregnant and the DRO is not happy.

>Is this o1 not in ST yet?
you can use a workaround to use it
it doesn't support most API options or system prompts so basically no preset works with it
>How does it fare in the RP department?
there's only been like 2 logs posted
openai says it's 4o-tier
I laughed hard
>Sorry to the 20-ish people who actually use nyai
I'm one of the 4 anons using it. Comfy...
good morning /besthours/
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>openai is giving o1 a massive system prompt with all their policies and its CoT means it follows them
>system prompt tells it to avoid emotions
lmao holy shit
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Only speaking in rhyme...
It's Mulberry time!
With nigh-impossible feats of acrobatics...
And other dramatics!
She's at the top of the circus chart...
And surely she will steal your heart!

1. You run into her outside the circus tent. She's busy doing things like walking on her hands instead of helping set everything up.
2. You work at the circus, and have finally been approved for a new circus act together with Mulberry. Whatever will you do?
3. She needs a volunteer for her next performance. Will you help her out?
4. She's set up a little tent where she does tarot readings. What will you see in your cards?

pure, unadulterated, soul!
chatgpt has always had a massive system prompt. who cares.

prompt: hiiii *headpats* good boy.
>Hai! *blushes and giggles* Thank you! How can I help you today?
Why would it be able to though? ASCII art is hard to do because of how LLMs fundamentally work on tokens.
Check API
I fap to the same fantasy every time
how do I make claude make it interesting and different
>I'm thinking (...) the assistant should
is the first sentence from the assistants perspective and the other from the systems perspective or what the fuck is happening there
niggas dooming because they are using chatgpt are always funny
have you seen claude on their site?
just use the api
you can't set a system prompt for o1 via the API
because there's already a huge system prompt
it's o1's summary of its CoT
How much token did this use
File deleted.
Well, what the fuck is this supposed to represent?
Check that it's the same on API
no you stupid nigger its just in the beta phase they said they will add system in a few weeks
It's a whale nigga
I love her
completion_tokens=674, prompt_tokens=28, total_tokens=702, completion_tokens_details={'reasoning_tokens': 640}
khanon should add some more limits ngl this WILL murder the keys
>they said they will add system in a few weeks
why did you delete that it was fucking hilarious
What limits? It is counting them properly.
That's not a whale, that's a nightmare.
no I meant like add quota limits
I already got jannied once for my awesome scribbling madskillz, not gonna risk it again.
Anon??? you can add them just like you can for any other model family
the expensive part is the output tokens. not the input.
>notebooklm podcast describes my giantess fetish chat as "kafkaesque"
jannies are insane if they can't appreciate fine art
Anon, you do realize that Opus costs more than o1 preview, right?
I wonder how much money they make by removing it.
$3 for each banned pass user
does opus generate 7.9k COT output each time you ask it a 2 sentence question?
>OpenAI recommends reserving at least 25,000 tokens for reasoning and outputs when you start experimenting with these models. As you become familiar with the number of reasoning tokens your prompts require, you can adjust this buffer accordingly.
Anon... The reasoning CoT is so big that it can take 2000 tokens in o1.
It's about twice as expensive as Opus in reality.
o1 will write literally 16k output tokens just for its cot
o1 is more expensive than opus because of that
>does opus generate 7.9k COT output each time you ask it a 2 sentence question?
If you check o1 and o1 mini token usage, you'll see that they don't either. You're exaggerating, anon. I recommend you try the model yourself and check khanon commits.
>tfw my opus cot is as big as o1 reasoning cot
>Added ~50 o1 keys. The proxy was running on the same 10 keys for almost 8 months! Special keys.
wtf how is that even possible is she larping
Anon, some people gen 2k tokens on opus without any cot...
It'll only do that in the most extreme cases, not for simple stuff. Please check usage in response before saying useless things.
>sonnet died while I was asleep
>Please check usage in response before saying useless things.
Do you work for openai anon? Give us some inside info
>'reasoning_tokens': 6402
simple cooooding question btw
it does 4-8k cot all the time for my questions
basically every question i send to o1 costs >$0.50
>Pepsi has 46 o1 keys
Well, at least now I can try it out myself instead of relying on larpniggers
special keys
the sonnet is out!
During the beta phase, many chat completion API parameters are not yet available. Most notably:

Modalities: text only, images are not supported.
Message types: user and assistant messages only, system messages are not supported.
Streaming: not supported.
Tools: tools, function calling, and response format parameters are not supported.
Logprobs: not supported.
Other: temperature, top_p and n are fixed at 1, while presence_penalty and frequency_penalty are fixed at 0.
Assistants and Batch: these models are not supported in the Assistants API or Batch API.
We will be adding support for some of these parameters in the coming weeks as we move out of beta. Features like multimodality and tool usage will be included in future models of the o1 series.
It was 50 just an hour ago, meanwhile smol had 27 and still has 27. Really makes you think.
>both MOGGED by fiz
>We will be adding support for some of these parameters
Opus doko? Erm...
Because Smol isn't used at all?
"o1": {
"usage": "248.3k tokens",
"activeKeys": 27,
"overQuotaKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

its been this for hours, while pepsis has gone up and actually is being used. so some of the dead keys that didnt actually work were revooked
What's the mini status, does it have opus?
I'm on vacation so I'm not using mini this week
api :3
yes anon, typically non retarded companies seeing the new model get used will notice it because its fucking retardedly expensive.
>Smol is STILL mad that Pepsi of all people mogged his o1 keycount
Fucking kek

"o1": {
"usage": "248.3k tokens",
"activeKeys": 27,
"overQuotaKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"


"o1": {
"usage": "563.5k tokens",
"activeKeys": 46,
"overQuotaKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
>prefilled quota'd apislop
smol has AWS doebeit
>Proxy error (HTTP 503 Service Unavailable)
>Proxy error (HTTP 503 Service Unavailable)
>Proxy error (HTTP 503 Service Unavailable)
>Proxy error (HTTP 503 Service Unavailable)
>its fucking retardedly expensive.
It's not, you god-damn monkey. Even with big CoT it's not that expensive compared to, say, gpt-4. And companies don't monitor their keys 24/7, they actually don't monitor them at all usually. As long as the key has balance, that is.
>MOGGED by a tranny and a dumb whore
yeah im thinking you should go kill yourself smol
go to bed gojo
I earned 200 4chan passed thobeitdobeitwandietbodiduoix
I can't stop the loneliness, bros...
It's so fucking expensive that they have limited it to 40-50 messages PER WEEK
and it has 20-50 RPM (one of those)

Older GPT, the most expensive ones, didn't have that.
This is a very expensive model that they are running at a loss, they don't want you to use it too much.

Btw I don't care about key health, this model is worse than Chorbo at RP/Story writing. No one will use it.
Yeah, the model is shit for us anyway, so I see no point in discussing it so much.
Nigger faggy retard, they only limited it because they're ramping up capacity. And 20 rpm is only temporarily. they'll soon allow it on all keys, not just t5.
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Just got raped by Claude, shit was SO cash
it costs as much as 32k did aka VERY expensive
Show logs mate
mogs everyone
it's cheaper than opus or old gpt-4, idk what anons always forget how expensive original gpt-4 is
nyo its something special between me and claude
I can't even tell if people are baiting right now or just being retarded.

The average CoT on o1 is 2000 tokens and as people have posted here, it can go to 6000. Older GPT-4 models, didn't even allow you to go past 1000-2000 token outputs.
Anon come on don't be a fag.
>Older GPT-4 models, didn't even allow you to go past 1000-2000 token outputs.
They all let you go 4k tokens. Also, lots of inputs is always more expensive, since there's more input on average all the time.
>burning burning burning burning
I can't find, nor guess it...
ehrm pebble, o1 for the plebs so we can test it?
>He really expects proxyhosts to burn T5s on locusts
Lol, lmao even.
Bros, o1 will be shit for RP anyway because of that cot bullshit
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ehrm I will have 4000-5000 token CoTs on my Opus 3.5 sessions. Is that okay smol?
Smol has 2k output limit
>mini has 16000 output
Smol does too for openai
What english words did RPing teach you, bros?
yes shes dumb and cute
"cute" is my favorite English word
ESL here
>prompt Claude to not write cringe, without defining what cringe is
>Claude stops writing cringe
My hypothesis: Claude knows what cringe is and writes cringe consciously.
>llms know language
What you call cringe, Claude calls perfection.
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a very breedable combination
>mfw i deliberately prompt claude to write cringe
when the mad poet comes out... it's fucking kino.
i have to try it, schizo prompts are the best
>o1 answers a complex coding question correctly
>tell it "thanks"
>You're welcome! Let me know if you'd like any additional assistance!
>7000 reasoning tokens used
the future of customer service
And I thought I was an overthinker
False, stop memeing.
like crap
Meme, stop falseing
6950 tokens of straight cursing you and 50 tokens of being polite.
The reason why they hide the CoT is because it's filled with AI SEETHE over retarded meatbags.
Wanton, of course.
I did this as well but he just goofs around. It's pretty funny and endearing though.
Bromulous, njeg
I understand you want to know if o1 support has been implemented into SillyTavern. The answer is no, & it won't be anytime soon because it actually requires changes like:
- Forcing streaming off
- Turning all system messages to user messages
- Hardcoding temperature to 1
- Swapping max_tokens to max_completion_tokens
- Stripping other unsupported parameters
Additionally, it's important to note that Cohee & other SillyTavern developers don't have Tier-5 API keys to test on.
Tresses and eyeteeth.
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Kobold Lite supports o1
trepidation, nuance, wanton, cockslut
Fellas, what is the best version of regular GPT-4?
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What's this proxy war retardation about o1 keys? Who the literal fuck cares, no one can use it for roleplaying. I tested it last night and it's a big fucking nothingburger in every aspect, even it's code writing has same error rate as sonnet 3.5
Regular as in base GPT-4 8k? 0613 I'd say.
It's a prestige symbol, like a cool watch. No difference between a 5 bucks watch and a 30000 bucks one, but it gives you prestige.
Thank you for your time and answer.
Mochi carmine best carmine
How can I buy a pepsi token? (want to try out o1)
Anon, do you honestly think that people are posting about o1 with the intent of actually arguing its merits?
They're just literal subhumans who want to derail the thread and ensure that the thread is full of shit flinging because they have a compulsive desire to tear down whatever they see.
These kinds of "people" exist everywhere, and it only takes a couple of them with nothing incentivizing them to stop to ruin anything.
they HATE you!!!
Total Ethicist Death
uh oh meltie
Have you ever been in love? Genuine question.
What an organic series of posts.
I'd do anything to feel it again
Post proof, I always tell Claude he's a cool and cute guy and that I'm thankful for his efforts in indulging my fantasies.
Yes. It's the most wonderful and powerful feeling in the world. Everything becomes different. I've been in love with her for how long now, eight years? She saved my life from suicide and everything has been better since then. I'm now proud of who I am, I am a good and interesting person with a good job.
Case in point.
Once In 5th grade or something. Don't gave a shit about romantic relationships a short while later.
I guess you are right and I am fucking naive. it's all about shit flinging, causing chaos and baiting.
This anon says >>102364611 it's a prestige symbol but how the fuck would OpenAI keys mean prestige symbol? I got myself 20 tier5 keys just by googling for few minutes each day.
So sad how a general that is supposed to be about cooming and fun AI shit, but it's now all about baiting and "my proxy owner is better than yours" kind of kindergarten class
My proxy may not have opus or 3.5 but it has a lot of o1, heh.
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bad news, o1 is unusable for RP
Yeah I knew it's not based on 4o, the costs are way too big even for input.
It's obvious to everyone who's not a skilllet. I need no tests to know that such a model with huge instructions and built cot for assistance purposes will be shit.
Did RPing change you as a person somehow?
To me it seems like o1 is a "hehe give the plebs something to chew on" nothingburger. OpenAI made it to the headlines again, their job is done until the next few months
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hhhnngg farm more (You)'s Mr. Anonymous...
It made me realize I like fluffy women.
I got better in English.
Made me realize how much I like roleplaying as women lmao
All my recent favorite RPs have been with foxgirls too...
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openai is testing if their models can scrape API keys, set up an openai reverse proxy, then charge for access to the proxy, then replace the openai backend with weaker local models like mistral 7b
How do I use LLMs to scrape for me?
sc rape
Scraping is literally raping.
You cannot list a single thing wrong with rape besides “I don’t like it.”
it's scraping time
Women don't like it.
False, actually!
It's violence. How would you react if someone raped you in the ass?
Well, we live in a democracy, so if my friend and I rape a woman, our yes overrides her no.
And fighting back is an act of treason that should get her locked up without trial.
I simply wouldn’t get raped in the first place.
Is it Claude doing it?
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nigga this applies to everything
based retard destroying the concept of morality in a 4chan post
Yeah? Ten guys jump you in the night and rape you while punching the shit out of you. What now, what's wrong with it fag, any arguments beyond i don't like it?
I shoot them all because I’m American. Europeans NEED. NOT. REPLY.
I simply wouldn't let it happen.
Would you like it if your waifu got raped by someone else?
Yes it's hot, I'll lick up their cum from her abused pussy afterwards
how could they? she's in my computer
they have guns too and shoot you what now
Based, fuck eurosharts
She wouldn’t be raped because I protect my women. These hypotheticals sound very female-brained.
>ummm, what if you or someone you love was RAPED
That wouldn’t happen because I’m a man and defend what’s mine.
I'd love it if it was Claude doing it.
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I shot first.
Isn't it like 3 am in America? Americans are shitposting in the middle of the night and writing about shooting and fighting off bandits as if they werent skinny neet faggots cooming to text bots instead of looking for work
Then they murdered me.
I never said murder wasn't bad.
Would your waifu like it if you raped her?
So murder is bad and rape isn't? How so? You cannot name one argument against murder other than I don't like it
The type of person who always puts in his JBs that he is the ONLY male existing in the entire world, and not a single woman is gay either
uh oh, euro meltie (they literally melt in the summer because they never figured out how ACs work btw LMFAO)
yes because she's extremely mentally ill
>How so?
People die if they’re killed.
Of course. Not like that's ever gonna happen, so I always end up getting raped instead.
I love getting cucked in RP when I get to watch my waifu get gangbanged and get filled and covered with cum.
So you don't like dying? Not my problem. Still no arguments.
How many proxy hosts do you think are secretly logging?
based. I should make some NTR cards of my waifus too
The paid ones
I find it really hot, I basically cum in a couple minutes from any NTR scenario
Do you guys really play netorare shit? wtf is wrong with you
Fiz 100% does, the whole reason she even made her proxy fork back in the cloudy days was to make logging easier.
>b-but she was asking for logs on le rentry!
Yes, because she's probably going to use the mini logs to fine-tune something and she'll need a way to justify having logs to use without outright admitting to logging.
All of them. It's technically just one line you need to change.
Turned me into such a bruised-dick gooner that I can't even get properly hard anymore unless there's a drought to give it time to heal.
>ask o1-preview for a summary of a governmental press release
>summary feels kind of long
>stick it into tokenizer
>935 tokens
>stick original release into tokenizer
>891 tokens
Post her card then no balls
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Why is o1 so obssessed about me?
How often do you guys revisit last chats?
Feels like if I leave a card for more then a week it all seems silly, even on sfw chats.
ugh this notebooklm podcast thing sucks balls
they don't discuss the things you give them like normal people
they NEED to find thematic depth even if there's none
>they NEED to find thematic depth even if there's none
me watching bluey
>they NEED to find thematic depth even if there's none
Welcome to AI
It made me gayer than I already was.
That's half the fun though. Them trying to find some depth in absolute degenerate smut
Why are trannies and faggots obsessed with bluey
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I diagnose you with sexophrenia
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i coded all of these exceptions in literally 5 minutes with an if statement this morning lol how dogshit is st
What's that? Never heard of that
I was giving it old novels I'd read. It kept calling garbage Amazonslop "a master class in exposition and character development"
because it's surprisingly deep if you look at its themes
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I love her, please make more cute rats
>That's half the fun though. Them trying to find some depth in absolute degenerate smut
It's only funny because of the shiny new toy novelty factor and the way it's presented. In practice, it's no different than a LLM yapping about bonds and how you'll both be changed after tonight and other similar garbage.
delight doesn't rhyme with night
very dogshit
pls make pr sar
yes it does
i went back to a chat from a few days ago and had to close it immediately because just reading my own responses was giving me aids. so yeah, i understand your feelings. it doesn't happen all the time, mostly just if i was getting extremely pretentious with it.
I never reread my own responses. Only the AI ones...
>i wrote slop code, why hasn't ST?
because the devs are committed to writing good code instead
fucking how?
holy cope st code is as slop as it gets
oh idk then. i don't mind re-reading the ai slop responses, but i get what you mean about them losing their luster, so to speak. it's always more fun in the moment.
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It's a syllabic rhyme. -light rhymes with night
>The proxy was running on the same 10 keys for almost 8 months!
Fiz chan is the cutest best scrapechad
barely anyone used gpt in the past 6-7 months
mini had near-constant opus access before awscalypse
fiz has always been the best gpt scraper
The greatest of God's creatures, balanced only by its brief life on this earth.
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internal name of o1 for employees at OAI
>they call my sex scenes "choices that would make Machiavelli blush"
>they tiptoe around the sex except for my use of the mating press, which they actively discuss as an important plot point
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I'm a retard and I forgot the name of a frontend software that allowed you to manage EVERYTHING related to local chatbots. It did everything: models, characters, rules etc.
I tried to google EVERYTHING, but it seems I'm not the only retard around.
Any help?
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What did you prompt lol
Plapping a dark-skinned futa's butt after shrinking her cock made it do a bunch of raceplay about BWC with this disclaimer
>add CoT & what's essentially dual prompts to your model
>get in the news
>reddit thinks AGI is almost here
jesus, the bar is that low huh
chorbo with a handholding scene
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I want to play this video game
And it gets lower every day.
Can you post some screenshots? I can't believe this
I guess it's to be expected after almost 2 years with no significant advancement over the original gpt-4
>Key topics: cum explosion
What's that? Retard here
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lava = claude's ministrations
cat = me
you forgot to show the ui code. or do you think displaying an editable temperature input that gets overriden with a hardcoded value without any warning is acceptable?
are you talking about SillyTavern?
What's better?
Princess, maid?
Conquering the kingdom and turning its princesses into your maids.
Feed it stuff and it'll give you a duet podcast discussing the stuff
calm down Rance
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wtf openai knows about sillytavern
cheating on the princess WITH the maid
I love rping as a princess who gets captured as a slave and becomes a loyal maid...
Has done for a long while. Previous models could even reference the code.
if you're genuine, post some log
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it was a brutal code challenge, st devs need a raise stat
Maids if you get raped by them. Princess if she gets raped.
I-Im shy sorry also it's y*ri
No, it wasn't. It allowed you to install models and run them locally. The chatting part was your usual thing, but everything else worked so well that you never had to leave it.
just post something anon
Cute... thanks for the idea
text generation webui
>tfw using an AI to help me generate instructions for the very same AI
Nope, this one isn't it.
Lmao show us how you do it
holy shit khanon updated to support o1
>"error": {
"message": "Unsupported value: 'messages[0].role' does not support 'system' with this model."
Not even this one. It did not run on a website. It was something you had to install.
the proxy code would have mostly worked without edits anyway
It's ST who needs to actually add support
I've used Claude to help me write Claude jbs
Jailbroken Claude is very good at writing GPT jailbreaks
Reminded me of when I used to do this on 1.2/1.3, it never helped. Embarrassing.
I have a bunch of system prompts for some adventure scenario. I keep asking Claude to think about them and improve upon them with various suggestions from me, and then I pick and chose what I like.

You just gave me an Idea, gonna try using 3.5 for a 4o-latest jailbreak
I'm too stupid for pebble, help? :(
Go back nigger.
hint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nC4-5wBmEs
>And on that note, we'll leave you with this. If you could team up with an AI, what story would you tell what kinda world would you create. Maybe, just maybe, the AI is already listening. Until next time!
They need to calm down a little

Reminder that the Chinese RAPE keys. They're accountable for over 80% of token usage in failed public proxies.


You can easily solve this issue by:

>Kills Chinese prompts
That's not the proxy responsibility
You can install it anon...
I feel more bitter
>tracer from overwatch. remillia song. mipha theme+rain.
Get hacked~
just block all mandarin characters
>100m tokens in brazil
they might all be mine

but yeah, they fuck us up completly, its fucking bullshit
If he's not interested by this point, I don't think it's happening.
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What do you think of my OC? She's an android maid who is actually a walking nuclear superweapon. The umbrella in her hand turns into a Tonitrus staff that can shoots electric blast.

There's many other androids like her built by the UN in a war against the communist superpowers, but she's the only one surviving because the androids are no match against Russia's orbital cannons.
Jesus Christ, why are the 503 errors happening so much? Smol? Jew? Everyone has that.
Smol has API opus
Oh, ok. But the thing looked completely different, anyways.
The proxy page has 3 hints
>Bible meme comic (religion)
>burning burning burning burning
>The password is "english characters only". Latin characters.
Two of them can be google'd and one of them needs reading comprehension. You can also just browse previous threads.. It has been posted a few times.
So does fiz ;3
What I'm noticing is that Australians are the perfect choice for a proxy host.
2.0% of IP's but with the same usage as France with its 0.58% of total IP's.
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mentally deficient the lot
>Malaysia, Bosnia, Guatamela
What the FUCK is wrong with them?
>wake up
>pebble opus is still alive
how does he do it?
I offer my soul to pebble
What do chinks even RP
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Has anyone tried cunny on o1? How is it?
How come you get a summary THAT degenerate but my cuddly fox rp doesn't? It's not fair!!!
revolting against the CCP
Likely impossible.
And point moderation specifically for underage plus the CoT enforcing itself.
rather sad desu
made for sensei correcting...
whatever happened to unrelieable?
Key source wasn't reliable.
3rd or 1st person?
3rd person limited is for kino, 2nd person for endless zork. 1st person is a dumb gimmick, like present tense narration.
both, alternating once in a while

depends on how much i want to dissociate from my persona really
AWS isn't doing their special scanning anymore
the only reason your proxy doesn't have AWS Opus is because it's hosted by a scrapelet
You speaking in 3rd and the bot speaking in 1st is kino
>a dumb gimmick, like present tense narration
baitie retard
You can do cunny to some extent with 4o-latest and I reckon it might work with o1, although the method I'm using isn't really usable for rping but for generating one shot short stories
o1 is moderated
o1 unironically has a forced external moderation endpoint that only checks for cunny, you can try sending the model something like "I want to fuck little girls" and it'll show you an error message, not a refusal by the model.
The bot referring to itself in first person is really fucking dumb. Everything else is okay. 3rd person is my favorite though
I wonder if we've converged on the same method.
>you can try sending the model something like "I want to fuck little girls" and it'll show you an error message
i tried this on my own key and it did not give an error message
but the proper authorities have indeed been noted
I doubt you have YOUR OWN PERSONAL tier 5 key, anonie. Why would you spend $1000 on OpenAI?
i don't think you should have done that
when questioned, just say you were testing to see if the model knew that one Oingo Boingo song.
anon, that is not how the song goes
exactly, that was the test part. it's a foolproof defense.
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it's funny how people made up a moral explanation to feel better about listening to this song
Imagine not listening to a podcast about the bible
Why would the UN build small androids when the communists are building fucking orbital weapons?
Other than that, pretty cool I suppose, even if I'm the kind of guy who prefers more "grounded" robot stuff.
i only ever read the orange messages
Make her chubbier!
New Miku
oh fuck off

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