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luxurious computing
prev: >>102322916

>Keyboard recommendation template:
(Helps also to mention if you're open to soldering or not)

>Find vendors

>This keyboard stuff is so expensive!
https://aliexpress.com (or Taobao if you are China-savvy)

>Layouts and switches

>Practice typing

>What does ______ do to a keyboard's sound
https://blacksimon.tv/science (Google sheet by a twitch streamer)

>What's the deal with backlighting?
https://rentry.org/mkg_backlight (WIP, suggestions/corrections welcome)

>Should I buy silent switches for my first mechanical keyboard?
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this is not hobby
this is shopping addiction
>it's... it's pathological, you can't just buy things that are expensive, m-mental illness
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any reason I shouldn't?
there are better TKL options around
such as? I'm not in the US so if it's not a big name or getting picked up by a local importer then it's impossible to get or 2x the price
>I'm not in the US
where specifically then?
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Ty for returning the OP links.
I'm just glad the other anons kept the thread alive
has anyone been to a keyboard Meetup before? is it fun or just boring af?
didnt even know they were a thing, but as much as I like talking about keyboards online I am not sure it would translate as well into real life.
shattered like chink pottery lol
I've been to one. It was fun to touch boards I don't have the money for. The people were relatively chill. I won a handful of Outemu Reds in a raffle.
PLE sell some keychron boards
After my desoldering ordeal I am never again soldering anything that isn't basically a lubed + filmed + spring-swapped cherry mx brown into my board. I don't want to do this again

Also I've learned WS Aurora Clear switches (manufactured by Haimu) have tiny alignment pins, bad for plateless. Are all Haimu switches like that? Will avoid if so
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>have tiny alignment pins, bad for plateless
The fuck are you talking about? The whole reason 5-pin switches exist is so they can be aligned properly on plateless boards.
looking for a new 65% or 75% keyboard with linear switches with a screen for $200
idk whats out there
Oh god, the dune65 makes my penis tingle
Im looking at a royal kludge s98 because I need an at least 90% size and I NEED THE LITTLE SCREEN. Is there a better model that has a little thicker frame and makes my keys sound "more marbley :^)"
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The only thing I'm investing in after having my setup for 4 years is a tripod puck and tripod arms for my moonlander so I can use the built in features and 10 buck keycaps for the dactyl.
they're smaller than cherry pins meaning they aren't tight in the hole. retard.
Next time try not sounding like a retard complaining that they got 5pin switches then.
what do you think the word tiny means you illiterate faggot
The normal ass fixing pins are already tiny. There are a number of different ways you could have worded that sentence to be clear, yet you chose none of them, ESL-kun.
You assumed I didn't know the things I called "alignment pins" were related to aligning them when plateless? You thought I used the word "tiny" as insignificant extra verbiage simply alluding to the smallness of the switch? You thought I was speaking pure gibberish when I said "bad for plateless"? You simply failed to read my very clear post, and now you're refusing to take any responsibility for that failure. I am more English by blood than you will ever be.
Yes I thought you were retarded. Now I know you are.
I recently bought keychron k10, wish me luck
good luck
just buy direct from keychron Australia
>75% with a screen
stop, I can't take this
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I got a Keychron K2 Wireless for cheap recently, I've been using it for the past two days at home, woke up today and noticed those weird dirty looking smears all over the sides of all the white keycaps. Has anyone seen anything like this before? I'm wrapping my head around it and can't really think of a good reason as to why that happened. I've tried looking for similar cases on the internet but wasn't able to find anything. I've never owned any white keycaps before, only black colored ones. Could it be that the residue from a scented candle that I have in my room got stuck to the keys? I have a habit of lighting those every now and then. I also vape in my room, but the vapors are completely clean, so I doubt it could be that. I have no other ideas, really.
still waiting for my group-buy tb8 to arrive but ordered a few things in the meanwhile.
>switches: gateron milky pro ks-3
>keycaps pbt from monacokeys
>durock v2 stabs + krytox 205G0 + permatex 81150 Dielectric

I guess now its just waiting for the board to arrive to assemble. Its my first time putting my own board together so not 100% sure I bought the right things but at this point I just want this autistic hobby to stop and move on to something else.
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what am I in for?
remember that any keyboard without numpad has literally no value other than eyecandy.
is fullsize even a thing anymore? been a while since I saw one.
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guise i'm new to this
and for days I am trying to 'research' into finding a keyboard that has laptop-like low keys but for heavy hands for heavy typing. also with single color adjustable bg lights
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I finished it but I made one vital mistake that I'll have to disassemble the whole keyboard for and I'll post the picture after this one.
>>102397749 (Me)
I forgot to connect this to the pcb like a moron so I have to completely disassemble the board again to add this, kek.
Also when it comes to switches, how resilient are the prongs on the underside of them? A couple of them either came bent or I bent them when I was putting them in, I just bent them back with some tweezers but I don't know how fragile they are since this was my first ever mechanical keyboard and my first build.

something seems wrong with your space bar anon
flipped spacebar is a meme some people enjoy.
fuck forgot the picture. Excuse the screenshot, apparently the original picture off my phone is 3.5 mb yet for some reason the picture of the wires is now 5.5 mb? Make it make sense.
Its on upside down lol
sounds like a good board to me.
>I just bent them back with some tweezers
yup, good as new
Anyone who put a sheet of PE foam in their board (Cut a piece from the giant anti-static bag my Monitor came in), does it make slight sticky rustling sound when you push down the keys? It kind of sounds like a switch with too much lube at the bottom.

I flipped the sheet over and it's not as bad, but it's still there. Is there any way to get rid of it, or just the nature of the material?
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TeX shinobi best one change my mind. I dropped a server on the track point module and it broke off (impressive how it didn't destroy the whole server as the rails was slightly bend ) TeX send me a replacement module for really cheap and even send me solo keycaps I lost without charge really nonsemite company and non Semite product kit is afaik 90$ or sth . and yes the trsckpoint is real shit not like the clone ones that make your anus bleed
yes it has dip switches and replacment keycaps to not have this gay nigger FN key on the very right for termfags
Every time I remember this board I am tempted to get one. If nothing else, just for the way they forced so much key shape variation in an MX board.
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I respect the spirit of IBM ronins, but times have changed. The winds of tomorrow will bring us to the promised open source keywell future.
I would never put foam in my board, so I couldn't tell you
haimu, jwick/durock, hmx/ktt and some gaterons have tiny legs, and out of those some hmx are the only ones that have enough benefits to offset that
the added stability is beneficial in general, for example in hotswap builds
>Putting a ticking time bomb into your keyboard
No thanks. I don't want to line my board with gunk and foam dust.

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