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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

Model generations:
>Classic IBM: T40, T41, T42
>IBM/Lenovo Transition: T43, T60, T61 (T42 - T43: significant difference in specs)
>"Classic" Lenovo: T400, T410, T420 (T61 - T400: 4:3 to 16:10)
>Transition to old modern: T430, T440, T450 (T420 - T430: membrane to chiclet)
>Old modern: T460, T470, T480 (T450 - T460: significantly less thick)
>New modern: T490, T14g1, T14g2 (T480 - T490: design change)
>New new modern: T14g3, T14g4, ... (T14g2 - T14g3: second design change)

BIOS replacement:

Additional resources:


##ibmthinkpad on libera
#/tpg/ on rizon
i have a t480 running artix. it has the dual battery setup. after messing around with tlp, one of the batteries have disappeared and im getting 20wh instead of 40wh. unrelated but its now running gentoo. how can i "re-enable" the second battery? its currently running only on the internal battery and not both the internal and external
OP image looks like the lid of a ThinkPad.
I refuse to ever go back to a non-OLED display on any device ever again, what are some /g/ recommended thinkpad models with OLED displays, I heard you might be able to mod some older ones
no it doesn't, meds

you can mod any thinkpad to oled
M3/M4 max with 128gb RAM or Lenovo/Asus with laptop 4090 (which appears to just be equivalent to a desk 4080) if I want to learn some AI stuff but no room for a desktop due to always traveling?

Since neither one is ideal, it seems like the best thing is to just get the Mac since I find those more comfortable. From the benchmarks I read, it seemed that the M3 max "GPU" is equivalent in performance to ~half a desktop 4080 so it seems usable just not great. Am I wrong?
Epoxy on my unsoldered ram and rom
link how to
Applying epoxy to RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory) is generally not recommended for several reasons:

1. **Heat Dissipation**: Both RAM and ROM generate heat during operation, and covering them with epoxy can impede their ability to dissipate heat. This could lead to overheating and potential damage to the components.

2. **Electrical Insulation**: Epoxy acts as an insulator, which means it could interfere with the electrical connections necessary for RAM and ROM to function properly.

3. **Irreversibility**: Once epoxy is applied and cured, it is very difficult to remove without damaging the underlying components. This makes any repair or upgrade impossible without replacing the entire component.

4. **Practicality**: There are no practical benefits to encasing RAM or ROM in epoxy for typical use cases. While epoxy can be used to ruggedize electronics for specific industrial applications, this is not common for consumer-grade RAM and ROM[1][4].

Therefore, it is not safe or advisable to put epoxy on RAM or ROM unless there is a specific need for ruggedization and the potential risks are mitigated through careful engineering.

[1] https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/putting-a-computer-into-epoxy.2576890/
[2] https://polyestershoppen.com/info/veilig-werken-met-epoxy
[3] https://www.bestbartopepoxy.com/blogs/ultraclear/is-crafting-with-clear-epoxy-resin-safe
[4] https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/u5pf4r/i_set_a_piece_of_laptop_ram_in_epoxy_a_while_ago/
[5] https://xdaforums.com/t/experience-after-reballing.4569279/
[6] https://entropyresins.com/safety/epoxy-safety-tips/
[7] https://www.artresin.com/blogs/artresin/41788993-artresin-is-safe-for-home-use
This is the benchmark I saw:

Cinebench R24 GPU. I don't really understand what that means. But the M3 max had just a little over 50% of the laptop 4090 score.

Am I totally retarded?
Has anyone tried removing the nasty rubber coating from the lid? Does it look good?
what thinkpad has best customization like libreboot and storage etc while not being bulky and ugly as shit with a tiny screen, i like how t460 looks but cant libreboot it so whats the next best
libreboot is coming to the t480 (bootguard exploit)
I was just given one of these: Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E530 Intel® Core™ i7 i7-3612QM 39.6 cm (15.6") 4 GB DDR3-SDRAM 1 TB HDD NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 630M

It supposedly works fine, but has some kind of virus on the Windows install, and didn't come with a power brick. what's the best cheap aftermarket power brick for it? I'm going nuke the HDD with DBAN several passes, and install Linux though I do have a spare 2.5' SATA 2TB SSD laying around that I will probably throw in it before installing Linux. haven't cracked it open yet to see if there were any RAM upgrades or anything done to it yet. I'm looking forward to it being a nice little coding and web browsing machine though, as a 3rd gen i7 isn't terrible - my current coding machine is a macbook air with a 4th gen i5 and 4GB DDR3 but integrated graphics and it handles Wayland and plasma 6 very well, so I'm sure the dedicated GPU will be even better.

tl;dr where's the best place to pick up a cheap power brick that won't brick the machine?
>Does it look good?
No but it tastes good. I'm pretty sure it's actually toxic though.
>Buy thinkpad t480 off eBay
>Everything works except it won’t go into sleep mode and throws out error code 0000 and I’m forced to hard reset it to get out of sleep mode
Fuck my life, any ideas how to fix it?
I’ve already installed the newest bios and tried the hibernation mode fix from google.
his ass
Oh alright, I was thinking that all the microsoft garbage running in the background at all times in Win10 would kill the battery quicker
I'm buying the computer used, so I'm guessing it's a default Win10 Pro install
You guys didn't reply yesterday so I just bought it >>102401466
linx pls
the 2k 100%sRGB displays that some of the newer thinkpad models have are really nice desu, i havent noticed much of a difference coming from an OLED screen on my previous laptop
What OS are you using on your thinkpads, bros?
big if true
Think about buying a T480 and using it as a media center for my living room.
How many drives can I fit in it?
How's the keyboard on a T430 compared to the classic 7-row? Is it worthwhile to get a T420 keyboard to install into the T430?
There was a guy a couple of threads back that put 3 in there. But for a media center PC that's doing direct play you can put video files on an external USB3 drive and it won't affect performance.
The key travel and tactility are not worlds apart, it's mainly the layout. If you're not a grizzled Thinkpad veteran married to the 7row since time immemorial, it might not be worth your time. Personally I love it because I have muscle memory for that layout, but I didn't hate the 30 series keyboard in and of itself.
>There was a guy a couple of threads back that put 3 in there
>But for a media center PC that's doing direct play you can put video files on an external USB3 drive and it won't affect performance.
But it would be slower tho. I try doing this with jellyfin few months ago and it takes about 5 seconds to fast foward or rewind.
completely fine; my old (non-backlit) T460 is at least as nice as my X200 keyboard. But for some reason my X220 keyboard is phenomenally good.

I hate that bitch so much but the typing feels unreal.
how? which display to use for the T series?
Some pcie adapter card with a ribbon cable that ran to a hollowed out 2.5" drive where he had put that one and an nvme/SATA drive. You'll have to go look, I don't remember the details exactly.

>it takes about 5 seconds to fast foward or rewind
Bummer, but I didn't consider that. I figured the software would cache at least some portion of it even if it was direct play/non-transcode but what do I know.
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Have you changed the boot image of your thinkpad?
I'm looking for something like that.
The limitations are:
guidelines for the creation of the custom image : image file size are limited to 60kb valid image formats are as follows: (.bmp) jpeg (.jpg) gif (.gif) file format image width and height should be less or equal to 40% of the built-in lcd panel resolution. (ex. if lcd panel resolution is 1920 x 1080, image width and height should be 768 x 432 or less)
what an oddly phrased post, but to answer your question: I didn't even realize you can do that, but now that I know about it I'll be looking into it
X1 series
Beware that lenovo intentionally fuck up their screen choices so they could charge premium prices for better screen. Their screen is either the worst or the best, no middle point decent; Like color accuracy (either low 45-72% srgb or 100% adobe; and the best is always reserved for 4K OLED)
based ghost in the sheller
heres mine
slapped into gimp on black background
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emergency thinkbump
4tb or 8tb ssd for thinkpad t14 gen 5?
>inb4 neither
Enterprise 4TB ssd
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Got myself a cute wwan antenna and a sierra wwan card.
How do I make this functional on W7? I don’t want it to just be an accesory
how awful will it be if i buy a X1 Tablet 3rd gen 16GB 1TB?
Only use for excel tho
what is the t480 of the x series thinkpads? a lot of people praise the x230 but isnt it weak AF compared to an x280? how do the m series of Intel CPU's compare to the u series?
Probably the X270. Last one with replaceable RAM module. But only one, so single channel.

X280 is soldered RAM and that's the last 12.5". Then there's the X380/X390, both also soldered, 13.3".

Any of them (X230-forward) are still fine for basic shitposting, productivity, watching streams, retro games, steam remote play to your desktop, and so on.
Is 408 euro a good price for a T1 gen 1 16 gb ram, Ryzen 4650u or overpriced?
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>Their screen is either the worst or the best, no middle point decent
That's not been true for a few years, though it had been standard prior. They now usually offer excellent IPS and low-power panels in addition to OLED on their best models.
eBay got them T14 gen1 refurbed for under 300 bucks https://www.ebay.com/itm/166970709405
Should I pull the trigger?
If yours didn't come with it, find out what Thinkpad model came with that card and go download the W7 drivers from Lenovo.
so is the t14s snapdragon from now on? the fuck?
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My T60 has the latest libreboot. The problem is I cant access libreboot unless I hook up an external monitor. the built in screen doesnt get any signal untill an OS is loaded. Libreboot/SeaBios only seems to output video to the external port. Is there anything i may have missed? either than that it works
Did you hit the reset switch on the bottom

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