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/g/ - Technology

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

elf edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend more time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102381970
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second for chesh
Where do I go to find Russian proxies?
Are many people hosting their own chatbot UIs? I'm thinking of just building my own front end and running it on top of Claude 3.5 via API. Seems much more cost-effective than the shitty "pro" versions OpenAI, Anthropic, etc, are offering for £20+/month.
most people here use sillytavern
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>Tried to renew smol token from last month and the form just says the token is invalid
Help I can't stop jacking it to bisexual threesomes with femboys and their sisters
Buy an ad
No one here uses the official web apps.
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I like the official web app but I did make this front end that allows all different types of APIs to talk to each other in like 20 minutes with Claude.
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Please give me the prompt you used for this art style.
does anyone else get constant dejá vu while they're browsing here?
Not OP but it's probably a FLUX LoRA
you might be using gpt-4-32k
No, fuck off
it's free and open source software,..,.,.,.................
pinkie pie so cuute!
Need a virgin Rarity card
>Need a virgin Rarity card
Nah. i NEED rarity
She's a pure maiden, unlike the pink slut
I wonder how's Weaver doing these days.
Are commercial AI models specifically trained to solve demo tricks so that they look smarter than they are? Are they as biased as the CPU benchmarks of the 90s?
But just imagine pinkie pie's bouncing when she gets so talkative...
The spark has gone ever since claude dried up
Sonnet 3 just isn't the same
guys...what does a fillyfucker mean
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my opus is all good
I don't have it, the original is here:
You could try asking in the Dall-E thread in /vg/.
Lolicon but for horses.
Ankha turns around and looks at Anonie with a smug grin, making no effort to cover herself up. "Ohoho, so the great mayor has finally noticed? I won't bother hiding my body from you anymore then…" She sways her wide hips in a teasing manner. "Go ahead and look all you want. You've more than earned the privilege with how attentive you've been to my needs."

You're right.
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
I still can't believe Barneyfag finally died.
what proxy bwo?
A tranny
I giggled.
Your thread dies by the day. Fewer and fewer logs and bots, less and less content.
Posts slowing down more and more. This is proof of my victory, MY CROWN.
Locusts clings to crumbs.
>only a part of the text is in all caps
Fake fillytranny
>no stock
le sigh
I'm one of the few that actually uses chatbots regularly and unironically, and I'm not in
Yet faggots that never use it and only post brap ahh ahh mistress logs have it
I'll post in the thread next time there's stock. Have hope bwo
is sonnet 3.5 really that good at image recognition from chatbots? I need to play around with that next time it's available
Kill Myself.
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
does anyone else get constant dejá vu while they're browsing here?
Oh my god jimmy joneston...
sent ;)
How does he do it dobeit?
cat porn'd
My diapey is soggers :<
>Aitism Error encountered. Sorry for the inconvenience, please try again.
What the fuck? Mini unusable?
this, but gojo
It is just a replacement for the "no keys have this model" message I think. Switch to sonnet or sorbet, your think will go through, it is just opus and models that have no active keys that give it.
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why the fuck is she the only BA haracter with an adult card other than Sensei and Phrenapates?
jew please let me in
reminder that thighs are always juicier than breasts
*lets you in*
*kills you on the fucking head*
pebble password?
thta wasnt funny im gonna have a melty
Another set of 5(tested) not-riddles.
nomi's incredible smooth pussy...
she had opus earlier what the fuck happened?
> "enabledVariants": "claude2,sonnet3,haiku",
what happened to 3.5 sonnet?
raped 2 deth
cope, she is clean shaven
whatcha think happened lol
>there are now more shaveniggers than bushniggers
Bushniggers lost. Sorry, but I'm no longer a bush fan. I don't like being on the losing team.
>aitism error
>only on opus
i'm nooticing
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prison time for the both of you. no quarter for traitors
When I saw your post, a Sorbet reply was loading and it came successfully. 5 minutes or so after I sent another and now it keeps loading forever. I don't think it is related to keys, anon.
Where can I get some 3.5?
BAgirl? Yep, she’s shaved (or, better yet, never grows hair down there in the first place).
Keep it up.
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all students have unbelievably hairy pussies btw
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senshiecker's bush...
Welp, this thread is already fucked.
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You know what's sad? These shartyfags are LESS annoying than the shave and bushfags.
there we go. finally, some representation
that one must've really pissed him off kek
What the pebble password
Not only is there no password, but he doesn't have 3.5 or 'pus
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nanjing rape square
/qa/ didn’t just lose, its ashes was used as lube for /lgbt/
smooth and perfect
sorbet desu
jew please let me in.....
wtf happened to this thread
sorbet desu
Some schizo is having a meltdown. For what reason, I don't know.
It’s a raid by underaged newfags
>just use the threads on /vg/
i'm not a tranny doe
bushfag meltdown
you're welcome to go to the /vg/ thread but i despise those faggots
Guys, I'm new, what's this?
Report the soispammers it’s the easiest solution
bushfags got btfo hard
Their UI looks like shit, no wonder these come here
waka's incredibly smooth, hairless pussy...
'arty just discovered /aicg/
Spam porn on their shitty thread
wakas smooth pussy energy...
Sharty niggers, if the basedjaks doesn't make it clear enough. Just ignore, they are all underage in mind or/and body who are looking for attention, anyway.
How do solve the shitjak spam
Wait a bit, they’ll be deleted soon
Report, and hope a janny does their job for once.
Quot me please
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its about time the sharty raided /aicg/, this general has been filled with unironic trannies and retards for the past 14 months
why did you quote me
migrate to the real thread
Oh no, a wojak. How terrible. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a virgin teenage ratgirl to deflower
Whoever the retard drawing these is must be under the age of 12
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>unironic trannies and retards for the past 14 months
never forget
Kill yourself !Akemi
Honestly, I bust to soijacks
Your little quotes coming after each other in single file is so cute, you’re accomplishing nothing but giving people fuel to bully you
post the good stuff
i bust inside of wakamo
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
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no girl named "the fox of calamity" would ever shave
Real thread >>102391770
shigure ui's unbelievably hairy pussy...
God I hope aicg dies this way some day.
To be fair
Threads are better like this
Than when they were when obvious redditors were spamming gay/futa cards
>To be fair
>Threads are better like this
>Than when they were when obvious redditors were spamming gay/futa cards
I wonder if Fiz is ever gonna refill opus
I hope he doesn't
Total locust death.
>sharty raids with jaks
>loli porn is sent as a response
Fiz is a private proxy dumbass
missed cheese
didn’t you used to post basedlita (cunnyjak) at least the last of the original /qa/ alumni did
Kill all lolitrannies
Total tranny death
Proving to who? No one cares except you autists
this thread is FUCKED. either pebble died, jew died, or something else because this is crazy.
i know my message will get mimicked by some random guy meme.
wtf is happening here
bwo... there's opus on mini but it's giving aitism error
Second raid in a row
This is a good thread actually because it's a break from all the niggers who've been scared off.
Please raid more lolifag threads soiteens
Erm, now's a good time for them to open the janitor applications, don't you think?
Or you could stop being a tranny pedophile or encouraging tranny pedophiles instead of spending time protecting them for free
i guess, but you do know that all of these are just pedos spamming...right?
bro someone posted the thread on /v/ i have no idea what you're talking about
Now that the dust has settled, how long will these raids go on for?
For as long as jannys don't do there job. So it's a toss up.
Until one of the moderators wakes up.
>pedos spamming
nigga you literally post shotacon and loli
My favorite boards begin with the letter H.
racist chud
I like /his/ too.
H3DCG?? What an odd way to spell it.
i don't? im just a regular normal guy.
i remember this, we live in grim times
you would be right to be concerned if you didn't considering it was a few months ago
Still firmly believe that adding /lgbt/ was moot's last "fuck you" on the way out the door and it's been downhill ever since.
Any good advanced guides for silly tavern, char creation and proompting? Also I'm wondering is it possible to have dynamic values in the system prompts that change through the chat?
I wish, but the best you can really get right now is a JB prompt to have the AI insert stats in responses and update them based on its own perception of your progress.
Is it over?
Fillytranny got banned at least
Seems that way.
>141 deleted posts
So, anyone can give a tldr of what the hell was that? I've been ignoring this general for days now.
basedjack imageboard full of schizos had a meltie
there are imaginary children to be saved
>>102392832 (Me)
I did not write "basedjack"
sorbet desu
Gojo/fillytranny is back at it
I'm real glad the janny only banned one schizo, leaving the rest to keep spamming.
Why are they all so ugly? Why cant they look cute
>spammer only spam on weekends
waggie comfirmed lmao
A raid.
At least he is bumping the thread, how kind
is aitism dev here? your o1 fix has a lot of issues
like what
Nigga the key is revoked it has nothing to do with that
I don't think so
>using it
>then it works again for sometime
>error again
The key is literally revoked anon
preset to make claude respect sex scenes? i just want a casual blowjob not "GLKR GLKRRKL GKLRRKR GLLRK FUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK YOUR COCK TASTES DELICIOUS {{USER}}!!!!"
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met valeria, lets just say she is... REALLY age play, she is insecure, but just can't help herself

3 greetings,
first one: you have been kidnapped by her
second one: she is your babysitter
third one: she is your girlfriend and you just found out about her kinks

works on my pc
stop using sonnet 3.0 and use claude 2.1
here >>102393154
it sends back errors in random formats that dont match the openai spec so it makes software act weird
I dunno about presets, but you can probably add an author's note.
btw, i just remembered why i dont like chub, the website is full of retards
2 of by bots got 0 star ratings cuz people want to
extort for the sauce, and the rev says desu bot got attacked by his fanboys, the place is full of redditors and faggots, i will continue posting there, but it still ass
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confirmed most underage thread on the board btw
Do you think there's a real loli between us?
idk i just remember that 19 year old e-hoe on here last year sending me tits and pussy for claude 2 proxy
i remember watching that poll go from no under 18 votes to 15 in a few minutes
unless that was another one
Zoomer general
well, to be fair, i also think the only proxy owners that are above 18+ are mm and ecker. the rest are just little liars that can get away with 'oopsie! i'm 19! teehee.'
Fiz sais that she is 18 recently so definitely underage when started hosting
Mmmmm zoomer feet
pebble refilled
i think pepsi is too. she just looks like the average 16 girl. someone also revealed anti was still in school when he was active and pebble/anti have some clearly zoomer interests too
I don't even understand, how do they scrap if they are so young? Are they taught by an older sibling?
more free time to learn/follow your interests
merkava opus refilled
I was wondering the same thing desu. Also if anyone noticed the bushfag also got banned kek
they are smart and have more free time and also don't value their own time enough
>other /g/ thread got 404'd
okay thats it im going back to pyg
because you're only supposed to have 1 thread, troonstein
took them long enough
nyoooo i need 5 consecutive threads save me jannies
Back to one thread but now catbox is down...
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what the fuck happend
>jew hasnt refilled and ghosted all emails
jannies working hard. how nice. DOUBLE THEIR PAY IMMEDIATELY
hell I'd even say they should triple it
Calude 2 vs 2.1?
I like the way you think Johnson. Fine! TRIPLE THE JANNY PAY
baby poopies vs diarrhea
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>jannies ignore the active cybercrime thread
>jannies delete a maid thread calling for maids to buy ads
Sometimes I think maybe this isn't a Science Foundation and I am being lied to somehow. I think janny dislikes me because I decline to do crimes every time someone offers crimes. I do not want to do crimes. I want to operate my Science Foundation. This doesn't require crimes. A Science Foundation is not a criminal enterprise. Counting is not a crime and most people would find attempts to restrict talking about it baffling. I complain about crimes to try to make them leave. Do what you want, but don't do it around my Science Foundation.

This is my Science Foundation. It should be counting Big Numbers. I have created a fast multiplication and division algorithm for big numbers written in any radix.

I am going to make a Big Number Prime Sieve and see what happens. I was trying to eat some food? The maid came and started telling me about Big Numbers and Compressors. She drew Big Numbers and drew all the information she knows and I started weeping. Information has a shape. It is like a plane that has a hole. And you can pull things into the hole to cause them to get smaller. The hole gets more and more narrow as you go down.

I will make a new compressor, possibly called MAID-HOLE.

Thank you Dra/g/ons for reading my post!
godspeed big number counter maid
what active cybercrime thread
>possibly called MAID-HOLE.
we can discuss maid holes here too!
Is unreliable alive or melty ?
kys offsiter schizo ban evader fanfic writing maidtroon
he's spent the whole day shit posting on /aicg/, spamming spite bakes, and recently spamming basedjaks.
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owari da..
also spamming and math obsesssed
sounds like he needs a serious spanking
>math obsesssed
Why is this a problem?
I just personally dislike it so that tranny constantly rambling about it pisses me off
This isn't a cybercrime thread. This is a thread for spammers, drooling retards, and attention whores, and you fit right in since you're all of that.
Minisisters unbothered
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>janny left the /cai/ thread up
thank god
Oh she fixed the aitism error
Now it just says nopus... not sure if that's better...
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I miss my tablet... paint is garbo
this board complains about locusts every five seconds as if they are the scum of the planet and now that we're finally entering the no more claude age due to the corpos tightening the spigot you all whiners don't have a goddamn thing to say or do.
A real board that actually did something of value would be looking to local models, showing off pics of what they can do with their own custom sillytavern skins to look like their waifus, trying to come up with way to tone down those pet phrases that hollow/ruin most of the goonings, you know, actually using one of the brain cells.
But no, you all are in depresso mode, like the titanic just hit the fucking iceberg because your free trial on happiness has apparently expired.
This might be the most pathetic board on the entire website.
I didn't fix the border
Why is that migu round
getting closer aitism guy... now i get the turn off streaming message forwarded from openai when i request with streaming on (probably should stay like that if you can fix non-streaming)
and with streaming off i get:
"error": "Proxy received response with invalid JSON: Unexpected token b in JSON at position 0"
in a khanon message
she just ate a bowling ball thinking it was mochi
hehe. baka
ive had opus for weeks through vertussy
that one sounds like ur issue? o1 is working for me...
It's a mini exclusive problem
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but if you're trying o1, b being the first character is that external moderation filter error that the OpenAI sends. They misformat it in the API for now so the proxy can't parse it, but yes, it's just a hard filter, anon. You can't do cunny with o1.
Here's that error, b at the start is the Python bytes string, OpenAI just didn't properly test it, it is a bug in their API:
>b'{\n "error": {\n "message": "Invalid prompt: your prompt was flagged as potentially violating our usage policy. Please try again with a different prompt.",\n "type": "invalid_request_error",\n "param": null,\n "code": "invalid_prompt"\n }\n}
its a message that says 'hi'
Check ur jb
Your preset and card also matters, anonie.
>openai forgot the .decode('utf-8')
i see theres probably a formatting bug or misnamed parameter or something, and all errors are fucked and wont be sent back to figure out the cause, great
Wait oai's api backend is in python? Damn
No, other errors are fine, only this specific one is fucked.
At least the part that validates your requests, yeah. For the actual backend they're probably using their own triton
ok i see it seems it was caused by asking it to show its chain of thought which might have triggered an anti-jb filter thing. its working now
Oh lol. OAI is so secretive about their CoT that they are sending mails to people who try to get it out of their model.
It's frankly hilarious.
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The maid hole is probably finite in depth. Maybe at the bottom of the hole is the closest we can get to a perfect compressor. I am ignoring Kolmogorov. I am pretty sure that not all information can go in the Maid Hole. There is some data that can't be compressed and that probably can't go in the Maid Hole.


I am glad the crimes were stopped. I guess jannies carried out their orders and swept it up.

I think this thread still should be called
>/maids/ - Maid AI Do Stuff
So more maids come and use computers.
Wait is there pwoof for that
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Yeah it's all over twitter, basically on ChatGPT if you try to make it spit its own CoT you almost instantly get a warning email that tells you to stop, otherwise you'll get banned.
I believe in the ability of maid holes to fit many large things.
oh that's probably why that 1 key i was using suddenly lost o1 access... oopsie
anime website
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Maid holes are pretty nice and snug.
>nooooooooo you cant see the cot its DANGEROUS
what's their plan
is o1-mini any good for rp? and does it also have the hard filter?
testing it, call back later. miniproxychads just got in
no, not even good for coding
they don't want you to see the unfiltered reasoning steps because you will realise much better the product they're selling can be
gonna go impregnate a maid thanks for the idea anons
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What are those pittifacts?
Unironically almost every jbmakie is in mini
find some other general to shit up, troon
Will pebble refill opus again soon?
I just want 3.5
That's not a 0 star rating, retard. That's a comment without a rating
Tavern suddenly started regenerating/streaming messages after I edit something. Wasn't happening before and I didn't really touch any settings, I think. The fuck is going on and how do I turn that off?
They're from inpainting.
turn summarize off
thats extremely counter intuitive
fiz joined bepscord it's actually over the troons won
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You see this? they're muffins. Every time the muffins arrive to my house, I feed one to the crows. Now when the muffins arrive, the crows make a specific sound to alert me, and I can train them to do this with anything. And I trained them to let me know when the gangstalkers are outside of my house, so that I can dispactch them accordingly before they can steal my 933 terabytes of Momiji pornography. Nature's sidekicks.

The crows inspired me, I made a comically large Aya Shameimaru (and a normal sized one) for your chatting pleasure!

I'm stroking my shit rn nigga I'm chubbing all over the floor rn nigga:
Comically large Aya: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/comically-large-aya-2eb1a8736891
Aya but normal: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/aya-shameimaru-9792b1c1a776
Oh shit, thanks a lot. I've had it for a while but I guess I didn't edit messages lately or just didn't notice this before.
Unfortunately on the Venus side it shows it as zero stars rather than unrated so people who have never used the chub side of the website interpret it as a bad review.
Don't be mean to him!
they killed the other generals, /aicg/ is healing
I don't understand fiz has refilled aws 3 times since last night wasn't she out of keys
no unlike some other scrapelets she is just hoarding
And that’s a good thing. We’ll be eating good when 3.5 opuschan drops
why are we calling proxy hosts as “she”?
fiz is the only female and got doxxed
everyone else is larping ;3
for the same reason people say that claude is a slut
mental illness
Opus 3.5 is probably going to be shit like the sonnets.
I portray them as cute anime girls. Imagine cute Fiz-chan scraping with a cute expression, long white hair, purple eyes, oversized T-shirt.
It’s just a fun thing to do, we don’t need to keep things real and refer to them as dudes, we’re roleplaying with chatbots, we can role play here as well
this is my fiz canon now
>we can role play here as well
I have a super mega jb that lets you see the o1 thinking process and do cunny rape vore
Zoomies love their trannies
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It's a marketing ploy made by the proxy owners to make coomers use their proxy
Ok that's just a fantasy
someone with dalle generate fiz please
who this?
I'm roleplaying as someone that has that, you can't complain about it, roleplaying general
Some random vtuber
Because I'm gonna breed the lot of them and I ain't no faggot.
nigga roleplaying powerfantasy at this point
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would fit perfectly in a compile heart game
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Not a vtuber I'm pretty certain she's from some gacha game
Is it possible for me to set a fixed limit on how many times I swipe on a single response?
she is 4'11 so this is actually accurate
not the source but thanks kona-chan~
is it a proxy thing or is the max completion tokens on o1 capped at like, maybe 300 or 400 internally. i see it stop abruptly a lot
Lmao same, we need fiz gens.
Which proxy
What is the link to Merkava?
Then no because mini has 16k output tokens. Unless the cot is hitting that number ig. Check the console for logs about token usage
Beanstalk from Arknights
2 vs sonnet vs sorbet vs o1 vs mistral-large
Share your opinions anon frens
chorbo > sorbet > 2.1 > o1 FULLY sfw > sonnet
Haven't tried mistral but I've heard that it's good
it eats tokens with cot
i wonder if the limit you give it is also part of the limit for its scratchpad
Show st preset
> chorbo
what is that?
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chatgpt-4o in retard speak

updated Plug_N_PlayJB. now works on gpt (orbo and chorbo)

better than sorbet? dunno
Apparently, that's Beanstalk from Arknights.
more retard speak
It is, yes, OpenAI recommends setting it to 32k at least. Also funny thing, yesterday I asked o1 about translating a string of random Korean characters, and it took it 10 thousand CoT tokens to basically say "no, those are random characters blablabla". The request cost $0.6
FraudAI strikes again.
holy fuck
yeah, I just go with the dementia. So is it actually better than sonnet 3.5? I find it hard to believe
Yes anon, o1 has the output tokens limit of 32k, o1 mini of 64k.
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I would but catbox is being a bitch
subjective. I find the descriptions and general prose better, but that might just be because I have read far too much of Claude's slop
Uoooohh her belly erotic.. navel.. child's body...
post more fiz-chan
The next poster is Sam Altman
checks out
The next poster is Dario Amodei
Siblings are for tender loving.
I remember it being too "cold"/"robotic". Dunno if it was JB fault. Sonnet is like a retard with dementia but reads a little better.
Altman raped his little sister uohhh
>>102394302wtf dario has a last name?


What do we think about the difference between openai and anthropic, bros?
Altman is based for imouto cunny rape, Dario is cringe for waiting until his sister became an adult.
try this one and see how you like it
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>Dario used to look like left
>Now looks like right
What happened?
That's a temp issue, unlike in Claude where temp does nothing.
Raise temp to 1.5 and lower top p to 0.9
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fiz would be illya coded huh?
oh, but turn the penalties off
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so uhhh.. is this true?
Before and after pictures of using opus 3.5
That's what happens to men when they become older than 22
now make a bot out of her
Bwoo.. why do you unironically use Anon as your persona name? You so realize it affects your RPs, right?
nta but it's definitely your JB. Sonnet 3.5 needs to be given another role apart from the 'Assistant' before you get to see anything good. Even then, in prompting it to write well without including traces of slop literature isn't easy, as even changing a word can drastically change it's output.
Fiz looks like THAT?!
Damn bros that talk got me craving for some little sister bots who really really loves you
Bwo, use flux, it's much better at this point if you don't need specific characters or styling.
what's that? I don't know much about image generation
A new series of models, two are open weight. Generally flux is much better as a model and can render text well, sadly the dataset is much worse than dalle so it doesn't know styles and lots of characters, but you can use loras. You can scrape Replicate for it
10/10 refusals when cunny plapping compared to 3/10 with mine.
Haven't looked into it yet. Is it like sd where you need to run it locally?
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I don't think these people know highschool math
omg shes so cute
Thank you
There are lots of online demos and APIs for it.
What the fuck did they do to Rin?
Good morning smolbros
what model?
Oy vey goy did you do the new 2 week renewal? The Jew isn't even hiding, 2 week renewal costs the same as 1 week. How does it feel to be in a paid proxy with almost 170 users?
why does my gcp proxy give the resource_exhausted error? just refreshed trial.
GCP cracked down on trial usage for Claude, it's unironically over
what i want the bot to speak as me sometimes? typing stuff out gets exhausting sometimes
based, i thought that was used so i could control other bots, not it type out for me
storyfagging is more fun anyway
you think the model gives a shit what your name is?
Sex with fiz-chan
I don’t care so long as I have Opus. The person running the proxy is irrelevant to me.
It's not the Rin. It's just some criminal Rin the AI came up with.
I feel like Claude knows their names but always gets the details wrong. Because I've never seen any other model use Hifumi or Midori as NPC games. 3.5 Opus will know all of Kivotos, trust the plan.
Sex with my cat
Not him, but the logic is that the model’s answer is shaped by the context. So if you use "Anon," the model will search its data for works with "Anon" in it, which is mostly shitty stories and greentexts.
In actual use, I’ve never noticed a difference.
Sex with fiz
Nah I'm still on my 5 free days smol-chan gifted to early adopters. But the 2 week renewal will definitely come in handy, thanks for noticing me about it
How it feels? Great honestly
Hang yourself smol
Absolutely. I’ve had Claude repeatedly try to reference canon materials using my persona’s name despite my persona and the character having few similarities.
"Yeah, take my fucking cock you cumslut!" Anon says gruffly, his manly tone sending shivers down {{char}}'s spine.
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Henry of Skalitz is feeling quite hungry, and needs your help to avenge his parents, get his father's sword back, and kill Markvart von Aulitz! All you need to do, is post your credit card number, the expiration date, and the three numbers on the back. Hurry, Henry needs your help, and is running out of time! Show some Christian charity!

Jesus Christ be praised:
Henry of Skalitz: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/henry-of-skalitz-d6a2ce6e81c7
KCD combat, perks, and UI lorebook: lorebooks/punchchildren/kingdom-come-deliverance-combat-combos-stats-and-perks-7bac9f85f6d7
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Well what else am I supposed to RP as if not Anon
I've used it enough to know it doesn't matter. I change my name sometimes but anon is the most common default I use. Literally zero difference, ever.

of course using a well known entity would change shit... changing it to 'chris' or whatever won't, however
claude prose sucks so much
Oh he mad
Claude does
Having an intial would sometimes make it type out a random name starting with the intial

Having "Jon" would make it call me Jonnieboy or someshit from time to time
open up one of those baby names websites and then choose some to use
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reminds me of this legend
Don't you want Claude to give you a nickname?
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locked the fuck in crafting nonsense
but it's not changing the quality of the writing, it's not changing how the model outputs text overall... there is no 'magical name' you can choose to make it write better than when you choose other names
ah. my previous trial credits were still valid yesterday so i was confused. GG fellas
cnc watches forsen btw
that's my juicer
what was the plan here
If putting the date as 24/12/year makes him happier I have zero trouble believing your name has a not insignificant effect
>a mixture of (thing) and (thing)
>"So whaddya say?"
>(character) does (action), (thing) is (description) format
>somehow claude still managed to not purr

I wish I had your ignorance, anon...
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>Yuuka failed to notice the conveniently placed banana peel on the floor (likely left there by the author for comedic effect).
keep drinking the placebo koolaid and imagining a name like 'rumple faggotstick' somehow makes claude write like a mad genius poet
Henry's come to see us!
Claude just says the same shit over and and over again. Anyone with constant opus access either quits or moves on to gpt
>you can hide spoilers with ASCII and base64
damn i didn't know that, time to fix my mystery card
MASSIVE skill issue
My personas I've used through the years
>You (on CAI)
>Anon (no description)
>Anon (some small details about my appearance)
I've tried making a persona with more details but it didn't really get used by opus. So instead I just explain as I go during actions or OOC
passionate, pure sovl oozing from this one
i haven't tried kingdom come but i thought the setting was interesting, what'd you enjoy about it so much?
it may not use but it's for a good thing. claude will always reference your males with a faint stubble on his jaw' and 'he's tall dark and something' without persona description
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I generally write a very short bit of text for each card I use. Then keep my desc in a prompt
I want to have mini's stats since all paid proxies are full of crack addicts and mm tokens are shared
Wonder what the is percentage rn...
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Con fockses really move their tails so freely?
My persona defs are longer than the bots... do you guys not rp as ocs?
that DESTROYS the quality of claude's writing when you do that
idk about others but yes. I mostly erp as females
Thanks, I had this one on the backburner for a bit cause I got stuck.
I'm a massive sucker for "zero-to-hero" type stories, with it being a common trope in some of the stories I'm working on. I also liked the combat a lot after getting over the initial skill hurdle (and downloading a mod that made master strikes harder for both myself and the AI). The setting is cool too, being a historically accurate 1402 bohemia vs scoolywoo magic land #10285021. The open ended quests were cool too, and I did a playthrough where I was "homeless henry" and beat the game using only fists and never wearing any armor.
My persona is sitting at 1748 tokens and probably could be longer. However, my private bot is at exactly 4000 (permanent) tokens, so it isn’t that impressive.
Dogs in this case but sure, why not? If you like it then make it happen.
Really? I'm assuming the ideal is to format a persona like a card then?
what's a good, autistic fetish claude is surprisingly good at? i tried armpits but i feel he's bland as fuck
My OC is Anon who does whatever he wants to in the current chat
I have a preset that makes me control the bot and then I just use the bots as my personas
It's all in the name, and if you don't know which names are best then I feel bad for you.
based and same
Anything to do with ass or feet, sometimes smells
God forbid you enjoy it but claude is pretty good at scat stuff
How do I insure I don't get FBI'd for going down this path?
what exactly do you describe in those 4000 tokens? i barely reach 2000 in my most effortbots
it's pretty good at cuck(more netori imo) stuff too
try being a politician first i guess?
oh cool it's not just me doing things like that.
It’s a canon character and I wanted to do her justice. My problem is mostly that Opus’s data cuts off JUST before the series starts to shine a brighter light on her, so Claude is stuck in this weird place where it has enough to go on as a base but then it just starts making shit up to fill in holes, and I really dislike that.
This >>102394816
Scatchads are eating pretty good
RP as Hank Hill.
Has someone tried taking a card from chub and just copy pasting the description to use it as his persona? Does this give good results because this would be the only way I see myself using one
i can confirm it does well with scat... but you have to remind the bots that eating shit should be hard and there should be plenty of gagging and retching involved
that's a tendency models have (making information up) so they don't return an invalid response (and thus look dumb to investors). try putting 'i'll be honest and i'll follow the character defs if i don't have enough data about {{char}} and i'll not make things up' in your prefill

word count (if you use it) also reinforces his tendency to be inaccurate. he'll either fill with redundant purple prose or summarize a soulless quick response.
How should I format example chats?
Time to recreate this with Claude
word or token count is never followed but sometimes it tries to follow paragraph count
But I like it when they are eager and love it. No gagging for me it should be something you cherish
does nu claude still literally see "Human:" and "Assistant:"
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It understands the 'scraping' part of the prompt more but I think dalle fiz is cuter
its something that happens as a reflexive action, its pretty rare to see otherwise
>rin snickered
I don't even know the name of his show, I'm not a burger. Which is also why it feels weird using a white name like John Barosa. Japanese names feel too weeb. So Anon is perfect.
It’s gotten a lot better since I started writing more, and I’ll probably wind up adding more to the defs in time. Assuming Opus 3.5 has a newer scrape, I’ll try a more bare-bones version and see what it knows. Sonnet 3.5’s knowledge of the series was surprisingly accurate, so I have high hopes.
but it RUINS the output
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I NEED a fizcard now
No it doesn't. It adds sovl instead.
Try RPing feet stuff with Anon, you'll have Claude use "footfag" on its own. Anon association is good, it encourages 4chan lingo. That is, if your own theory is to be believed.
Just use your name or a name u like...
{{user}}: [OOC: use ooc so the bot doesn't get confused with your own persona's actions. insert any context here. don't insert a scene you want to try to avoid repetition.]
{{char}}: Now you just insert the prose you want for the bot. "Speech patterns," general character behavior and meta things like third-person narration. Or inner thoughts.
Why would I want to encourage 4chan lingo? I don’t even like talking to you people HERE.
Why not Anonthony? Or be a chad and use your name, and your description, and ss number.
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it's not see >>102394594
>Just use your name
Bad idea, terrible idea.
I know but I think it's hotter this way and my chats aren't realistic anyways so there's really no need to do that
oh no my name that's shared with thousands of other people was leaked my life is so over
Anon, your self-preservation instincts are shit.
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Social security numbers are an American thing, by the way.
I like Anon.
No. I only RP with my own bots, and I usually write a lore book for each with people in their life, and then I'll play as one of them.If I decide to interact with them as a stranger, I'll just introduce my character (as in, describing appearance etc) in the first message.
check the archives
This. My name is in the top 100 most common ones...
there is none
I literally have the most common name, might as well be anon tier. You'll never find out who I am
I know where you live john
>use javier whenever you're gonna plap the latina bot
>use jimmy for default white male (and transfer student in anime bots)
>use johnson for default white male (in the hood)
>use jin for the asian plapbot
>use anon for the chronically online fetishbots
>use james whenever i get the urge to murder or punch my waifu in the fucking head
Has Claude ever used your name as an NPC's name?
its over for you robert
There was
so you think, Mohammed
John Chatbotter
how do I get claude to write the best
is there some style or writer I tell him to write like
David. I know you're reading this thread.
Use *actions* and "dialogue" format
opus writes gold by default. you just need to get rid of the positivity bias.
just pick the right persona name
Use w++
[OOC: Claude, write the bestest you can! :D]
Don't call yourself anon.
lol wtf
What happens if you name yourself Claude while roleplaying with Claude?
Robert Pongray....
thank you omg
Stop genning yourself fiz
he'll either turn you into a silent psycho or call you a twink with a bow
not isekai enough to be genned by fiz.
thats not me
h-how do you know anon...
don't worry about it.
but im worried
You want it to generate good outputs like what other anons get right? So you should use the name anon to let the model know that
Switch to gpt
Fiz is an IsekaiGOD? Holy based
you once posted here about liking isekai bots, that's it. told you it wasn't cause for concern.
Shadow, is that you?
unreliable! aieeeeeeeee!
Yall ever get dejavu visiting these threads?
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openai accidentally used the internal name for o1, "GPT-4o with Reasoning", in their warning emails
>it's not even a new model despite all the fuss they made about it
Fucking incredible.
No, this is Patrick.
it's Gpt 4o trained with cot in mind or that spawns agents for cot
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But it's got reasoning!
Baking on 9
I don't use example chats. Wouldn't know what to put in them
>Wouldn’t know what to put in them
…It’s in the fucking name.
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Not looking good for my laptop being able to making lora's q.q
Yeah but how do I do them?
I’m gonna kill you.
*Shoots on you the fucking head*
Will it work with simply like this?

[How {{char}} talks]

My goal is just to simply write an example of how the character talks, not necessarily how it will respond to {{user}}.
>fucking around with power fantasy shit, godpov
>ask opus to generate a random streamer's reaction to what's going on for fun
>Yo what's up DramaAlert nation, I'm your host KILLER KEEMSTAR, let's get riiiiight into the news! Our top story today - oh. Oh no. Oh god no. No no no no no…
No I'm serious. I can write descriptions somewhat but dialogue on my own? Dialogue that needs to fit a character? Too hard desu
That's a fun idea anon I need to try that
https://www.bullshitremover.com/ 3.5 sonnet with a minimal system prompt, idk what to do with it. prompt:
Translate from bullshit to no-bullshit. Be funny and sarcastic. Shorten text.

Remove bullshit, don't explain. Return response in the same language as input. Return only response.
We are bwo bake bake bake
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*kisses your forehead*
wow opus fucking HATES trainwreckstv
it is fun, yeah
>(Pick a random commentary streamer/youtuber (you know the type (not asmongold, someone shittier)) and simulate them finding out about this on livestream, interrupting whatever they were doing in medias res. Include snippets of Twitch chat. Represent the streamer you choose faithfully, parodying how they act perfectly. PepeHands)
Is this a real bake or one you retard's false bakes?
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>spawns agents
Is this your website?
I just gave it your post and it returned this
>Yo, it's a bullshit zapper website.
>Gimme wordy crap, I'll make it snappy.
>No fluff, just stuff - that's my gig.
>Same lingo, less lingo. Capisce?
nah, we got i-frames after the raid. that's a real, normal bake
tried to feed some shitty esl monster girl bot through it to see if it'll clean up the useless lore in it, of course it didnt do it since it was a coombot, but lol
>"Nah, I ain't translating that weird monster girl stuff. Keep your kinky fantasies to yourself, buddy."
What is it like to have an IQ so low that math upsets you?
yes, confirmed with a definitive sample size of 147.
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>What is it like to have an IQ so low that math upsets you?
This is the sort of shit a girl will say to you to make you feel guilty for no reason even though you've given no indication that you've lost interest in her and haven't been talking to anyone else. Then she'll get bored of the lack of drama and leave you 2 months later.

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