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CAT6 edition

previous: >>102340763

Temp wiki: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Home_server

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Routers
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
SFF cases https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AddRvGWJ_f4B6UC7_IftDiVudVc8CJ8sxLUqlxVsCz4/
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
PCIE info: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf
>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
>For more SATA ports, use PCIe SAS HBAs in IT mode
Cockpit is nice for remote administration

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
>still using CAT1
you don't need a cat
Cats are fucking stupid
Post your racks
Hello, buying a new NIC might not even fix the issue. I don't even think it's the NIC. Because why is it that it works fine using a baremetal install of OMV or unRAID but when I try to use a VM for OMV it decides to shit itself?
It seems that Proxmox is just too much for your IQ anon
You are using an unsupported operating system on hardware that's not even considered a server.
You're not willing to spend any money to fix your issues. All you do is bitch here about your bad hardware purchases and issues you had with it along the way.
Get this vibe into your head.
nah, proxmox is just shit
>works everywhere
>doesn't work on my machine
>it's just shit
faggot please
im not the only one with this problem, sweety.
there are people on the forums that still haven't fixed their issue.
I tried to watch movie with my home server plugged into tv. But, it had screen tearing and it seemed like the film was 15 fps. I am disheartened brothers. I don't know if I will get more movies to try this out again.
Have you tried downgrading a version of Proxmox? From what I read you're using version 8, might want to try version 7
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in my expereince proxmox offers more features but vmware is more robust in gpu passthrough
That's a nice tight rack.
I haven't. I guess I could try.
I already downgraded the kernel from 6.8 to 6.1. It was the oldest one available and it still didn't work.
>>102366385 (Me)
For context, you seem to be either >>101889670 or >>102295839. If true, you've only done stuff with servers for a month (you're inexperienced), intended to use this as a NAS >>102002481. You seem to have bought this P510 on 14 August.
Your first bitch post about problems was on 16 August >>101928065, unavailability of OEM parts for repair.
You were first told on 21 August >>102005135 (Me) that you've bought a workstation, not a server.
On 23 August, you made another bitching post >>102036085 about Ethernet and USB 2.0 (about being a poorfag).
On 30 August >>102148306, you told you were running:
>proxmox with OMV in it
which is an unsupported OEM configuration. I told it's possible run Windows 11 on a Pentium 4, but you anyone probably shouldn't try to do that (for obvious reasons).
9 September, NIC bitching: >>102295839 >>102295851
On 11 September >>102340969, you switched from Proxmox VE to Unraid and promptly bitched about e1000e NIC issues right after >>102341327.
11 September, you considered swapping your NIC but didn't commit to it. >>102341459
11 September, you said you don't want to spend money to fix your issues: >>102341946. NTA >>102365511 also suggested a NIC. Doubled down on 13 September on blaming software for your problems >>102366598 >>102366639.
Read the previous thread >>102340763 and you have a disproportionate amount of questions / replies to anyone else.

You're using a disproportionate amount of anons' time in this thread diagnosing your self-induced problems, because you made some fucked up hardware choices on the way and ignored most advice from anons. Truly disrespectful and shameful.
I meant >>102366514 is (Me) and >>102366385 is OP.
Sorry, I said ARC but I meant FLEX, totally.
I have 64gb of RAM anon.
Not sure I'd use things like that over something like docker or podman, I only have 1 host. I think I will definitely use some containerization method if I don't use a VM. I've successfully been convinced against going bare metal.
It seems docker can integrate with kubernetes anyway, is there any benefit to using kubernetes with docker?
I do like the idea of ansible to save any changes I make to my single host, so maybe I will consider that.
Must be an old picture. Those R720s belong in a grave today.
I cannot afford anything higher
>with my home server plugged into tv
Like with HDMI? That's a HTPC anon, you need different hardware for that.
If ethernet, upgrade your TV or buy a good home theater box.
this is such shit value
no, 4 ecores are not worth $100
if you're gonna get something like that dont use usb hdds
use it with a thunderbolt/usb4 DAS if you must

its a really terrible choice. next to zero expansion, no good way to connect hdds besides aforementioned das that costs as much as the entire mini pc.

enterpriseschizo is right for once.
except when he mentions raid, idk what the fuck hes talking about there.
leave the retard with unraid, he seems happy with it
You do get SMART data with usb enclosures, though.
Power saving features can be overriden by setting up smartctl to ping the drives every 3 minutes.

I plan to set this up in my dorm room, it has to be a minipc/sff. I don't have the space for a rack.
>Power saving features can be overriden by setting up smartctl to ping the drives every 3 minutes.
It could be better to setup udev rules to disable USB power saving for those devices.
Yeah, I was stating the worst case scenario.
>>102367020 (NTA)
>I plan to set this up in my dorm room, it has to be a minipc/sff. I don't have the space for a rack.
Colocation is an option.
I used a Fractal Node 304 when I was in a dorm room, it had room for 6 hard drives.
I don't know if this was aimed at me. It'd be like:

>What do you think about my mini PC as my home server?
That's not a server. They're only validated for Windows client operating systems.
>I'm adding an Intel Arc GPU to my homeserver.
That's not a question. This is not a place to discuss your desktop / workstation.
>Is this chink N100 board good?
No, and it has faulty I226-V NICs. It's also not validated server hardware.
>Is [X] good?
If it's the most popular enterprise ready thing, yes.
>Can I use Proxmox VE?
Yes, but only European support hours are available, virtio-win drivers are garbage, Terraform provider support is bad, etc.
>2.5 GbE NIC discussion
How is this server related?
>What SMB settings can I tweak to increase my file transfer speeds above 10 MB/s?
You have an Intel I225-V/I226-V NIC, EEE enabled, or a bad OSI layer 1.
>I virtualize my router, so if something goes wrong with that VM I won't have access to the machine at all.
This is not a question. Rearchitecture your infra.
>How can I replace my ISP's router?
You don't, if your ISP is using 802.1X or you have an ONT. You add your own firewall after it. No OpenWRT/tinkering allowed.
>Thoughts on my pcpartpicker list?
This is not a server. >>>/g/pcbg
>Can I run Windows Server bare-metal?
Check the Windows Server Catalog or with your OEM.
>Can I run VMware ESXi?
Check the VMware HCL or with your OEM.
>I bought a Dell PowerEdge R710/R720.
E-waste. Question?
>Look at my tower server!
Why is it a tower and not rack mounted? Question?
>Ryzen with ECC memory?
No. AMD EPYC or Intel Xeon. Next question, please.
>Recommend me (enterprise) server hardware?
No. Ubuntu or RHEL with an account. Use the most popular and well supported thing.
>ZFS setup for HDDs?
Striped mirrors (RAID10) only.
>Unmanaged switches?
Not /hsg/ related. Difficult to diagnose and troubleshoot. Approval for managed switches.

A lot of this is risk management.
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What cool stuff should i do with my homeserver today?
run a tor bridge
why do you have to call me out like this
Bet it's nice and warm there.
Jokes on you , I have an awful relationship with my mother
Cool, will create a new OP based on this
Guys what should I do next?
>proxmox node running VMs for the following services
>PRTG, Dynamic DNS, pihole dns + dhcp, wireguard vpn, file server
>synology for archives and backups on a separate device from server node
I was thinking maybe I finally upgrade my wireless APs from wifi 5 to 7. Although my speeds are already really good.

No desire to run my own firewall. My ISP makes it a pain in the ass and my wireless AP can isolate any necessary devices.
802.11be has not been finalized. Whether 802.11ax will be beneficial or not depends on your environment and if there are any legacy devices in the RF that degrade everyone down to 802.11ac.
Work on your automation skills, niches that increase your knowledge and value as a person. Terraform, Ansible, ...
Develop bots for your own QoL
Then automatically deploy them to your own server
Is there some proxmox LXC I can run to detect the ethernet connection speed of all my devices?
I have some shitty ethernet cables that need eliminating.
Just run iperf server on your proxmox host and then iperf client on the rest of your devices, that'd get you the real throughput of your network
How do you like the Unifi gear? Enterprise schizo says we can't use it because of muh magic quadrant Gartner racket.

I have been extremely impressed with their Edgerouter 4 and their U6 Enterprise access point. The support on their forums is LEAPS and bounds better than others.
Are you looking for something that works in a browser, like LibreSpeed, or just a plain speedtest.net result? (No endorsements.)
Otherwise I'd say just iperf or Cisco's TRex.
>You do get SMART data with usb enclosures
depends on the enclosure. many (most?) don't support smart.
smart data or no the vast majority of usb-sata bridge chips are complete dogshit and will fuck up your data under any sustained read/write. writes being especially bad.l
>has to be a minipc/sff
so get a hp/dell sff. you can fit 2 3.5" drives in many of them easily.
hell get an ancient one, are you even paying for power? its free heating.
or diy with one of the itx/matx nas cases - fractal node, jonsbo whatever.
those nuc-size "minipcs" are pretty much the worst option if you want to plug in hard drives.

needs a hell of a lot more sperging and downright wrong information to be enterpriseschizo
nice try though
>Enterprise schizo says we can't use it
I have admin'd them long enough to know the platform hasn't been the same since year 2020. There are still environments running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for Redis, and it's still in my memory how many times Ubiquiti has been stuck with EOL, insecure Java versions to support their controllers (now it's been fixed but anyway). Not to mention the telemetry features; at least UniFi UAP-AC-PRO access points ignore the command-line only opt-out setting, while UniFi switches and dumb routers respect the setting.
This environment got replaced with Cisco switching and Aruba APs at $work.
Aruba and TP-Link Omada (though I personally don't like TP-Link that much with prejudice) are in the Magic Quadrants, and much better options for enterprises (and thus also you at home). Those Aruba enterprise APs can also be flashed to IAP mode individually without Aruba Central management and licensing, if you don't like the cloud management thing.
I don't really understand TP-Link Omada by itself. I view it as an UniFi clone.

EdgeRouter actually had advanced features such as dynamic routing protocols available to run an ISP on them, but the devs got fired or quit so the platform's unofficially unmaintained and there's that. UniFi isn't comparable in features.

Aside from technical reasons, have a look at Ubiquiti's Glassdoor reviews if you have not already. Temperament CEO and company mismanagement.
>Home Server General
>Colocation is an option

Just create a data center general already
>Are you looking for something that works in a browser
I have +/- 40 devices on my network. My home's ethernet has some bad runs which drops my networking and internet speeds from 300mbs+ to just 80.
I was going to use a RasPi and physically check each run of ethernet to each device with something like a website speed tester as you describe, but hauling a monitor and power source sounds miserable.
My router shows a 100mbs speed connection which I was hopeful could be used, but it doesn't identify the connections that exceed 100.
I'll give it a shot. I was looking on tteck.github.io/Proxmox and saw LXC such as the following and was hoping there was an easy solution someone knew about
>SmokePing, MySpeed, Glances, WatchYourLAN, Zabbix, WireGuard ...
>>102369362 (Me)
Continuing what I said: UniFi AP hardware is technically fine, but I find the switches and routers to be really lacking and the software issues plus access to support (or lack of thereof) are major turn-offs.
If I was putting up an outdoor festival, yeah I'd probably put some cheap UniFi APs outdoors in case they get stolen instead of Aruba or Juniper Mist APs. In an office environment, I don't even consider it except for the SOHO and SMB.
You may have Cat5 cables in walls or in jacks, most likely. Particularly if this is an old house.
If you know you have some newer cabling and it's not working as intended, get a contractor to test the permanent links with a cable certifier ($13,000+ USD; or rent one, if you happen to find a place willing to rent you one) to measure your links and give you the reports.
Assuming this is not a software problem.
I'm comfortable with the /diy/ component. I've found it to be CAT5 with bad crimps/connections. The new guy only cared about getting 4/8 of the wires correct. I've fixed a few but fixing all that I am using is where I want a software solution to find what's left.
I'd just like a software solution to identify the devices on the network that aren't getting a 1000mb network connection, then I can use my cable tester on that run to see if the goof mixed his wires once again.
Are there any home server workloads that benefit from Intel Optane?
So now that optane is dead, is there any way of avoiding the NAND flash slop?
I just need some form of reliable small memory with good data retention. A 2 GB pendrive or sdcard would be enough.
Optane is one of those things where if you have to ask about it you don't need it.
t. running 4x960GB optane drives
what kind of wwan card are you guys using for your internet failsafe that works with linux
i think its like $5 for a device to measure these cables
Agreed, I have a few. I just want to know which devices on my network aren't getting a full connection kek.
I figured there would be some lightweight dashboard
>for device in network.connections():
> ping device
>for all devices:
> display ping speed.
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What can cause this type of behavior when transferring files from my main rig to my NAS? It starts off really slow, 500KB/s - 3MB/s but after a certain point it shoots up to my average write speed, ~15MB/s? It only happens transferring multiple files at once (~250MB per file and totals to ~5GB), and when I transfer one big file, ~5GB, it doesn't do this.
A cable certifier is different from a cable analyzer or link tester. A certifier gives you the full measurements and test results, requires training to use. A dumb cable analyzer will tell you at best when wires are mismatched or broken, if it's a bit more advanced then also with an estimation at which length.
idk if i can trust this information, can i see your certificate that you dont suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome
>>102370205 (Me)
I didn't say this clearly enough. A cable certifier (those expensive Fluke Networks DSX2-5000 kits) will validate your runs and patch cords according to specifications like Cat6 or Cat6e. It'll give a result like pass, a marginal pass, or a failure. Without proper training you could fuck up and test a patch cord with channel test adapters instead of patch cord adapters, which skews the results and may make a certification failing patch cord appear to pass in a channel test.
These $5 things >>102370169 don't require any real training to use, and they are much more limited in usefulness and can't tell you exactly what's wrong, just that something may be wrong.
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You do not need a home server.
>many (most?) don't support smart.
they all do tho.
This is a simple house install. It was done prior to 100mbs+ internet speeds. I've gone back through and fixed many of the connections with that cheap device.
I just want a software solution to find the remaining devices (many without a GUI) on my network that aren't getting a proper ethernet connection. Simple as that. It's basic crimping bitch work.
I love you, Home Server General anons
>many (most?) don't support smart.
False. Where are you basing your data from?
It's not 2006 anymore.

>will fuck up your data under any sustained read/write.
That's a very interesting claim if true. Care to back it up?
>False. Where are you basing your data from?
My UGREEN USB enclosure doesn't support SMART for HDDs I plug in.
What chipset does it use?
I have a Ugreen US222 model that uses ASM1153E chipset. smartctl works perfectly with it. openSeaChest works smoothly as well.
The only issue I have with it is the """"smart""" power save feature which spins down the drive whithin 3 minutes of being idle. I only managed to solve it by setting up smartd to ping the drive every 2 minutes.

But official wd enclosures that come external wd drives use the same chip, and they're perfectly fine.
thinking of getting a mikrotik hexs router but have no experience with mikrotik's router os. is it a good choice for future proofing? currently have 200mbps connection.
Sup my haitian fellow
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Not the OP, but I tried to use TP-Link's latest access points at home (tried a bunch, wifi 6e, wifi 7). I was VERY biased towards TP-Link to begin with and I wanted to hate Unifi.

The Unifi u6 Enterprise was EASILY better for the following reasons:
>much better range; one AP mounted on second floor serves all the house perfectly and all the surrounding property (treehouse, pool, driveway, patio). The TP-links did not even on max power
>The UI (unifi controller on my home server) was night and day better to use and understand. The Omada is rough, and seems like some rich chinks nephews hobby project made real.
>TP-Link dropped packets. +300k per hour per band. That is with a SINGLE AP regardless of power level, channel optimization, etc. Maybe the reporting is fucked and the AP is fine, but its not reassuring to deploy a state of the art AP with this kind of results.
>Aesthetics: U6 Enterprise looks good and hides the cord. I know half of you here don't care, but if I am ceiling mounting an AP in a nice office environment or my house, it better not look like some hacked in failed-nigger smoke detector.
>The topography map of the Unifi controller is next level. Actually tells you what each client is without looking (i.e., iphone 15 pro, galaxy s23, dell laptop, etc.) The tp-link just posts mac addressses and good luck to fucking you if you want to find out what that is by cross referencing ip addresses on your router or using manufacturing MAC address range finders online. In this day and age, this is criminal. Unifi seems like they understood the PURPOSE of a fucking topography map when they designed it; QUICKLY identifying troublemaking clients or high bandwidth users.

I could go on. Maybe Cisco and Aruba do all this and then some, I'm just gunshy about buying hardware from companies who regularly rugpull on required software and conscript you into SAAS bullshit.

I wanted to hate Unifi, but I couldnt.
The best thing about Unifi is that there's a OPNsense plugin for it.
I have truenas and the K3s plugin works flawlessly. I hate the mandatory 2-factor authentication system even for local user, but thats just minor nitpicking.
>google issue I'm having with my setup
>responses in forums/r*ddit boil down to "your server sounds like shit/why do you want to do that"
god I hate these faggots
I assume you've seen this?
But too much work. I just don't recommend USB enclosures to anyone anymore.
you dont have to be ent schizo to only use usb drives as a last resort
how do you power all that?
what internet type do you have?
Does anyone use szurubooru? I'm suddenly running into some performance issues around ~70k posts. Have been trying to diagnose the issue to no avail.
>sleeping on the job

Should I let my sysadmin go?
>Aruba enterprise APs can also be flashed to IAP mode
This seems interesting. Is this how to do it?


The hardware on the Aruba AP's seem top tier. I just don't want to get this thing bricked when Aruba decides to turn on the Saas revenue jew mode.....
>how do you power all tha
Just from the mains, i do monitor it tho, its drawing about 650W currently.
>what internet type do you have?
1000/400 FTTP, not symmetric because of australian government cuckery
Actually in reading this further, you need to have an existing service contract ($$) in place to do this IAP mode conversion. I'm too cheap and will stick with normie gear.
>>will fuck up your data under any sustained read/write.
>That's a very interesting claim if true. Care to back it up?
why would I make it up? do you think im in bed with big pcie or something?
its as much the fault of shitty enclosures as it is the chips. they overheat and start writing whatever they feel like. another reason to avoid jmicron like the fucking plague.
id find some examples but literally all search engines are dogshit now so no
wd and seagate externals don't generally have this issue.
I'm not saying you SHOULD run k8s, but having looked at Quadlet it seems like it's just a half measure and you might as well go all the way. If your "single compose file" is your entire environment and something over 10 containers, it would probably behoove you to enter orchestration territory since that's arguably where you are. k8s excels at working with multiple hosts, but it needn't be that way. That said, there's nothing objectively wrong with continuing to do things in a single monster compose if it works.

Having and offsite mirror at your friends house sounds like a solid option; he gets better service and you get a backup. Only thing to note that there'll be some amount of latency that's dependent on how you back it up (ex: a day's delay to get new movies if it's a nightly cronjob)

>kubernetes with docker?
Kubernetes abstracts away the underlying container infrastructure so you're not "using Docker" at that point. You could have a sort of split infrastructure where part of the workload is in k8s and part running with standalone Docker, but you wouldn't particularly want to do that without an incredibly good reason.

>It only happens transferring multiple files at once
Guessing fragmentation on either the sending or receiving side. Could be plenty of other things though.
>Guessing fragmentation on either the sending or receiving side. Could be plenty of other things though.
Thanks, but I already figured it out though. It wasn't fragmentation. Had to disable rx and tx offloading.
lemme guess, Realtek NIC?
Thinking of getting a 10GbE NIC soon.
Are these good? I don't really know much about NICs.
hello cutiepies
setting up my network wiring in my large garage and i have pretty much no option but to run about 40m of ethernet alongside mains (220v) wires for some outlets. Any extra shielded cables you guys recommend?
its so adorable that realtek still try to offload
its aquantia (marvell)
its better than realtek. worse than intel.
Aquantia, while it could work, it's not often recommended here for a couple of reasons.

Best route is to go SFP+, something like:

It's supported, fast and cheaper

Not required with hacks.
Then again, Instant On APs are a thing if you're ok with cloud management and no contract fees. Same AP hardware, different software.
>buy this remanufactured nic from a brand you've never heard of with an ancient chipset just because its intel
>oh and you have to pay for copper sfp module on top. dont worry about the housefires kitten :)
anon whatever you're smoking i want some
>run about 40m of ethernet alongside mains (220v) wires
Absolutely do not do this. I thought "surely it couldn't be that big of a deal" and that my "shielded" cable was good enough until I finally put two and two together and figured out how I managed to brick $1000+ in networking gear. If it really has to be a run along mains, use fiber and use a media converter at the endpoints if you really need copper. If you're not willing to do that, then at minimum run the copper in a full metal conduit and that's probably okay.
10G over copper isn't a "thing", not in the literal sense but truly in practical sense.
yes good goyium, put everything on the cloud, its very safe, we wont look at your stuff we promise :)
clearly providing important temperature monitoring and sound dampening services
fiber might make the most sense
do you know if something like
despite only giving 1gigabit out of the ethernet port would pass on the full fiber speed down the next cable? (2.5 gigabit out of my router in this case) I apologize if the question is stupid, never worked with fiber. No idea how it works.
Speaking of NIC are there any 10GbE NICs but x4 physically? I don't have any more slots for x8s.
I have a drive that keeps failing in my zfs pool. It's a 20tb drive in a mirror.
The first time it failed I ran a smart scan and it said the drive was ok. I tried removing and readding it to the pool but it failed at 80% resilver due to write errors.
Ran a 24 hour scan and it passed that too. I rebooted the server and added the drive again but it, again failed during the resilver and automatically goes in "removed" status. Now it's running another resilver while it's removed, idk why.
This isn't the first time this happened either, I have had two other drives fail in this exact slot. It's getting power from a 4 sata slot cable direct from my power supply, the data cable is one of those thin sata cables you get bundled in sets of 4 or 6 plugged into a mobo sata port. None of the other drives ever have issues.
Is there a way to tell if it's a power, data transfer, or physical port issue? It's getting real fuckin expensive replacing these, this is the third in a little over a year.
Are you actually looking at the SMART values or just looking at when it says OK or not?
Because just because it says OK doesn't mean it is if certain values keeps changing.
It takes a 1000BASE-SX fiber to 1000Base-T copper media or vice versa. 1 Gbps to 1 Gbps.
Your 2.5 GbE is irrelevant, that speed is never negotiated.
thank you, might still be ok for my application
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I have cat6 in my walls. I want to upgrade my lan to 10GbE but I am scared because I read that 10GBase-T NICs get extremely hot. Is it true? Do some get less hot? Any fire hazard with cable in walls or if I have put a switch on the carpet?
>10GBase-T NICs get extremely hot. Is it true?
Yes, they got toasty, especially when placed next to each other. Mine would thermal throttle, and the transfer rates would plummet. However, they were TP-Link ones.
The values show high raw_read_error_rate and seek_error_rate. Most of the values show pre-fail or old_age.
I didn't save the old values so I'm not sure if it's getting worse, at a cursory glance the numbers look bigger but I can't prove it.
See, you're just looking at the most basic shit for SMART. There's also other values you look for, like CRC errors which SMART doesn't flag as a failing drive.
Best general advise I can give you is do a badblocks test.
Okay, unRAID sucks. It still corrupts my data when sending large files. The community said that tso off fixes it, same with the Proxmox solution. If it's the same then I'm going back to Proxmox and OMV VM. Guess I'll take the hit in my read and write speed by disabling offloading.
Past tense? What do you have now?

captcha: sshd
The UDMA_CRC_Error_Count is at 200 but I could've sworn the raw value was much higher yesterday, like over 1000.
I'll look into running a badblocks test thanks anon.
I got SFP+ single mode fibre
old ones that are designed for servers get extremely hot
but you shouldnt buy x520s in current year
newer ones get less hot.
>any fire hazard with cable in walls
not from 10gbe. PoE maybe but not 10gbe.

literally just pick something and stick with it dude
if you keep running into the same problem maybe the issue isnt whatever operating system you picked.

>single mode fibre
wtf not multimode? why?
>literally just pick something and stick with it dude
>if you keep running into the same problem maybe the issue isnt whatever operating system you picked.
Yes, but I had to try other OS to figure out it wasn't actually the OS.
Seems that your "max value" P510 has a defective onboard NIC HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
If you have had other drives fail on that port, it's probably best to quit using that port
All drives are also going to show changing values for read and seek errors because every single modern HDD relies on ECC to function.
Really need to full format or badblocks the drives in another machine.

>like CRC errors which SMART doesn't flag as a failing drive
Because CRC errors can be caused by a bad data connection.
a dead sata card is what gave one of my drives 188 CRC errors
Nope. It just doesn't play well with the kernel.
Works fine when using Windows 10/11. Or OpenMediaVault. Not Proxmox or unRAID.
I could try others but I'm too lazy. Someone says it works on ESXI and they had to switch back to it because Proxmox keeps breaking. I don't feel like learning how to use ESXI.
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>wtf not multimode? why?
well i lied, i have multimode, i said single mode because I got clowned on for not having single mode one time.
you should try os/2 i heard it works perfectly there
>Because CRC errors can be caused by a bad data connection.
>a dead sata card is what gave one of my drives 188 CRC errors
Yes, that's the whole point. CRC errors doesn't mea it's a failing drive but it means the cable or port is the problem which is why it's good to look through each value. He mentions that his smart tests always comes out ok which makes me think it's the port itself.
Bet you didn't even try Proxmox 7 hah
Thanks. Why not x520 and what instead?

I know nothing about fiber and I feel stupid
Nope, I didn't. Because I asked in their Discord if they would advise that and they said no because they made other updates that might not work anymore and security patches. So I decided against it.
nice dog hair
its my cat
alright which nic are you buying then?
No idea yet. Since my mobo only has x4 lanes and most of the good 10GbE ones are x8. I have two x16 but one is for my GPU (for Jellyfin) and one would be for a SAS HBA.
Any recommendation for a x4 physical NIC?
You're doing it wrong, you can accomodate the GPU in the last x4 slot, the NIC in one x16 and the SAS in the other
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How? My motherboard's layout looks like this.
PCIe Gen3 x4
PCIe Gen3 x16 <- GPU
PCIe Gen2 x1
PCIe Gen3 x16 <- SAS HBA
PCIe Gen2 x4
I was thinking something like this.
the last x4 is open-ended you can fit a x16 card on it
NTA but neat, I didn't know that was a thing
It's too close to the bottom PSU. I guess I can plug it at the top instead.
Honestly didn't realize you could do this shit.
unifi cant even do LACP on some of it's offerings
it's really beyond pathetic just like you
lmao even chink tp-links can do lacp
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All you need to know is that:

There are two types of ends and four types of connections. The main connections used are SC APC and LC UPC.

LC UPC is mainly used for connecting end devices such as routers or switches, while SC APC is primarily used in GPON networks, which is the infrastructure your ISP uses to connect you to the internet.

Green connections have a diagonal cut, and blue connections have a straight cut.

At home, you will be using LC UPC 100 percent of the time unless you're a full-blown network nerd.

The difference between multimode and single mode is how they transfer light. Multimode sends multiple beams of light down a thicker core, while single mode sends one beam down a narrower core.

Multimode fiber, however, cannot travel long distances, while single mode can, which is why you'll see single mode fiber being used in infrastructure and data centers.

At home, though, it doesn't matter since you won't be transmitting data tens of kilometers away.

There are also duplex and simplex connections. Duplex is straightforward: it uses two fiber lines, one for receiving and one for transmitting. Simplex, on the other hand, uses a single fiber line, where the SFP on one end transmits at a different frequency than the SFP on the other end.
alright off to >>>/g/pcbg/ or >>>/g/sqt/
come back when you have real (software) server problems
Maybe stop shooting at presidents, huh?
Haitian, or Jamaican?
dont help the tranny
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Welp, managed to make it fit. However the cables are pretty much right up against the fan. I decided to just leave it at the top PCIe slot.
Guess I can buy that Intel X550 T2 I've been eyeing. Or is that a bad NIC?
This isn't a thing you just solve with a new NIC. You still have a workstation, not a server.
Compatibility is found from the OEM's website, list of compatible parts, or their drivers/firmware download page for a list.
Respectable used AMD server boards & cpus?
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>Intel X550 T2
May overheat without adequate cooling (rack chassis), as will any 10GBASE-T (copper).

thanks, Windows.
yeah, that's a thing that can happen. so, you know. don't
Hm, I could probably jerry rig the case to include a fan blowing at the PCIe cards.
Any recommendations then? At worst I could settle for a 2.5GbE NIC since everything in my house only supports that much anyways.
Is Simplex ever preferable at home?
nah, unless you are running 100s of physical machines or you wanna be "that guy"
lack of strands between two areas of the house, or if you want to passively heat your house using bidis.
with simplex, if I could afford a 1 mile long cable I could hook two laptops together, like as a sort of hobonet?
yeah if you want, a lot of UNIs and companies do this, they run their own private WAN between their buildings.
if you mean using simplex as a cost saving measure, yeah. no one runs a single strand 1 mile though because of the work involved and the lack of redundancy.
There is also MPO which doesn't even seem real.
it's used for pre terminated trunk cabling as well as multimode connections 40g and up

funny enough the single mode mtp/mpo is apc cut. i plan on using it at my house for a bundle to my 20x20 shed.
>funny enough the single mode mtp/mpo is apc cut. i plan on using it at my house for a bundle to my 20x20 shed.

why do you need such a serious connection to your shed?
i want to run 93180yc-ex switches in a vPC configuration along with an ASR 1002-X and they're fucking loud
I'm aware, it just seems funny to see only 2 physical fiber cables coming out a switch that's slam full of copper breakout cables, they aren't even much thicker than a pair of single strand MM LC cables.
i have so many questions
>epyc cpu
I had a similar situation that I remedied by replacing the psu cable.
supermicro h11/h12ssl-i
AMD implemented some dumbass "security feature" that's essentially secure boot for the BIOS.
Once a CPU makes it into an OEM system, the CPU will blow fuses that correspond with the OEMs signing keys and will now only boot with a BIOS that was signed with that key. It's supposed to stop firmware level threats by making sure the CPU only boots a BIOS that has not been modified.
Is cloud backup worth it just for text documents? And not even big ones. Basically everything I want to store is around...50MB?
What's a cheap way to just store this on the cloud?

>An OEM who trusts only their own cryptographically signed BIOS code to run on their platforms will use a PSB enabled
>motherboard and set one-time-programmable fuses in the processor to bind the processor to the OEM’s firmware code
>signing key. AMD processors are shipped unlocked from the factory, and can initially be used with any OEM’s motherboard.
>But once they are used with a motherboard with PSB enabled, the security fuses will be set, and from that point on,
>that processor can only be used with motherboards that use the same code signing key.

just steal dells keys and you're good to go.
50MB? Just encrypt them locally and dump them anywhere. stripe them as RGB data on an image upload. the sky's your limit
I actually do have them in multiple HDD, SSD, and USB drives. But I don't have a cloud backup as a worst case scenario.
These text files are actually something I really don't want to lose.

Never heard of this, will check it out.
there are innumerable providers who bait people in with 5GB free plans in hopes that you use everything up and need to pay for more. if you locally encrypt before giving it to them you don't have to trust them. the key is to store it redundantly (i.e. multiple providers) and verify it regularly in case they shut down. also preferably don't use their custom syncing bloatware. if that's a problem for you and you can't figure out your own automated sync through their apis, then consider a more privacy-focused solution like linked

50MB is such a small amount, you could even get creative and store it places that aren't traditional file servers, but no need to get fancy
I mean, it's still going to grow but not by a lot. At most maybe like, 200MB in a couple of years.
I think I'll just use Google Drive. I forgot they have free 15GB.
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Old, but visiually similar.
what kind of disk enclosures are those near the bottom? and the switches up top?
so many switches but nothing is connected
>have serialized drive names, no RAID
>TV shows were split across drives 0 and 1, some on one and some on the other
>condense library to one folder on drive 3
>reconfigure SMB shares TV0 and TV1 to both point to condensed TV folder on drive 3 so Kodi just werks
Have I set myself up for any headache down the road?
>no RAID
i do hope you backup
Of course. RAID isn't a backup anyway.
If it works for you, it works.
Just make sure you properly document where each file is, or else if one drive dies and you don't know what files were in it you're not going to have a good time finding what files you need to find in your backup.
Or you could go the easier and longer route where you just rebuild everything in your backup to make sure you have everything.
Kinda a weird ask, but does anyone know something that can create self hosted wikis?
why is every "good" hardware considered by this thread either comically expensive or too old to do anything serious on
Fucj this IPMi/validated RAM nonsense.
Thats just the entepriseschizos. You can ignore them.
Newfag here. I'm just looking to run a seedbox and NAS server, but just want to use my existing gaming PC running Windows. Is that possible or do I need to sheel out money for a dedicated server build?

From what I'm reading, can't I just run a Linux VM and spin everything up through that, or what would be my best setup here?
*shell out money
>Any recommendations then?
Discard your workstation.
NTA MediaWiki isn't a good fit for technical documentation due to categorization.
800-3000 EUR for a server is not more expensive than a Windows 11 desktop computer equivalent, assuming Xeon SP 2nd generation (Cascade Lake) or equivalent and supports all the latest server operating systems.
You may not have understood the value.
Yes goy, ignore hardware insecurity and introduce significant risks to your data environment with unvalidated components or software combinations that were not tested by the majority of users, making problems difficult to diagnose.
You're acting like you're willing to not install some guard rails off or take them off the while you're working at a construction site. I'm sure somebody would get in trouble and be sued for OSHA violations for doing that.
I am hosting a bunch of services for personal use at home and I access them through wireguard exclusively. To make my life easier I added my home server ip to my hosts on my laptop. Can I do the same with a revere proxy configuration? I am using this as reference https://docs.invidious.io/nginx/ and server_name is a requirement it seems. What should I do in this case? Add to the hosts file on my home server?
It's not best practice, but it's theoretically plausible. You can install the Hyper-V role in Windows, or use a third-party hypervisor such as VMware workstation.
Note if you'll enable Hyper-V, your Windows client operating system becomes a guest, which may make that guest unsuitable for gaming due to additional latency and tripping multiplayer game anti-cheat systems.
You should setup an authoritative DNS server instead of editing hosts files. Make that authoritative DNS server available in your network to all devices. That DNS server can be internal only and behind your VPN.
I can just turn off the hypervisor when I'm gaming, that's fine. My PC has good specs so I'm gonna give this a shot, thanks. Gives me working experience with VMware and other shit too.
server_name is required because otherwise nginx wont know where to route your traffic. I'm not sure if nginx uses sni or the host header, but in any case setting it to the name you set in your hosts file on your laptop should work.

>Add to the hosts file on my home server?
No idea where this is coming from, but there should already be an entry for for localhost with that address. It wont change anything for your use case.

This anon >>102380392 is right, you should set up a dns server, it will make your life significantly easier in the long run.
>use rockylinux
>is just RHEL with the serial numbers filed off
>RHEL pushes podman extremely hard
>100% up to date with upstream
>kernel version is too old to use podman with NFS shares properly
why is RHEL like this

I think I'm going to have to convert my NAS from NFS to iSCSI just because NFS can't handle user namespaces the way Podman uses them and the fixes for this require kernel 5.9 or greater on both machines.

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