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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102378507

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Black Forest Labs: Flux

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>DepthCrafter: Generating Consistent Long Depth Sequences for Open-world Videos

>Oracle will use three small nuclear reactors to power new 1-gigawatt AI data center

>OpenAI is reportedly moving away from its complicated non-profit structure next year

>Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers

>Microsoft’s Hypocrisy on AI

>Is AI Quietly Sabotaging Itself—And The Internet?

>Out of Focus v1.0


>SD.Next Release 2024-09-13

>Vchitect2.0: Advanced video generation model

>DreamHOI: Subject-Driven Generation of 3D Human-Object Interactions with Diffusion Priors

>DreamBeast: Distilling 3D Fantastical Animals with Part-Aware Knowledge Transfer

>AI has an energy crisis. Sam Altman, Jensen Huang, and others went to the White House about it

>ComfyUI_LayerStyle: Composite layer and mask to achieve Photoshop like functionality

>Improving Text-guided Object Inpainting with Semantic Pre-inpainting
>mfw Research news


>GameGen-O: Open-world Video Game Generation

>Token Turing Machines are Efficient Vision Models

>Enhancing Outlier Knowledge for Few-Shot Out-of-Distribution Detection with Extensible Local Prompts

>Open-World Dynamic Prompt and Continual Visual Representation Learning

>PersonaTalk: Bring Attention to Your Persona in Visual Dubbing

>A Flexible Framework for Universal Computational Aberration Correction via Automatic Lens Library Generation and Domain Adaptation

>AMNS: Attention-Weighted Selective Mask and Noise Label Suppression for Text-to-Image Person Retrieval


>Click2Mask: Local Editing with Dynamic Mask Generation

>Dynamic Prompting of Frozen Text-to-Image Diffusion Models for Panoptic Narrative Grounding

>Style Based Clustering of Visual Artworks

>IFAdapter: Instance Feature Control for Grounded Text-to-Image Generation

>LT3SD: Latent Trees for 3D Scene Diffusion

>ComAlign: Compositional Alignment in Vision-Language Models

>High-Frequency Anti-DreamBooth: Robust Defense Against Image Synthesis

>MagicStyle: Portrait Stylization Based on Reference Image

>EZIGen: Enhancing zero-shot subject-driven image generation with precise subject encoding and decoupled guidance

>Scribble-Guided Diffusion for Training-free Text-to-Image Generation

>UGAD: Universal Generative AI Detector utilizing Frequency Fingerprints
>Something like Jason Becker, instrumental rock, cutting edge guitar solos
Why not. I am surprised how clean it is and it only took one minute or so.
Of course as a song it is shit - an equivalent of vocal word hallucination salad.
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this is pretty epic. I don't do enough instrumentals
I think it does instrumental very well
Jason Becker and Marty Friedman are guitar fiends
Jason Becker is probably even more ambitious.
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It does. Very clean.
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I'm not a big guitar head. would you say suno got close to the style you were aiming for or naw?
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Ty Baker
Unless I can prompt the song structure i.e.
intro, bridge, chorus, verse
It is just going to produce generic salad. It is probably more tuned to vocal performance and follows the standard pop song structure to a point.
Anyway, I dont know much about how to prompt music so... that is that.
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I believe one can, you can add <chorus> or smt
others who frequent here also spent time redoing it till great, it's a random gamble how it will mix tho
but with the text you created it then turns into trying what one would want
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I don't want to use because it makes me to miss the days when I made music (broke my finger permanently in an accident). I could use computer instead but it is not the same as playing the guitar. Such is life.
I miss playing guitar and ripping out solos.
It's a physical activity.
Sure, musicianship is measured on other plane of existence and I don't exist there.
mmh well I'm not gonna argue with you that that doesn't suck
Older you get there are more things that will suck.
It would have sucked much more if I was some gifted guy. I'm not, but playing guitar and making something feels great. You don't need to be billboard #100 to enjoy that.
>actors from imdb
>subtitles from iplayer
>spotify lyrics
in progress
idk what to do next
What about the museums?
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No one listens. No one understands.
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Forgot the image, of course.
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i've looked at a few, the stuff isn't that useful, like the Smithsonian have a lot of stuff but it's like random pottery, sculptures and shit like that, nobody wants to train on it and nobody wants to generate it, their collection of artwork was relatively small, the photographs are like black and white shit that nobody wants. similar problem with art galleries, their collections are relatively small, i'd need to curate a big list of art galleries and put them all together, ive already got nearly 2M art from 2 sale sites and one gallery, but from the download count it looks like nobody is interested it in anyway
maybe products like the images, descriptions and reviews. maybe text from books. idk. feedback from the people/companies who are actually training stuff would be useful, like we want this or that
What about Sumerian collections in the British Museum? I sound like an art thief. They probably have 10s of thousands of photographs from the excavations.
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I guess we doin' furries now
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She is holding her knighthood in dignity.
Oh wait, should it be
'with dignity'?
Maybe some US folks can help me to correct this one.
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that's one i've looked at before, it's just random objects, it's not particularly useful, like what's the use case of training on this sort of stuff? i guess i can do it anyway
i can do the smithsonian too because it is a big collection and some of it is cc0
Yeah but that is the thing - they have cataloged tens of thousands of objects. They are not for the public, but for the archives.

I think they are useful.
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dont click it, the sequel is fucked up
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there is some nice art in the Smithsonian collection desu but a lot of random useless objects
what am i meant to do, break into the british museum and photograph all the non-public stuff?
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ive been trying to gain a better appreciation for jazz, def requires more active attention. listening to mingus, monk, evans etc.
Not from US but I would say with dignity.
Yes - this is what you need to do.
Smithsonian is not a 'museum' it's a collection of material pieces which appeal to the public. And, combine this with the political climate of the US... huh.
Noted. What is important is the fact - it is not about English speaking people but the fact that people who post here are thinking like Americans.
Yes, you can say in shame or with shame, but dignity is always "with"
which one
This is a hard lesson, thank you.
I'm not joking.
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maybe more forums
maybe for books i can do the descriptions and reviews as well as the text from the book
thought i recognised one of the images here, it's the avatar of one of the nous people
if i'm breaking into the british museums it's not for taking photographs desu
Okay not that hard.
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The nuance with a lot of phrases like that are if English is an other language. It's only not for native speakers because we grew up hearing the (usually) correct way and figured stuff out from context.
Someone try Renault megane glasses
It's a funny thing because I'm an old guy and lived in the UK, nobody ever corrected me.
It is not an insult. But I guess written language is a different thing.
I mean, most posters on here who I assume are native English don't know the difference between than and than.
no point scraping it desu, it's already public
baka desu
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nice, though just reminds me how much i hate the word 'dapper'.. a very reddit/somethingawful word.
*then and than
Quite an embarrassing mistake, desu. But I see anons use the wrong one all the time.
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not saying this about your typo, but a few times ive written out something aggressive or extra argumentative and made some sort of embarrassing typo, and my reaction is usually to close the thread and never look at it again.
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Why do Flux images have a low-res "blocky" look to them? Am I supposed to upscale them?
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>written out something aggressive or extra argumentative
>close the thread
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Thank you for your effort.
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Stable Diffusion is the past
AI video is already insane
Artifacts were from free online conversion, original:
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Do you think AI wouldn't have the stigma it had if it focused more on creating the unreal instead of replicating what's real?
does anyone know what could cause comfyUI to crash with flux schnell? first time I'm using it
Just do it yourself, you can see it and realise the energy is like an onion.
You don't need your goverment to tell it to you or anyone else.
scraping goodreads desu
I read I should use nf4 because its faster, but so far I've only found one lora that works with it

That's my sentence I guess. Guess its fucked
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Imagine all those unclaimed (you)s
It is just a matter of time.
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This is the workflow from the guide. It starts out and the log says
FETCH DATA from: ...\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-Manager\extension-node-map.json [DONE]
got prompt
Using pytorch attention in VAE
Using pytorch attention in VAE

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It's still shit that just moves
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This is great!
thanks. always been one of my favourite memes
>smashing pumpkins
i'm not 12
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What if I told you your soul is like a rotten core of banana? There is immediate enjoyment perhaps.
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What's the best way to train LORAs in ComfyUI? Trying to get into LORA training but the standalone Kohya SS GUI seems to be broken
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I'm so lonely
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Since I'm stuck with 10 VRAM in in the habit of leaving Flux running batches while I'm away from home.
When I come back to see the results, 2/50 images are amazing and adhere to the prompt perfectly, while the rest is trash. Is this an RNG slot machine or is there a way to make it more consistent
You are the curator of this image library, and no amount of gpu power will ever make you more artistic or more curious.
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I always used the fork, but it's been a long time since I made one. I think the creator still maintains it though, so it might be up to date
Yeah, that's the one I tried. Full of broken dependencies when I tried to set it up. Got this error when trying to run it:
C:\Users\[me]\Desktop\AI\ImageGen\Training\kohya_ss>gui.bat --listen --server_port 7860 --inbrowser --share
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\[me]\Desktop\AI\ImageGen\Training\kohya_ss\setup\validate_requirements.py", line 18, in <module>
from kohya_gui.custom_logging import setup_logging
File "C:\Users\[me]\Desktop\AI\ImageGen\Training\kohya_ss\kohya_gui\custom_logging.py", line 6, in <module>
from rich.theme import Theme
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rich'

Ideally would just want an extension for ComfyUI to make it easier
is in the requirements.txt
try setting it up first, follow the instructions in the readme, run setup.bat
If you want to be structural - use pastebin for your log.
I followed the instructions on the github page, so yes, setup.bat was already run. If whatever rich is was supposed to be installed there, then the setup is broken
What's the good anime model these days
I checked waifu diffusion and the repo hasn't been updated in 2 years
>pip install -r requirements.txt
at the beginning of your prompt, do you start it with something like 'this image is..', 'imagine a...' etc, or do you just describe the subject straight away. mainly wondering if there is any benefit to those instructive intros
animagine or Pony variants like autism mix
I don't know if this is the newest version
If you want NSFW, then Pony
You could also just look at most popular, there might be something newer. I haven't really been paying attention since Flux
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>falls asleep at computer
my neck hurts
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only trash from journos and no actual resources, stop with this shit already...
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>information makes me angry :(
I had a retarded idea. I have a 3060 in my machine at the moment, but I have a 6600 XT lying around somewhere, as well as a very old 10 series card. Could I stick one of them in my machine and use that to run Flux better? I read it's possible to load the VAE on a secondary card or something.
>get a job
I'm trying dawg
yeah... as much as I find debo retarded, I think he's right on showing the AI news, I used to find them on reddit but this shithole doen't seem to be interested on that anymore somehow, r/StableDiffusion really got uninteresting lately
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I got Flux Q4 running on a GTX1060m 6gb
Had to use ComfyUI NetDist custom nodes so I could load up the T5xxl text encoder on another 1060 6gb in another machine (to stop constant loading and unloading of the models).

Comfy would crash on VAE Decode if the image was larger than 512x512, but once the VAE model is loaded into memory on first gen I was able to gen 1024x1024 images.
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Here is one of those gens

>30 steps on heun
Yeah I'm pleasantly surprised having just tried it for the first time. Flux.1 Schnell works quite well on SwarmUI and I can even hires fix to generate 1664x2432 images for instance. I haven't tried Dev yet which I'm given to understand is a little more demanding
Dev requires up to 30 steps for good gens
Schnell can do pretty good gens in 4 steps, but I think might most people are using Dev but don't quote me on that.

That would be nice, but the other 1060 is in a laptop.
But yea, do this if you can.
>4 steps of Dev took 30 seconds on the 3060ti
>Dev requires up to 30 steps for good gens
wew, I guess it's time to get a better machine. It's very odd to have all my upgrades be driven by image gen and not gayming
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>30 seconds on the 3060ti
Flux.1 Dev Q4 took almost 40mins with 30 steps on my 1060m 6gb, 20mins if I didn't use heun.
why do you subject yourself to such torture? ;_;
Was seeing if I could run it at all and wanted a couple nice gens out of it, seeing as it took a couple days to get everything working right.
oh shiiiii
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>put freckles
>gives her rash
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Anyone have a clue what the yellow button means on models? I'm thinking it's for a specific version of Dev, like nf4 etc. But I can't find any clarification on the site.
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look at me
I'm the hot girl with animal poster now
also this slop you keep propagating is not """information""" or resource, you faggot.
>but muh "carbon footprint of ai bs" is resource!!1!1!!!!
c'mon, it's not, stop spamming this shit news blog or make it just resources like it should be, idk go to GitHub and type webui, auto whatever and cumfyui and bring some actual resource, do your fucking job that you're so committed to.
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Great for cutting baby tomatoes
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Good ComfyUI workflows for WD 1.4 tagging images? I can only find guides for A1111
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>I'm so mad that people post things I don't like
aww poor lil baby :`(
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Can you go back to posting hot demon men
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use dataset managing tools. comfy is a really shitty interface for tagging in bulk
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this series is all 1girl, sorry
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Does your browser's telemetry see the shit you generate on your hosted webui?
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no but if you're using comfyui since May 2024 it sends your prompts directly to glowies
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>f you're using comfyui since May 2024 it sends your prompts directly to glowies
wtf bros is this real?
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>use the same prompt/settings/model as a pic I saw on civitai
>theirs looks crisp
>mine looks like a blob
What am I missing here?
is in the puddin', darlin'

The settings they shared may be for a 2nd pass. The first pass may be entirely different. ComfyUI png is superior in this regards, you can share all the steps.
>They didn't read the TOS before they installed it

the code is literally open, what proof do you have that it sends telemetry back?
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civit posters are notorious liars
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Neat, is this pure prompt? Did you used a LoRA?
proofs? isn't it hosted IN the browser?
Comfy told us
why don't you stay on /b/? if you really wanted to troll the nerd set on /g/ you wouldn't do it like this. is embarrassing
tfw stuck in a God forsaken shithole of a general. the fags in /ldg/ are even worse. i'm considering suicide
>tfw stuck in a God forsaken shithole of a general. the fags in /ldg/ are even worse. i'm considering suicide
ignore that one, it should have been a greentext, because that's the meme.
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we're not part of his calculations. its between him and the jannies/mods. we're just background noise

describe your utopian general
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/sdg/ circa 2023, basically. the decline is real. even you, my dearest debo, have been victim to this phenomenon.
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I have no desire to troll the nerds on /g/. I just operate at far higher plane of existence then the average anon.
Also I asked a simple valid question over the accusation that comfyUI is acting as spyware which should (in theory) be visible since it is open source but no poof has been shown.
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>we're not part of his calculations. its between him and the jannies/mods. we're just background noise
Admiting that the jannies/mods are in conflict with me is the same as admitting they have one. Jannies/mods are an malignant yet necessary evil. There is still no /ai/ board.

Also what exactly causes the "over baked" effect like picrel? too much cfg or too much sampling? Just playing around with different samplers.
you posted porn with obvious obfuscation that was clearly aimed at preventing the automated defenses from yeeting you into oblivion.

perhaps you should do battle with â–ł, who, if we are to take you seriously, exists on a similar level to whatever astral demon animates your behavior.
That wasn't what he was talking about and you know it
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I can confirm. It's true.
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Funny how I get conjoined twins on accident, but getting them on purpose is waaaay harder
this gen is bad, and you should feel bad for making it
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Managed to figure it out. Still learning Comfy, took a while to figure out how to get "filename prefix" to accept input from the filename text so that all the tag files would actually have the same filenames as their images and not be all over the place

All the widely used guides only mentioned A1111 for tagging and I'm trying to move away from it and only have Comfy as a main interface. Don't feel like installing A1111 on my new computer
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>this gen is bad and i should feel bad for making it
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It's all the same girl tho
koreans were a mistake
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oh no, I'm washed
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>do battle with â–ł
What did triangles ever do to me?
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yeah flux sux and i'll die on that hill fr fr no cap ong; ohio, etc.

â–ł is saying things about you i prefer not to repeat in a polite general.
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tall is better than wide. why? who fucking knows?
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kinda debo-coded

>flux sux
not wrong
- untrainable distilled model
- no cfg
- no negatives
- blurry
- big
- not creative

there's still room for sai to swoop back in but I'm not holding my breath. but also, to be fair, I've got flux to do some pretty neat stuff. judge not by my current 1girl slop
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What’s the point of all of this when you can’t create porn with it
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i'll judge what i want to judge, mein neger.

go back to 1.5 for funsies. unless you accidently deleted that workflow because comfy is fucking retarded as shit and will often force you to step on your own dick unless you're a weird autismic data hording psycopath. you could never gen a classic debo devilboy on that odious model you insist on using.
Create video game assets

If created with custom models and post processed with care, it can't really be differentiated from from-scratch art
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me? i can adapt to anything. i can be more debo than debo. i can be everything, all at once. in fact, i am everything. or that's what â–ł keeps saying
You'll understand when you get bit older.
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YOU beg your superior model for some specific thing, feeding it token after token, persuading it ever so gently to make some extremely specific thing. I tell my primitive model to make whatever the fuck, just make it weird.

we are not the same.
I was never bailed out by my lawyers, how did LA county jail feel?
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I don't know who this triangle man is but I really hope I didn't hurt him.
â–ł should know I'm just a normal prompter like anyone else.
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Imagine using comfyui past May 24th, 2024
What happened on may 24th, 2024?
<i wrote a bunch of stuff but lost it>
abloo abloo yadda yadda
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fucking stupid vpn bullshit
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>you could never gen a classic debo devilboy on that odious model you insist on using
not true. I've made a bunch of classic debos. fucked up hands and all
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i will begrudgingly admit that this is so. but you should do it more often. they're going to hate you no matter what you do, so why not do what you do best? to spite the haters, obviously. is that really flux? i can't believe it

i do.
so, ipso facto, you are wrong (and gay).
catjak can lick my nuts, debo should be in the cabal (blocking the muscle nigger) and be happy.
I'm a new poster and would like to know why GitHub was a problem?
it's not. unless you're a retard, you only "git pull" if you're willing to deal with the consequences.

idk about comfyshit, but you should be able to run "git fetch --all && git checkout tags/vx.y.z" in any sane project
I thought there was some sort of drama involved too? I wouldn't like to support asshole devs.
>being this new
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don't have to make me slap a bitch
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I was an accidental one. I wasn't aiming for conjoinedness at all in that one
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>but you should do it more often
I think you might be my second biggest fan
>is that really flux? i can't believe it

github reinforces the patriarchy
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I can't believe I'm only now realizing this, but I think some attempts to get AI to gen some more esoteric stuff proves how it doesn't quite "create" per se, but rearranging. It would tend to struggle hard with genning things that are more niche or specific unless it was trained on the stuff already.

A human artist could pull off something like this with much less trouble

(Yes, the tailfin looks like shit here. I've been at this for way too long and I've gotten way too few gens that showed a tailfin at all)
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Aaaand I got the wrong image, but my point still stands
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>prompt Flux with "fucking cunt"
>attached pic is result
It "creates" by predicting the best way to turn random noise into what it thinks you're asking for. If you're asking for something it doesn't understand. or it hasn't had a lot of practice turning random noise into what you want, you end up at the mercy of rng
It's obvious when you actually use one model for a while. Pony is different because it's already kind of shit but if you do "regular" gens it only kind of revolves around certain parameters.
Pony is about doing 10 shit gens to 1 perhaps fixable.
Try asking a human artist to turn random noise into art with a limited number of steps and tools available. AI just isn't playing the same game; you can't directly compare them
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>what it thinks
its not actually thinking
If you want complicated, specific poses or unique concepts, you gotta try out stuff like controlnets, training your own LORAs, and/or lots of postprocessing. For the standard low-hanging fruit of [subject] in [environment] Pony does at least 1 in 3 gens with no significant mutations or errors for me
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animiPencilXL is really hard to work with but it seems to really like the Urushihara Satoshi style
Yeah you're right.
Nerds and pedants can replace "what it thinks you're asking for" with "the concepts CLIP is able to extract from the prompt"
Is the demon boy a sex thing
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I'm just memeing. I know you know its not thinking, only robots can think

could be in you want it to be
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Good morning
So just not going to answer the question then. Gotcha.
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gm. idk why i like these so much

I answered
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Stop replying to me.
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>debo learns not everyone is hip to his grift
>posting on public board
>stop replying to me
Heh, kid.
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jokes on you, I'm incapable of learning
Sorry debo, see
>posting on public board
>stop harassing me
Heh, kid.
>being this new
>being this new
What is the status of Ani in Japan? I thought the immigration department would do drug screening.
Fix your bot. Its reusing vocabulary.
You mean vocabot-lary? hlky is on it after we visit British Museum first.
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I think japan is super desperate for workers. or maybe he doesn't need paperwork cuz SAI has a jp office
Yeah, AI devs (even python script kiddies) are wanted if they have the experience. Emerging industry.
Some guys were racking 200k in LA when they were working with certain companies using Houdini in late 90's. Now? Not so much.
trani is shit
hello schizo.
I love ani and he does good work
Anonymous forum Anon, couldn't care any less.
whats the good work you're talking about (You) supplier?
can we go to the dinosaur museum too
Yes, once certain film wrapped up and they hired the whole space. John Lasseter did a video greeting from NY. This was over ten years ago.
He's a hearty guy and maybe bit autistic - not a molester.
Enough name dropping already.
i don't know who that is. i just want to see the dinosaurs
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Of course, we'll have some coffee and then go to the dinosaur museum.
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sounds good to me
Just getting into this and want to gen some anime girls easy in comfy ui, is 1.5 or xl better? Also wants the best tips for feet and hands, other than prompts and using loras, and what vaes to use for anything xl?
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probably drop the first half of iplayer subtitles later and imdb actors
i want a dinosaur from the gift shop
>being this jew
ponyxl v6 but just get autism mix. both are on civit
vaes are baked into xl models unlike 1.5
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>Dinosaurs are Freemason Science, BS.
autism mix?
Can FLUX draw feet?
just search autism in civit. It's a mix of a bunch of anime loras
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dinosaurs are real. the great architect of the universe made them
its a lora? sorry for being stupid
nevermind found it, what vae to use?
>autism MIX
Hmmm let's think about this for a minute
so no need to use vae?
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SDXL base 1.0 was released with a bad vae that left jagged aliased looking edges, and many early xl finetunes incorporated that vae. They later released base_1.0_0.9vae which had the correct vae as was included with base 0.9.
Most newer models should have the right one. I think this is the updated good vae. https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/sdxl-vae/tree/main
but what did the anon mean by vaes are baked in? do I just connect the vae from the checkpoint instead of the vae loader?
use the vae output from the checkpoint loader
how do I make it look like an anime screenshot and not the some flat western cartoon? Using autism mix
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how do I use a style model lora? the style loader or a lora loader?
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cope and seethe loser xD

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