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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102369925

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Black Forest Labs: Flux

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>SD.Next Release 2024-09-13

>Vchitect2.0: Advanced video generation model

>DreamHOI: Subject-Driven Generation of 3D Human-Object Interactions with Diffusion Priors

>DreamBeast: Distilling 3D Fantastical Animals with Part-Aware Knowledge Transfer

>AI has an energy crisis. Sam Altman, Jensen Huang, and others went to the White House about it

>ComfyUI_LayerStyle: Composite layer and mask to achieve Photoshop like functionality

>Improving Text-guided Object Inpainting with Semantic Pre-inpainting

>Improving Virtual Try-On with Garment-focused Diffusion Models

>TextBoost: Towards One-Shot Personalization of Text-to-Image Models via Fine-tuning Text Encoder

>SimMAT: Exploring Transferability from Vision Foundation Models to Any Image Modality

>ProbTalk3D: Non-Deterministic Emotion Controllable Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation Synthesis Using VQ-VAE


>PuLID: Pure and Lightning ID Customization via Contrastive Alignment


>Hi3D: Pursuing High-Resolution Image-to-3D Generation with Video Diffusion Models

>Realistic and Efficient Face Swapping: A Unified Approach with Diffusion Models
>mfw Research news


>Click2Mask: Local Editing with Dynamic Mask Generation

>Dynamic Prompting of Frozen Text-to-Image Diffusion Models for Panoptic Narrative Grounding

>Style Based Clustering of Visual Artworks

>IFAdapter: Instance Feature Control for Grounded Text-to-Image Generation

>LT3SD: Latent Trees for 3D Scene Diffusion

>ComAlign: Compositional Alignment in Vision-Language Models

>High-Frequency Anti-DreamBooth: Robust Defense Against Image Synthesis

>MagicStyle: Portrait Stylization Based on Reference Image

>EZIGen: Enhancing zero-shot subject-driven image generation with precise subject encoding and decoupled guidance

>Scribble-Guided Diffusion for Training-free Text-to-Image Generation

>UGAD: Universal Generative AI Detector utilizing Frequency Fingerprints

>Bridging Paintings and Music -- Exploring Emotion based Music Generation through Paintings

>What is YOLOv9: An In-Depth Exploration of the Internal Features of the Next-Generation Object Detector

>Exploring Kolmogorov-Arnold networks for realistic image sharpness assessment

>DiTAS: Quantizing Diffusion Transformers via Enhanced Activation Smoothing

>DiffTED: One-shot Audio-driven TED Talk Video Generation with Diffusion-based Co-speech Gestures

>Reflective Human-Machine Co-adaptation for Enhanced Text-to-Image Generation Dialogue System
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Comfy, is this flux? prompt?
there is nothing to worry about. you're going to be just fine
So in automatic you can change a term or shut it off with [from:to:.5]

Can you do this this with a lora? One that doesn't need a trigger word because I can't just manipulate the trigger word.
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It's Flux with a frutiger aero lora
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awe, terror. these emotions are perfectly understandable.
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Here was the prompt, but it's nothing special
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when faced with the Divine, what else is left?
nothing, that's what's left
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imagine pretending to be comfyanon. you will be stricken from the Book of Life.
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enjoy the lake of fire
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woke trash
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What is woke about it though?
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africa front and center. even if you want to make europe the focus, africa is just all big and there and full of the worst of the worst. best to make globe show america, at least the south americans are kind of civilized, africans are -.-
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this general should be ashamed of itself. a complete wasteland of pure trash. back in my day, it was a dynamic thread with an eclectic cast of characters... but now? pah!
>oh it's illuminati talking to himself again
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skeletor head ass bitch no cap lmao
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I didn't read, I was busy stalking github.
>comfyanon posts
>thread erupts
Is this the power of autism?
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as i said... a gay general full of gay men, following gay pursuits. shame
Yeah, gay = happy, fun.
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aka the total opposite of this hellscape. gg on being especially gay = happy = fun!

this is actually comfy. worship him.
Is everything alright in here?
today i asked for a god to pour some wine in my eyes
today i said, hello anon, and, "goodbye"
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we've got a janny in our midst, friends.
behave yourselves accordingly.

make him orange, and doing orange things.
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don't let me die with that silly look in my eyes
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...too late
these """Europeans""" we get here: all fake. mostly g ay. sad.
are you referring to me?
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I was promised something and she didn't deliver it.
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Good evening, anons! I hope everyone is doing well :]
It's kinda late, but oh well haha
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Oops! Didn't mean to reply hahaha!
Great scene though, anon!
Nice work, Hlky! :]
Hey you! Amazing gen, anon!
I'm doing fine, how are you purple fella?
>Hey you! Amazing gen, anon!
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I'm doing great, thanks! :D
Late night tonight, but it was cool cause I was hanging out with one of my friends at work afterwards haha
I'm glad to hear you're doing well :]
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does anyone know why flux stalls and doesnt gen anything when trying some loras? using forge
thanks. i've had to write a custom processing pipeline because of the size, it was taking forever with pyspark, dask was no good either, both would take hours just to count all the documents and even longer to partition them, the 2.3B version was done with pyspark and it took over 24 hours to fully process
my pipeline uses the estimated document count because that returns almost instantly and it's accurate, it partitions by mongo's _id field but saves the partitions, still took like 2 hours for the initial partitioning of like 3.4B samples, then it just collects samples between the min/max _id ranges and writes them to parquet using pandas, took a bit of fucking around because hf expects small row groups and other shit, but its all good now, i can do the next updates quickly like 2 minutes to partition 43m new samples and 26 minutes to write 108m of new parquets, i can just upload those new 108m instead of everything again, with pyspark each part would be different each time
doesnt help that i had to move mongo's data directory over to the zfs pool because the 2tb ssd got filled, atm the raw flickr images collection is 2.4TB and that's zstd compressed
>he thinks this is interesting at all
i never said it was interesting. it's incredibly boring and there's few people here who understand a word of what i'm on about
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Omggg LOOL that's a lot of data!! I don't think I ever asked this yet, but do you have a separate PC for all of this? I really hope so LOL that sounds super demanding!! I commend your dedication regardless!!
you might have seen this already but in case you haven't and it's useful for you somehow https://old.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1fez5w9/hugging_face_adds_option_to_query_all_200000/
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bigmong is a dedicated server, Ryzen 9 3900, 128 GB DDR4 ECC, 2x 1.92 TB NVMe, 8x 22 TB
i also have 20 vps for scraping, those are 2 vcpu, 4gb ram
it's about 300 USD monthly for everything
yeah i've already seen it, thanks for sharing anyway though
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hey PW! <3 good to see you! hope things are going well!
britbong is utilizing 25 TPUs, 3.4 TB/s bandwidth with OTF-quantized NVLink and OC bloatmaxed Tensorcores, and 4 PB of RAID/ext4.
i also have an Autonomous Adversarial Distributed Agent System (AADAS = 20 NEETs scraping with GPT cURL scripts) and user agent randomization.
HF hired a hitman and then I was banned from EleutherAI discord for 8 lifetimes but it's ok desu
That man is wearing a dress.
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Oh wow!! That's quite a bit haha
Though $10 sounds like a coffee LOOL
Long time no see hahaha! It's so great to see you again! You and Comfy are in Japan right? I hope you had a safe trip there!
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Oh, and i'm doing great! Hahaha
lol it has been a while eh? I'm glad you saw my reply this time lmao. yes, we are both in japan but I haven't seen too much of him other than climbing mt. fuji. It's been hella busy visiting a bunch of places and meeting a lot of people. I had safe trip so no need to worry lol. in about a month something big is going to happen but I can't spoil it!
>hailuoai com/video

any firefox add ons that will detect when the video is done rendering and will go down a list of text of other videos I want to do.

so I don't have to babysit this thing all day?
what's the point. it's neutered now and the quality was as shit as the rest
relatively, considering my only sponsor is the Department for Work and Pensions. i call it big data but it's relatively small scale. if i had an actual budget i could do a lot more
>what's the point

uhh..... lol... wut?
If I had funds I would start archiving media, books, media and roms for the evident future data holocaust.
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Yeah it has! LOL did I miss a reply? I totally didn't notice hahaha! I've been kinda in and out recently
Ohh you two traveled seperately this time?
I hope you both get some time to hang out! I just read the rest LOL that sounds so cool! I'm glad you got there safe :]
Ohhhh that sounds exciting! Well I can't wait! I'll be here for it haha
I mean that's a pretty big budget doing it for the love of it! That's super cool!
I also mean "$10 a day, coffee a day" hahaha! I totally forgot to put that in!
That totally sounds like big data to me! That's hella stuff and kinda goes over my head a little bit LOL but I kinda get it!
i mean sure i love it but that's not the only reason, i want to get paid like everyone else, it's like a demo or portfolio of what i can do. unfortunately nous, snap and all the other companies using the datasets still ignore me when i email them or apply for their jobs. why buy the cow when you're already getting the milk for free
i wish flux had negative prompting. Sometimes it gives Anubis horns and all i want to do is put "horns" in negative prompt ffs
Enjoy your trannies
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it's no worries you missed it. Yeah comfy lives in Cali now so I lost my travel buddy :( I am happy for him though. we are going to see each other tomorrow and I have some ideas for some fun haha but there is still work to do! I'll be going down to SF for business and to visit comfy so I want to make sure I see you too (for reals this time!) but I'll be getting a work visa for Japan and live in Tokyo for work for god knows how long lol. I'd love to bring you here and everyone else interested in a /sdg/ meetup
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stop taking creepshots of me
I love autumn, it's finally here. Darkness is comforting.
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Looks a twizzler. I love twizzlers.
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good morning anon
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>past midnight

you're right, morning.

>text in SDXL is hard
Flesh puppet.
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I totally get that!! You should totally be paid! That's really smart!
I hope you get something going soon, Hlky! I'm rootin' for you! :]
I just looked back and it was hours after I went to bed hahaha! I should keep the threads up like I used to loool
Aww, but that's pretty exciting for him tho!
Yeah, me too!
Nice haha I hope you two have fun! '
Hahaha yeah, last time didn't quite work out LOL I think you guys went to Socal that time
Omg that's so cool! I hope you get it! That sounds really fun! I've always wanted to go there :]
Ty, anon! :D
Good evening, anon!
Cute gen!!
This looks bit like some EasyFluff style but I suspect it is not.
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hey PW, thanks

trying more stuff with text in AnimaPencilXL
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>casually walks by
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Nah haha!
Here's the artists I have in my proompt!
>by seibear, zzg
Oh nice!!! I just started using Pony again hahaha taking a break from Flux
Hahaha that looks creepy!
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Yeah, it was familiar style on some level I think I have seen it when I was looking at EasyFluff or Pony references.
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headpats ofc >>102374977
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Hey there, anon! I dunno how I missed the gen earlier haha
Super cool, as always!
Ohh, yeah I just throw a bunch of artists and LoRAs together to see what happens haha
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Nice calming movements.
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Pony is nice, but I like XL's versatility.
But that could just be a skill issue.

>still won't take my text as the title
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Please stop it already. It is not funny at all.
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Hey, no problem. Thanks. Exploring a castle?
Thank you. That one required balancing the outputs of 4 separate animated sections. I'm glad you found it calming.
Cool octos.
>Please stop it already. It is not funny at all.
stop what?
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because I'm feeling nice


tidied up the workflow and removed any unnecessary node requirements
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Nice guitar. String are nice a straight.
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>posts wrong image

this weed is pretty good...
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that one was a failure

6 fingers if you assume the thumb is behind the neck of the guitar
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I think you're doing great, anon! :]
Your gens are really cute haha
Omg ty, you too!! That's an amazing gen :D
Heyyy Anon!! Amazing gen as always!!
I love all of them haha!
That one looks like she owns the castle hahaha!
Your gen is so subtle! That's really cool!
I don't notice 5-6 fingers anymore.
Where are the jannies?
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Seems to work best with AnimaPencilXL
I've tried a bunch of other SDXL models, even AniImagineXL (which the LoRa is trained on).

might just be my sampler and scheduler selection though
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good morning sunshine
>As shown in the above image, in terms of ID fidelity, using fake CFG is similar to true CFG in most cases, except that in a few cases, true CFG achieves higher ID similarity. In terms of image aesthetics and facial naturalness, fake CFG performs better.
How did they manage to make it work on CFG > 1? They used an anti CFG burner like Skimmed CFG or they implemented something new?
Aesthetics is a social construct.
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I think what you are doing is impressive. Hopefully the right person sees it.
I guess she doesn't need to explore it if she owns it.
For most of these gens I've been trying to make one thing obvious and one or more other things less obvious. Sometimes I have to slow way down to see it all.
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Good morning, anon!
>buy our snake oil
Had to airbrush out "the little man".
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Yooooooo purps
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That sounds fun haha
They're so cool! I kinda wanna do animation stuff again now!
Heyyy! It's so good to see you again!! :D
Are you doing better? I hope so haha
Why is there water on a hillside?
>i'm behind you
Read the filename
Yoooo yeah I am doing better thanks :) how are u?
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so uh which one is the correct tred now?
github ticket status?
Follow your heart, there is no wrong thread
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Good morning.
What's that? Are these guys playing football?
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indeed, it is, caturday. you know 'the drill'
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We need to post feisty felines... will try that later on!

This is SFW content, right?
This is fantastic. Did you use loras or just prompting?
Your boss will be okay with it.
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He is relentless.
Thank you. I look forward to seeing what you come up with when you do.
I'm a prompt-only purist.
I respect this fact. I love the formidable qualities of your gen.
It also involves a lot of luck.
Of course, this is why I only gen from time to time. My system is so slow that if I want to get something specific I would rather photoshop and rework something than keep trying.
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I'm so glad to hear that :D
I'm good! I should probably sleep soon tho LOL
This one is from like 2 days ago hahaha!
I'll likely do it on Tuesday haha! I have a super busy week ahead of me!
Great as always!
Are you using
"dynamic camera view" or something here?
You're very kind
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Feisty felines.
Won't bother with upscaling.
go jerk yerself in the corner and not in public
>he is jealous
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What is everyones speeds while training loras? I'm getting 2.59 it/s on a 7900XTX but it feels low
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Oh no... Fennecs should not be this horny.
catbox for this cat?
Julien is shit (as a human)
>repeating himself
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would, very hot
pretty cute
I won't be bothering with upscaling because it's a struggle unless it's an image I really want.
These are joke images and I'm happy they turned out acceptably fine.
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Well I like them
There is an artist who makes these, very cool
can't recall the name
>(by aaaa:1), (by asura:1),
I think this look is pretty standard pony look and not even sure if the tags are working here or not.
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this nigga small
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Right, time to move on.
do ani
It's better if you generate your stuff with pony regardless of the artist and then upscale it with EasyFluff (because this has a known library of artists).
I can find an old prompt but I don't want to get banned.
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It's not what you wanted, I can't find certain old things I have way too many directories.
Here take EasyFluff, I think I've posted this one too back in the day.
Might return back to this but not likely as I have changed my setup etc.
how hard is it to make a grey haired catgirl?
Not that hard but I don't do requests, not for free - not when paid. You don't understand.
mmh I really should get EasyFluff working, good things come out of it
Lovely style, can't say I use Asura (enough)
>I can find an old prompt but I don't want to get banned
lol wut?
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>lol wut
If you had the posting history of mine you would understand but apparently you are trying to be funny or just clueless.
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Let's do a test.
img2img this with your current chosen setup.
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Cool it actually gets the sharp teeth.
I did some things too, Humu but it was for artistic purposes.
< 3
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why does all the good stuff disappear :(
Found an old gen.
Please enjoy trying to decipher the header of that image.
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sikk A vs B
all good things come to an end
>his soul is deprecated
Does anyone know how to do the kind of arm pose where the arms are down, but bent, preferably not more than 90 degrees? And the hands are usually just "drooping"?
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not sure. [relaxed arms] maybe
Nice painterly style. Magic the Gathering style.
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found it
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This is my Humu upscale (i posted this earlier outside this thread). I did some other things too, if I recall correctly this had really low denoise regardless.
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Oh go figure, I got something in that vein, kinda

Though now I'm curious how to get more arm bend. Think Fantasia's centaurs
any of you niggers use runpod?
pedo den
I was supposed to but then I realized I can still do the same with my modest setup because image quality > quantity.
I researched it for a bit and it seems like a hassle to set up, I thought you could just sftp the files to their server but it is more retarded than that.
>he is running out of insults and nobody cares
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>I thought you could just sftp the files to their server
you can though
less of an insult, more of a mantra.
Can I just use ssh and launch prompts?
It wasn't that clear to me when I was reading their documentation. I'm not that clever but I know what I want when it comes down to computing.
nothing insults you because you are better than the rest
all I'm getting is too risqué ,please hold
he never delivers anything
>use ssh
scp to copy files, use /workspace because the root filesystem is reset on reboot
Never undermine your own price. I am working and creating an image, it's not a favour or a request. I do that because I was hired to do so.
Oh, American, please notice I am also ESL.
I gave you my attention, now please insult me.
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Morning anons
ola quok
I might take a new look then. I'm not sure why I couldn't decipher all this from their initial documentation. Not joking or lying.
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Because I could
don't know about sfw, but hires 3dpd is nauseating
meat people are disgusting
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Beautiful shading.
is the alfred e neuman
von neumann of flesh puppets
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Gato Nero
good documentation is rarer than rocking horse shit desu. most of it isn't worth the bytes its stored on
subsp. tripodes
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lol missed that one
That is one CUTE Chobi.
Yeah but it was talking about "runpod session" and whatever.
Sure, their loss. If I had understood everything few months ago they would have more revenue now.
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Only the best apples for you
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very uncomfortable, but nice pose
what happened to her, did she trip?
Pony is much slower than any other sdxl model with the same settings. I use adaptive guidance.
It is quite awkward..I don't even know how appropriate this is. Her image just ended up here.
I should figure the adaptive G
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Basically it cuts off the noise generation before it starts to jack off on itself.
It's great for some stuff but as usual, you need to experiment on your own.
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are flux.d loras supposed to work with gguf? I'm trying the antiblur lora but it doesn't do anything
what is this nigga yapping abt?vgnwt
1M lyrics dropped
yes, I will rummage around with it
he is so cute
shush >:(
I was trying to find another link from my bookmarks but couldn't find it. I had two versions and one was faster than the other.
I believe the link is the one which is the one I'm using because I couldn't find the other bookmark (so I deleted it).
I find this impressive but idk shit
market it to Suno for better voices
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I'm using gguf t5, gguf dev q8 and loading LoRAs just fine with the power lora loader from rgthree
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I'm using the vanilla loader. I don't think it would make a difference. maybe the lora just sucks ass
yes https://github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-lora-block-weight
I think I tried the other one before, this looks better
It's not connected but the node itself is important.
Yeah, I have the same memory. I 'll ping back but I'm pretty sure I deleted the other bookmark because it was shit.
try it with a celeb lora, that's what I'm using, as they don't seem to need any trigger words. As long as you prompt for a woman, the celeb lora overrides it with her look.
ty, that looks radically different than what I have going on
it's just the lyrics, i figure i can get away with that because there are loads of lyric websites, i doubt i can get away with uploading the audio, most of those are line synced in the database but i've joined the lines to one field for this dataset, might do another version with the sync timestamps. i actually already offered suno the full dataset and audio, they ignored me
yes, wait, you mean the text? not the audio?
I thought you meant the audio of the voices
Figure one could train very well off of that
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yes lyrics are text
>audio of the voices
the stems? how would i have those. i have the audio of the song itself. i can't really share the audio publicly, copyright of images who cares, copyright of music the labels won't like that. in my database most of the lyrics have timestamps syncing each line to the audio but the linked dataset just has each line joined to one text field, it's for training lyric generation models
>one could train very well off of that
yeah probably
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this goes crazy
also when he says "dear god" it sound kind of like "debo"
That is the whole universe compressed into a song.
well the lyric generation are sometimes spectacular already but help in that is always interesting
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help I can't stop using all my suno coins on trump meme songs

you have a lot of songs deb
ever thought of releasing a digital album on bandcamp for 2$
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they're mostly just memes and sdg inside jokes. no one would pay for that

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oops, forgot pic
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Please forgive me.
I liked the liquid dnb better
Shine on You Crazy Diamond!
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I'm just playing around with a bunch of different styles. I'm out of coins though

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The funny thing is this - how do I see if I have any coins or not?
Am I stupid or what? This kind of user interface is insulting. They are insulting their own customers.
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its the 'credits' on the left menu. I call them coins for no reason. I think bmp called them coins once
Ok thanks. Lets see if I can mangle out something.
I'm keeping it free to play but I had the idea in my head that one could
This thread needs to end!
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excited to hear what you come up with

working on it
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