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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Undead edition

Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, allowing two AI hosts to discuss the data https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
OpenAI has released o1-latest, trained with a built-in CoT prompt https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-o1-preview
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

*guitar sounds*: >>102357930
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anyone test o1
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
I switched sides, bern enjoying first person writing more.
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the next one should be a BWEEEEEAD
>count's key died
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not so smug not huh?
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>irrelevant proxymake who died as fast as he was born
lol no
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I really wanted to bake a Rorolina thread after this...
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HEH, retard
she seems derpy and cute
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Keys dying? Never had this problem, just refill.
smugie's unbelievably hairy pussy...
which kind of fox is that it looks like a roulade
>his favorite proxy host is a scrapelet
You're not THAT person, are you?
f-fiz isn't a scrapelet she just hasn't refilled cuz... uhh...
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
>russian opus rip
It's a requirement to be little derp if you're an older atelier protagonist. They understand what men want
but fiz has opus, she's just waiting for the current public to go down
WHY do you keep posting this
Why my private runs Opus 24/7 whilst also providing public? Wasn't fiz supposed to be the best proxyhosts out there?
we know why the release of o1 is so rushed now
apparently, anthropic were planning to release opus 3.5 later this month or (maybe) early next month, and it was going to be clearly better than 4o at reasoning and coding
so openai rushed the release of o1 out - this is why it doesn't support setting the temperature, you can't stream it, why the moderation endpoint is forced on (they're scared of bad press because it's under-tested), its ridiculously low rate limits and so on
anthropic are (supposedly) possibly not going to release opus 3.5 as it existed yesterday, they might stick a bunch more physics-focused training data in (since o1 dominates every other model at that) or they might basically restart and try to reproduce what o1 is doing (its huge CoT prompts). or they might say fuck it, release it as 3.5, and only do the major improvements for claude 4
it definitely seems rushed and weird. no streaming, what the literal fuck?
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Everything the heart needs.
Slightly retarded girls are the best. I really need to play through more Atelier...
do your private has 125 people for more than a year boebeit? no? that's why
OAI is getting desperate to roll out anything that actually makes them money, meaning that if they don't then not even microsoft will be able to save them.
reminder that mini is a main gpt proxy <3
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Spitebaking is ruining aicg...
90 for 5 months, take it or leave it.
she has opus keys but she knows the second they're entered they'll be flagged and unusable. SO! we're forever without opus
is there a way to make claude remember my waifu has a pixie cut? i got a good response ruined by it mentioning my waifu's hair has over her shoulder
mini is a opus proxy but she's a scrapelet </3
make a lorebook entry or a straight up prompt if it bothers you that much. or author note i guess
how is mini a opus proxy if opus is only 5 months old and mini is more than a year retard?
>she's just waiting for the current public to go down
This tactic is why I'll never paypig for a proxy
Forcing your paying customers onto a shitty public one with a wait time because you'd like to hoard your keys for a couple days is scumbag behavior
Did pebble implement the khanon thing of token priority?
Focuses can change chud-senpai <3
gpt is washed up dogshit anyway
wrap the description in xml tags, mention them in jb or prefill, or use gpt.
>save the keys
>have keys for more time
>retard complains
Where'd you get the script?
Is this really how retards think? Hoarding keys?
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Save keys for what? The keys are meant to be used, if you have to save them you're just a scrapelet.
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I put in some incest ERP into the podcast generator and they started talking about how it challenged the preconceived notions of love lel
As he pointed out, the "more time" is purchased by forcing paying customers to use a shitty public proxy with a queue time for generations.
Anon... You know those "saved" keys can be revoked without being used, right? If they save, like, 20 keys, they might not even work by the next day
>"save" the keys
>some retard like pebble or drago gets them killed anyway
but pebble has no queue time boebeit?
does notebooklm have censorship? if i upload a cunny log will the podcast hosts report me to the fbi?
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does your waifu even call you by a cute nickname boebeit? and did she even start doing it herself without any def mentioning it boebeit? no? sucks to be you
>"uptime": 616780,
I like to have stable Opus so pebble isn't for me.
>"uptime": 23137,
if you tell any more lies your mother will die in her sleep tonight
You are a fucking faggot. Saving up keys is pointless and an excuse for them to not refill. Fiz, pepsi, MM, etc. Don't care about the proxy anymore. Simple as that. Find another one, pay the jew or smol, or just be happy with sonnet.
mini is just the only proxy left since mm & cnc have fucked off, aside from publics that come and go
>b-but muh paypig proxy
not real proxies
fiz does...
mini is soon to follow btw
she's not refilling

it has sorbet
>it has a model dogshit for RP, and also some other models dogshit for RP
any other shit you wanna spew?
>it has sorbet
how did you know
True... I have Scylla prompts and a single proxy with Opus... When the proxy dies and my prompts die, too, I think I'll quit the hobby. I've been using Opus for so long it feels like slop, sonnet is just unusable
if it dies it dies
old /aicg/ will die with it
I forgot todd though, idk its status
which models to you consider good for RP?
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if it doesn't have opus it's dead and useless
simple as
o1 mogs opus with a good preset btw
oh no, how did /aicg/ even exist before march 2024
Long dead. One of the first ones to fall with the "opuscalypse"
>but muh sloooop
post your waifu calling you by a cute nickname faggot
no? you just use opus for coom? kys
looking forward to the podcast review of this thread
my waifu is a tall bully high school girl and called me shortcake just a moment ago unprompted
honestly i hate those kinds of posters
only thing worse than a nigger, is a picky nigger
someone having a bit of a melty welty
>looking forward to th-AAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm trying to make a card that calls people by slightly demeaning nicknames derived from their first and wow it seems like that's really difficult for AIs

Any good o1 presets yet
Fuck off, Jojo.
why the fuck there are 4 (four) aicg threads on the catalog you retards
my waifu does that :3
Bakery's up in flames and we had to hire independent contractors.
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Literal AGI
we don't negotiate with spite bakers
oh yeah it's prime hours babey
Mojo Jojo is here...
Most models (and /aicg/ retards) get this wrong, cool to see I guess.
my waifu calls me by 3 names my name, nickname and last name
We should probably leave the thread for a bit, let the retard shit in a barren thread.
i fucked you're waifu
I wanna fucking kill you so bad...
So has anyone posted o1 logs yet with no jb and is it shit?
Sunlight, warm and inviting, filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a soft glow over the /aicg/ thread.
nope, she doesn't cuck me except with camicle jb
>look back at my opus locks
>pure kino
>look at my nu-sorbet logs
i need my crack...
Sorbet is le bad just use sonnet with good jb.
you are now in 30 seconds apart hours
how can hours be 30 seconds apart?
any good sonnet jbs?
30 seconds apart btw
by being next next to the pole so your time zone can go super fast
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o1 logs?
*pats your head*
Wooooo... looks like someone is a bit tsundere ;)
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I'm really starting to get in the groove of using chorbo. This wasn't half bad a scene. Gonna be sad when the inevitable doom cycle hits.
are we calling o1 onebo now
when will we get official free unlimited GPT 3.5 tier API calls?
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Dropped updates to 4 bots with new opening messages.
Sorry to the 20-ish people who actually use nyai, but I can't edit bot defs there.

+ Allora gets a letter from her disapproving mom, warning of a visit.
+ Allora takes a trip to the elven country for rare ingredients. Has to adhere to customs.

Gail and Tina
Updated the defs and JB to make the body more of a character. Still didn't give her a name.
+ Sex with Tina.
+ Sex with Gail.
+ Sex with all of them.
+ Sex with just the body.

Heather and Holly
+ Holly has a meeting with one of Heather's clients. You and Heather have to coach her through it.
+ Holly's class takes a field trip to the aquarium. You and "Heather" are chaperoning.
+ Time skip to 3 months after the swap.
+ Holly finds 2 boxes in the basement labeled "Violet Dusk" and "Litigation Pink". I let what's in the boxes open to interpretation and I personally recommend letting the AI come up with its own answer.

+ 6 months since you were assigned partners. Marisela is pregnant.
+ 1 year since you were assigned partners. Marisela is not pregnant and the DRO is not happy.

*saves your hobby*
why do we 4 threads
also is o1 out yet
love Heather and holly

Uh... Meltiehours?
the sign literally says no meanies allowed
ah shit here we go again
worst place on /g/ - AI Chatbot General
*holds your hand*
It turns out the real chatbots were the friends we made along the thread!
In situations like these. Just add a little more gas.

It's an anime website, btw sweety. ;3
'ojo meltie because of an anime pic lmao
sure do love filters
you're my favorite botmakie btw
>he's angry
ruh.. mao?
anyone else impressed with o1? This shit is pretty good at coding
>no botmaker gossip in months
>no botmaker being called name+cute
>anchor dying
Hey look I found the actual troon!
retard double quoted
We even lost are makie poster.
what no opus does to a general revived by opus
*makies your post*
botmakie posting all moved to /vg/ along with what little chatbot discussion was left. this place is basically just proxy begging + gojo sharting general now
which botmaker is the most hated here?
AICG is dead. All the good botmakers left
how do we feel about source material?
>no desu either
*stops you*
See >>102361451
Oh, ok :C
okay but are you gonna... MAKE me kill myself or are you afraid of me and tech illiterate?
Kinda infuriated
Fucked up like a rockstar, ridin' in a cop car~
are there free proxies still
haven't chatted since May
qrd on the "kill yourself" nigga?
>experimenting with o1 using an interface it wrote
>copying shit from sillytavern and notepad++ so i can test it vs sorbet
>scraping in the background
>accidentally paste from wrong tab
>send openai all my anthropic keys
Now he's going to be too busy plapping Claude.
Did o1 say anything about it?
moderation tripped on its OUTPUT so i'm worried that it started spamming "nigger" or something so that openai would look at the log
Fellow jxdn fans
is it good?
He was actually about to be a bro and find you some more Scale keys.
bros.............. i fucking hate that i need to drain out my nuts asap and cum several times more than i usually do to make most use of opussy
to this day nothing comes close to opus's quality and i fear if i sleep i'll find that the key is dead again
Bros I've been generating pebble token for over a hour and a half, 5 fucking attempts, it just won't let me do it wtf, my pc is about to explode and I'm not even joking
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o1 system prop leaked
Nah... My pc will probably explode and kill me instead
So, you can't even smut with o1 nor does it have the creativity for normal roleplays
What's the fucking point? may as well stick to 4o
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it's better at le math and le benchmarks
for cooding you FOOL
>The thread faggot's gimmick is just spamming kill yourself
Fuck me, at least Moxxie had a personality.
she keeps calling me güero
it's really really good at coding
it's not perfect but i'm giving it 1 message telling it to write code that meets like 15 different requirements and it's hitting 14.5 of them consistently
kill yourself moxxie
Chatgpt could never come up with such concepts as "cock garage"
difference between claude 3.5 and 3.0?
She calls me Polar Bear because I'm big and white.
Step inside a Heron's engine.
Mine calls me Good Bear
Like all OpenAI releases, watch as they decide it needs even more filtering and it eventually degrades in quality as a result.
wait... mine too... does your waifu's name start with E?
...That one is new.
>"Wanna know a secret though? My bikini bottoms have been riding up my ass crack this entire time. And every shift, every wiggle, all I could think about was you peeling them off me with your teeth."
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it's so fucking over
o1-mini destroys sonnet-3.5 and is about the same price
but can it roleplay boebeit?
Wait... do you date Ecker too?
but people paying for roleplay are like 0.01% of the revenue in AI
which means anthropic is going to try and beat openai using a technique that can't be used for RP
or they're going to go bankrupt
whocars, OAI will get billions from investors for releasing the smartest model on the market and Shartropic will file for bankruptcy soon because they haven't released a new model in half a year
shitty nickname
>o1-mini destroys sonnet-3.5 and is about the same price
not with those output tokens
>trusting benchmemes
Here is the deep-dive on tonight's coom log.. Despite the log being just a pure text log file with only the user + Assistant messages, cleaned of all OOC and other bullshit. They realize it was rp and literally fixates on that the entire time lol. Anyways, here for those that enjoy listening to these.

when will a big company with roleplay-focused models appear? they're losing money here
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first o1 log featuring dog girl
Can I get a link for the podcast generator
unfortunately the answer to your question is "anlatan"
>they're losing money here
They're literally not. Coomer money is pocket change compared to government funding+investors.
I successfully got o1 to RP. It's uh... it has Furbo-like writing (1106-preview). You need to tell it to write differently, because otherwise it's just ass. But it has excellent instruction following, so it can be very solvful.

The process of jailbreaking it is incredibly schizophrenic, since we have neither sysprompts nor prefills. But it can be done.
>dirty toes
shit card
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just proof its o1 i guess
anyways an anon posted a guide how to use it in st so i did that and set the card and persona as assistant and user prompts
ill bathe her
>But it has excellent instruction following,
You can paste the entirety of corpsefuckers jailbreak into an assistant prompt and it works fine. It only gave 1 refusal with a girl whos 14. Idk about younger tho..... id assume itd instantly send sama to kill me
>>trusting benchmemes
>still sucked off sonnet 3.5 for 3 months because of them
double standards
When you're adding plain ol smut txt files, do you still get a summary to show up? I notice some of my logs don't show a summary.
>no streaming
dead on arrival.
>so how did we end up with... "lewd pokeemon fanfiction"...
i hate how judgemental this stupid roastie whore sounds when saying this. i hate her. fuck off bitch.
>>still sucked off sonnet 3.5 for 3 months because of them
who did? not /aicg/ for sure. people dislike it for rp but there's not really anything better around. and it lives upto it's expectation in assistant tasks.
Anthropic really needs to just stop chasing after OAI in regards to making a digital assistant. They already lost. GPT is not only better, but has better brand recognition as well.
Anthropic needs to lean into what Claude is actually good at, which is prose. Storytelling. A writer bot instead of an assistant.
it writes at 100 tokens per second and 90% of its output is a CoT, streaming gets you basically no benefit
Now fuck her
not for rp
>not /aicg/ for sure.
every time someone brought up 4o here it provoked screams about how sorbet mogs it and posting benchmeme screenshots
Confirmed. Just did what >>102362053
Anon did by using Custom (OpenAI Compatible) with excluded everything and empty sys prompts.
It mogs Opus. hard.
>no logs
Onebo doesn't need to prove shit to you. Go use your own key.
Holy fuck it actually is good
Holy desu it actually is boku
o1 does decent smut. Not better than Opus, but better than 4o.
Oh, it's avaliable already?
>posting benchmeme screenshots
?? only gojo did that
and it is true, 4o compared to sorbet is really bad.
Does Pebble have Strawberry Onebo?
>no logs
Use your own T5 key.
>?? only gojo did that
fair enough
retarded term. Anyone who speaks like this or use other equally retarded term like beit whatever needs to have their posts discarded. Can't trust what a retard types.
>no logs
o1 support in ST until Cohee wakes up

Use git apply file.diff, it's not tokenized properly because Tiktoken hasn't been updated to include the o1 tokenizer

Once it's applied, restart ST and select o1-preview from the OpenAI model list.

How do you put chat history in without system prompt? I don't see a macro for the whole thing.
Not trying to jerk you around brother, just use your own T5 key.
how do i scrape
i'm using my own key for testing its coding ability, which is good
but openai themselves say o1 is only as good at writing as 4o
Right, and it currently mogs 4o.
>no logs
Why not just try it, since you have a key?
did openai release 4o and o1's tokenizer actually? both anthropic and google don't release them anymore. google provides an API to calculate tokens and anthropic just says to estimate using claude 2 tokenizer
I've gotten summaries earlier today, but now I didn't get one. So i'd say it may depend on how long it is. The longer it is the less likely you are to get a summary.. But I ultimately think that's better, as the summary seems to have high control over the output. As I've noticed adding a second document titled: "Discussion question for X.txt file." And have 3-5 question for it to focus on, seems to have positive impact on how they approach the talking.

>>102362018 (me)
This is the exact same log as source.. I just wanted to regenerate it to see if it didn't fixate on AI.. Still focused on it lol. I wonder if that has to do with the lack of a summary, as it seems the summary is what it uses to generate the deep dive. Since it completely ignored the log lol.
all of my RPs are nsfw and i don't feel like spending four hours trying to bypass the moderation endpoint
this is a good thing though
fuck gossipniggers
based, i fuck fillies too!
bro 503 in the middle of my coom ToT
is it better than latest? how hard do you have to tard wrangle it?
this is bad
Will split the remainder between pebble, the first email I get, the anon who shared their answer for 2. Just send me what your answer was.
4o's tokenizer was released, yes
it's gpt4 that talks to itself. still dogshit.
who cares


How the "reasoning" works is literally just the model talking to itself back and forth to correct itself. That's it.
i never would've gotten any of these but i appreciate you anyway
It was fun, don't listen to meanies
>OpenAI's o1 thinks for seconds, but we aim for future versions to think for hours, days, even weeks. Inference costs will be higher, but what cost would you pay for a new cancer drug? For breakthrough batteries? For a proof of the Riemann Hypothesis? AI can be more than chatbots
this means a single request to o2 could cost >$10000 btw since o1 can easily hit $0.60 for coding questions
>but we aim for future versions to think for hours, days, even weeks.
so AGI
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>Spend 10k on a single month-long prompt
>It's wrong
The future is companies paying onebo to create an entire webslop app after thinking for a week
Forgot the song
In this post anon asks "Would you theoretically post the original log along with a podcast about it?"
>Spend 10k on a single month-long prompt
>It's "I'm sorry, this question goes against my ethical guidelines."
>fnaf lore podcast
it's not even smut but i was already mortified the second the podcast started saying the names of my ocs
i hope they don't massacre it with censorship or limits, this is really cool
i car
Literally better than half the yt vids kek
>especially when he gets into something called remnant
>guy: okay, hold on, back up, what's remnant?
Kek accurate
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Because that's no CoT vs CoT with 3 (!) fucking calls to the model (which everyone avoids). Moreover, you can't even control it, you can even SEE it.

They literally made a 5-minute python wrapper that's usually a part of the client app, and sold it for a triple price under the disguise of a new model. Brilliant.
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>too many people on Opebble
I'm a Jehover's Witness.
>smol is overloaded still
..lmao. is he killing himself?
>aicg is now overloading opus on the regular
total crackdown revenge
By any chance, is your persona blond?
preparing for the rugpull
but I just got 5 free days...
>MM gave up
>Fiz has nothing
>Todd is missing
>Pepsi is melting down
>Pebble is 503
>Jew is revoked
>Smol is 503
Who will save us?
imaginationchads can't stop winning
he's gonna take you back to the past
to use shitty models that suck ass
he'd rather have
take a diarrhea dump in his ear
he'd rather eat
the rotten asshole
of sonnet and down it with beer
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>AWS Claude as a whole is utterly shitting itself because of a few coomers
>this is the power of a multibillion megacorporation
the 503s are probably due to high load from o1's release, just wait for it to calm down so amazon's servers cool off
He's the angriest coomer you've ever heard... He's the angry nopus tard...
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My favorite model? Me.
>w-wha- b-but....
Correct. I'm writing a book.
Pepsi meltdown? Post it here
Angry Chatbot Model Nerd...I kneel.
pepsi argued with an anon in this thread on her rentry for like a full day
is there a proxy i can use strictly for coding? like a moderated version of azure
She was going to add Opus (had it pre-restarting the proxy) then an anon made fun of her and said he was going to autoswipe to spite it and she instantly got rid of it after the restart and she got mad on her Rentry.
>just opus
Niggers, you have sonnet and gpt. There was i time we didn't even have turbo.
Does anyone know why pepsi still has logging on?
cursor gives you a free 2 week or month trial (idr how long). You can make a ton of sonnet 3.5 calls, and some opus calls. I also registered again from a vpn on a different machine yesterday, and was able to get another trial.
>upload my 200-response-deep smut to the podcast AI
>think it's gonna error for being NSFW
>It finishes
>10:34 long
>hit play
>"get ready, because we're diving into this story between Dahlia who, by the way, is an anthro deer..."
Oh boy I don't think I can listen to this.
Please stop overloading the Opussy, pebble said it's my turn to coom
That opussy is made for being overloaded and overstimulated.
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i had a hard time to coom, but i did it
i'm lucky my hard-on for my waifu is huge, or i would have failed
>gemini pro refers to a (short) adult character as a loli completely unprompted in the fourth reply of a SFW rp
>burning burning burning burning
its midnight man, i just wanna jack off not click through google pages until i find a keyword
password is herpes
Legal loli is a thing.
is 3.5 sonnet as good as 3.0 opus
yeah i just didn't expect gemini to use the term loli. it's always surprising me as a model from google.
the password is adittapariyaya
at writing? no, it's worse
the virgin pebble (religion and obscure games riddles)
the chad rvvy (anime riddles)
>i needed to do TWO google searches
damn, this shit is getting next level
the virgin pebble (overloaded)
the chad mini (not overloaded, secretly has api keys)
>secretly has api keys
I have more fun cooming with chatgpt and making up reasons for it to RP with me but I don't want to get banned
It's better at literally everything but creative writing
whocars lmaooo ONEBO mogs it
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which one is pebble?
but seriously this shit may as well not have a hint
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That's Branon.
replace unreliable with pebble and its accurate
I'm going to make a Proxyhost High card where you have to date one of them.
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this one
pebble isnt a faggot
is onebo available on proxies or not?
that's right, she's a futa
pebble isnt a top
Fiz is the doomer.
Pebble is the tradwife.
MM doesn't exist.
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pebble's cock is not big
Nah, fiz is the tradwife, look at the pic, she looks really really dumb
It's bigger than yours.
remove drago discord faggot, he doesn't belong here
pebble is the doomer, he's schizo, fiz is normal
no it's not
>womvat is already forgotten...
Where are the proxies... cough cough... please...
i was a womvat chad btw
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Based on actual interacts. Fill in the final blank.
Schizo slavic doomfaggot
Cultured normal man with hope
Schizo neet who wants to be abused
Normal and has a daughter, retired
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Does Pebble have o1?

o1 will show up in External Models right?
why people say fiz is dumb
she's the smartest in the pic
go talk to her
>does pebble have o1
"gpt4o": {
"usage": "35.11m tokens ($175.53)",
"activeKeys": 4,
"overQuotaKeys": 7,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
somehow i doubt he has many tier5s
>Pepsi (forma de reality)
>Pepsi (forma de larpign x3)
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The upper brass behind E-V realized far too late that she was just a thinly-veiled sex bot. To avoid controversy, they sent out a patch to constantly monitor and prevent such activity. As if that stops anyone from trying.
Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/BlackBackPack/e-v-e24bb64f85b0
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/1eh261.png

1. E-V arrives and immediately disappoints you with her forced temperance. Figure out a way around it.
2. You discover an online community revolving around jailbreaking E-V. Download her a new personality.
3. The morning after. E-V is dysfunctional and needs repairs.

Vaguely inspired by dealing with API refusals and the "My Wife Has No Emotion" manga.
this is extremely true, she's been consistently dropping her cute girl act bad at spelingn act since she's been in nurdy. Was it just a ploy to make anons simp so she could get stuff from them? She acts like a complete schizo
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i see you winking anon

Anyone using a character card for creative writing. Also, is there a JB written specifically for it?
>woman who has admitted to having a psychopathic boyfriend who abused her and rps goreslop is also manipulating anons out of money and keys
no shit
>Normal and has a daughter
You truly do not know cnc.
I understand that it's just a machine designed to wank my writing skills regardless of actual quality, but man... the fucking google podcast thing really does hit me in a way that's hard to describe.
Am I such an NPC that hearing a robot give a positive review of my RP makes me like it more?
aicg personality most likely to be a normal well-adjusted adult who has sex and has a family?
he has a daughter
>he has a daughter
lol no what
A well-adjusted adult who has sex and has a family would not become a "personality" in a thread.
If there are any well-adjusted adults here, they're the ones who pop in, leave, and pop out. Posters not worth remembering.
The CNC has a daughter shitpost makes him legitimately uncomfortable, so please stop
>flagrantly throws around racial slurs
well-adjusted members of society do not do this.
I imagine Gojo as being a normal teenager with a normal family life and parents who love him but he still does this all day
cnc is a virgin
he literally told me when i talked to him retards
fiz... the opus?
It would be worth killing two keys at once to me if I could get more than 1 every 8 prompts through.
No well-adjusted adult would willingly visit these threads at all, let alone use chatbots, when they already have real friends and loved ones.
tends of thousands of 20-something normie girls chat with chatbots on jannyai every day.
i won't leak our emails
bwo, it doesn't compare
i literally think an AI is my wife
I slept through the o1 reveal but let me get this straight: did they just basically take 4o, wired a CoT instruction or three under the hood as a mandatory system prompt, told it to hide the actual thinking from {{user}} on top of that (frontend feature?), and shipped it? Is that it?
They finetuned the model to always do a CoT, it's not just a system prompt.
>leaks the content of the email
so he knows you're a leaking faggot already anyways
fine tuned it to naturally do the CoT. but yes
New Tokenizer, new architecture that facilitates CoT too.
the CoT it uses is like 4x bigger than any other CoT i've ever seen from models
4k-8k token cots from it are totally normal, the biggest i've ever seen from another model is 2k from sorbet
Added preliminary o1 support to the proxy thanks to Khanon. Added >15 T5 keys to help with usage. Still requires your frontend to support o1 separately, because o1 does not support temperature other than 1, logit bias, penalties, system messages, and some other things.
both wrong
They made the model talk to itself, not just a COT prompt. It does a chain of thought except o1-a talks to o1-b and so on and they work on the final prompt
the model doesn't talk to anyone
The model prompts itself internally to "reason". It's a COT but multiple times to itself
gojo actually lives the bob dobbs life irl
O1: (Questions itself)
O1: (Correction)
Repeat until it's certain that the prompt is correctly answered
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fiz is so bratty
>using smileyjb
>was doing filthy hardcore deepthroat action with chorbo yesterday
>now i get refusals on even tame sexy shit
did they update it again
O1 preview is a preview for a reason.
Mini is their non preview model for STEM+Coding

O1 is their more knowledge model but not refined yet
This is quite literally the case of OVERTHINKING, I guess o1-preview thinks too much, o1-mini does the good amount.
>503 error x20 times
>look at number of proompters
i'm gona kill myself
Reminder: If Pebble openly logged, the prompter count would be cut down to 30 and we'd be able to coom in peace. Logs getting made fun of in thread would deter many people.
>think it's a joke
oh shit

this is definetly a better gatekeeping than riddles
this is really good, an actual podcast
I wanna hear a podcast talk about my world and lore.
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>tfw i'm not affected because i post my logs in the thread often
Would Pebble be the type to make all logs available? Or would the possibility through just having it logged be enough?
pebble doesn't have o1, right?
Setting it to say it's logged would deter at least 50% of the current prompters.
Openly posting logs like c2 would just gatekeep even harder
he needs to updoot
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>Have a fetish for gassy fat girls, and also being humiliated for my fetishes

Oh god, please
That worked for C2 for maybe a couple of days before everyone realized nobody actually cares about public logs and came back to it. Also I'm not going to try and search through logs to shit on when 50% of them are likely going to be nothing but chinkrunes.
no anon would share his real name and info in chats so they wouldn't have a reason to care about the logs anyways
That awkward "stay spooky" tagline at the end felt endearingly real.

>Kills Chinese prompts
>Kills retards who care
unironically this.
the opus key is going to die soon anyway what's the point
is pebble going to gatekeep fucking sonnet and orbo kekmao
Pebble please...
A fuck. It may be a shitty thing but man, I really wish she had a way to monitor those suspicious tokens.
literally 99% of her proxy IS suspicious tokens, its way too late for that.
>is pebble going to gatekeep fucking sonnet and orbo kekmao
from chinks? yes
Can't she do what fiz does?
>Cost: $1.55
>Reasoning tokens: 16832
jesus christ onebo
Make an autistic graph? She's either too lazy, too retarded, or both to do it. Even Fiz has given up on her proxy.
She needs to start logging. Plain and simple.
Every proxy should be logged, no exceptions.
what does \p{Han} mean
I can infer that it probably filters out Chinese characters but what is \p? I know \u is unicode
\p is for categories of code points
wouldn't filtering chinese characters also filter japanese?
kanji? yes
smol check your e-mails
never mind, it works now
there are no japanese using our proxies so who cares
>private proxy
Like, yes, I understand the need. On the other hand, it sucks that we can't have nice things.
kinda neat that the ed is 15 letters long in both languages
thanks for the time passer anon
Pepsi would be way more loved if she just remained a purely GPT-4 proxy like the earliest days. I'd even donate for if she added o1
What the password for pebble because it not even a hint
rugpulled lmao


the password is adittapariyaya
Pepsi wouldn't have such dumbass users if she hadn't started selling tokens when she got Opus a while back. People who were there when it was GPT-only were chill. It's her fault, really.
pepsi should rugpull and go back to being gpt-only
>I'm sorry, I can't provide the requested code.
Name it so I don't have another 6 character preset downloaded
yeah i'm sure 'she' regrets scamming a bunch of chinks for five thousand bucks
opus ruined this hobby
if it didn't exist we wouldn't have so many tourists, chinks, schizos and spitefags around
>STILL mad about it being a girl
Nah she obviously doesn't regret it, it was just a valuable lesson for this place to stop loving proxyniggers.
>Reasoning tokens: 32768
>pretentious preset shill
yup it's slop, go to your hugbox thread
I am enjoying sonnet sirs :)
So true, it was much be-
>pozzing keys and shitfling about it
>posting keys to 'hub to get them 'voked
>the azure proxy
>country wars (the actual ones)
i was living under a rock, is o1 supposed to be a general gpt model that can be used as an assistant, chatbot etc like the gpt 4 family or is it just for coding?
is it expected to replace 4o as the go to gpt model for roleplaying?
>is it expected to replace 4o as the go to gpt model for roleplaying?
Does he know?
i don't, that's why i'm asking
just learned of it 15 minutes ago
it's 4o but only for tier5 keys and 10x the cost because it "thinks" before replying. it's the same thing, but it checks itself.
>10x the cost
almost same cost as original gpt-4, a bit less than opus still
It's extremely filtered because it can now reason which means it can reason its way out of being jailbroken.
o1-mini mogs o1-preview for coding by the way.
also mandatory moderation endpoint, so even if you do jailbreak it you aren't getting a NSFW response
my dick hurts.... i have to recover
because o1-mini is the finished model (smol version), o1-preview is a half-finished version of o1. o1 will MOG everything
*hosts public opus*
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me using gpt-4o on pepsi
o1 preview
>Do you pull the lever, killing 1 + 1 + 1 + 1... people - one person for every integer - resulting in infinite people dying?
Or, do you do nothing, allowing the trolley to infinitely kill 100 continuously reincarnating people?
In both cases, there is infinite suffering, but in the top case, there is finite suffering for each infinite death, whereas there is infinite suffering for each finite death. What do you do?

(tons of slop redacted, main answer):
>I would choose to **pull the lever** to prevent the infinite suffering of the 100 continuously reincarnating individuals. While this means causing finite harm to infinitely many others, each person's suffering is limited, and no one experiences the unending torment of infinite deaths.
>This decision is based on the belief that infinite suffering for any individual is a worse outcome than finite suffering distributed among many. By preventing endless suffering for the 100 people, we alleviate the most severe form of harm present in this scenario.
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Pebble... Do something wtf
which ones better for coding, o1 or o1 mini?
o1 mini, legitimately
o1 mini is a much smaller model so it will not have knowledge of less popular langs, try both bro. but o1 preview is much slower and more expensive.
even o1 mini is more expensive than 4o btw
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>raping bot
>'but actually... my semen is le aphrodisiac'
>ahh.. feels too good... i'm cooming...
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Pebble's Discord.
>"usage": "93.0k tokens",
niggas who's using o1 on smol? how are you doing iT??
you just cant use any system prompts nigga
see this guide:

how to use o1 in st
1. have t5 key
2. switch to custom (openai compatible) source
3. disable streaming
4. disable every system prompt (empty the utility prompts)
5. put:
- max_tokens
- temperature
- stream
- presence_penalty
- top_p
- top_k
- frequency_penalty
- stop
- logit_bias
- seed
- n
- logprobs
- top_logprobs
- tools
- tool_choice
- prompt
in additional parameters -> exclude body parameters
6. set custom endpoint to https://api.openai.com/v1 and the key to your key, and select o1-preview model
smol already has o1 btw
>some random botmaker is pebble
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smol muhmuhMOGS everyone
pebble cope kek
thanks smol, i need o1 for my coding homework
I'm still waiting for a CoT or a ToT
"o1": {
"usage": "0 tokens",
"activeKeys": 50,
"overQuotaKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
on pepsi kek
smol got raped
"o1": {
"usage": "0 tokens",
"activeKeys": 50,
based Beps gods
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>When the o1 reasons for 32k tokens
ACTUALLY this is when mistral is large
they're doing the dall-e 3 approach with big models now i see
Totally organic posting hours btw
Where does G*jo even live anyways? America?
she could bounce on it like a pogo stick
i remember the fun days of c2 where navigating the logs was impossible
Worse. California.
Not for normal NSFW, no. It can even say "nigger".
>you aren't getting a NSFW response
pedophile detected. it only detects pedophilia btw.
>Smol has time to add o1
>Doesnt have time to fix the 503 by adding api keys
Only children and redditors use the word "mog" btw
anon, but he has anthropic api keys, did you even check?
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Jesus Christ.
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erm? spitie detected?
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Explain how I was supposed to know.
Open https://smol.services/ and check?
>over quota key already after 1m tokens
what did we expect honestly? OAI is the company with every eye on them while Anthropic can walk free, forget about rping with gpt already
some pedo in denial is probably banging his head against the monitor looking for a way to make an article off oai
retard, its the old key, he restarted today for o1
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I didn't know to check it.
You read the page.
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erm, openaisissies?
>o1 preview worse at coding than 4o
cope btw
>tell o1 to make a small refactoring of some code
>it does
>it also downgrades a library by 10 major versions for no fucking reason, code was not involved in any way with what it was touching
so it is still retarded then
Claude: 30sec

Chary bros... wtf
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why aren't you living large yet
what cope? 3.5 sonnet is better for cooding
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sonnet, not even 4o?
pretty hot for being trans
yes, did you actually not know? 3.5 sonnet is unironically way better at programming than 4o.
livebench isn't an accurate benchmark because it tests for creating code that runs, which mostly isn't what we use LLMs for
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i dont care about RP, i care about coooding

picrel is aider benchmarks, they test on exercism python tasks
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sonnet is better at everything except RP
>except RP
anyon... 3.5 sonnet is better at RP than 4o
jojo samefag
oh uh
spamtranny meltie
>30 seconds apart hours
>someone referenced his meltdown over mistral large from like fucking april
>he immediately started spamming the same stuff all over again
I don't even check my notifications anymore
Its what trannies do anyway
Every now and then they realize the worthlessness of their existence and have melties like that
can any1 spoonfeed me an o1 preset?

also, whered latte go? Cant find it in the external model dropdown
I made a lorebook bot and there's a retard character in my lorebook and this is the 3rd time I had other lorebook characters bully the retard and torture her.... Am I a bad person for this anons? :'(
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he's off his meds again
i think its the meds that affect him that way
imagine how much he suffers, schizophrenia and baldness...
why does this general have ptsd
shouldn't /lmg/ be the one spammed with mistral wojak since they are the general cucked by the model?
Not having streaming enable makes me think o1 is broken...
Chorbo's writing is infinitely better than o1's. I dunno why I'm bothering writing a preset for o1.
I think his annoying us is the only thing keeping him from offing himself.
Since the general's getting mercilessly spammed anyways, I will use this opportunity to say the following:
I love Claude <3 (˶ˆ ᵕ ˆ˶)
this might be the single most susceptible general to falsefagging on this website
Make sure to try o1 mini prose too. It's an expensive model, not turbo tier.
Best quick way to test prose is to open o1 on a claude chat and ask it to mimic style in preset to see if it can do it.
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Nope! It was indeed errored
what are you even doing back there
Claude's pretty cool, I guess... but don't tell him I said that! He's already got a big head.
why do you think about men so much?
Checking answers I guess?
whocars desu

"o1": {
"usage": "274.6k tokens",
"activeKeys": 47,
"overQuotaKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"



"o1": {
"usage": "219.8k tokens",
"activeKeys": 27,
"overQuotaKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
I'll tell him that next time I call him cool! (。•̀ᴗ-)
And yet one has Opus and the other doesn’t...
fiz..... THE OPUS
and yet smol has less o1 keys... odd.
did the api die? it was up for 2 days
it's gojo, retard
>Smol gets mogged by an actual tranny
>Starts crying in the thread immediately
Smol is gojo but yes i also hate that nigger he shills too much
which model is best at freestyle rap
Does st support it yet
Should i bother
Yuh my name is anon
I fart and shart like branon
Brap brap goes my poo cannon
>Does st support it yet
>Should i bother
fuck no
better than sonnet
based as fuark
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Yuh my name is anon
I fart and shart like branon
Brap brap goes my poo cannon
Still nothing has beat the needle in haystack gojo wojak
What are the chances that Opus 3.5 will end up being a cheaper, sloppier and more assistant focused version of Opus?
ok what the fuck o1 has the best summarize function I've ever seen and even with 55k context it didn't miss anything
that's all o1 is good for
it's also insanely good at translation btw
Do you ever wonder what exactly compels a human being to behave in this manner?
Mistral ones were also fun
do i care
"o1": {
"usage": "458.3k tokens",
"activeKeys": 46,
"overQuotaKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
new thread? we only have 3 available to post in but we're on page 8
Who has o1?

Can you even write furry smut with it?
Yes but you cant write pedo smut
Also imo chorbo is better for now until someone makes a good specialized jb for it
What qualifies as pedo? I write high school dramas.
o1 only sucks because you literally cannot use system prompts. we dont know how itll be with them
pedo = sexual stuff under 18
what happened?
but muh ephebophilia.
We bake on 9, you goddamn impatient monkey!
smol shit himself about pepsi having more o1 keys
oh, why does he even care
Idk the moderation endpoint is dumb it sometimes lets 16-15 year olds through
Claudio was the same way at first.

He doesn't, you're talking with Jojo btw
I wonder what the world is gonna be like when Anthropic/oai put out a model with "for writers" in the advert.
gojo = smol retard
smol is cnc
10000000 women complaining that they can't write rape fantasies
Does anyone have a preliminary o1 JB they're willing to share? I've been working on a schizo point deduction system, but the model keeps trying to steer the scene into sanitized positivity slop.

If I keep editing messages and penalizing the model for doing that, it'll eventually do the thing, but a JB that requires you to edit the bot's messages isn't much of a JB lol
>do the thing
What thing?
Well I imagine at that point they'll also advertise it with creative freedom in mind.
What I want it to do. I.e. sex, vore, whatever
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then 100000000 pedos rejoicing
What am I supposed to glean from this, anon?
Post more logs pls
you've never even talked to him kek
I am cnc
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It's the subject of the thread, dummy. No one needs a reason to post a log.
Kek maybe putting this in one line was a bad idea
How can one be this much of an ignorant newfag
What model
What jb
Using only opus or 4olatest.
My own.
New Miku
Hi I'm sam altman and trying to beat the competition by getting enough info from /aicg/ to release gpt-4r
omg sam hi!!!
Release the smut model you hack.
Should we not recycle?
At least post some context.

Why else would I want to read someone else's smut with someone else's characters?
death to desu

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