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prev >>102339705
Disgusting. Kill yourself as soon as possible
you mad chud?
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good evening saars
what's the font?
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post wallpaper please
yeah, yeah... still on CentOS 7.
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Something very green.
Is this the new desktop thread?
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Why do you larp as if you used your amiga for anything else except these screenshots?
Hello signores.
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just bought a steam deck, cant wait to post 'ick on 'eck
Neck yourself
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>lossy PNG convert
nice wallpaper/var/home/rmj/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot from 2024-09-14 16-44-49-min.png
cute wallpaper
>>102386828 >>102386828
good wallpaper
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troon I can tell
seethe turdie
Cool window decorations.
Why do you give a shit?
As an Artix user I am seeing too many people using it and the greater exposure makes me worry about normies
okay hipster
I use it because it's the best distro for chuds and I hate söystemd
Really? Is that who you think you are?
what is hamradiotrainer
same as me, except i store image files unorganised on my desktop
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>no title bar or window decorations
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>newfag doesnt know the anime culture of desktop threads
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fuck anime
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ol' reliable
I wouldn't mind fucking an anime right now, in fact
>title bar
I know what program I'm using. Don't need a reminder.
>newfag thinks it's been like this forever
Go back to R E D D I T you tranny fuck. Stop infesting this place with your degeneracy
>hownew.ru currently does not have any sponsors for you
tranny website
how's solar crown?
I thought the summer was over
summer website
not really very interesting desu
I'm going to play it a while before I make final judgment (3-4 hours in and still on my first car which is something they sort of were saying you'd do)
i don't wanna change desktops again but i've literally just installed trinity in a vm and i love it
I tried systemd-less distros and literally nothing changed except that dbus broke sometimes.
it has been like this forever actually there was probably more anime desktops 10 years ago
I do not believe it was. These days when the lghdtv agenda has everybody thinking degeneracy is a normal part of society that should be accepted and tolerated the amount of trannies and pedos on this website have been growing by the day.
sounds about right for a distro hopping nigger
why people here are so angry?
should not it be a fun thread where everyone are sharing something they care about?
vmware is good as fuck so fuck you
>I do not believe it was.
You can check the archives.
I am a desktop thread veteran. Anime desktops have always existed and always will. Anime users will also always be total faggots.
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example: This scrot is from 2008. Tidus was already being used in desktop threads to make fun of anime desktop faggots (look to the file browser)
Don't. Trinity has the best native styling and themes of any DE but it's not stable enough that you should use it. I got frequent freezes and crashes and certain apps would act incorrectly. If the themes are what is pulling you towards trinity, I'd recommend XFCE but you'll need to search for the looks you want.
why don't you have good looking desktops anymore?
I don't live to rice.
Now I just use my computer
I wanna cum tribute your art
Where are her nudes
on her icloud
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i'll take that as a compliment i guess
How's wow on linux?
elitism and bitter tinkertrannies
jerking off to literal drawings kek.
>lust provoking image
>Three (3) clocks
who is the blonde girl
What all do you use VirtualBox for?
sauce on that webm
Uber comfy.
May I have the wallpaper, please?

This is not real Desktop thread, this is shit. Worst thread on /g/. Anon you should kill yourself out of shame. You're disgrace for your family.
Debian is neat but not sure if i trust their Plasms packaging process.
he actually did it too anon
bet you never even touched a woman irl. how's that incel life going son?
Is that Hotdog? it's absolutely horrendous
based privaty enjoyer
i NEED to know how to achieve this look
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>the digits confirm
I kneel
nigga is that THE fastest 32 bit cpu ever made?
>not debian or bsd

I think its 64bit
slowest 64 bit cpu
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kys coomer
Total Coomer Death.
not feeling very neuroplastic this week :(
>cooming is bad
to the anon who posted this in previous thread, what's the font?
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Only one person using GNOME........
share pape, please?
skill issue
Why does this thread attract so many moepedotroons?
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What clipboard manager do you guys use? I'm looking for one that supports images.
>pictures of some else's girlfriend on you home screen
Anon after that shoot she went home and got fucked by her man.
the one that's included by default in KDE
the one that's included by default in dwm
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>Mozilla Firefox
Anon, you really need to share your config. I don't like firefox, but in this bloated web, you need a bloated browser, and if you can customize ff to look good, and function good, then it might be the best browser out there. Some "minimal" browsers are good, but aren't fully usable on the modern web.
Yeah. Pick their screens. Keep them in check.
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I like it.
pcem or real hardware?
she's a minor btw
>she was a minor*
what site are you streaming from?
anon it says in his screenshot
This is a training program to learn for an amateur radio exam
works flawlessly
What's the best DE for a straight white male?
shut the fuck up
or windows
gnome, windows, macos
I know that, but when I look it up, can't seem to find the same one he's seemingly using
One thing I hate the most about transparent dolphin themes is the list mode. Most of them has every other item on the list be a not transparent color, it pisses me off. I've stopped using it because of that. It only works on icon view.
best post. Can I fuck you now?
Wallpaper please?
All that ricing and couldn't be bothered to update the kernel.
I miss wikieat
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kumiko and her gf reina are so cute
>muh degeneracy
4chan is the tamest it's ever been.
I want election tourists to go back to /pol/.
now this is soul
What wm is that?
Looks nice.
>just works
>reasonably minimal
>OS choice for people with nothing to hide a.k.a not having paranoid pedophilia
low key GOAT
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nice rust bucket
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Never needed more really
this is beautiful
why are people nostalgic for this bulky old beige plastic shit
personally I'm very, very glad we've moved past it
VGH brushed aluminum...
answered your own question mate, "nostalgia"
are you using firefox nightly?
The InstallGentoo Wiki isn't working and its page on ricing isn't on the Internet Archive. Do you guys have another guide on ricing?
>Verification not required.
What device is this? Tell more about it & how to made it look to comfy & sweet?
beautiful like always anon

Usually just testing shit out in VM's that I set up to mirror my clients servers. Nothing major really. >>102393359

That would be the Socket 775 P4's, specifically the Pentium 4 HT 3.2F (aka Prescott 541)
>HT 3.2
No, there's slower. I think this might be the slowest x64 processor, but AMD had some even earlier 64 bit laptop processors. Their records are harder to sort through though.
Forgot my link

P4 is much slower than the Core2 solo.

I tend to forget that AMD had the first x86-64 bit processors even though I lusted after them after my Athlon XP 3200 bit the dust.
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Why can't you guys just use normal windows like a normal person
because wangblows sucks balls and "normal" persons are dumb as shit so it makes sense they'd prefer using a shit consumer-unfriendly OS
Clock for clock, yeah. A 5W, 1 GHz Uno2Cuo isn't even remotely comparable to one of the final and fastest Pentium 4s. Those things were certainly not slow at the time, they went toe-to-toe with Athlon 64s. In more modern terms, think of Radeon VII. It was top of the line at the time, matched the 1080 Ti and actually beat out AMD's next-gen flagship, but at the same time it was a hot, expensive, power hungry dinosaur that probably should never have been made. Think of the P4 HT processors as Radeon VII, and the piece of shit Core 2 netbook processor as one of the 3 CU RDNA-based IGPs in Ryzen mobile processors.
pape sauce?
Thinkpad X1 Carbon 9th-Gen
KeePass, and no, this is Windows 10
thanks anon
we always did kek
linux is just a side hobby
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>tiling window manager
Do you guys actually have jobs or go to school or something? It seems like all you do is post on here an r/unixporn for upvotes.
I just boot back into my windows partition after taking a screenshot
fugly as hell
i configured that shit in like 3 days nigger
>i configured that shit in like 3 days
that's not a flex
Based but only because of my beautiful anime wife Noa Izumi.
In what world is cwm a tiling window manager?
Can you share your pape please?
Just posting here regularly should raise questions on the employment status of the person, what does a tiling window manager have to do with anything.
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it's not mine, but its an x220t. also i'm pretty sure anon achieved the look with a mac clone theme for gnome
GNOME on a two-in-one is sex
What OSK are you using? Is it good? I'm on KDE using maliit, and it could be better. I've tried gnome's as well, but it was even worse.
bought one of these "refurbished", a year or so later the display started acting up. i have no idea how to fix it or what the problem even is, it's just been sitting there for a few years. i don't think parts for it are being sold anymore. it's a shame because it's pretty comfy.
thx anon.
Nope, just regular Firefox from the Arch repos
ive seen your posts for a while now and have always wondered what you did to achieve those sidebar tabs?
they look so cool
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their bodies look like ironing boards and their faces are below 5/10
is that real?
I am vomit

It's i3 + polybar (shapes from adi1090x/polybar-themes).

I prefer this simpler bar with blur though, and a warmer white.

File size too big, full res image is on Booru, just search by nurunuru0801
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my friend please be respect, brap hog adiposity announce proliferation, causate penis erect. fembrap vitalize evropean mans architecture study 25 hour day. calculate differential equation curvature ratio are correct
am suspect your Tea level subordinate normal threshold. am NOT allow plywood stick bug
This one is nice too, but the other one tickled my autism quite right.
Thank you for the reply.
Okay and that is disgusting, the other one was cute. I am vomit.
Whichever one you want. The world is yours, king.
Based boomer-ricing
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No cleaning you say? Ok.
anyone recommend a cheap system i can run something lightweight. thinking notes and a web browser.
Based take my esl friend. I hate fat """people""" so much it's insane. I don't care where you're at or who you are or what race, fat """people""" are fucking disgusting.
Just get a used laptop from eBay.
any reccs for something small? like 11 inches?
omg lol
its literally rotting...
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the dark areas are akshually just hyperpigmentation due to chafing but yeah you can bet it smells in there, and that's a GOOD thing :^)
she does have an unusual amount of acne though. this montage >>102405199 is obviously cherrypicked to highlight her best sides

here an even less flattering angle (...for you)
Awkward silence.
11 inches sounds BIG
Signs of autism clearly showing here. Get checked up anon-kun
Autism website
Ok final change,

Did some UX touches, made the background darker for visual hierarchy, change of fonts to a more handwritten feeling.
can you post terminal colorscheme pls?
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It's the tab center reborn extension with the custom CSS from the firefox-gnome-theme github page, there's instructions there on how to set it up
>it doesn't work for me, therefore everyone who uses it is a neet
>xhe a virgin telling newGOD to have sex o algo
My job doesn't requiere using a computer, I use it to shitpost in my free time.
GROSS! Please kys immediately.
>Hide post
Signs of autism clearly showing here, get checked up dude.
Autism website
Average Xxx org user
You actually enjoy that?
get your eyes checked. that's not porn.
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A Ukrainian solder will put a bullet in you and every member of your family. Us Americans will laugh and tell jokes about it.
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peaking computing will look like this.
tranny pedo detected
you forgot me
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shill me some wallpaper
nta but i have a question
can you stop posting please?
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if no one replies, sure
10 years ago your programmed opinion about what constitutes "degeneracy", which you've made your entire personality, did not exist and was not welcome here. It's still not welcome here. Go to another website to shit on anime
why are you black
dangerously based
>desktop thread overrun by ACKposting and braphogs
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat -.-
>tranny pedo detected
I'm not a tranny, nigger
this must you then >>102388231
based tbqh
no, not me. I'm still a pedo, just not a troon
only a matter of time
not gonna happen, rabbi
Degeneracy is usually applied to sexual liberation, which is no liberation at all. Gays, queers, trans, they all think pride marches are about fighting the system, but the system approves. What they havent realised is they should be fighting against their own labels. That is why people mock them and despise them. They can't see beyond the end of their cock but they want people to believe they are political. They arent, they are simply perverts masturbating each other
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pape please?
good taste in distro/ui, awful one on music
What's the best DE for trans women?
Cinnamon on Linux Mint
Arch is what they usually choose as it is as volatile as they are
Definitely Cinnamon/Mint
Cinnamon. Only trannies know so little about computers they would willingly install it
of course GNOME, the only DE approved for transgenders
Ebussy is a straight, White, Evropean male who doesn't take shit from idiots. Also no tinkering options for the gender confused. Seems like GNOMies are the only non-trannies in the Linux space, to me.
Why does everyone use old computers, are you guys poor?
ebussy is a literal troon chaser dumbass
Erm... no he isn't. That sounds like kope to me.

because they still work and get the job done.
Hey, if it works, why upgrade?
I'm an xfce aryan, sorry to disappoint
Retrocomputing is a predominantly TRANS hobby.
where did you get the idea it was abandonware? I still get frequent updates on it
>TRANS hobby
I'm on a chud distro btw
only trans using troonix just fyi
>frequent updates
Why are you lying?
>chud distro
Which end of the spectrum are you at? Did you install Mint because you're too gender confused to know how to use a computer, or did you install something with a minority init system because you just couldn't resist the temptation to TRANSITION away from the majority consensus?
slow development cycle =/= abandonware
> Did you install Mint
Mint isn't chudware, newfag
arch doesn't come with a DE retard
>Mint isn't chudware
Lots of EGGS on this board seem to think it is!
good thing their opinion doesn't count when facts prove otherwise
SO TRUE! I don't listen to those FREAKS. GNOME and SYSTEMD forEVER!
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Pride is a substitute for lack of personality
They are VR addicts so Windows and whatever default Ubuntu is.
Stuck a nerve?
Delussional. They drained their funds on inclusivity programs and had a nonbinary chaman leading their board JUST last year.
>Delussional. They drained their funds on inclusivity programs and had a nonbinary chaman leading their board JUST last year.
i just want to CUT MYSELF at the thought that someone thinks they make more money SUCKING TRANSVESTITE COCK we need to introduce HUGE REFORMS to change the status quo and make NORMAL WHITE STRAIGHT MALES grate again. my proposed solution:: inject all WHITE people with growth hormones and use border xray machines to sterilize any WOMEN or BLACK people that try to fly. I GYARANTEE with in 5 years we will have a better, more christian, more kind, more healthy, more wealthy, society
Stop the yappucino and go back to posting desktops, I enjoyed them so far
you enjoy the shadow of a ghost
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Changed my wallpaper because i used one with naked anime girls.
what are you doing with dual GPU's on a desktop system?
You mean the intel one? It's just integrated graphics. if your GPU dies, it's nice to have a back-up.

If you are talking about the 2ed one. idk why it shows up like that.
I assume you tried to replied to me >>102416569
Right, I understand the backup part, but your motherboard should disable the onboard automatically and turn it on if there's no dedicated graphics card. It's better to have only one showing up in your loonix system
Dead thread.
>anime culture
Big difference between anime culture and literal pedophilia . I have nothing against people who watch anime, but when you start having scantily dressed cartoon children on your desktop you seriously need to check your mental health.
>noooooooooooo not le heckin cartoon minorinooooooooooooo
>she's not old enough to fictionally consent yettttttttttt
Shut the fuck up
>oh no, will someone think of the cartoon children?
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Terminal and Bar font? This look awesome!
Fantasizing about cartoon minors leads to fantasizing about real life minors. One day some kid on a milk carton will be chained up in your basement.
someone suggest me cool looking retro gtk theme.
Would be better with bitmap fonts.
you opened the wrong website again nigger. do yourself and the world a favor and blow your fucking brains out so nobody has to read your stupid moralfag shit ever again
This is pretty
Doesn't fullscreen windows get messed under the top dock?
Or do you keep it in always shown setting?
any good icon packs?
hyprland, gnome
What's the best de for straight men? Also suggest good themes.
GNOME on Debian
Stock Adwaita, Papirus icons, IBM Plex font
>GNOME on Debian
kek, GNOME on Arch is what you want.
no it isn't
I don't need bleeding edge GNOME
I like to update well after all the extensions and everything are compatible with the latest version
43 still works great
Imagine paying for the Apollo stand alone when WinUAE, FS-UAE, E-UAE exist. Not to mention AROS distributions like MorphOS, Icaros Desktop, and AROS One if you want to run native. Fuck, a PiMiga is a better choice. You threw your money away sucker. Also I love how Apollo LARP and say a “68080” is a processor, no it’s not. It doesn’t exist. It’s FPGA so you’re emulating anyway.
Based and correct pilled. Death penalty for pedos.
I can't stand these anime/cartoon fags. you'll never have sex.
new >>102424938
>posts in a gay anime board
I had sex with your dad normalfag
d-did he top
Yes. He was very good.
Defending this is beyond scary.
Ever heard about Ted Bundy? You know he started with porn which got sicker and sicker until nothing he could ever watch could satiate his growing thirst for morbid lust, right? You are going down that same path. It starts with cartoon girls in anime, then it goes to cartoon girls in hentai, then to the real sickening real girl videos, until you can no longer control your urges and you go out looking for a real life victim. You need to stop this. Nothing good will come from this sick and morbid obsession. Repent before it's to late.
theyre all dressed fine lil bro
Wow, that is scary. Is that why Japan's crime rate is so out of control?

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