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Previous thread: >>102347666

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


AI Slop

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time can increase, usually if you refresh the page you can get the picture earlier.

>New dall-e proxy

>Landscape and Portrait regeneration
Follow the instructions here:

>Prompt Generator


>Related Boards
>previous thread didn't hit a bump limit yet
>obsolete header
how about fuck off?
no fuck u
maybe to remove all AI threads from all the other boards
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What is the point of you can't make porn?
they would have made a korea board by now if the years of anons bitching about the koreaboos on /tv/ and /mu/ if bitching did something. gookmoot is busy jerking off streaming
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>overexaggerated badly drawn mspaint drawing where a meme character is crying and says "WE ARE SHAKING RIGHT NOW!!"
then hope for a good roll
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You would be able to if you had better taste
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Dogshit cartoons? Lol
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woman,witch hat,in the middle of the forest, black and white drawing, fantasy, kentaro miura style
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A grainy cel-shaded highly-detailed reference photo of crawler exploration vehicle in middle of artic landscape by night, 90's anime.
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1980 anime ova, dark fantasy style, flat and grainy color scheme. Crusader knight standing with his sword and sheild.
I want to do things to the offbrand AI Tarja or rather have her do things to me.
How long till we can generate holodeck level simulations even if just visual?
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1970's sci-fi illustration by Moebius. A mechanical sphere floating over a pink desert.
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choochooo here comes the faggot train, all aboard!
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vaporwave, retrofuturistic, dramatic lighting, grainy, 1970's, videogame cartridge art, epic badass, concept art, 2d digital vector. Cyberpunk anime cat wearing a leather vest and sunglasses.
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heavy brush strokes, manga, grainy dithering, pc-98 pixel art, impasto: a dark chaos realm, purple grass, dark river, blue and red flowers next to the lake, space and galaxy sky, swirly purple clouds in the sky, floating bubbles, bats fly in the sky, otherworldly
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wow this is so insanely beautiful, love it
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lmao that third guy was cucked hard
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offtopic sperglord threadsits
Still the same 3 posters with the same 3 mulit paragraph promts of some bitch or some dude they use over and over
>Noo but i added watercolor this time
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>genless faggot seething
Show us yours, let us learn from you
Yeah, it being a de facto nature preserve is a bit of a silver lining. So many different species have prospered even with the poaching that's occurred in the past. I've always wanted to visit, but that's likely not going to happen anytime soon. There's a German lady on YouTube named "bionerd23" that has many videos of different areas within the Zone if you want something neat to watch. You'll have to put up with her robot-like voice though.
Imagine being a literal cuck and criticizing other people's tastes lmao
you just described /aco/
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This prompt was working, would someone here please post a prompt that'll gen this image again?

Please post a prompt for Asuka from Evangelion sitting down like this image too, thank you.

Overwatch art, impressionist brushstrokes, gouache and ink, low angle, female character D.Va from Overwatch in running sneakers, seated on chair, in an apartment, smiling, looking down at viewer, front shot, showing the bottoms of her sneakers

Vietnam Barbie?
Never mind the robot-like voice, she has a fear of supposedly rabid foxes that is unreal.

At any rate, it's fascinating how only my reply was deemed to be enough off topic here. Makes me wonder whether jannies don't look at context at all or I just got one hypersensitive to any criticism of those fascists in blue livery.
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If I remember correctly, that fox she encountered was well known for following tour groups around Pripyat for food. Hey, you can never be too careful around wild animals though and rabies ain't no joke, so I can understand her fear.

Guess one of them has it out for you again.
only birdemic puts effort you either have fags (and not the good femboy kind. the ugly mascslop) or the same shit over and over
Bold words from bitter nogen.
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Nice theme.
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Show your "better" gens. Oh wait, you arent able to get anything good out of a AI, so you have to talk crap about those who are able, mr bean.

You are useless and skillfree.
Funnily he is begging all the time for others to create gens for him.
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High contrast B&W illustration. Photocopy dithering. A female science-fiction soldier (short black hair, pale skin and blue eyes) is reclining on a roof in a ruined city.

I failed to get a colored part inside B&W illustration like Sin City. Too bad.
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studio ghibli artstyle by Katsuhiro Otomo and frank frazetta, grainy brush strokes, mixed line weight, scanlines, sketchlines, vibrant, flat color, night, a makeshift village made of garbage with a disgusting stream running from a sewer grate in a giant cement wall, garbage litters the ground, in the distance a glorious city sits ominously, people digging through the trash
Rectangular pixels camo is it unprompted ?
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Watercolor. Dark halway, night, shadows, tiled floor. Shadowed female clad in black, black hood, black pants, black sweatshirt, black scarf.
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the long walk through the countryside, im sorry to disappoint but was just a mixture of the two artstyles we use. i like doing that every now and to get some inspiration and sometimes i get lucky gouache and ink, grainy impressionist brush strokes, halftone dithering, fantasy comic artstyle by misawa hiroshi, mixed line weight, vibrant
Was trying to go for TTsKO camo but sometimes I get different designs, like this one for example.
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wow, beautiful result
Really like this one!
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I love landscape.
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Personally I would agree with the cameraman who pointed out how it's weird that she eats radioactive apples as if it were the most normal thing in the world, but she's scared way too much by a small animal that is a bit too confident; rabies is dangerous, but it can be treated, when one allows fear to dominate his/her actions it's actually easier to mess up than what would happen otherwise.

That said, it's a shame they still haven't managed to extirpate rabies even west of the Urals there, some time ago I talked a bit about foxes with a Russian dude, their potential as rabies carriers seemed to colour a lot his opinion about them.That's sad.
Well, both are unpredictable, but with radiation you can measure exposure via a detector and act accordingly. No such thing exists for rabies so one has to exercise caution around wild animals that are too friendly. I wouldn't disregard people's fears no matter how silly or irrational they may seem.
How do I change the image ratio again?
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Habe you tried using Designer? (Second link from top in OP.)
>being surrounded by manifold prompt
>still being incapable of creating a gen
Mediocrity is abysmal
Radiation exposure is ultimately a matter of statistics and probability, while getting bitten by any animal suspected to carry rabies is a matter of preventive treatment that will reach 100% efficacy when delivered immediately. Honestly I find radiation exposure to be much more tricky, especially if it's not occasional. Ultimately I think fear is always counterproductive, we simply fear what we don't understand. If you understand the actual risks, you can make an informed choice on whether you're willing to take those risks or not.
I'm not quite sure how they got it, but there's someone around my place who drive one of those; it carries an old, pre-1994, Italian plate, so I guess it doesn't belong to the refugees who came here recently... but honestly I only first noticed that van last year.
If you want to change the AR of a picture that you've already generated, use the BIC EDIT script. Otherwise if you want to generate directly in a particular aspect ratio, use Designer.
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>mr bean.
I'd say it's more of being highly misunderstood rather than tricky. I mean, there are people out there that think taking a day tour around the Zone will end up giving you cancer yet won't bat an eye when getting an X-ray. I bet a majority of people don't know that eating bananas gives you a dose of radiation due to Potassium-40 even though it's totally negligible on your health.

It's neat that the Bukhanka is still in production even though it's a shitbox by modern automotive standards.
A McDonald's flag in every american home.
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far-future sci-fi art, high contrast heavy ink and watercolors, yoji shinkawa. Red sun over paradise. golden rays of the glorious sunshine, setting down such a blood-red light, now the animals slowly retreat to the shadows, out of sight
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French comic book art. Lonely old fort on top of a hill overlooking a windswept plain, evening with the stars twinkling.
Bing and Designer seriously need to make a better way to clean your gens, they take so much space and deleting them one by one is terrible.

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