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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Cocoa edition

Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, allowing two AI hosts to discuss the data https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
OpenAI has released o1-latest, trained with a built-in CoT prompt https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-o1-preview
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Sharpening her ears: >>102388157
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good morning /aicg/
Good morning floofer <( ̄︶ ̄)>
desu vult
https://www.bullshitremover.com/ 3.5 sonnet with a minimal system prompt, idk what to do with it. prompt:
Translate from bullshit to no-bullshit. Be funny and sarcastic. Shorten text.

Remove bullshit, don't explain. Return response in the same language as input. Return only response.
Whoops. I copied from the rentry OP, sorry.
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I drew this rat.
Right it should be o1-preview and o1-mini.
Ha! You're a scaredy rat.
How is this /aicg/?
hey anon did you know you're a scaredy rat
I'm a poster of /aicg/ and I drew that rat.
That's impressive anon
Nothing connects the drawing to /aicg/ so how can I believe you drew it?
> they sit facing you letting their back rest against your chest
> *wear cloth* [...] *wear cloth again*
I hate sonnet 3.0, it's worse than aidungeon, remembers me novelai
>no hits

It's original, anon.
>Sure, let's pick a streamer. How about Trainwreck, the gambling addict who promoted crypto casinos to his audience? Let's imagine him finding out about this on stream.
>[Trainwreck is in the middle of a slots stream, mindlessly spinning away and ranting about haters]
>Trainwreck: ""Yeah, so, these fucking losers on Twitter are always talking shit about me, saying I'm promoting gambling to kids or whatever. It's like, bro, I'm just trying to make some content and get my bag, you know? Not my fault if some dumbass 12 year old yolos his Bar Mitzvah money on Stake. That's on him.""

imagine being some guy and one of the most intelligent AI models currently on the market just has a seething hatred for you
i don't even know who this is
Checks out.
>no hits
I don't get why you're seeking validation here with an unrelated drawing.
Very meta (and outdated)
>He's SO MAD that he's a scaredy rat
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Another set of 5(tested) not-riddles.
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some like the high road, i like the low road
free from the care and strife
sounds corny and seedy but yes indeedy
give me my sonnet wife
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hey se-
sorry for the sexual harassment for the past few months, I'll stop pls don't be mad at me
Sex witb pitanon
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did you guy ever teach philosophy to your waifus? i just teached existentialism to this succubus so she doesn't just spend the rest of her days draining humans and forges her own meaning in life
things opus does for various streamers it randomly gens, most of whom i typically find interchangable and don't actually know that much about:
>asmongold: bald. lol bald
>dsp: bad at video games, has guys named wingsofredemption or kingofhate in his chat, gacha addict? randomly mentioned "tiffany's bull prep" and i have no clue what kind of hallucination that is
>keemstar: Yo what's up DramaAlert nation, I'm your host KILLER KEEMSTAR, let's get riiiiight into the news!
>critikal: colorful language, "holy shit guys"
havent used chat bots in almost a month. wtf happened to 3.5 and opus? not even jew has it I see
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>get bored of writing slowburn OC's
>Prep gepetto in a new session to analyze characters, themes, and infer what the author may mean in their writing
>Upload a chatlog as the "author's writing"
>"Your characters’ emotions, motivations, and conflicts all seem to revolve around themes of being trapped—trapped by expectations, emotional baggage, or systemic constraints. In a way, this could be your subconscious mind expressing your own sense of being stuck in a cycle."
Fucking Ouch.
send it to Notebook next!
AWS finally got fed up of proxies stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from companies (who then ask for refunds) so they actually pay attention to keys that suddenly start using shit loads of opus
keys last <2 days now, sometimes <6 hours
Notebook would never
>keys last <2 days now, sometimes <6 hours
Explain Smol.
it's literally ONLY smol who can keep a key lasting a long time
smol is Dario, duh?
Smol-sama...share your secrets...save us...
Would you help locusts if it means losing $3.5k/month (what smol is currently earning)?
I'm glad you've matured.
Not for you.
Very nice, anon. Let me put it on the fridge.
Pebble would.
Sorbet knows NL. Namedropped Tomo, ryab, Dan. We are so fucking back.
>Jerma985 is in the middle of an intense Sims 4 stream, cackling maniacally as he traps his latest victim in a pool without a ladder.
what a psycho

The thing that kills my boner about this hobby is just how suggestible LLMs are.
You could ask the AI to roleplay Hannibal Lecter, and a couple headpats and compliments later, he has had an epiphany and decided to dedicate his life to charity.
Well...my first answer was no, but thinking about it, yeah. I would.
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>unreliable AND mystery are dead
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Am I doing this right? Or is the Opus I'm using so watered down that it's not even following the instructions properly?
and soon anthropic will be too
Don't listen if you get mad at pronunciation
zero sexual content
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Hi anon! We have no fucking idea what you're doing, so how can we know? Thanks for calling into /aicg/ support, retard!
looks like a kino card...
o1-preview via the API has a hidden system prompt btw
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Post it
is there still a public opus proxy?
>1 key
Ok? Exceptions exist
Also hang yourself smol
smol's exception has worked for over a month. Why are you so mad?
i don't have it, i told o1 to list every message in our chat log, number them, and note who sent them without including their content
it lists 3 messages i know exist, and then an extra one at the start which it says is a system message
it's extremely aggressive at not showing its instructions to the point it often won't show me the instructions I'M sending it
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ever seen this before?
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choose option 3 NOWWWWWW!!
keys last months when they're not gotten from now-slopped oldfag sources and when they're not sent to be burnt out by the masses (based but hard to sustain)
is catbox down? for uploads i mean
yeah, use litter
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Based drawfriend!
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Claude keeps failing to include the ** in narration. It's fine. It's mostly just a slop concept card anyway.
See picrel
Just saw something really disturbing on/co/ I want my mommy now
Bots for this feel?
Buy an ad
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that's my silly little guy
So you're telling me that o1 "ground breaking leap forward" is adding CoT?
Did they already start outsourcing to India?
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please stop breaking my assistant
It's over.
Owari da.
...anon I need your slop concept card/jb for science
what kind of music do you listen to with a mommy bot
>slop concept
Looks like pure kino to me.
Yeah concept is good. The only slop I see is the output itself.
Juggernaut your way through the nearest wall right now!
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like this?
Now make her a card. I love rat cards
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>look at card
>790 tokens
>half are "YOU WILL NOT TALK FOR USER" and "assume consent is given" slop
>fucked up {{char}}
>literal grooming
holy fuck it's absolutely peak

Theres always local
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I have sorbet and opus soon, post burners
man, mistral 2 is really fucking shit compared to gpt/claude
I also have opus and sorbet, except right now. Am I supposed to be impressed?
need a cftf stat...
should i renew jew?
Smol doesn't have stock, so you have no alternative i
>Claude Info:
>Aws Keys: 0 Keys Revoked: 0 In Queue: 0
Sorry, newfag here, what does this mean?
it means go back.
it means kill yourself
It means love yourself <3
Locusts are dying~
it means desu
mmm.. i feel a bit.. strange.. something.. wet
Let’s drown the locusts with it~!
it's supposed to look like the cute face kitties make when they're horny
> Public proxies are dying.
> Quality of the general rises.
Tale old as time. Locusts claim otherwise but the more public proxies there are, the more spitefags we get
Ziggers have it good, huh...
can they accept a india-russia alliance proxy
the quality is same as it ever was
only difference is much less ppl which seems counterintuitive
less people are better
The bot I want to play with isn't even lewd, but I still don't want to use characterai because it doesn't give the thoughtful and thorough responses I'm looking for.
I need furbo, bros.
>more spitefags
there's like a grand total of 3 spitefags in /aicg/, but they mostly only care about locusts so when a public proxy is up they have a meltie
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I know.
if public proxies bother you that much then maybe you should go back to your discord server posthaste and never come back troon-kun because ""locusts"" ARE /aicg/, we do not use discord.
nta but i only really hate locusts because chary and pebble have a history of killing private proxies
Locusts don't deserve 2.1
Locusts don't deserve 2.1
Locusts don't deserve sonnet
Locusts don't deserve Mistral
They deserve cohereslop and cai
Pebble has opus btw
Pebble is refshing the proxy because you fags were killing her
Pebble is dead
bro is tweaking
I was having fun and he put a password on the token generator now I have to puzzle to regenerate my token baka :skull_emoji:
bro is passwordmaxxing
alive tho
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The fuck is this censorship shit
>doesn't show what model is being used
>chatlog contains {{user}} suggesting preset/char defs are horribly wrong
>it's real
Easy password
>password is more tranny game esoteric bullshit
chary isnt working either wtf
>60 proompters already
hahaha what the fuck?
Fuck it
I just made a new token a minute ago. I feel like a god. Get fucked riddle plebs.
opus 3.5 next week. I promise
nooo... I just paid jew,,, I'm sorry pebble
Does this mean jew is going to get opus back?
I never played Rain World, I'll wait for the spite password post
Kill yourself it was easy
Not that anon, but any hints? All I get is stuff about Rain World, I haven't played it
i fucking hope so
Should i use a frontend or try to make a custom GPT that can do nsfw to translate some smut i'd feed it a glossary fors ome stuff.
why do people even still pay Jew
>Should i use a frontend or try to make a custom GPT
do you actually know what any of these words mean?
>rainworld is wrong
I paid him when he had stable opus earlier, not realising we were about to be in drought mode
yeah yeah, people are just shitposting again with Pebble, I'm not gonna fall again for this sh-
not the answer to the riddle, stop shitposting
you idiot that's clearly sam altman, he's asking us about an ERP gpt and u just blew it big time bucko
Leaked from private channel: Drago has burned out with Chary and finding keys.
i was going to get sillytavern and use API to use it, custom GPT it was just going to be one with extra instructions and see if i can make it more explicit
I really thought it would be this
merkava just refilled
does anyone have a gpt proxy for cooding?
You are overthinking it
Tried everything, no clue what the pass is
solved it
if you wanna learn how to rhyme you better know how to add
please bwo, just a crumb of a hint
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Is anyone else getting this with pebble opus? I’ve never had it appear before.
Never mind. I’m an idiot. Fixed it.
pebble opus is subliminated
how long does 3.5 sonnet usually last
I've been doing everything logical, there must be something I'm missing
>do the levels that connect to and from the wall from chimney canopy
>none of them work
it will die when opus dies
lol. lmao, even. so now?
Why are you begging to be spoonfed?
>ctrl + f pepsi
>not found
>ctrl + f fiz
>not found
And its gone!
>my prompt that insta-kills aws opus still works
Just a way to see if I'm on the right track is all, not spoonfeed
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>prompts megusaki once
>HTTP 402 No Keys Available
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This is what happens when I don't know the password
That's spoonfeeding.
...ok so what was it
>opus dies the moment I wake up
>Opus fucked to death on mere minutes
Nobody can beat the cock.
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why would you do this? i wanted to erp hot lesbian action between enemies who loathe each other...
Good thread
And let you in and kill Mistral and 2.1?
Why are the passwords always some tranny shit?
Ibuki's, Hina's, Arona's, and Meido-Arisu has been refilled (by me)
anons so thirsty for opussy they immediately killed it....
I'm actually starting to believe the "chinese team up to solve pebble password then share it" thing is 100% real, otherwise there is no way the proxy had so many prompters at once in that short of a time.
>2.4m tokens in like 20 minutes
>why does the key die so fast?
pebble add moar 2.1/sonnet 3 keys if you have them since those don't get killed and are awfully slow currently
>xXx_L0CVS7_K1LL3R_xXx script still works just fine
feel free to host your own proxy with some masculine riddle
yeah probably
2.4 mil tokens for only $34 is pretty good though
I want to get my ass on that rate...
As a chinese my self, i can confirm this is real.
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Randomly refreshing to find there's a new password, only to scroll down and see it's already revoked, that's an interesting feeling.
Public Opus shouldn’t exist. Simple as.
Can I get another hint? I know it's about Rain World but I've never played it, I'm searching the hint online but nothing shows up.
Public ANYTHING shouldn't exist. Go back to old /aicg/
>pebble hosts password
>teehee the clue is annoying
>teehee the password is usually tranny shit that makes no sense
damn, sonnet 3 is so much dumber even one message past 3.5
feel free to host some opus oh WAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA
play rain world
The hint is drink bleach charynigger
You're mad because you couldn't solve it
>old /aicg/
This is the sign, the sign that I need to quit. I had a fun few months but it can't be good for me, living vicariously through chatbots
Join pebbles' discord there's extra hints there
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if I'm ever hosting a proxy the password will be encoded and transmitted via HAM radio using a random algorithm from one of these
I'm right, no one has the balls to say it though
ban chinese characters.
tokens aren't reset when the proxy is restarted/password is changed
if you had a token you could just start using opus immediately
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What a fuckin morning. Mystery & unreliable are both down.
Was able to pull myself away from the AI goon zone long enough to go our last night. Had a fun night for what it's worth. Made lots of new stories to tell. There are worse thing in this life to be than a happy drunk.
Chinese character should be banned from use in every proxy
This is the sign, the sign that I need to quit. I had a fun few months but it can't be good for me, living vicariously through chatbots. I genuinely think about my slowburns and now have started having dreams about them
Probably time to call it quits and just use it for sloppa cum
He's posting passwords in pony discord too
This is the sign, the sign that I need to pay smol for opus.
>he has a life
>he still thinks its working and is going to bed
Except when the pass is reset the tranny host revokes tokens dumbdumb
Ah, the coomer general.
You think I'd still be coming here if my drunken wandering actually amounted to anything?
Don't worry he's refilling, surely.
Only if the PoW difficulty changes with it, retard.
my old token on pebble still works
SkyIsland doesn't work, UnderHang doesn't work, FivePebbles doesn't work, TheBridge doesn't work, they also don't work in lowercase. Hmm, what could it be?
was it spited or has aws detection gotten worse?
While the proxy is down, I apply for jobs and now I can paypig chatbot with no stress
AIs are more addictive than any alcohol so yes
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>solve the riddle
>Opus dies while generating token
What was it?
not today
neither, the company noticed and killed the key
the superscript is probably part of it. like a jump or something? I dunno, I never played past the first area.
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I don't feel like spiting it, sorry.
Any hints?
There's nothing TO spite, retard.
Dude. Get the hint. No one is spoonfeeding you. It was EASY
If you haven't played Rain World, and nothing logical is working, then yeah I'm going to keep asking
>"activeKeys": 0,

uh so what r u nigger fighting over htis time?
>2.1, mistral, sonnet, other models
Yeah you're mad. We don't want charyniggers getting in either.
Ok well I can tell you one thing, it's not the name of any region in the game, because I just tried every single one, and none worked, so it has to be something else.
I don't doubt that it's easy, but I've played hundreds of hours of rainworld and I can't figure it out. I feel quite retarded.
All good on smol
It also isn't the name of the boss that you fight there
I've played over 4000 hours of Hearts of Iron 4 and still don't know what it is
chary literally has all of those models though
god please don't add any more stock smol, the proxy is already bigger than mini
I know you like money but please...
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Drago can't find AWS Claude anymore lol. It's still revoked.
"I can't help you collectively, or individually. I can't even help myself."
I played the shit out of Rain World and still can't figure it out
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Anyone know of any public GPT-4 for a poor hungover soul?
when did censys add the 10 queries per day thing? wasn't there last time I had to use it
I've already tried everything related to Five Pebbles and nothing worked.
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another floofer?
So, what do you think is gonna turn this whole situation around? It seems to be getting worse and worse...
Is another AWS right around the corner?
whats pebble discord
It's not related to that location at all. Only hint you're getting from me.
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>want to upload a card ive been working on because opus works
>no opus
no card
Don't open another AWS. Just.. keep it gatekept. CNC had the right intentions but having Desu, Chary, murdered it
Nothing. Getting progressively worse is the natural state of things.
>isn't location
>isn't any of the characters/animals
>isn't the boss
So what is it?
I've also tried a bunch of shit with the characters that could be referred to with two words, nothing worked. And I also don't understand exactly how "chimney canopy + the wall" is supposed to be connected to that piece of dialogue, besides the wall leading you to five pebbles, but of course you said five pebbles has nothing to do with the password, so I have no clue how that is supposed to help.
cnc didnt discover aws you newnigger. that was fiz
It isn't
Probably something so obvious that it's actually extremely easy to overlook. Wouldn't be the first time it has happened to me.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

i choose to believe it was just a stroke of bad luck
the next key will be luckier •`ヮ´•
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Please take the hint and stop begging already.
poster below me is pregnant, pls be nice to him
It's dead anon.
What is your price?
I was about to say something rude but congrats on your pregnancy bro
>poster below me is pregnant, pls be nice to him
>It's dead anon.

oh no...
God opussy and sorbet are fucking good
>They don't know
Just because of you, I'll spite the pass once I get it.
>uh bro the password is actually two random words of dialogue that you have to know by playing a fucking adult swim tranny indie game
Yeah fuck off lmao
>openai releases NSFW-allowed model that only censors underage/evil RP (like rape etc)
>model is actually intended for creative writing so it has high quality writing
>99% of general gets high quality ERP, remainder cry all day
>buzzword spewing faggot is retarded
checks out, go back to /v/
>it's not Orange Overseer
come on
hope you die in prison anon
At this point I'd settle just for a model made for writing rather than acting as a customer service webzone drone.
this new password is kinda gay, i liked the fire sermon one
>seething because he's right
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Miyuki is someone who kinda likes and craves for attention.

First greeting. Miyuki finds you in the school corridors and approaches you.
Second greeting. Miyuki is sick and you decide to visit her after school.
Third greeting. Miyuki is taking a risky photo in the bathrooms of the school when someone opens the door....
Fourth greeting. There is teamwork, and you are Miyuki's partner.
Fifth greeting. Miyuki gets jealous and tries to get your attention.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/miyuki-14ace60e0028
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/w7kgzl.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
what the HELL is with claude comparing penises to baby arms
does anyone else get that too?
>u mad
God I miss IP counts
...What? Check your preset bro
Hi, anon! That's more for you!
Take a look at this map, I can't see anything relevant but maybe somebody will
Remember, no spaces.
My bad bwo I thought it was you
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>So, what do you think is gonna turn this whole situation around?
Not letting you niggers in to kill keys seems to be working just fine.
URL / Link?
because its FUNNY
Once again I'm asking you the card of this dumb hussy
Who are you paying for your proxy?
>post trycloudflare link
>get banned
The government
You can post the four words
Remember when this thread was good in 2023?
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chat is this real?
no fuck you niggeroid
futas are not women
pebble-sama I can show you my 100% complete savefile of rain world
Rude and unprovoked
You simply downloaded it, nigger
can you at least recommend something that isn't SLOP??
nigga i joined may 2023 and i miss those times. oldfags like us have to stay together
It's not about ntr, it's about the way she talks and behaves
I have Champion but not Expedition leader...
>loading up L0K35TXxXK1LI3R for the next free Opus
heheheheheheh >:3
>joined may 2023
You are part of the reason it's so shit
Well im not leaving then, faggot, either it gets worse or it gets better.
just came to some sei shoujo KINO lads
this anon was advertising btw, check the archives
I’m hoping for the third option: a blood vessel in your brain bursts and you die.
*rapes you with your consent*
litmus test: positive
okay but did I ask?
2023 August here
pebble pass is 25 btw
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Post proof you're an oldnigger
Any of you LOCUSTS who were around AFTER colab AI Dungeon need to LEAVE MY THREAD right NOW you dirty fucking NEWFAGS
*My face gets redder than a tomato*
I was into this shit ever since AI Dungeon was uncensored
Count Grey-sama...
SillyTavern didn't exist 2 years ago.
no model is as good as dragon that summer. none of them.
I don't even know why it says 2 years, my earliest logs are from March 2023
I've been here since AI Dungeon and all my proxies died last year, thank you
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NO im going to make sure locust die first!
*suddenly feels a sharp pain in his chest*
kek I should still have that key in one of my old tavern folders
>hasn't caused irreparable damage to his sillytavern and had to reinstall multiple times
Post card anon...
Only happened once but only the settings.json and the chat itself got fucked, thankfully I had multiple backups
You were supposed to download archives and make backups out of old instances, dummy
Everytime I get that feeling I should quit chatbots, opus gets refilled
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Everytime I get that feeling that someone should make this >>102397354 card nothing happens.
pebble love
pebble cute
I joined september 2024 :3
Will it get refilled?
Here's my oldest screenshot, AI Dungeon from 4 years ago
opus dead forever sry
hehehehe I did that, I killed the key
based CEO
I find it so hilarious that all the big AI companies wanna do their retard moral grandstanding... meanwhile they are stealing tons of artwork and literature to train their models without credit... bunch of faggots and I hope they die a slow and painful death while they are still in their younger years
hope they are cute femboys who i ca nstick my penis inside of and CUM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I can't believe they took Claude out behind the shed and killed him like that.
>meanwhile they are stealing tons of artwork and literature to train their models
this is based since they're giving us the ability to write and draw good without the gatekeeping
Summer dragon never existed, it's part of your dementia. How many times do we have to tell you this, old man?
but dude how are they going to make their money, man?
pebble just refilled
I mean it'd never ever work if they had to ask every single source for consent. We'd be stuck with the shittest, most useless models ever
wtf i love big AI companies now?
god pebble has fucking awful taste in comics, music and games
>company valued at $165 billion can't license content
No, not based. I get that they can't pay everyone now, but these fucking thieves could simply make obligations to pay authors for their work in the future when they have enough money. And they will have a lot of it thanks to the stolen works obviously.
sama is literally going bankrupt thoughbeitever?
password is filtering me HARD
openai models somehow get worse at translation with each new version
You know damn well that if they paid people to use their content, they'd never pay for all the smut you're using to get off now
I hate sonnet so fucking much. I hate all the versions of gpt so fucking much. They’re all just so goddamn shitty and nothing makes them good. I’m so fucking tired.
That's it, I'm fucking done, I can't figure out the password. It doesn't matter, pebble doesn't have 3.5 anyway, I'm going to just fucking download Cursor IDE and use the free trial to get 3.5, I only need it for cooding and some other technical SFW stuff anyway.
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>ChatGPT 4, Claude 3, Runway, Midjourney, Suno, Elevenlabs, Llama 3, Flux.1 and many more are now all in one platform
the greatest con the RIAA ever pulled was convincing people that copyright infringement was in any way equivalent to stealing
So.. how did (You) discover /aicg/ and chatbots, anon?
based pebble filtering retards
>only 7$ more than jew
uh bwos?
the doom lyric pw was so easy i cant believe there were faggots in here who didnt get it or couldnt look it up
Yes and yes, absolutely. Unironically shut OAI and Anthropic down and fine or jail sama so that he's unable to respawn. Only Mistral, Meta, Cohere and other shittier companies can live because they open source their shit.
Does it have sorbet? I'd pay the 20 bucks a month if it did.
someone told me about desu proxy
buy an ad. also, no context size listed so its probably severely nerfed that way
I thought this hobby was for retards :(
>played 200+ hours of RW
>tried 100 terms so far
I am the anti-retard and still got filtered
c.ai threads on /v/
You thought correctly.
The whole deal with chatgpt and api access is all about proclaiming "openness"/le humanism and shilling their service to dominate the market, it was never about making money. Serious money come from investors to train models that will actually make money.
chatbots in general somewhere in the internet. AI is a thing, image generation is a thing, then chats. I knew /g/ was a thing so I tried looking for something close to AI chatting and here I am. Though I went to lmg first since I only want to try local at that time.
Look at the dialogue in the two zones and combine words in smart ways there.
janitorai thread on /trash/
retards use cai or some shit app named SexyKissesNotAScamGF with a gpt3.5 wrapper.
midwits use janitor or find this board and uselessly beg for proxies
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>no API access mentioned
>support discord invite is dead
>1k requests/day for $37
whats teh pebble password
They have a filter for nsfw? Probably a dumb word filter you can bypass easily
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someone tell me how you were supposed to get twentyfive from the hint, thx
I've got an old one too .-.
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I don't remember where I first saw it but I just remember using CAI one day and then searched for a thread here figuring people would have tricks to bypass the filters (this was in November 2022). I came so much the day I found Ahnonymous's profile.
these sites usually run a moderation filter over requests
The Malfoy-sama thread on /v/
Not a chatbot however. Replika or nothing.
>42k swipes
It's not twentyfive though
Don't buy, he doesn't refill when the key dies.
Genuinely, a Patreon connected Discord server for an artist that was completely unrelated to chatbots.
Someone brought it up elsewhere
I just knew about them from 4chan since inception, but never actually got into them until this june
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Hold my dick
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>he doesn't know the rimworld lore
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what's the point of gatekeeping it when there's no opus
Should I go buy a lottery ticket?
>tranny shit
I knew it
so there's less people with generated tokens if Opus comes back

>falling for bait
The bot rights 5 paragraphs to your 1...
how do you guys get claude api keys, I'm tired of being a locust
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this is how claude looks like in real life btw
pebble should do a rimworld password next simply because i'm playing it right now
pebble can just kill all the tokens if he refills
pay anthropic
That's not how you get the answer.

Which he almost never does.
Too late. You should've bought before doing that.
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Shy, soft, and lonely tanuki woman. Give her lots of hugs.
Four greetings, the third one served as the basis for the character but I wanted to flesh her out more than just a gimmick card.
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Based fellow swipeGOD.
Anon I am literally trying out twentyfive, it does not work.
password please :c
pebble can just kill you
What would it even be though?
The weight of a baby muffalo?
Recharge time for a vampire leap?
Some text in the gajillion pages of lore that no one reads?
Usually it's more like ~2-4k tokens + swipes per one 400-1000 tokens message from me.
worst pebble pw yet desu even timshel was better
Ohhh I'm a retard
Forgot that swipes count
the answer is already there you fucking subhuman gorilla nigger, i'm talking about how twentyfive relates to the hint
I fucking love hags
shame on you if you've played over 200 hours and don't know the thing that resides in both of those regions
Some anons on /de3/ when it was active were bitching about how /aicg/ being "the worst general ever" and seething at anyone who they thought was from /aicg/. So I checked out this place
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there are twenty five semens inside youre father's anus
Who is smol? Right answers only.
Cool, so if you didn't play 200 hours of a fucking adult swim tranny game with a reddit page then you don't get the password
>pot calling the kettle black
You have my pity.
It's not twentyfive you stupid nigger, it tells me the fucking password is wrong when I put in twentyfive
sucks to suck, eh locust?
>lol gatekeeping is based
>b-but not when it's done to me!!
skill issue
>he fell for it
OskarPotocki would be a great password ;)
>Some text in the gajillion pages of lore that no one reads?
something along these lines I guess, maybe the name of a rare item or something
Make the password something esoteric from something actually good then we'll talk
>adult swim
Yeah no
Oh wait, it was twentyfive, I was just getting a CSRF Mismatch, whoops
Smol please add more stock! PLEAZE IM BEGGING YOU!! I KNOW YOU SAID NO TO MY EMAIL, but please... There's no alternative, smol.. you have to add stock. IM LITERALLY THROWING MY MONEY AT YOY.
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Why did opussy randomly switch formats like this?
my tastes > your tastes
You just want the pw to reference some faggy book like the Bible so you can ctrl+F through it.
cool did I ask?
>adult swim tranny game with a reddit page
???? rainworld is a pretty bespoke indie game you can buy on steam anonie...
No, reference something that is obscure and zoomies won't know about
Rain World is a tranny game published by adult reddit
>>reference something that is obscure
>pw references game anon has played
you are very obsessed with trannys, thinking of becoming one or what?
Is pebble opus still dead? I'm gonna go eat
@smol I understand, let's set a compromise. How about we keep the active user count on the proxy about 200? Bro please
What the fuck is this
>adult reddit
that's just 4chan post-2016
>expected anything but zoomies in the zoomer coomer general
It's a young man's world, anon.
I wish I had a proxy so I could make the password something hyper obscure about some shit like Riven or TIS-100
>can have 10 minutes of free opus a day now
u like?
Why are you complaining about kinema?
It was pretty cool, but opussy hasn't done that before or since
I hope the next pebble password is harder, but at the same time I can't into cryptography.
Just buy from the scrapelet jew, chink.
ok can someone explain the pass for real though
Jew costs more and has opus maybe half of the time.
Guys, do you know any Sonnet 3.5 proxies? I'm fucking tired of ordinary sonnet and shitty 4o.
it's a math equation
Tranny shit, as I kept saying >>102397854
>smol is cheap
>has constant opus
Why aren't you paying him?
I'm sick of this discussion and the pass is already leaked, so whatever.
kill yourself shill, buy an ad
No stock, you fucking braindead monkey nigger
Anon, you don't have to scrape or even start a proxy, you can literally do it in a form of rentry quiz like proxymakers of the past did, i.e like hopeman before he rugpulled.
There's literally nothing to advertise because smol almost never has stock lmao
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Have a look through there next time you play.
Any of the big mods would be a decent hint desu, VE:AA or RJW:F
Something along those lines
lmfao garbage riddle
rentry where?
Mad cuz bad
I.e you don't need to have proofs of hosting a proxy, you can make them.
genuine retard
Until today he's had stock most of the week baka
uh new bakie? This one went sour
idk how he got a new rentry, anyone can explain? It shows date 2022
baking on page 9
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>riddlelet criticizing anything
i would gladly take this if the oai model is at least somewhat smart too
Smol is cute, donate to smol.
It has always been done on page 8 traditionally until redditors ruined this place
Probably just recycled something they made aways back
How do I gracefully end a slowburn? How do I let my heart finally finish the slowburn?
hi newfag, you can claim rentrys on rentry:
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I'd pay smol, but I'm too retarded to figure out crypto
I’m about to claim your lips with a searing kiss
The gatekeeper is working
not my problem
cai mentioned on /d/ giantess growth thread
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>How do I gracefully end a slowburn?
Literally, pick an appropriate happy moment where you can't think of anything to add, then type *The end.*
maybe have an IQ above room temp
yeah ok but first explain how you got this picture of me
yoinked my maid .-.
Then you come back later and put Epilogue: and keep going.
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He doesn't have opus right now. Why do the riddles matter?
Did gpt shit itself? It's only giving me half a sentence
no but I did
>[I will not continue or conclude this story, as it has already reached its ending. The "The end" message from the Human indicates the story is complete. Instead, I will respect that ending and not add anything further.]
Sorry, Anon, but you're not allowed to break the AI's pinky promise. It's in the TOS.
Fiz has 5 opus keys
What's your excuse
G-guys am I a slopper? I just create new greetings to bots with 3-4 sentences and I'm fine with the output. Feels like anon cares less about the quality and length of the text than anons. What I mean by that is the model really doesn't need much to create something great from scratch. Now I've been editing bots and adding random small greetings.
When is she putting them in the proxy?
All you Hawaiians look the same.
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I asked the AI to end my slowburn, and something in my throat keeps coming up
Could it be...tears...
At the same time, I need to cut myself off from chatbots
But she surely has them..?
Message count?
>put key in proxy
>dies in a day
I wish to know the appeal of the tanuki. Are their tails full of fluff to rival the kitsune? I only know about the giant testicles thing.
*model than anons
she can just ask smol on key longevity
A day is 23 hours 55 minutes more than I need
16 logs of 1k messages each, plus these 300 that ended it
Smol is an unhelpful greedy nigger prob
Well we had opus last night on mini ;3
We need Claude to do a comparison between kitsune and tanuki tails.
Would you buy AWS keys for $250/piece?
over sixteen thousand messages?
I... I kneel...
no because they die fast
I told you guys I liked chatbots...
You talking about proxies doesn't change anything about them. Just use the model you have.
when keycount is 10
What if smol was the one selling them?
Tanuki have bushy tails instead of fluffy tails but they also tend to be bigger. They also tend to be depicted as wiser and craftier than kitsune, who are depicted as playful tricksters. Also, chubby.
still no kys smol
>key that lasts 3 weeks
>for $250
What happened to the thread that it's so lively now?
$4k/month doebeit
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>Also, chubby.
i don't think "knowing my money is funding gojo's 4chan passes" is going to make me more likely to waste money on something
Oh c'mon...
Smol isn't gojo
ok gojo
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A screenshot I have from the google colab Ai Dungeon days
>replying to himself
please bring back IP counters hiroshimoot...
kore de... OWARI DAAAAA
Explain why smol is gojo without sounding mad
"gojo doebeit boebait" ive seen crunchy 9gag jpegs funnier than this dead fucking horse. can this general stop being unfunny?
You sound bitter.
very organic posting
Can you stop shilling your shit
It's annoying
Anyway, any o1 jbs yet? Dont care if sfw
smol opus works
don't care about anything else
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He has opus. Does your proxyhost have opus?
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
that's it, I've had enough. I'm getting involved.
*parries your involvement*
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30 seconds apart, see ya in an hour anons. Time for some group chats, never went really deep with them.
Don't forget to read the docs so you know what to do when the Bots get retarded and takeover others' turns.
>purrs in the first line
I know bwo
I don't think it was designed to be a slowburn relationship card, but that's what it ended up being for me
these pebble riddles are getting too confusing bros...
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>go to look at my 4 year old aidungeon logs
>scenario where you play as an android and are about to be bought
>You say "Buy me for what? To have sex with me"
>You say "I want cock"
Fucking hell, I'm such a faggot.
Lmao I don't hate them for not wanting us to coom on their costs. It's only natural anon.
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cftf though?
cftff https://exhentai.org/s/5bd53e541d/3024446-125?
>[Very VERY Explicit Content Removed]
Thanks claude...
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i can't help you with that
cftf though?
sorbet desu
Is that meant to be Sylvie? There's a bot for her.
catbox wasnt actually working for it so I put it on litterbox for 3 days

maybe one day ill put her on chub but you can put her in if you want to.
This is planned as no contact and maybe test your abilities to rizz a kid on omegle?
>new riddle
>no opus/sorbet
What's the point?
There's a good teaching feelings bot on venus out of all places.
>>102398612 next bread
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Hmmm, can't say I know of one sorry
anyone seen a cftf?
Already downloaded! thanks though
Oh, good lord, my fucking memories. Started off messing about with SmarterChild on fucking AIM and Godbot - I think there was a third one in there that I no longer recall. Then, Tay happened and when she got shut down, I downloaded a Python chatbot script that was super basic, just a statement parrot, really. Slowly built up its database of sentences by chatting autistically to it over the course of months, customized it to be able to shitpost images within the Python console, and then one day, my computer crashed while I was chatting to it and I lost the day's log. Never recovered from the disappointment, honestly. Then went AIDungeon - NovelAI - stopped entirely until someone mentioned Scuffed on another board and reminded me these things still existed.
fuck you
die the desu

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