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Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases.
State BUDGET and COUNTRY or you will NOT be helped.
Building guide: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Build_a_PC

Web browsing: 5600G
Gaming: 12400F, 7600X, 7800X3D
Workstation: 7900X, 9950X
AVOID: Intel 13/14 series

AIO: Thermalright Frozen Edge/Arctic Liquid Freezer III, Hyte THICC Q60
Double towers: ID-Cooling FROZN A620 PRO SE, Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE, Noctua NH-D15 G2
ITX/>42mm RAM: Scythe Fuma 3/TR AXP120-X67

ASRock B650M-HDV/M2, B650 LiveMixer, B650 Steel Legend

DDR4: 2x16GB 3200CL16. Budget, 2x8GB
DDR5: 2x16GB 6000CL30
Workstation/high end: consider 2x48GB

>SSD (OS drive)
Budget: SN580
Mid range: SN770
Premium: Samsung 990 Pro (Windows only), SN850X
Flagship: Sabrent Rocket 5

1080p: RTX 4070 Super, RX 7700 XT
1440p: RTX 4080 Super, RX 7900 XT
4K: RTX 4090, RX 7900 XTX
Workstation: RTX 4000 Series, AVOID: AMD cards

>CASE (from $ to $$$)
mATX: Montech Air 100, Lian Li A3, Asus Prime AP201, Lian Li O11 Air Mini
ATX: Phanteks XT PRO(ULTRA), Montech AIR 903 Base/MAX, Antec C5, Lian Li Lancool 216/III
AVOID: 'Silent' cases, fanless cases, 4000D airflow

Budget: Gold rated 500-600W PSU
Mid range: ATX 3.0 compliant fully modular gold rated PSU @ 75% max load
High end: Seasonic PRIME TX
PSU buying guide:
https://hwbusters.com/best_picks/best-atxv3-pcie5-ready-psus-picks-hardware-busters/ (updated Q3 2024)

1080p: KOORUI 24E3, MSI G2412F, MSI MAG 256F, MSI G244PF E2
1440p: ASRock PG27QFT2A, Dell G2724D
4K: Acer Nitro XV275K, Gigabyte M32U, Dell Alienware AW3225QF

Activate Windows @ >>>/g/fwt

Meta: Case with good stock PWM fans
High end: Arctic P12/P14 (Max) (5-pack)

Previous: >>102374952
>Dell G2724D
>Use code MONITORS10 for 10% off
-100 social credits
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I fucking love AM4. I bought an R7 5800X for 120 euros onto my 5 year old pc replacing an R5 1600AF and this bad boy still has 5 more years in it.
Also planning on buying an RX7900gre replacing my gtx 1660 because its 300 euro cheaper than the basic 4070 here.
>a month of click bait shitting on Zen5
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>just boxes
Is there someone who makes custom backplates with anime girls?
whats a good cartoon to start on?
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>All those GPU recommendations
What the fuck is this? These are all overkill. 4080 Super can handle 4K just fine. 4070 Ti Super is a good entry 4K card too.
Does what? The nerfed 4070 is real
>12 gb
there are already titles that need more than 16 at 1080p especially if you activate the meme nvidia features
Code Geass
Don't speak about VRAM out loud, you will wake up the VRAM-doesn't-matter-shizo.
Exactly, blame Nvidia for that
What most people need for 1080p is just a 4060 with 12gb for $250 but 12gb is only reserved for their $500-600 GPUs
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Any way to remove this screw? It's holding an expanded battery in a laptop.
4070 super for 1080p lol my cocks
Looks like the screwhead is stripped? You need to unstrip it. Power tools, Dremel, hammer a flathead slot, use screw extractor bit, use rubberband, etc.
The 4070 is one of the best value gpus on the market and a further reduced cost one to get it in the hands of people is a good thing and AMDunboxed just shits on it because they have a violent anti-nvidia agenda.
4070 super is retarded compared to GRE especially on Linux where the GRE is 25-30% faster on average after unnerfing the driver lock.
Wtf are you on about?
They downgraded it but didn't reduce the msrp
All those cards listed have more than 12gb of vram dumbass. Also there's no game out there that needs 12gb of vram for 1080p that isn't coded like absolute shit.
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There are multiple ways.
Pic related.
Or using drill to destroy the screw and don't give a fuck.
Just make sure you don't leave any shavings to avoid shorts.
You can also glue the screw to something like old screwdriver so it will act as a leverage.
I need a new screwdriver set, should I buy ifixit one or look for something else?
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Figured it out. I just ripped the whole thing out
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5 dollars. why would you need anything else
its the same price
Any opinion on Lexar NM790 SSDs?
They seem cheaper, faster and higher TBW-rated than pretty much anything else as far as PCIe4 SSDs go? What's the catch?
4070 performs worse than GRE for the same price. No one's looking inside your pc case besides you.
>afraid of messing with cables and what not again out of fear of breaking stuff that works
Does anyone else relate
I personally update my bios even if everything works just fine.
>*that isn't coded like absolute shit.
that's becoming every AAA slop right now and most of them look worse than 6-10 year old slop while requiring 5 times more power
>I don't play AAA slop
why do you need a new gpu then?
Lexar got sold to china, probably works for awhile but I wouldn't trust it. SN850X is $20 more and still cheap, I'd go with WD.
I got xiaomi one here, with magnetic heads for about $15, all of them will do for home repair
pro would complain about this and that because they don't last long enough, but for home user anything $10+ is fine same with power tools btw
>Asus will have 29 Z890 motherboard skus
Everyone wants to make Intel motherboard. Can't say the same for amd
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oh fuck off
whats the difference
>posts pic validating anons claim
Think he said 4070, not the super, but either way GRE is currently $50 less for same performance according to your screenshot
it was a long day, I'm to used to propaganda from that one guy, by the way, did they nerf super 4070 as well?
I forgive you
its not alot more reviews than the super, but theyre all good
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I asked before, this one lower left screw isn't turning and skipping. Those are m2 4mm. Should I unga bunga it with force? How much force can I use?

Wintel is back
I finally figured out why G-SYNC would stop working when I had the taskbar up on multiple monitors. It's because the desktop on one of my monitors was overlapping on the main monitor.

How does that even happen? What retarded pajeet is in charge of the desktop over at Windows??
you unscrew in a cross pattern. unscrewing them the wrong order or way will fuck with other screws.
Shouldn't have installed w11 lmoa
Considering the same thing was happening to intel cpus like last year no. It's just Microsofft being retarded as usual.
between AMD driver issues on Windows and now these AMD CPU issues on Windows, it now makes sense why everyone is switching to Linux.
it doesn't turn at all, while other three do turn. In theory it's screwed in the cooler, PCB shouldn't be under pressure if I push on a screw
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just windows things
>windows updates continue to break more and more things
well at least they're adding copilot and adding NEWS in the task bar hahaha god i hate capitalism
is this post patch or before?
So is this why for like the past year my 3dmark score would randomly be 5-6k points less when reinstalling windows? It was like a performance roulette
>god i hate capitalism
what is happening in US? they are harming USD quite a bit with all the sanction wars
is this really an argument in the [Current Year]?
post patch, if you watch his video and hubs video they both mention that windows has gacha lottery on the install. you have a chance of getting a "bad install" which tanks your performance but also a chance of having a "good install" that gives you normal performance. theres no reason why this happens as they're using the same settings.
It uses components fully made in China
Controller is midrange and also doesn't have dram but the nand used is bleeding edge
>they are harming USD quite a bit
Why do big companies hide important things in patch notes? For example that AMD performance boosting patch on Windows is nowhere to found in Windows Update notes. The only way you know which build number is correct is by looking it up on YouTube.
i don't know and what's more annoying is they do on beta builds is AB testing..so you might have the same windows build but not the same features. windows is just a clown fiesta at this point
not it's not, you don't want thousand currency wars, USD was island of stability for everyone that's why we even have access to PCs - stable trade routes and payment methods
if USD goes consumer will be fucked the most.
trust korean or taiwan parts before chinese parts
if its too good to be true, it probably is
not really, labor is cheaper and plentiful, high volume production for internal market alone, taxation isn't as terrible as in the west/smaller countries, private company no investor axe upon their heads for maximum profits
they can afford to make things cheaper there.
even the samsung 990 pro is only $170 right now at 7450mb/s speed.
you're telling some china company is selling 7400mb/s for $130 and think its good?
I have chinese 1Tb Netac drive, works alright, 5000 one though, got it for $50-ish
My pc have been booting up and shutting itself off randomly, now I can't even turn it on. Is my PSU dead?
do the paperclip test
yeeeah i dunno, id do the sn850x at $150 7300 before the chinas. just for longevity
It's $170 here, saving $50 can be worth it if result is the same.
thats the china way, it works good enuogh until the warranty wears out
The only "catch" is that the tech used were built from stolen ip from gook/mutt companies
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>"ground up redesign"
how can amd lie with a straight face. it looks exactly the same as zen 4. If this shit is what you called designed from scratch then zen6 is even shitter
You don't check your ssd speed everyday?
>Former Samsung Executives Arrested In Stealing $3 Billion Worth of DRAM Technology For “Illegal” Semiconductor Firm In China
haha, it's basically the samsung drives
>The earth looks flat so it must be flat
how about you check out productivity benchmarks? zen5 EPYC going to be insane, Intel stock is already in ruins
Site is 404
That is how it works yes.
try disconnecting as many components as possible
leave only 1 drive, cpu + cooler, motherboard and ram connected. all rgb and fans and extra discs/peripherals aside from KBM should be disconnected
by shutting down do you mean instantly or an actual shutting down screen happens? because mine randomly restarts itself for no reason when I'm not using it for a while even though I reinstalled windows thrice using different versions
why not just google your niche fetishes lol
zoom on the die you retard
I hate troubleshooting computers so goddamn much it's unreal
I'm considering buying an apple laptop to never bother with shit failing again
arr rook the same
AMD fans be like
>arrowlake is only a minor change from raptorlake
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>cpu architecture is how how chips are laid out on the pcb
Do we really have people like this here or is intel not sending their best?
Is 1080p 24inch at high refresh rate enough for me?
>BA shitposter
i just got the lian li 216 nonrgb and i cant hear a thing. must be a cringe rgb thing
Your just a dunning Kruger who can't see past surface level details
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Ok lets zoom in
>shit looks exactly the same
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Why don't they just bomb TSMC or ASML
Amd lied about 16% gaming uplift surely amd wont lie again about how its isn't a complete redesign. right?
instantly, like 1 second after I pressed the power button, guess my psu is fucked, it's fan sometimes don't even spin
They'll do it after one of them acquires the company and buys a never-before-seen insurance policy against terrorist attacks on industrial companies
Unironically it would throw the world into recession
fans don't spin under 50% load
find a techie to see if you can fix it for like 5 dollars if it's a battery or a capacitor that blew up
Because factories like this have nuclear warhead tier security.
AMDamage control doko?
I'm building a new rig for work and gaming, working on large models in Revit current rig takes too long loading files and elements slowing down my workflow, occasionally do renders and videos for these projects. Pretty set on the cooler, case and mobo, probably don't need a 4090 but I want to move to using ultrawide monitors and will save time rendering/exporting videos. Unsure if I want to go OLED as I'm worried about burn in but seems that it's less of an issue these days. Apparently a larger L3 cashe helps with Revit? Tossing up between 7950X3D and 9950X. Keep hearing it's common for ASUS gpus to have coil whine but I like the look of the TUF, would probably go the pro art if they did it in a 4090.

How good is the 3070 for today's standards?
Looking to buy a used GPU. They're around ~$250 and new it's around ~$750. 3080 used is around ~$550 and new is around ~$1300.
bait post.
not gonna bother
For revit you need
>single core performance
>lots of ram (128gb)
I don't know about cache but if you work with architectural, mep and structural all linked together, you'll need more ram
>Botak Gaming
ok that was clever.
My fear is using my PC and then the side panel just shatters out of nowhere
how much money you got to spend? if its $250 then you can do better like a 6700xt.
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why don't we have gddr6 sticks instead of ddr4/5 in PCs?
Unless you drop juuuuuuuuust right on landing a corner, the chances of shattering are actually extremely low.
thats the thing. it can also just break out of nowhere.
people had their shower doors just explode without even touching it.
I've been on the fence about 4 dimms DDR5 as there's been some issues with OC ram could go 2x48gb? Currently have 64gb DDR4 atm but my CPU is the bottle neck 5600X cooler is not great so even if I do OC it wont boost for long, have it slightly undervolted -15 all cores and its been stable. 120 PPT 80 TDC and 120 EDC.

Posting from my herman miller bruz umad
cpus arent graphix cards
Apparently the secondary M2 port of my motherboard only support M2 not-nvme-ssd
Is there a recommended good drive that I could put there?
Are there any EU-based online stores that do bundles like microcenter?
how did I punch mine to death then?
Those actually costs more than a 3070 on ebay.
I don't really have a budget but my goal is pretty much the bare minimum to play AAA games for a couple of years before upgrading. While I have a 1440p monitor I would be okay with changing the resolution to 1080p for more demanding games.
Autistic rage is a powerful weapon.
I don't know if I have enough fans installed... 3 intakes on the bottom, one intake on the front, three exhausts on top, on on the back, and two fans for my CPU

All fans are P12 max fans, will this keep a stock GIGABYTE EAGLE 3080ti and amd 7700 cool?
No. Add more fans.
I'm looking at ebay right now and both the 3070 and 6700xt used are the same price more or less $20 difference with both in fully working conditions. The broken 3070s are cheaper than the broken 6700xts.
mine isn't actually tempered or glass
5090 and 9800X3D when
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Day 527 of waiting for next-gen GPUs.
My PC was doing this earlier in the year too. It was PSU.
Anon too stronk
>>>/fit/ wil be proud
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There is literally nowhere left!

Me and my friend Onada built a computer
Both probably announced at CES with availability later in Q1.
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nvidia never announces new generations at CES, they do it on their own instead
>3080 used is $550
The fuck? Did crypto rises increasing their price? I'm pretty sure last year is like ~$400.
reminder that poomd won't survive.

>Zen 5 latency regression - CMPXCHG16B instruction is now executed 35% slower compared to Zen 4
>Core-to-Core Latency: For reference, on the Ryzen 9 7950X, going to another CCD is around 76ns. But in Ryzen 9 9950X, we're seeing an average latency of 180ns, over twice the cost of the previous generation of Ryzen.
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>rdna4 rt capability
Wake up anon
Next gen gpu is here
What location though? I use ebay.ca. Some stuff on .com doesn't show up.
I'm going to buy Arrow Lake 285K, pair it with DDR5 9200 kit on a 2 DIMM board, OC it to DDR5 10000 and shit all over 9800X3D in games and 9950X in everything else and there's nothing you can do about it. On a 4090, later with Blackwell 5090 when it launches and is 10 times faster than 8800 XT in path tracing.
Tick tock AMDrones, #BlackArrow is coming.
Oh, using CAD not USD.
They even said it can do 8k 60FPS. I'm sure they made some technological improvements.
You guys are just hating on it because it's expensive.
I look forward to seeing DDR5 scaling on Arrow Lake and how much uplift there actually is to higher-speed kits over ol' reliable 6000-CL30
>inteldrones have to resort to writing revenge fantasy fanfics now
How the mighty have fallen...
god this is pathetic
Oh that explains it. Should mention CAD first then. $ = we think you're from america
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>8k 60FPS
Yeah, my bad.
>8k 60FPS
>on consoles
besides being a poomd shill you're also retarded.
>salty because poor
AMD could double RT perf on RDNA4 and release an 8990 XTX with 192 CUs and it still wouldn't catch up to 4090.
My gpu costs more than the entire poorstation5.
>3060 above 3080
And faggot dare to say muh VRAM
woah there nvidiot, your showing your power level too early in the thread chain
what's the point of these charts? this is not a real world scenario
stop noticing things
What game uses 16GB of vram at 1080p? Not hating or being contrarian, actually interested. Most games with Nvidia meme features have never used more than 14gb at 1440p for me but I haven't played every single game.
Bet they're going to put this doll inside the case.
if anything this chart is more of how nvidia cheats. they aren't doing the same accurate hw t&l as amd. this goes back since half life 2.

and how does it feel knowing your gpu will lose to the ps5?
It won't
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a sign of things to come
obviously many cards reach 60 fps at 1080p but at 4k only the 4090 sits at 61.4
4070 super is a fine card
For 1080p it is fantastic yes.
>amd's new gpus will barely outperform a 4060
it's over, amdsisters
Shut your cocksucker, it's fine for 1440p
>m-muh ecelebs
nigga, they even said they don't have a ps5pro to test it against
want to install an nvme ssd in my pc today. i have two slots, one above the pcie slot where my gpu is and one below. I have a 4090 unfortunately which is massive. I think I can access both slots but I'm wondering which I should use to avoid heat problems (or maybe I'm always supposed to prefer one over the other for some other reason?)
First game using an in-house texture streaming system on a proprietary game engine. This is typical Ubisoft trash, not representative of the future. Cute example though.
is it the first AAAA game though?
so how come games run and look worse than 10 years ago?
does Jensen just bribe every studio out there to make the games worse with each gen?
or is it that artists and developers just get worse with each year and in 10 years the graphics will have to be 90% hallucinated by your AI card to compensate for how shit the underlying material is?
If you play counterstrike i can't argue with that.
Intel scales insanely well with bandwidth. There's a guy on YT called sugi0lover with 8800 MT/s 6.3GHz 14900K and he averaged 140-150fps in Dragon's Dogma 2 Venworth where 7800X3D barely breaks 100. Highest I was able to do on my 13900K was 7800 MT/s and 6Ghz 1T and in that spot I was in 110s but that was on Z790 Hero which is 4 DIMM. 9200+ DIMMs for Z890 were already shown and Asrock already QVLed one kit for that speed for their upcoming Z890 4 DIMM board. There were also 9600MHz CUDIMMs shown in China.
Arrow Lake massively improved the IMC, even going over 10000 MHz should be possible with CAMM2 but I don't know if they'll be available on launch.
4080 Super for 1440p? When all we get on PC is CoDshit and PS ports? Seriously?
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He was very helpful!
just put water cooling on your RAM to own the AMDrones.
Literally how is this possible? GDDR6 must be cheaper than GDDR6X to use otherwise nobody would bother, and yet they expect to sell it at parity or HIGHER prices than the faster-VRAM SKUs already on store shelves? What purity of crack cocaine are inventory managers at these stores and the AIB suppliers smoking to reach the conclusion that this is a winning strategy?
Are both PCIe Gen4?
Does the NVMe support that?
How big is the heatsink for it?
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What's the deal with these new style of RAM slot? Why does only one of the clips move? I hate it.
It isn't like anyone is going to buy AMD so lol, it is pure (extra) profit.
Give me a shot of him straddling the GPU or one of the RAM sticks after it's installed.
The intent is to demoralize and humiliate.
This is preparing the stage for $1000 entry level next gen cards. The AI meme will gobble up all cards, drive up prices and leave gamers with fuck all.
Nobody's gonna buy a nerfed card either.
That is usually an asus thing iirc.
NVM this works for me >>102383492
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Please do not sexualize Onada
PC Community is reeling from PS5 PRO, again its based on RDNA 4 Tech and that line of GPU's will be MORE POWERFUL than the 4000 Line of GPU's and 7000 Line of GPU's. So it will be more powerful than a 4090.
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What if its both
It amuses me that you think that.
I don't mind. Fewer points of failure is always nice to have. Plus it's more fun to slot it from the fixed south side before pushing in from the north slide and hearing it click once. First time right!
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This is an Arous board. It felt wrong pushing it in like that
>sort by price
>gddr6x below gddr6
>ok, I'll get that
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>All those power cable tentacles splayed around him
I've read enough doujins to know where this is going
No one with common sense is buying the base 4070 after the super launched anyways. Saving 50$ and losing out on a whole tier of performance on a $500 purchase is retarded. The 4070 is destined for prebuilts.
The fuck is that 2*8pin abomination
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Do not sexualize Onada

His anime fufils a fantasy of mine I can never have.

He makes friends.
All the eight pin connectors had a y-split at the end

So once I actually set up it in the case I used two different cables but they still have these dangly extra bits sticking out of them and I hate it

Mall of red online it was completely fine to do that if you are card is 2000 Series or earlier but for three thousand in up because of the power spikes it's really not recommended
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It's a benchmark. The idea is to remove CPU and other bottlenecks. You want REAL use cases? It's even worse.
On 4090 you can get 4K60 without FG with all the bells and whistles or go for high refresh rate with FG.
On 7900 XTX best you can hope for is 30fps framegenned from 15fps and upscaled from 720p (FSR2 25% is 720p at 4K).
Holy mother of schizo. How deranged do you have to be to actually believe this?
it's inflation, stop kvetching and buy the card before the new ones are launched!
>has to talk down to people with lower class GPUs to rationalize his overpriced purchase instead of touching grass.
DDR5 barely scales with voltage retard. The memory itself is capable, it's the memory controllers in RPL and Zen4/5 that are shit. You can do all those crazy numbers with 1.2-1.3V with proper CPU.
This is some audiophile-grade delusion.
Deflection like that anon belongs in the world cup final.
They perform within 1% of each other, who gives a shit.
The 4070 GDDR6 uses the new Samsung 20gbps GDDR6. The GDDR6X version is 21gbps.
If they downgraded to the shitty old 16 or 18gbps GDDR6 that the PS5 Pro is using then yes that would be a problem. But the old-ass 2022 GDDR6X and new 2024 Samshit GDDR6 are basically the same except the new memory uses less power.
I've been playing 1440p games since as far back as my 970.
I was even playing 1440p games on 970m laptop.
I've had 1080 ti I bought second hand for the last three years played everything on 1440p.

The only games it hasn't been able to handle at that resolution are the Warhammer Total War games.

I just upgraded to a 3080ti and I'm playing everything at 1440p high everything and I'm getting like 160 FPS minimum

So yes of 470 is absolutely a 1440p card and at this point everything should be considered a 1440p card.

I will never get over the fact that 10 years ago people said that I was an idiot for buying 1440p screens because 4K is right around the corner
Go larp with your dolls. This isn't /b/.
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Back then S3 Graphics, ATi, Matrox, and 3dfX were the front runners when it comes to image quality in contrast to nVIDIA. Also historically, nVIDIA does not dithered native 6-8 bit color, only 10-bit and up. If your monitor is not native 10-bit, you will notice less quality colors using an nVIDIA card compare to using an ATi/AMD especially at 6-bit and pseudo 6-bit + FRC/dithering. Even changing the output range to 0-255 or Full RGB will not produce the same color fidelity as the AMD card on the same LCD monitor. This was actually a problem for years, back then many people couldn't understand exactly why using an nVIDIA card and an AMD card with the same RGB 0-255 output and the nVIDIA card produced slightly lower output quality. In actuality, it wasn't that ATi/AMD has some secret technique for better color reproduction on older 6-8 bit LCD and CRT monitors, it was because of the algorithm that both vendors used and AMD happened to use the proper one and forced it on permanently 6-12 bit across the board.
No, back then 1440p was fine but now it makes no sense. You can buy a 4K240Hz panel and actually saturate it without compromising on quality with DLSS Q and framegen. 120 input fps is already extremely high, framegenning it to 240fps has nonexistent artifacts but the extra smoothness is great. I've seen people combining DLSS FG with AFMF for 480Hz gaming and it looks better than interpolation has any right to look.
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>Are both PCIe Gen4?
>Does the NVMe support that?
yes, its a low end ssd but its pcie 4 (wd blue 580)
>How big is the heatsink for it?
the ssd doesnt have a heat sink. on the mobo th etop slot near the gpu has no heat sink. the bottom one below the gpu has some kind of cover i need to remove, i dont know if the cover doubles as a heatsink or not
This is 2024, rendering in 10 bit costs basically nothing. Old cards were glorified display adapters that struggled with bitmaps. Your phone's GPU is a thousand times faster than that.
then why cant RTX do accurate HDR and need shit like "RTX HDR"
>I've been playing 1440p games since as far back as my 970.
I'm using a 4070 super
I've been trying a few games
Notably, I've been trying Control maxed out and noticed that the paintings were blurry as shit until I get close enough that textures will actually load. Like the most minimal texture quality possible. Is it a VRAM issue? I don't get this. I remember back in the early 2010s everything looked way too grainy, too textures. Nowadays I see a lot of 3D games where shit just looks smooth and undetailed. FFVII Remake looks the worst of all. Holy shit that game has no textures, everything is potato.
>Is it a VRAM issue?
For Control, yes. For FF, no as the game is just potatovision.

Trying to future-proof, as I haven't upgraded in 10 years. I'm thinking I'll probably want a bigger PSU, but not sure about anything else that may need modifying. Any suggestions?
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nvidia cannot do accurate hardware t&l.
these driver tricks has been in use since half life 2.
>everything is potato
Videogame assets these days are usually outsourced and made by the dregs of humanity in digital sweatshops in India, it's all soulless slop.
Use case, 4k gaming?
It's almost as if things are not accurate and its due to some driver manipulating api calls.

>the way its meant to be played
Not VRAM, at 4K maxed with all RT only uses 8.1GB, as said from tech-powerup.
demand isnt high enough
>They perform within 1% of each other, who gives a shit.
It's more like 2 to 4%

But even if it was only 1% reduction, the fact they planned to roll it out at the same price as the original SKUs just to inflate their margins at consumer expense is not forgivable. Games are not getting any less demanding so any downgrade in performance without a commensurate reduction in price is not a move that should be met by anything other than unrelenting derision lest it become a further trend and repeated. Remember back when they tried to pass off the cut-down 4070 12GB die as a 4080-variant at $900 before being forced to backpedal and "Unlaunch" it as the 4070 Ti for $800 (which itself was still wildly overpriced)?
Yes I had one of those cards. A windforce 970.

Back then? 56% of steam users are playing on a 1080p monitor

Less than 20% are at 1440p, another 3% are 1440p ultrawide. Under 4% are on a 4k screen. 2560x1600 is more common than 4k.

Right now my main monitor is 1440p 170hz. And my new to me 3080ti is maxing easy work out of the games I play.

It's either gonna be the 5,000 or the 6,000 series of Cards that normalizes 1440p as the base standard and 4K as the high resolution. 1080p really needs to go
People said the same thing about the 3070 Ti and the 2060
nvidia can only approximate
they can't do anything accurately
its the age old emulation dillemnia
do you make games faster at the cost of accuracy? or do you make games slower if it means the presentation is accurate to developer intention?
you thought vr games were the next big thing too
I wish I knew about these things before honestly
I've been buying AMD GPUs since my 7900GT got a heat stroke
I've had my issues with AMD. Notably with drivers specially when I got these new, but eventually shit sorted itself out I guess.
Now I fucked up it seems
anyone have the ROG Strix XG27ACS? is the screen coating really as bad as some people say?
games allocate in segments
4070ti for 600eu or 4060ti 16gb for 460eu? I dont think i wanna go more expensive than 7600x. how do I min max all this. Sad thing is im still on r9 380 with i5-6600k playing dota, but I think i need to buy smth new now and not upgrade for another 10 years.
thanks for the build recommendations. buying a new MB, case, PSU, and amd processor for $680. old motherboard (4yr old pc) had an issue where I think a capacitor leaked causing high voltage to cpu and it ran too hot.

just gonna salvage my old hard drives, fans, ram, and 3080 and start fresh. thought about just replacing the motherboard but no telling if the cpu was fucked anyways or not and the older mb's for that particular thing were like $300 so fuck that. last one I had was a prebuilt since it was impossible to get gpu's during that timeframe. hope i dont fuck up the build cause its been awhile.
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Why was 8-bit or even 6-bit + FRC the standard for so long? What makes 10-bit monitors/graphics so laborious/expensive?
What is the max color bit depth we can see and will displays/graphics cards ever reach it?
It says "and/or regions" too in order to not anger the Chinese too much
This means nothing in relation to the post you are responding to, not sure what this was suppose to prove.
i don't have quantization artifacts using 8bit to display 10bit on a 8bit+FRC TV with a Radeon but had some on Nvidia.
as a matter of fact i have more artifacts with a 10 bit signal than a 8bit one(gradients almost perfectly smooth). the Geforce i had beforehand did not offer that IIRC.
any idea what's going on here? i thought FRC was on the screen end not the GPU?
(the colors look the same btw)
i will never buy a card that doesnt end in 80 from nvidia but im a huge gamer. I had a 1070 for a long ass time but the 80 series ive seen have always kept up for awhile longer as graphics get better to the point where I can turn postprocessing or raytracing shit down and still play at a high framerate.
ive heard a lot of gamer friends go for 1060,2060,3060 and so on and always been disapointed.
4070ti super.
when most people speak of amd driver issues, they actually mean wddm issues. something that doesn't exist on linux.
I just upgraded after many years from a 2070 to a 4060 and I'm happy with it.
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I just bought a new lg 1440p 240hz monitor, please help me out with some questions

1) I have two options in the display port menu: "1.4 dsc" and "1.4". which one should I choose? i know that dsc is some kind of compression but DP 1.4 can output 1440p 240hz natively. is there any reason to use it?
2) are 10-bit colors only for HDR? i don't really like HDR but i can't understand if I can use 10-bit, people say various things like "10-bit is HDR only" and "you can use 10-bit with SDR" lol
3) If I CAN use 10-bit on SDR, is it worth it to use DSC for them? afaik 10-bit on 1440p 240hz are only available with DSC and my gpu doesn't support HDMI 2.1
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1660 super to 4060 and same. It doesn't have to cost much if you are content with 1080p
People are spoiled. I remember gaming in VGA (that's 320x200) and had a good time
>im a huge gamer
-- /g/, 14th September 10AG (After Gamergate)
1.4 and DSC
HDR needs 10bit and leaving it set to 10bit has no impact on SDR content

>my gpu doesn't support HDMI 2.1
Use displayport.
bunnies lay eggs?
Where do you think easter eggs come from?
what's the point of using dsc if 1.4 can output things natively without needing compression?
I use 1.4 but isn't hdmi 2.1 better
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I find it funny how a lot of people here and on youtube blindly trust some guys benchmark charts when he doesnt even show actual gameplay footage or how he even benchmarks those results.
very expensive, any other alternatives or 7600x should do fine with 4070 super?
>what's the point of using dsc if 1.4 can output things natively without needing compression?
I'd have to check but I don't think you can get 1440p 240hz 10bit over 1.4 without DSC, so you need it active.

>but isn't hdmi 2.1 better
You just said your gpu doesn't support hdmi 2.1 so what it can or cannot do is irrelevant.
i have an msi gaming trio x 4090, the cooler has three fans. i just want to confirm, these are all intake fans, correct?
I'm gonna be upgrading from 2060 to 4070 Ti Super later this year for 1440p. Super excited to finally understand why people want 140Hz monitors and to finally not use a TV as a monitor.
hmm so if I don't use HDR I shouldn't care about DSC at all?
There is no downside to turning it on. I don't see why you are being so autistic about it.
thanks. i am installing an nvme drive right underneath it. im paranoid about increased temps (i didnt realize how hot these drives run), since in the worst case the fans are pulling in air right over the heatsink of the ssd.
well that's why I'm asking. I read a lot of reviews about various monitors with "DOWNSIDE!! CANT TURN OFF DSC!!! 1MS INPUT LAG BECAUSE OF IT". some people just hate it but I cant see a difference desu
It is visually lossless. There is some evidence that people can spot artifacts from DSC in some very specific scenarios but if you can't see the difference then don't worry.

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this is what inaccurate hw t&l does to nvidia owners
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I have a 7900XT with 20GB of VRAM. I routinely see VRAM usage levels between 11GB and 16GB. The most glaring change I've noticed going from 8GB to 20GB of VRAM is that when I toggle out of my games to look something up there is zero delay or thrashing of the display because there is enough VRAM to keep everything loaded. This is on top of never having texture loading problems in any games which I was seeing on former 8GB card.

People should buy the card that delivers the best experience for them but let's not pretend low VRAM is not an issue in 2024. It most certainly is and it manifests in a number of well known ways.
>steam retards
wow you've convinced me!
Can't have widely reported problems when nobody uses your GPUs.
Checkmate nVidiots.
runs on my 1070
>game is optimized for accuratw hw t&l on consoles
>surprised it looks worse or crashes more when driver hacks are bypassing directx spec
nvidia literally gave you HT&L with GeForce 256, and it will take it away if it wants to
based and vrampilled
which game?
I am thinking about 2x140mm fans for the front of my case. I am currently using 2x120mm. I want quiet / high quality ones. Do you have any recommendations?
>Do you have any recommendations?
yes, arctic cooling at 600 RPM. don't be a retard, there is no such thing as a quiet fan above 1000RPM
The 7800X3D is 200€ more expensive than the 7600X. Is it worth it?
4070 Super is basically a 4070 Ti, might be cheaper

>hw t&l
Hello schizo. Your handler is here

>The FSR 2.1 implementation comes with noticeable compromises in image quality—in favor of performance in most sequences of the game.

Remind me - who's cutting corners?
Are there any concerns with the refurbished surfaces off ebay? I have a desire for a win tablet of approximately that size.
>I've been trying Control maxed out
Paradoxically, you might need to lower the texture setting. If you set it too high, it thinks your VRAM cache is unlimited, which it obviously isn't, and this can cause pop in and low res textures
No, the extra money will go further being plowed into the GPU. The only scenario where'd I'd say it's worth it would be if you've already reasonably maxxed out the GPU with something like the 7900 XT/XTX or 4080S AND plan to keep this system for 5-8 years before thinking about upgrading anything else.
On the contrary, only Nvidia can do accurate HDR.

>games look worse than 10 years ago?
/pcbg/ is not your schizo playground
didnt radeon do it better? lol

final fantasy xvi
are you just shilling random monitors now?
>What game uses 16GB of vram at 1080p?
None of them do. Retards think that watching a game sprawl out on a 4090 means it actually needs all that VRAM. Guess what, they're retards
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will next gen suck due to focus on AI?
Yes yes, Jensen Huang is a right wing bogeyman invented by antisemites.
Buy more product btw.
cyka blyat go die on the front faggot
The fuck,
Ok, I might have to try this then. That's just too weird.
look like AMD schizo just learned a new buzz word
AMD is truly the George Floyd of semiconductor companies.
How many fans do I need to buy for my case?
Build the entire case out of fans
>4070 performs worse than GRE for the same price
No it doesn't, in fact the 4070 performs closer to the 7900 XTX on average. Either DLSS or RT will put the 4070 close to the 7900 XTX. When both are used in conjunction, the 7900 XTX is far below the 4070

>[amdumboxed] has a violent anti-nvidia agenda
Correct, their bread and butter comes from their contrarian AMD fanboy audience, and they have to serve it. Remember when Little Timmy dared to talk some sense about AMDumbedTV's false Zen leaks and it almost killed HWUB?
nah but everyone will raise prices again because they can
Is 7700xt really not enough for 1440p? Locally 7800xt is 30% more expensive, wonder if its worth overpaying for
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Keep in mind that older games don't have the LoD sophistication of new Unreal titles. There's a lot of pop in, both from textures and models. If you've already been spoiled by virtual textures and Nanite (or systems that use mesh shaders), it's hard to ignore the LoD issues of older games.

>Is 7700xt really not enough for 1440p?
It's a good budget card. Ideally you want at least a 4070 Super, as you'll need reconstruction in pretty much every new demanding game, and DLSS is massively better looking than FSR
huh? the 7900 gre is cheeper and same performance.
remember when advertising was bannable offense?
oh the memer is back
the same videos/screenshots you post everyday dont mean anything without showing the rest of the pc
Do I care about DLSS if I'm not planning on playing Unreal slop garbage and mainly just want to play AA games
No, unless you just want to donate extra shekels to nvidia.
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is 1440p worth it or is it just meme?
You think the CPU handles rendering? Cute

>AA games
Most of them come out on Unreal
For instance I recently played Nobody Wants to Die
If you're just playing indie pixelshit, you don't need more than a GTX 1060
Worth, especially since monitors are so cheap. In fact the cheapest entry HDR monitor is 1440p, the Q27G3XMN. If I were in the market for a budget monitor, that's what I'd buy. You can go cheaper, like the G2724D.

Additionally, they aren't more demanding to run because of DLSS. 1440p DLSS Quality looks better than 1080p DLAA (which is the best antialiasing available), and the performance cost is the same. Always better to turn whatever resolution you can comfortably run into a higher resolution with DLSS
>You think the CPU handles rendering? Cute
the gpu gets the info from the cpu............
How long should I wait before committing to buying a build if I'm dropping like £2k?
What is a non popular game that uses raytracing
Dragons Dogma 2. Sitting at mediocre rating on steam, currently has less players than whatever generic korean mmo.
I completely forgot about DD2. What's wrong with it?
The GPU gets its info from the driver, retard. The driver uses the CPU.

Pretty much all new UE5 titles will use software RT, aka Lumen. And UE5 is used by pretty much every small studio these days, except the small proportion that use Unity. A lot of those titles also use the hardware Lumen path

>non popular game

>Dragons Dogma 2
DD2 really fucked up the CPU performance of its RT implementation (and the game in general), although it really does help with the ugly shadows in the game
Capcom happened. The game was literally rushed to meet shareholder quarter deadline. As a result the game runs like shit on all platforms, has glaring game design issues, and more. They're still trying to patch it but things are still bad and the main director left Capcom to go work somewhere else because of how bad Capcom has gotten.
Yes, just for the simple fact that you have more space on your desktop.
Remember modified drivers?
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You could use anything, if you are okay with bad performance or image quality due to VRAM overflow, it’s just 16GBs of VRAM won’t have such issues
And here I was thinking of even pirating it. I guess not. What a shame that the long awaited sequel to a cult classic is that mismanaged by greed.
It still has denuvo so you cant even pirate it.
>hogwarts with rt and framegen at 1440p
>the 7700 xt's vram being the problem
Really is retard day in /pcbg/
Radeon doesn't even have Frame Gen in Hogwarts
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12GB is just too low for 1440p, it’s enough only for 1080p or lower
I guess by your retarded analysis, even in your own benchmarks, Radeon can't do 1440p even with 20 GB
But here's an RT intensive spot
Now post AMD Steve's 1080p benchmarks, go ahead
how much dick do you choke your mouth seems full right now
3.5 inches
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Nah, radeon can do 1440p, but it requires 16GBs of VRAM
>radeon can do 1440p
Radeon can't even do 1440p with 20 GB according to your own benchmarks >>102386632
I win as always
for 1080p & low-mid 1440p gpus, just adjust settings. unless you're gunning for ultra and high settings for every title with zero adjustment, vram isn't a priority imo when you can lower texture quality or shadows or use upscalers like dlss that reduce vram usage at the resolution you're on
See I wanted to PTM the fuck out of my GPU but I don't know how ASSUS handles those tamper stickers in regards to warranty in a third world country like mine, maybe they'll tell me to fuck myself
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It’s just RT testing, you don’t have to spend more to get less with AMD
Just compress those textures and the problem is gone
12GB of VRAM should be enough in 2027
>far worse than native, as already shown here >>102386590
>unlike, dishonest comparison
Here's the actual RT benchmark from the Wormz video
You really aren't worth replying to. No more (You)s, liar

Enjoy your native tax
Here’s the actual test with 4070ti with DLSS Q+Frame Generation and 4070ti loses to 7900 gre at RT with just FSR https://youtu.be/WU9bbHfJ65Q?feature=shared&t=1336 , with FG it will be about 150-160FPS or 4x fps for about $50 less money
It’s so funny to see you getting scammed over and over again, first by the Super version and then by gre, kek

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