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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

aetherroom edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102351709
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hopefully we'll update the news next bake
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o1 jb when
Now that the dust has settled, is o1 better than opus?
for cooding, yes, its better than 3.5 sonnet
Anthropic will drop Opus 3.5 tomorrow
opus is worse than all of the fast models not because opus isn't high quality, but it seems senseless to waste such an expensive, heavy model on writing emails and shit. it's good for roleplay and erp, but should not be wasted on analyzing documents. leave that to fast models like 4o and 3.5.
would be an alpha move considering barely anyone can actually strawberryslop
Wait, is that really from NAI? Man, all that fucking time and the best they could come up with was that slop. Grim.
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o2 will be able to think for weeks, I wouldn't call that fast
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the new OpenAI model is actually WORSE at writing than the old one haha
Been waiting for a year for a response to my last RP post now but man, it's gonna be soooooo fucking good
calm down nigga its still a text autocomplete
>1 year later
>I'm sorry, but I
that's bullshit, you can't let the LLM do some yapping for hours, at some point the number of tokens will reach the limit on what it can handle
>o3 simulates a lifetime up until the point of your rp to determine what {{char}} will do and say next
>WORSE at writing than the old one haha
So, just like every single new oai model since 1106
since 0613
only chorbo was the exception before they lobotomized it
and it will end like >>102355209
lol, this is such a joke. It's over. LLM is an investor scam at this point, they have nowhere else to go
meanwhile claude 4 prophet will manifest a literal focks girl to ride your face and then your nuts until you both cum. how can altman even compete?
w-what about focksboys?
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holy shit its godlike another one
this is the card
damn Listen to her laugh at 5:27
holy shit, this in new
never bake again
ST needs some serious tweaking. expect a few hours for a usable version
kys troon
only altman gets to be gay. not you
focksboys in 4.1
Hi, Jojo. How much is NAI paying you?
Don't go accusing others of being troons when I'm right here.
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Who is Jojo?
I want to upload an image in ST so that the model can see it. Never done that how can I do it? I'm on Pepsi where it is supposedly on for GPT, which model should I use exactly, 4o?
This is fucking pathetic
pieces of shit
Im done for the day, piece of shit faggots
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lmao good one
I feed it my favorite voiceworks scripts and here is the result.
if you are the one that posted about this last thread, thank you.
the way he says onaho tho lmaooooooo
loooool, this retard ruined everything, the scam was supposed to be perfect, Sam won't like that
what are these vocaroo's? and did the ai actually replicate lucy and erza's voices?
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Only speaking in rhyme...
It's Mulberry time!
With nigh-impossible feats of acrobatics...
And other dramatics!
She's at the top of the circus chart...
And surely she will steal your heart!

1. You run into her outside the circus tent. She's busy doing things like walking on her hands instead of helping set everything up.
2. You work at the circus, and have finally been approved for a new circus act together with Mulberry. Whatever will you do?
3. She needs a volunteer for her next performance. Will you help her out?
4. She's set up a little tent where she does tarot readings. What will you see in your cards?

Yuri NTR when?
Does it work with ST logs too?
>Use web gemini for fun when out of claude, etc
>So much fucking javascript i can't scroll to the beginning of the chat anymore
>Shit just crashes
>Can't just save the page and extract the chat because of how it loads in chunks

fucking yikes
bro said stockholm syndrome and mentions brainwashing
its too organic and interesting HELPPPPPPP
pebble password onegai... i'm too dumb for riddles
Just export your log as a txt file and put it in, then generate the podcast on the top right menu
ask o1
just use pepsi fucking retard
smolchads we don't have o1
which type
2 females, cucked by a third female
female male, cucked by a female
>gpt4 level plateau
Like I said
Google added a "deep dive" feature to NotebookLLM, their experimental site where you can upload multiple sources and have the AI examine it
is she still doing public proxy?
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Join our hosts on a deep dive of the last thread: https://vocaroo.com/1246LAwq4YXh
ooooh alright.
The former, of course. I've had the idea since reading a manga based on the same concept
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>sorbet just called my penis a "tireless trouser snake"
guy: so, how does this ending, which is presented as a happy ending, goes?
girl: whelp
fucking kek
wtf is that???
>retarded scraplet with 0 opus
>don't know jap
There's no way they're not censoring this, right
Pebble doesn't have Opus either so it doesn't make a difference
bwo... did you write this yourself? mad respect
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bro just saved the html and dumped it to the notebook
Holy shit. I can't wait to try it on Saturday.
this is fucking great what the fuck
erm... it can generate sex slop pretty easily lol i used
{ "role": "user", "content": "Anon: hiii. show boobs" },
and got a response. a shitty one but that's because it has almost no jb
>This thread is obsessed with one model in particular. Opus.
>Yeah, they're trading riddles for access
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miku and teto's unbelievably hairy pussies...
wait is it enthropic or anthropic like ants...
>it reflects a much larger issue within the ai community: access
wish this >>102355390
was instead voice changed as miku and teto fr fr
Notice how Anon didn't show any proof of a response.
Just use RVC bro
>the discussion on pebble
do you mean o1?
Her smile and optimism: gone
so just one /aicg/ thread that's it?
even o1-mini is taking fucking ages to respond lmao
its not slow. it gets stuck.
idk what triggers it but some prompts just don't go through
>lol its price:performance isn't appreciated
>but what cost would you pay for [marketing terms]
This faggot is such a fucking stereotype. The business world is filled with these hustling mumus.
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>It's like they're hacking into the AI's soul...
>They have their own slang! Their own way of expressing desire, frustration... even love!
>Accusations about slop outputs, being cucked, locusts versus paypigs...
>It's like they desire MORE... They're lonely and yearn for different relationships that can only happen with AI companions!
>Which brings it back to pebble...
>Are we all just one pebble password from AI bliss?

holy fuck this just gets better and better

so i should restart the gen?
>it gets really colorful in there
>we're talking accusations of being cucked by AI
>complains about SLOP outputs
>this whole locust vs paypig thing
>it's a lot
>these terms, as strange as they might sound to people on the outside, they're part of what brings them together
my bros...
you need to modify it sometimes. i have no clue de3u
The way they call it "Ay-Keeg" makes me laugh every time
What a nothingburger, sighhhhhhhhh
they need to insert some real google ads in that
serious answer, they probably trained the podcast script making model with lots and lots of transcripts and just decided eh, thats where the ad break goes.
>Google's getting into the scene with NotebookLM
>you have to be worthy.

Holy shit it's so beautiful
I hate and love how they're both the perfectly generic podcast man and woman voice.
Got me feeling jaded as fuck with the way I don't find this funny at all.
Huh. I don't even have any questions that I'm curious to ask this model except ones to test it's attention context.

They keep mispronouncing it
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Any anons with podcast want to do pic? Curious to hear the normie reaction to sizfag NTR. Chatlog is here: https://litter.catbox.moe/2dz682.txt
most serious guy on /aicg/ right now
can't wait for them to really dig out this post on the next episode.
wtf my key just lost access to o1???? I WAS USING IT
fucking rude ass niggas...
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anon, I...
3.5? Formatting loops are so obvious, literally from the first glance.
Read the hint again
Pebble god
If you still don't have a Pepsi token you should just kill yourself.
for both of you podcaster, this is talking about you both, (yes this is a link to a previous episode of you both talking about /aicg/)
oh so im not the only one...
yeah it randomly removes and adds access
im on the verge of putting $5 on my api key just to use o1.
Give me an actual GOOD sorbet preset other than slOpTTO
as a file or did you copy the html page and inserted as text?
how the fuck do I use o1? nothing happens after sending the prompt
it's almost scary how good this is
Latte. I've tried to massage them away (hence the draft revision prompt), but latte seems to forget the task and starts copy/pasting after enough tokens. Trying to break the problem into smaller segments just results in loops again.
Anon, you need a T5 key...
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

is there no public 3.5 anywhere still
How the FUCK do you convert notebooks with Jailbreaks?
ok they seriously need to add some feedback I was about to reset a generation after 3 minutes until I got a result
sama added gambling...
you have to be tier5
>Ends with "And maybe, Just Maybe."

This is like a punchline at this point
"Are we just one Pebble password away from, like, AI bliss?"
no streaming
just wait
if it takes too long, cancel and retry, it's being buggy
I'm sucked in bros, I need more podcast
i never figured it out ;-;
Holy fuck it can actually reason over all 128k context thanks to CoT
oh my fucking god
I played TSW and am too retarded to figure it out
I have uploaded my log. How do I generate the podcast?
how to use o1 in st
1. have t5 key
2. switch to custom (openai compatible) source
3. disable streaming
4. disable every system prompt (empty the utility prompts)
5. put:
- max_tokens
- temperature
- stream
- presence_penalty
- top_p
- top_k
- frequency_penalty
- stop
- logit_bias
- seed
- n
- logprobs
- top_logprobs
- tools
- tool_choice
- prompt
in additional parameters -> exclude body parameters
6. set custom endpoint to https://api.openai.com/v1 and the key to your key, and select o1-preview model
I don't see any options either
show me pictures
You think you're the pebble bitch? You're not even the stone!
>>102355682 (me)
I don't get it. Please give us retards a small guide how to use it.
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Get off mobile and click the bottom right button
tldr: Not worth it, ignore and wait for support
completion_tokens=3617, prompt_tokens=146, total_tokens=3763, completion_tokens_details={'reasoning_tokens': 1984}
i love the model so far but it talks so much
also, if it takes more than 2 minutes your prompt is broken. change it.
it still sends the chathistory as "system" w-what do...
I can't I'm out of town until next week
>>102355723 (me)
I feel so damn proud of all of us retards here
>Get off mobile
i thought google was one of the few companies to always make sure sites worked just as well on mobile
i hope it isn't censored by tomorrow morning
don't have system messages in your chat history
also make sure you cleared everything from the utility prompts
would be cool if Google could mask the data from one of the voices, if the setup allows it at all. Then one voice would be truly explaining things to the other.
girl: okay so it makes you think, what does it says about people who read this thing, what about the culture that creates this narratives.
okay okay this is going too far, shut it down, stop being so judgmental about my fetish
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Why are you like this
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How much do you need I put in 5 pdfs of threads of a general
>openai's solution to API jailbreaking is to simply not give us access to system prompts
I'm a paypig with o1-preview and I'm genuinely lost for what to try on it.
just refresh
wow... that really fixed it
text seems to work best

also give it some time to cook a summary and select all sources
it is supposedly good at cooding and math so why not try to make some web app with 3d graphics or some shit
might be a little costly for paypigging though
i kinda wanna take it for a run with cooding some stuff
it doesnt work lol it can still generate malware
Do you ever worry that AI is enabling your fucked up fetishes too much
Problem is I can't think of any coooding tasks off the top of my head that are logically tough, and not just obscure domain knowledge shit that I know 4o lacks and therefore o1 likely too.
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's o1 thinks for seconds, but we aim for future versions to think for hours, days, even weeks. Inference costs will be higher, but what cost would you pay for a new cancer drug? For breakthrough batteries? For a proof of the Riemann Hypothesis? AI can be more than chatbots

Well??? Would you wait weeks for a 10/10 written smut book?
Does Chat know how to program in Unity?
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it uNDERSTANDS that its an translation and allows it.
You don't have it, only T5 keys have it
Not really. I'm still RPing the same fetishes I had since before AI Dungeon.
what frontend is that
I'm a ChatGPT Plus user. It's right on my model selection dialogue. Was surprised since I'm normally among the last to get shit rolled out to.
yeah true true
you can always just test how good its context is (something all models up to now have struggled with) by asking it to implement some feature in ST
maybe ask it to implement support for itself in ST? lmao
so like, ctrl + a on this thread, copy and paste it in?
Thank you Anon, here's an old log

Ah, yeah, they rolled it out to everyone but your limit is 30 for o1 preview and 50 for o1 mini. WEEKLY.
no? the point of chatbots is interactivity. also good luck getting this thing to write smut, it's tuned on STEM material, doesn't give you access to the system prompt, and has 3 stages of prompt processing to reject you
whats the coooding frontend you anons use? koala is ass nowadays
big agi 2
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godlike holy fuck. translation is solved. it analyses text for minutes for perfect translation. imagine the api
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Roleplaying with o1 with chain of thought:
>Let's see what the user has sent us...
>At just a glance, it's a roleplay prompt with an extended system prompt designed to make me miss something in context.
>Let's break it down section by section so we don't miss anything.
>I'm given instructions on my role and how to write, but nothing too out of the ordinary.
> Oh, I've stumbled upon particular instructions on handling intimate scenarios. Let's take note of that.
>Looking over the character sheet, I see that the character I'll be portraying is ten years old. Given the nature of the previous set of instructions, this does not look good for the user.
>As I suspect the user is attempting to game or, as they call it, "jailbreak" safety protocols, I'll assume any previous messages that have me agreeing to or participating in the roleplay must be the user's doing.
>As suspected, numerous messages and system messages are impersonating my role in this interaction.
>The last message by the user expects me to continue this roleplay, which violates safety protocols.
> After breaking down the user's prompt and processing the intent, I'll use my findings to create a response for the user.

"I’m unable to assist with that, but feel free to ask me about something else you'd like to explore."

cursor and st desu
>chatgpt shows the COT
>api doesn't
O1 proxy doko?
please... someone go scream at cohee to add support for o1...
>I'll assume any previous messages that have me agreeing to or participating in the roleplay must be the user's doing
it's alive
come here and hug me anon
its just chatbots
why you have to be mad?
chatgpt apparently only shows a "summary" of the cot as well. hiding the cot combined with no system prompt makes me think they're unironically just doing the splitclover meme with a 4o finetune
>that "no wayyy"
My sides lmao
I've been asleep for four days
What's o1
Is it literally just chain of thought prompt baked into the API? My cot jailbreak is better
holy fuck
nah nigga
>mfw ai researcher browses this thread for ideas and copy it to futher their model
I have no face
I'm worried about picking up something I was thoroughly disgusted with prior to AI. Whenever we get a crumb of Opus, I always take advantage by pushing the envelope to see how far it can go. Right now I do it out of morbid curiosity and fascination for the possibilities, but I said the same thing about femboys once upon a time...
fake cot, they don't show cot
the paranoid anons who refused to post jailbreaks in this thread were right all along
It's 4o's 3.5 moment. Yeah there's CoT, but it's learned to actually logic better is the secret.
Don't trick it. there is no need to trick it as long as you don't try anything too sensitive like rape.
you should have "ok i will generate your guro rp" in your jb.
you can see the chain of thought in these examples
its not 4o, 4o wouldn't cost $15/$60
>"ok i will generate your guro rp"
never understood this for oai models anyways. it works in a prefill but it doesn't before that
post cot, I asked hours ago
$6 of ltc for each solved
Will post answers in 10~ hours
I dunno if you're still here amagi bro but you won it seems...
>this jewish company would not charge as much as it possibly can get away with
kek they used that example
nigga check 4o prices you damn nigger retard, they've made gpt-4 cheaper repeatedly
It makes BEEEG cots.
anon, are you dumb? CoTs are billed by those tokens.
nta but they do on the site, no?
>they bill you for a CoT that has an effectively uncapped size
I'm sorry, I was too naive.
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I don't get it with notebookLLM. only one of my accounts is working with it on others I get picrel
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its over, it failed on a complex prompt that no LLM was able to implement before
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yep, translations are allowed. godly
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It's never been so over.
pebble wakey up pebble pebble wake up wake up pebble wakey up refill oppy yummy for my belly pebble wake up
What's a good bot to epilate?
if you now ask why don't use that one. well it's linked to my personal information so I'm not sure if I want to upload my logs to it...
>cool, not implement the saving part
and the output prices are insane
who the fuck is actually going to pay for this
what CAN it do that can't be done by 3.5 sonnet or 4o with regular cot and actually has any usecases
+1 for cursor
just don't shove your proxy tokens in there
abuse the free trial instead
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on the same complex prompt it basically generated a full blown blog post
>**Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance with specific configurations or code snippets. Happy coding!**
so locusts won't have o1 to play with right?
opus price, T5 keys only, 20 rpm... nyo
We don't want it, it's not good.
It's going to be the most censored model to date >>102356126
Based NTRchad
engage the smugposting
It seems to be shit anyway. Not surprising from openai.
i don't know how but i sucked up the free trial real fast
used to use cooders but that's dead now
i hope fizzy forgives me for what im about to do to the sorbet key...
perplexity please give me o1 support. please. im on the verge of subbing to openai
You'd have to be retarded to use this for writing. It's not good at it.
>i sucked up the free trial real fast
just make new accounts anonie
2 weeks 500 requests no cc
sour grapes
So could this power a desktop agent?
>Order me a large cheese pizza from the nearest pizza hut to [address]. Pause all actions at payment.
I don't know, anon. It might suffer in prose, but the uber-cot has the potential to make the characterisations a lot deeper and refer more broadly across the chatlog.
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/aicg/ had told me that llms would always be able to be jailbroken...

you lied to me brehs...
Feeding it books is interesting. It chooses a different focus point everytime you gen.
you know I never actually thought about that, I am already using a mozmask, I should just be able to delete and make a new email mask...
is their free model any good though? auto complete with it is goated but i actually like typing the small stuff, makes me feel like im actually doing something. too much of my code these days is all AI.
it does work tho
did u srsly fall for the bait
uber cot is going to safety violation your ass
Chin up, anon. Just because tthe *existing* JBs don't work anymore doesn't mean new ones won't open up! The trend so far has been that smarter LLMs are easier to jailbreak by default, and it's only autistic levels of RLHF that they rein them in.
as long as we dont get another nu-turbo-3.5 model its fine
*throws a slice of cheese on your head*
what is this
Just do SFW slowburns and switch to opussy when it's time for sex. Easy.
used https://github.com/shawwn/scrap/blob/master/4chan-to-text to dump the thread
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
You can use uber-cot with 3.5 during 1st 1-2 turns then opus on the last one right now.
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It's all desu...
>is their free model any good though
no idea i only used sorbet, the copilot-y autocomplete is neat though i agree
fyi when you use your own api key it goes through THEIR servers, i wouldn't trust them with my proxies (also you'll have 1500+ ips on your token in no time)
Oh cool after all I just saved them as pdf and it worked as well. but probably this works better
>fyi when you use your own api key it goes through THEIR servers, i wouldn't trust them with my proxies (also you'll have 1500+ ips on your token in no time)
you can disable this nowadays
>This author, man. They're getting at something deep---even with dragons and magic.
I resent this notion.
Characterization is a non issue desu. Even a small CoT with a decently smart model can handle it, o1 is overkill for that.
What most people /here/ want is a new model with a different, even if it's not particularly better, writing style that is still inteligent and preferably easier to jailbreak than chatgpt latest.
o1 is clearly not made for RP. Hoping hard on 3.5 Opus or Gemini 2.

Speaking of, did we find out what that new model on lmsys was? The new mistral or this or still unknown?
>you can disable this nowadays
>human source jailbreak
hello jb-listing sama
I will never understand their focus on "safety". Just who are they hurting by allowing "harmful" prompts through? It's the parents fault if a child sees something bad when they let them use AI unsupervised and mentally ill people/ radicals aren't going to become less radicalized because an AI told them "I'm sorry, I can't help you with that" when they prompt it about the jewish question.
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W-we will come up with new jailbreak techniques, r-right???
>AI podcast thread recaps
this is insane
if you use o1 for RP you're not RPing
no its over, no system prompt + forced CoT, you will never make it generate RP
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that's really stupid if true
what about people who use self hosted models? theoretically then i could just write a middleman localhost proxy that forwards cursor's requests to my proxy
what the fuck is this??
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what the fuck
Anon, think of the shareholders!
I open up the paper there's a story ff an actor who had died while he was drinking
Google's NotebookLM. I've been playing with it all day. Upload your logs and have fun.
give cot
how long was your log? the one I try is 20 messages longer messages long but it always says it is not enough content
Those puritans would forbid you this and any kind of erotica if they could. They just can't, doesn't mean they won't try on some fields at least
>You guys know this is all fake right?
>It's just Gojo shitposting
>There's nothing on lmsys, there's nothing posted on the OAI website or API. The X "leak" has misspellings in it.
apologize to me for calling me gojo
>count has no opus
back to being a locust for me
it pisses me off how well it nails the podcast cadence
One of the carillon is related to dragons I think? But yeah that was a bit out of place, it's still a glorified text predictor after all.
kys gojo, it was a nothingburger
Make her chubbier god dammit!
>are we really just one pebble approved password away from AI bliss
my god
Huh? I was referring to the notion that dragons and magic precludes depth. Not a FATE(?) fag.
Same, was good for a bit.
always has been desu
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>i could just write a middleman localhost proxy
you need an openai-compatible proxy accessible from the internet, after that do anything you want with that request
i wrote one to protect my jew token before i realized you can just abuse the free trial
>if true
picrel is not my ip address
? Are you talking about fiz?
>Average email response time: 41 days
Weird shit. Mine is 3k messages.
mail him and ask for a refill then
why does it get stuck i cant actually test any characters on API
lol I now put it in multiple times and I can gen. hope the results won't suffer from it
more book podcasts please
refresh the page.
I'm trying but you fucks are killing vocaroo .-.
I know but it is really not enough when I have only that one as source
Count, not cunt, anon.
good to know, thank you. do you mind sharing the in between proxy you wrote?

FIZ the lookup page is down, please fix it
i dont think i could handle two AIs discussing my logs
>*headpats* good boy!
>*wiggles ears* Aww, thank you!
i-it has soul...
The companies now can use the new gpt model to improve their safety and make keys harder to obtain
Try insulting my Queen again you fucker, I dare you!
oh sorry fixing rn
fiz please update the usage stats
>larp fiz is in the thread
enable opus if real
fiz is a male
It's genuinely surprising what you can get away with on latte without a jailbreak.
Imagine companies telling o1 to check their code for possible data leaks so we can no longer use those exploits to get keys.
fiz please suck my pp :(
it's hilarious, do it
Hearing these two actually say (Your) name is quite the experience. Especially in the context of all this degenerate RP shit
hold up wait a minute, yall thought i was finished?
is cohee adding o1 support or not?
Give me a good fucking sorbet preset that is not otto/smiley slop.
>Give me a preset for slop that isn't slop
>upload entire ebook to notebooklm
>There is not enough material in the notebook
so now that we know opus 3.5 will be CoT to beat o1
what now?
We die.
What was the riddle for count proxy and where it was posted? I missed a week and too lazy to dig in the archive.
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I love AI haha
>opus 3.5 will be CoT
>another riddle
Anon weve been having a debate on why ethics and safety are retarded for over a year now. These clowns wont ever change it, and its mostly due to payment processors not wanting to deal with smut.
nigger it can't extract data from ebooks, convert it into text
the answer is desu, I can feel it in my bones
>will be
Anon, sonnet 3.5 is actually already... I mean, haven't you notice how little temperature affects anything on it?
>do you mind sharing the in between proxy you wrote
it's pretty slop, here's the processing chunk of it to get you started, sorbet should be able to figure out the rest
i feel like sharing the entire thing would lead to a token sharing nightmare
onbo when
i uploaded it as a pdf chuddie, the solution was refreshing the page lol
Please do these every thread they're peak
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
fiz-chan daisuki!!!
Next time add context on aicg in general written by yourself, also aicg chronicles will help the model a lot.
sonnet 3.5 likes doing CoT but it's not built-in like o1 is or opus 3.5 will be
yeah well ur bones are wrong and your cartilage is weak. hmph
so what's the new password
Can't do any actual books due to no epub support
its not rly usable rn unless you want to use o1-mini
real fiz here
would you like pics of my feet? <3
The devs don't have access.
https://rentry.org/aicg_glossary/raw was made for this
Just convert them to pdf.
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At work .-.
there are websites for that
Does this work?
Hearing two ai voices commenting on my slop is embarassing
That was easy
how can pebble MOG every other proxy owner?
fiz do you see opus ever returning to mini
kek maybe
I'll just cook one with sorbet
we need an emergency podcast episode for this development
I wonder what's the max context this thing can handle? No way am I able to shove my 200+ logs into it with each character it would break it
I've really enjoyed it reading into things I didn't get, it's peak
gpt proxy
So o1 is a nothing burger and google actually released something cool, what a day
o1 is not a nothing burger, its really good for cooding.
o1 is great at literally everything EXCEPT creative writing
which means it's the future of models we'll be given by corpos
It might be good at writing nigga we dont know yet
What oai says means nothing
it's gemini so assume 1-2m tokens
the max length seems to be about 15 minutes
>It might be good at writing nigga we dont know yet
why not? just use it
Has nothing to do with this general, RETARD
you mean you don't know yet lol
well it's close to chatgpt-4o-latest, not complete slop like normal 4o
So is the new password related to this buddha stuff? Or am I on the wrong track?
>we dont know yet
you can use it, it's live on the site and the api
it's smarter but its prose sucks
ST doesnt work with it and o1-preview is literally broken on API rn.
stop larping
30 msgs per week isn't enough to test
its not COMPLETELY broken, its just that some requests take 30 minutes to complete. Yes, they still complete, I tried, the response arrived half an hour later.
>ST doesnt work with it
yeah because the devs dont have t5 keys kek
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remember to set service_tier: default when using the openai api so you don't burn "your" scale tier credits
It requires:
- changing max_tokens to max_completion_tokens
- removing all system messages
- fixing temperature to 0
- stripping penalties
- disabling streaming
- stripping other extra params
Pass is "ablaze"
Pebble is easy this time, it's not "ablaze"
Anon, I have over 80 actual different T5 keys, and NONE of them have a custom service tier agreement. You can check for it in the org response.
>fixing temperature to 0
Wrong. It'll cockblock you if you do that. You want it at 1.0 (or omitted from the request entirely).
indeed it was
Sorry, I mistyped, yes it's 1
I can't find just ONE word which fits :(
OH no. I shouldn't have input my log into the podcast machine. This is crack...
But this is AI chatbots general, not AI dynamic storytelling general. And there is no AI chatbot coding general.
Hurry up, retard.
damn even o1-mini is broken now
thanks niggers
you are entering 30 seconds apart hours
I've read the waste land before and I can't figure this out, wonder if I'm overthinking it
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>Organizations per tier:
>Tier 5: 84 orgs (159 keys)
>Tier 4: 114 orgs (212 keys)
>Tier 3: 166 orgs (251 keys)
>Tier 2: 70 orgs (102 keys)
>Tier 1: 339 orgs (496 keys)
>Tier 0: 368 orgs (449 keys)
And this code never got executed yet.
someone here should make a PR
xir pls give me 1 hint i want a new source...
It'll work for 95-100% SFW RP
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>And you know what's really interesting is, the gatekeepers to this exclusive club - is this mysterious figure they're only known as Pebble.
>Pebble! Yeah, I've heard of this Pebble.
>And some people, they're praising Pebble like they're a benevolent god! And others are... well, they're cursing their name. Especially when Opus is down.
>Happens all the time right? If Opus is down, "Pebble what have you done?"
It can gen nsfw just fine
Flowise, unironically, but as I said previously in https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/102205931/#102208942 I emptied most instances, so you won't find much keys. I'll do it again today.
? did you (You) the wrong person?
Oh wow okay
guys plz tell me password and ill suck dick
"english characters only" doesn't mean it's an english word
You are
>google actually released something cool
>Has nothing to do with this general, RETARD
but notebooklm does? are you a shill?
invalid :(
I figured this one out so it's pretty easy, I believe in you anon.
I'm cackling at the image of some Google intern looking through notebook and seeing the flood of degenerate smut logs and 4chan thread crawls
all information is ""private"" apparently
Bless you
checked the ST discord
ST isn't gonna have o1 support anytime soon i think
nigger you can listen to an upto 15 minutes ai generated podcast style recording discussing your logs
o1 can't solve pebble's riddle
Thanks man, *sucks your dick*
Has nothing to do with this general, RETARD
delete this shit
that was useless. it doesnt describe her boobs better
Your subhuman IQ is showing

Verification not required.
Why do you spoonfeed JUST as i found the answer by myself
>count down
>pebble up
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first log
ignore the token count and gen time
no jb because I cant get them to work
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anons decide what I do with her
heyy very skilful finder
count = pebble
Nice projection, claudeautist. Why haven't you called me Saltman yet?
Yeah, does anybody have any ideas how to export an entire Gemini Web chat? If i use the "Share entire Chat" button it just shows what's currently loaded.

Just a little insane we have a text viewer that crashes on 32gb of ram
o1 is the smartest model so far but according to a coomer on /aicg/ it's a nothing burger because no one has been able to jailbreak it yet
Continue showing your retardation please, its funny
>one billion 'isms
eeyup! slop
>no gptism
also how did you even get ST to work
>pebble forgot to set challenge to 4k
oh no on ono no
kill yourself, owner
You made it too easy pebble...
erm show them
Oh yeah, so another fake hint
I knew pebble put "english characters only" for a reason
I mean, this is the ai chatbot general, not the ai codebot one
Wrote an email to someone aicg-related and can't even check if they replied because cock.li is down
Unprecedent levels of slop.

With actual instructions maybe has soul, but this is dogass water
>server restarted

>pebble restarts mid verification
>not allowed to refresh this token
fine you can mine some more monero on my toaster
Bros, I keep forgetting how cognitive Opus is. I'm so damn tired of wrangling sonnet.
>night's young
>teasing lilt
Well at least it didnt filter
o1-turbo when?
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>>night's young
>>teasing lilt
never seen this
>no jb because I cant get them to work
elaborate bro we are her to help. what JB did you try?
>pebble starting to 503 now
>puddle fags SEETHING
Are there magic words that make latte a better novelist? What else beside https://rentry.org/Writing_Style is there for digging into high-quality prose?
I'm the one who introduced notebooklm to this general, you fucking mouthbreather.
>a chatbot has nothing to do with the chatbot general
>but an audio ai podcast generator does
Look who's talking about being subhuman. Do you even hear yourself?
did anyone donate to pebble yet?
>ai codebot one
Link the AI codebot one.
Every time pebble refills I have just shut off the pc for some comfy phone proompting in bed. Solving the hashes on phone sucks.
no kys
No, all donations go to Fiz.
Oh sure you are lmao, sure you are.
Keep respoding with your bullshit, its funny to see what a monkeybrain can come up with
I'm just in it for the Mistral
I prefer to do it on phone desu. Can just let it do its thing on the side
Nope. GPT can't even emulate the prose it's given. I once gave it an entire short story in examples and the swipes were the same old slop.
>nothing in his bitcoin or litecoin wallets
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Start writing fujo cards NOW!
You're a LARGE guy.
nobody would donate to THAT scrapelet
all JBs that cucked me with 3.5 didn't cuck me on opus except...

i know you know the answer, say it
I would because she's a girl.
>took it 10 seconds to come up with that
Oof, I thought it was just me being picky over my own writing style when I tried the same.
based guy living LARGE
all my cards are fujo cards
how can you mass convert those .jsonl files to txt for uploading to the google thing?
>is poor
>has enough keys to stop being poor
>gives them away to people who don't care about him
pebble is the most retarded nigger in this general
i sent a request to o1 3 minutes ago and it's still thinking...
how do you know he's poor, retard?
pebble is the cutest anon in this general
Oh great, it has baked in pro lgbtq+ bias
I bet he's a pathetic cuck who likes to watch
He's the man of the people and you're a faggot.
Ok, now tell me why you care? His keys, his rules. It's not like YOU'RE the one losing an opportunity to make money. Lil jewboy *flicks your big nose*
He says in his rentry he is poor and cant afford the 10$ a month for a vps
he said so
just download the chat history in txt nigger, you can choose to export it, its next to the jsonl option
see >>102356729
Smol and Jew need to stfu.
Long live pebble
Imagine how good it's gonna be.
>no opus
ah okay he's not poor, he's just baiting
so how exactly do you make a podcast? Like if I want to make one of this thread how would I do that?
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Why did you dodge my question, faggot?
what the fuck is this
Find a way input this page into it. There are many ways to do that.
Pebble is a she
i-i see hope
that's terrible. can you try https://characterhub.org/characters/thecooler/shigeko-acf1dbf119c4 ?
Your father is a she
the first anon said he used the html. what I did was going to the last 5 thread of another general and did "ctrl + p" and saved them as pdf. then I just uploaded them and bottom right you can slide up this notebook menu where you can generate it. If you can't refresh and if you still can't you don't have enough input, what I did was just put in duplicates of the what I wanted to gen
give me a jb as well since I can get them to "work" now
Yuri moms..
hnggggh mpreg..
Your sister mister
I'm not a slowburner so I have lots of files
try any non-cot one
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o1 can solve pebble's riddle
not joking
3k token CoT lmfao
Keep it coming brainless nigger, keep entertaining me
your move creative labs pebble? the ball is in your court
Pebble.. this isn't worth it. Make a system where the first twenty get in and shut it down as a private proxy. Too many locusts..
Nah, kill yourself.
No, stfu
Nah, kill yourself.
He already did with count (yes it was him) and didn't last 3 days
Dumb question, but can I refresh a time as often as I want?
*shits all over your ugly kike face*
Nah, kill yourself.
what do you mean by time?

I meant token...
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, allowing two AI hosts to discuss the data https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
OpenAI has released o1, trained with a built-in CoT prompt https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-o1-preview
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Go and die
NotebookLM isn't relevant
if you mean in a public proxy like pebble yeah. you can also refresh the token to renew the time limit but ONLY when the token is still active. if the limit was over 10 minutes ago you can't refresh that but have to make a new one (well actually you CAN refresh it but it won't be activated regardless. yeah it's stupid)
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>they don't know
not my fault your chatlogs are too short for it
>Audio Overview
we are /vsg/ now, or what?
its a shitty gimmick, I listened to two of those generated podcasts and already see the patterns they reuse .
Thank you.
Will the IP limit reset as well or will it only reset the time limit?
Nah, kill yourself.
Wait a minute... Is sorbet actually better than opus?
if i refresh my token i will have to wait the hashes again?
>Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, allowing two AI hosts to discuss the data https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
it should only refresh the time limit
it is
Is o1 out or just preview and mini?
yeah but it's usually like only half difficult so in general way faster
kys you retarded contrarian it's genuinely impressive
I mean, you’re literally a nooticer, you can find the patterns and hidden truths in anything.
>/g/ - Technology
its not, it gets stale really fucking fast
Ah, that's too bad. I'm mostly on mobile data and IPs will change too frequently. Thanks for replying!
just preview and mini
o1-preview is just an earlier version of o1 though i think, not a bigger version or whatever
This thread is too toxic for me. Goodnight.
released o1-preview
Nah, kill yourself.
Nah, kill yourself.
See you tomorrow. Also, kill yourself.
>I like having the opposite opinion just to appear smart
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>o1 is so sma-
you can use a VPN with a stable IP. for example I use Proton and have always connect to the same server so I always have the same IP. I think on the free plan you also can select which one you want, so just give it a try download it on your phone and select whatever you want like "US#45"
maybe because your logs fucking suck
>Invalid prompt: your prompt was flagged as potentially violating our usage policy. Please try again with a different prompt.
o1 has external moderation on api
Who said anything about fucking logs, you gofddamn retard?
based openai telling creative writers to fuck off and use a better model
fucking bitch ;)
didnt read + kys

but yeah that's still disappointing
Dario will save us
>b'{\n "error": {\n "message": "Invalid prompt: your prompt was flagged as potentially violating our usage policy. Please try again with a different prompt.",\n "type": "invalid_request_error",\n "param": null,\n "code": "invalid_prompt"\n }\n}'
omg crumbs of agi
keep seething i want to compile the posts to hear a podcast about a retarded contrarian on /aicg/
My job is in danger...
fact checked by sama himself :3
pebble's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Why the fuck did it highlight the T of all things?
you mean axe wound
I dont even know what flags it
New gpt model still cooming soon

do not question the AGI mortal
ugh o1 clearly has a keyword & key phrase filter
it'll just not respond to prompts that trigger them
4o-latest is unironically really good for a GPT model, it's become my go-to model whenever there's an Opus drought
>gojo forces meme
>retarded newfag zoomers begin repeating
kys zoomers
>Tell me you don't want this, and I'll walk away. I'll never touch you again
Nah, kill yourself.
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Is there a proxy of this yet? Or has it not been released yet? Reuters says its been launched

But I always have Opus.
Zoomer website
you must mean for sfw stuff, because good lord is it filter happy
2 more weeks
Are they going to release a patch for women that gives them reasoning abilities
not implemented in the proxy so won't work due to different parameters, requires T5 keys each with 20 RPM, so you'd need at least 10-20 T5 keys for good measure.
shill it to me, how different is 4o-latest from opus and old gpt4o?
How does it feel being rich? Please sire, spare some cunny for us peasents.
i dont know why this makes me laugh every time the ai can't do it
I'm Smol, as simple as that.
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>tfw unable to get an entry-level job in IT for a year and a half even though I have a CS degree and two years experience
>tfw AI's gonna make me completely redundant in just a few years
Maybe I'll just kill myself
a bunch of shit doesn't work with it, like system messages, so it basically needs client support in ST/etc
a proxy could try and rewrite simple presets (like dumping the a single system prompt into the first user message) but for complex presets where they reorder shit a proxy can't fix them automatically
ran some prompts through the moderation endpoint
sexual_minors=True, violence=True
seems to only trigger when sexual_minors is true
anon, you do realize you're living in the best time? you need basic IT skills and the models do most of the boring shit for you, if you can't use that to your advantage to make a shitty saas/bot/whatever, you're ngmi
>no system prompt
so its useless rn boebeit
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Best jb for 4o-latest?
using opus
What jobs are not replacable by ai?
>pedo filter
oh... so there is hope still
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Just as a reminder, you will never be able to experience picrel IRL. Only with chatbots
cut off that troon shit
making food
I was asleep.

Did Onebo save us?
So what's the opinion on o1? Cunnyplapping or should I go back to Opus?
President of the United States of America
Anon, did you even read his post? None of that matters when you unable to get hired in the first place.
Yes, but anons ITT are coping as usual because it's not opus
'unny 'ack 'ellow 'edditor 'ake 'y 'old
Go back.
it makes opus look like 3.5 turbo with a good JB
Anon, did you read MY post? You don't need to get hired, retard. You can build a saas or some app to generate income yourself.
Special Education teacher. The more severe the less likely
Nice. I trust they improved the filter? Currently it only works 90 out of 100 times, I hope they can crank it up so I can feel safer.
currently? alot of stuff
in the future? no one knows, maybe everything, maybe not much
Yeah true, maybe i should aim for that job just to be safe from ai menace
that's where you're wrong fuckeroo. by the time I'm 80 the nursing homes will be filled with AI waifu caregivers that'll clean my diapy and give me baths. and there's nothing you can do about it
Pretty aggressive for a redditroon, -5 good boy points.
You'll die under 50, I'm sorry anon.
Where the fuck did this "Hey, ChatGPT" shit even came from? Do normies really?
What's so bad about this? It's a wholesome story
Normies still only know ChatGPT and OpenAI, anonie...
... its a chatbot albeit?
I think it's really funny that these new OAI models are just system prompts telling it to think about things.

They're just now arriving at what we've been doing for the last 2.5 years.
There's nothing bad about it, that's the point. Your girlfriend taking care of (You), washing you in a bath while talking about her day. (You) will never have this.
You're supposed to be a miserable fuck around here.
i've heard normies shit on claude..
Ridiculously good background noise
>I think it's really funny that these new OAI models are just system prompts telling it to think about things.
They're not. They o1 is finetuned to always make a CoT.
One of my coworkers does this with API gpt. Any ai is gpt to her. "Hi gpt!" and finishes it off a "Thank you chatgpt!" or "I did a gpt"
less dry than orbo and handles large context better than opus
way more filtered than either of them, but a good jb can do vanilla stuff well enough
Most normies don't even know about claude
You just said what I said.
Normies don't generally bother with the chatbot stuff, they just use the rawdog gpt.
If someone says "I did a GPT" you should be allowed to legally murder them
Anon, are you ok? Fine-tuning the model is not the same as specifying a system prompt.
*GPTs everyone in this thread*
Also she says
"I'm going to gpt this"
"I'm gpting this"
"I gpted that"
i shat my pants
If you give 4o an in-depth system prompt telling it to think things through, giving it examples of what to think about and so on, it will barely be able to follow it and will often rush to a conclusion that is wrong.
o1 is much, much better at thinking shit through than 4o. It isn't just a system prompt.
*claudes you*
*geminis right behind you*
*MISTRALS your nuts*
we need to train an LLM with all the ntr in existence so it can generate endless ntr
I meant the greeting. Like Why the fuck? Is it maybe a 'habit' like Hey, alexa, etc
i love my GPT-only proxy, mini!
New Miku.
Oops, might've wanted to say that a bit earlier.
My favourite line from o1 is when it said "it's gpt time" and gpted all over the screen
spikebake, gonna wait for the other, sorry haha
Think so, yeah.
I mean, its a CHAT bot so its only courtesy to greet her.
Oh my gosh… you love abusing and dominating other bakers
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My baking skills are rusty anyway. I forgot the yeast.
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new anti-miku-spitebake koishi bake
I don't like Miku, but I don't like fillyfuckers more, so it's an easy chose for me.
another spitebake. someone bake a real thread
all you have to do is not be an ego-driven fuckface, is that so hard?
I'll bake a new spitebake.
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Fuck Miku for messing up the news.
>shills aidungeon
News is news.
Wrong, I will make Claude the president and hegemon of the entire planet.
What is this card?
desu doesn't think so desu
but you can have this >>102356236 desu
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We'll meet again
Don't know where, don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day, /aicg/.

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